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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Establishing a culture supporting project management within an organization

Kurtz, R. P. (Ronald Patrick) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research project focuses on organisational culture supportive of project management. The study takes the form of a literature review evaluating approximately 30-40 articles. These articles contain research by the most prominent and knowledgeable authors on the subject of project management. The research is divided into the following sections: • an introduction explaining the research topic; • an overview of organisational culture and its role in organisations. This is necessary to get an understanding of organisational culture in general as researched and viewed by different researchers and how it impacts on organisational performance; • comparisons between the functional management and project management. This section gives an overview of the differences between the functional management and the project management with specific emphasis on the cultural dimensions for both types of management. This section reviews the determinants of organisational culture supportive of project management; • measures needed to inculcate the determinants of organisational culture supportive of project management in an organisation; and • conclusions that are drawn from the review done on the determinants of organisational culture supportive of project management. Focus is on the opportunity that exists for future research on the subject of organisational culture supportive of project management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsings projek fokus op die organisasie kultuur wat projek bestuur ondersteun. Die studie gaan in die vorm van literatuur oorsig wat ongeveer 30-40 artikels evalueer. Hierdie artikels bevat navorsing deur die toonaangewenste en gesaghebbendste skrywers op die onderwerp van prokekbestuur. Die navorsing is in die volgende dele verdeel: • 'n inleidende oorsig wat die navorsings onderwerp verduidelik; • 'n oorsig van die organisasie kultuur en die rol wat dit speel binne organisasies. Dit is noodsaaklik dat die begrip organisasie kultuur verstaan word asook die invloed wat dit het op organisasie prestasie,soos nagevors en beoordeel deur verskeie navorsers; • vergelyking tussen funksionele bestuur en projekbestuur. Hierdie afdeling gee 'n oorhoofse siening van die verskille tussen funksionele bestuur and projekbestuur met spesifieke klem ten opsigte van die kulturele dimensies van beide bestuurs tipes. Hierdie afdeling gee 'n oorsig van die determinante van organisasie kultuur wat projekbestuur ondersteun; • maatreels benodig om die determinante van organisasie kultuur wat projekbestuur binne die organisasie ondersteun; en • gevolgtrekkings wat uit hierdie oorsig gemaak is op die determinante van organisasie kultuur wat projekbestuur ondersteun. Fokus is op die geleenthede wat bestaan vir toekomstige navorsing ten opsigte van die onderwerp, die ondersteuning van organisasie kultuur op projekbestuur.

Good corporate governance : can it be ensured through structures only : a critical evaluation of the role of the board and in particular the independent director

Scholtz, Louise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main problem area this dissertation studied is whether there the appointment of independent directors to the board, is firstly an adequate way to ensure good corporate governance, and secondly, if it is not the case, what must companies do to amend the situation. As result of various factors, amongst them the spectacular corporate failures worldwide that demonstrated the flaws in the shareholder democratic model, shareholder activism and global competitiveness corporate governance has taken centre stage. Pivotal to good corporate governance is the board of the company, as postulated not only by the majority of corporate governance models, but also by all the corporate governance codes. Furthermore, the perception of shareholders that independent directors are the most effective way to ensure that shareholder interests are protected has also been entrenched in the directives of corporate governance codes, with the inclusion of the South African King Code. As a result of the foregoing the role of independent directors has come under the spotlight, especially their failure to act in some of the instances of governance abuse by management. In this regard strong responses and possible prosecution has now alerted non-executive directors to the fact that there is no difference in liability between them and the executive brothers. Non-executive directors or independent directors have primarily two functions, they must monitor the performance of management and provide strategic input. As a result of the aforesaid corporate collapses non-executive directors are of the opinion that their monitoring role is being emphasis at the cost of their strategic role, which might be to the detriment of the company. Independent directors as the solution to all governance problems are however not flawless. Independence interpreted restricts access to possible suitable candidates. Furthermore, ineffective selection processes curtail the optimal functioning of boards, manipulation of information by management, lack of director training, and the increasing cost attendant to ensure adequate independent representation on the board. There are also "soft issues" that are even mere pervasive and destructive, the boardroom atmosphere that precludes open and honest discussion, the powerful chief executive and the failure of some directors to distinguish between managing and directing. In view of the problems highlighted above, this study project proposes that there has, firstly been an over-emphasis of the role that the independent director can play in ensuring good corporate governance at the cost of other measures that can be implemented. A more optimal situation can be created through a combination of a strong independent presence coupled with ongoing training and evaluation of boards and directors. There are two prerequisites for such training and evaluation to be successful. Firstly, the process must be actively driven by the chairman of the board and, secondly, directors must be made aware of the fact that shareholders have become more demanding and critical of their performance. Unless they are perceived to add value to the company they may find that they are without a job. In today's demanding environment companies and boards that do not actively encourage a learning culture will not survive. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kern-probleemgebied wat in die verhandeling bestudeer is is tweeledig, eerstens, of die aanstelling van onafhanklike direkteure op die direksie voldoende is om goeie korporatiewe bestuur te verseker, en tweedens, indien dit nie die geval is nie, wat maatskappye te doen staan om die situasie reg te stel. As gevolg van verskeie faklore, onder andere die skouspelagtige korporatiewe mislukkings wereldwyd, wat die gebreke in die aandeelhouer demokratiese model aan die kaak gestel het, aandeelhouer aktivisme en globale mededinging, het korporatiewe bestuur 'n sentrale rol aangeneem. Die kern tot goeie korporatiewe bestuur is die direksie van die maatskappy, soos daargestel deur beide die meerderheid van koperatiewe bestuursmodelle en al die kodes ten opsigte van korporatiewe bestuur. Voorts, word die aanname van aandeelhouers dat onafhanklike direkteure die mees doeltreffendste wyse is om hulle belange te beskerm, verder ingeburger in die voorskrifte van korporatiewe bestuurskodes, wat die Suid-Afrikaanse King Kode 2 insluit. As gevolg van voormelde het die rol van onafhanklike direkteure in die spervuur beland, veral as gevolg van hulle versuim om op te tree in sommige gevalle van korporatiewe vergrepe deur die bestuur van die maatskappy. In die verband, het die sterk reaksie en die sprake van vervolging, 'n waarskuwing aan nie-uitvoerende direkteure gerig dat hulle net so aanspreeklik gehou kan word as hulle uitvoerende broers. Nie-uitvoerende direkteure or onafhanklike direkteure het primer twee funksies, hulle moet die prestasie van die bestuur monitor and hulle moet strategiese insette lewer. As gevolg van gesegde korporatiewe mislukkings is nie-uitvoerende direkteure nou van mening dat hulle moniteringsrol beklemtoon word ten koste van hulle strategiese rol, wat tot die nadeel van die maatskappy mag strek. Onafhanklike direkteure as die oplossing tot alle bestuursprobleme is egter nie volmaak nie. 'n Streng interpretasie van onafhanklikheid beperk die keuse van moontlike geskikte kandidate. Voorts word die optimale funktionering van direksies ingeperk deur ondoeltreffende keuringsprosesse, die manipulering van inligting deur die bestuur, gebrek aan direkteursopleiding and die stygende koste verbonde aan 'n voldoende onafhanklike teenwoordigheid op die direksie. Daar is ook "sagte" aspekte wat selfs meer vernietigend inwerk, naamlik die atmosfeer wat heers in die direksiesaal, die magtige hoof uitvoerende direkteur en die gebrek aan insig by direkteure rakende die verskil tussen die pligte van 'n direkteur en 'n bestuurder. Gegewe die voorafgaande probleme, is die verhandeling van mening dat die rol wat die onafhanklike direkteur kan speel om goeie korporatiewe bestuur te verseker oorbeklemtoon word. Hierdie klem is ten koste van ander maatreels, wat ingestel kan word. 'n Meer optimale klimaat kan geskep word deur 'n kombinasie van 'n sterk onafhanklike teenwoordigheid op die direksie, gekoppel aan deurlopende opleiding en evaluering van direksies en direkteure. Ten einde te verseker dat sodanige opleiding en evaluasie suksesvol is, is daar twee voorvereistes. Eerstens, moet die proses aktief deur die voorsitter bestuur word, en tweedens, moet 'n bewustheid by direkteure gekweek word aangaande die verwagtinge van aandeelhouers, wat meer veeleisend en krities staan teenoor hulle prestasie. Tensy hulle geag word waarde toe te voeg, mag direkteure hulle sonder 'n werk bevind. In vandag se veeleisende omgewing kan maatskappye en direksies, wat nie 'n leerkultuur aanmoedig nie, nie verwag om te oorleef nie.

Leadership in the context of organisational change with reference to Caltex Refinery's Project Zero-Zero-One

Schreiner, Charles 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Business turnarounds usually involve drastic changes in an organisation. Change involves people and their emotions - positive and negative. Central to change stands a leadership team. Continuous change is a constant in the equation of competitiveness in today's economy. It is inevitable and definitely not an easy process, however, it becomes so much easier with the right people in the right positions together with a leader who mapped the route for the change vehicle. The right people do not need that much motivation to be inspired on the journey of implementing and sustaining change. This study concentrated mainly on the leadership skills observed during the change process at Callex Refinery, Cape Town. The author observed during the initiating and implementation stages of the change process that the leader did not build a coalition team, managers became less available and visible, face-to-face communication fell short of what was needed and a lack of feedback on performance resulted in mediocre performance. This resulted into lacklustre performances of the people. It is the responsibility of the leader to create a sense of urgency among his people. The leader continuously reminds his people where they are in relation to their vision; what is required to achieve the vision; how they will get there through trusting relationships, learning and development, teamwork and collaboration inside and outside the walls of the organisation. Great leaders create a climate of trust that is based on mutual respect and caring; the leader empowers his team in a caring environment. Mediocre results prevail in the absence of effective leadership. Effective leaders remind their people through communication why change is inevitable. They engage in dialogue, reflect, listen actively and lead by example whilst showing a sense of curiosity. Effective leaders grow new leaders. These leaders pay attention to what they will leave behind after they leave. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Besigheidskentering gaan gewoonlik gepaard met drastiese veranderinge in 'n organisasie. Mense en hul emosies - positief of negatief - word gewoonlik by die veranderingsproses betrek. Midde in die verandering is 'n leierskapspan. Voortdurende verandering is 'n gegewe in vandag se mededingende ekonomie. Dit is onvermydelik en beslis nie 'n maklike proses nie, tog raak dlt makliker met die regte mense in die regte posisies saam met 'n leier wat die roetekaart opstel vir die veranderingstuig. Die regte mense het nie soveel motivering nodig om hul te inspireer op hul reis na die implementering en volhouing van verandering nie. Hierdie werkstuk konsentreer hoofsaaklik op die leierskap vermoë waargeneem gedurende die veranderingsproses by Caltex Raffinadery in Kaapstad. Die skrywer het gedurende die begin- en implementeringstadiums van die veranderingsproses opgelet dat die leier nie 'n koalisie span gebou het nie, bestuurders minder sigbaar geword het, van aangesig tot aangesig kommunikasie was nie wat dit moes wees nie en 'n gebrek aan terugvoer oor werkverrigting het uitgeloop op middelmatige werkverrigting. Dit het flou werkverrigting van werknemers tot gevolg gehad. Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die leier om by sy mense 'n bewuswording van dringendheid te skep. Die leier moet voortdurend sy mense herinner aan waar hulle is in verhouding tot hul visie; wat verwag word om die visie te vol bring; hoe hulle daarby uit gaan kom deur vertrouensverhoudinge, leer en ontwikkeling, spanwerk en samewerking binne en buite die mure van die organisasie. Goeie leiers skep 'n klimaat van vertroue wat gebaseer is op respek en omgee: die leier bemagtig sy span in 'n sorgsame omgewing. Middelmatige resultate seëvier in die afwesigheid van effektiewe leierskap. Effektiewe leiers herinner mense deur kommunkiasie, hoekom verandering onvermydelik is. Hulle neem deel in tweesprake, reflekteer, luister aktief en lei deur hul voorbeeld terwyl hulle ook 'n mate van nuuskierigheid toon. Effektiewe leier kweek nuwe leiers. Hierdie leiers skenk aandag aan watter nalatenskap hulle gaan agterlaat as hulle self moet weggaan.

Mentoring programmes : a proposal towards management development

Myburgh, Anchen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The introduction of Affirmative Action Programmes in South Africa has left managerial development at the centre of management focus with the growing realisation that there is no quick fix. It is argued that, in order to make a substantial contribution to the managerial development process, management should not only seek to obtain the goals of the organisation, but first to obtain the goals of the individual within the organisation after which the first will follow. Against this background mentoring has been used successfully to develop high potential managers to build a diverse organisation and to foster the management of change. The study aimed to highlight not merely the many benefits to be gained from successfully implemented mentoring programmes, but also the many complexities inherent to the process. In the final analyses, mentoring programmes can only add value if the process and underlying critical success factors are understood. It is hoped that this research will result in more mentoring programmes being implemented across a broader spectrum of employees in order to create a sustainable and competitive advantage through the retention of knowledge and increased competencies of employees. The cost of such programmes is relatively low compared to their value if implemented correctly and may well hold the key to unlocking a wealth of talent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die implementering van Regstellende Aksie Programme in Suid Afrika het bestuursontwikkeling op die voorgrond geplaas met die toenemende besef dat daar geen maklike oplossing voor is nie. Ten einde 'n substansiële bydrae tot die gebied van bestuursontwikkeling te maak sal bestuur nie alleenlik die doelwitte van die organisasie moet nastreef nie, maar ten eerste die doelwitte van die individue binne die organisasie moet nastreef waarna die eerste vanself sal volg. Teen hierdie agtergrond is mentorskapprogramme al suksesvol gebruik om potensiële bestuurders te ontwikkel, om diverse organisasies te bou en om die bestuur van verandering suksesvol te fasiliteer. Die werkstuk sal nie alleenlik die voordele van suksesvol geïmplimenteerde mentorskapprogramme uitlig nie, maar ook die komplekse aard daarvan onderstreep. Mentorskapprogramme kan slegs waarde toevoeg indien die proses en onderliggende kritiese suksesfaktore verstaan word. Die doel van die werkstuk is om mentorskapprogramme as bestuursontwikkelingstrategie te bevorder en sodoende 'n breër spektrum van werknemers te bereik ten einde volhoubare kompeterende voordeel te bewerkstellig. Die koste verbonde aan sulke programme is relatief laag in verhouding tot die waarde wat toegevoeg kan word indien dit korrek geïmplimenteer word en daar bestaan geen twyfel dat dit 'n belangrike bydra tot bestuursontwikkeling kan maak deur die talent wat wel bestaan te ontsluit nie.

Strategic management and the Christian church : a mission-based framework for formulating strategy

Barbour, Lynn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / Binne alle soorte van organisasies is dit 'n sleuteldoelwit van bestuur om die organisasie se bestaande sukses in die markplek te fasiliteer en die toekoms daarvan te verseker. "lndeed, good strategy and good strategy execution are the most trustworthy signs of good management" (Thompson & Strickland, 2003). In die privaatsektor word formele strategiese bestuursraamwerke, modelIe en prosesse wyd toegepas ten einde die formulering en implementering van doelmatige strategiee te ondersteun. In die nie-winsgewende omgewing, insluitende religieuse organisasies soos kerke, word strategiese bestuursmodelle nouliks gebruik. Die akademiese literatuur bevat min oor strategie en die toepassing daarvan op religieuse organisasies, wat kerke insluit. Hierdie tekortkoming het 'n geleentheid vir ondersoek geskep. Die navorsingsprobleem wat dus aangespreek word in die werkstuk is die volgende: Kan die strategiese-formnuleringsraamwerk wat ontwikkel word in die besigheidsomgewing toegepas of aangepas word om 'n betroubare raamwerk vir strategie formulering in die Christelike Kerk daar te stel? 'n Uitgebreide literare soektog was onderneem. Dit sluit in materiaal oor strategiese bestuur, ekonomie, sosiologie, sendingkunde en algemene kerkliteratuur. As sodanig vorm dit die basis vir die ontwerp van 'n strategie formuleringsraamwerk wat bepalend is tot die Christelike Kerk. Alle Christelike Kerke is geroepe om in terme van die Groot Opdrag uit te reik en die evangelie te verkondig. Dit vorm deurgans die kernsending vir kerke. Die voorgestelde raamwerk erken die grondslag en sentrale rol van hierdie sending in die strategieformulering van die Christelike Kerk. Om die rede is die raamwerk die sending-gebaseerde raamwerk ("mission-based framework-) genoem. Hierdie sending-gebaseerde raamwerk erken die voordele van integrasie van die buite-in en binne-buite benaderinge tot strategiesebestuur. Dit omsluit beide 'n eksteme en interne ontledingselement. Hierdie kernkonsep van sending is 'n verwysingspunt vir die ander elemente. Die eksterne en interne analises word gedoen met verwysing na die sending. Die strategiese strekking word ook gerig met die sending. Die analise-integrasie element kombineer die bevindinge van die eksterne en interne analises. Die uitkoms word vergelyk met die strategiese strekking, wat weereens in Iyn is met die sending. Die strategie wat geformuleer is, word gemeet teen die sending. Die sending-gebaseerde raamwerk is toegepas ten einde die gebruik daarvan te toets as 'n instrument in die Kerk. In die werkstuk is die toepassing breed en gemik op die voorbeeldsteliing van die proses. Die raamwerk kan nietemin toegepas word op verskillende vlakke: industrie, kerklike of individuele kerkvlak. Na voltooiing en dokumentering van die ondersoek, en gebaseer op die uitgebreide akademiese en ander literatuur, is die navorsingsprobleem positief beantwoord. Die strategie formuleringsraamwerke en modelle wat ontwikkel is binne die besigheidsomgewing kan met kleinere verandering gebruik word om 'n geldige raamwerk te voorsien vir die formulering van strategie in die Christelike Kerk. Die kwessie van strategiese bestuur en die Christelike Kerk is op 'n bree en konseptuele wyse aangespreek in die werkstuk. Dit het toegelaat vir toepasbare navorsing oor die onderwerp. Nietemin is daar ander aspekte van ondersoek wat gevolg kan word en wat die ondersoek derhalwe kan verbreed. Daar is 'n beperktheid aan akademiese literatuur wat strategiese bestuur binne die Christelike Kerk, aanspreek. Die ondersoek wat in die werkstuk weerspieel word, is interessant en nuttig, en dit het op sekere wyse bygedra tot die uitbreiding van die kennisliggaam.

The biotechnology revolution and its potential impact on the South African economy

Smit, Barend Schalk 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the history of the world, technological change has always played a central role in the advancement of the global economy. Every now and then a technological development comes along that causes a quantum leap in the technological progress of the world. Such were the mechanical developments that led to the industrial revolution, or the electronic developments that led to the more recent information technology revolution. A characteristic of these developments is its profound impact on the world economy. An explosion of new product and production possibilities typically follows such landmark technological developments. So fast and intense are the technological and resulting economic changes, that it can truly be described as a revolution. Recently, the rapid advances in molecular biology have caused such a multitude of new product and production possibilities in biological sciences that it can be described as a biotechnology revolution. Modern biotechnological techniques like recombinant DNA techniques have made the genetic manipulation of organisms possible. This creates possibilities of new production techniques and products previously unimaginable. The centre stage of the biotechnology revolution is in the US and Europe. South Africa and other developing countries have lagged behind in adopting and extracting economic value from modern biotechnology. This study investigates the issues in modern biotechnology and how the South African economy can benefit from modern biotechnology. It was found that modern biotechnology has tremendous economic potential and that already many overseas companies are generating huge profits from modern biotechnology products in all fields of biotechnology. However, some concerns about the safety of modern biotechnology point at the necessity for a proper global regulatory framework to ensure the consumer acceptance of biotechnology products required to continue to extract value from new biotechnology developments. Various cost factors need to be considered in the biotechnology industry and in South Africa the importance of these cost factors is much more pronounced due to the small scale of the South African economy. South Africa and many other developing countries will most definitely benefit from adopting modern biotechnology and expanding national biotechnology capacity. However, analyses like cost-volume-profit, economic potential, and production factor gap analyses need to be executed, preferably up to product level, to determine the appropriate biotechnology areas or products with the biggest economic potential and on which South Africa should focus its biotechnology efforts. Government stimulation of the South African biotechnology industry is welcomed by the industry. The expansion of South African biotechnology capacity will result in sustainable long-term economic benefits, not only to South Africa, but also to other developing African countries. It is concluded that the large-scale adoption of modern biotechnology in South Africa is appropriate and that the exploding biotechnology product developments, combined with increased market acceptance of modern biotechnology products, will create significant economic benefits in the South African economy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die vroegste tye in die geskiedenis van die wereld het tegnologiese ontwikkeling 'n sentrale rol in die vooruitgang van die wereldekonomie gespeel. Elke nou en dan vind daar 'n tegnologiese ontwikkeling plaas wat 'n kwantumsprong in die vooruitgang van die wereld tot gevolg he!. Voorbeelde hiervan is die meganiese ontwikkelinge wat tot die industriele revolusie gelei het, of die meer onlangse elektroniese ontwikkelinge wat die informasietegnologierevolusie tot gevolg gehad het. 'n Kenmerk van hierdie ontwikkelinge is die geweldige impak wat dit op die wereldekonomie gehad het. 'n Ontploffing in produkte en produksietegnieke is tipies die gevolg van hierdie landmerk tegnologiese ontwikkelinge. Die tegnologiese- en gevolglik ekonomiese veranderinge is so vinnig en intens dat dit waarlik as 'n revolusie beskryf kan word. Die onlangse vinnige vooruitgang in molekulere biologie het so 'n ontploffing in nuwe produkte en produksietegnieke in die biologiese wetenskappe veroorsaak, dat dit as 'n biotegnologiese revolusie beskryf kan word. Moderne tegnieke, soos rekombinante-DNS-tegnieke, maak die genetiese manipulasie van organismes moontlik. Dit lei tot die ontwikkeling van nuwe produkte en produksietegnieke wat voorheen ondenkbaar was. Die fokuspunt van die biotegnologie-revolusie is in die VSA en Europa. Suid-Afrika en ander ontwikkelende lande het agtergeraak in die toepassing en ekonomiese aanwending van moderne biotegnologie. Hierdie studie ondersoek spesifiek die kwessies in moderne biotegnologie en hoe Suid-Afrika voordeel daaruit kan trek. Die studie het bevind dat moderne biotegnologie geweldige ekonomiese potensiaal het en dat daar reeds baie buitelandse maatskappye is wat groot winste in alle velde van biotegnologie genereer. Daar is egter sekere bekommernisse oor die veiligheid van moderne biotegnologie. Dit dui op die noodsaaklikheid van 'n deeglike globale regulatoriese raamwerk. So 'n raamwerk sal die verbruikersaanvaarding verseker wat nodig is vir die suksesvolle ekonomiese toepassing van moderne biotegnologie. Verskeie kostefaktore moet in die biotegnologie-industrie in berekening gebring word en in Suid-Afrika is hierdie kostefaktore baie belangrik weens die klein skaal van die Suid Afrikaanse ekonomie. Suid-Afrika en baie ander ontwikkelende lande kan definitief uit die aanvaarding van moderne biotegnologie en uitbreiding van biotegnologie-kapasiteit voordeel trek. Analises soos koste-volume-wins-, ekonomiese potensiaal- en produksiefaktorgapinganalises moet egter uitgevoer word, verkieslik tot op produkvlak, om die geskikte biotegnologieveld met die grootste ekonomiese potensiaal vir Suid-Afrika te bepaal. 'n Paar sleutel marksuksesfaktore moet in die biotegnologiebedryf in gedagte gehou word. Die kernbeginsel van hierdie sleutel marksuksesfaktore is geidentifiseer as die vermoe van biotegnologieprodukte om so 'n goeie waarde-aanbieding aan die klient te bied, dat die mark bereid is om 'n premiumprys vir die produk teen ekonomies lewensvatbare vraaghoeveelhede te betaal. Stimulering van die Suid-Afrikaanse biotegnologiebedryf deur die regering word wyd deur die industrie verwelkom. Die gevolglike uitbreiding van die biotegnologiekapasiteit in Suid-Afrika sal langtermyn ekonomiese voordele vir SuidAfrika, asook vir ander ontwikkelende lande in Afrika inhou. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie is dat grootskaalse aanvaarding van moderne biotegnologie gepas is in Suid-Afrika en dat die ontploffing in biotegnologieprodukontwikkelings, tesame met groter markaanvaarding van moderne biotegnologieprodukte, groot potensiele voordele vir die toekomstige Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie inhou.

The development of a high achievement culture at Continental Tyre SA (Pty) Ltd

Zamisa, Sakhiwo Glen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As Continental Tyre SA strives to carve a path towards high performance, it is critical that the nine (9) factors of workplace practices, suggested by David Maister, are embraced fully and become integral part of its strategic direction. To be able to achieve as a world-class low cost producer of quality tyres, Continental Tyre SA will not only upgrade its technology and improve processes, but also the development of its employees to their best ability is imperative. As the study findings have shown, there is an unwavering commitment and enthusiasm from employees at Continental Tyre. Senior management must capitalize on these positive results in building and instilling more pride, by ensuring that employees are empowered and capacitated to fulfill their personal ambitions and the goals of the organisation at large. For Continental to deliver high quality and maintain supreme standards of service as expected by its customers, they have to ensure that all employees, as people who are in the front line of customer service, are equipped with appropriate knowledge to understand all their products and the unique needs of customers. Quality Systems have to be strengthened and updated regularly through audits, so as to align with global best performers. Another critical consideration of people management are coaching and mentorship programs, that serve as a guide and support to employees development processes. Employees must be encouraged to discuss the issues that affect their performance within this relationship. This management practice helps to exploit the full potential of individual employees as they strive to contribute by the achievement of high performance within the organisation. The culture of high performance is enhanced by well managed and effective protege - mentor relationships that are practiced throughout the organisation. With coaching, complex and highly intimidating change interventions are handled with great confidence by employees. Fair compensation and incentive schemes have become a critical part of reward systems, and Continental Tyre SA is no exception. However, for this business practice to achieve its intended objective, reward and motivation, it has to be implemented in an equitable and fair manner, consistent with the efforts and contributions of employees, When fair, compensation will tend to have a postive influence on the other factors. High levels of satisfaction will not be guaranteed by fair compensation only, but employees will enjoy their work more when allowed to be creative and when given the freedom to make decisions that determine how they will do their job best. Continental Tyre can derive satisfaction and encouragement from the outcome of the survey. Real satisfaction will come from financial and market performances that confinm the positive results of the high achievement research study. Lastly, the culture survey must be developed as an organisation practice that will ensure regular, reliable feedback of employee opinions. Not only will Continental Tyre SA be able to maintain and gain loyalty from its present employees with progressive high achievement practices, they will gradually attain the status of employer of choice, thereby attracting ta lented high potential employees. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Continental Tyre SA se strewe na hoë werkverrigting is dit essensieel dat die nege faktore aangaande werkplek-praktyke soos deur David Maisler voorgestel, ten volle aanvaar word om 'n integrale deel van die organisasie se strategie te vorm. Om hul beeld as verskaffers van wereldklas, lae-koste, gehalte bande uit te leef, poog Continental SA nie alleen om tegnologie te verbeter en sodoende prosesse te verhoog nie, maar is die ontwikkeling van die organisasie se werknemers se vermoens van kardinale belang. Bevindinge uit die studie toon 'n intense toewyding en belangstelling onder werknemers by Continental Tyre SA. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat senior bestuur voortbou op die bevinding deur geleenthede te skep vir die bemagtinging van werknemers om hul persoonlike ambisies en doelwitte uit te leef, wat op die lange duur tot voordeel van die maatskappy kan strek. Om te verseker dat Continental Tyre SA diens van hoë gehalte en net die hoogste standaarde lewer, soos deur hul klienle verwag word, moet daar toegesien word dat alle werknemers, wat gewoonlik in die voorste linies is as dit kom by klientediens, toegerus word met die nodige kennis oor produkte asook oor die unieke behoeftes van kliente. Die voortdurende versterking en opgradering van kwaliteitstelsels deur middel van ouditte sal verseker dat in pas gebly word met globale presteerders. In mensebestuur moet daar ook krities gekyk word na afrigting- en mentorskapprogramme, wat kan dien as gids en wat ondersteuning kan verleen aan die ontwikkelingsproses van werknemers. Werknemers behoort aangemoedig te word om kwessies rakende hul prestasies binne hierdie verband te bespreek. Sodanige bestuurspraktyk moedig werknemers aan om individueel tot volle potensiaal te ontwikkel in hul strewe om deur die lewering van kwaliteit werk ook 'n bydrae tot die organisasie te maak. Effektiewe en goedbestuurde protege/mentor verhoudinge wat toegepas word in die hele organisasie verhoog die kultuur van hoë werkverrigting en prestasie. Gekompliseerde en hoogs intimiderende veranderingsintervensies kan met die hulp van afrigting, met groot selfvertroue deur werknemers hanteer word. Billike kompensasie en aansporingskemas het al 'n kritieke deel van besoldiging geword in organisasies en Continental Tyre SA is geen uitsondering nie. As besigheidspraktyk met motivering en vergoeding as doelwit, moet hierdie doelwit in pas met die bydraes en pogings van werknemers, op 'n billike wyse ge'implimenteer word. Indien vergoeding billik is, sal dit neig om ander faktore positief te be'invloed. Billike vergoeding lei nie noodwendig tot hoë tevredenheidsvlakke by werknemers nie, maar werknemers sal hul werk meer genotvol vind indien hulle toegelaat word om meer kreatief te wees en die vryheid gegun word om besluite te neem oor hoe om optimaal te funksioneer in hul werk. Die uitslag van die opname kan dien as aanmoediging vir Continental Tyre SA, wat met reg tevrede daarmee kan wees. Werklike bevrediging sal uitvloei uit die finansiele- en markaanwysings wat die positiewe resultate van die hoogstaande studie-navorsing weerspieel. Ten slotte moet die kultuuropname ontwikkel word tot 'n gereelde, betroubare terugvoering van die opinies van werknemers. In die lig hiervan sal Continental SA nie slegs die lojaliteit en hoë werkverrigtingspeil van sy huidige werknemers handhaaf en behou nie, maar sal die status van werkgewer volgens keuse behaal gaandeweg bereik word en sodoende talentvolle, hoë profiel werknemers gelok word.

The key success factors to be considered by Netcare to optimise opportunities presented by Private Public Partnerships in the global healthcare industry

Hoffmann, Maria Hendrika 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study set out to identify the key success factors of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the healthcare sector to be considered by Netcare when exploring possible PPP opportunities. Public Private Partnerships (PPP) presents a means of mobilising private funds for delivering of public services whilst government manages the relationship via a negotiated PPP agreement to ascertain the quality of services rendered. A literature study was performed in order to conceptualize the potential of the application of PPP in the healthcare industry and the factors impacting on the success thereof. PPPs around the world did not develop in unison nor are they uniform in nature. It is this variation in development that led to the formation of a wide variety of different PPP models that define these partnerships. The different PPP models currently applied by Netcare in the UK are similar in their basic characteristics to some of the models described in literature. One of the biggest challenges facing the healthcare industry in South Africa is the unequal split between public and private healthcare sectors. This is not only in terms of number of people serviced but also includes allocation of the available resources. Very limited information is available on application of PPP in the healthcare sector. The private hospital groups primarily involved in PPP in the healthcare industry in SA are Netcare and Medi-Clinic. Netcare has successfully positioned itself not only as the biggest private hospital group in South Africa, but also as the leader in PPP involvement in the healthcare sector in South Africa. The PPP projects undertaken, though still very early days, have been very successful, but do not yield very high returns. The rationale to Netcare for partaking in these extends beyond financial returns. It is mainly strategic in terms of its position in the local market and its potential involvement in the anticipated NHS (National Health System). It is essential that Netcare maintains credibility and goodwill and continues to demonstrate its commitment to address the healthcare industry needs of all in SA. Responding to the limited growth opportunities presented by the local market, Netcare expanded its operations to include international contracts, in particular in the UK, with negotiations under way for contracts in Portugal. The experienced gained through the PPPs in the UK, the country regarded as the leader in PPPs in the healthcare sector, is invaluable to their future participation in PPPs. Governments all over the world want to improve healthcare service delivery and curb healthcare inflation. This presents opportunities to Netcare that could arguably be in the form of a PPP. The ability to evaluate the key success factors that will impact on these PPPs is therefore of great importance to Netcare. The study showed that the actual process involved in forming a PPP depends on various key factors that impact on the outcome thereof. The role of government is essential and it includes the creation of the infrastructure and the legal environment for PPP, to demonstrating competence in managing PPPs, providing the political support and achieving investor confidence. An extensive list of key success factors was identified, but applying these factors to two possible PPP opportunities revealed their shortcomings. It was concluded that the list of factors cannot be applied as the ultimate checklist to pre-determine the outcome of a PPP. This is because various factors will only be revealed in the later stages of the PPP project life. It was also concluded that PPP participation by the company is a priority strategic decision. The strengths and weaknesses of the company relative to the opportunities and threats presented then needs to be evaluated. The list of key success factors provides an important guideline in terms of considering the specific opportunities and threats associated with PPPs. These factors should be considered during the various stages of the project development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwat van die studie is die identifisering van die faktore wat die sukses van Staat Privaat Vennootskappe (SPV) binne die gesondheidsorg industrie sal bepaal, en wat deur Netcare in ag geneem moet word wanneer sodanige vennootskappe oorweeg word. Hierdie vennootskappe bied 'n geleentheid vir die mobilisering van privaat fondse vir publieke dienslewering terwyl die regering deur middel van die onderhandelde PPP ooreenkoms die verhouding bestuur en die kwaliteit van dienslewering monitor. Die literatuurstudie het ondermeer die potensiaal van sodanige vennootskappe in die gesondheidsorg industrie, sowel as die faktore wat die suksesvolle uitkoms daarvan bepaal, ondersoek. Verskeie SPV modelle en tipes vennootskappe bestaan weens die uiteenlopende ontwikkeling van SPVs in die onderskeie lande. Die modelle tans toegepas deur Netcare in Engeland reflekteer die eienskappe van modelle beskryf in literatuur. Een van die gesondheidsorg indrustrie in Suid Afrika (SA) se grootste uitdagings is die oneweredige verdeling tussen publieke en privaat gesondheidsorg, beide in terme van populasie verteenwoordiging en aanwending van die beskikbare hulpbronne. Inligting aangaande die aanwending van SPV in die gesondheidsorg industrie is baie beperk. In die Suid Afrikaanse konteks is Netcare en Medi-Clinic die dominante rolspelers in SPVs in die industrie. Netcare is tans nie net die grootste privaat hospitaalgroep in SA nie, maar ook die leier op SPV betrokkenheid in die gesondheidsorgsektor in SA. Hoewel die huidige SPV's relatief onlangs tot stand gekom het, is daar reeds heelwat sukses behaal. Die opbrengs gerealiseer is egter nie fenominaal nie. Die motivering vir Netcare se betrokkenheid in hierdie vennootskappe strek egter verder as bloot die finansiële opbrengste. Gegewe die potensiële nasionale gesondheidstelsel en die posisionering in die plaaslike mark, is dit noodsaaklik vir Netcare om gesien te word as toegewyd aan 'n oplossing vir die gesondheidsorg uitdaging in Suid Afrika. Netcare se internasionale uitbreiding kan deels toegeskryf word aan die beperkte groei geleenthede in SA. Hulle internasionale kontrakte sluit in Engeland met onderhandeling in Portugal tans onderweg. Die ondervinding opgedoen met die SPV's in Engeland is van onskatbare waarde gegewe Engeland se posisie as leier op die gebied van SPV in die gesondheidsorg industrie. Verskeie lande poog tans om hulle gesondheidsorg dienslewering te verbeter en mediese inflasie te beperk. Dit skep potensiële SPV geleenthede vir Netcare. Die vermoë om die kritiese sukses faktore wat die uitkoms van hierdie SPVs sal bepaal, te kan evalueer, is dus van kardinale belang vir Netcare. Dit blyk uit die studie dat die proses van die ontwikkeling van SPV deur verskeie faktore beinvloed word. Die regering van 'n land speel 'n belangrike rol in die daarstelling van die infrastruktuur, die regsaspektelike omgewing, hulle bevoegdheid in terme van die bestuur van SPV, hulle vermoë om politiese ondersteuning te verleen en hulle vermoë om beleggers se vertrou te wen. 'n Omvattende lys van faktore wat impakteer op die sukses van SPV is identifiseer. Tydens die toepassing daarvan op twee voorbeelde het dit duidelik geblyk dat die lys nie as allesomvattend beskou kan word en aangewend kan word om vooraf die uitkoms van 'n SPV te voorspel nie. Verskeie faktore wat krities is in die sukses van SPV kan eers bepaal word tydens later stadiums van die SPV. Daar is ook tot die slotsom gekom dat die firma strategie die primêre oorweging tydens die evaluering van SPV behoort te wees. Die sterk en swak punte van die firma relatief tot die geleentheide en bedreigings wat die SPV inhou moet evalueer word. Die lys van faktore krities tot die sukses van SPV dien as 'n belangrike riglyn vir die oorwerging van geleenthede en bedreigings geassosieerd met SPV. Hierdie faktore behoort tydens die verskeie stadia van SPV projek ontwikkeling in ag geneem te word.

The KUMBA way : establishing a winning mindset for superior performance

Marupen, Fergus Conan Salvador 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: KUMBA Resources (KUMBA) is a listed mining company on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE), with an annual turnover of about seven billion Rand. Their main operations consist of iron ore, coal, heavy minerals, base metals and industrial minerals. In this study project the writer will attempt to define the process followed by KUMBA to establish a winning mindset to ensure superior performance. The basic objectives defined for this study are to: • Define the process that KUMBA followed to develop a set of values for the organisation. • Explain the process followed to develop a validated questionnaire to measure the values. • Discuss the process that was followed to develop a system to support the process. • Lastly, to discuss the results of the actual ratings in June 2003 and the recommendations made after the completion of the process. The KUMBA Way was defined as a vehicle to drive this process. Core to this process is the KUMBA Values. Strategically, KUMBA decided that their values would be a distinctive lever in the company that will ensure superior performance. KUMBA then embarked on a process to develop one set of values for all the KUMBA mines. The end result was the foundation (minimum behaviour required by KUMBA) and motivational (behaviour that can be developed to achieve overall business success) values. Foundation Values: • Integrity • Respect • Accountability • Fairness • Caring Motivational Values: • We do it together • People make it happen • Let's do it • We do it better every time KUMBA also used the framework of transformational leadership and the competency model of Jay Hall as basis to entrench their values in the organisation. These processes are driven at business unit level and the line managers took the ownership of this process. A further decision KUMBA took was to measure their values. A validated questionnaire was needed to be able to deal with the process. Two pilot studies were conducted to validate the questionnaire and the questionnaire passed the criteria of reliability and validity. The questionnaire scored an overall Cronbach Alpha of 0,88. This result was higher than the minimum requirement of 0,6 for a self constructed questionnaire. A process was also followed to develop an in house system to support the overall measurement process. This system was based on the 360-degree approach. The actual measurement of the values took place in June 2003 and the results were outstanding. The results of the actual ratings compared very favourably to the results of the pilot studies. The results of the actual assessment must still be forwarded to Deloittes and Touche Human Capital Corporation to do a final Cronbach Alpha analysis. This will allow KUMBA to determine if the increase in the number of participants influenced the overall reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Furthermore, KUMBA also needs to revisit the process after one year to examine whether the measurement of these values contributed to the overall improvement of the organisational culture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: KUMBA Resources (KUMBA) is 'n mynbou maatskappy wat op die Johannesburgse effektebeurs gelys is en het 'n jaarlikse omset van sewe miljard rand. Die basiese bedryf bestaan uit ystererts, steenkool, swaar minerale, basiese metale en industriële minerale. Die skrywer gaan, met hierdie studie, probeer om 'n wen gesindheid te skep ten einde superieure prestasie te lewer. Die basiese doelwitte vir hierdie studie word as volg gedefinieer, naamlik: • Definieer die proses wat KUMBA gevolg het ten einde een stel waardes vir die organisasie te ontwikkel. • Verduidelik die proses wat gevolg was om 'n vraelys te valideer wat die waardes sou meet. • Bespreek die proses wat gevolg was om 'n stelsel te ontwikkel wat hierdie proses sou ondersteun. • Laastens, om die resultate van die werklike meting in Junie 2003 en aanbevelings na afloop van die proses te bespreek. Die KUMBA manier was as voertuig gedefinieer om hierdie proses te dryf. Kern tot hierdie proses is die KUMBA waardes. Strategies het KUMBA besluit dat hulle waardes 'n hefboom gaan wees wat hulle graag na 'n onderskeidende vlak dryf ten einde superieure prestasie te verseker. KUMBA het met 'n proses begin om een stel waardes vir al sy besigheidseenhede te ontwikkel. Die eindresultaat was die KUMBA "Foundation" waardes (minimum gedrag wat deur KUMBA vereis word) en die "Motivational" waardes (gedrag wat ontwikkel kan word ten einde besigheid-sukses te kan bereik). "Foundation" waardes: • Integriteit • Respek • Toerekenbaarheid • Regverdigheid • Sorgvuldigheid "Motivational" waardes: • Ons doen dit saam • Mense laat dit gebeur • Kom ons doen dit • Ons doen dit beter elke keer KUMBA het ook die raamwerk van transformele leierskap en die bevoegdheidsproses van Jay Hall gebruik om waardes in die maatskappy te vestig. Hierdie prosesse was gedryf deur die besigheidseenhede en die lynbestuurders het eienaarskap van die proses geneem. 'n Verdere besluit wat KUMBA gneem het, was om hulle waardes te meet. 'n Gevalideerde vraelys was benodig vir hierdie proses. Twee loods-studies was afgeneem om die vraelys te valideer en die vraelys het aan die kriteria van geldigheid en betroubaarheid voldoen. Die vraelys het 'n algehele Cronbach Alpha van 0,88 behaal. Hierdie resultaat was hoër as die minimum vereiste van 0,6 vir 'n selfgekonstrueerde vraelys. 'n Proses was ook gevolg om 'n in-huis stelsel te ontwikkel wat die algehele metingsaksie sou ondersteun. Hierdie stelsel was gebaseer op 'n 360°-benadering. Die werklike meting het in Junie 2003 plaasgevind en die resultate was uitstekend. Die resultate van die werklike meting het baie goed vergelyk met die resultate van die tweede loods-studie. Die resultate van die werklike meting moet nog steeds aan Deloitles en Touche gestuur word ten einde 'n finale Cronbach Alpha te doen. Dit sal KUMBA in staat stel om te bepaal of die toename in die aantal deelnemers enigsins die algehele geldigheid en betroubaarheid van die vraelys beïnvloed het. KUMBA moet ook hierdie proses na 'n jaar hersien om te bepaal of die meting enigsins 'n bydrae tot die algemene organisasie-kultuur lewer.

The value of concept maps in knowledge management

Schilawa, Jörg 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / This study project investigates the use of concept maps in knowledge management and takes a look at both the people, and the technology sides of knowledge management. The report discusses critical aspects and theories of knowledge management. Attention is focused on the importance of human beings in creating and being of value to organisations. While some theories of knowledge management view knowledge as a further developed stage of information, there are other theories, which view tacit or individual knowledge as the most basic source of knowledge. Despite this difference, and other dissimilarities, certain issues concerning knowledge creation and amplification through communication appear in both theories. A detailed discussion of the conversion process, and the knowledge spiral, explains and reinforces the importance of communication. The discussion touches on issues such as the influence of company culture towards the facilitation of sharing attitudes, supportive leadership styles and organisational structure. The continuous exchange of knowledge and the acceptance of new methods, such as best practise, promote the creation of a learning organisation that concentrates on the value of human beings, their needs, and their individual fulfilment. Challenges and obstacles of knowledge management such as experts seeing their sharing of knowledge as a hindrance of personal competitive advantage or work security will be examined. Although the logistics of knowledge management are very complex it is extremely beneficial for organisations for creation of extra value, the speeding up of processes, and the creation of a better work environment. Despite the importance of the people side of knowledge management, a technical infrastructure and a sophisticated knowledge management system are essential. General information about knowledge management systems and information are given, including objectives, trends, and an example of a standard technical infrastructure. Concept map technology is the interface between the computer system and the user. Although concept maps are not a new invention, they are becoming more popular due to new technical possibilities. All kinds of knowledge can be saved in concepts, connections, links and underlying documents. Their cognitive structure enables instant use without extensive guidelines or instructions. A further advantage is the generality of concept maps, making them applicable to various environments and industries. To increase awareness for concept map applications, differences between two concept mapping software tools are briefiy discussed. One application concentrates on maps, the other application aims to enable further functionality. The empirical part of the study project evaluates the use of concept maps in the banking and insurance environment of Sparkasse Sudholstein. The company currently has about 1400 employees and provides a knowledge based service, which made it very suitable for the research project. The technology infrastructure of Sparkasse Sudholstein contains certain distinctive features due to security reasons. The company has a user interface with different applications, various internal databases, external databases for the discretion of customer data, and several other external information and knowledge services. All the factors above make Sparkasse Sudholstein to an ideal candidate for the use of concept map applications. A survey by means of a questionnaire was undertaken at the headquarters of the company to determine the current situation of their knowledge management system. The most popular knowledge sources in use were the Lotus Notes "info-tiles", as well as direct communication amongst colleagues. It was further recognised that concept maps are known by almost half the participants of the questionnaire and that people are very open to new techniques of knowledge management. Various concept maps were created with company experts to evaluate the value and possible applications of concept maps in the company. The results showed that concept maps are not able to fulfil all the tasks of a knowledge management system, because they do not yet provide enough functionality. However, concept maps do have an essential significance in knowledge gathering, job descriptions, trainings and seminars, presentations, as discussion support tools, and project work such as workflow management. The advantages of concept maps are their cognitive use and understanding, their self-explanatory structure, the interactivity with the user, and the implementation of multi-media in combination with special layout features. In conclusion, it can be said that concept maps can be successfully applied to selective areas in companies. Concept maps should be implemented into a broader knowledge management system and combined with other traditional methods of knowledge management. The use of concept maps will create value for companies by increasing efficiency, effectiveness, as well as the overall performance of the company. If concept maps are combined successfully with other knowledge management measures, sustainable competitive advantage could be created for the organisation.

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