Spelling suggestions: "subject:"team combining"" "subject:"beam combining""
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Mesure interférométrique de phase et application à la combinaison cohérente d’un grand nombre de fibres amplificatrices / Interferometric phase measurement and its application for coherent fiber beam combining of a large number of amplifiersAntier-Murgey, Marie 17 November 2014 (has links)
Les propriétés intrinsèques des fibres amplificatrices telles que leur robustesse, leur efficacité, leur qualité de faisceau ou encore leur compacité ou leur bonne gestion thermique, en font un candidat idéal pour le développement de sources lasers de haute puissance, capables de rivaliser aujourd’hui avec les lasers solides. Les applications de ces sources avec de fortes puissances sont nombreuses : l’industrie (usinage, marquage), la défense (télémétrie, imagerie), la physique des particules. Dans ce dernier cas, des sources ultra-brèves et ultra-intenses permettent d’envisager de nouvelles applications telles que la proton-thérapie ou bien le remplacement des synchrotrons actuels par des architectures moins encombrantes et ayant un rendement plus important. Ce travail de thèse s’est déroulé dans le contexte du projet ICAN qui vise à étudier l’architecture de ces nouvelles sources.La combinaison cohérente de plusieurs amplificateurs fibrés en parallèle permet d’augmenter la puissance de ces sources. Pour atteindre les énergies visées dans le projet ICAN, la combinaison cohérente de 10 000 fibres doit être envisagée. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer des techniques de contrôle de la phase compatibles avec un très grand nombre de fibres, pour leur application aux lasers ultra-intenses nécessaires à la physique des particules.Deux architectures de combinaison cohérente basées sur une mesure de phase interférométrique ont été réalisées dans cette thèse. La première, basé sur l’holographie numérique, permet un contrôle de la phase sans aucun calcul, collectif tant au niveau de la mesure que de la correction. La seconde architecture possède un contrôle actif de phase basé sur un algorithme de traitement d’images et elle a une bande passante compatible avec le spectre de bruit des amplificateurs. La combinaison cohérente de 16 fibres à 1kHz avec une erreur résiduelle de phase de λ/60mrs a été démontrée. La compatibilité de ces deux architectures avec 10 000 fibres a été étudiée et nous avons apporté quelques éléments pour la combinaison cohérente d’un très grand nombre de fibres. / The intrinsic properties of optical fibers like robustness, efficiency, beam quality, compactness and good thermal management can now compete with solid state lasers to develop high power laser sources. The applications of such sources include industry (machining, marking), defense (telemetry, lidar), and fundamental research. In this case, high intensity lasers are compulsory to produce the next generation of particles accelerators more efficient and more compact, both for fundamental research and its direct applications such as proton therapy. This work was done in the context of the ICAN project, which studies the feasibility of such sources.To overcome the limitations in terms of power of a single amplified fiber, an idea is to use several fiber lasers and to combine them coherently. To reach the ultra-high peak power and high average power requirements for these applications, the coherent beam combining of 10,000 fiber amplifiers has to be envisaged. The goal of the work is to develop a scheme of phase control scalable to a high number of combined fibers.Two schemes based on an interferometric phase measurement are realized in this work. The fist scheme, based on digital holography, permits a collective phase measurement and correction without calculation. The second scheme is based on an active phase control with individual phase modulators. This control requires an image processing algorithm and has a bandwidth compatible with the phase spectral noise of the amplifiers. The coherent combining of 16 fibers at 1kHz with a residual phase shift error of λ/60rms is achieved in this case. We use this second scheme to evaluate its scalability. We show that the coherent combining of 10,000 fibers using off-the-shelf components is already possible.
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Combinaison de faisceaux mutuellement incohérents par amplification paramétrique optique / Beam combining mutually incoherent through optical parametric amplificationTropheme, Benoit 10 December 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier une technique de combinaison cohérente de faisceaux : l'amplification paramétrique optique (OPA) à multiple pompes. Cette technique permet de transférer instantanément l'énergie de nombreuses pompes en un unique faisceau signal sans stockage d'énergie, et ainsi s'affranchissant d'effets thermiques dans le milieu amplificateur. Ceci peut s'avérer intéressant pour combiner l'énergie de multiples lasers à fibre et réaliser l'amplification à forte cadence de lasers très énergétiques ou d'impulsions à spectre large. A l'aide d'un code de calcul général et d'une étude expérimentale utilisant comme cristal non linéaire du BBO ou du LBO, nous calculons dans un premier temps la localisation des pompes autour du signal à amplifier, ainsi que les tolérances angulaires correspondantes qui déterminent la criticité d'alignement d'une telle configuration. Nous nous intéressons ensuite aux mécanismes de recombinaisons parasites entre une pompe et l'idler correspondant à une autre pompe. Après avoir démontré expérimentalement que ces recombinaisons peuvent dégrader les caractéristiques spatiales et spectrales du signal amplifié, nous montrons qu'il est possible d'éliminer ces risques de couplages néfastes en écartant suffisamment les pompes entre elles. Une modélisation originale de l'OPA multi-pompes suggère de relier ces phénomènes parasites aux effets des réseaux résultant des interactions entre les différentes pompes. La dernière partie présente l'expérience d'OPA à 5 pompes qui nous a permis d'atteindre un rendement de transfert énergétique des pompes vers le signal de 27%, et obtenir ainsi un signal plus énergétique que chaque pompe prise séparément. / This work deals with a technique of combination of coherent beams: Optical Parametric Amplification (OPA) with Multiple Pumps. This technique is used to instantly transfer the energy of several pumps on one beam, without energy storage and thus avoiding thermal effects in the amplifying media. It can be useful to combine energy of numerous fiber lasers and to amplifiy with a high repetition rate very high energy lasers or broadband pulses. With a numerical and experimental study using BBO and LBO as nonlinear crystal, we determine how to dispose the pumps around the signal and the corresponding angular tolerances of such set up. Then we focus our attention on recombining mechanisms between a pump and a non-corresponding idler. We demonstrate experimentally that these cascading effects may decrease the spatial and spectral quality of the amplified signal, and that these phenomena can be avoided with a minimum angle between the different pumps. A novel modelling of multi-pumps OPA links these cascading effects to the gratings generated by the interaction between the pumps. The last part presents a 5 pump OPA experiment. We achieve a pump-to-signal efficiency of 27% and so that a signal more powerful than each pump is obtained.
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Montée en brillance des réseaux de lasers à fibre : Nouvelle approche par diagnostic à contraste de phase dans une boucle d’optimisation / Brightness enhancement in tilled-aperture laser systems : Innovative method associating a phase-contrast like filter with an optimization loopKabeya, David 12 December 2016 (has links)
Les méthodes de combinaison cohérente sont rapidement apparues comme très prometteuses dans la course à la puissance des sources lasers. Cela s’explique par le fait que la puissance autour de l’axe de propagation évolue selon une loi quadratique avec le nombre de faisceaux combinés. Mes premiers travaux ont porté sur la montée en puissance de pompage dans les systèmes de mise en phase passive par auto-organisation. Pour la première fois, nous avons mis en évidence à la fois expérimentalement et numériquement, qu’au-delà du seuil laser, le filtrage spectral intracavité dû à la structure interférométrique du système laser, est un des principaux facteurs limitant l’obtention de qualités de phasage élevées. L’augmentation du nombre d’émetteurs accentue la dégradation de l’efficacité de combinaison avec la montée en puissance, montrant l’incapacité de ce type de méthode à combiner efficacement un grand nombre d’émetteurs lasers de forte puissance. Par la suite, mes travaux ont porté sur l’étude d’une méthode innovante de phasage actif, mise au point à XLIM. Le principe de cette méthode associe un filtrage optique de type contraste de phase, à un algorithme d’optimisation réduisant les écarts de phases entre émetteurs. Les calculs et expériences ont mis en évidence la très faible sensibilité de la méthode au nombre d’émetteurs mis en jeu. Les démonstrations de combinaison cohérente de 7 à 37 émetteurs fibrés délivrant jusqu’à 5W chacun ont été faites. Ce dernier résultat constitue aujourd’hui un record en termes de nombre d’émetteurs combinés de manière active. L’efficacité de combinaison en champ lointain a été estimée à une valeur élevée de 94%, correspondant à une erreur de phase résiduelle d’environ λ/25. Le faible nombre d’itérations d’algorithme nécessaires pour converger a permis de corriger les fluctuations de phase sur une bande d’environ 1kHz. / Coherent laser beam combining techniques rapidly appeared highly promising in the field of ultra-high power laser sources. Indeed, the combined intensity around the propagation axis follows a quadratic law with the number of combined emitters. The first part of my work has been focused on passive phasing techniques, based on self-organization properties of coupled lasers. We have shown, both numerically and experimentally, that the intracavity filtering function due to the interferometric nature of the set-up, is an intrinsic reason for combining efficiency decrease far above laser threshold. The decrease goes steeper when the number of combined laser increases, making that kind of system inappropriate for coherently combining a large number of lasers delivering high power. The second part of my work consisted in studying an innovative active phasing method that associates a phase-contrast like filter with an optimization algorithm reducing phase errors between emitters. Both simulations and experiments showed the weak sensitivity of this method to the number of combined emitters. We demonstrated the phasing of 7 to 37 fiber lasers, delivering up to 5W each. To the best of our knowledge, this last result is the highest number of fiber lasers combined with an active phasing method. The combining efficiency has been estimated around 94%, corresponding to a residual phase error of λ/25. The weak number of algorithm iterations needed to reach the in-phase regime offered a bandwidth of approximately 1kHz.
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Nouveau procédé dynamique d’analyse et de contrôle du front d’onde synthétique de réseaux de lasers / New dynamical process for analysis and phase control of the synthetic wavefront of a laser beam arraySaucourt, Jérémy 30 September 2019 (has links)
Des projets futuristes tels que la production d’énergie par fusion nucléaire, ou encore la navigation interstellaire par voiles solaires, requièrent l’utilisation d’une source de lumière de luminance extrême. Dans l’objectif d’augmenter la luminance de sources lasers, mes travaux de thèse ont porté sur la combinaison cohérente de réseaux de lasers. Ils ont conduit au développement d’un nouveau procédé de contrôle compact du front d’onde de synthèse formé par le réseau de faisceaux lasers. Ce procédé permet de sculpter à façon la figure intensimétrique du champ lointain et donc de contrôler la distribution angulaire d’énergie émise par le réseau de faisceaux lasers. Le procédé développé utilise un module convertisseur phase/amplitude intégrant un élément diffuseur. Une méthode de mesure de la matrice de transfert d’un système optique a été développée pour caractériser ce module convertisseur de champ. A tout instant, le front d’onde de synthèse est estimé par une boucle numérique de recouvrement de phase basée sur un algorithme à projections alternées. Ce calcul approché permet d’ajuster progressivement les relations de phases du réseau de faisceaux lasers jusqu’au jeu de phases arbitraire souhaité. Le procédé permet le contrôle d’un front d’onde de synthèse en moins de 10 corrections de phases, quasi-indépendamment du nombre de faisceaux lasers à contrôler. Il est robuste aux défauts environnementaux et indépendant du jeu de phases initiales. J’ai démontré la compacité du système étudié en analysant et contrôlant une pupille de synthèse de 4 cm de côté, constituée de 16 faisceaux, à l’aide d’un module d’analyse mesurant seulement 30 cm. J’ai également montré expérimentalement le contrôle des phases de réseaux de 16 à 100 faisceaux lasers avec des erreurs résiduelles valant respectivement λ/30 et λ/20 rms. Les capacités de cette méthode peuvent être étendues au contrôle des ordres de Zernike supérieurs du front d’onde de synthèse, ou bien plus généralement pour mesurer directement le front d’onde d’un rayonnement cohérent. / Futuristic projects such as nuclear fusion power generation, or interstellar navigation by solar sails, require the use of a light source of extreme brightness. In order to increase the brightness of laser sources, my thesis work focused on the coherent beam combination of laser arrays. They led to the development of a new compact control process for the synthetic wavefront formed by the laser beam array. This process makes it possible to tailor the intensity pattern of the far field and thus control the angular distribution of energy emitted by the laser beam array. The process developed uses a phase/amplitude converter module with an integrated diffuser element. A method of measuring the transfer matrix of an optical system has been developed to characterize this field converter module. At any time, the synthetic wavefront is estimated by a phase recovery loop based on an alternating projections algorithm. This approximate calculation makes it possible to gradually adjust the phase relationships of the laser beam array to the desired arbitrary phase set. The process allows the control of a synthetic wavefront in less than 10 phase corrections, almost independently of the number of laser beams to be controlled. It is resistant to environmental defects and independent of the initial phase set. I demonstrated the compactness of the system studied by analyzing and controlling a 4 cm large synthetic pupil, composed of 16 beams, using an analysis module measuring only 30 cm. I also experimentally showed the control of the network phases of 16 to 100 laser beams with residual errors of λ/30 and λ/20 rms respectively. The capabilities of this method can be extended to control the higher Zernike orders of the synthetic wavefront, or more generally to directly measure the wavefront of coherent radiation.
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Highly scalable femtosecond coherent beam combining system of high power fiber amplifiers / Architecture évolutive de combinaison cohérente femtoseconde pour amplificateurs à fibre de puissanceHeilmann, Anke 18 December 2018 (has links)
Allier de fortes puissances moyennes et crêtes donne accès à un champ applicatif très large pour un système laser ultrarapide. Une technique qui s’est avérée capable de satisfaire ces exigences est la combinaison cohérente de faisceaux (CBC). Elle permet de séparer spatialement les faisceaux avant l’amplification pour les recombiner ensuite d’une manière cohérente en un unique faisceau. Afin d’obtenir une recombinaison efficace, les propriétés spatiales et spectrales de tous les faisceaux doivent être parfaitement en accord.Pour des applications comme l’accélération de particules, le recours à plusieurs milliers de fibres doit être envisagé. Il est donc nécessaire d’étudier des architectures CBC fortement évolutives en termes de canaux amplificateurs.Le projet XCAN vise à une première démonstration d’un tel système en réalisant la combinaison cohérente de 61 fibres amplificatrices. Afin d’étudier les défis scientifiques et techniques d’une telle architecture, une version de taille réduite comprenant sept fibres a été mise en place.La conception et la réalisation de ce prototype sont le sujet de cette thèse.Dans un premier temps, des simulations ont été effectués afin d’estimer les désaccords tolérables entre les propriétés spatiales et spectrales des différents faisceaux.Basé sur ce travail de modélisation, un système laser de combinaison cohérente de sept fibres a été ensuite assemblé et caractérisé. Les résultats obtenus sont très prometteurs et montrent que notre architecture est bien adaptée pour accueillir les 61 fibres du démonstrateur final XCAN. / Future applications of high power ultrafast laser systems require simultaneously high average and peak powers. A technique which has proved to be capable of meeting these demands is coherent beam combining (CBC).In this technique, the beam is spatially split prior to amplification, and coherently recombined in one single beam afterwards. In order to achieve an efficient recombination, the spatial and spectral properties of all beams need to be perfectly matched.For applications such as particle acceleration, the coherent combining of several thousands of fibers needs to be considered. It is thus necessary to investigate highly scalable CBC architectures.The XCAN project aims at a first demonstration of such a scalable setup by coherently combining 61 fiber amplifiers. In order to study the scientific and technical challenges of such a system, a downscaled version consisting of seven fibers has been implemented.The design and characterization of this prototype is the subject of this thesis.As a starting point, numerical simulations have been performed in order to estimate the maximum tolerable mismatches between the spatial and spectral properties of the beams.Based on this modeling work, a seven fiber CBC system has been assembled and characterized. The obtained results are very promising and imply that our setup is well suited for the accommodation of all 61 fibers of the final XCAN demonstrator.
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Applications Of Linear And Nonlinear Optical Effects In Liquid CrystalsSarkissian, Hakob 01 January 2006 (has links)
Liquid crystals have been a major subject of research for the past decades. Aside from the variety of structures they can form, they exhibit a vast range of optical phenomena. Many of these phenomena found applications in technology and became an essential part of it. In this dissertation thesis we continue the line to propose a number of new applications of optical effects in liquid crystals and develop their theoretical framework. One such application is the possibility of beam combining using Orientational Stimulated Scattering in a nematic liquid crystal cell. Our numerical study of the OSS process shows that normally this possibility does not exist. However, we found that if a number of special conditions is satisfied efficient beam combining with OSS can be done. These conditions require a combination of special geometric arrangement of incident beams, their profiles, nematic material, and more. When these conditions are fulfilled, power of the beamlets can be coherently combined into a single beam, with high conversion efficiency while the shape and wave-front of the output beam are still of good quality. We also studied the dynamics of the OSS process itself and observed (in a numerical model) a number of notorious instabilities caused by effects of back-conversion iv process. Additionally, there was found a numerical solitary-wave solution associated with this back-conversion process. As a liquid crystal display application, we consider a nematic liquid crystal layer with the anisotropy axis modulated at a fixed rate in the transverse direction with respect to light propagation direction. If the layer locally constitutes a half-wave plate, then the thinscreen approximation predicts 100% -efficient diffraction of normal incident wave. If this diffracted light is blocked by an aperture only transmitting the zero-th order, the cell is in dark state. If now the periodic structure is washed out by applying voltage across the cell and light passes through the cell undiffracted, the light will pass through the aperture as well and the cell will be in its bright state. Such properties of this periodically aligned nematic layer suggest it as a candidate element in projection display cells. We studied the possibility to implement such layer through anchoring at both surfaces of the cell. It was found that each cell has a thickness threshold for which the periodic structure can exist. The anchored periodic structure cannot exist if thickness of the cell exceeds this threshold. For the case when the periodic structure exists, we found the structure distortion in comparison with the preferable ideal sinusoidal profile. To complete description of the electromechanical properties of the periodic cell, we studied its behavior at Freedericksz transition. Optical performance was successfully described with the coupled-mode theory. While influence of director distortion is shown to be negligibly small, the walk-off effects appear to be larger. In summary, there are good prospects for use of this periodically v aligned cell as a pixel in projection displays but experimental study and optimization need to be performed. In the next part we discuss another modulated liquid crystal structure in which the director periodically swings in the direction of light propagation. The main characteristic of such structure is the presence of bandgap. Cholesteric liquid crystals are known to possess bandgap for one of two circular polarizations of light. However, unlike the cholesterics the bandgap of the proposed structure is independent of polarization of normally incident light. This means that no preparation of light is needed in order for the structure to work in, for example, liquid crystal displays. The polarization universality comes at the cost of bandgap size, whose maximum possible value ∆ωPTN compared to that of cholesterics ∆ωCh is approximately twice smaller: ∆ωPTN ≈ 0.58∆ωCh if modulation profile is sinusoidal, and ∆ωPTN ≈ 0.64∆ωCh if it is rectangular. This structure has not yet been experimentally demonstrated, and we discuss possible ways to make it.
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Applications Of Volume Holographic Elements In High Power Fiber LasersJain, Apurva 01 January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to explore the use of volume holographic elements recorded in photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass for power scaling of narrow linewidth diffraction-limited fiber lasers to harness high average power and high brightness beams. Single fiber lasers enable kW level output powers limited by optical damage, thermal effects and non-linear effects. Output powers can be further scaled using large mode area fibers, however, at the cost of beam quality and instabilities due to the presence of higher order modes. The mechanisms limiting the performance of narrow-linewidth large mode area fiber lasers are investigated and solutions using intra-cavity volume Bragg gratings (VBG) proposed. Selfpulsations-free, completely continuous-wave operation of a VBG-stabilized unidirectional fiber ring laser is demonstrated with quasi single-frequency ( < 7.5 MHz) output. A method for transverse mode selection in multimode fiber lasers to reduce higher order mode content and stabilize the output beam profile is developed using angular selectivity of reflecting VBGs. By placing the VBG output coupler in a convergent beam, stabilization of the far-field beam profile of a 20 μm core large mode area fiber laser is demonstrated. Beam combining techniques are essential to power scale beyond the limitations of single laser sources. Several beam combining techniques relevant to fiber lasers were compared in this study and found to be lacking in one or more of the following aspects: the coherence of the individual sources is compromised, the far-field beam quality is highly degraded with significant power in iv side lobes, spectrally broad and unstable, and uncertainty over scaling to larger arrays and higher power. Keeping in mind the key requirements of coherence, good far-field beam quality, narrow and stable spectra, and scalability in both array size and power, a new passive coherent beam combining technique using multiplexed volume Bragg gratings (M-VBGs) is proposed. In order to understand the mechanism of radiation exchange between multiple beams via these complex holographic optical elements, the spectral and beam splitting properties a 2nd order reflecting M-VBG recorded in PTR glass is experimentally investigated using a tunable single frequency seed laser. Two single-mode Yb-doped fiber lasers are then coherently combined using reflecting M-VBGs in both linear and unidirectional-ring resonators with > 90% combining efficiency and diffraction-limited beam quality. It is demonstrated that the combining bandwidth can be controlled in the range of 100s of pm to a few pm by angular detuning of the M-VBG. Very narrow-linewidth ( < 210 MHz) operation in a linear cavity and possibility of singlefrequency operation in a unidirectional ring cavity of the coherently combined system is demonstrated using this technique. It is theoretically derived and experimentally demonstrated that high combining efficiency can be achieved even by multiplexing low-efficiency VBGs, with the required diffraction efficiency of individual VBGs decreasing as array size increases. Scaling of passive coherent beam combining to four fiber lasers is demonstrated using a 4th order transmitting M-VBG. Power scaling of this technique to 10 W level combined powers with 88% combining efficiency is demonstrated by passively combining two large mode area fiber lasers using a 2nd order reflecting M-VBG in a unidirectional ring resonator. High energy compact single-frequency sources are highly desired for several applications – one of which is as a seed for high power fiber amplifiers. Towards achieving the goal of a monolithic solid-state laser, a new gain medium having both photosensitive and luminescence properties is investigated – rare-earth doped PTR glass. First lasing is demonstrated in this new gain element in a VBG-stabilized external cavity.
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Development Of Thulium Fiber Lasers For High Average Power And High Peak Power OperationSims, Robert 01 January 2013 (has links)
High power thulium fiber lasers are useful for a number of applications in both continuous-wave and pulsed operating regimes. The use of thulium as a dopant has recently gained interest due to its large bandwidth, possibility of high efficiency, possibility of high power and long wavelength ~1.8 – 2.1 μm. The longer emission wavelength of Tm-doped fiber lasers compared to Yb- and/or Er-doped fiber lasers creates the possibility for higher peak power operation due to the larger nonlinear thresholds and reduced nonlinear phase accumulation. One primary interest in Tm-doped fiber lasers has been to scale to high average powers; however, the thermal and mechanical constraints of the fiber limit the average power out of a single-fiber aperture. One method to overcome the constraints of a single laser aperture is to spectrally combine the output from multiple lasers operating with different wavelengths into a single beam. In this thesis, results will be presented on the development of three polarized 100 W level laser systems that were wavelength stabilized for SBC. In addition to the development of the laser channels, the beams were combined using bandpass filters to achieve a single near diffraction-limited output. Concurrently, with the development of high average power systems there is an increasing interest in femotosecond pulse generation and amplification using Tm- doped fiber lasers. High peak power sources operating near 2 µm have the potential to be efficient pump sources to generate mid-infrared light through supercontinuum generation or optical parametric oscillators. This thesis focuses on the development of a laser system utilizing chirped pulse amplification (CPA) to achieve record level energies and peak powers for ultrashort pulses in Tm-doped fiber. iv A mode-locked oscillator was built to generate femtosecond pulses operating with pJ energy. Pulses generated in the mode-locked oscillator were limited to low energies and contained spectral modulation due to the mode-locking mechanism, therefore, a Raman-soliton self-frequency shift (Raman-SSFS) amplifier was built to amplify pulses, decrease the pulse duration, and spectrally clean pulses. These pulses were amplified using chirped pulse amplification (CPA) in which, limiting factors for amplification were examined and a high peak power system was built. The primary limiting factors of CPA in fibers include the nonlinear phase accumulation, primarily through self-phase modulation (SPM), and gain narrowing. Gain narrowing was examined by temporally stretching pulses in a highly nonlinear fiber that both stretched the pulse duration and broadened the spectrum. A high peak power CPA system amplified pulses to 1 µJ energy with 300 fs compressed pulses, corresponding to a peak power >3 MW. High peak power pulses were coupled into highly nonlinear fibers to generate supercontinuum
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Holographic Recording and Applications of Multiplexed Volume Bragg Gratings in Photo-thermo-refractive GlassOtt, Daniel 01 January 2014 (has links)
Recent developments in holographic recording of volume Bragg gratings (VBGs) in photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass have demonstrated their utility as components in high power laser systems for spectral narrowing, transverse mode control, beam combining, and pulse stretching/compression. VBG structures are capable of diffracting incident light into a single diffraction order with high efficiency given the Bragg condition is met. The Bragg condition depends on both the wavelength and angle of the incident light making VBGs useful for filtering and manipulating both the wavelength and angular spectrum of a source. This dissertation expands upon previous research in PTR VBGs by investigating multiplexed VBGs and their applications in laser systems. Multiplexing involves the integration of several VBGs into the same volume of PTR glass. This process enables the fabrication of splitting and combining elements which have been used for high power beam combining with significantly reduced complexity as compared to other combining schemes. Several configurations of multiplexed beam combiners were demonstrated for both spectral and coherent combining systems with high power results yielding a combined power of 420 W with 96% efficiency. Multiplexing was also used to produce unique phase structures within VBGs. This effect was exploited to create extremely narrowband spectral filters called moire Bragg gratings. The technical challenges of producing moire gratings in bulk glass have revealed new insights into the use of PTR glass as a recording medium and produced devices capable of narrowband filtering of only 15 pm in the near infrared. Experiments were performed using such devices as intra-cavity laser elements for longitudinal mode selection. Investigations have also been made into increasing the level of multiplexing possible within PTR glass. These explorations included scaling the number of beam combining channels, fabrication of integrated multi-notch filters, and generated several other potentially interesting devices for future research. The summation of this work indicates a promising future for multiplexed VBGs in PTR glass.
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Dense Spectral Beam Combining With Volume Bragg Gratings In Photo-thermo-refractive GlassAndrusyak, Oleksiy 01 January 2009 (has links)
Beam combining techniques have become an important tool in the design of high-power high-brightness laser systems. Spectral beam combining (SBC) is an incoherent combining technique that does not require phase control of sources, allowing for a stable and robust system. Using SBC, beams from an array of lasers with each element operated at a different wavelength are combined into a single near-diffraction-limited beam with the same aperture using dispersive optical elements. SBC by means of volume Bragg gratings (VBGs) utilizes unique spectral response of VBGs: diffraction efficiency is close to unity when the Bragg condition is satisfied and is close to zero at multiple points corresponding to particular wavelength offsets from Bragg condition. High-efficiency VBGs can be recorded in UV-sensitive photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass. Narrow-band reflecting VBGs allow multi-channel SBC with high spectral density of channels. In this dissertation, experimental results of SBC with high spectral density of combined channels in two spectral regions of interest (1064 and 1550 nm) are reported. The behavior of narrow-band VBGs under high-power laser radiation is investigated. A laser system with kW-level output power and near-diffraction-limited divergence of spectrally-combined output beam is demonstrated. The system combines five randomly-polarized Yb-doped fiber lasers with 0.5 nm spectral separation in central wavelengths using narrow-band reflecting VBGs with absolute efficiency of combining > 90%. A novel design of a multi-channel high-power SBC system is suggested. In this approach, a common-cavity is created for all channels such that wavelengths of the sources are passively controlled by the combination of a common output coupler and intra-cavity VBGs which also act as combining elements. Laser wavelengths are automatically selected to match resonant wavelengths of respective VBGs. We report successful demonstration of a passively-controlled SBC system consisting of two amplifiers in a common cavity configuration. A compact and rugged monolithic SBC module based on multiplexed VBGs is introduced. Experimental results of a four-channel implementation of such module are discussed. Modular design of high-power laser systems is suggested with multiple modules arranged in a series. We show that with basic combining parameters achieved up to date, laser systems with 10 kW output power can be constructed using this arrangement. Further scaling to 100 kW power level is discussed.
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