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Enhanced SAR Image Processing Using A Heterogeneous MultiprocessorSHI, YU January 2008 (has links)
Synthetic antenna aperture (SAR) is a pulses focusing airborne radar which can achieve high resolution radar image. A number of image process algorithms have been developed for this kind of radar, but the calculation burden is still heavy. So the image processing of SAR is normally performed “off-line”. The Fast Factorized Back Projection (FFBP) algorithm is considered as a computationally efficient algorithm for image formation in SAR, and several applications have been implemented which try to make the process “on-line”. CELL Broadband Engine is one of the newest multi-core-processor jointly developed by Sony, Toshiba and IBM. CELL is good at parallel computation and floating point numbers, which all fit the demands of SAR image formation. This thesis is going to implement FFBP algorithm on CELL Broadband Engine, and compare the results with pre-projects. In this project, we try to make it possible to perform SAR image formation in real-time.
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Vérification formelle de programmes de génération de données structurées / Formal verification of structured data generation programsGenestier, Richard 01 December 2016 (has links)
Le problème général de la preuve de propriétés de programmes impératifs est indécidable. Pour deslangages de programmation et de propriétés plus restrictifs, des sous-problèmes décidables sontconnus. En pratique, grâce à des heuristiques, les outils de preuve de programmes automatisent despreuves qui sortent du cadre théorique de ces sous-problèmes décidables connus. Nous illustronscette réussite pratique en construisant un catalogue de preuves, pour des programmes et despropriétés de nature similaire et de complexité croissante. Ces programmes sont principalementdes générateurs de cartes combinatoires.Ainsi, ce travail contribue aux domaines de recherche de la combinatoire énumérative et dugénie logiciel. Nous distribuons une bibliothèque C de générateurs exhaustifs bornés de tableauxstructurés, formellement spécifiés en ACSL et vérifiés avec le greffon WP de la plateforme d’analyseFrama-C. Nous proposons également une méthodologie de test qui facilite la preuve interactive enCoq, une étude formelle des cartes originale, et de nouveaux résultats en combinatoire énumérative. / The general problem of proving properties of imperative programs is undecidable. Some subproblems– restricting the languages of programs and properties – are known to be decidable. Inpractice, thanks to heuristics, program proving tools sometimes automate proofs for programs andproperties living outside of the theoretical framework of known decidability results. We illustrate thisfact by building a catalog of proofs, for similar programs and properties of increasing complexity. Mostof these programs are combinatorial map generators.Thus, this work contributes to the research fields of enumerative combinatorics and softwareengineering. We distribute a C library of bounded exhaustive generators of structured arrays, formallyspecified in ACSL and verified with the WP plugin of the Frama-C analysis platform. We also proposea testing-based methodology to assist interactive proof in Coq, an original formal study of maps, andnew results in enumerative combinatorics.
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Transformace jazyka C do VHDL / Transformation from C to VHDL LanguageMecera, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The thesis describes the process of transformation of the behavior of processor described in C language into VHDL language. Individual steps of automatized transformation are compared to manual design of processor. The thesis highlights advantages of the internal representation of program in the form of graph. Optimizations based on various factors are introduced in this thesis. One of them are algebraic modifications of expressions. The time of computation or space requirements of the circuit can be lowered by proper aplication of properties of math operators - associativity, comutativity and distributivity. Special attention is payed to optimizations, that make use of parallelism of operations for the process of planning. Algorithms of time-constrained scheduling and resource-constrained scheduling are discussed. The end of this thesis is devoted to resource allocation.
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Tutoriál tvorby aplikací pro Apple iPhone / Creation of Apple iPhone ApplicationsOndrůj, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to create a tutorial that could help developers interested in creating new applications for Apple iPhone to pass their initial unfamiliarity with the phone, its development environment, the programming language and the use of other components of the phone. The tutorial should be helpful for readers who have at least basic knowledge of the application development. There are also some useful links for readers who have no previous knowledge of programs' development. These materials describe some basic features and then clarify the common issues in more depth. Not only does this tutorial describe the phone's features and development tools, it also explains development procedures of concrete application. The phone has been introduced with a lot of new features such as accelerometer, large touch screen, etc. Therefore the application is trying to take advantage of most of these characteristics. The motive of this application stems from the old Russian game Tetris. This document describes only the functional and graphical design, concrete implementation and the source code are included in attachments.
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Univerzální grafický editor jako knihovna a modul pro Python / Universal Graphic Editor Library and Python ModuleKošulič, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
The diagrams, schemes, and graphs in general are widely used in the field of easy-to-read information visualisation. We use them for example in the school lessons for an algorithm presentation, or in the technical jobs such as software and hardware development by modelling UML diagrams, database schemes, etc. The project Universal Graph Editor has been established two years ago to fill the gap with the software tool providing such a modelling engine. The previous work has been reasumed in semestral project by design of the dynamic graph drawing (or the drawing of a vector graphic in general) and the library for graph manipulation with C-language interface. This master thesis continues further by creating a Python module using the developed interface. The documentation and the testing phase is conluding the annual work.
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Prédiction de performances d’applications de calcul distribué exécutées sur une architecture pair-à-pair / Performance prediction of distributed computing applications executed on a peer-to-peer architectureCornea, Bogdan Florin 08 December 2011 (has links)
Dans le domaine du calcul de haute performance, les architectures d’exécution sont en continuelle évolution. L’augmentation du nombre de nœuds de calcul, ou le choix d’une topologie réseau plus rapide représentent un investissement important tant en temps qu’en moyen financier. Les méthodes de prédiction de performances permettent de guider ce choix. En parallèle à ce développement, les systèmes HPC pair-à-pair (P2P) se sont également développés ces dernières années. Ce type d’architecture hétérogène permettrait la résolution des problèmes scientifiques pour un coût très faible par rapport au coût d’une architecture dédiée.Ce manuscrit présente une méthode nouvelle de prédiction de performances pour les applications réelles de calcul distribué, exécutées dans des conditions réelles. La prédiction prend en compte l’optimisation du compilateur. Les résultats sont extrapolables et ils sont obtenus pour un ralentissement réduit. Ce travail de recherche est implémenté dans un logiciel nouveau nommé dPerf. dPerf est capable de prédire les performances des applications C, C++ ou Fortran qui communiquent en utilisant les normes MPI ou P2P-SAP et qui s’exécutent sur une architecture cible pair à pair, hétérogène et décentralisée. La précision de cette contribution a été étudiée sur (i) la transformée Laplace, pour l’aspect séquentiel, (ii) le benchmark IS de NAS, pour l’aspect MPI, (iii) et le code de l’obstacle pour l’aspect calcul P2P décentralisé et l’extrapolation du nombre de nœuds. / In the field of high performance computing, the architectures evolve continuously. In order to increase the number of computing nodes or the network speed, an important investment must be considered, from both temporal and financial point of view. Performance prediction methods aim at assisting in finding the best trade-off for such an investment. At the same time, P2P HPC systems have known an increase in development. These heterogeneous architectures would allow solving scientific problems at a low cost, with respect to dedicated systems.The manuscript presents a new method for performance prediction. This method applies to real applications for distributed computing, considered in a real execution environment. This method uses information about the different compiler optimization levels. The prediction results are obtained with reduced slowdown and are scalable. This thesis took shape in the development of the dPerf tool. dPerf predicts the performances of C, C++, and Fortran application, which use MPI or P2P-SAP to communicate. The applications modeled by dPerf are meant for execution on P2P heterogeneous architectures, with a decentralized communication topology. The accuracy of dPerf has been studied on three applications: (i) the Laplace transform, for sequential codes, (ii) the NAS Integer Sort benchmark for distributed MPI programs, (iii) and the obstacle problem, for the decentralized P2P computing and the scaling of the number of computing nodes.
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Modelos multidimensionais da TRI com distribuições assimétricas para os traços latentes / Multidimensional IRT models with skew distributions for latent traits.Gilberto da Silva Matos 15 December 2008 (has links)
A falta de alternativas ao modelo normal uni/multivariado já é um problema superado pois atualmente é possível encontrar inúmeros trabalhos que introduzem e desenvolvem generalizações da distribuição normal com relação `a assimetria, curtose e/ou multimodalidade (Branco e Arellano-Valle (2004), Genton (2004), Arellano-Valle et al. (2006)). No contexto dos modelos unidimensionais da Teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI), Bazán (2005) percebeu esta realidade e introduziu uma classe denominada PANA (Probito Assimétrico - Normal Assimétrica) a qual permite modelar possíveis comportamentos assimétricos de um modelo (uma probabilidade) de resposta ao item bem como a especificação de uma distribuição normal assimétrica para os traços latentes (unidimensionais) a qual é utilizada no processo de estimação. Motivado pela necessidade de melhor representar os fenômenos da área psicométrica (Heinen, 1996, p. 105) e da atual disponibilidade de distribuições elípticas assimétricas cujas propriedades são tão convenientes quanto aquelas devidas `a distribuição normal, a proposta do presente trabalho é apresentar uma extensão do modelo K-dimensional de 3 Parâmetros Probito (Kd3PP) com vetores de traços latentes normalmente distribuídos para o caso t-Assimétrico, gerando, assim, o que denominamos modelo Kd3PP-tA. Nossa proposta, portanto, pode ser considerada como uma extensão do trabalho desenvolvido por Bazán (2005) tanto no sentido de extender a distribuição unidimensional assimétrica dos traços latentes para o caso multidimensional quanto no que conscerne em considerar o achatamento (curtose) da distribuição. Nossa proposta também pode ser vista como uma extensão do trabalho de Béguin e Glas (2001) no sentido de desenvolver o método de estimação bayesiana dos modelos multidimensionais da TRI via DAGS (Dados Aumentados com Amostrador de Gibbs) para o caso em que os vetores de traços latentes comportam-se segundo uma distribuição multivariada t-Assimétrica. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho nos deparamos com uma das principais dificuldades encontradas no processo de estimação e inferência dos modelos multidimensionais da TRI que é a falta de identificabilidade e, com a intenção de ampliar e desmistificar nossos conhecimentos sobre um assunto ainda pouco explorado na literatura da TRI, apresentamos um estudo bibliográfico sobre este tema tanto sob o contexto da inferência clássica quanto bayesiana. Com o intuito de identificar situações particulares em que o uso de uma distribuição normal assimétrica para os traços latentes seja de maior relevância para a estimação e inferência dos parâmetros de item, bem como outros parâmetros relacionados à distribuição dos traços latentes, algumas análises sobre conjuntos de dados simulados são desenvolvidas. Como conclusão destas análises, podemos dizer que há uma melhora superficial quando a informação sobre uma possível assimetria na distribuição dos traços latentes não é ignorada. Além disso, os resultados favoreceram a seleção dos modelos que consideram distribuições assimétricas para os traços latentes, principalmente quando são considerados os modelos que possibilitam a estimação dos parâmetros de localização e escala da distribuição dos vetores de traços latentes. Duas principais contribuições que consideramos de ordem prática, são: a análise e a interpretação de testes através da estimação de modelos uni e multidimensionais da TRI que consideram tanto distribuições simétricas quanto assimétricas para os vetores de traços latentes e a disponibilização de uma função escrita em códigos R e C++ para a estimação dos modelos apresentados e desenvolvidos no presente trabalho. / The lack of alternatives to the univariate or multivariate normal model has been already solved because actually it has been possible to find several works that introduce and develop generalizations of the normal distribution in relation to the asymmetry, kurtosis and/or multimodality (Branco e Arellano-Valle (2004), Genton (2004), Arellano-Valle et al. (2006). In the context of unidimensional models of the Item Response Theory (IRT), Baz´an (2005) observed this fact and introduced a class called PANA (Probito Assimétrico - Normal Assimétrica) which allows to take account for asymmetry in the shape of an item response model (probability) and the specification of a skew normal distribution for unidimensional latent traits which is used in the estimation process. Motivated by the need to better represent the phenomenon of psychometric area (Heinen, 1996, p. 105) and the current availability of skew elliptical distributions whose properties are as convenient as those due to normal distribution, the proposal of this work is to provide an extension of multidimensional 3 Parameters Probit model (Kd3PP) where latent traits vectors are normally distributed for the case of Skew-t distribution (Sahu et al., 2003), generating therefore what we call Kd3PP-St model. Our proposal, therefore, can be regarded as an extension of the work of Bazán (2005) in two ways: the first is extending the unidimensional skew normal distribution of latent traits to the multidimensional case and second in the sense to consider the flattening (kurtosis) of this distribution. Our proposal can also be seen as an extension of the work of B´eguin e Glas (2001) in the sense that we develop the Bayesian estimation method of the 3 parameters multidimensional item response model by DAGS (Augmentated Data with Gibbs sampling) for the case where the latent trait vectors behave according to a Skew-t multivariate distribution. In the development of this work we come across one of the main difficulties encountered in the process of estimation and inference of multidimensional IRT models which is the lack of identifiabilitie and, with the intent to demystify and expand our knowledge on a subject still little explored in the literature of the IRT, we present a bibliographical study on this subject both in the context of classical and Bayesian inference. In order to identify particular situations where the use of a skew normal distribution is more relevant to the estimation and inference of item parameters as well as other parameters related to the distribution of latent traits, some analyses on simulated data sets are developed. As results of these analyses, we can say that there is a modest improvement when information about a possible asymmetry in the distribution of latent traits is not ignored. Moreover, the results favored the selection of models that consider asymmetric distributions for latent traits, especially when models that enable the estimation of parameters of location and scale from this distribution are considered. Two main contributions that we consider of pratical interest are: analysis and interpretations of tests using unidimensional and multidimensional IRT models that consider both simetric and skewed distributions for the vectors of latent traits and a function written in R and C++ language program that is made disponible for the estimation of models treated in this work.
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Modelos multidimensionais da TRI com distribuições assimétricas para os traços latentes / Multidimensional IRT models with skew distributions for latent traits.Matos, Gilberto da Silva 15 December 2008 (has links)
A falta de alternativas ao modelo normal uni/multivariado já é um problema superado pois atualmente é possível encontrar inúmeros trabalhos que introduzem e desenvolvem generalizações da distribuição normal com relação `a assimetria, curtose e/ou multimodalidade (Branco e Arellano-Valle (2004), Genton (2004), Arellano-Valle et al. (2006)). No contexto dos modelos unidimensionais da Teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI), Bazán (2005) percebeu esta realidade e introduziu uma classe denominada PANA (Probito Assimétrico - Normal Assimétrica) a qual permite modelar possíveis comportamentos assimétricos de um modelo (uma probabilidade) de resposta ao item bem como a especificação de uma distribuição normal assimétrica para os traços latentes (unidimensionais) a qual é utilizada no processo de estimação. Motivado pela necessidade de melhor representar os fenômenos da área psicométrica (Heinen, 1996, p. 105) e da atual disponibilidade de distribuições elípticas assimétricas cujas propriedades são tão convenientes quanto aquelas devidas `a distribuição normal, a proposta do presente trabalho é apresentar uma extensão do modelo K-dimensional de 3 Parâmetros Probito (Kd3PP) com vetores de traços latentes normalmente distribuídos para o caso t-Assimétrico, gerando, assim, o que denominamos modelo Kd3PP-tA. Nossa proposta, portanto, pode ser considerada como uma extensão do trabalho desenvolvido por Bazán (2005) tanto no sentido de extender a distribuição unidimensional assimétrica dos traços latentes para o caso multidimensional quanto no que conscerne em considerar o achatamento (curtose) da distribuição. Nossa proposta também pode ser vista como uma extensão do trabalho de Béguin e Glas (2001) no sentido de desenvolver o método de estimação bayesiana dos modelos multidimensionais da TRI via DAGS (Dados Aumentados com Amostrador de Gibbs) para o caso em que os vetores de traços latentes comportam-se segundo uma distribuição multivariada t-Assimétrica. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho nos deparamos com uma das principais dificuldades encontradas no processo de estimação e inferência dos modelos multidimensionais da TRI que é a falta de identificabilidade e, com a intenção de ampliar e desmistificar nossos conhecimentos sobre um assunto ainda pouco explorado na literatura da TRI, apresentamos um estudo bibliográfico sobre este tema tanto sob o contexto da inferência clássica quanto bayesiana. Com o intuito de identificar situações particulares em que o uso de uma distribuição normal assimétrica para os traços latentes seja de maior relevância para a estimação e inferência dos parâmetros de item, bem como outros parâmetros relacionados à distribuição dos traços latentes, algumas análises sobre conjuntos de dados simulados são desenvolvidas. Como conclusão destas análises, podemos dizer que há uma melhora superficial quando a informação sobre uma possível assimetria na distribuição dos traços latentes não é ignorada. Além disso, os resultados favoreceram a seleção dos modelos que consideram distribuições assimétricas para os traços latentes, principalmente quando são considerados os modelos que possibilitam a estimação dos parâmetros de localização e escala da distribuição dos vetores de traços latentes. Duas principais contribuições que consideramos de ordem prática, são: a análise e a interpretação de testes através da estimação de modelos uni e multidimensionais da TRI que consideram tanto distribuições simétricas quanto assimétricas para os vetores de traços latentes e a disponibilização de uma função escrita em códigos R e C++ para a estimação dos modelos apresentados e desenvolvidos no presente trabalho. / The lack of alternatives to the univariate or multivariate normal model has been already solved because actually it has been possible to find several works that introduce and develop generalizations of the normal distribution in relation to the asymmetry, kurtosis and/or multimodality (Branco e Arellano-Valle (2004), Genton (2004), Arellano-Valle et al. (2006). In the context of unidimensional models of the Item Response Theory (IRT), Baz´an (2005) observed this fact and introduced a class called PANA (Probito Assimétrico - Normal Assimétrica) which allows to take account for asymmetry in the shape of an item response model (probability) and the specification of a skew normal distribution for unidimensional latent traits which is used in the estimation process. Motivated by the need to better represent the phenomenon of psychometric area (Heinen, 1996, p. 105) and the current availability of skew elliptical distributions whose properties are as convenient as those due to normal distribution, the proposal of this work is to provide an extension of multidimensional 3 Parameters Probit model (Kd3PP) where latent traits vectors are normally distributed for the case of Skew-t distribution (Sahu et al., 2003), generating therefore what we call Kd3PP-St model. Our proposal, therefore, can be regarded as an extension of the work of Bazán (2005) in two ways: the first is extending the unidimensional skew normal distribution of latent traits to the multidimensional case and second in the sense to consider the flattening (kurtosis) of this distribution. Our proposal can also be seen as an extension of the work of B´eguin e Glas (2001) in the sense that we develop the Bayesian estimation method of the 3 parameters multidimensional item response model by DAGS (Augmentated Data with Gibbs sampling) for the case where the latent trait vectors behave according to a Skew-t multivariate distribution. In the development of this work we come across one of the main difficulties encountered in the process of estimation and inference of multidimensional IRT models which is the lack of identifiabilitie and, with the intent to demystify and expand our knowledge on a subject still little explored in the literature of the IRT, we present a bibliographical study on this subject both in the context of classical and Bayesian inference. In order to identify particular situations where the use of a skew normal distribution is more relevant to the estimation and inference of item parameters as well as other parameters related to the distribution of latent traits, some analyses on simulated data sets are developed. As results of these analyses, we can say that there is a modest improvement when information about a possible asymmetry in the distribution of latent traits is not ignored. Moreover, the results favored the selection of models that consider asymmetric distributions for latent traits, especially when models that enable the estimation of parameters of location and scale from this distribution are considered. Two main contributions that we consider of pratical interest are: analysis and interpretations of tests using unidimensional and multidimensional IRT models that consider both simetric and skewed distributions for the vectors of latent traits and a function written in R and C++ language program that is made disponible for the estimation of models treated in this work.
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Návrh informačního systému / Information System DesignGötthans, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with problematic of information systems of the company which deals with the ambulant, gynecologic and genetic examination of patients. Assesses the current state of the company, main business processes and their information support. It suggest new information system to support genetic examination including economic evaluation and impact of its implementation.
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Převod výrazů v C do DIMACS formátu / Translation of C Expressions to DIMACS FormatGrim, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This work focuses on proposition of transfer of the expressions entered in the C programming language into DIMACS format and creation of program in programming language C++ making this transfer. This work contains a description of the C programming language and its operators. It also contains a description of the conjunctive normal form and a description of the DIMACS format. Following is a proposal for a program for the transfer of expression in the C programming language to the DIMACS format and description of realization of program performing this transfer.
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