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The petrophysical analysis and evaluation of hydrocarbon potential of sandstone units in the Bredasdorp Central Basin.Olajide, Oluseyi January 2005 (has links)
<p>This research was aimed at employing the broad use of petrophysical analysis and reservoir modelling techniques to explore the petroleum resources in the sandstone units of deep marine play in the Bredasdorp Basin.</p>
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The petrophysical analysis and evaluation of hydrocarbon potential of sandstone units in the Bredasdorp Central Basin.Olajide, Oluseyi January 2005 (has links)
<p>This research was aimed at employing the broad use of petrophysical analysis and reservoir modelling techniques to explore the petroleum resources in the sandstone units of deep marine play in the Bredasdorp Basin.</p>
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Seismic interpretation and 2D restoration of F-A gas field, Bredasdorp Basin south coast of South AfricaNgejane, Zamazulu January 2014 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Seismic interpretation is always somewhat an uncertainty and questions on whether the horizons picked are properly correlated across faults and or the structures mapped are geologically or geometrically sensible always raise a concern as it provides the principal source of subsurface information used commonly in exploration by the oil and gas industry. In this study an attempt of delineating what are or not geological features has been done by validating the seismic structural interpretation using the restoration technique which also provided information about the extensional history of the study area. The seismic data, horizon and fault interpretation have been depth converted in 2DMove software followed by a sequential restoration and decompacting workflow. Simple shear was used as the restoration algorithm based on the deformation style of the basin (extensional basin). The seismic interpretation is valid and studies on tectonics interplay in basin development (gas field scale) during the Late-Jurassic- Early Cretaceous are based on the results of the four balanced cross-sections. They indicate that the Basin is not a simple extensional rift Basin but was rather formed through an alternation of extensional and compressional phases. The area understudy has undergone extension since rifting onset (break-up of Gondwana) with two intervening minor inversion episodes further NW and SE showing no significant shortening on the central part. A maximum extension is noted within the central part of the study area along the XL_1248 thus more accommodation space and subsequently thicker sediment accumulations are encountered in this region.
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Pore pressure prediction: a case study of sandstone reservoirs, Bredasdorp basin, South AfricaUchechukwu, Ekwo Ernest January 2014 (has links)
Masters of Science / The Bredasdorp basin is situated off the south coast of the Republic of South Africa, southeast of Cape Town and west-south-west of Port Elizabeth. It covers approximately 18,000 sq. km beneath the Indian Ocean along the southern coast of South Africa, which is in the southwest of Mosselbay. Bredasdorp basin contains South Africa’s only oil and gas production facilities and has been the main focus for oil and gas exploration in South Africa. It is one of the largest hydrocarbon producing block in South Africa, rich in gas and oil prone marine source rocks of kimmeridgian to berriasian age. The wells of interest for this study are located within block 9 which is made up of 13 wells but for this study the focus is only on 3 wells, which are well F-01,F-02 and F-03. The goal of this study is to predict as accurately as possible the areas within and around the sandstone reservoir intervals of these wells with abnormal pressure, using well logs and production test data. Abnormal pore pressure which is a major problem for drillers in the oil industry can cause serious drilling incidents and increase greatly drilling non-production time if the abnormal pressures are not predicted accurately before and while drilling. Petrophysics log analysis was done to evaluate the reservoirs. The intervals of the reservoir are the area of interest.Pore pressure gradient, fracture gradient, pore pressure and fracture pressure model were run. Pressures of about 6078.8psi were predicted around the zone of interest in well F-01, 7861 psi for well F-02 and 8330psi for well F-03. Well F-03 was the most pressured of the three wells. Abnormal pressures were identified mostly at zones above and below the area of interest and predicted pressure values were compared to actual pressure values to check for accuracy.
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Petrophysical evaluation and characterization of sandstone reservoirs of the western Bredasdorp Basin, South Africa for well D-D1 and E-AP1Maseko, Phindile Pearl January 2016 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The Bredasdorp Basin was formed consequent to extensional episodes during the initial stages of rifting in the Jurassic age. The basin acted as a local depocentre and was primarily infilled with late Jurassic and early Cretaceous shallow-marine and continental sediments. Two wells namely; D-D1 and E-AP1 were studied in order to evaluate the petrophysics and characterize sandstone reservoirs of the western Bredasdorp basin. This could be achieved by generating and comparing results from core analysis and wireline in order to determine if the two wells are comprised of good quality sandstone reservoirs and if the identified reservoirs produce hydrocarbons. A number of methods were employed in order to characterise and evaluate sandstone reservoir, these included; editing and normalization of raw wireline log data ,classification of lithofacies on the basis of lithology, sedimentary structures, facies distribution, grain size variation, sorting of grains, fossils and bioturbation; calibration of log and core data to determine parameters for petrophysical interpretation; volume of clay; determination of porosity, permeability and fluid saturation, cut-off determination to distinguish between pay and non-pay sands. Borehole D-D1 is located in the western part of the Bredasdorp Basin. Only two reservoirs in well D-D1 indicated to have pay parameters with an average porosity ranging from 11.3% to 16%, average saturation from 0.6% to 21.5% and an volume of clay from 26.5% to 31.5%. This well was abandoned due to poor oil shows according to the geological well completion report. On the contrary well E-AP1 situated in the northwestern section of the basin showed good quality reservoir sandstones occurring in the 19082m to 26963m intervals though predominantly water saturated. Pay parameters for all five reservoirs in this well showed zero or no average porosity, saturation and volume of clay.
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Geomechanical characterization and reservoir Simulation of a carbon storage project in e-m depleted Gas field in South AfricaSaffou, Eric January 2020 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Geomechanical analysis and integrity assessment of hydrocarbon reservoirs upon depletion
and injection are crucial to ensure that CO2 storage projects can be safely implemented. The
Bredasdorp Basin in South Africa has great potential for CO2 storage, given its hugely available
exploration data. However, there has not been any geomechanical characterization carried
out on this basin to determine its integrity issues. This study aims to investigate the feasibility
of a carbon storage project in the E-M depleted gas field. The preliminary geological
assessment demonstrates that Zone 2 and Zone 3 display acceptable injectivity for CO2
injection of the E-M gas field. Seismic lines display faults that could affect the caprock's
integrity during depletion and carbon storage. Geomechanical characterization provides a
guideline as to how geomechanical analysis of depleted fields can be done for a safe CO2
sequestration practice. The geomechanical model constructed at a depth of 2570 m indicated
that the magnitudes of the principal vertical, minimum, and maximum horizontal stresses in
the field are respectively 57 MPa, 41 MPa, and 42-46 MPa. Fault and fracture stabilities were
examined before and after depletion. It was found that faults and fractures in compartments
C1 and C2 of the reservoir are stable before and after depletion, while normal faults (FNS8
and FNS9) in compartment C3 dipping SW were critically stressed. The minimum sustainable
pressure of the reservoir determined by simulating depletion is 6 MPa. Below that, pressure
depletion causes normal faulting in reservoir compartments C1 and C2. The maximum
sustainable pressure, on the other hand, was found to be 25 MPa. The geomechanical studies
also reveal that it is possible that the reservoir experienced compaction of 8 cm during
depletion and will experience an uplift of 3.2 cm during 71 years of injection. The economic
model of a CO2-enhanced gas recovery project in E-M gas field, the annual expenses (Aexp) of
carbon capture and storage range between Zar20 3.31 × 109 and Zar20 4.10 × 109. The
annual revenues (RA) were estimated to be Zar20 1.42 × 1010. The cash flow analysis derived
from Aexp and RA confirms that enhanced gas recovery could partially offset the cost of CO2
storage if a minimum of 5 % of CO2 fraction is allowed in the natural gas recovered. Geological
and geomechanical studies have demonstrated that carbon storage is physically feasible in
the E-M gas field. However, the project's completion lies in the among the gas recovered to
balance the cost of CO2.
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Porosity and permeability distribution in the deep marine play of the central Bredasdorp Basin, Block 9, offshore South Africa.Ojongokpoko, Hanson Mbi January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study described porosity and permeability distribution in the deep marine play of the central Bredasdorp Basin, Block 9, offshore South Africa using methods that include thin section petrography, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy, in order to characterize their porosity and permeability distributions, cementation and clay types that affect the porosity and permeability distribution. The study included core samples from nine wells taken from selected depths within the Basin.</p>
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Geometry and geobody extraction of a submarine channel complex in the Sable Field, Bredasdorp BasinStoltenkamp, Razeen January 2015 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The Sable Field constitutes a Basin Floor Channel (BFC) complex (E-BD reservoir) and a Basin Floor Fan (BFF) complex (E-CE reservoir). The reservoir sands were deposited during early-drift sedimentation in the Bredasdorp Basin. Paleo-current flows from the west, filling the basin with sediments that are eroded off the continental shelf (Agulhus Arch) and deposited on the base of the continental slope and basin floor. Turbidite flows off the Agulhus arch have deposited the Sable Fields reservoirs, where the larger channelized reservoir body takes an 80° bend off the continental slope and flows onto the basin floor. This 3-D reservoir highlights the reservoirs internal heterogeneity and complexity at the well bore and away from the well bore. Well tops tie wells to the 3-D seismic cube for; reservoir location and delineation, velocity modelling and subsequent conversion of the mapped surfaces from time to depth. Core and petro-physical analysis were used to outline the depositional facies within the investigated wells namely: E-BD5, E-BD2, E-BD1 and E-CE1. Correlation of depositional facies at the well bore with their corresponding seismic facies, allows for extrapolation of facies away from the well bore. The internal heterogeneity of the reservoir is outlined using an integrated methodology, which is based on log scale depositional features (channels, sheets, lobes) that are extrapolated to field scale (sand rich complex) using corresponding top and base reservoir seismic responses. The investigated thick region of sediment accumulation on: the continental slope, the base of the continental slope and basin floor is deposited on the 13AT1 early drift unconformity. The reservoir is outlined from the up-dip to the down-dip reaches of the field. Well E–BD5 has tapped into the proximal region (up-dip), with reservoir comprising of amalgamated channel sands that are deposited by laterally switching and stacking channelized sand bodies. Channel meander facies are seen in the upper portion of the reservoir, with massive channel fill in the lower parts. The channel fill constitutes a high net to gross with little to no lateral facies variations. This confined environment is dominated by amalgamated massive sands (on-axis) that are thinner bedded towards the banks of the channels (off-axis). A high degree of channel
amalgamation has been interpreted in both up-dip wells E-BD5 and E-BD2. This channelized reservoir is at least 2km wide and 6km long, before the larger channel makes a rapid 80° change in paleo-current direction. This is possibly the result of basin floor topography and the stacking of previously deposited sand complexes which alter local sea floor topography. The vertical and lateral continuity of the channelised reservoir is generally excellent due to the high degree of channel amalgamation. The stacked channel complex constitutes a gross thickness of 76.2m (68.5m Net sand) in well E-BD5, and a gross thickness 25m (23m Net sand) in well E-BD2. Channel sands in well E-BD5 have an average porosity of 15% while the average porosity of channel sands in well E-BD2 (further down-dip) is 17%. This up-dip channelised region results in high amplitude reflections due to hydrocarbon charged sand juxtaposed against hemipelagic muds and silty levee facies. Well E-BD1 has tapped into a relatively confined sand complex deposited at the base of the continental slope. The amalgamated lobe and sheet sand complex is entirely encased in hemi pelagic mud. These reservoir sands are interpreted to be deposited in the Channel Lobe Transition Zone (CLTZ), thus the reservoir sands are interpreted to have a transitional depositional style (generally channelized sheets). The CLTZ region is thus dominated by both channel complex and lobe complex elements. The E-BD1 reservoir constitutes a number of amalgamated elements that result in a reservoir zone with an average porosity of 16.4%. These include: amalgamated thick bedded sheet sand (lobe axis) associated with deep depositional feeder channels; thin bedded sheet sands (off lobe axis), broad thin amalgamated lobe elements, layered thick bedded sand sheets and deep broad depositional channels. The low sinuosity broad depositional-channels and elongate lobe elements are expressed as lobate amalgamated sheets
of sand which is up to 2-3km wide, 5km long and 30m thick (29.7m nett sand) at the well
bore. Well E-CE1 has intersected 50m thick reservoir sand (50m nett sand) which constitutes the axis of a lobe complex where the reservoir zone has an average porosity of 14%. The sand rich complex is deposited on the unconfined basin floor. This reservoir complex constitutes amalgamated thick bedded lobe architectural elements which are massive in nature. The laterally continuous hydrocarbon charged lobe elements result in bright parallel seismic reflections. The amalgamated lobe complex is more than 5km wide. Sub-parallel horizons are attributed to the thin bedded off axis portion of the lobe complex where the net to gross is considerably less than the highly amalgamated axis of the lobe complex. The lobe complex has a moderate to good net to gross of 40-60%. The high aspect ratio of the lobe complex severely impacts the reservoirs vertical permeability, however horizontal permeability is quite good due to the extensive lateral continuity of good quality sheet sands. Based on the nature deep water architectural elements observed in this study, the internal heterogeneity of the Basin floor Fan and Basin floor channel complex’s may constitute an entire sand rich reservoir zone. All the sands may be in hydraulic communication if they are genetically related. These sands and stretch from the up-dip (wells E-BD5 & E-BD2) through to the transitional (E-BD2) and pinching out in the distal regions (E-CE1) on the basin floor. The seal constitutes a prominent shale horizon T13PW3 (8-10m thick) which is draped over the entire reservoir complex. This top seal is extrapolated from all the wells and correlated with seismic facies, thus outlining the lateral continuity and thickness variations of the top seal.
This draped shale horizon exposes the thick axial portion of the amalgamated channel
complex and amalgamated lobe complex.
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The depositional environment of Sandstone reservoirs, of wells within F-AH and F-AR field, offshore the Bredasdorp basin, South AfricaSass, Amy Lauren January 2018 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / This study is located within the Bredasdorp Basin which is on the southern continental margin, offshore South Africa. The basin is located between Infanta and Agulhas arches and is a rift basin that is southeastern trending. Sedimentology reports have shown that the basin is predominantly filled by Aptian to Maastrichtian deposits which overlays pre-existing late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous fluvial and shallow marine syn-rift deposits. Devonian Bokkeveld Group slates and or Ordovician-Silurian Table Mountain Group quartzites are shown to be the composition of basement rocks.
The study area incorporates only three wells for this research; well F-AH1, F-AH2 and F-AR1. This paper was completed through analyzing and juxtaposing interpretations of results from gamma ray wireline log analysis with core analysis in which these correlations and figures were displayed using Petrel software and Coral Draw respectively. Core analysis resulted in the identification of, sixteen litho-facies for the entire study, which were recognized according to its grain size, texture, sedimentary structures, colour changes, base and top contacts, bioturbation, noticeable minerals, etc. Facies tend to alternate all the way through each well and between different wells with similar facies being present in different wells, but they are not evident in all the cores. Based on the classification of sand bodies, core analysis provides good indication that the general depositional environment of reservoirs within the studied wells are within a marginal marine depositional environment which are tidally influenced.
Log signatures typical of sandstone reservoir bodies were discovered in the field where sand bodies are 20 m thick or less and were recognized in the study area. Depositional environments were characterized based on depositional environment similarities: a funnel-shaped facies representing a crevasse splay; a cylindrical-shaped facies representing slope channel-fills representing the transgressive-regressive shallow marine shelf.
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Porosity and permeability distribution in the deep marine play of the central Bredasdorp Basin, Block 9, offshore South Africa.Ojongokpoko, Hanson Mbi January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study described porosity and permeability distribution in the deep marine play of the central Bredasdorp Basin, Block 9, offshore South Africa using methods that include thin section petrography, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy, in order to characterize their porosity and permeability distributions, cementation and clay types that affect the porosity and permeability distribution. The study included core samples from nine wells taken from selected depths within the Basin.</p>
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