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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mountain birch seedlings above the sub-Arctic treeline : How do abiotic and biotic factors affect the growth? / Groddplantor av fjällbjörk ovan trädgränsen : Hur påverkar biotiska och abiotiska faktorer tillväxten?

Beckman, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Temperature is commonly suggested to be the most important regulating factor for the position of the treeline. But also other abiotic and biotic processes may influence. To understand treeline shifts, it is necessary to improve the knowledge about the treeline forming species and their establishment, growth and survival. What are the drivers behind the shifts? The abundance of other vegetation is previously reported to facilitate growth of seedlings above treeline and also warmer temperatures are commonly observed to improve growth.   This study observed growth of mountain birch seedlings during one growing season. The relative importance of environmental factors in relation to the amount of growth and abundance was investigated. The study was conducted in the area of Abisko, Northern Sweden, using 4 sites, where transects were established just above the treeline. The sites differed in the amount of mean precipitation and aspect of the slopes. The vegetation composition around the seedlings and at the average treeline was observed, soil temperatures measured and the aspect of the slope estimated   Seedling growth was observed at all sites, with the highest amount in the sites with most precipitation, Pålnoviken and Katterjåkk. The observed soil mean and maximum temperatures were consistently highest in the southern facing slopes of Jiebrenjåkk and Pålnoviken. The vegetation was mostly dominated by dwarf shrubs, herbaceous plant cover, mosses and bare ground, and did not differ between the seedlings and the average treeline. The best model for growth was found to be the combination of the factors site, herbaceous plant cover, litter and soil mean temperature. Herbaceous plant cover was observed to improve the amount of growth in the drier sites of Pålnoviken and Jiebrenjåkk.   The finding of mountain birch seedlings growing in all vegetation types along the treeline, indicates that they have no preference of vegetation type for establishment. However, the negative influence of bare ground on growth supports the theory that abundance of vegetation facilitates growth of seedlings. The highest amount of growth was found in the sites with most precipitation, suggesting this to be an important factor for growth. In contrast to the expectations, warmer soil temperatures and the south facing slopes did not affect growth positively. This could be explained by the extremely high temperatures of the summer that may have induced drought. Finally, the improved growth by herbaceous plant cover in the drier sites may be because of their preference of moisture and nutrient rich soils, that could also support the growth of mountain birch seedlings.

Treeline dynamics in short and long term perspectives : observational and historical evidence from the southern Swedish Scandes

Öberg, Lisa January 2013 (has links)
Treelines in high-mountain regions are constrained by heat deficiency, although the working mechanisms are still not entirely understood. Observational and paleoecological studies on treeline performance may contribute to increased understanding of the treeline phenomenon in general. The present thesis addresses elevational shifts of alpine treelines in the Swedish Scandes. By various analytical tools, the studies embrace widely different temporal scales. The concept treeline refers to the elevation (m a.s.l.) at a specific site of the upper individual tree of a certain tree species, at least 2 m tall. All the principal tree species in the Scandes are concerned, i.e. mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Paper I deals with regional treeline dynamics at more than 100 sites over the past 100 years. Concurrent with temperature rise by c. 1.4 °C over the same period, maximum treeline advances of all species amount to about 200 m. Thus, under ideal conditions, treelines respond in close equilibrium with air temperature evolution. However, over most parts of the landscape, treeline upshifts have been much smaller than 200 m, which relates to the combined action of geomorphology, wind, snow distribution and soil depth. After 1975, the birch has lost its role as the most rapidly advancing tree species, being superseded by pine and spruce. Paper II is a short-term (2005/2007-2010/2011) study of mountain birch treeline performance along a regional maritimity-continentality gradient. Upshift by 3.0 yr-1 in the maritime part of the gradient contrasts to retreat by 0.4 m yr-1 in the continental part. In the latter area, earlier and more complete melting of late-lying snow patches has seemingly progressed to a state when soil drought sets back the vigour of existing birches and precludes sexual regeneration and upslope advance of the treeline. In the maritime area, extensive and deep snow packs still exist above the treeline and constrain its position, although some release is taking place in the current warm climate. Paper III explores treeline change by phenotypic transformation of old-established stunted and prostrate spruce individuals (krummholz) growing high above the treeline and is based on analyses of radiocarbon-dated megafossils, preserved in the soil underneath clonal groups of spruce. Living spruce clones, which in some cases may date back to the early Holocene (9500 cal. yr BP), suggests that spruce immigrated from “cryptic” ice age refugia much closer to Scandinavia than conventionally thought. As the krummholz form presupposes open and windy habitats, it is inferred that permanently open spots prevailed in the high-mountain landscape even during periods when treelines in general were much higher than today. Paper IV reports radiocarbon dates of wood samples, retrieved from newly exposed glacier forefields at three main sites, located high above the modern treelines and embracing the entire Swedish Scandes. It appears that pine colonized early emerging nunataks already during the Late Glacial. Around 9600-9500 cal. yr BP a first massive wave of tree establishment, birch and pine, took place in “empty” glacier cirques. Both species grew 400-600 m above their present day treeline position and accordingly, the summer temperatures may have been 3.5 °C warmer than present (uncorrected for land uplift). During the entire interval 9600 to 4400 cal. yr BP, birch prospered 100-150 m above the uppermost pines. In response to Neoglacial cooling, treelines of both birch and pine descended until their final disappearance from the record 4400 and 5900 cal. yr BP, respectively. Thereafter, these habitats experienced increased snow accumulation and glacier inception. / Avhandlingen belyser förskjutningar i olika tidsskalor av den alpina trädgränsens läge i de svenska Skanderna. Trädgränsen definieras som den högsta nivån (m ö.h.) för minst 2 m höga individer av en viss art i en definierad del av en fjällsluttning. Avhandlingen består av fyra separata uppsatser, publicerade i olika välrenommerade vetenskapliga tidskrifter.  I Paper I analyseras förändringar av trädgränserna för fjällens vanligaste trädarter, fjällbjörk, gran och tall (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii, Picea abies och Pinus sylvestris) mellan 1915 och 2007. Undersökningen omfattar ett 8000 km2 stort, naturgeografiskt heterogent område, med mer än 100 lokaler. De maximala trädgränsförskjutningarna för samtliga trädarter uppgår till omkring 200 m. Resultaten motsvarar de trädgränsförskjutningar som teoretiskt kan förutsägas utifrån den temperaturhöjning med cirka 1,4 °C som skett under samma tidsperiod, förutsatt ideala förhållanden. För större delen av området råder emellertid andra, icke-ideala förhållanden, varför trädgränsernas uppflyttning i allmänhet blivit avsevärt mindre än 200 m. Den främsta anledningen till detta är lokala topoklimatiska begränsningar, d.v.s. kombinerade effekter av geomorfologi, vind, snöfördelning, jorddjup, etc., som i stora delar av det starkt brutna fjällandskapet mer eller mindre effektivt hindrar träden från att nå sina potentiellt högst belägna växtplatser betingade av temperaturen. Efter 1975 har björken förlorat sin roll som arten med den snabbast expanderande trädgränsen. I stället har tall och gran avancerat med större hastighet. Det innebär att även om klimatets uppvärmning fortsätter, så kommer det subalpina björkbältet att expandera i avsevärt mindre omfattning än vad som ofta förebådats. Möjligtvis kommer det att ersättas av tall. Paper II behandlar björkens trädgränsdynamik under perioden 2005/2007-2010/2011 längs en regional klimatgradient med avseende på maritimitet/kontientalitet. Trädgränsen har under den aktuella perioden avancerat 3,0 m/år i den maritimt präglade delen av gradienten, vilket kontrasterar signifikant mot en sänkning med 0,4 m/år i området med mer kontinentalt klimat. Skillnaderna diskuteras i termer av klimatförändringens varierande effekter på snötäckets utbredning och varaktighet och dess inverkan på markfuktigheten. En allt tidigare total utsmältning av snölegorna i de kontinentala områdena har av allt att döma resulterat i vattenbrist under sommaren. Torka medför reducerad vitalitet för existerande björkar och förhindrar både sexuell förökning och uppflyttning av trädgränsen. I de maritima delarna kvarligger alltjämt mycket snö under en stor del av sommaren. Trädgränsens position har därför kunnat bibehållas eller flyttas upp. Vissa omständigheter tyder på att trädgränsens stigning i högre grad har varit baserad på fröföryngring efter 1975, jämfört med perioden 1915-1975. Utgångspunkten för Paper III är erfarenheter från Paper I, som visar att trädgränsens uppflyttning för gran och björk huvudsakligen är resultatet av ökad höjdtillväxt av äldre, i vissa fall flertusenåriga, mer eller mindre buskformiga individer (krummholz), som vuxit på nivåer långt ovanför trädgränsen. Som ett svar på de senaste hundra årens varmare klimat har dessa antagit trädform, varigenom trädgränsen höjts. För en fördjupad förståelse av den här mekanismen har megafossil, d.v.s. grova vedrester bevarade i marken under gamla grankloner i trädgränsekotonen, 14C-daterats. Resultaten tyder på att granar i exponerad fjällmiljö kan uppnå i det närmaste ”evigt” liv genom sin förmåga till vegetativ förökning och möjligheten att växla mellan busk- och trädform i takt med klimatets växlingar. Vissa nu levande kloner existerade av allt att döma redan för 9500 år sedan. Den nu dokumenterat tidiga förekomsten av gran, bekräftar den på senare tid allt tydligare bilden av granen som en tidig invandrare till fjällkedjan. Möjligtvis har granen ”övervintrat” den senaste istiden närmare Skandinavien än vad som till helt nyligen varit den gängse uppfattningen. Paper IV behandlar en för Skandinavien ny metod för historisk trädgränsrekonstruktion. I uppsatsen analyseras 14C-dateringar av totalt 78 större veddelar (megafossil) som nyligen exponerats i anslutning till smältande glaciäris och ”perenna” snölegor i tre huvudområden, Helags-Sylarna, Tärna och Abisko, högt ovanför dagens trädgräns. Det framkommer att tall (Pinus sylvestris) koloniserade tidigt framsmälta nunatakker redan under senglacial tid. För omkring 9600-9500 år sedan inträffade en första massiv våg av björk- och talletablering i isfria glaciärnischer. Båda arterna växte 400-600 m ovanför sina nuvarande trädgränspositioner, i ett klimat som kan ha varit 3,5 °C varmare än idag. Under intervallet 9600 till 4400 BP uppträdde björken i ett 100-150 m brett bälte ovanför de översta tallarna. Som ett svar på klimatets successiva avkylning under senare delen av Holocen sänktes både björkens och tallens trädgränser i de aktuella miljöerna, till dess de för 4400 respektive 5900 år sedan helt försvann från lokaler där glaciärer och perenna snöfält började bildas. De analyserade trädresterna, som länge bevarats av glaciäris och perenn snö representerar en period med ett klimat långt varmare än under det senaste århundradet. Med denna analogi från det förflutna kan det därför antas att i en framtid där sommartemperaturerna rent hypotetiskt är 3,5 °C högre än i nutiden, skulle trädgränserna lokalt kunna flyttas upp med ungefär 600 m.

Treeline dynamics in short and long term perspectives : observational and historical evidence from the southern Swedish Scandes

Öberg, Lisa January 2010 (has links)
Against the background of past, recent and future climate change, the present thesis addresses elevational shifts of alpine treelines in the Swedish Scandes. By definition, treeline refers to the elevation (m a.s.l.) at a specific site of the upper trees of a specific tree species, at least 2 m tall. Based on historical records, the first part of the thesis reports and analyzes the magnitude of treeline displacements for the main trees species (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris) since the early 20th century. The study covered a large and heterogeneous region and more than 100 sites. Concurrent with temperature rise by c. 1.4 °C over the past century, maximum treeline advances of all species amount to about 200 m. That is virtually what should be predicted from the recorded temperature change over the same period of time. Thus, it appears that under ideal conditions, treelines respond in close equilibrium with air temperature evolution. However, over most parts of the landscape, conditions are not that ideal and treeline upshifts have therefore been much smaller. The main reason for that discrepancy was found to be topoclimatic constraints, i.e. the combined action of geomorphology, wind, snow distribution, soil depth, etc., which over large parts of the alpine landscape preclude treelines to reach their potential thermal limit. Recorded treeline advance by maximum 200 m or so over the past century emerges as a truly anomalous event in late Holocene vegetation history. The second part of the thesis is focused more on long-term changes of treelines and one specific and prevalent mechanism of treeline change. The first part of the thesis revealed that for Picea and Betula, treeline shift was accomplished largely by phenotypic transformation of old-established stunted and prostrate individuals (krummholz) growing high above the treeline. In obvious response to climate warming over the past century, such individuals have transformed into erect tree form, whereby the treeline (as defined here) has risen. As a means for deeper understanding of this mode of positional treeline change, extant clonal spruces, growing around the treeline, were radiocarbon dated from megafossil remains preserved in the soil underneath their canopies. It turned out that Picea abies in particular may attain almost eternal life due to its capability for vegetative reproduction and phenotypic plasticity. Some living clones were in fact inferred to have existed already 9500 years ago, and have thus persisted at the same spot throughout almost the entire Holocene. This contrasts with other tree species, which have left no living relicts from the early Holocene, when they actually grew equally high as the spruce. Thereafter they retracted by more than 300 m in elevation supporting that also on that temporal scale, treelines are highly responsive to climate change. The early appearance of Picea in the Scandes, suggests that Picea “hibernated” the last glacial phase much closer to Scandinavia than earlier thought. It has also immigrated to northern Sweden much earlier than the old-established wisdom. The experiences gained in this thesis should constitute essential components of any model striving to the project landscape ecological consequences of possible future climate shifts.

Dynamics of root-associated fungal communities in relation to disturbance in boreal and subarctic forests

Huusko, K. (Karoliina) 06 February 2018 (has links)
Abstract Disturbance may shift microbial communities from one state to another. However, species differ in their ecological characteristics and their abilities to withstand disturbance. No single species or individuals of a species exist alone, but they are parts of complex interaction networks including species above- and belowground. In boreal and subarctic forests, almost all plants and a high number of fungi form mycorrhizas at the plant roots. In mycorrhiza, the fungal partner harvests nutrients for the host plant and, in return, gains carbon from the plant. In general, these common associations benefit both partners, but as heterotrophs, fungi are dependent on carbon photosynthesized by plants, whereas plants can survive alone as autotrophs. In addition to mycorrhizal fungi, also other fungi, such as endophytes, saprotrophs and pathogens, live in and on plant roots. This thesis concerns the impacts of disturbance on fungi living in plant roots and in soil near the roots. I hypothesized that i) root-associated fungal (RAF) and soil fungal communities and colonization types change after disturbance, that ii) the observed shifts relate to disturbance intensity and that iii) they co-occur with changes in soil conditions and vegetation. Changes in RAF were studied as changes in root fungal colonization, or in fungal community composition. The latter were detected with next-generation sequencing methods. The responses of RAF to disturbance seemed to be context dependent and related to sources of fungal communities (e.g. soil, RAF networks), environmental conditions (e.g. soil pH and nutrients) and host performance. It seems that abundances of those RAF species, which are present in the roots first (priority effect), may be increased by disturbance. Research produced new information related to ecological roles of the genera Phialocephala and Meliniomyces. Altogether, the results indicate connections between both abiotic and biotic environments and RAF, and host species viability and RAF. / Tiivistelmä Häiriöt voivat siirtää eliöyhteisön tilasta toiseen. Lajien ominaisuudet ja häiriönsietokyvyt eroavat toisistaan. Mikään laji tai yksilö ei elä yksin, vaan lajit ovat osa maan ylä- ja alapuolelle ulottuvia monimutkaisia vuorovaikutusverkostoja. Boreaalisissa ja subarktisissa metsissä lähes kaikki kasvit ja useat sienet muodostavat sienijuuren eli mykorritsan. Mykorritsassa sieniosakas hankkii isäntäkasville ravinteita ja saa vastavuoroisesti kasvilta hiiltä. Tavallisesti nämä vuorovaikutussuhteet hyödyttävät molempia sienijuuren osakkaita, mutta toisenvaraisina (heterotrofeina) sienet ovat riippuvaisia kasvien yhteyttämästä hiilestä, kun taas tuottajina (autotrofeina) kasvit voivat elää itsenäisesti. Mykorritsasienten lisäksi kasvien juurissa elää yleisesti myös muita sieniä kuten endofyyttejä, saprotrofeja ja patogeeneja. Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee häiriön vaikutuksia sieniin, jotka elävät kasvien juurissa ja juuria ympäröivässä maassa. Hypoteesieni mukaan i) juurissa ja maassa elävien sienten yhteisöt ja kolonisaatiotyypit muuttuvat häiriön jälkeen, ii) muutokset liittyvät häiriön voimakkuuteen ja iii) muutokset tapahtuvat samanaikaisesti maan olosuhteiden ja kasvillisuuden muutoksien kanssa. Juurissa elävien sienten esiintymisen muutokset tutkittiin sienten kolonisaation tai yhteisörakenteen muutoksina. Sieniyhteisöt selvitettiin NGS-menetelmien avulla. Juurissa elävien sienten vasteet häiriöön vaikuttavat olevan tilannesidonnaisia ja liittyvän sienilajien lähteisiin (esim. maa, juurisieniverkostot), ympäristömuuttujiin (esim. maan pH, ravinteet) ja isäntäkasvin menestymiseen. Häiriö voi vahvistaa juurissa ensimmäisenä läsnä olevien sienilajien menestymistä (prioriteettivaikutus). Uutta tietoa tuotettiin Phialocephala ja Meliniomyces –sienisukujen ekologiasta, jota tunnetaan huonosti. Kaiken kaikkiaan, tulokset osoittavat yhteydet sekä elottoman ja elollisen ympäristön ja juurten sieniyhteisön että isäntäkasvin elinkyvyn ja juurten sieniyhteisön välillä.

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