321 |
Nayak, Ramakrishna B
25 June 1979
(has links)
Plant gums
322 |
Sailaja, K
01 1900
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Biochemistry, genetics and applications of Xylose Isomerase
323 |
Reddy, Changala G
03 March 1993
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Carbohydrates of blackgram
324 |
Rajendran, L
04 1900
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Anthocyanin production in cultured tissues of daucus carota
325 |
Girija, N S
04 1900
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Regulation of protein biosynthesis
326 |
Prabhu, Sudhakar K
08 1900
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protease inhibitors on human enzymes
327 |
Bhat, Ramadas U
06 1900
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Polysaccharides of black gram (Phaseolus mungo ) and okra (hibiscus esculentus)
328 |
Shylaja, M
02 1900
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Egg coat jelly glycoprotein
329 |
Prabhu, Sandeep K
02 1900
(has links)
Investigation of hydrolytic enzyme
330 |
Venugopal, T D
01 1900
(has links)
Mitochondria isolated from plant sources