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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Some Computational Problems Related to Pseudo-intents

Sertkaya, Barış 16 June 2022 (has links)
We investigate the computational complexity of several decision, enumeration and counting problems related to pseudo-intents. We show that given a formal context and a set of its pseudo-intents, checking whether this context has an additional pseudo-intent is in conp and it is at least as hard as checking whether a given simple hypergraph is saturated. We also show that recognizing the set of pseudo-intents is also in conp and it is at least as hard as checking whether a given hypergraph is the transversal hypergraph of another given hypergraph. Moreover, we show that if any of these two problems turns out to be conp-hard, then unless p = np, pseudo-intents cannot be enumerated in output polynomial time. We also investigate the complexity of finding subsets of a given Duquenne-Guigues Base from which a given implication follows. We show that checking the existence of such a subset within a specified cardinality bound is np-complete, and counting all such minimal subsets is #p-complete.

Axiom Pinpointing in General Tableaux

Baader, Franz, Peñaloza, Rafael 16 June 2022 (has links)
Axiom pinpointing has been introduced in description logics (DLs) to help the user to understand the reasons why consequences hold and to remove unwanted consequences by computing minimal (maximal) subsets of the knowledge base that have (do not have) the consequence in question. The pinpointing algorithms described in the DL literature are obtained as extensions of the standard tableau-based reasoning algorithms for computing consequences from DL knowledge bases. Although these extensions are based on similar ideas, they are all introduced for a particular tableau-based algorithm for a particular DL. The purpose of this paper is to develop a general approach for extending a tableau-based algorithm to a pinpointing algorithm. This approach is based on a general definition of „tableaux algorithms,' which captures many of the known tableau-based algorithms employed in DLs, but also other kinds of reasoning procedures.

PDL with Negation of Atomic Programs

Lutz, Carsten, Walther, Dirk 30 May 2022 (has links)
Propositional dynamic logic (PDL) is one of the most succesful variants of modal logic. To make it even more useful for applications, many extensions of PDL have been considered in the literature. A very natural and useful such extension is with negation of programs. Unfortunately, it is long-known that reasoning with the resulting logic is undecidable. In this paper, we consider the extension of PDL with negation of atomic programs, only. We argue that this logic is still useful, e.g. in the context of description logics, and prove that satisfiability is decidable and EXPTIME-complete using an approach based on Büchi tree automata.

Reasoning about Entity Relationship Diagrams with Complex Attribute Dependencies

Lutz, Carsten 30 May 2022 (has links)
Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams are among the most popular formalisms for the support of database design [7, 12, 17, 6]. Their classical use in the (usually computer aided) database design process can roughly be described as follows: after evaluating the requirements of the application, the database designer constructs an ER schema, which represents the conceptual model of the new database. CASE tools can be used to automatically transform the ER schema into a relational database schema, which is then manually fine-tuned. During the last years, the initially rather simple ER formalisms has been extended by various means of expressivity to account for new, more complex application areas such as schema integration for data warehouses [12, 3, 13]. Designing a conceptual model with such enriched ER diagrams is a nontrivial task: there exist complex interactions between the various means of expressivity, which quite often result in unnoticed inconsistencies in the ER schemas and in implicit ramifications of the modeling that have not been intended by the designer. To address this problem, Description Logics (DLs) have been proposed and succesfully used as a tool for reasoning about ER diagrams and thereby detecting the aforementioned anomalies [5, 6, 8].

Learning description logic axioms from discrete probability distributions over description graphs: Extended Version

Kriegel, Francesco 20 June 2022 (has links)
Description logics in their standard setting only allow for representing and reasoning with crisp knowledge without any degree of uncertainty. Of course, this is a serious shortcoming for use cases where it is impossible to perfectly determine the truth of a statement. For resolving this expressivity restriction, probabilistic variants of description logics have been introduced. Their model-theoretic semantics is built upon so-called probabilistic interpretations, that is, families of directed graphs the vertices and edges of which are labeled and for which there exists a probability measure on this graph family. Results of scientific experiments, e.g., in medicine, psychology, or biology, that are repeated several times can induce probabilistic interpretations in a natural way. In this document, we shall develop a suitable axiomatization technique for deducing terminological knowledge from the assertional data given in such probabilistic interpretations. More specifically, we consider a probabilistic variant of the description logic EL⊥, and provide a method for constructing a set of rules, so-called concept inclusions, from probabilistic interpretations in a sound and complete manner.

Privacy-Preserving Ontology Publishing for EL Instance Stores: Extended Version

Baader, Franz, Kriegel, Francesco, Nuradiansyah, Adrian 20 June 2022 (has links)
We make a first step towards adapting an existing approach for privacypreserving publishing of linked data to Description Logic (DL) ontologies. We consider the case where both the knowledge about individuals and the privacy policies are expressed using concepts of the DL EL, which corresponds to the setting where the ontology is an EL instance store. We introduce the notions of compliance of a concept with a policy and of safety of a concept for a policy, and show how optimal compliant (safe) generalizations of a given EL concept can be computed. In addition, we investigate the complexity of the optimality problem.

Maybe Eventually? Towards Combining Temporal and Probabilistic Description Logics and Queries: Extended Version

Koopmann, Patrick 20 June 2022 (has links)
We present some initial results on ontology-based query answering with description logic ontologies that may employ temporal and probabilistic operators on concepts and axioms. Speci_cally, we consider description logics extended with operators from linear temporal logic (LTL), as well as subjective probability operators, and an extended query language in which conjunctive queries can be combined using these operators. We first show some complexity results for the setting in which either only temporal operators or only probabilistic operators may be used, both in the ontology and in the query, and then show a 2ExpSpace lower bound for the setting in which both types of operators can be used together. / This is an extended version of an article accepted at Description Logics 2019.

Projection in a Description Logic of Context with Actions: Extended Version

Tirtarasa, Satyadharma, Zarrieß, Benjamin 20 June 2022 (has links)
Projection is the problem of checking whether the execution of a given sequence of actions will achieve its goal starting from some initial state. In this paper, we study a setting where we combine a two-dimensional Description Logic of context (ConDL) with an action formalism. We choose a well-studied ConDL where both: the possible states of a dynamical system itself (object level) and also different context-dependent views on this system state (context level) are organised in relational structures and can be described using usual DL constructs. To represent how such a system and its views evolve we introduce a suitable action formalism. It allows to describe change on both levels. Furthermore, the observable changes on the object level due to an action execution can also be contextdependent. We show that the formalism is well-behaved in the sense that projection has the same complexity as standard reasoning tasks in case ALCO is the underlying DL.

Practical Query Rewriting for DL-Lite with Numerical Predicates: Extended Version

Alrabbaa, Christian, Koopmann, Patrick, Turhan, Anni-Yasmin 20 June 2022 (has links)
We present a method for answering ontology-mediated queries for DL-Lite extended with a concrete domain, where we allow concrete domain predicates to be used in the query as well. Our method is based on query rewriting, a well-known technique for ontology-based query answering (OBQA), where the knowledge provided by the ontology is compiled into the query so that the rewritten query can be evaluated directly over a database. This technique reduces the problem of query answering w.r.t. an ontology to query evaluation over a database instance. Specifically, we consider members of the DL-Lite family extended with unary and binary concrete domain predicates over the real numbers. While approaches for query rewriting DL-Lite with these concrete domain have been investigated theoretically, these approaches use a combined approach in which also the data is processed, and require the concrete domain values occurring in the data to be known in advance, which makes the procedure data-dependent. In contrast, we show how rewritings can be computed in a data-independent fashion.

Using model theory to find w-admissible concrete domains

Baader, Franz, Rydval, Jakub 20 June 2022 (has links)
Concrete domains have been introduced in the area of Description Logic to enable reference to concrete objects (such as numbers) and predefined predicates on these objects (such as numerical comparisons) when defining concepts. Unfortunately, in the presence of general concept inclusions (GCIs), which are supported by all modern DL systems, adding concrete domains may easily lead to undecidability. One contribution of this paper is to strengthen the existing undecidability results further by showing that concrete domains even weaker than the ones considered in the previous proofs may cause undecidability. To regain decidability in the presence of GCIs, quite strong restrictions, in sum called w-admissiblity, need to be imposed on the concrete domain. On the one hand, we generalize the notion of w-admissiblity from concrete domains with only binary predicates to concrete domains with predicates of arbitrary arity. On the other hand, we relate w-admissiblity to well-known notions from model theory. In particular, we show that finitely bounded, homogeneous structures yield w-admissible concrete domains. This allows us to show w-admissibility of concrete domains using existing results from model theory.

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