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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudos da modificação da resina não-iônica Amberlite XAD-7 com monoetanolamina (MEA) para retenção de espécies de S(IV) / Studies about the loading of monoethanolamine (MEA) onto the non-ionic Amberlite XAD-7 resin for retention of S(IV) species

Ferreira, Flavia Alves 30 August 2007 (has links)
A monoetanolamina (MEA) é um composto bifuncional pertencente à classe dos amino-álcoois, muito utilizado em processos industriais envolvendo a remoção de gases ácidos como SO2 , CO2 e H2S. A resina Amberlite XAD-7 é uma resina não-iônica de polaridade intermediária muito utilizada em procedimentos de pré-concentração de compostos orgânicos e íons metálicos. Neste trabalho, estudou-se a interação entre a superfície da resina XAD-7 e a MEA. Massas conhecidas da resina foram colocadas em contato com soluções de MEA em concentrações conhecidas, sob agitação durante certo intervalo de tempo. A quantidade de MEA adsorvida foi calculada considerando-se a diferença entre a concentração inicial e a concentração remanescente no sobrenadante, ambas obtidas a partir de medidas de absorbância, com utilização da reação de Berthelot modificada. Modelos cinéticos de pseudo-primeira e -segunda ordens, além do modelo de difusão intra-partícula, foram aplicados aos dados experimentais obtidos no estudo cinético. Entre estes modelos aplicados, o de pseudo-segunda ordem apresentou excelente ajuste aos dados experimentais. O estudo realizado em um determinado tempo de contato e variando-se a concentração inicial de MEA forneceu resultados experimentais que foram aplicados a três modelos de isotermas (Langmuir, Freundlich e Dubinin-Radushkevich). Destes ajustes, que mostraram excelente concordância, foram obtidos diferentes parâmetros termodinâmicos que definiram algumas características do processo de adsorção. Finalmente, estudos preliminares evidenciaram a retenção de SO32- na superfície da resina XAD-7 modificada com MEA, mostrando a possibilidade da utilização da XAD- 2 7/MEA para extração de SO32- presente em soluções ou de SO2 recolhido em solução alcalina. / Monoethanolamine (MEA) is a bifunctional compound which belongs to the amino- alcohol group, and it is widely used in industrial \"sweetening process\", which is based on the acidic gas (such as SO2 , CO2 and H2S) absorption. Amberlite XAD-7 is a non-polar resin with an intermediate polarity used to pre-concentrate organic compounds and transition metals. In this work, the interaction between the resin surface and MEA was studied. Known amounts of the resin were kept in contact with aqueous solutions of MEA and shaked under a constant rotation and during some defined intervals of time. The amount of adsorbed MEA was calculated as the difference between the initial concentration and remained concentration in the supernatant solution, which was determined applying the Berthelot´s reaction and the spectrophotometry. Kinetic models of pseudo-first and -second orders and intra-particle diffusion model were applied on experimental data collected from the kinetic study. Among these methods, the pseudo-second order model fulled fit on those experimental data. The experiments carried out under a constant time, but by changing the initial MEA concentration, led to other experimental data which were applied to three different isotherm models (Langmuir, Freundlich e Dubinin-Radushkevich). Each model showed a good fit, and for each one, different thermodynamic parameters were calculated and used to describe some adsorption characteristics. Finally, preliminary studies on the retention of SO32- onto the resin surface, previously modified with MEA, showed the possibility to extract SO32- found in aqueous solutions or SO2 recovered in alkaline media.

Estudos da modificação da resina não-iônica Amberlite XAD-7 com monoetanolamina (MEA) para retenção de espécies de S(IV) / Studies about the loading of monoethanolamine (MEA) onto the non-ionic Amberlite XAD-7 resin for retention of S(IV) species

Flavia Alves Ferreira 30 August 2007 (has links)
A monoetanolamina (MEA) é um composto bifuncional pertencente à classe dos amino-álcoois, muito utilizado em processos industriais envolvendo a remoção de gases ácidos como SO2 , CO2 e H2S. A resina Amberlite XAD-7 é uma resina não-iônica de polaridade intermediária muito utilizada em procedimentos de pré-concentração de compostos orgânicos e íons metálicos. Neste trabalho, estudou-se a interação entre a superfície da resina XAD-7 e a MEA. Massas conhecidas da resina foram colocadas em contato com soluções de MEA em concentrações conhecidas, sob agitação durante certo intervalo de tempo. A quantidade de MEA adsorvida foi calculada considerando-se a diferença entre a concentração inicial e a concentração remanescente no sobrenadante, ambas obtidas a partir de medidas de absorbância, com utilização da reação de Berthelot modificada. Modelos cinéticos de pseudo-primeira e -segunda ordens, além do modelo de difusão intra-partícula, foram aplicados aos dados experimentais obtidos no estudo cinético. Entre estes modelos aplicados, o de pseudo-segunda ordem apresentou excelente ajuste aos dados experimentais. O estudo realizado em um determinado tempo de contato e variando-se a concentração inicial de MEA forneceu resultados experimentais que foram aplicados a três modelos de isotermas (Langmuir, Freundlich e Dubinin-Radushkevich). Destes ajustes, que mostraram excelente concordância, foram obtidos diferentes parâmetros termodinâmicos que definiram algumas características do processo de adsorção. Finalmente, estudos preliminares evidenciaram a retenção de SO32- na superfície da resina XAD-7 modificada com MEA, mostrando a possibilidade da utilização da XAD- 2 7/MEA para extração de SO32- presente em soluções ou de SO2 recolhido em solução alcalina. / Monoethanolamine (MEA) is a bifunctional compound which belongs to the amino- alcohol group, and it is widely used in industrial \"sweetening process\", which is based on the acidic gas (such as SO2 , CO2 and H2S) absorption. Amberlite XAD-7 is a non-polar resin with an intermediate polarity used to pre-concentrate organic compounds and transition metals. In this work, the interaction between the resin surface and MEA was studied. Known amounts of the resin were kept in contact with aqueous solutions of MEA and shaked under a constant rotation and during some defined intervals of time. The amount of adsorbed MEA was calculated as the difference between the initial concentration and remained concentration in the supernatant solution, which was determined applying the Berthelot´s reaction and the spectrophotometry. Kinetic models of pseudo-first and -second orders and intra-particle diffusion model were applied on experimental data collected from the kinetic study. Among these methods, the pseudo-second order model fulled fit on those experimental data. The experiments carried out under a constant time, but by changing the initial MEA concentration, led to other experimental data which were applied to three different isotherm models (Langmuir, Freundlich e Dubinin-Radushkevich). Each model showed a good fit, and for each one, different thermodynamic parameters were calculated and used to describe some adsorption characteristics. Finally, preliminary studies on the retention of SO32- onto the resin surface, previously modified with MEA, showed the possibility to extract SO32- found in aqueous solutions or SO2 recovered in alkaline media.

Multi-capteurs chimiques de chloramines et de chloroforme à transduction optique. Application à la surveillance de la qualité de l’air dans les piscines / Multi-chemical sensor for the optical detection of chloramines and chloroform. Application for monitoring the air quality in pools

Nguyen, Trung Hieu 04 February 2014 (has links)
Le chlore est largement utilisé pour ses propriétés bactéricides dans les piscines. Dans les eaux de piscine, le chlore réagit avec les matières azotées et carbonées générées par l’activité humaine (sueur, salive, urine, peau) pour former divers composés toxiques tels que la monochloramine (NH2Cl), la dichloramine (NHCl2), le trichlorure d'azote (NCl3), le chloroforme (CHCl3), etc… qui se retrouvent dans l’atmosphère. La détection et la quantification de ces composés volatils à des teneurs ppb (partie par milliard) est un réel besoin afin de contrôler la qualité de l’air des piscines. Cependant il n’existe pas à ce jour des appareils à la fois sensibles et peu coûteux.L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’élaborer des capteurs chimiques colorimétriques, sensibles, sélectifs et peu coûteux de la monochloramine, du trichlorure d’azote et du chloroforme. Dans ce but, nous avons mis au point des capteurs chimiques réalisés à partir de matrices nanoporeuses de silicate dopée des réactifs. Ainsi le capteur de NCl3 dopé de NaI et d’amylose permet de mesurer de faibles teneurs de NCl3 (5 ppb à 180 ppb) dans les atmosphères humides (50-80% HR) des piscines. Grâce au changement rapide de couleur, de transparent à rose-violet, visible à l’œil nu, le capteur de NCl3 permet de surveiller la qualité de l’air dans les piscines. Le capteur sélectif de NH2Cl est basé sur la réaction de Berthelot. La matrice de silicate nanoporeuse dopée de nitroprussiate de sodium et de phénol en milieu alcalin, initialement transparente, devient bleue lors d’une exposition à NH2Cl gazeux. Ce capteur permet de détecter NH2Cl dans la gamme de 60 à 250 ppb dans une atmosphère très humide (≈ 80%). Utilisé pour la sonder la qualité des eaux de piscine, il permet de mesurer NH2Cl dans l’eau avec une limite de détection de 0,1 µmol•L-1. Une étude préliminaire de la détection de CHCl3 a également été entreprise pour déterminer les molécules-sonde aptes à réagir avec le chloroforme en formant des produits colorés. Les réactifs de la réaction de Fujiwara ont été sélectionnés. L’étude de la réactivité de la 2,2’-bipyridine en solution en présence d’une base forte a permis de mettre en évidence la formation simultanée de deux composés colorés, dont la formation dépend de la nature de l’environnement réactionnel. / In swimming-pools, chlorine is used as a disinfectant to minimize the risk to users from microbial contaminants. In water, chlorine reacts with nitrogen compounds generated by human activity like saliva, sweat, urine and skin, leading to the formation of toxic compounds, such as monochloramine (NH2Cl), dichloramine (NHCl2), nitrogen trichloride (NCl3), chloroform (CHCl3), etc… The detection and the quantification of these volatile compounds at ppb level (part per billion) is an important and significant challenge to be able to monitor the air quality in swimming pool. Or, there is currently no commercially available and low-cost system which can instantaneously measure at ppb concentrations.The aim of this research is to develop a cheap, sensitive and selective chemical and colorimetric sensors of monochloramine, nitrogen trichloride and chloroform. For this purpose, we developed chemical sensors based on the use of nanoporous silicate matrices doped with probe-molecules. The NCl3 sensor doped with NaI and amylose can detect NCl3 at ppb level (5 ppb – 180 ppb) in humid atmospheres (from 50% to 80% relative humidity) at ambient pool temperatures. Due to the fast change of color, visible with naked eyes, these sensors can be used to detect peaks of pollution and to monitor the air quality of indoor pools. The NH2Cl selective sensor is based on the Berthelot reaction. The nanoporous silicate matrices doped with sodium nitroprusside and phenol in an alkaline medium, turn from transparent to blue upon exposure to gaseous NH2Cl. This sensor can detect NH2Cl in the range from 60 to 250 ppb in a very humid atmosphere (≈ 80%). Used to probe the quality of pool water, this sensor can detect NH2Cl in water with a detection limit of 0,1 µmol•L-1. A preliminary study of the CHCl3 detection was also conducted to identify probe-molecules capable of reacting with chloroform to form colored products. The reagents of the Fujiwara reaction were selected. The study of the 2,2’-bipyridine reactivity in solution in the presence of a strong base allowed highlighting the simultaneous formation of two colored compounds, whose formation depends on the nature of the reaction environment.

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