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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Zhang, Xiaojuan 16 November 2011 (has links)
The highly specific recognition processes between biomolecules mediate various crucial biological processes. Uncovering the molecular basis of these interactions is of great fundamental and applied importance. This research work focuses on understanding the interactions of several biomolecular recognition systems and processes that can provide fundamental information to aid in the rational design of sensing and molecular recognition tools. Initially, a reliable and versatile platform was developed to investigate biomolecular interactions at a molecular level. This involved several techniques, including biomolecule functionalization to enable attachment to self-assembled monolayers as well as atomic force microscopy (AFM) based force spectroscopy to uncover the binding or rupture forces between the receptor and ligand pairs. It was shown that this platform allowed determination of molecular binding between single molecules with a high specificity. The platform was further adapted to a general sensing formulation utilizing a group of flexible and adaptive nucleic acid recognition elements (RNA and DNA aptamers) to detect specific target proteins. Investigation of interactions at the molecular level allowed characterization of the dynamics, specificity and the conformational properties of these functional nucleic acids in a manner inaccessible via traditional interaction studies. These interactions were then adapted to aptamer-based detecting methods that at the ensemble or bulk scale, specifically taking advantage of mechanisms uncovered in the biophysical study of this system. A quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) was used to detect protein targets at the bulk level and the affinities and binding kinetics of these systems were analyzed. Along with AFM-based force spectroscopy, ensemble-averaging properties and molecular properties of these interactions could be correlated to contribute to bridging the gap across length scales. Finally, more broadly applicable sensing platform was developed to take advantage of the unique properties of aptamers. DNA was employed both as a carrier and as a molecular recognition agent. DNA was used as a template for nanoconstruction and fabricating unique shapes that could enhance the aptamer-based molecular recognition strategies. With aptamers tagged to distinct nanoconstructed DNA, a novel shape-based detecting method was enabled at the molecular level. The results demonstrated that this is a flexible strategy, which can be further developed as ultrasensitive single molecule sensing strategy in complex environments.

Protein Microarray Chips

Klenkar, Goran January 2007 (has links)
Livet tas för givet av de flesta. Det finns däremot många som ägnar stora delar av sitt liv för att försöka lösa dess mysterier. En del av lösningen ligger i att förstå hur alla molekyler är sammanlänkade i det gigantiska nätverk som definierar den levande organismen. Under det senaste seklet har en hel del forskning utförts för att kartlägga dessa nätverk. Resultatet av dessa mödor kan vi se i de läkemedel som vi har idag och som har utvecklats för att bota eller åtminstone lindra olika sjukdomar och tillstånd. Dessvärre finns det fortfarande många sjukdomar som är obotliga (t.ex. cancer) och mycket arbete krävs för att förstå dem till fullo och kunna designa framgångsrika behandlingar. Arbetet i denna avhandling beskriver en analytisk plattform som kan användas för att effektivisera kartläggningsprocessen; protein-mikroarrayer. Mikroarrayer är ytor som har mikrometerstora (tusendels millimeter) strukturer i ett regelbundet mönster med möjligheten att studera många interaktioner mellan biologiska molekyler samtidigt. Detta medför snabbare och fler analyser - till en lägre kostnad. Protein-mikroarrayer har funnits i ungefär ett decennium och har följt i fotspåren av de framgångsrika DNA-mikroarrayerna. Man bedömer att protein-mikroarrayerna har en minst lika stor potential som DNA mikroarrayerna då det egentligen är mer relevant att studera proteiner, som är de funktionsreglerande molekylerna i en organism. Vi har i detta arbete tillverkat modellytor för stabil inbindning av proteiner, som lämnar dem intakta, funktionella och korrekt orienterade i ett mikroarray format. Därmed har vi adresserat ett stort problem med protein mikroarrays, nämligen att proteiner är känsliga molekyler och har i många fall svårt att överleva tillverkningsprocessen av mikroarrayerna. Vi har även studerat en metod att tillverka mikroarrayer av proteiner bundna till strukturer, som modellerats att efterlikna cellytor. Detta är särkilt viktigt eftersom många (hälften) av dagens (och säkerligen framtidens) läkemedel är riktade mot att påverka denna typ av proteiner och att studera dessa i sin naturliga miljö är därför väldigt relevant. I ett annat projekt har vi använt protein mikroarrayer för att detektera fyra vanliga droger (heroin, amfetamin, ecstasy och kokain). Detektionen baseras på användandet av antikroppar som lossnar från platser på ytan när de kommer i kontakt med ett narkotikum. Detta koncept kan enkelt utvecklas till att detektera mer än bara fyra droger. Vi har även lyckats att parallellt mäta förekomsten av en annan typ av förening på mikroarray ytan, nämligen det explosiva ämnet trinitrotoluen (TNT). Detta visar på en mångsidig plattform för detektionen av i princip vilken typ av farlig eller olaglig substans som helst - och på en yta! Vi föreställer oss därför att möjliga tillämpningsområden finns inom brottsbekämpning, i kampen mot terrorism och mot narkotikamissbruk etc. Mikroarrayerna har i denna avhandling utforskats med optiska metoder som tillåter studie av omärkta proteiner, vilket resulterar i så naturliga molekyler som möjligt. / Life is a thing taken for granted by most. However, it is the life-long quest of many to unravel the mysteries of it. Understanding and characterizing the incomprehensively complex molecular interaction networks within a biological organism, which defines that organism, is a vital prerequisite to understand life itself. Already, there has been a lot of research conducted and a large knowledge has been obtained about these pathways over, especially, the last century. We have seen the fruits of these labors in e.g. the development of medicines which have been able to cure or at least arrest many diseases and conditions. However, many diseases are still incurable (e.g. cancer) and a lot more work is still needed for understanding them fully and designing successful treatments. This work describes a generic analytical tool platform for aiding in more efficient (bio)molecular interaction mapping analyses; protein microarray chips. Microarray chips are surfaces with micrometer sized features with the possibility of studying the interactions of many (thousands to tens of thousands) (bio)molecules in parallel. This allows for a higher throughput of analyses to be performed at a reduced time and cost. Protein microarrays have been around for approximately a decade, following in the footsteps of the, so far, more successfully used DNA microarrays (developed in the 1990s). Microarrays of proteins are more difficult to produce because of the more complex nature of proteins as compared to DNA. In our work we have constructed model surfaces which allow for the stable, highly oriented, and functional immobilization of proteins in an array format. Our capture molecules are based on multivalent units of the chelator nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), which is able to bind histidine-tagged proteins. Furthermore, we have explored an approach for studying lipid membrane bound systems, e.g. receptor-ligand interactions, in a parallelized, microarray format. The approach relies on the addressable, DNA-mediated adsorption of tagged lipid vesicles. In an analogous work we have used the protein microarray concept for the detection of four common narcotics (heroin, amphetamine, ecstasy, and cocaine). The detection is based on the displacement of loosely bound antibodies from surface array positions upon injection of a specific target analyte, i.e. a narcotic substance. The proof-of-concept chip can easily be expanded to monitor many more narcotic substances. In addition, we have also been able to simultaneously detect the explosive trinitrotoluene (TNT) along with the narcotics, showing that the chip is a versatile platform for the detection of virtually any type of harmful or illegal compound. This type of biosensor system is potentially envisaged to be used in the fight against crime, terrorism, drug abuse etc. Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy together with ellipsometry has been used to characterize molecular layers used in the fabrication processes of the microarray features. Imaging surface plasmon resonance operating in the ellipsometric mode is subsequently used for functional evaluation of the microarrays using a well-defined receptor-ligand model system. This approach allows simultaneous and continuous monitoring of binding events taking place in multiple regions of interest on the microarray chip. A common characteristic of all the instrumentation used is that there is no requirement for labeling of the biomolecules to be detected, e.g. with fluorescent or radioactive probes. This feature allows for a flexible assay design and the use of more native proteins, without any time-consuming pretreatments.

Biochip design based on tailored ethylene glycols

Larsson (Kaiser), Andréas January 2007 (has links)
Studies of biomolecular interactions are of interest for several reasons. Beside basic research, the knowledge gained from such studies is also very valuable in for example drug target identification. Medical care is another area where biomolecules may be used as biomarkers to aid physicians in making correct diagnosis. In addition, the highly specific interactions between antibodies and almost any substance opens up the possibilities to design systems for detection of trace amounts of both biological and non-biological substances within environmental restoration, law enforcement, correctional care, customs service and national security. A biochip, which contains a biologically active material, offers a means of monitoring the molecular interactions in the above applications in a sensitive and specific manner. The biochip is a key component of a biosensor, which also includes components for transforming the interaction events into a human-readable signal. This thesis describes the use of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) in biochip design. Two different approaches are presented, the first based on ethylene glycol (EG)-containing alkyl thiol self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on flat gold and the second on photo-induced graft copolymerisation of PEG-containing methacrylate monomers onto various substrates. The former is a two dimensional system where EG-terminated thiols are mixed with similar thiols presenting tail groups that mimic the explosive substance 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). In an immunoassay, the detection limit for TNT was determined to fall in the range 1-10 µg/L. In the second approach, a branched three dimensional biosensor matrix (hydrogel) is proposed. The carboxymethylated (CM) dextran matrix, which is commonly used within the biosensing community, is not always ideal for studies of biointeractions, due to the non-specific binding frequently encountered in work with complex biological solutions and various proteins. To employ PEG, which displays a low non-specific binding of such species, is therefore an interesting option worth investigating. The use of a branched graft polymerised PEG matrix in biosensor applications is novel as compared to previous reports which have focused on linear PEG chains. The latter approach provides, at maximum, one functional group, per surface anchoring point, for immobilisation of sensor elements. Thus, it has the inherited disadvantage that it limits the number of available immobilisation sites. The present PEG matrix contains a large number of functional groups, for immobilisation of sensor elements, per grafting site and offers the potential of improved response upon binding to the analyte as demonstrated in a series of successful sensor experiments. Furthermore, the nature of the process enables easy preparation of matrix patterns and gradients. In a PEG matrix gradient, protein permeability is studied and the capabilities of immobilising proteins are demonstrated. By combining the patterning technique with different monomers in a two-step process, an inert platform, lacking chemical attachment sites, is provided with arrays of spots (with immobilisation capabilities), which are conveniently addressed via microdispensing and used for biosensor purposes. The EG-terminated thiols present another means of generating such inert platforms, a route which is also investigated. To further explore the sensor quality of these spots, the concepts of patterning and gradient formation are combined and studied. / Det är intressant att studera biomolekylära interaktioner av många anledningar. För att kunna bedriva framgångsrik läkemedelsutveckling är det oerhört viktigt att känna till hur olika molekyler samverkar i människokroppen. Inom sjukvården kan biomolekyler användas som biomarkörer, då närvaro av dem eller förändringar av deras koncentrationer är kopplade till sjukdomstillstånd, och därmed hjälper läkaren att ställa rätt diagnos. Dessutom kan de mycket specifika interaktionerna mellan antikroppar och (i princip) valfri substans användas för detektion av spårämnen vid miljösaneringsarbete, gränskontroller, polisarbete, fängelser och arbete med nationell säkerhet. Den här avhandlingen beskriver hur polymeren polyetylenglykol (PEG) kan användas vid design av biochip. Ett biochip är en liten anordning, som kan användas för att detektera specifika molekyler med hjälp av en biologisk interaktion. Traditionellt har PEG använts inom biomaterialsektorn, men återfinns även i hygienartiklar som tvål och tandkräm. Ett annat användningsområde är konservering av bärgade träskepp och i en del litiumjonbatterier ingår PEG som en komponent. Dessutom pågår utveckling av PEG-innehållande skyddsvästar. I det här arbetet används PEG framför allt på grund av sin förmåga att minimera ospecifik inbindning av proteiner, som utgör en stor del av gruppen biomolekyler, till ytor på biochip. Två olika typer av ytbeläggningar, som innehåller den här polymeren, har använts. Den första typen ger mycket tunna (~0.000003 mm), tvådimensionella filmer medan den andra ger en något tjockare (~0.00005 mm), tredimensionell struktur (matris). De tvådimensionella filmerna har använts för att utveckla en sprängämnesdetektor med mycket hög känslighet (detektionsgräns mellan 1-10 ppb). En viktig beståndsdel i detta system är antikroppar riktade mot sprängämnet trinitrotoluen (TNT). Den tredimensionella matrisen är mer generell och kan användas för att studera många olika molekylära interaktioner. Tillverkningsmetoden av matrisen är baserad på belysning med ultraviolett ljus och är därmed lämpad för att skapa mönstrade ytor. Genom att blockera delar av ljusflödet begränsas tillväxten av matrisen till de belysta delarna. På så sätt har bland annat så kallade mikro-arrayer, bestående av mikrometerstora (tusendels millimeter) strukturer i ett regelbundet mönster, tillverkats. Tekniken tillåter även tillverkning av gradienter, där matrisens tjocklek varierar längs med provet, genom att belysa olika delar av provytan olika länge. Genom att undersöka dessa gradienter har information om matrisens genomsläpplighet för proteiner kunnat extraheras. Gradientkonceptet har även kombinerats med mikro-arraytillverkningen och gett möjlighet att studera interaktioner mellan flera olika modellproteiner och deras motsvarande antikroppar i olika tjocka matriser på en och samma yta. Det finns ett stort antal sätt att utnyttja interaktionerna mellan olika molekyler på ett biochip. Ett tilltalande tillvägagångssätt är exempelvis att i en mikro-array binda in olika molekyler som kan fånga kliniskt intressanta biomolekyler, i syfte att skapa en hälsoprofil. Ett sådant biochip skulle ge möjlighet att parallellt detektera eller bestämma koncentrationen av ett stort antal biomolekyler i till exempel en droppe blod. På så sätt kan en diagnos snabbt ställas, kanske till och med utan att patienten behöver uppsöka sjukvården. Den utvecklade PEG-matrisen har god potential att fungera i en sådan applikation.

Development and application of ultra-sensitive fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy for biomolecular interaction studies

Xu, Lei January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of sensitive and high-resolution fluorescence spectroscopic and microscopic techniques and their application to probe biomolecules and their interactions in solution, lipid membrane model systems and in cells. Paper I-IV are largely focused on methodological developments. In paper I, a new fluorescence method based on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) for detecting single particles was realized, requiring no fluorescent labeling of the particles. The method can yield information both about the diffusion properties of the particles as well as about their volumes. In paper II, a modified fluorescence cross correlation spectroscopy procedure with well characterized instrumental calibration was developed and applied to study cis interactions between an inhibitory receptor and its Major Histocompatibility Complex class I ligand molecule, both within the same cellular membranes. The quantitative analysis brought new insights into the Nature killer cell’s self-regulating of tolerance and aggressiveness for immune responses. Paper III describes a multi-color STED (STimulated Emission Depletion) microscopy procedure, capable of imaging four different targets in the same cells at 40nm optical resolution, which was developed and successfully demonstrated on platelets. In paper IV, a modified co-localization algorithm for fluorescence images analysis was proposed, which is essentially insensitive to resolutions and molecule densities. Further, the performance of this algorithm and of using STED microscopy for co-localization analysis was evaluated using both simulated and experimentally acquired images. Papers V-VII have their main emphasis on the application side. In paper V, transient state imaging was demonstrated on live cells to image intracellular oxygen concentration and successfully differentiated different breast cancer cell lines and the different metabolic pathways they adopted to under different culturing conditions. Paper VI describes a FCS-based study of proton exchange at biological membranes, the size-dependence of the membrane proton collecting antenna effect as well as effects of external buffer solutions on the proton exchange, in a nanodisc lipid membrane model system. These findings provide insights for understanding proton transport at and across membranes of live cells, which has a central biological relevance. In paper VII, STED imaging and co-localization analysis was applied to analyze cell adhesion related protein interactions, which are believed to have an important modulating role for the proliferation, differentiation, survival and motility of the cells. The outcome of efforts taken to develop means for early cancer diagnosis are also presented. It is based on single cells extracted by fine needle aspiration and the use of multi-parameter fluorescence detection and STED imaging to detect protein interactions in the clinical samples. Taken together, detailed studies at a molecular level are critical to understand complex systems such as living organisms. It is the hope that the methodologies developed and applied in this thesis can contribute not only to the development of fundamental science, but also that they can be of benefit to mankind in the field of biomedicine, especially with an ultimate goal of developing novel techniques for cancer diagnosis. / <p>QC 20140609</p>

Identification of Food-Derived Peptide Inhibitors of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase

Obeme-Nmom, Joy 07 November 2023 (has links)
Over the course of more than ten years, there has been a significant increase in the approach employed to inhibit the function of soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH). The phenomenon of upregulating soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) has been found to result in a decrease in the ratio of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) to dihydroeicosatrienoic acids (DHETs) in the body. This has garnered significant attention due to the diverse biological functions attributed to EETs, including the regulation of vasodilation, neuroprotection, increased fibrinolysis, calcium ion influx, and anti-inflammatory effects. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in developing and discovering sEH inhibitors through chemical syntheses and natural extracts, with the aim of increasing the availability of these anti-inflammatory molecules by reducing their hydrolysis. A comprehensive examination of this project was conducted to explore the inhibitory effects of YMSV, a tetrapeptide derived from the castor bean (Ricinus communis), on sEH, as well as to elucidate its underlying mechanism of action. YMSV was determined to function as a mixed-competitive inhibitor of soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH), and the interaction between the peptide and the protein resulted in the disruption of the secondary structural composition of sEH. Furthermore, the hydrogen bond interactions between YMSV and the Asp 333 residue in the active region of soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) were demonstrated using molecular docking investigations. However, quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) research revealed that nonpolar, hydrophobic, and bulky amino acids are favored at the N- and C- terminals of peptides for sEH inhibition. The results of this study indicate that peptides obtained from dietary sources possess unique characteristics as inhibitors of soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH), displaying significant potency. Consequently, these peptides have promise for further development as therapeutic medicines targeting inflammation and depression in the future.

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