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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variabilidade espaço-temporal da morfologia costeira: resultados de sensoriamento remoto / Space-time variability of coastal morphology: results from vídeo remote sensing

Barroso, Cássia Pianca 30 June 2014 (has links)
A habilidade de prever mudanças morfológicas nas regiões costeiras é restringida pela falta de dados observacionais com suficiente resolução espacial e temporal. Com o desenvolvimento do sensoriamento remoto, esse problema pode ser minimizado, especialmente com o uso de câmeras de vídeo para o estudo de regiões costeiras. Os objetivos dessa tese são, através do uso de imagens de vídeo, (1) desenvolver um método robusto para extrair a localização da linha de costa; (2) analisar um conjunto de dados inéditos de 26 anos de imagens diárias; (3) caracterizar as escalas espaciais e temporais da variação da linha de costa em um local representativo, a praia de Duck, NC; (4) testar esse método em uma praia reflectiva e com cúspides, a praia de Massaguaçu localizada no litoral brasileiro; (5) descrever recentes observações de feições morfológicas de meso-escalas associadas a um canal de marés usando uma técnica óptica inovadora e documentar as taxas e padrões de migração dessas feições morfológicas em New River Inlet, NC. Um modelo foi desenvolvido, chamado ASLIM (Augmented ShoreLine Intensity Maxima) para extrair as posições da linha de costa baseado na intensidade máxima observada nas imagens de exposição (timex) através de um ajuste Gaussiano com um subsequente filtro Kalman filtro, este para reduzir incertezas e ruídos. O ASLIM quando comparado com dados do levantamentos batimétricos mostrou um boa correlação com coeficiente de 0.85, estatisticamente significativo). As ondas foram caracterizadas em termos da altura significativa e os componentes longitudinal e transversal do fluxo de energia da onda (Px e Py, respectivamente). Menos de 2\\% da altura da onda é explicada por escalas maiores do que um ano. 66\\% da variância foi explicada por períodos maiores do que o ciclo anual, apesar do fato das forçantes (ondas) serem dominadas por períodos curtos (menores que 20 dias). O primeiro modo da EOF para a variação da linha de costa contém 49\\% da variância e representou o movimento transversal da linha de costa. O segundo modo (26\\% da variância) está associado com a alternância de sinais de acresção em cada lado píer, enquanto que os modos mais altos (7\\% e 5.6\\%) descrevem os efeitos locais do píer. O píer apresentou uma influência significativa no comportamento da linha de costa, à qual estende-se a 500 metros ao norte e sul do píer, duas vezes mais do que os valores assumidos por estudos anteriores. O píer restringe o transporte longitudinal sazonal entre a parte sul (verão) e a parte norte (inverno), resultando em uma acumulação de sedimentos sazonalmente reversa no lado up-drift da deriva. Sinais de erosão foram encontrados ao lado down-drift do píer e que propagam-se 1200 m/ano para longe do píer. A linha de costa apresentou uma tendência à erosão apenas no lado norte do píer, esta erosão pode estar relacionada com a tendência de aumento do transporte longitudinal para o norte, que é bloqueado devido ao píer, gerando uma acumulação na parte sul do píer e erosão na parte norte. O método ASLIM também foi testado na Praia de Massaguaçu e mostrou ser uma valiosa ferramenta para investigar variabilidade da linha de costa. Nossas observações em New River Inlet (NC), revelaram um complexo de bancos de espraiamento e feições arenosas de meso-escalas que migraram em um padrão coerente horário onde nas regiões offshore migraram em direção contrária a desembocadura do rio enquanto que as feições na região próxima a costa, migraram em direção ao canal. Para quantificar de forma objetiva as taxas e padrões de migração um algoritmo foi desenvolvido (LLSA - Lagged Least Square Algorithm) usando sequências de imagens de exposição (timex). Esse método compara diferentes imagens que possuem diferentes intervalos de tempo, e encontra o intervalo (lag) onde essas imagens são similares. A taxa média de migração encontrada foi de 1.53 m/dia (com desvio padrão de 0.76 m/dia). 72\\% das taxas estimadas foram maiores que 1.0 m/dia, 31\\% foram maiores que 2 m/dia, e as taxas máximas encontradas foram 3.5 m/day, em 23 dias. As taxas de migração média longitudinais mostraram um nó em 110 metros da linha de costa que separa as feições que migram para longe do canal (offshore) e para a linha de costa. O padrão circular pareceu ser consistente com o fluxo residual esperado em um delta de maré vazante. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostraram que o uso de câmeras de vídeo são uma ótima ferramenta para fornecer informações sobre a dinâmica de morfologias costeiras com alta resolução temporal e espacial, de curto à longo-prazo. / The ability to predict changes of the coastal morphology has been restricted by the lack of observational data in a sufficient spatial and temporal coverage. With the advent of remote sensing, the low spatial and temporal resolution could be overcome, especially with the development of video cameras to study nearshore environments. The goals of this thesis are, using remote sensing techniques, to (1) develop a robust method for extracting shoreline locations; (2) analyze a unique 16 and 26-year record of daily to hourly video images; (3) characterize the space-time scales of shoreline variability at a representative site at Duck, NC; (4) test this method at a reflective and cuspy beach at Massaguaçu Beach located at Brazilian coast; (5) describe recent observations of meso-scales morphology associated with tidal inlets using an innovative optical method and document rates and patterns of migration of these features at New River Inlet, NC. A model was developed, called ASLIM (Augmented ShoreLine Intensity Maxima) to extract the shoreline positions based on fitting the band of high light intensity in time exposure images to a local Gaussian fit with a subsequent Kalman filter to reduce noise and uncertainty. The ASLIM model showed good agreement with survey data (correlation coefficient of 0.85, significant at 95\\% confidence level). Wave forcing was characterized in terms of the significant wave height and the cross-shore and longshore components of wave energy flux. 66\\% of the shoreline variability was explained by periods longer than the annual cycle, despite the fact that wave forcing is dominated by shorter periods. The first EOF mode of shoreline variability contained 49\\% of the variance and represented the cross-shore movement (landward- seaward) of the shoreline. The second mode (26\\% of the variance) is associated with alternating accretion signals on either side of the pier, while the next two higher EOFs (7\\% and 5.6\\%) describe the local pier effects. The pier was found to have a significant influence on shoreline behavior that extends out to 500 meters, nearly twice the length scales assumed by previous studies. The pier restricts seasonal longshore transport from the south (summer) and north (winter) sides, resulting in a seasonally-reversing sediment accumulation on the up-drift side. Erosion signals on the down-drift side of the pier were found propagate away from the pier at 1200 m/year. A shoreline erosion trend that was found only on the north side of the pier may be related to the trend found in the alongshore transport, that it is increasing toward the north and is being blocked by the pier. The ASLIM method was also tested at Massaguaçu Beach and showed to be a valuable tool to investigate shoreline variability processes. Our observations, at New Rivet Inlet (NC), revealed a complex set of swash bars and meso-scale sand banks that migrated in a coherent clockwise pattern with movement in offshore regions being away from the inlet mouth while nearshore migration was back toward the inlet. To quantify migration rates and patterns objectively based on sequences of time exposure images, a Lagged Least Squares Algorithm (LLSA) was developed that found the vector migration rate for which the suite of lagged images were most similar, computed on a tile-by-tile basis. The mean migration rate was found to be 1.53 m/day (standard deviation of 0.76 m/day). 72\\% percent of estimated rates were greater than 1.0 m/day, 31\\% percent were larger than 2.0 m/day, and the maximum rate round was 3.5 m/day, averaged over 23 days. Alongshore averages of cross-shore migration rates showed a node at 110 m from the shoreline that separates migration away from the inlet (offshore) from migration toward the inlet near the shore. The circular pattern of migration appeared to be consistent with expected residual flow on an ebb delta. In conclusion, our results showed that the use of video cameras are a useful tool for providing information about the dynamics of coastal morphologies with a high temporal and spatial resolution, from short to long-term.

Uma proposta para avaliação do desempenho de câmaras PET/SPECT / A proposal for Evaluating the performance of PET/SPECT Cameras

Aoki, Suely Midori 11 December 2002 (has links)
A tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (\"Positron Emission Tomography\" - PET) é uma técnica para obtenção de imagens tomográficas em Medicina Nuclear que permite o estudo da função e do metabolismo do corpo humano em diversos problemas clínicos, através do uso de fármacos marcados por radionuclídeos emissores de pósitrons. As aplicações mais frequentes ocorrem em oncologia, neurologia e cardiologia, através da análise qualitativa e quantitativa dessas imagens. Atualmente, a PET é realizada de duas maneiras: através de sistemas constituídos por anéis formados por alguns milhares de detectores operando em coincidência, chamados de sistemas dedicados; ou com o uso de câmaras PET /SPECT, formadas por dois detectores de cintilação em coincidência, que também servem para estudos com radionuclídeos emissores de fóton único (\"Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography\" - SPECT). O desenvolvimento desses sistemas PET /SPECT tornou viáveis os estudos com a fluor-deoxiglicose, [18 ANTPOT. F]-FDG, um fármaco marcado com 18 ANTIPOT. F (emissor de pósitrons com 109 minutos de meia-vida física), para um número grande de clínicas e hospitais, principalmente por estes serem de uma tecnologia economicamente mais acessível que os realizados com a PET dedicada. Neste presente trabalho, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para caracterizar e avaliar um sistema PET /SPECT com dois detectores de cintilação e dispositivo com duas fontes pontuais de Cs-137, destinado à obtenção das imagens de transmissão para a correção de atenuação dos fótons. Ela se baseia em adaptações dos testes convencionais de câmaras SPECT, descritos no IAEA TecDoc - 602 - 1991 (\"lnternational Atomic Energy Agency\" - IAEA), e de sistemas PET dedicados, publicados no NEMA NU 2- 1994 (\"National Electrical Manufacturers Association\"NEMA). O resultado foi organizado em forma de roteiros que foram testados em uma câmara da ADAC Laboratories/Philips, a VertexlM - Plus EPIClMJMCDlM - AC, instalada no Serviço de Radioisótopos do lnCor - HCFMUSP (Instituto do Coração - Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo). Esta câmara foi a primeira instalada no Brasil e está sendo utilizada, predominantemente, para estudos oncológicos e de viabilidade miocárdica. O radiofármaco utilizado na obtenção das imagens foi a [18F]-FDG, fornecida regularmente pelo IPEN/CNEN-SP (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares/Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear - São Paulo), e a reconstrução tomográfica foi realizada com o software próprio do sistema, utilizando-se os parâmetros padrão dos protocolos clínicos. Foram utilizadas fontes pontuais suspensas no ar para as medidas de resolução espacial transversal e lineares imersas na água para as de fração de espalhamento e sensibilidade. Na avaliação da sensibilidade, uniformidade, taxa de eventos verdadeiros, taxa de eventos aleatórios e tempo morto do sistema eletrônico, foram feitas imagens de um simulador físico construído especialmente para o presente trabalho, a partir das instruções da publicação NEMA NU 2 - 1994 para sistemas PET dedicados. A acurácia da correção de atenuação foi verificada através das imagens do simulador físico citado com a inserção de três cilindros de densidades diferentes: água, ar e Teflon. Os roteiros deste trabalho poderão servir de guia para Programas de Controle e Garantia de Qualidade e avaliação da performance de sistemas PET /SPECT com dois detectores de cintilação em coincidência. A implantação destes roteiros pelos centros clínicos que utilizam este tipo de equipamento aumentará a qualidade e a confiabilidade nas imagens resultantes, assim como na sua quantificação. / Positron emission tomography, PET, is a Nuclear Medicine technique that allows the study of human body\'s function and metabolism in many clinical problems, with the help of pharmaceuticals labeled with positron emitters. The most frequent applications occur in oncology, neurology and cardiology, through qualitative and quantitative analysis of these images. Currently, PET is performed in two manners: by using dedicated systems, consisted of rings of thousands of detectors operating in coincidence; or with the use of PET /SPECT cameras, formed by two scintillation detectors in coincidence, which are also used in SPECT studies (single photon emission tomography). The development of PET /SPECT systems made possible the studies with fluor-deoxiglucose, [18F]-FDG, a pharmaceutical labeled with 18F (positron emitter with 109 minutes physical half-life), for a large number of clinics and hospitals, mainly due to their economical accessibility when compared to the dedicated PET studies. In this present work, a method was developed for characterizing and evaluating a PET /SPECT system with two scintillation detectors and device with two point sources of 137Cs, designed to obtain the transmission images for the photon attenuation correction. lt is based on adaptations of the conventional tests of SPECT cameras, described in IAEA TecDoc - 602 - 1991 (\"international Atomic Energy Agency \" - IAEA), and those for dedicated PET systems, published in NEMA NU 2 - 1994 (\"National Electrical Manufacturers Association \" - NEMA). The results were organized in a set of testing protocols and tested in the ADAC Laboratories/Philips camera, the VertexlM - Plus EPIClM/MCDlM - AC, installed in the Radioisotopes Service of lnCor - HCFMUSP (Instituto do Coração - Hospital das clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo). This camera was the first one installed in Brazil and is being used, predominantly, for oncological studies and miocardial viability. The radiopharmaceutical used was [18F]-FDG, supplied regularly by IPEN/CNEN-SP (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares I Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear - São Paulo), and the tomographic reconstruction was performed with the system software, using the standard parameters of the clinical protocols. Point sources suspended in air were used in the measurements of spatial resolution and linear sources immersed in water for scattering fraction and sensitivity measurements. In the evaluation of sensitivity, uniformity, true events, random events and dead time of the electronic system, a phantom was constructed specifically for the present work, from the instructions of NEMA NU 2 - 1994 for dedicated PET systems. The accuracy of the attenuation correction was verified from the images of the phantom with three inserts of different densities: water, air and Teflon. The resultant protocols can serve as a guideline for Programs of Quality Control and Assurance, as well as for the evaluation of the performance of PET /SPECT systems with two scintillation detectors in coincidence. lf implemented by clinical centers that use this type of equipment, it will enhance the quality and confidence of the resulting images, as well as their quantification.


Aniesh Chawla (6630980) 11 June 2019 (has links)
<div>Numerous organizations around the world deploy sensor networks, especially visual sensor networks for various applications like monitoring traffic, security, and emergencies. With advances in computer vision technology, the potential application of these sensor networks has expanded. This has led to an increase in demand for deployment of large scale sensor networks.</div><div>Sensors in a large network have differences in location, position, hardware, etc. These differences lead to varying usefulness as they provide different quality of information. As an example, consider the cameras deployed by the Department of Transportation (DOT). We want to know whether the same traffic cameras could be used for monitoring the damage by a hurricane.</div><div>Presently, significant manual effort is required to identify useful sensors for different applications. There does not exist an automated system which determines the usefulness of the sensors based on the application. Previous methods on visual sensor networks focus on finding the dependability of sensors based on only the infrastructural and system issues like network congestion, battery failures, hardware failures, etc. These methods do not consider the quality of information from the sensor network. In this paper, we present an automated system which identifies the most useful sensors in a network for a given application. We evaluate our system on 2,500 real-time live sensors from four cities for traffic monitoring and people counting applications. We compare the result of our automated system with the manual score for each camera.</div><div>The results suggest that the proposed system reliably finds useful sensors and it output matches the manual scoring system. It also shows that a camera network deployed for a certain application can also be useful for another application.</div>

Variabilidade espaço-temporal da morfologia costeira: resultados de sensoriamento remoto / Space-time variability of coastal morphology: results from vídeo remote sensing

Cássia Pianca Barroso 30 June 2014 (has links)
A habilidade de prever mudanças morfológicas nas regiões costeiras é restringida pela falta de dados observacionais com suficiente resolução espacial e temporal. Com o desenvolvimento do sensoriamento remoto, esse problema pode ser minimizado, especialmente com o uso de câmeras de vídeo para o estudo de regiões costeiras. Os objetivos dessa tese são, através do uso de imagens de vídeo, (1) desenvolver um método robusto para extrair a localização da linha de costa; (2) analisar um conjunto de dados inéditos de 26 anos de imagens diárias; (3) caracterizar as escalas espaciais e temporais da variação da linha de costa em um local representativo, a praia de Duck, NC; (4) testar esse método em uma praia reflectiva e com cúspides, a praia de Massaguaçu localizada no litoral brasileiro; (5) descrever recentes observações de feições morfológicas de meso-escalas associadas a um canal de marés usando uma técnica óptica inovadora e documentar as taxas e padrões de migração dessas feições morfológicas em New River Inlet, NC. Um modelo foi desenvolvido, chamado ASLIM (Augmented ShoreLine Intensity Maxima) para extrair as posições da linha de costa baseado na intensidade máxima observada nas imagens de exposição (timex) através de um ajuste Gaussiano com um subsequente filtro Kalman filtro, este para reduzir incertezas e ruídos. O ASLIM quando comparado com dados do levantamentos batimétricos mostrou um boa correlação com coeficiente de 0.85, estatisticamente significativo). As ondas foram caracterizadas em termos da altura significativa e os componentes longitudinal e transversal do fluxo de energia da onda (Px e Py, respectivamente). Menos de 2\\% da altura da onda é explicada por escalas maiores do que um ano. 66\\% da variância foi explicada por períodos maiores do que o ciclo anual, apesar do fato das forçantes (ondas) serem dominadas por períodos curtos (menores que 20 dias). O primeiro modo da EOF para a variação da linha de costa contém 49\\% da variância e representou o movimento transversal da linha de costa. O segundo modo (26\\% da variância) está associado com a alternância de sinais de acresção em cada lado píer, enquanto que os modos mais altos (7\\% e 5.6\\%) descrevem os efeitos locais do píer. O píer apresentou uma influência significativa no comportamento da linha de costa, à qual estende-se a 500 metros ao norte e sul do píer, duas vezes mais do que os valores assumidos por estudos anteriores. O píer restringe o transporte longitudinal sazonal entre a parte sul (verão) e a parte norte (inverno), resultando em uma acumulação de sedimentos sazonalmente reversa no lado up-drift da deriva. Sinais de erosão foram encontrados ao lado down-drift do píer e que propagam-se 1200 m/ano para longe do píer. A linha de costa apresentou uma tendência à erosão apenas no lado norte do píer, esta erosão pode estar relacionada com a tendência de aumento do transporte longitudinal para o norte, que é bloqueado devido ao píer, gerando uma acumulação na parte sul do píer e erosão na parte norte. O método ASLIM também foi testado na Praia de Massaguaçu e mostrou ser uma valiosa ferramenta para investigar variabilidade da linha de costa. Nossas observações em New River Inlet (NC), revelaram um complexo de bancos de espraiamento e feições arenosas de meso-escalas que migraram em um padrão coerente horário onde nas regiões offshore migraram em direção contrária a desembocadura do rio enquanto que as feições na região próxima a costa, migraram em direção ao canal. Para quantificar de forma objetiva as taxas e padrões de migração um algoritmo foi desenvolvido (LLSA - Lagged Least Square Algorithm) usando sequências de imagens de exposição (timex). Esse método compara diferentes imagens que possuem diferentes intervalos de tempo, e encontra o intervalo (lag) onde essas imagens são similares. A taxa média de migração encontrada foi de 1.53 m/dia (com desvio padrão de 0.76 m/dia). 72\\% das taxas estimadas foram maiores que 1.0 m/dia, 31\\% foram maiores que 2 m/dia, e as taxas máximas encontradas foram 3.5 m/day, em 23 dias. As taxas de migração média longitudinais mostraram um nó em 110 metros da linha de costa que separa as feições que migram para longe do canal (offshore) e para a linha de costa. O padrão circular pareceu ser consistente com o fluxo residual esperado em um delta de maré vazante. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostraram que o uso de câmeras de vídeo são uma ótima ferramenta para fornecer informações sobre a dinâmica de morfologias costeiras com alta resolução temporal e espacial, de curto à longo-prazo. / The ability to predict changes of the coastal morphology has been restricted by the lack of observational data in a sufficient spatial and temporal coverage. With the advent of remote sensing, the low spatial and temporal resolution could be overcome, especially with the development of video cameras to study nearshore environments. The goals of this thesis are, using remote sensing techniques, to (1) develop a robust method for extracting shoreline locations; (2) analyze a unique 16 and 26-year record of daily to hourly video images; (3) characterize the space-time scales of shoreline variability at a representative site at Duck, NC; (4) test this method at a reflective and cuspy beach at Massaguaçu Beach located at Brazilian coast; (5) describe recent observations of meso-scales morphology associated with tidal inlets using an innovative optical method and document rates and patterns of migration of these features at New River Inlet, NC. A model was developed, called ASLIM (Augmented ShoreLine Intensity Maxima) to extract the shoreline positions based on fitting the band of high light intensity in time exposure images to a local Gaussian fit with a subsequent Kalman filter to reduce noise and uncertainty. The ASLIM model showed good agreement with survey data (correlation coefficient of 0.85, significant at 95\\% confidence level). Wave forcing was characterized in terms of the significant wave height and the cross-shore and longshore components of wave energy flux. 66\\% of the shoreline variability was explained by periods longer than the annual cycle, despite the fact that wave forcing is dominated by shorter periods. The first EOF mode of shoreline variability contained 49\\% of the variance and represented the cross-shore movement (landward- seaward) of the shoreline. The second mode (26\\% of the variance) is associated with alternating accretion signals on either side of the pier, while the next two higher EOFs (7\\% and 5.6\\%) describe the local pier effects. The pier was found to have a significant influence on shoreline behavior that extends out to 500 meters, nearly twice the length scales assumed by previous studies. The pier restricts seasonal longshore transport from the south (summer) and north (winter) sides, resulting in a seasonally-reversing sediment accumulation on the up-drift side. Erosion signals on the down-drift side of the pier were found propagate away from the pier at 1200 m/year. A shoreline erosion trend that was found only on the north side of the pier may be related to the trend found in the alongshore transport, that it is increasing toward the north and is being blocked by the pier. The ASLIM method was also tested at Massaguaçu Beach and showed to be a valuable tool to investigate shoreline variability processes. Our observations, at New Rivet Inlet (NC), revealed a complex set of swash bars and meso-scale sand banks that migrated in a coherent clockwise pattern with movement in offshore regions being away from the inlet mouth while nearshore migration was back toward the inlet. To quantify migration rates and patterns objectively based on sequences of time exposure images, a Lagged Least Squares Algorithm (LLSA) was developed that found the vector migration rate for which the suite of lagged images were most similar, computed on a tile-by-tile basis. The mean migration rate was found to be 1.53 m/day (standard deviation of 0.76 m/day). 72\\% percent of estimated rates were greater than 1.0 m/day, 31\\% percent were larger than 2.0 m/day, and the maximum rate round was 3.5 m/day, averaged over 23 days. Alongshore averages of cross-shore migration rates showed a node at 110 m from the shoreline that separates migration away from the inlet (offshore) from migration toward the inlet near the shore. The circular pattern of migration appeared to be consistent with expected residual flow on an ebb delta. In conclusion, our results showed that the use of video cameras are a useful tool for providing information about the dynamics of coastal morphologies with a high temporal and spatial resolution, from short to long-term.

O impacto do Design with Intent nos comportamentos das sociedades contemporâneas

Marchi, Caio Favero 19 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:13:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caio Favero Marchi.pdf: 22773905 bytes, checksum: 60dcceb2b3dc81852213e20a958e5fa3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-19 / The object of this study is one of the patterns (Surveillance) of the Security Lens of that which researchers from Brunel University have called Design with Intent (DwI). Based on the question suggested by the object of the study itself (What would happen if citizens knew, or at least believed, that their behavior is being seen or monitored by people in positions of power or authority?) and in the dissemination, more patent every day, of surveillance and control devices in the major metropolises of the world, as is the case of São Paulo, the question that will guide us is: to which extent does the pattern Surveillance, a development of the Security Lens of DwI, incite social behaviors? With the purpose of answering this question and to prove the hypotheses that this method standardizes social behaviors and that it acts, moreover, as a control device of contemporary societies, this study will make use of a hybrid methodology, composed of bibliographic research, documental research and unstructured and undirected interviews. The theoretical frame of reference of the bibliographic research will include Castel (2005) and Bauman (2009) to present the issue of fear and insecurity in large cities; Vaz (2004; 2005; 2006), Kellner (2001) and Wainberg (2005) to clarify the contribution of mass media in the construction of the image of urban violence; Foucault (1997; 2008), Deleuze (2010), Hardt (2000), Rose (1999) and Costa (2004) to elaborate an overview of the transformations and characteristics of the different societal models; Lockton, Harrison and Stanton (2011) to introduce and deepen the debates on the importance of DwI; and Norris and Armstrong (199), Bruno (2010) and Kanashiro (2010) to broach the topic of surveillance and the development of its technological devices (CCTV). The documental research will collect information on violence and fear in the capital of the state of São Paulo from magazines, newspapers and television reports. Finally, we will carry out interviews with the supervisor of the Video Monitoring Center of the São Paulo State Military Police and with the captain of the Batallion that holds the Operation Center of the São Paulo State Military Police (COPOM). These interviews will attempt to extract from primary sources data and information that illustrate some passages of the text in order to allow us to draw a conclusion about the matter in a consistent manner / segurança (Security Lens) daquilo que estudiosos da Universidade de Brunel intitularam Design with Intent (DwI). Com base na questão sugerida pelo próprio objeto de estudo dessa investigação (O que aconteceria se os cidadãos soubessem, ou ao menos acreditassem, que seu comportamento está sendo visto ou monitorado por pessoas que são detentoras de poder ou autoridade?) e na disseminação, cada dia mais evidente, dos dispositivos de vigilância e controle nas grandes metrópoles urbanas do globo, como é o caso de São Paulo, a questão que nos servirá como elemento norteador é: em que medida o pattern Surveillance, desdobramento da lente de segurança do DwI, incita comportamentos sociais? Com o objetivo de responder a essa problemática e de comprovar as hipóteses de que tal método padroniza os comportamentos sociais e ainda atua como um dispositivo de controle das sociedades contemporâneas, esse estudo se utilizará de uma metodologia híbrida, composta por uma pesquisa bibliográfica, uma pesquisa documental e entrevistas não estruturadas e não dirigidas. A pesquisa bibliográfica contará com um referencial teórico formado por Castel (2005) e Bauman (2009) para apresentar a questão do medo e da insegurança nas grandes cidades; Vaz (2004; 2005; 2006), Kellner (2001) e Wainberg (2005) para esclarecer a contribuição da mídia de massa na construção da imagem da violência urbana; Foucault (1997; 2008), Deleuze (2010), Hardt (2000), Rose (1999) e Costa (2004) para elaborar um panorama sobre as transformações e as características dos diferentes modelos de sociedade; Lockton, Harrison e Stanton (2011) para introduzir e aprofundar os debates sobre a importância do DwI; e Norris e Armstrong (1999), Bruno (2010) e Kanashiro (2006) para abordar o tema da vigilância e o desenvolvimento de seus dispositivos tecnológicos (CCTV). A pesquisa documental coletará informações sobre a violência e o medo na capital paulistana em revistas, jornais e matérias televisivas. Por fim, serão realizadas entrevistas não estruturadas e não dirigidas com o supervisor do Centro de Vídeo Monitoramento da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo e com o capitão do Batalhão que abriga o Centro de Operações da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo (COPOM). Essas entrevistas buscarão extrair de fontes primárias dados e informações que ilustrem algumas passagens do texto e que possibilitem que uma conclusão sobre o assunto seja elaborada de forma consistente

Estimation de l'attitude d'un satellite à l'aide de caméras pushbroom et de capteurs stellaires / How to estimate satellite attitude using pushbroom cameras and star trackers

Perrier, Régis 27 September 2011 (has links)
Les caméras pushbroom sont omniprésentes en imagerie satellitaire. Ce capteur linéaire enregistre des images 1-D et utilise le défilement du satellite autour de la terre pour construire des bandeaux d’image ; son principe de fonctionnement est identique aux scanners et photocopieurs que l’on peut utiliser tous les jours. Les avantages liés à cette technologie sont principalement une résolution d’image étendue qui va bien au delà des caméras perspectives, un coût d’exploitation faible et une robustesse au contexte spatial. Pour reconstruire des images couleur, le plan focal d’un satellite embarque plusieurs caméras pushbroom sensibles à différentes bandes spectrales de la lumière. Ce mode d’acquisition dépendant du temps suppose que l’orientation du satellite, également appelée attitude dans cette étude, ne varie pas au cours du survol d’une scène. Les satellites ont jusqu’à maintenant été considérés comme stables du fait de leur inertie. Cependant les technologies récentes développées dans la recherche spatiale tendent à réduire leur taille et alléger leur poids pour les rendre plus agiles et moins coûteux en énergie lors de leur mise en orbite. La résolution des capteurs a également été améliorée, ce qui rend nettement plus critique la moindre oscillation de l’imageur. Ces facteurs cumulés font qu’un changement d’attitude de quelques microradians peut provoquer des déformations géométriques notables dans les images. Les solutions actuelles utilisent les capteurs de positionnement du satellite pour asservir son attitude et rectifier les images, mais elles sont coûteuses et limitées en précision. Les images contiennent pourtant une information cohérente sur les mouvements du satellite de par leurs éventuelles déformations. Nous proposons dans cette étude de retrouver les variations d’attitude par recalage des images enregistrées par le satellite. Nous exploitons la disposition des caméras pushbroom dans le plan focal ainsi que la nature stationnaire des oscillations pour conduire l’estimation. Le tout est présenté dans un cadre bayesien, où les données images peuvent se mêler avec une information a priori sur le mouvement ainsi que des mesures exogènes fournies par un capteur stellaire couramment appelé star tracker. Différentes solutions sont décrites et comparées sur des jeux de données satellitaires fournis par le constructeur de satellite EADS Astrium. / Linear pushbroom cameras are widely used for earth observation applications. This sensor acquires 1-D images over time and uses the straight motion of the satellite to sweep out a region of space and build 2-D image ; it operates in the same way as a usual flatbed scanner. Main advantages of such technology are : robustness in the space context, higher resolution than classical 2-D CCD sensors and low production cost. To build color images, several pushbroom cameras of different modalities are set in parallel onto the satellite’s focal plane. This acquisition process is dependent of the time and assumes that the satellite’s attitude remains constant during the image recording. However, the recent manufacture of smal- ler satellites with higher sampling resolution has weakened this assumption. The satellite may oscillates around its rotations axis, and an angular variation of a few microradians can result in noticeable warps in images. Current solutions use inertial sensors on board the satellite to control the attitude and correct the images, but they are costly and of limited precision. As warped images do contain the information of attitude variations, we suggest to use image registration to es- timate them. We exploit the geometry of the focal plane and the stationary nature of the disturbances to recover undistorted images. To do so, we embed the estimation process in a Bayesian framework where image registration, prior on attitude variations and mea- surements of a star tracker are fused to retrieve the motion of the satellite. We illustrate the performance of our algorithm on four satellite datasets provided by EADS Astrium.

Interaction entre symbolique et numérique : application à la vision artificielle

Bondyfalat, Didier 12 September 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Les motivations initiales de ce travail proviennent de l'étalonnage de caméras en vision artificielle. Nous nous sommes surtout intéressés aux manières d'exploiter des mesures dans les images (détection d'objets) et des considérations géométriques formelles. Nous avons élargi nos recherches à la problématique suivante :"l'interaction entre symbolique et numérique ". Ce travail se divise en trois parties. La première partie traite de la résolution d'équations polynomiales avec des coefficients approchés. Nous étudions des méthodes matricielles qui transforment la résolution en la recherche des valeurs et des vecteurs propres d'une matrice. Ces transformations et et les calculs de valeurs et vecteurs propres sont continues par rapport aux coefficients et permettent donc de résoudre des équations à coefficients approchés. La deuxième partie présente un cadre algébrique permettant d'exprimer simplement des contraintes géométriques. Ce formalisme nous a permis de modéliser de manière fine l'étalonnage d'une ou plusieurs caméras avec l'aide d'un plan. L'étalonnage ne peut être effectué pratiquement qu'avec des résolutions numériques de systèmes linéaires. La troisième partie est consacrée à l'étude et surtout à l'utilisation des outils de démonstration automatique en géométrie pour la construction de modèles 3D articulés. Par des optimisations numériques, nous déterminons les paramètres des modèles articulés qui permettent aux images de ces modèles de coïncider avec les données extraites des photographies

Multiple Target Tracking Using Multiple Cameras

Yilmaz, Mehmet 01 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Video surveillance has long been in use to monitor security sensitive areas such as banks, department stores, crowded public places and borders. The rise in computer speed, availability of cheap large-capacity storage devices and high speed network infrastructure enabled the way for cheaper, multi sensor video surveillance systems. In this thesis, the problem of tracking multiple targets with multiple cameras has been discussed. Cameras have been located so that they have overlapping fields of vision. A dynamic background-modeling algorithm is described for segmenting moving objects from the background, which is capable of adapting to dynamic scene changes and periodic motion, such as illumination change and swaying of trees. After segmentation of foreground scene, the objects to be tracked have been acquired by morphological operations and connected component analysis. For the purpose of tracking the moving objects, an active contour model (snakes) is one of the approaches, in addition to a Kalman tracker. As the main tracking algorithm, a rule based tracker has been developed first for a single camera, and then extended to multiple cameras. Results of used and proposed methods are given in detail.

Hardware implementation of re-configurable Restricted Boltzmann Machines for image recognition

Desai, Soham Jayesh 08 June 2015 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoTs) has triggered rapid advances in sensors, surveillance devices, wearables and body area networks with advanced Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI). Neural Networks optimized algorithmically for high accuracy and high representation power are very deep and require tremendous storage and processing capabilities leading to higher area and power costs. For developing smart front-ends for ‘always on’ sensor nodes we need to optimize for power and area. This requires considering trade-offs with respect to various entities such as resource utilization, processing time, area, power, accuracy etc. Our experimental results show that there is presence of a network configuration with minimum energy given the input constraints of an application in consideration. This presents the need for a hardware-software co-design approach. We present a highly parameterized hardware design on an FPGA allowing re-configurability and the ability to evaluate different design choices in a short amount of time. We also describe the capability of extending our design to offer run time configurability. This allows the design to be altered for different applications based on need and also allows the design to be used as a cascaded classifier beneficial for continuous sensing for low power applications. This thesis aims to evaluate the use of Restricted Boltzmann Machines for building such re-configurable low power front ends. We develop the hardware architecture for such a system and provide experimental results obtained for the case study of Posture detection for body worn cameras used for law enforcement.

Analyse d’information tridimensionnelle issue de systèmes multi-caméras pour la détection de la chute et l’analyse de la marche

Auvinet, Edouard 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à définir de nouvelles méthodes cliniques d’investigation permettant de juger de l’impact de l’avance en âge sur la motricité. En particulier, cette thèse se focalise sur deux principales perturbations possibles lors de l’avance en âge : la chute et l’altération de la marche.Ces deux perturbations motrices restent encore mal connues et leur analyse en clinique pose de véritables défis technologiques et scientifiques. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons des méthodes originales de détection qui peuvent être utilisées dans la vie courante ou en clinique, avec un minimum de contraintes techniques. Dans une première partie, nous abordons le problème de la détection de la chute à domicile, qui a été largement traité dans les années précédentes. En particulier, nous proposons une approche permettant d’exploiter le volume du sujet, reconstruit à partir de plusieurs caméras calibrées. Ces méthodes sont généralement très sensibles aux occultations qui interviennent inévitablement dans le domicile et nous proposons donc une approche originale beaucoup plus robuste à ces occultations. L’efficacité et le fonctionnement en temps réel ont été validés sur plus d’une vingtaine de vidéos de chutes et de leurres, avec des résultats approchant les 100% de sensibilité et de spécificité en utilisant 4 caméras ou plus. Dans une deuxième partie, nous allons un peu plus loin dans l’exploitation des volumes reconstruits d’une personne, lors d’une tâche motrice particulière : la marche sur tapis roulant, dans un cadre de diagnostic clinique. Dans cette partie, nous analysons plus particulièrement la qualité de la marche. Pour cela nous développons le concept d’utilisation de caméras de profondeur pour la quantification de l’asymétrie spatiale au cours du mouvement des membres inférieurs pendant la marche. Après avoir détecté chaque pas dans le temps, cette méthode réalise une comparaison de surfaces de chaque jambe avec sa correspondante symétrique du pas opposé. La validation effectuée sur une cohorte de 20 sujets montre la viabilité de la démarche. / This thesis is concerned with defining new clinical investigation method to assess the impact of ageing on motricity. In particular, this thesis focuses on two main possible disturbance during ageing : the fall and walk impairment. This two motricity disturbances still remain unclear and their clinical analysis presents real scientist and technological challenges. In this thesis, we propose novel measuring methods usable in everyday life or in the walking clinic, with a minimum of technical constraints. In the first part, we address the problem of fall detection at home, which was widely discussed in previous years. In particular, we propose an approach to exploit the subject’s volume, reconstructed from multiple calibrated cameras. These methods are generally very sensitive to occlusions that inevitably occur in the home and we therefore propose an original approach much more robust to these occultations. The efficiency and real-time operation has been validated on more than two dozen videos of falls and lures, with results approaching 100 % sensitivity and specificity with at least four or more cameras. In the second part, we go a little further in the exploitation of reconstructed volumes of a person at a particular motor task : the treadmill, in a clinical diagnostic. In this section we analyze more specifically the quality of walking. For this we develop the concept of using depth camera for the quantification of the spatial and temporal asymmetry of lower limb movement during walking. After detecting each step in time, this method makes a comparison of surfaces of each leg with its corresponding symmetric leg in the opposite step. The validation performed on a cohort of 20 subjects showed the viability of the approach. / Réalisé en cotutelle avec le laboratoire M2S de Rennes 2

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