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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Fast and Efficient Method for Power Distribution Network Reconfiguration

Ekstrand, Aaron Jordan 01 May 2017 (has links)
We have proposed a method by which the topology of a network might be discovered through an algorithm like the distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm. We have explored the inner workings of two methods to automate power distribution network reconfiguration, the ILP Solver and the Heuristic Solver. We have seen how networks of different shapes can be translated into a flattened topology, which is necessary preprocessing to find a power assignment solution for a network. We have also seen some experimental results comparing the performance of the ILP Solver and the Heuristic Solver. The Heuristic Solver is a very fast, efficient algorithm to reconfigure power distribution, which is important in the case of an emergency. It performs consistently with near perfect results at a speed that is orders of magnitude quicker than the ILP Solver in almost all cases. In an application where a network is small and time is not an important constraint, the ILP Solver could possibly be preferable, but in any context where time is sensitive and near-perfect results are as acceptable as perfect results, the Heuristic Solver is much preferable. There is always room for improvement. Future tests should perhaps allow for non-integer capacity units, or loads that require other values than unit capacity. Optimizing each algorithm by rewriting them in C could give more optimized tests, though this may not be necessary to make judgments about implementing one or the other. There may be some ways to improve the Heuristic Solver, such as arranging the ordered_links in some way that could be more optimal. The algorithm could also be improved by taking advantage of the fact that once there are no more sources with capacity to provide any loads, the process of trying to assign loads to them for power supply can cease. Perhaps this method could be combined with other methods that do not presently account for load priorities or place as much value on fast execution.

Systém pro návrh optických sítí FTTH

Starý, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The thesis explains the principle of optical conduction and describes its possible structures. It also deals with the automation of designing, projecting, constructing FTTH optical networks, processing RUIAN data, creating plugins into the QGIS geographic information system and implementing them using the Python programming language.

Optimal design of urban sewer systems

Saldarriaga, Juan 04 March 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los sistemas de drenaje urbano, también conocidos como sistemas de alcantarillado, tienen el propósito de drenar tanto las aguas lluvias como las aguas residuales de nuestras ciudades. Estos sistemas son una de las diferentes infraestructuras civiles que permiten el correcto funcionamiento de las ciudades actuales. Los sistemas de alcantarillados pluviales se encargan de mover las aguas lluvias que caen en la ciudad en forma segura y en un tiempo razonable, sin permitir inundaciones, hacia los cuerpos receptores naturales localizados aguas abajo. Los sistemas de alcantarillado sanitario, por otra parte, tienen el objetivo de recolectar las aguas servidas, de origen domiciliario, industrial y comercial, y trasportarlas en forma segura hacia una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales antes de enviarlas en forma definitiva hacia un cuerpo receptor o hacia un sistema de reuso, en caso de que este exista. Ambos tipos de alcantarillado, pero particularmente los sanitarios, tienen un profundo impacto sobre la salud pública con implicaciones sobre la viabilidad de una ciudad. La infraestructura de drenaje urbano existente plantea nuevos retos a la ingeniería hidráulica urbana. Por un lado, los sistemas de drenaje de aguas lluvias, además de verse sometidos a problemas de envejecimiento con deterioros de materiales y asentamientos de suelos, se están enfrentando a serios problemas causados por el Cambio Climático. En muchas ciudades este fenómeno está implicando cambios radicales en la hidrología urbana; en muchas ciudades las intensidades y frecuencias de los eventos de lluvia están aumentando con lo cual los sistemas existentes, que fueron diseñados para hidrologías diferentes, se quedan sin capacidad aumentando la frecuencia de las inundaciones urbanas con sus consecuencias sobre la seguridad y salud humana. Por otro lado, los sistemas sanitarios también presentan retos a la ingeniería por problemas de aumento de la densidad poblacional de las ciudades, la falta de resiliencia ante eventos externos como sismos, y a problemas de calidad de agua en los cuerpos receptores al interior de las zonas urbanas, en las aguas freáticas y las corrientes naturales de agua. Estos sistemas también se ven afectados por el deterioro de los materiales y los problemas de asentamiento de los suelos. Ahora, un problema diferente es la no existencia de sistemas de drenaje urbano en muchas ciudades de nuestro mundo, particularmente en aquellas localizadas en países en vías de desarrollo. En la gran mayoría de esos casos, esa falta de alcantarillados es causada por el alto costo de esa infraestructura cuya construcción hace inviable para los gobiernos locales. Además, el crecimiento de las zonas urbanas en esos países agrava el problema. No solamente la infraestructura necesaria se hace más grande y compleja, sino que aumentan los problemas de salud pública asociados con la falta de sanidad ambiental. Por consiguiente, el reto para la ingeniería hidráulica urbana moderna es lograr un mayor acceso a ese servicio esencial. Una de las formas de resolverlo es bajando los costos de construcción y operación de los sistemas de drenaje, haciéndolos financieramente viables a la vez que se mantienen su resiliencia y seguridad. De esta manera se ayudará a cumplir con el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible No. 6 Agua Limpia y Saneamiento. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el objetivo de esta tesis fue proponer una metodología que llevara al diseño de mínimo costo de redes de alcantarillado convencionales, manteniendo su resiliencia y facilidad de operación, a la vez que se cumplieran todas las restricciones hidráulicas, constructivas y de operación que, de acuerdo con la experiencia empírica internacional, son las apropiadas para garantizar un correcto comportamiento del sistema de drenaje. El diseño optimizado de una red de alcantarillado está compuesto por dos partes mutuamente dependientes: la selección del árbol y el diseño hidráulico. En esta tesis se resolvieron / [CA] Els sistemes de drenatge urbà, també coneguts com a sistemes de clavegueram, tenen el propòsit de drenar tant les aigües pluges com les aigües residuals de les nostres ciutats. Aquests sistemes són una de les diferents infraestructures civils que permeten el correcte funcionament de les ciutats actuals. Els sistemes de claveguerams pluvials s'encarreguen de moure les aigües pluges que cauen a la ciutat en forma segura i en un temps raonable, sense permetre inundacions, cap als cossos receptors naturals localitzats aigües avall. Els sistemes de clavegueram sanitari, d'altra banda, tenen l'objectiu de recol·lectar les aigües servides, d'origen domiciliari, industrial i comercial, i transportar-les en forma segura cap a una planta de tractament d'aigües residuals abans d'enviar-les en forma definitiva cap a un cos receptor o cap a un sistema de reuse, en cas que aquest existisca. Tots dos tipus de clavegueram, però particularment els sanitaris, tenen un profund impacte sobre la salut pública amb implicacions sobre la viabilitat d'una ciutat. La infraestructura de drenatge urbà existent planteja nous reptes a l'enginyeria hidràulica urbana. D'una banda, els sistemes de drenatge d'aigües pluges, a més de veure's sotmesos a problemes d'envelliment amb deterioracions de materials i assentaments de sòls, s'estan enfrontant a seriosos problemes causats pel Canvi Climàtic. En moltes ciutats aquest fenomen està implicant canvis radicals en la hidrologia urbana; en moltes ciutats les intensitats i freqüències dels esdeveniments de pluja estan augmentant amb la qual cosa els sistemes existents, que van ser dissenyats per a hidrologies diferents, es queden sense capacitat augmentant la freqüència de les inundacions urbanes amb les seues conseqüències sobre la seguretat i salut humana. D'altra banda, els sistemes sanitaris també presenten reptes a l'enginyeria per problemes d'augment de la densitat poblacional de les ciutats, la falta de resiliència davant esdeveniments externs com a sismes, i a problemes de qualitat d'aigua en els cossos receptors a l'interior de les zones urbanes, en les aigües freàtiques i els corrents naturals d'aigua. Aquests sistemes també es veuen afectats per la deterioració dels materials i els problemes d'assentament dels sòls. Ara, un problema diferent és la no existència de sistemes de drenatge urbà en moltes ciutats del nostre món, particularment en aquelles localitzades en països en vies de desenvolupament. En la gran majoria d'aqueixos casos, aqueixa falta de claveguerams és causada per l'alt cost d'aqueixa infraestructura la construcció de la qual fa inviable per als governs locals. A més, el creixement de les zones urbanes en aqueixos països agreuja el problema. No solament la infraestructura necessària es fa més gran i complexa, sinó que augmenten els problemes de salut pública associats amb la falta de sanitat ambiental. Per consegüent, el repte per a l'enginyeria hidràulica urbana moderna és aconseguir un major accés a aqueix servei essencial. Una de les maneres de resoldre-ho és baixant els costos de construcció i operació dels sistemes de drenatge, fent-los financerament viables alhora que es mantenen la seua resiliència i seguretat. D'aquesta manera s'ajudarà a complir amb l'Objectiu de Desenvolupament Sostenible No. 6 Aigua Neta i Sanejament. Tenint en compte l'anterior, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi va ser proposar una metodologia que portara al disseny de mínim cost de xarxes de clavegueram convencionals, mantenint la seua resiliència i facilitat d'operació, alhora que es compliren totes les restriccions hidràuliques, constructives i d'operació que, d'acord amb l'experiència empírica internacional, són les apropiades per a garantir un correcte comportament del sistema de drenatge. El disseny optimitzat d'una xarxa de clavegueram està compost per dues parts mútuament dependents: la selecció de l'arbre i el disseny hidràulic. En aquesta tesi es van resoldre els dos problemes en forma separada des del punt / [EN] Urban drainage systems, also known as sewer systems, have the purpose of draining both rainwater and wastewater from our cities. These systems are one of the different civil infrastructures that allow the proper functioning of modern cities. Stormwater systems are responsible for moving the rainwater that falls in the city safely and in a reasonable time, without allowing flooding, to the natural receiving bodies located downstream. On the other hand, wastewater systems are designed to collect sewage from domestic, industrial, and commercial sources and transport it safely to a wastewater treatment plant before sending it definitively to a receiving body or to a reuse system, if available. Both types of sewer systems, but particularly wastewater systems, have an extensive impact on public health with implications for the viability of a city. The existing urban drainage infrastructure presents new challenges to urban hydraulic engineering. On the one hand, stormwater systems, in addition to being subjected to aging problems with deterioration of materials and soil settlement, are facing serious problems caused by climate change. In many cities this phenomenon is implying radical changes in urban hydrology; intensities and frequencies of rainfall events are increasing so that the existing systems, which were designed for different hydrological conditions, are running out of capacity, increasing the frequency of urban flooding with its consequences on safety and human health. On the other hand, wastewater systems also present engineering challenges due to problems of increasing population density in cities, lack of resilience to external events such as earthquakes, and water quality problems in receiving waters within urban areas, in groundwater, and natural water currents. These systems are also affected by the deterioration of materials and soil settlement problems. Now, a different problem is the non-existence of urban drainage systems in many cities of the world, particularly in those located in developing countries. In the vast majority of these cases, the lack of sewers is caused by the high cost of this infrastructure, making its construction unfeasible for local governments. In addition, the growth of urban areas in these countries exacerbates the problem. Not only does the necessary infrastructure become larger and more complex, but the public health problems associated with the lack of environmental sanitation increase. Therefore, the challenge for modern urban water engineering is to achieve greater access to this essential service. One way to solve this is by lowering the construction and operating costs of drainage systems, making them financially viable while maintaining their resilience and safety. This will help meet Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 Clean Water and Sanitation. Considering the above, the aim of this thesis was to propose a methodology that would lead to the minimum cost design of conventional sewer networks, maintaining their resilience and ease of operation, while complying with all the hydraulic, constructive, and operational restrictions that, according to international empirical experience, are appropriate to guarantee a correct behavior of the drainage system. The optimized design of a sewer network is composed of two mutually dependent parts: the layout selection and the hydraulic design. In this thesis, the two problems were solved separately from a mathematical point of view, maintaining their interdependence through an iterative process. For a given layout, which could be random for a first iteration, the hydraulic design problem was solved as a shortest path problem using the Bellman-Ford algorithm that guarantees the global minimum cost for that layout. The problem is model as a directed graph in which the nodes represent the combination of diameters and invert elevations at every manhole, and the arcs represent the diameter and upstream and downstream invert elevation of a specific pi / Saldarriaga, J. (2024). Optimal design of urban sewer systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202962 / Compendio

Využití distribuovaných a stochastických algoritmů v síti / Application of distributed and stochastic algorithms in network.

Yarmolskyy, Oleksandr Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with the distributed and stochastic algorithms including testing their convergence in networks. The theoretical part briefly describes above mentioned algorithms, including their division, problems, advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, two distributed algorithms and two stochastic algorithms are chosen. The practical part is done by comparing the speed of convergence on various network topologies in Matlab.

Využití distribuovaných a stochastických algoritmů v síti / Application of distributed and stochastic algorithms in network.

Yarmolskyy, Oleksandr January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the distributed and stochastic algorithms including testing their convergence in networks. The theoretical part briefly describes above mentioned algorithms, including their division, problems, advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, two distributed algorithms and two stochastic algorithms are chosen. The practical part is done by comparing the speed of convergence on various network topologies in Matlab.

Využití distribuovaných a stochastických algoritmů v síti / Application of distributed and stochastic algorithms in network.

Yarmolskyy, Oleksandr January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the distributed and stochastic algorithms, including testing their convergence in networks. The theoretical part briefly describes above mentioned algorithms, including their division, problems, advantages and disadvantages. Futhermore, two distributed algorithms and two stochastic algorithms are chosen. The practical part is done by comparing the speed of convergence on various network topologies in MATLAB.

Teorie grafů - implementace vybraných problémů / Graph theory - implementation of selected problems

Stráník, František January 2009 (has links)
This work is intended on identification with basic problems from the graphs theory area. There are the basic conceptions as well more complicated problems described. The one part of this work is specialized in working of individual types of graphs. It starts with single linked list through double linked list after as much as trees which represented the simplest graphs textures. The other part of this work devotes to the whole graph and describes more complicated problems and their resolution from the theory graphs area. Among these problems belongs to searching in graphs help by Depth First Search and Breadth First Search methods. Then searching the shortest way help by the specific algorithms as are: Dijkstra´s algorithm, Floyd-Warshall´s algorithm and Bellman-Ford´s algorithm. The last part is devoted to problems with searching minimal frames of graphs with usage Kruskal´s algorithm, Jarnik´s algorithm and Boruvka´s algorithm methods.

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