Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diology, limnology (0793)"" "subject:"diology, himnology (0793)""
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Controls of nitrogen spiraling in Kansas streamsO'Brien, Jonathan M. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biology / Walter K. Dodds / We used a series of whole stream experiments to quantify the impacts of inorganic-nitrogen concentration on stream nitrogen cycling and transport in prairie streams. We conducted 15NO3- stable isotope tracer experiments to measure the nitrogen cycling dynamics in 9 streams with a wide range (over 5 orders of magnitude) of nitrate concentrations. The major nitrogen-transforming processes, including uptake, nitrification, and denitrification, increased approximately 2 to 3 orders of magnitude and did not show signs of Michaelis-Menten type saturation across streams. Denitrification only accounted for a small proportion of total nitrate uptake. The observed functional relationships of biological nitrogen transformations and chronic nitrate concentration were best described by a Log-Log relationship. A series of inorganic-nitrogen addition experiments were conducted to quantify the impacts of acute nitrogen inputs on nitrogen cycling. These experiments showed that uptake saturated in response to short-term pulses of nitrogen. Ambient concentrations of ammonium and nitrate were less than their respective half-saturation coefficients, and uptake rates were less than 5% of Vmax, suggesting severe limitation of nitrogen. The saturation of uptake due to acute nitrogen inputs contrasts with uptake associated with chronic inputs of nitrate, which was not found to saturate. Chamber experiments and whole-stream ammonium addition experiments demonstrated that uptake and mineralization of ammonium varies spatially within the stream channel, occurring predominantly in riffles as opposed to pool habitats. The total transport distance of nitrogen and carbon within prairie streams was estimated based on field measurements and nutrient spiraling theory. Transport of organic nitrogen was dominant in prairie streams, as compared to inorganic nitrogen transport, both in terms of total concentration and transport distance. These results indicate that although carbon and inorganic-nitrogen were highly conserved in these headwater streams, organic-nitrogen was much more readily transported. Read more
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Ecosystem processes of prairie streams and the impact of anthropogenic alteration on stream ecological integrityWinders, Kyle January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / Walter K. Dodds / North America has lost more than 95% of the original tallgrass prairie because of heavy land conversion, making prairie streams some of the most endangered habitats in North America. In order to effectively manage aquatic systems and improve biotic integrity of prairie streams research is needed that assesses the ecosystem characteristics of natural systems and evaluates the influence of anthropogenic alteration. We described the ecosystem characteristics of six ephemeral headwater streams draining tallgrass prairie within the Osage Plains of southwest Missouri. NO-3-N among all sites ranged from 1.56-91.36 μg L-1, NH+4-N ranged from 5.27-228.23 μg L-1, soluble reactive phosphorus ranged from below detection (1.0 μg L-1) to 41.22 μg L-1, TN ranged from 113.82-882.89 μg L-1, and TP ranged from 8.18-158.5 μg L-1during baseflow conditions. TN:TP molar ratios ranged from 22:1 to 53:1 indicating possible P was limiting relative to N in some streams. TSS during baseflow conditions ranged from 0.27-31.80 mg L-1. Autotrophic and heterotrophic comparisons of our study sites and reference sites classified our study streams as oligo-, meso-, and eu-autotrophic (N= 1, 4, and 1, respectively) and oligo-, meso-, and eu-heterotrophic (N= 4, 1, and 1, respectively). This study suggests that good water quality and moderate heterotrophic condition, with greater GPP resulting from an open canopy, are common conditions of tallgrass prairie streams. We also investigated interactions between land use/land cover, discharge rate, hydrologic alteration, and in-stream total suspended solids concentration in 23 Kansas- Missouri streams. Most streams had break points in the TSS loading rates at discharge rates exceeded <25% of days. Our estimates showed that 88% of the total annual TSS load occurred during the 11% of days with the greatest discharge rates. Buffered streams with greater percentages of grass and/or forest riparian areas had lower breakpoint values (indicating greater discharge rates were required to transport solid
particles) and lower regression intercepts, which correlated to lesser TSS concentrations relative to unbuffered streams during high discharge days. In addition, grass buffered streams had smaller flood peaks and slower rise rates and forest buffered streams had less frequent floods, which lead to less total TSS transport. Read more
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Assessing threats to native fishes of the Lower Colorado River BasinPitts, Kristen Leah January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / Craig Paukert / I investigated the influence of anthropogenic threats and hydrologic alteration on fish assemblages within the Lower Colorado River Basin (LCRB). Life history traits of fish assemblages for individual stream segments were summarized by species presence/absence data of current (1980-2006) records. To assess anthropogenic threats, I developed a series of ecological risk indices at various scales (e.g., catchment, watershed, aquatic ecological system and upstream of aquatic ecological system) and related each index to fish life-history traits to determine the method and scale that best related to biotic metrics. Hydrologic alteration was quantified using the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration software to calculate hydrologic alteration values using the range of variability approach. Ecological risk indices within all scales were strongly correlated (r[superscript]2>0.54, p<0.0001) to one another. Relationships between fish life history traits and ecological risk indices occurred only at the catchment and watershed scales. Strongest relationships were at the watershed scale where increased levels of anthropogenic risk were related to reduced occurrences of native, fluvial dependent species (r[superscript]2=0.12, p<0.0001) and increased occurrences of nonnative generalist species (r[superscript]2=0.22, p<0.0001). The percent agriculture was positively related to indices of alteration of low flows (r=0.401, p=0.006) while forested land cover was negatively related to alteration of low flow events (r=-0.384, p=0.008). Relationships between indices of hydrologic alteration and fish traits indicate the occurrence of piscivorous, nonnative fishes increased with alteration of low flow events whereas occurrence of fluvial dependent fishes that preferred rubble substrate decreased with alteration of low flow events (r=0.64, p=0.001). Our analysis suggests that ecological risk indices and hydrologic alteration in the LCRB are related to composition of biotic communities. Incorporating cost-effective risk indices into conservation planning will likely increase the effectiveness of conservation efforts while understanding biotic responses to modified flow regimes are a necessity in sustainable development of water resources as human populations grow and water resources decrease in the LCRB. Read more
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Factors affecting denitrification in headwater prairie streamsReisinger, Alexander Joseph January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / Walter K. Dodds / Human-induced stressors such as increased nitrogen (N) loadings, altered watershed land-use, and biodiversity losses are a few of the numerous threats to aquatic systems. Prairie streams experience natural disturbances, such as flooding and desiccation, which may alter responses to anthropogenic stressors. Denitrification, the dissimilatory reduction of NO3- to N gas (N2O or N2), is the only permanent form of N removal from terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems, and is important in mitigating N pollution to streams and downstream waters. Little is known about the relationships between denitrification and riparian prairie vegetation or large consumers. In the first chapter, I used outdoor mesocosms to determine the impact of a grazing minnow, Campostoma anomalum, on structural and functional responses of prairie streams to a simulated flood, focusing on denitrification. In terrestrial ecosystems, grazing can stimulate denitrification, but this has not been studied in streams. Ammonium (NH4+) enrichments, used to simulate fish excretion, alleviated N limitations on denitrification. Both fish and NH4+ affected algal biomass accrual, but only fish affected algal filament lengths and particulate organic matter. In a second experiment, I examined the impact of woody vegetation expansion, a primary threat to tallgrass prairie, on riparian and benthic denitrification. Expansion of woody vegetation in these grasslands is due primarily to altered fire regimes, which historically inhibited woody vegetation growth. To determine the effect of woody vegetation expansion on benthic and riparian denitrification, woody vegetation was removed from the riparian zone of a grazed and an ungrazed watershed. Both soil and benthic denitrification rates from this removal buffer were compared to rates in grassy or woody riparian zones. Riparian soil denitrification was highly seasonal, with greatest rates occurring during early spring, and rates being low throughout the remainder of the year. Benthic denitrification was also temporally variable but did not exhibit seasonal trends, suggesting benthic denitrification is driven by factors other than water temperature. Removal of woody vegetation stimulated soil and benthic denitrification rates over rates found in naturally vegetated riparian zones. Elevated N loadings will continue to affect aquatic ecosystems, and these effects may be exacerbated by biodiversity losses or changing riparian vegetation. Read more
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Relationships among basal energy availability, nonnative predator success, and native fish declines in the upper Gila River Basin, NM, USA.Whitney, James January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / Keith B. Gido / Nonnative species represent a major threat to the continued persistence of native fishes globally, especially in the Colorado River Basin of western North America, where there are now more nonnative than native fishes. In the upper Gila River, a tributary of the Colorado, numerous nonnative fishes have established populations, and predation by these nonnatives has been linked to extirpation of native fishes under low-flow conditions at some locations. Historically, the upper Gila lacked a top piscivore, and it is unclear what mechanisms have allowed the establishment of nonnative piscivores and resultant extension in food chain length. To investigate the phenomenon of increased food chain length through nonnative introductions we explored the influence of autochthonous energy availability on nonnative predator abundance, food chain length, and abundance of other trophic levels. Predictions were that increased basal energy availability would lead to increased nonnative predator abundance and thus increased food chain length, based upon predictions from food web theory. Annual production and biomass of four trophic levels measured across six longitudinally-positioned sites were calculated between June 2008 and June 2009 to test these predictions. In addition, energy demand of trophic levels relative to energy supply was compared across sites using a quantitative food web approach, to evaluate energy limitation across trophic levels. Primary production was found to vary considerably across the upper Gila (1,677-16,276 kcal m-2 yr-1), but production and biomass of other trophic levels was not related to this gradient as predicted. In addition, food chain length demonstrated a marginally-significant negative relationship with primary production (R[superscript]2=0.42, d.f.=5, p=0.16), which was in contrast with predicted responses. These results suggest that energy availability does not appear to be a limiting factor to the production or biomass of consumers. The influence of other mechanisms on food chain length in the upper Gila River, in particular disturbance frequency and intensity, deserve further investigation. Read more
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Spatial habitat variation in a Great Plains river: effects on the fish assemblage and food web structureEitzmann, Jeffrey Laine January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / Craig Paukert / We investigated spatial variation in fish assemblage and food web structure in the Kansas River, USA in relation to habitat changes. Fishes were collected at ten sites throughout the Kansas River for assessing assemblage structure in summer 2007 using fish community metrics and at 3 sites in 2006 for food web structure using stable isotope analysis. Satellite imagery indicated riparian habitat on the Kansas River was dominated by agriculture in the upper reaches (>35%) and tended to increase in urban land use in the lower reaches (>58%). Instream habitat complexity also decreased with increased urban area (<25%) becoming more channelized. Jaccard's similarity and percent similarity indices suggested that large-bodied fishes show changes in species presence and composition longitudinally within the river. Also, reaches directly above Bowersock Dam in Lawrence, Kansas and below the Johnson County Weir, near Kansas City, Kansas had low percent similarity compared to other reaches, suggesting the dam and the weir affect community composition. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that species that prefer high velocity flows and sandy substrate (blue sucker and shovelnose sturgeon) are associated with the upper river reaches. Also, there was a higher abundance of omnivorous and planktivorous fish species in the lower more channelized river. The lower reaches contain more tolerant, macrohabitat generalist species and the upper river contained more intolerant, fluvial specialist species. Fish, macroinvertebrates, and detritus were collected at three river reaches classified as the heterogeneous instream habitat (>40% grass islands and sand bars) intermediate (22% grass islands and sand bars), and homogeneous (6% grass islands and sand bars) instream habitat reaches in June 2006. Riparian land use (proportion as agricultural and urban) was related to instream habitat with homogeneous areas having more urban riparian area compared to the heterogeneous and intermediate reaches. The heterogeneous habitat reach had higher variability in [Delta][superscript]13C for fish classified as piscivores/invertivores (P=0.029) and macroinvertebrates (P=0.004) suggesting the complex habitat in the heterogeneous habitat reach provided more variable food sources. The [Delta}15N values also indicated that ten of the twelve fish species tended to consume prey at higher trophic levels in the heterogeneous habitat reach suggesting a more complex food web. Land use practices are leading to homogenization of instream habitat and this homogenization of habitats may be related to food web diversity and trophic position of fishes. Conserving intolerant, native species in the Kansas River may require maintaining suitable habitat for these species and restoration of impacted areas of the river. Read more
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