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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Técnicas para definir prioridades em saúde: análise da mortalidade por causas evitáveis em Fortaleza em 1981-83 / Techniques to define health priorities: analysis of avoidable mortality in Fortaleza, 1981-83

Silva, Marcelo Gurgel Carlos da 05 December 1990 (has links)
Foram emitidas consideraçoes sobre os indicadores de saúde e a mortalidade por causas evitáveis como instrumentos para a avaliação das condições de saúde da população e ainda analisados os critérios de prioridades e a importância de estabelecer prioridades em saúde em função da limitação dos recursos para o Setor Saúde. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi o de determinar, analisar e comparar as prioridades em saúde de Fortaleza, segundo técnicas de hierarquização, para a mortalidade por grupos de de causas evitáveis 1981-83. O material básico foi Constituído das declarações de óbitos de residentes em Fortaleza referentes ao período 1981-83, obtidas junto à Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Ceará. As declarações de óbitos, após a seleção da causa básica de morte, foram codificadas e apuradas por causas, ao nível de categorias, segundo sexo e grupo etário, e, em seguida, distribuídas em grupos de causas evitáveis, conforme a classificação proposta por Taucher. Posteriormente, foram redistribuídas nos diversos grupos de causas evitáveis as declarações referentes às causas mal definidas, proporcionalmente à participação por sexo e faixa etária. Para estabelecer as escalas de prioridades dos grupos de causas evitáveis foram utilizadas doze técnicas: ganhos em esperança de vida ao nascer (e0.) e ganhos em esperança de vida ativa (e a.), mediante tábuas de vida de múltiplo decremento; anos de vida ativa potencial -(ea)X - e de um trabalhador-e ax - perdidos, a partir das tábuas de vida ativa; anos potenciais de vida perdidos, com três variantes, limite em 65 anos (APVP 65), limite em 70 anos (APVP 70) e esperança de vida à idade especificada (APVP ex); técnica CENDES/OPS, consoante três modelos diferentes de transcendência (TCl, TC2 e TC3); e perdas econômicas correntes e futuras (PEC e PEF), baseadas nas medianas de renda por sexo e idade. Essas técnicas foram operadas considerando a eliminação total das causas evitáveis e a eliminação parcial, conforme a vulnerabilidade arbitrada a cada grupo de causas evitáveis. A comparação das escalas decrescentes de prioridades foi efetuada por intermédio da correlação por postos de Spearman. Os resultados do trabalho revelaram que 57,55 por cento e 42,46 por cento dos óbitos em homens e mulheres foram por causas evitáveis correspondendo a taxas de 483,77 por 100,000 homens e 295,30 por 100.000 mulheres, respectivamente, e que a mortalidade por causas evitáveis tem um elevado impacto em anos potenciais de vida perdidos e em perdas econômicas. A hierarquização das prioridades segundo as várias têcnicas apontou os Grupo F - mortes produzidas por violências - e C - evitáveis por medidas de saneamento ambiental - como as duas primeiras prioridades saúde em Fortaleza. A comparação entre conjuntos de técnicas demonstrou que a redução e/ou simplificação do número de técnicas adotadas para definir prioridades em saúde podem ser aplicadas sem sacrifício da precisão oferecida pelo modelo completo, que contempla as doze técnicas. Por fim, foi salientada a contribuição dessas técnicas para orientar o processo político que envolve a decisão de eleger as prioridades em saúde. / Considerations were made about the indicators of health and mortality by avoidable causes as instruments for the evaluation of the health conditions of the population and analysed were performed on the criteria of priority and the importance of stablishing priorities in health, taking into account the limitation of resources for the Health Sector. The general objective of the thesis was that of assessing, analysing and comparing health priorities in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, according to techniques of hierarchization for the mortality by groups of preventable causes in 1981-83. The basic material was constituted by the death certificates of residentes in Fortaleza related to the period 1981-83, which were obtained at the Secretary of Health of the State of Ceará. The death certificates, after a selecyion, of underlying cause of death were codified and computed by causes, at the level of categories, in regard to sex and age range, and afterwrds, distributed in groups of preventable causes, according to a classification proposed by Taucher. The certificates referred to illdefined causes were then redistributed, proportionally to the participation by sex and age. Twelve techniques were utilized in distributing the range of priorities of the groups of preventable causes: gains in the life expectancy at birth (eO.), gains in active life expectancy (e a.), through tables of life of multiple decrement; potential active life - (ea)x - and of a worker - e ax - years of life lost from the table of active life; pottentiall years of life lost, with three variants, limit in 65 years (APVP65), limit in 70 years (APVP70) and life expectancy at a specified age (APVPex); CENDES/OPS technique in accordance with three different models of transtendence (TC1, TC2 and TC3): and present and futures economic lesses (PEC and PEF), based in the median of income by sex and age. These techniques were used taking into consideration the total elimination of preventable causes and the partial elimination, as to the ascertained vulnerability to each group\'s of preventable causes. The comparison of the decreasing ranks of priorities was carried out though the correlation by posts of Spearman. The results revealed that 57.55 per cent and 42.46 per cent of deaths in men and women were due to preventable causes, corresponding to rates of 483.77 per 100,000 men and 295.30 per 100,00 women respectively, and that the mortality by preventable causes has and elevated impact on potential life lost and in economic losses. The hierarchization of the priorities according to several techniques pointed to the Groups F- death produced by violence - and C - avoidable by measures of envirorimental sanitation - as the two first priorities of health in Fortaleza; the comparison among sets of techniques demonstrated that the reduction and/or simplification of the number of adopted techniques to define priorities in Health can be applied without sacrificing the precision by the complete model, which comprises the twelve techniques. At last, the contribution of these techniques was stressed to orient the political process that involves the decision of choosing priorities in health.

Inefficiencies in a healthcare system with a regulatory split of power: a spatial panel data analysis of avoidable hospitalisations in Austria

Renner, Anna-Theresa 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Despite generous universal social health insurance with little formal restrictions of outpatient utilisation, Austria exhibits high rates of avoidable hospitalisations, which indicate the inefficient provision of primary healthcare and might be a consequence of the strict regulatory split between the Austrian inpatient and outpatient sector. This paper exploits the considerable regional variations in acute and chronic avoidable hospitalisations in Austria to investigate whether those inefficiencies in primary care are rather related to regional healthcare supply or to population characteristics. To explicitly account for inter-regional dependencies, spatial panel data methods are applied to a comprehensive administrative dataset of all hospitalisations from 2008 to 2013 in the 117 Austrian districts. The initial selection of relevant covariates is based on Bayesian model averaging. The results of the analysis show that supply-side variables, such as the number of general practitioners, are significantly associated with decreased chronic and acute avoidable hospitalisations, whereas characteristics of the regional population, such as the share of population with university education or long-term unemployed, are less relevant. Furthermore, the spatial error term indicates that there are significant spatial dependencies between unobserved characteristics, such as practice style or patients' utilization behaviour. Not accounting for those would result in omitted variable bias.

Using SBAR to Decrease Transfers from the Long-term Care to the Emergency Room

Bowers Garrett, Phyllis Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Care of the elderly, long-term care resident in the emergency department is an issue of importance because of the overall impact on healthcare costs, potential for negative outcomes for the resident, and the loss of revenue. The purpose of this project was to decrease avoidable transfer of residents to the Emergency Department. Using the Antecedent, Target, Measurement logic model, poor quality assessment data was deemed the antecedent of the avoidable transfer. The goal of the project was the implementation of a standardized process of assessment that would have decreased avoidable transfer of the resident. The project would have involved training of the nursing staff in the use of the Situation Background Assessment and Recommendation tool for collecting and communicating pertinent data. The tool would have been completed at each acute complaint and would have indicated disposition. Data would have been collected by the Education Coordinator and organized for review and comparison with preintervention data. Social change implications would have included enhanced communication, potential for increased nurse and physician satisfaction which could have potentially increased job satisfaction, and improved recruitment and retention. Autonomy and self-pertinence empowers the nurse to be a stronger advocate. Positive outcomes increase when care is provided by those familiar with the patient norms and the setting. Financial savings can have an impact on the cost of healthcare. This project would also have allowed for and encouraged internal review of process and practices. This project was not implemented and so remains inconclusive.

The Comprehensive Analysis of the Avoidable Hospitalization in Taiwan

Tsai, Chia-Hsi 15 June 2008 (has links)
Objective¡G The purpose of this research is (1) to find out the overall trends of the common avoidable hospitalization diseases in Taiwan since the implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI), (2) to compare the different distributions of the common avoidable hospitalization diseases across age groups, genders, regions, and the hospital¡¦s characters, (3) to make the related useful information and suggestions of improving avoidable hospitalizations to the policy makers, hospitals, and the general public. Method¡G Standardized rates of avoidable hospitalization from 1997 to 2004 were derived from the National Health Insurance database and the Taiwan census data. In this research, we focus on the four main diseases¡GAsthma, Pneumonia, Diabetes, Hypertension as the avoidable hospitalization diseases. Logistic regression and chi-squire tests are used to detect and describes trends in data. Results¡G During the 8-year research period, AHCs (Avoidable Hospitalization Conditions)of Asthma and Hypertension decline overall, conversely, AHCs of Pneumonia and Diabetes show increasing trends overall¡Fin the hospital characters aspects, AHCs are mostly occurred in the local hospitals¡Ffrom the viewpoint of the patients¡¦ characters, AHCs of Asthma and Pneumonia are always occurred in children male, on the other hand, AHCs of Diabetes and Hypertension are always occurred in female and above 65 years old¡Fin the regional aspect, the AHCs of Asthma and Pneumonia are comparatively higher in east Taiwan. Conclusion¡G According to the results of this research, we can find that the avoidable hospitalizations in Taiwan still need to be improved. We suggest the policy makers and the hospitals may use the ¡uavoidable hospitalization¡vas an indicator to monitor the quality of care and the outpatient care quality in Taiwan¡¦s healthcare system. Thus can not only reduce the unnecessary expenditure, but also can offer the general public better quality of healthcare and improve their quality of life.

Improving quality of perinatal care through clinical audit : a study from a tertiary hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Kidanto, Hussein L January 2009 (has links)
Perinatal audit has been tested and proved an important tool for reduction of perinatal mortality and assessment of quality of perinatal care. At Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), a tertiary hospital in Dar es salaam, Tanzania we performed a retrospective cross-sectional study using data from an obstetrics database to classify all perinatal deaths during 1999-2003. We also determined the prevalence of anaemia in pregnancy and its impact on perinatal outcome. Furthermore, we conducted a perinatal audit to study potential determinants and causes of perinatal and neonatal deaths and their avoidability. We also assessed the quality of care of patients admitted with eclampsia using a criteria based audit. Stillbirth, early neonatal and perinatal mortality rates (PMR) were 96, 27 and 124 respectively. A large proportion of foetuses (38%) had no audible foetal heart beat on admission at MNH labour ward and the majority of the neonatal deaths were asphyxiated at delivery. The PMR for multiples and singletons were 269 and 118 respectively resulting in a rate ratio of 2.4 (95%CI: 2.1-2.4). The prevalence of anaemia and severe anaemia was 68% and 5.8%, respectively. Severity of anaemia increased the risk of preterm delivery with ORs of 1.4, 1.4 and 4.1 for women with mild, moderate and severe anaemia as compared to women with normal haemoglobin levels. The corresponding risks for LBW and VLBW were 1.2, 1.7 and 3.8, and 1.5, 1.9 and 4.2 respectively. The prevalence of preterm delivery and LBW was 17% and 14% respectively. The hospital-based incidence of eclampsia was 504 per 10,000 women or 5.1 % of all mothers admitted. Suboptimal care were identified on criteria regarding management plan by senior staff, review of the plans by specialist obstetrician, delay on caesarean section, monitoring patients on magnesium sulphate and inadequate use of the laboratory. Two out of three patients requiring operation were not operated within set standards. Birth asphyxia was the main cause of intrapartum fresh stillbirth (47%) and early neonatal deaths (51%), whereas eclampsia (25%) and preeclampsia (8.3%) were main maternal medical conditions. The majority of stillbirths were fresh, indicating foetal demise during labour or just before delivery. The audit study identified suboptimal care in about 80% of audited cases out of which about 50% were found to be the likely cause of the adverse perinatal outcome. Inadequate maternal and foetal monitoring during labour were the main suboptimal factors, though delay in referral and operative interventions were also prominent. Based on these studies, we conclude that: The perinatal mortality (PMR) in this study was higher than the national average. About one in four perinatal deaths at MNH can be attributed to avoidable factors linked to obstetric care Main causes of perinatal and neonatal deaths were intrapartum birth asphyxia, immaturity related and infections            Management of patients in labour needs to be improved Suboptimal care that is essentially avoidable included: inadequate monitoring of patients during labour, delay of care,    e.g. long decision to surgery interval, and delayed referral of patients fromprimary hospitals The prevalence of anaemia in pregnancy was very high; and low birth weight and preterm delivery was independently associated with severity of anaemia The prevalence of eclampsia at MNH was high and the case management needs to be improved

Técnicas para definir prioridades em saúde: análise da mortalidade por causas evitáveis em Fortaleza em 1981-83 / Techniques to define health priorities: analysis of avoidable mortality in Fortaleza, 1981-83

Marcelo Gurgel Carlos da Silva 05 December 1990 (has links)
Foram emitidas consideraçoes sobre os indicadores de saúde e a mortalidade por causas evitáveis como instrumentos para a avaliação das condições de saúde da população e ainda analisados os critérios de prioridades e a importância de estabelecer prioridades em saúde em função da limitação dos recursos para o Setor Saúde. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi o de determinar, analisar e comparar as prioridades em saúde de Fortaleza, segundo técnicas de hierarquização, para a mortalidade por grupos de de causas evitáveis 1981-83. O material básico foi Constituído das declarações de óbitos de residentes em Fortaleza referentes ao período 1981-83, obtidas junto à Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Ceará. As declarações de óbitos, após a seleção da causa básica de morte, foram codificadas e apuradas por causas, ao nível de categorias, segundo sexo e grupo etário, e, em seguida, distribuídas em grupos de causas evitáveis, conforme a classificação proposta por Taucher. Posteriormente, foram redistribuídas nos diversos grupos de causas evitáveis as declarações referentes às causas mal definidas, proporcionalmente à participação por sexo e faixa etária. Para estabelecer as escalas de prioridades dos grupos de causas evitáveis foram utilizadas doze técnicas: ganhos em esperança de vida ao nascer (e0.) e ganhos em esperança de vida ativa (e a.), mediante tábuas de vida de múltiplo decremento; anos de vida ativa potencial -(ea)X - e de um trabalhador-e ax - perdidos, a partir das tábuas de vida ativa; anos potenciais de vida perdidos, com três variantes, limite em 65 anos (APVP 65), limite em 70 anos (APVP 70) e esperança de vida à idade especificada (APVP ex); técnica CENDES/OPS, consoante três modelos diferentes de transcendência (TCl, TC2 e TC3); e perdas econômicas correntes e futuras (PEC e PEF), baseadas nas medianas de renda por sexo e idade. Essas técnicas foram operadas considerando a eliminação total das causas evitáveis e a eliminação parcial, conforme a vulnerabilidade arbitrada a cada grupo de causas evitáveis. A comparação das escalas decrescentes de prioridades foi efetuada por intermédio da correlação por postos de Spearman. Os resultados do trabalho revelaram que 57,55 por cento e 42,46 por cento dos óbitos em homens e mulheres foram por causas evitáveis correspondendo a taxas de 483,77 por 100,000 homens e 295,30 por 100.000 mulheres, respectivamente, e que a mortalidade por causas evitáveis tem um elevado impacto em anos potenciais de vida perdidos e em perdas econômicas. A hierarquização das prioridades segundo as várias têcnicas apontou os Grupo F - mortes produzidas por violências - e C - evitáveis por medidas de saneamento ambiental - como as duas primeiras prioridades saúde em Fortaleza. A comparação entre conjuntos de técnicas demonstrou que a redução e/ou simplificação do número de técnicas adotadas para definir prioridades em saúde podem ser aplicadas sem sacrifício da precisão oferecida pelo modelo completo, que contempla as doze técnicas. Por fim, foi salientada a contribuição dessas técnicas para orientar o processo político que envolve a decisão de eleger as prioridades em saúde. / Considerations were made about the indicators of health and mortality by avoidable causes as instruments for the evaluation of the health conditions of the population and analysed were performed on the criteria of priority and the importance of stablishing priorities in health, taking into account the limitation of resources for the Health Sector. The general objective of the thesis was that of assessing, analysing and comparing health priorities in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, according to techniques of hierarchization for the mortality by groups of preventable causes in 1981-83. The basic material was constituted by the death certificates of residentes in Fortaleza related to the period 1981-83, which were obtained at the Secretary of Health of the State of Ceará. The death certificates, after a selecyion, of underlying cause of death were codified and computed by causes, at the level of categories, in regard to sex and age range, and afterwrds, distributed in groups of preventable causes, according to a classification proposed by Taucher. The certificates referred to illdefined causes were then redistributed, proportionally to the participation by sex and age. Twelve techniques were utilized in distributing the range of priorities of the groups of preventable causes: gains in the life expectancy at birth (eO.), gains in active life expectancy (e a.), through tables of life of multiple decrement; potential active life - (ea)x - and of a worker - e ax - years of life lost from the table of active life; pottentiall years of life lost, with three variants, limit in 65 years (APVP65), limit in 70 years (APVP70) and life expectancy at a specified age (APVPex); CENDES/OPS technique in accordance with three different models of transtendence (TC1, TC2 and TC3): and present and futures economic lesses (PEC and PEF), based in the median of income by sex and age. These techniques were used taking into consideration the total elimination of preventable causes and the partial elimination, as to the ascertained vulnerability to each group\'s of preventable causes. The comparison of the decreasing ranks of priorities was carried out though the correlation by posts of Spearman. The results revealed that 57.55 per cent and 42.46 per cent of deaths in men and women were due to preventable causes, corresponding to rates of 483.77 per 100,000 men and 295.30 per 100,00 women respectively, and that the mortality by preventable causes has and elevated impact on potential life lost and in economic losses. The hierarchization of the priorities according to several techniques pointed to the Groups F- death produced by violence - and C - avoidable by measures of envirorimental sanitation - as the two first priorities of health in Fortaleza; the comparison among sets of techniques demonstrated that the reduction and/or simplification of the number of adopted techniques to define priorities in Health can be applied without sacrificing the precision by the complete model, which comprises the twelve techniques. At last, the contribution of these techniques was stressed to orient the political process that involves the decision of choosing priorities in health.

Evolução da mortalidade infantil, segundo óbitos evitáveis: macrorregiões de saúde do Estado de Santa Catarina, 1997-2008 / Describing infant mortality rate according to death avoidance: Santa Catarina, 1997 2008

Clarice Pires Pacheco 31 January 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A busca do entendimento das causas da mortalidade humana está relacionada diretamente ao conhecimento das condições de vida de uma população. Reduzir a mortalidade de crianças é uma das principais metas das políticas de saúde para a infância em todos os países. No Brasil, apesar da redução da mortalidade infantil (MI) observada nos últimos anos, existem, porém, grandes diferenciais do CMI entre algumas populações. OBJETIVO: Estudar a evolução da mortalidade infantil no Estado de Santa Catarina e a tendência de queda dos óbitos infantis evitáveis nas nove Macrorregiões Estaduais de Saúde do Estado, no período de 1997- 2008. METODOLOGIA: Estudo ecológico de séries temporais com cálculo e análise do CMI, segundo componentes e critérios de evitabilidade para óbitos ocorridos nas nove Macrorregiões catarinenses, no período entre 1997-2008. Foram analisadas, por regressão linear simples, as médias trianuais dos óbitos evitáveis, segundo Macrorregiões, no mesmo período. RESULTADOS: analisados 15.146 óbitos ocorridos no primeiro ano de vida, observou-se que 51por cento , aconteceu entre 0 e 6 dias,13,8por cento entre 7 e 27 dias e 35,8por cento , de 28 a 364 dias de vida. O Estado de Santa Catarina registra um dos menores CMIs do país e apresentou queda de 27,2por cento , principalmente às custas do componente pós-neonatal, mostrando, no entanto, preocupantes taxas de mortalidade infantil por óbitos evitáveis (58,6por cento ) e importantes diferenças no CMI entre as Macrorregiões catarinenses. O CMI por óbitos evitáveis do Planalto Serrano (11,90/00NV) foi o dobro da Macrorregião Nordeste (5,70/00NV). CONCLUSÕES: apesar do declínio do CMI, o Estado de Santa Catarina apresentou estabilização das taxas da MI para o componente neonatal e elevado índice de óbitos evitáveis, com diferenças substanciais das suas taxas entre as Macrorregiões, no período estudado. Essa realidade aponta para a necessidade urgente de estudos sequenciais que elucidem esses fatos, a fim de que intervenções ajustadas ás populações estudadas possam vir a acontecer, diminuindo as mortes infantis no território catarinense / INTRODUCTION: The pursuit for understanding the causes of human mortality is related straight to the knowledge of a living society conditions. The reduction of child mortality is the major goal of children health policies in all countries. In Brazil, despite of the infant mortality reduction observed in recent years, there are, however, huge differences of Infant mortality rate between populations. OBJECTIVE:In order to study the infant mortality evolution in the Santa Catarina State and the downward trend of avoidable child deaths in nine Health Macro-regions in the State, in each triennium from 1997 to 2008. METHODS: An ecological time series studies with calculation and analysis of Infant mortality rate second components of the infant mortality, in the nine Santa Catarina Macro-regions (Brazil) for avoidability deaths in a period between 1997 and 2008, the triennial averages of avoidable deaths, by regions in the same period, were analyzed by simple linear regression. RESULTS: Was analyzed 15,146 deaths in the first year of life between1997- 2008, the data showed that 51per cent of the total occurred from 0 to 6 of life days, 13.8per cent between 7 and 27 days and 35.8per cent of 28 to 364 days of life, the state of Santa Catarina showed a decline of CMI (27.2per cent), mainly due to a postneonatal fees period, showing, however alarming rates of infant mortality from preventable deaths (58.6per cent) and important differences among SC regions of the CMI. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the decline of CMI, the state of Santa Catarina showed stabilization of the neonatal ID and high rate of avoidable deaths, with significant differences in their rates among regions, in the study period. This reality leads to the urgent need for sequential studies that will elucidate these facts, so that interventions set to a studied of a specific populations may happen, reducing child deaths in the territory of Santa Catarina

Evolução da mortalidade infantil, segundo óbitos evitáveis: macrorregiões de saúde do Estado de Santa Catarina, 1997-2008 / Describing infant mortality rate according to death avoidance: Santa Catarina, 1997 2008

Pacheco, Clarice Pires 31 January 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A busca do entendimento das causas da mortalidade humana está relacionada diretamente ao conhecimento das condições de vida de uma população. Reduzir a mortalidade de crianças é uma das principais metas das políticas de saúde para a infância em todos os países. No Brasil, apesar da redução da mortalidade infantil (MI) observada nos últimos anos, existem, porém, grandes diferenciais do CMI entre algumas populações. OBJETIVO: Estudar a evolução da mortalidade infantil no Estado de Santa Catarina e a tendência de queda dos óbitos infantis evitáveis nas nove Macrorregiões Estaduais de Saúde do Estado, no período de 1997- 2008. METODOLOGIA: Estudo ecológico de séries temporais com cálculo e análise do CMI, segundo componentes e critérios de evitabilidade para óbitos ocorridos nas nove Macrorregiões catarinenses, no período entre 1997-2008. Foram analisadas, por regressão linear simples, as médias trianuais dos óbitos evitáveis, segundo Macrorregiões, no mesmo período. RESULTADOS: analisados 15.146 óbitos ocorridos no primeiro ano de vida, observou-se que 51por cento , aconteceu entre 0 e 6 dias,13,8por cento entre 7 e 27 dias e 35,8por cento , de 28 a 364 dias de vida. O Estado de Santa Catarina registra um dos menores CMIs do país e apresentou queda de 27,2por cento , principalmente às custas do componente pós-neonatal, mostrando, no entanto, preocupantes taxas de mortalidade infantil por óbitos evitáveis (58,6por cento ) e importantes diferenças no CMI entre as Macrorregiões catarinenses. O CMI por óbitos evitáveis do Planalto Serrano (11,90/00NV) foi o dobro da Macrorregião Nordeste (5,70/00NV). CONCLUSÕES: apesar do declínio do CMI, o Estado de Santa Catarina apresentou estabilização das taxas da MI para o componente neonatal e elevado índice de óbitos evitáveis, com diferenças substanciais das suas taxas entre as Macrorregiões, no período estudado. Essa realidade aponta para a necessidade urgente de estudos sequenciais que elucidem esses fatos, a fim de que intervenções ajustadas ás populações estudadas possam vir a acontecer, diminuindo as mortes infantis no território catarinense / INTRODUCTION: The pursuit for understanding the causes of human mortality is related straight to the knowledge of a living society conditions. The reduction of child mortality is the major goal of children health policies in all countries. In Brazil, despite of the infant mortality reduction observed in recent years, there are, however, huge differences of Infant mortality rate between populations. OBJECTIVE:In order to study the infant mortality evolution in the Santa Catarina State and the downward trend of avoidable child deaths in nine Health Macro-regions in the State, in each triennium from 1997 to 2008. METHODS: An ecological time series studies with calculation and analysis of Infant mortality rate second components of the infant mortality, in the nine Santa Catarina Macro-regions (Brazil) for avoidability deaths in a period between 1997 and 2008, the triennial averages of avoidable deaths, by regions in the same period, were analyzed by simple linear regression. RESULTS: Was analyzed 15,146 deaths in the first year of life between1997- 2008, the data showed that 51per cent of the total occurred from 0 to 6 of life days, 13.8per cent between 7 and 27 days and 35.8per cent of 28 to 364 days of life, the state of Santa Catarina showed a decline of CMI (27.2per cent), mainly due to a postneonatal fees period, showing, however alarming rates of infant mortality from preventable deaths (58.6per cent) and important differences among SC regions of the CMI. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the decline of CMI, the state of Santa Catarina showed stabilization of the neonatal ID and high rate of avoidable deaths, with significant differences in their rates among regions, in the study period. This reality leads to the urgent need for sequential studies that will elucidate these facts, so that interventions set to a studied of a specific populations may happen, reducing child deaths in the territory of Santa Catarina

Evidence-based intervention to reduce avoidable hospital admissions in care home residents (the Better Health in Residents in Care Homes (BHiRCH) study): Protocol for a pilot cluster randomised trial

Sampson, E.L., Feast, A., Blighe, Alan J., Froggatt, K., Hunter, R., Marston, L., McCormack, B., Nurock, S., Panca, M., Powell, Catherine, Rait, G., Robinson, L., Woodward-Carlton, Barbara, Young, J., Downs, Murna G. 16 July 2019 (has links)
Yes / Acute hospital admission is distressing for care home residents. Ambulatory care sensitive conditions, such as respiratory and urinary tract infections, are conditions that can cause unplanned hospital admission but may have been avoidable with timely detection and intervention in the community. The Better Health in Residents in Care Homes (BHiRCH) programme has feasibility tested and will pilot a multicomponent intervention to reduce these avoidable hospital admissions. The BHiRCH intervention comprises an early warning tool for noting changes in resident health, a care pathway (clinical guidance and decision support system) and a structured method for communicating with primary care, adapted for use in the care home. We use practice development champions to support implementation and embed changes in care. Methods and analysis: Cluster randomised pilot trial to test study procedures and indicate whether a further definitive trial is warranted. Fourteen care homes with nursing (nursing homes) will be randomly allocated to intervention (delivered at nursing home level) or control groups. Two nurses from each home become Practice Development Champions trained to implement the intervention, supported by a practice development support group. Data will be collected for 3 months preintervention, monthly during the 12-month intervention and 1 month after. Individual-level data includes resident, care partner and staff demographics, resident functional status, service use and quality of life (for health economic analysis) and the extent to which staff perceive the organisation supports person centred care. System-level data includes primary and secondary health services contacts (ie, general practitioner and hospital admissions). Process evaluation assesses intervention acceptability, feasibility, fidelity, ease of implementation in practice and study procedures (ie, consent and recruitment rates). / UK NIHR grant number RP-PG-0612-20010.

Srovnávací analýza odvratitelné úmrtnosti ve vybraných evropských zemích v období 1980-2010 / Comparative analysis of avoidable mortality in selected European countries during 1980-2010

Pražák, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis is the evaluation of the development of avoidable mortality in selected European countries during 1980-2010 with emphasis on comparison of East and West. Concept of avoidable mortality was established to measure the effectiveness of the health care system in 70s of the past century. The main results of the thesis indicate different development of avoidable mortality during 80s in both parts of Europe. Inefficient medical care and inappropriate health policy in formal Eastern Bloc contributed to divergent trends of avoidable mortality in Europe. Different trends of mortality were observed in East European countries especially during the transformation process. The importance of selection of avoidable causes and age limits was confirmed. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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