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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence du microenvironnement sur la virulence et la formation de biofilm de Cutibacterium acnes. / Influence of microenvironment on virulence and biofilm formation of Cutibacterium acnes

Borrel, Valérie 21 May 2019 (has links)
L’acné vulgaris est considérée comme l’une des maladies de la peau les plus communes. Sa pathologie n’est pas encore totalement élucidée mais Cutibacterium acnes (précédemment Propionibacterium acnes), est considérée comme l’un des facteurs principaux de son développement. Cette bactérie est caractérisée par une importante variabilité génomique et les souches de ribotype 4 et 5 (RT4 et RT5) ont été associées à l’acné tandis que celles de RT6 sont considérées comme commensales. Les différences physiologiques de ces types de C. acnes en fonction de leur environnement (différents milieux de culture) a été étudiée. De plus, un lien a été décrit entre l’acné et le stress, l’utilisation de produits cosmétiques sans conservateurs est en plein essor et les bactéries sont capables de réagir à des facteurs locaux par des changements métaboliques importants. Dans ce contexte, l’impact de deux catécholamines et de deux produits cosmétiques a également été testé. Cette étude montre que les différents types de C. acnes sont adaptés à des niches écologiques différentes : les souches acnéiques semblent adaptées à un développement dans les glandes sébacées tandis que les souches commensales se trouveraient plutôt en surface et en haut du follicule pileux. De plus, le type acnéique semble associé à un potentiel inflammatoire plus important, ce qui conforte sa possible implication dans l’acné. Les catécholamines (épinéphrine et norépinéphrine) peuvent stimuler leur capacité de formation de biofilm et C. acnes traité avec ces molécules peut stimuler la lipogenèse des sébocytes. Un lien pourrait donc être fait entre le stress et le rôle potentiel de C. acnes dans l’acné. D’autre part, cette étude montre également que le biofilm de C. acnes peut être diminué en présence d’eau thermale d’Uriage et/ou d’un polysaccharide riche en rhamnose (PS291®). / Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin diseases. Its pathogenesis is still unclear but Cutibacterium acnes (former Propionibacterium acnes) is considered as essential for its development. This bacterium is characterized by high genomic variability and some strains as ribotype 4 and 5 (RT4 and RT5) strains are highly associated with acne whereas RT6 strains are enriched in healthy skin. The physiological differences between these C. acnes types were evaluated dependently of their environment (culture media). Moreover, a link between acne and stress has been described, the use of preservative-free-cosmetics is burgeoning and bacteria can react to local factors by important metabolic changes. In this respect, two catecholamines and two cosmetic compounds were also tested. This study shows that the different C. acnes types are adapted to different ecological niches: acneic strains are adapted to sebaceous glands whereas non-acneic strains are more adapted to the skin surface and the upper hair follicle. Moreover, the acneic type seems associated to a more important inflammatory potential, which consolidates its possible implication in acne. The catecholamines can stimulate its biofilm formation and C. acnes treated by these molecules can stimulated the lipogenesis in sébocytes. Then, this study highlights the existence of a link between stress and the potential role of C. acnes in acne. Elsewhere, this study shows that the biofilm of C. acnes can be inhibited by Uriage thermal water and/or a rhamnose-rich polysaccharide (PS291®).

Cutibacterium acnes inverkan på makrofagers produktion av PD-L1 / The effect of Cutibacterium acnes on macrophage production of PD-L1

Härdin, Jonas January 2020 (has links)
Prostatacancer är den vanligaste cancerformen hos män i Sverige, och det är även den cancerform som flest män dör utav. Detta till trots så är mekanismerna bakom canceretiologin till stor del okända. Uppskattningsvis 20% av alla canceruppkomster i människor tros vara länkade till infektioner från patogener och de inflammationer som de orsakar. Tidigare studier har visat indikationer på att kronisk inflammation av prostatan kan hjälpa tumörer att undvika immunförsvaret. Bakterien Cutibacterium acnes förekommer i stor utsträckning i prostatavävnad hos patienter som lider av prostatacancer vilket kan peka på en länk mellan mikroorganismen och cancerformen. Tumörassocierade makrofager kan producera immunhämmande proteiner, däribland liganden PD-L1, ett protein som kan hjälpa tumörcellerna att undgå immunförsvaret. Studien ämnade därför att undersöka huruvida makrofager som infekterats med typ I eller typ II C. acnes producerar en högre mängd av PD-L1 än obehandlade makrofager och i detta syfte utfördes ett ELISA-test som bestämde koncentrationen av PD-L1 i odlingsmediumet. Genom en statistisk analys konstaterades att makrofager som infekterats med bakterien ökade produktionen av PD-L1 jämfört med obehandlade makrofager. Resultatet av studien visar indikationer på att C. acnes kan spela en roll i spridningen av tumörceller i kroppen, dock krävs vidare studier för att bekräfta hypotesen. / Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer among men in Sweden, and the form of cancer that most men die from. In spite of this, the mechanisms behind the etiology of the cancer are largely unknown. Approximately 20% of all cancer etiologies are believed to be linked to infection by pathogens, and the inflammatory response they cause within the body. Earlier studies have shown indications that chronic inflammation of the prostate might create conditions that are favourable for the tumour cells. The bacterium Cutibacterium acnes is prevalent in prostate tissue from patients suffering from prostate cancer, which might indicate a link between the microorganism and this form of cancer. Tumour associated macrophages produce immunosuppressive proteins, such as the ligand PD-L1, a protein that might provide immunoevasive qualities for the tumour cells. The aim of the study was to examine whether macrophages that have been infected with either type I or type II C. acnes would produce a greater amount of PD-L1 than untreated macrophages. For this purpose, an ELISA test was performed to determine the concentrations of PD-L1 in the culture media. I found that macrophages that had been infected with the bacterium produced greater amounts of PD-L1 than untreated macrophages. The result of this study shows some indication that C. acnes could play a role in the proliferation of tumour cells and thus the spread of cancer through immunosuppresive mechanisms, although further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.

Makrofager som stimulerats med Cutibacterium acnes ökar sitt uttryck av CCL22 mRNA / Macrophages stimulated with Cutibacterium acnes increases its expression of CCL22 mRNA

Lundell, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Prostatacancer är en av världens vanligaste cancerformer. Varje år diagnostiseras ungefär 1,3 miljoner män världen över med prostatacancer och trots det vet man inte de bakomliggande orsakerna. Det finns flera studier som visar att det finns en koppling mellan infektion och olika typer av cancer och Cutibacterium acnes återfinns i hög utsträckning i prostatacancervävnad. Det har därför föreslagits att det finns ett samband mellan infektion av C. acnes och prostatacancer. Närvaro av tumörassocierade makrofager har visats sig vara gynnande för olika typer av cancer och från dessa makrofager frisätts kemokiner, bland annat CCL22. CCL22 kan vara inblandad i en lokal hämning av immunförsvaret som ofta förknippas med tillväxt av cancer. I detta arbete odlas makrofager från blodgivare med C. acnes för att ta reda på om makrofagerna ökar sitt uttryck av CCL22 mRNA. Genom att analysera resultaten från en kvantitativ realtids-PCR indikeras det att makrofager som behandlats med C. acnes signifikant ökar sitt uttryck av CCL22 mRNA. Sammanfattningsvis bedöms resultaten från detta arbete styrka uppfattningen att det kan finnas en koppling mellan C. acnes och orsakerna bakom prostatacancer men mer arbete återstår för att kunna klargöra dess relevans. / Prostate cancer is one of world´s most common forms of cancer. Every year about 1.3 million men around the world are diagnosed with prostate cancer and even so we cannot fully explain the etiology. There have been several studies indicating that there is a correlation between infection and different forms of cancer. Cutibacterium acnes (C.acnes) can be found to a large extent in prostate cancer tissue and a correlation between infection of C. acnes and prostate cancer has therefore been suggested. The presence of tumor-associated macrophages has been shown to favor various types of cancer. Several chemokines including CCL22 are released from these macrophages. CCL22 may be involved in a local inhibition of the immune system that is often associated with cancer growth. In this work, macrophages from a blood donor are grown with C. acnes to find out if the macrophages increase their expression of CCL22 mRNA after this exposure. By analyzing the results of a quantitative real-time PCR for CCL22 mRNA, it was demonstrated that macrophages treated with C. acnes significantly increase their expression of CCL22 mRNA. In conclusion, the results of this work indicate that there could be a link between C. acnes and the causes of prostate cancer, but more work remains to be able to clarify its relevance.

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