Spelling suggestions: "subject:"breeding biology"" "subject:"reeding biology""
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Sperm competition in the Northern fulmar (Fulmaris glacialis)Hunter, Fiona M. January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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Breeding biology of Reed and Great Reed WarblersAkriotis, T. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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Sexuality in wild Agaricus species, classical and molecular analysisCalvo-Bado, Leonides Antonio January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Study of Breeding Biology and Habitat Use of Black-naped Oriole (Oriolus chinensis)Chu, Li-ching 13 February 2007 (has links)
Black-naped Oriole (Oriolus chinensis), Oriolidae, Passeriformes, is a member of old world songbirds. It has a wide distribution all over the eastern Asia, and is divided into 18 to 20 subspecies by differences in breeding sites, residents or migrants, morphological characters and songs. The populations breeding in Taiwan are classified as subspecies Oriolus chinensis diffusus. Black-naped Orioles inhabit in wooded habitats with a preference for tall secondary forests and disturbed wooded habitats and the staple foods of Black-naped Orioles are fruits, larvae, pupae and imagines of insects. This study was intented to understand the habitat preference and to explore the fundamental ecological data of Black-naped Oriole in Taiwan. Breeding seasons of Black-naped Oriole started from March and ended in July, and reached its peak from April to June. Most of the birds had two broods each year. Females built nests and incubated for 17-21 days alone, and males shared feeding and protecting juveniles after hatching. The birds of Pingtung population often built their nests on tall Albizia falcate and those of Fenglin population on Pachira macrocarpa. The breeding success was 23.3% in Pingtung and 18.2% in Fenglin. The breeding failure were due to human disturbance, climate, and poaching. The materials used for nest were bark, grass, leaves, and some artificial materials. Black-naped Orioles prefer to build nests at the same tree but on different branches. The nests were often closed to nests of Dicrurus macrocercus. Cooperative defenses between these two birds were observed.
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Biologia reprodutiva da arara-azul-de-lear Anodorhynchus leari (Aves: Psittacidae) na Estação Biológica de Canudos, BA / Breeding biology of Lear\'s Macaw Anodorhynchus leari (Aves: Psittacidae) at Canudos Biological Station - BAAssis, Erica Cristina Pacífico de 02 February 2012 (has links)
Anodorhynchus leari é uma ave endêmica do Bioma Caatinga e um dos psitacídeos mais ameaçados de extinção na região neotropical. Ela se reproduz apenas em formações rochosas de arenito-calcário, localizadas em dois sítios protegidos no norte do estado da Bahia; a Estação Biológica de Canudos (Toca Velha) e a Estação Ecológica do Raso da Catarina (Serra Branca). Este estudo teve por objetivo agregar informações sobre a história natural da arara-azul-de-lear, com ênfase em suas atividades reprodutivas. No Capítulo 1 descreve-se a estrutura e a disposição das cavidades encontradas nos paredões da Estação Biológica de Canudos, as quais foram acessadas internamente por meio do método de rapel. Verificou-se que os ninhos das araras estão em túneis ou salões/galerias amplos e profundos, locais formados naturalmente por ações de intempéries nas formações rochosas de 53m de altura vertical em média. Definitivamente as cavidades com ninhos não são confeccionadas ou alteradas pelas araras, para fins reprodutivos. Na área estudada existem muitas cavidades com as mesmas condições ambientais internas. No mesmo sítio, entre os anos de 2008 e 2011, foram localizadas 38 cavidades ativas. No Capítulo 2 buscou-se descrever detalhadamente a biologia reprodutiva da arara-azul-de-lear, monitorando-se internamente 18 destas cavidades. Ao final da quarta temporada reprodutiva 42 ninhadas foram estudadas. O período reprodutivo ocorreu entre os meses de dezembro e julho e a maior parte das ninhadas possuía três ovos. Por meio de ovoscopia verificou-se uma média de dois ovos embrionados por ninhada. Em quatro anos, 68 ninhegos eclodiram e destes, 83% sobreviveram até o primeiro vôo. Apesar de ser possível gerar e criar três filhotes por ninhada, em média apenas um filhote foi criado. O sucesso reprodutivo nos quatro anos amostrados foi de 71%, conforme o Protocolo de Mayfield e considerando-se 14 semanas como tempo médio de desenvolvimento dos ninhegos. Apesar de ocorrerem em casos isolados e serem pouco significativas, as causas da não ocupação de ninhos ou mortalidade no desenvolvimento estiveram relacionadas à presença de abelhas Apis sp. dentro das cavidades, perturbação causada por competição intra-específica associada à assincronia de eclosão, e à queda de ninhegos dos ninhos. No capítulo 3 infere-se sobre o recrutamento nos dois sítios reprodutivos conhecidos, Toca Velha e Serra Branca, com base em avistamentos de 118 ninhegos na entrada dos ninhos. Foram identificadas 114 cavidades potencialmente reprodutivas entre os anos de 2009 e 2010. A maioria dos ninhegos foi avistada no mês de abril nas duas temporadas reprodutivas. Sugere-se que um máximo de 228 indivíduos esteja em atividade reprodutiva, o que representa 20,17% da população de araras estimada em 2010. Conclui-se que a espécie deva ser categorizada como \"em perigo de extinção - EN\", segundo a aplicação dos critérios da IUCN. A ameaça mais importante para a espécie reside na falta de proteção nas áreas de alimentação. É fundamental ainda a continuidade de ações educativas e da rigorosa proteção dos sítios reprodutivos já conhecidos, além de esforços para buscar novas áreas potenciais para a reprodução, e que podem justificar o aumento populacional observado ao longo dos anos. Os dados obtidos possibilitam criar estratégias de manejo para incrementar a taxa reprodutiva, e também contribuir para a proteção dos sítios de nidificação da arara-azul-de-lear. / Anodorhynchus leari is endemic to the Caatinga and one of the most endangered psitacidae in the Neotropics. It reproduces only in sandstone/limestone formations, located in two protected sites in the northern region of the state of Bahia, the Biological Station of Canudos (Toca Velha) and the Ecological Station of Raso da Catarina (Serra Branca). This study aimed to gather information about the natural history of Lear\'s, with emphasis on their reproductive activities. In Chapter 1 it is described the structure and arrangement of cavities found in the walls of the Canudos Biological Station (Toca Velha), which were accessed internally by the method of rappelling. It was found that the nests of the macaws are in tunnels or rooms/galleries large and deep, naturally formed by local actions of weathering rock formations in the vertical height of 53 m on average. Definitely the nest cavities are not made or altered by macaws, for reproductive purposes. In the study area there are many holes with the same environmental conditions inside. In the same place, between the years 2008 and 2011, 38 active cavities were located. In Chapter 2 we sought to describe in detail the reproductive biology of Lear\'s Macaw, by monitoring these 18 internal cavities. At the end of the fourth breeding season 42 were studied. The reproductive period occurred between the months of July and December and most nests had three eggs. An average of two fertilized eggs per clutch. In four years, 68 nestlings hatched and of these, 83% survived until the first flight. Although it is possible to generate and create three chicks per nest on average only one chick was raised. The reproductive success in the four sampled years was 71%, following the Mayfield Protocol and considering 14 weeks as the average time of nestlings\' development. Although isolated, not significant cases occurred, the causes of non-occupation of nests in the development or mortality were related to the presence of bees, Apis into the cavities, a disruption caused by intraspecific competition associated with hatching asynchrony, and the fall of nestlings from the nest. In chapter 3 we infer about the recruitment in the two known breeding sites, Toca Velha and Serra Branca, based on sightings of nestlings in the nest entrance. We identified 114 potentially reproductive cavities between the years 2009 and 2010. Most nestlings were sighted in the month of April in the two reproductive seasons. It is suggested that a maximum of 228 individuals are in reproductive activity, which represents 20.17% of the estimated population of macaws in 2010. It is concluded that this species should be categorized as \"endangered - EN,\" according to the application of the IUCN criteria. The most important threat to the species is the lack of protection in the feeding areas. It is also essential the continuity of educational activities and rigorous protection of known breeding sites, and efforts to seek new potential areas for reproduction, which may justify the observed increase in population over the years. The data obtained allow creating management strategies to increase the reproductive rate, and also contribute to the protection of nesting sites of Lear\'s Macaw.
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Reproductive Ecology of Astragalus filipes, a Great Basin Restoration LegumeWatrous, Kristal M. 01 May 2010 (has links)
Astragalus filipes Torrey ex. A. Gray (Fabaceae) is being studied and propagated for use in rangeland restoration projects throughout the Great Basin. Restoration forbs often require sufficient pollination services for seed production and persistence in restoration sites. Knowledge of a plant's breeding biology is important in providing pollination for maximal seed set. Reproductive output from four manual pollination treatments (autogamy, geitonogamy, xenogamy, and distant xenogamy) was examined in a common garden. Pod set, seed set, and seed germination were quantified for each of the treatments. Seed set from four wild populations was compared to that of an openly visited common garden array. A. filipes was found to be self-compatible, but to benefit greatly from outcrossing. Less seed germinated from distantly outcrossed treatments than for any other treatment, indicating possible outbreeding depression. Common garden plants set less seed per pod than any wild population, possibly due to a depauperate pollinator guild in the common garden. Bees were surveyed at wild A. filipes populations to identify common pollinators. Solitary and social bee species were observed visiting A. filipes to estimate aspects of their pollination efficacies, particularly foraging tempo and frequency of stigmatic contact. The nesting biologies of bees that visit A. filipes were considered as a component of bee manageability. Bees in the genus Osmia (Megachilidae) dominated this pollinator guild. Bombus nevadensis queens were the fastest foragers; honey bees and native solitary bees did not differ in foraging tempo. Megachilid bees consistently contacted the stigma during foraging, but honey bees exhibited sideworking behavior, contacting stigmas far less frequently than any other bee species observed. Two solitary bee species (Osmia bruneri and Hoplitis hypocrita) are recommended as prospective pollinators for management in association with Great Basin rehabilitation efforts.
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Breeding Biology and Pesticide-PCB Contamination of Western Grebe at Bear River Migratory Bird RefugeLindvall, Mark L. 01 May 1976 (has links)
The breeding biology of western grebe was studied at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah in 1973 and 1974. More than 300 nests were located and data gathered on nesting habitat and success. Western grebe at Bear River selected nest sites for nearness to open water of approximately 30 em in depth. At least one young was hatching in 21 percent of the nests. Avian predation and abandonment of nests following drops in water levels caused the greatest loss of nests. Chlorinated hydrocarbons monitored in western grebes showed DDE, DDD, PCB, 1260, and PCB 1254 levels in 24 breast muscle samples (wet weight) to average 12. 8, 0. 8, 3. 8, and 3. 5 ppm respectively. Contaminant concentration was found to be correlated to the condition of the bird as determined by visceral fat content. A significant (p<. 01) 2. 3 percent decline in western grebe eggshell thickness between preand post-DDT use periods was found. DDE was significantly (p<. 05) negatively correlated with eggshell thickness in western grebe. Contaminants were not linked to any reproductive failure in western grebe at Bear River MBR.
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Breeding Biology, Population Size And Spatial Distribution Of A Common Nightingale (luscinia Megarhynchos Brehm, 1831) Population At Yalincak (ankara)Ozbahar, Ilker 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Many bird populations are known to show strong territoriality as well as high site fidelity during breeding. The Common Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) is one of many such migratory species that annually occupies the same favourable habitat. Especially dominant males prefer to breed in the same area every year, and high fidelity probably assures high breeding success. This study aims to investigate breeding biology, population size and spatial distribution of nightingales at a small area in Yalincak within the METU campus grounds (Ankara, Turkey).
From 2003 to 2005, birds were captured and marked with metal or colour rings or radio tags for monitoring. Analyses were carried out on 77 individuals, including ringing data from the previous two years.
Phenology of the study population was characterized by early arrival of males in late April, followed one week later by females. Nesting immediately followed and the first young fledged in early June. Second broods were also recorded. Most birds apparently left for the south within August.
The population in the 2.65 ha large area was estimated to be about 20-25 individuals. However, only 2-4 breeding territories were present and a large proportion of floaters existed. Territory sizes were smaller than reported elsewhere. Annual survival rate was 0.424 & / #61617 / 0.121.
Contrary to previous knowledge, taxonomically the Yalincak population belonged to subspecies africana although more westerly subspecies could be recorded during migration.
This study revealed the importance of small but productive biotopes as important breeding habitats for passerines. It also showed that a few highly successful individuals may contribute out of proportion to the next generation.
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Biologia reprodutiva da arara-azul-de-lear Anodorhynchus leari (Aves: Psittacidae) na Estação Biológica de Canudos, BA / Breeding biology of Lear\'s Macaw Anodorhynchus leari (Aves: Psittacidae) at Canudos Biological Station - BAErica Cristina Pacífico de Assis 02 February 2012 (has links)
Anodorhynchus leari é uma ave endêmica do Bioma Caatinga e um dos psitacídeos mais ameaçados de extinção na região neotropical. Ela se reproduz apenas em formações rochosas de arenito-calcário, localizadas em dois sítios protegidos no norte do estado da Bahia; a Estação Biológica de Canudos (Toca Velha) e a Estação Ecológica do Raso da Catarina (Serra Branca). Este estudo teve por objetivo agregar informações sobre a história natural da arara-azul-de-lear, com ênfase em suas atividades reprodutivas. No Capítulo 1 descreve-se a estrutura e a disposição das cavidades encontradas nos paredões da Estação Biológica de Canudos, as quais foram acessadas internamente por meio do método de rapel. Verificou-se que os ninhos das araras estão em túneis ou salões/galerias amplos e profundos, locais formados naturalmente por ações de intempéries nas formações rochosas de 53m de altura vertical em média. Definitivamente as cavidades com ninhos não são confeccionadas ou alteradas pelas araras, para fins reprodutivos. Na área estudada existem muitas cavidades com as mesmas condições ambientais internas. No mesmo sítio, entre os anos de 2008 e 2011, foram localizadas 38 cavidades ativas. No Capítulo 2 buscou-se descrever detalhadamente a biologia reprodutiva da arara-azul-de-lear, monitorando-se internamente 18 destas cavidades. Ao final da quarta temporada reprodutiva 42 ninhadas foram estudadas. O período reprodutivo ocorreu entre os meses de dezembro e julho e a maior parte das ninhadas possuía três ovos. Por meio de ovoscopia verificou-se uma média de dois ovos embrionados por ninhada. Em quatro anos, 68 ninhegos eclodiram e destes, 83% sobreviveram até o primeiro vôo. Apesar de ser possível gerar e criar três filhotes por ninhada, em média apenas um filhote foi criado. O sucesso reprodutivo nos quatro anos amostrados foi de 71%, conforme o Protocolo de Mayfield e considerando-se 14 semanas como tempo médio de desenvolvimento dos ninhegos. Apesar de ocorrerem em casos isolados e serem pouco significativas, as causas da não ocupação de ninhos ou mortalidade no desenvolvimento estiveram relacionadas à presença de abelhas Apis sp. dentro das cavidades, perturbação causada por competição intra-específica associada à assincronia de eclosão, e à queda de ninhegos dos ninhos. No capítulo 3 infere-se sobre o recrutamento nos dois sítios reprodutivos conhecidos, Toca Velha e Serra Branca, com base em avistamentos de 118 ninhegos na entrada dos ninhos. Foram identificadas 114 cavidades potencialmente reprodutivas entre os anos de 2009 e 2010. A maioria dos ninhegos foi avistada no mês de abril nas duas temporadas reprodutivas. Sugere-se que um máximo de 228 indivíduos esteja em atividade reprodutiva, o que representa 20,17% da população de araras estimada em 2010. Conclui-se que a espécie deva ser categorizada como \"em perigo de extinção - EN\", segundo a aplicação dos critérios da IUCN. A ameaça mais importante para a espécie reside na falta de proteção nas áreas de alimentação. É fundamental ainda a continuidade de ações educativas e da rigorosa proteção dos sítios reprodutivos já conhecidos, além de esforços para buscar novas áreas potenciais para a reprodução, e que podem justificar o aumento populacional observado ao longo dos anos. Os dados obtidos possibilitam criar estratégias de manejo para incrementar a taxa reprodutiva, e também contribuir para a proteção dos sítios de nidificação da arara-azul-de-lear. / Anodorhynchus leari is endemic to the Caatinga and one of the most endangered psitacidae in the Neotropics. It reproduces only in sandstone/limestone formations, located in two protected sites in the northern region of the state of Bahia, the Biological Station of Canudos (Toca Velha) and the Ecological Station of Raso da Catarina (Serra Branca). This study aimed to gather information about the natural history of Lear\'s, with emphasis on their reproductive activities. In Chapter 1 it is described the structure and arrangement of cavities found in the walls of the Canudos Biological Station (Toca Velha), which were accessed internally by the method of rappelling. It was found that the nests of the macaws are in tunnels or rooms/galleries large and deep, naturally formed by local actions of weathering rock formations in the vertical height of 53 m on average. Definitely the nest cavities are not made or altered by macaws, for reproductive purposes. In the study area there are many holes with the same environmental conditions inside. In the same place, between the years 2008 and 2011, 38 active cavities were located. In Chapter 2 we sought to describe in detail the reproductive biology of Lear\'s Macaw, by monitoring these 18 internal cavities. At the end of the fourth breeding season 42 were studied. The reproductive period occurred between the months of July and December and most nests had three eggs. An average of two fertilized eggs per clutch. In four years, 68 nestlings hatched and of these, 83% survived until the first flight. Although it is possible to generate and create three chicks per nest on average only one chick was raised. The reproductive success in the four sampled years was 71%, following the Mayfield Protocol and considering 14 weeks as the average time of nestlings\' development. Although isolated, not significant cases occurred, the causes of non-occupation of nests in the development or mortality were related to the presence of bees, Apis into the cavities, a disruption caused by intraspecific competition associated with hatching asynchrony, and the fall of nestlings from the nest. In chapter 3 we infer about the recruitment in the two known breeding sites, Toca Velha and Serra Branca, based on sightings of nestlings in the nest entrance. We identified 114 potentially reproductive cavities between the years 2009 and 2010. Most nestlings were sighted in the month of April in the two reproductive seasons. It is suggested that a maximum of 228 individuals are in reproductive activity, which represents 20.17% of the estimated population of macaws in 2010. It is concluded that this species should be categorized as \"endangered - EN,\" according to the application of the IUCN criteria. The most important threat to the species is the lack of protection in the feeding areas. It is also essential the continuity of educational activities and rigorous protection of known breeding sites, and efforts to seek new potential areas for reproduction, which may justify the observed increase in population over the years. The data obtained allow creating management strategies to increase the reproductive rate, and also contribute to the protection of nesting sites of Lear\'s Macaw.
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Multiple paternity and the breeding biology of the red-eyed treefrog, Agalychnis callidryasd'Orgeix, Christian A. 06 June 2008 (has links)
External fertilization makes male anurans susceptible to direct intrasexual competition for fertilization opportunities at the egg mass. The red-eyed treefrog, Agalychnis callidryas, is one species in which pairs of males appear to simultaneously fertilize the clutch of a Single female. DNA fingerprinting revealed the presence of multiple paternity in two egg clutches examined from two matings involving a female with two males. The breeding biology of females and the potential costs and benefits of mating with multiple males were examined. Females were found to decrease the number of eggs in matings with multiple males. In addition, amplexed females moving toward Oviposition sites avoided secondary males by moving when approached by secondary males. Mortality to the eggs as a result of multiple males attempting to amplex females is suggested as the reason females avoid multiple males. Males were found to exhibit calling site defense from other males. Males used a combination of auditory and a visual behavior in defending calling sites. The call types are described and the contexts within which calls occur is discussed. Density of frogs was found to be a better indicator of the occurrence of matings involving multiple males than the operational sex ratio (number of males/number of females). / Ph. D.
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