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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thermal and Quantum Analysis of a Stored State in a Photonic Crystal CROW Structure

Oliveira, Eduardo M. A. 20 November 2007 (has links)
"Photonic crystals have recently been the subject of studies for use in optical signal processing. In particular, a Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguide (CROW) structure has been considered by M. F. Yanik and S. Fan in “Stopping Light All Optically” for use in a time-varying optical system for the storage of light in order to mitigate the effects of waveguide dispersion. In this thesis, the effects of the thermal field on the state stored in such a structure is studied. Through simulation, this thesis finds that when this structure is constructed of gallium arsenide cylinders in air, loss of the signal was found to be caused by free-carrier absorption, and the decay of the signal dominates over thermal spreading of the optical signal’s spectrum."

Fotonická krystalická vlákna / Photonic crystal fibers

Dočkal, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This graduation thesis deals with use of unconventional optical fiber with the intention of photonic crystal fiber. There are described types of photonic crystal fiber, their physical, optical and transfer characteristics. There is explained what are the photonic crystals, principle of their function and possible types of crystals. There are also detailed types of photonic fiber commonly used in the optical fiber branch. There is also explained photonic crystal fiber its structure a hierarchy of its types. In this thesis are described and demonstrated different kinds of photonic optical fiber and their use. There is demonstrated principle of one-dimensional periodical structure of Bragg fiber using simulation software. There can be seen graphical comparison of the simulated optical fiber core to commonly obtainable fiber. Outcome of this graduation thesis should be explanation of function of photonic crystal fiber and possibility of finding new type of fiber with optimal dispersion characteristics for use in fiber optics.

"Ab initio" studium systémů na bázi CeO2 / "Ab initio" studium systémů na bázi CeO2

Fečík, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Heterogenní katalýza hraje významnou roli pro zvy¹ování efektivity rùzných procesù. Vysokou katalytickou aktivitu vykazují oxidy ceru patøící k tzv. reducibilním oxidùm, je¾ snadno uvolòují èi (zpìtnì) pøijímají atomy kyslíku prostøednictvím procesù redukce a oxidace. Zámìrem pøedlo¾ené práce je vypoèítat pásové struktury a øezy plochami konstantní energie objemových a povrchových systémù oxidu ceru pomocí kvantovì-mechanické "ab initio"metody Teorie hustotního funkcionálu. Numerické simulace jsou provádìny pomocí programového balíèku Quantum ESPRESSO za u¾ití metod rovinných vln a pseudopotenciálu. Silná korelace elektronù v pøípadì atomù ceru je modelována pøidáním Hubbardova U-èlenu. Hlavní dùraz je kladen na mo¾nost porovnávání teoretických výsledkù s tìmi získanými pomocí experimentální metody úhlovì-rozli¹ené fotoelektronové spektroskopie umo¾òující pøímý zisk jak pásových struktur, tak øezù plochami konstantní energie zkoumaného materiálu. Porovnání pomù¾e jak poznat mo¾nosti a mo¾né hranice zmínìné experimentální metody, tak i roz¹íøit její teoretické zázemí vedoucí k prohloubení znalostí materiálù perspektivních pro katalýzu. Klíèová slova: Teorie hustotního funkcionálu, Hubbardùv U-èlen, pásová struktura, plocha konstantní energie, Brillouinova zóna 1

Accurate Band Energies of Metals with Quadratic Integration

Jorgensen, Jeremy John 18 April 2022 (has links)
Materials play an important role in society. Historically, and even at present, materials have been discovered by trial and error, and many of the most useful materials have been discovered by chance. The high-throughput approach aims to remove (as much as possible) chance and guesswork at the experimental level by filtering out materials candidates that are not predicted to exist. Many successes have been recorded. In the high-throughput approach to materials discovery, machined-learned models of materials are created from databases of theoretical materials. These databases are the result of millions of density-functional-theory (DFT) simulations. The size and accuracy of the data in the databases (and, consequently, the predictions of machined-learned models) are most affected by the band energy calculation; most of the computation of a DFT simulation is computing the band energy in the self-consistency cycle, and most of the error in the simulation comes from band energy error. The band energy is obtained from a two-part multidimensional numerical integral over the Brillouin or irreducible Brillouin zone. A quadratic approximation and integration algorithm for computing the band energy in 2D and 3D is described. Analytic and semi-analytic integration of quadratic polynomials over simplices improves the accuracy and efficiency of the calculation. A method is proposed for estimating the error bounds of the quadratic approximation that does not require additional eigenvalues. Error propagation of approximation errors leads to an adaptive refinement approach that is driven by band energy error. Because adaptive meshes have little symmetry, integration is performed within the irreducible Brillouin zone, and a general algorithm for computing the irreducible Brillouin zone is described. The efficiency of quadratic integration is tested on realistic empirical pseudopotentials. When compared to current integration methods, uniform quadratic integration over the irreducible Brillouin zone sometimes results in fewer k-points for a given accuracy. Adaptive refinement fails to improve integration performance because band energy error bounds are inaccurate, especially at accidental crossings at the Fermi level.

Syntéza struktur s elektromagnetickým zádržným pásmem / Synthesis of electromagnetic bandgap structures

Šedý, Michal January 2009 (has links)
In microwave frequency band, the planar technology is mainly used to fabricate electronic circuits. Propagation of surface waves belongs to the significant problem of this technology. Surface waves can cause unwanted coupling among particular parts of the structure and can degrade its parameters. The problem can be solved using an electromagnetic band gap structure (EBG). These periodic structures are able to suppress surface waves in different frequency bands. This thesis is focused on the modeling of these structures in the program COMSOL Multiphysics.

Plasmonic properties and applications of metallic nanostructures

Zhen, Yurong 16 September 2013 (has links)
Plasmonic properties and the related novel applications are studied on various types of metallic nano-structures in one, two, or three dimensions. For 1D nanostructure, the motion of free electrons in a metal-film with nanoscale thickness is confined in its normal dimension and free in the other two. Describing the free-electron motion at metal-dielectric surfaces, surface plasmon polariton (SPP) is an elementary excitation of such motions and is well known. When further perforated with periodic array of holes, periodicity will introduce degeneracy, incur energy-level splitting, and facilitate the coupling between free-space photon and SPP. We applied this concept to achieve a plasmonic perfect absorber. The experimentally observed reflection dip splitting is qualitatively explained by a perturbation theory based on the above concept. If confined in 2D, the nanostructures become nanowires that intrigue a broad range of research interests. We performed various studies on the resonance and propagation of metal nanowires with different materials, cross-sectional shapes and form factors, in passive or active medium, in support of corresponding experimental works. Finite- Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) simulations show that simulated results agrees well with experiments and makes fundamental mode analysis possible. Confined in 3D, the electron motions in a single metal nanoparticle (NP) leads to localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) that enables another novel and important application: plasmon-heating. By exciting the LSPR of a gold particle embedded in liquid, the excited plasmon will decay into heat in the particle and will heat up the surrounding liquid eventually. With sufficient exciting optical intensity, the heat transfer from NP to liquid will undergo an explosive process and make a vapor envelop: nanobubble. We characterized the size, pressure and temperature of the nanobubble by a simple model relying on Mie calculations and continuous medium assumption. A novel effective medium method is also developed to replace the role of Mie calculations. The characterized temperature is in excellent agreement with that by Raman scattering. If fabricated in an ordered cluster, NPs exhibit double-resonance features and the double Fano-resonant structure is demonstrated to most enhance the four-wave mixing efficiency.

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