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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Communiquer par écrit dans l'Égypte de l'Antiquité tardive : les lettres grecques des archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodité (Égypte, VIe s. apr. J.-C.) / Written Communication in Late Antique Egypt : the Greek Letters of the Archive of Dioscorus of Aphrodite (Egypt, VI CE)

Amory, Yasmine 01 December 2018 (has links)
La thèse consiste en l’édition des lettres grecques des archives de Dioscore d’Aphrodité (Égypte, VIe s. apr. J.-C.), qui constituent le plus important ensemble papyrologique d'époque byzantine connu de nos jours. Quatre-vingt-cinq documents y sont présentés sous la forme d'une nouvelle édition – ou, dans le cas de textes inédits, d'une première édition –, qui s'accompagne d'une traduction et d'un commentaire. La mise en parallèle des textes souvent fragmentaires du corpus, dont les pièces demeurent dispersées dans les collections du monde entier suite à la découverte clandestine des archives, a en outre permis de raccorder certains fragments encore inédits à des pièces déjà répertoriées, et de contribuer ainsi à la restitution d'un texte plus complet. Au-delà de l'aspect philologique, l’apport de cette documentation est aussi bien culturel qu’historique : elle permet d’éclairer l’arrière-plan multilingue en comparant la correspondance officielle écrite en grec avec la correspondance privée des mêmes archives, qui était de préférence rédigée en copte, ainsi qu'en analysant les pratiques d'écritures de certains scribes bilingues ; elle révèle les modalités épistolaires et les usages propres à la pratique écrite de l’administration ; elle dévoile les différents problèmes, matériels ou financiers, auxquels un village de Moyenne-Égypte devait faire face dans son quotidien ; enfin, elle contribue à la connaissance des institutions administratives et des rapports entre instances centrales et locales un siècle avant la conquête arabo-musulmane de l'Égypte. / The dissertation concerns the edition and the study of the Greek letters belonging to the archive of Dioscorus of Aphrodite (Egypt, VI CE), the largest papyrological ensemble of the Byzantine age. Eighty-five documents are analyzed and highlighted by virtue of a new edition - or, when it comes to unpublished texts, of a first edition - followed by a translation and a commentary. Moreover, the study of the corpus, which is scattered across different collections around the world as a consequence of the clandestine discovery of the archive, allowed to join some unpublished fragments to some already known texts and to reconstruct, in this way, a more complete text. The contribution of this documentation is not only philological, but also cultural and historical: by comparing the official correspondence written in Greek with the private correspondence from the same archive, which was preferably written in Coptic, it helps to illuminate the multilingual background; it unfolds the modalities of epistolary exchanges and the written practices of the administration; it reveals the issues encountered by an Upper Egypt village in its daily life; finally, it contributes to the knowledge of the administrative institutions, as well as to the comprehension of the relations between central and local authorities a century before the Arab-Muslim conquest of Egypt.

Roman and Early Byzantine Burials at Fag el-Gamus, Egypt: A Reassessment of the Case for Religious Affiliation

South, Kristin Hacken 05 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The Late Roman necropolis of Fag el-Gamus on the eastern edge of Egypt's Fayum Oasis is a valuable archaeological site for exploring issues of personal and cultural identity in Roman Egypt. Former scholarship regarding the people buried at Fag el-Gamus has claimed-based on narrow evidence--that they represent an exceptionally early Christian community in Egypt. However, a more careful look at the evidence-using recent theoretical approaches, data-driven analyses, and comparisons with contemporary sites throughout Egypt and neighboring areas-reveals a more complicated portrait of their religious affiliation and other aspects of their identity. This study examines several potential markers of religious affiliation at Fag el-Gamus placed in the context of burials from throughout the Roman and early Byzantine eras in Egypt. Aspects of burial that appear to be "Christian" innovations or first occur in the period during which Christianity first appears are highlighted. Conclusions from this broader and more in-depth evidence suggests that the case for the early arrival of Christianity in Egypt is highly ambiguous, and any arguments concerning it must be correspondingly complex. The necropolis of Fag el-Gamus, due to its extensive size and excellent preservation, provides valuable evidence for the unfolding of this slow and piecemeal change and for the discussion of multiple aspects of identity.

Les lettres coptes des archives de Dioscore d’Aphroditê (VIe siècle ; Égypte) / The Archive of Dioscorus of Aphrodito’s Coptic Letters (VIth century; Egypt)

Vanderheyden, Loreleï 11 December 2015 (has links)
Malgré le regain d'intérêt qu'ont connu ces dernières années les archives de Dioscore d’Aphroditê (Moyenne-Égypte, VIe s. après J.-C.), les documents coptes qu'elles contenaient sont restés curieusement sous-étudiés : en apportant des données nouvelles par rapport à la composante grecque, mieux étudiée, ils concourent à une meilleure compréhension historique de ces archives bilingues. Par ailleurs, faisant partie d'un ensemble majoritairement grec, ils posent le problème de l'usage et de la fonction du copte face au grec, langue de l'administration, autrement dit des rapports entre la langue nationale des Égyptiens et celle du pouvoir byzantin. Cette thèse constitue l’édition commentée d’un corpus de lettres coptes en grande partie inédit des archives de Dioscore. Il s’agit en effet du genre documentaire le mieux représenté du versant copte de cet ensemble archivistique. Le premier volume est constitué d’une synthèse qui pose le problème du rapport entre grec et copte dans un milieu villageois du VIe s. comme celui d'Aphroditê, qui traite des traits dialectaux, paléographiques et formulaires du copte en usage dans cette région et qui étudie les données historiques susceptibles de compléter celles livrées par les archives grecques. Le volume II contient les éditions commentées de ces vingt-et-une lettres, alors que le volume III contient les annexes (textes complémentaires, index, bibliographie et planches). / Despite the renewed interest in recent years in Dioscorus’ archives from Aphrodito (Middle Egypt, sixth century AD), the Coptic documents they contained have remained curiously understudied: by providing new data to that provided by the Greek texts, the best studied part of this archive, they contribute to a better historical understanding of these bilingual archives. Moreover, as part of a predominantly Greek dossier, they raise the issue of the use and function of Coptic in relation to Greek, the language of the administration, i.e., the relationship between the national language of the Egyptians and the one of Byzantine power. This thesis is the annotated edition of a corpus of Coptic letters, most of which have not previously been published, from Dioscorus’ archives. This text type is the documentary genre best represented in the Coptic component of this archival dossier. The first volume consists of a synthesis, which emphasizes the problem of the relationship between Greek and Coptic in a village like Aphrodito in the middle of the sixth century. It also deals with dialectal features, palaeographic and Coptic grammatical forms in use in the area, and studies historical data that complement those delivered by the Greek archives. Volume II contains the editions of twenty-one letters, with commentary, while volume III contains the appendices (complementary texts, indices, bibliography and plates).

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