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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cross-Hedging Bison with Live Cattle Futures

Movafaghi, Olivia Shahrzad 14 August 2014 (has links)
Bison production is an emerging retail meat industry. As demand increases, it creates opportunity for supply-side growth. However, the bison market is volatile and the potential for a drop in the value of bison makes price risk an important factor for producers. Following price risk theory, hedging opportunities for bison producers are investigated using the live cattle futures contract. For the time periods researched, there is no clear evidence that cross-hedging reduces price risk for bison producers. However, there is a possibility that after the bison industry becomes more established and consumer knowledge plays lesser of a role in prices, cross-hedging strategies will be advantageous to producers. / Master of Science

Isotopic Ecology of Bison and Bootherium at Big Bone Lick, Kentucky

Stephenson, Frances 01 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Big Bone Lick (BBL) is a late Pleistocene and Holocene fossil locality in the Ohio River valley of Kentucky. This study utilized stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr) in tooth enamel to reconstruct mobility and diet in Bison, as well as diet in Bootherium bombifrons. Isotopic results from seven Bison and two B. bombifrons are reported. Results suggest Pleistocene Bison and Bootherium occupied different dietary niches. Although both had C3-dominated diets, Bison occupied more open environments than B. bombifrons. Two bison from the late Holocene deposit had diets that consisted of more C3 vegetation than Pleistocene bison, which may indicate these individuals occupied a closed C3 landscape. However, one specimen previously identified as late Holocene had diet and mobility patterns consistent with Pleistocene bison, which could indicate temporal mixing. Pleistocene and Holocene Bison have 87Sr/86Sr values that suggest they spent most of their time in places other than BBL.

Reconstitution des variations saisonnières de paléotempérature par l’étude du δ18O des dents de vertébrés actuels et fossiles / Reconstruction of seasonal variations of paleotemperatures recorded in the δ18O of modernand fossil vertebrate teeth

Bernard, Aurélien 01 March 2010 (has links)
L’étude de la composition isotopique de l’oxygène de l’émail des dents de vertébrésconstitue une méthode fiable de reconstitution des paléotempératures, grâce àl’interdépendance entre le δ18O de l’apatite des dents, le δ18O des fluides corporels, del’eau ingérée et la température du milieu. L’amélioration et la miniaturisation des techniquesanalytiques a permis d’augmenter la résolution du signal reconstitué, depuis les variations detempérature sur de grandes échelles de temps jusqu’aux variations saisonnières durant laformation de la dent. Cependant, ces variations du δ18O de la dent ne sont pas uniquementdépendantes des variations de température du milieu, mais peuvent également êtreaffectées par d’autres paramètres climatiques, comme la répartition des précipitations aucours de l’année, ou biologique, comme le mode de minéralisation de la dent, l’alimentation,la physiologie de l’animal ou des migrations.Les paramètres biologiques peuvent être estimés dans le cas de taxons possédantdes parents proches dans la faune actuelle. Par exemple, la connaissance des processus deformation et de minéralisation des dents de bovinés actuels permet d’interpréter le signalisotopique de l’oxygène enregistré dans les dents de bovinés fossiles. Ainsi, l’analyse dedents de Bison priscus provenant de l’aven de Coudoulous (Lot, France) a permis dereconstituer les variations saisonnières de température au cours de l’avant-dernier épisodeglaciaire (MIS 6) au Pléistocène moyen, lorsque la région servait de terrain de chasse àHomo neanderthalensis. Le climat était à cette époque plus froid de 4°C en moyenne, maisavec des saisons nettement plus contrastées. Ainsi, si les températures estivales étaientidentiques aux valeurs actuelles, les températures hivernales étaient plus basses de 6-7°C.En milieu marin, les variations saisonnières de température affectent uniquement leseaux de surface. Les plaques dentaires de myliobatidés, un groupe de raies pélagiquesvivant principalement entre 0 et 100 mètres de profondeur, sont un outil potentiel pourreconstituer la paléosaisonnalité. L’étude de plaques dentaires de Myliobatis et deRhinoptera actuels montre que la composition isotopique des dents de ces animauxenregistre des variations de température et de δ18O des eaux de surface. Ainsi, il est doncpossible de reconstituer les caractéristiques des masses d’eau traversées par l’animal. Cetoutil a également un intérêt paléoécologique car il permet de mettre en évidence d’éventuelscomportements migratoires, comme chez certains myliobatidés actuels. L’étude despécimens d’Aetomylaeus provenant du Pliocène de Montpellier (Hérault, France) montredes températures 5°C plus élevées par rapport aux v aleurs actuelles. / The oxygen isotopic composition of the vertebrate tooth enamel is a reliable proxy toreconstruct paleotemperatures based on the dependence of the δ18O of the tooth apatite onthe δ18O of body fluids, on the δ18O of the drinking water, and on the environmentaltemperature. The improvement and the miniaturization of the analytical procedures allowedincreasing the resolution of the reconstructed signal, from paleotemperature variations overgeological times to seasonal variations during the tooth growth. However seasonal variationsof the enamel δ18O do not only depend on temperature variations but can also be influencedby other climatic parameters such as rainfall distribution over the year, or by biological andecological parameters such as tooth mineralization process, diet, physiology or migratorypatterns.Biological parameters can be estimated based on the study of extant relatives inmodern faunas. For example, data on tooth formation and mineralization processes inmodern bovids allow a better understanding of the oxygen isotopic signal recorded in fossilbovid teeth. Thus reconstruction of seasonal variations of temperature during the penultimateglacial episode (MIS 6) has been made possible from the analysis of Bison priscus teethfrom the aven of Coudoulous (Lot, France). Climate was 4°C colder during the middlePleistocene when Europe was still Homo neanderthalensis hunting ground, and seasonswere more contrasted than today. Summer temperatures were similar to modern values, butwinter temperatures were 6-7°C colder.In marine environments, seasonal variations of temperature only affect surfacewaters. Myliobatids are pelagic rays living mostly between 0 and 100 m depth, thus theoxygen isotopic composition of myliobatid dental plates is a potential proxy to reconstruct thepaleoseasonality. The isotopic analysis of modern Myliobatis and Rhinoptera samplesconfirmed that variations of the sea-surface temperature (SST) and the δ18O of seawater arerecorded in the δ18O of myliobatid teeth. Thus it is possible to reconstruct the variations ofseawater temperature during a part of the animal’s life, but it also allows pointing outmigratory patterns in some myliobatid species. Reconstructions of seasonal variations ofSST during the middle Pliocene in Montpellier (Hérault, France) from the δ18O of myliobatiddental plates yielded paleotemperatures 5°C higher than modern values.

Quête alimentaire et répartition spatiale du bison dans les prairies canadiennes

Babin, Jean-Sébastien 16 April 2018 (has links)
Cette étude visait à déterminer quelle devise nutritionnelle, parmi les gains journaliers en énergie digestible, les gains instantanés en énergie digestible, en phosphore ou en sodium, expliquait le mieux la répartition du bison (Bison bison) dans les prairies canadiennes. Nous avons caractérisé la sélection de l'habitat des bisons du parc national du Canada des Prairies à l'hiver et au printemps 2007 et interprété cette sélection dans le contexte des gains attendus pour chacune des quatre devises. En toutes saisons, les communautés végétales fournissant les gains instantanés les plus rapides en énergie digestible étaient les plus fortement sélectionnées. Cette sélection s'effectuait au détriment des autres devises. Ces résultats viennent appuyer des observations obtenues dans des écosystèmes boréaux. La recherche de gains rapides en énergie constitue donc un des mécanismes prépondérants de la répartition du bison, et du coup, cette devise devrait permettre d'anticiper sa répartition malgré des changements dans les écosystèmes.

Mécanismes de connectivité fonctionnelle : un exemple avec le bison des plaines en milieu forestier

Dancose, Karine 17 April 2018 (has links)
La connectivité de l'habitat est un déterminant important de la répartition spatiale des animaux. Cette connectivité dépend de leurs comportements face aux diverses composantes de l'habitat. Notre étude évalue les mécanismes de connectivité fonctionnelle chez les bisons sauvages. Nous avons déterminé que la sélection du prochain pré visité était influencée par ses caractéristiques intrinsèques (p. ex. disponibilité des plantes) et son accessibilité (p. ex. distance). Les bisons atteignaient le prochain pré sous l'influence de la persistance directionnelle et en orientant leurs déplacements vers les trouées forestières et le pré d'arrivée. De plus, la connectivité fonctionnelle variait durant l'année. Par exemple, ils préféraient des prés offrant davantage de biomasse végétale en hiver. Notre approche permet de quantifier la probabilité d'utilisation des prés et d'établir le chemin probable pour les atteindre. Ceci permet, en retour, de définir la connectivité fonctionnelle des prés, une étape nécessaire pour mieux comprendre la connectivité du paysage.

Effets de la taille du groupe sur la sélection de l'habitat à plusieurs échelles spatio-temporelles par le bison des plaines (Bison bison bison)

Fortin, Marie-Ève 12 April 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette étude consistait à déterminer dans quelle mesure des changements dans la taille du groupe influencent la sélection des ressources à plusieurs échelles spatiotemporelles chez le bison des plaines (Bison bison bison) du parc national de Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Nous avons évalué la sélection de l'habitat à trois échelles spatiales au cours de l'été 2005 et de l'hiver 2006. Nos résultats ont révélé que la répartition spatiale du bison à chacune des échelles spatiales était influencée à la fois par des facteurs abiotiques (e.g., route, couvert de neige, pente) et biotiques (e.g., biomasse et espèce végétale), et que l'effet de ces facteurs variait en fonction de l'abondance des individus. Notre étude suggère que la sélection de l'habitat par le bison des plaines est un processus influencé par les compromis entre l'acquisition des ressources de haute qualité, les coûts associés aux déplacements et le risque de prédation, et ce, à différentes échelles spatiales. De plus, les résultats mettent en évidence que la nature de ces compromis change en fonction de la taille du groupe. / This study had for objective to evaluate whether habitat selection by plains bison (Bison bison bison) in Prince Albert National Park (Saskatchewan) was influenced by group size at multiple spatio-temporal scales. We evaluated habitat selection at three spatial distinct scales during summer 2005 and winter 2006. Our results revealed that both abiotic (e.g., road, snow cover, slope) and biotic (e.g., biomass of plants, plant species) factors influenced the spatial distribution of bison at each of the three spatial scales, and that the effects of these factors on resource selection changed with the abundance of individuals. Our study suggests that pattern of habitat selection by bison is affected by trade-offs between the intake of high-quality resources, movement costs and predation risk at different spatial scales. Moreover, our results showed that the nature of the trade-offs varies with group size.

Control Rod Effect at Partial SCRAM : Upgrade of Plant Model for Forsmark 2 in BISON After Power Uprate

Constanda, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to improve the modeling of partial SCRAM in the BISON plant model for the Forsmark 2 nuclear reactor after power uprate. Validation of the BISON model against tests performed from March to May in 2013 have shown that this is one of the areas in which there is room for improvement. After partial SCRAM is performed, the model underestimates the reactor power, recirculation flow and steam flow when compared to the measurement data. In BISON the partial SCRAM is modeled using a relative control rod effect vector (ASC vector). The aim is to replace the old values in this vector to improve the model. The new model was shown to give an improved result for the reactor power, recirculation flow and steam flow. The study gives recommendations on how to apply the new model and what values of the relative control rod effect vector that can be used in the future.


McCartney, Peter Howard. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

The influence of fire and grazing on tallgrass prairie streams and herpetofauna

Larson, Danelle Marie January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Division of Biology / Walter K. Dodds / Tallgrass prairie evolved with fire-grazer interactions. Fire and grazing are vital processes for maintaining grasslands and cattle production, and therefore will be continued as land management schemes. The effects of fire and grazers on prairie streams are understudied, but may significantly influence stream ecology. This dissertation examined how prescribed burning, bison grazing, and patch-burn grazing (by cattle) influence water quality, stream biota, and riparian amphibians and reptiles at Konza Prairie, Kansas, or Osage Prairie, Missouri. Using Global Positioning System, we monitored bison and cattle distribution throughout watersheds. The immediate effects of prescribed burning were examined at both Konza and Osage Prairies. The impacts of bison on water quality were determined by using a long-term dataset from Konza Prairie and compared watersheds with and without bison. Amphibian and reptile assemblages were monitored for two years at Osage, and assemblage data were analyzed using redundancy analysis, permuted analysis of variance, and occupancy modeling. A patch-burn grazing experiment occurred for 5 years at Osage (2 years pretreatment data and 3 years of treatments) and was analyzed using a before-after, control-impact design. Prescribed burning had minimal effects on water chemistry. At Konza Prairie, bison did not alter water quality likely because they spent negligible time (<5%) in streams. Contrarily, cattle at Osage Prairie significantly increased stream concentrations of total suspended solids, nutrients, Escherichia coli bacteria, algal biomass, and primary production. Unlike bison, cattle spent significant time (~21%) in streams if allowed access to riparian zones. In watersheds with cattle excluded from streams by riparian fencing, water quality contaminant concentrations increased significantly, but not to the magnitude of unfenced streams. Amphibian abundance and richness were not different among patch types; instead, they were restricted to specific basins. However, reptiles displayed preference for certain patch-types, and had the highest abundance and richness in watersheds with fire and grazing. These results have implications for natural resource management. Riparian fencing of cattle may be a useful practice in areas where water resource protection is the priority. However, overland flow may alter water quality in watersheds with grazers despite fencing. Land managers will need to define management objectives and accept trade-offs in water quality, amphibian and reptile habitat, and cattle production.

Late Pleistocene and Holocene Bison of Grand Canyon and Colorado Plateau: Implications from the use of Paleobiology for Natural Resource Management Policy

Martin, Jeffrey M 01 May 2014 (has links)
Bison spp. (bison) fossils are scarce on the Colorado Plateau, especially within the greater Grand Canyon region. Because of the poor fossil record for bison on the plateau and in Grand Canyon National Park, various resource managers have surreptitiously designated bison a nonnative and human-introduced species. The lack of evidence for bison seems to be the result of collection bias rather than a true lack of bison remains. Today, Grand Canyon National Park has a neighboring herd of 350 bison that have meandered unwantedly onto National Park lands from neighboring Forest Service and State of Arizona lands. This study spatiotemporally illustrates bison are recently native to the greater Grand Canyon area based on previously misidentified specimens in archaeological collections. Data here may require resource managers to reconsider whether or not bison should be reconsidered a native species to the Grand Canyon National Park and elsewhere on the Colorado Plateau.

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