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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dosage de biomarqueurs dans les fluides biologiques par chromatographie liquide ou électrophorèse capillaire couplée à la spectrométrie de masse

Martin, Gaëlle 16 December 2009 (has links)
La découverte, la caractérisation et le dosage de biomarqueurs ont permis douvrir de nouveaux horizons tant en thérapeutique que dans létablissement dune médecine personnalisée. Dans un contexte danalyse en milieu complexe, lapplication de techniques fiables, sensibles, exactes et de haute résolution est de rigueur. Dans ce but, le couplage de la spectrométrie de masse à une technique séparative telle que la chromatographie liquide (LC-MS) ou lélectrophorèse capillaire (CE-MS) offre des potentialités intéressantes. Une méthode de dosage de la cysdopa, un marqueur du mélanome, dans le plasma par LC-MS a été mise au point. Une étape préliminaire dextraction en phase solide sur un support hybride alliant des interactions de type hydrophobe, hydrophile et échangeurs de cations a conduit à lobtention dexcellents taux de récupération. Les conditions chromatographiques assurant la séparation de la cysdopa des composés endogènes susceptibles dinterférer et les paramètres de la détection par spectrométrie de masse en tandem ont été optimisés. La présence déventuels effets de la matrice a été investiguée en détails. Une étude de la stabilité de la cysdopa dans les différentes conditions opératoires a été réalisée répondant ainsi aux normes préscrites par la FDA. Ensuite, une validation complète de la méthode en milieu plasmatique selon lapproche faisant appel aux profils dexactitude sur une gamme de concentration allant de 1,6 à 200 ng/ml a été menée avec succès démontrant ladéquation de la méthode. Enfin, une étude pilote ainsi quune validation en cours détude ont permis de tester cette méthode de dosage. La seconde technique mise en oeuvre consiste en lapplication du couplage CE-MS à lanalyse de lhepcidine, un petit peptide régulant le métabolisme du fer. Les conditions électrophorétiques assurant la séparation de ce peptide des constituants dun mélange type ont été déterminées. Le traitement de la paroi interne du capillaire et laddition dune cyclodextrine nont pas permis dans la présente application daméliorer la sélectivité et lefficacité des pics. Lutilisation dun électrolyte de haute force ionique associé à laddition dun modificateur organique a par contre offert les meilleures performances. Une approche multivariée en deux temps (criblage puis modélisation) a été appliquée pour loptimisation des paramètres CE-MS. Les effets principaux du voltage du capillaire et de la pression du gaz nébulisant se sont révélés être significatifs tout comme leffet quadratique de ce dernier ainsi que les interactions entre la concentration en électrolyte et le voltage du capillaire dune part et la pression du gaz nébulisant dautre part. Finalement, la sensibilité en terme de rapport signal/bruit a été comparée en CE-UV et CE-MS établissant les potentialités du couplage CE-MS pour lanalyse de peptides. Discovery, caracterization and determination of biomarkers provide new perspectives in therapeutics and establishment of personnal medecine. Analysis in complex matrix requires reliable, sensitive, accurate and high resolution techniques. To achieve this, coupling of mass spectrometry with separative techniques such as liquid chromatography (LC-MS) or capillary electrophoresis (CE-MS) offer interesting potentialities. A method for the determination of cysdopa, a melanoma biomarker, in human plasma was developed using LC-MS. Solid phase extraction in mixed mode, combining hydrophobic, hydrophilic and cation exchange interactions led to excellent recovery. The chromatographic conditions ensuring separation of cysdopa from potential by interfering endogenous compounds and tandem mass spectrometry detection parameters were optimised. The presence of matrix effect was investigated in detail. A full stability study was then performed according to FDA requirements. Finally, a complete validation of the method in plasma following the approach of accuracy profiles over a concentration range from 1,6 to 200 ng/ml was successfully performed, demonstrating adequacy of the developed method. A pilot study and an in-study validation were finally perfomed to test this assay method. The second implemented technique consists in the application of CE-MS coupling to hepcidin analysis, a small peptide regulating iron metabolism. Electrophoretic conditions ensuring separation of hepcidin from model peptides have been determined. Resolution and/or efficiency were not improved by using coated capillaries or by adding a cyclodextrin. A high ionic strength electrolyte associated to the addition of an organic modifier provided the best performance. A multivariate approach (screening and modeling) was applied to the optimisation of CE-MS parameters. The principal effet of capillary voltage and nebulizing gas pressure were significant as well as the quadratic effet of the last parameter and the interactions of electrolyte concentration and, for one part, capillary voltage and, for another part, nebulizing gas pressure. Finally, sensitivity with respect to signal/noise ratio was compared between CE-UV and CE-MS, assessing potentialities of CE-MS for peptide analysis.

Investigação do refluxo vésico-ureteral por abordagens metabolômicas alvo e global em urina utilizando como plataformas analíticas CE-MS, CESI-MS, RPLC-MS e HILIC-MS / Investigation of vesicoureteral reflux by target and untargeted metabolomic approaches in urine using CE-MS, CESI-MS, RPLC-MS and HILIC-MS as analytical platforms

Rodrigues, Karina Trevisan 14 September 2017 (has links)
O refluxo vésico-ureteral (RVU) é uma das condições urológicas comumente diagnosticada entre crianças. Altos graus dessa condição podem causar cicatrização renal, insuficiência renal e hipertensão arterial. A uretrocistografia miccional é o método mais comumente utilizado para o diagnóstico, no entanto, esse procedimento envolve sedação, cateterismo vesical e expõe a criança a uma quantidade significativa de radiação. A investigação metabolômica pode fornecer novos entendimentos sobre a doença e visa a descoberta de metabólitos específicos associados a ela. Assim, existe um potencial considerável para a implementação de perfil metabólico em análises clínicas. Dessa forma, buscou-se estabelecer uma alternativa não invasiva para identificar crianças com o RVU através da metabolômica. Para a investigação metabolômica alvo um método por eletroforese capilar acoplada ao espectrômetro de massas (CE-MS) com analisador to tipo ion trap foi desenvolvido e validado para a determinação de 27 aminoácidos em urina. Os parâmetros experimentais relacionados às configurações da interface CE-MS, eletrólito (BGE) e espectrômetro de de massas (MS) foram otimizados, proporcionando uma boa separação dos 27 aminoácidos, incluindo os isômeros L-leucina, L-isoleucina e L-alloisoleucina, em menos de 30 min. O líquido auxiliar (SHL) foi composto de 0,5% (v/v) ácido fórmico em 60% (v/v) água/metanol à uma vazão de 5 µL min-1. O BGE consistiu de 0,80 mol L-1 de ácido fórmico e 15% (v/v) de metanol. Um procedimento de stacking por pH foi implementado para aumentar a detectabilidade (uma solução de NH4OH a 12,5% (v/v) foi injetada a 0,5 psi/9 s antes das amostras). O método foi validado de acordo com os protocolos FDA e ICH, exibindo parâmetros aceitáveis. A quantificação bem sucedida dos aminoácidos em amostras de urina de um estudo piloto do RVU foi alcançada. A avaliação estatística dos resultados mostrou que alguns dos aminoácidos avaliados podem carregar informações que possibilitam discriminar as amostras de urina entre os grupos teste e controle. Para a análise metabolômica global urinária, métodos por RPLC-MS e HILIC-MS foram otimizados. Cinco colunas com diferentes propriedades foram investigadas para RPLC e quatro colunas para HILIC; adicionalmente, foram investigados a influência dos aditivos e pH da fase móvel. As condições ótimas foram determinadas avaliando o formato de pico, a relação sinal-ruído, o tempo de retenção, o número de molecular features detectados e sua distribuição durante o gradiente de eluição. A melhor condição obtida para RPLC utiliza a coluna CSH C18 e fase móvel composta por 0,1% (v/v) ácido fórmico em água (A) e 0,1% (v/v) ácido fórmico em acetonitrila (B). Para HILIC, o melhor desempenho foi obtido com a coluna zwitteriônica ZIC-HILIC e fase móvel composta por 10 mmol L-1 acetato de amônio pH 6,8 (B) e 95% (v/v) acetonitrila e 5% 200 mmol L-1 acetato de amônio pH 6,8 (A). As amostras de urina dos grupos controle e teste foram submetidas à análise metabolômica global por RPLC-MS usando o método otimizado e por CESI-MS. Os resultados indicaram que diversas rotas metabólicas podem ter sido alteradas pelo RVU. Alteração dos níveis de carnitinas e acilcarnitinas, aminoácidos e derivados, purinas e outros foi observada. Ainda, a presença de acilcarnitinas na urina podem indicar danos mitocondriais e a diminuição de triptofano e aumento do ácido quinurênico indicam uma alteração no metabolismo do triptofano. / Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is one of the most commonly urologic conditions diagnosed among children. A high degree of this condition can cause kidney scarring, kidney failure and high blood pressure. Voiding cystourethrography is the standard method for diagnosis; however, this procedure involves sedation, bladder catheterization and exposes the child to a significant amount of radiation. Metabolomics has provided new insights about the disease and aims to discover specific metabolites associated with it. Thus, there is a considerable potential for the implementation of metabolic profile in clinical analyses. Thus, we attempted to establish a noninvasive alternative to identify children with VUR through metabolomics approach. For target metabolomics, a CE-MS method was developed and validated for the separation and quantitative analysis of 27 amino acids in urine. Experimental parameters related to the CE-MS interface (based on co-axial sheath liquid, SHL), background electrolyte (BGE) and mass spectrometer (MS) settings were optimized providing a good separation of 27 amino acids, including the isomers L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-alloisoleucine, in less than 30 min. The SHL was composed of 0.50% (v/v) formic acid in 60% (v/v) methanol-water delivered at a flow rate of 5 µL min-1. The BGE consisted of 0.80 mol L-1 formic acid and 15% (v/v) methanol. A pH stacking procedure was implemented to enhance sensitivity (a 12.5% (v/v) NH4OH solution was injected at 0.5 psi/9 s prior to samples). The proposed method was thoroughly validated according to FDA and ICH protocols exhibiting acceptable parameters. A successful quantification of amino acids in urine samples from the VUR cohort was achieved. The statistical evaluation of the results showed that some of the amino acids may carry information for the discrimination of the urine samples between the test and control groups. For untargeted metabolomics analysis, methods by RPLC-MS and HILIC-MS were optimized. Five columns with different properties were investigated for RPLC and four columns for HILIC; additionally, the influence of additives and pH of the mobile phase were investigated. The optimum conditions were determined assessing the peak shape, signal-to-noise ratio, retention time, number of molecular features detected and their distribution during the elution gradient. The best condition obtained for RPLC uses CSH C18 column and mobile phase composed by 0.1% (v/v) formic acid in water (A) and 0.1% (v/v) formic acid in acetonitrile (B). For HILIC, the best performance was obtained with the zwitterionic ZIC-HILIC column and mobile phase composed by 10 mmol L-1 ammonium acetate pH 6.8 (B) and 95% (v/v) acetonitrile and 5% (v/v) 200 mmol L-1 ammonium acetate pH 6.8 (A). Urine samples from the control and test groups were submitted to global metabolomics analysis by RPLC-MS using the optimized method and by CESI-MS. The results indicated that several metabolic pathways may have been altered by VUR. Changes of carnitine and acylcarnitine levels, amino acids and derivatives, purines and others was observed. Furthermore, the presence of acylcarnitines in the urine may indicate mitochondrial damage and the decrease of tryptophan and increase of the kynurenic acid indicate a change in the metabolism of tryptophan.

Investigação do refluxo vésico-ureteral por abordagens metabolômicas alvo e global em urina utilizando como plataformas analíticas CE-MS, CESI-MS, RPLC-MS e HILIC-MS / Investigation of vesicoureteral reflux by target and untargeted metabolomic approaches in urine using CE-MS, CESI-MS, RPLC-MS and HILIC-MS as analytical platforms

Karina Trevisan Rodrigues 14 September 2017 (has links)
O refluxo vésico-ureteral (RVU) é uma das condições urológicas comumente diagnosticada entre crianças. Altos graus dessa condição podem causar cicatrização renal, insuficiência renal e hipertensão arterial. A uretrocistografia miccional é o método mais comumente utilizado para o diagnóstico, no entanto, esse procedimento envolve sedação, cateterismo vesical e expõe a criança a uma quantidade significativa de radiação. A investigação metabolômica pode fornecer novos entendimentos sobre a doença e visa a descoberta de metabólitos específicos associados a ela. Assim, existe um potencial considerável para a implementação de perfil metabólico em análises clínicas. Dessa forma, buscou-se estabelecer uma alternativa não invasiva para identificar crianças com o RVU através da metabolômica. Para a investigação metabolômica alvo um método por eletroforese capilar acoplada ao espectrômetro de massas (CE-MS) com analisador to tipo ion trap foi desenvolvido e validado para a determinação de 27 aminoácidos em urina. Os parâmetros experimentais relacionados às configurações da interface CE-MS, eletrólito (BGE) e espectrômetro de de massas (MS) foram otimizados, proporcionando uma boa separação dos 27 aminoácidos, incluindo os isômeros L-leucina, L-isoleucina e L-alloisoleucina, em menos de 30 min. O líquido auxiliar (SHL) foi composto de 0,5% (v/v) ácido fórmico em 60% (v/v) água/metanol à uma vazão de 5 µL min-1. O BGE consistiu de 0,80 mol L-1 de ácido fórmico e 15% (v/v) de metanol. Um procedimento de stacking por pH foi implementado para aumentar a detectabilidade (uma solução de NH4OH a 12,5% (v/v) foi injetada a 0,5 psi/9 s antes das amostras). O método foi validado de acordo com os protocolos FDA e ICH, exibindo parâmetros aceitáveis. A quantificação bem sucedida dos aminoácidos em amostras de urina de um estudo piloto do RVU foi alcançada. A avaliação estatística dos resultados mostrou que alguns dos aminoácidos avaliados podem carregar informações que possibilitam discriminar as amostras de urina entre os grupos teste e controle. Para a análise metabolômica global urinária, métodos por RPLC-MS e HILIC-MS foram otimizados. Cinco colunas com diferentes propriedades foram investigadas para RPLC e quatro colunas para HILIC; adicionalmente, foram investigados a influência dos aditivos e pH da fase móvel. As condições ótimas foram determinadas avaliando o formato de pico, a relação sinal-ruído, o tempo de retenção, o número de molecular features detectados e sua distribuição durante o gradiente de eluição. A melhor condição obtida para RPLC utiliza a coluna CSH C18 e fase móvel composta por 0,1% (v/v) ácido fórmico em água (A) e 0,1% (v/v) ácido fórmico em acetonitrila (B). Para HILIC, o melhor desempenho foi obtido com a coluna zwitteriônica ZIC-HILIC e fase móvel composta por 10 mmol L-1 acetato de amônio pH 6,8 (B) e 95% (v/v) acetonitrila e 5% 200 mmol L-1 acetato de amônio pH 6,8 (A). As amostras de urina dos grupos controle e teste foram submetidas à análise metabolômica global por RPLC-MS usando o método otimizado e por CESI-MS. Os resultados indicaram que diversas rotas metabólicas podem ter sido alteradas pelo RVU. Alteração dos níveis de carnitinas e acilcarnitinas, aminoácidos e derivados, purinas e outros foi observada. Ainda, a presença de acilcarnitinas na urina podem indicar danos mitocondriais e a diminuição de triptofano e aumento do ácido quinurênico indicam uma alteração no metabolismo do triptofano. / Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is one of the most commonly urologic conditions diagnosed among children. A high degree of this condition can cause kidney scarring, kidney failure and high blood pressure. Voiding cystourethrography is the standard method for diagnosis; however, this procedure involves sedation, bladder catheterization and exposes the child to a significant amount of radiation. Metabolomics has provided new insights about the disease and aims to discover specific metabolites associated with it. Thus, there is a considerable potential for the implementation of metabolic profile in clinical analyses. Thus, we attempted to establish a noninvasive alternative to identify children with VUR through metabolomics approach. For target metabolomics, a CE-MS method was developed and validated for the separation and quantitative analysis of 27 amino acids in urine. Experimental parameters related to the CE-MS interface (based on co-axial sheath liquid, SHL), background electrolyte (BGE) and mass spectrometer (MS) settings were optimized providing a good separation of 27 amino acids, including the isomers L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-alloisoleucine, in less than 30 min. The SHL was composed of 0.50% (v/v) formic acid in 60% (v/v) methanol-water delivered at a flow rate of 5 µL min-1. The BGE consisted of 0.80 mol L-1 formic acid and 15% (v/v) methanol. A pH stacking procedure was implemented to enhance sensitivity (a 12.5% (v/v) NH4OH solution was injected at 0.5 psi/9 s prior to samples). The proposed method was thoroughly validated according to FDA and ICH protocols exhibiting acceptable parameters. A successful quantification of amino acids in urine samples from the VUR cohort was achieved. The statistical evaluation of the results showed that some of the amino acids may carry information for the discrimination of the urine samples between the test and control groups. For untargeted metabolomics analysis, methods by RPLC-MS and HILIC-MS were optimized. Five columns with different properties were investigated for RPLC and four columns for HILIC; additionally, the influence of additives and pH of the mobile phase were investigated. The optimum conditions were determined assessing the peak shape, signal-to-noise ratio, retention time, number of molecular features detected and their distribution during the elution gradient. The best condition obtained for RPLC uses CSH C18 column and mobile phase composed by 0.1% (v/v) formic acid in water (A) and 0.1% (v/v) formic acid in acetonitrile (B). For HILIC, the best performance was obtained with the zwitterionic ZIC-HILIC column and mobile phase composed by 10 mmol L-1 ammonium acetate pH 6.8 (B) and 95% (v/v) acetonitrile and 5% (v/v) 200 mmol L-1 ammonium acetate pH 6.8 (A). Urine samples from the control and test groups were submitted to global metabolomics analysis by RPLC-MS using the optimized method and by CESI-MS. The results indicated that several metabolic pathways may have been altered by VUR. Changes of carnitine and acylcarnitine levels, amino acids and derivatives, purines and others was observed. Furthermore, the presence of acylcarnitines in the urine may indicate mitochondrial damage and the decrease of tryptophan and increase of the kynurenic acid indicate a change in the metabolism of tryptophan.

Miniaturized devices for bioanalysis : case of nitric oxide stored as S-nitrosothiols in biological fluids / Dispositifs miniaturisés pour l'analyse de biomolécules : cas du monoxyde d'azote stocké sous forme de s-nitrosothiols dans les fluides biologiques

Ismail, Abdul Ghani 17 October 2016 (has links)
Les S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs) sont considérés comme des stocks circulant de monoxyde d'azote (NO) et qui ont de nombreux rôles in vivo. Une variation de la proportion des taux de RSNOs a été démontrée dans de nombreuses maladies. Il est donc important de pouvoir identifier et quantifier chaque RSNO dans les fluides biologiques pour la réalisation de diagnostics médicaux. Il devient alors intéressant de développer des outils analytiques pour la détermination des RSNOs, en utilisant de faibles volumes d'échantillons biologiques. Ce travail de thèse a ainsi été orienté vers le développement d'outils analytiques miniaturisés pour l'analyse des RSNOs dans les fluides biologiques, en se focalisant sur la conception de micro-dispositifs (laboratoires sur puce), intégrant toutes les étapes de l'analyse, à savoir l'injection, la séparation, la décomposition et la détection sur un seul et même dispositif pour l'identification et la quantification des RSNOs. Pour cela, chaque étape a dû être optimisée. Ainsi, une meilleure compréhension de la réactivité des RSNOs, en terme de voies de décomposition et de cinétique, a été étudiée en développant deux méthodologies basées sur l'électrophorèse capillaire (CE) couplée soit à la spectrométrie de masse (MS) soit à une détection par mesure de conductivité sans contact à couplage capacitif (C4D). Par la suite, les conditions de décomposition et la détection sensible du NO libéré ont été réalisées en utilisant des microcapteurs électrochimiques à NO. Sur la base des résultats obtenus, deux stratégies originales ont été développées pour la détection de la totalité des RSNOs présents dans le plasma (i) via la décomposition des RSNOs en utilisant des nanoparticules d’or couplées à des microcapteurs NO et (ii) via la conception d’un dispositif miniaturisé de diagnostic sur papier. Finalement, grâce à l’optimisation des étapes de décomposition, de séparation et de détection, une étude préliminaire a été menée pour concevoir une micropuce d’électrophorèse intégrant la décomposition des RSNOs et une détection électrochimique afin de quantifier indépendamment différents RSNOs. / S- nitrosothiols (RSNOs) are considered as biological circulating stock of nitric oxide (NO) that have many roles in vivo. The variation of RSNOs proportion has been recognized in many diseases, so that the identification and quantitation of each RSNO in biological fluids is of prime importance. There is thus interest for the development of analytical tools for their determination, using low biological sample volumes. This PhD work was thus orientated towards the development of miniaturized analytical tools for the analysis of RSNOs in biological fluids, with a focus on microdevices (lab-on-a-chip), by integrating the injection, separation, decomposition and detection steps for the simultaneous identification and quantitation of various RSNOs. To this aim, a better understanding of RSNO reactivity, in terms of decomposition, was necessary and was assessed by developing two methodologies based on capillary electrophoresis (CE) coupled to different detection techniques: mass spectrometry (MS) and capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (C4D). Then, the conditions for RSNOs decomposition and further sensitive detection of released NO by miniaturized electrochemical NO-sensors were determined. Finally, two original strategies were developed for the detection of the total amount of RSNOs in plasma (i) decomposition using gold nanoparticles and (ii) conception of miniaturized paper-based point of care device. Thanks to the optimization of decomposition, separation and detection steps, preliminary work was conducted to develop a microchip electrophoresis coupled to RSNOs decomposition to quantify separately the different RSNOs.

Development of an analysis method for a glycosylated protein using MALDI-MS and separation techniques / Utveckling av en analysmetod för ett glykosylerat protein med MALDI-MS och separationstekniker

Singh, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
The antibody Immunoglobulin G (IgG) main function is to protect and prevent the body from infections, and it is normally found in human serum. This study is about IgG glycosylation, which is associated with different types of diseases such as neurological diseases, cancers and immunodeficiency etc. This study attempts to optimize IgG glycopeptide enrichment in a 100 μL micropipette tip set up, and to separate the enriched glycopeptides using capillary electrophoresis (CE). Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization – mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) was used for data acquisition and glycopeptide profiling.  In this study, loading solutions with different combinations of acetonitrile (ACN) and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), together with various precondition and sample preparation procedures were evaluated on IgG digest samples. Best enrichment performance, particularly regarding the selectivity, was achieved using the parameters as follows: loading solution of 83% ACN/16% H2O/1% TFA, sample solution in H2O containing 83% ACN, using a 100 μL micropipette tip packed with 1 mg cotton wool. A re-enrichment step was carried out on enriched glycopeptide samples, and improved selectivity of glycopeptides could be observed. Enriched glycopeptides could be separated into three major groups by CE using an acidic background electrolyte of 50 mM formic acid and 50 mM acetic acid, pH 2.5. / Huvudfunktionen för antikroppen Immunoglobulin G (IgG) är att skydda kroppen och förhindra infektioner och det finns normalt i mänskligt serum. Denna studie handlar om glykosylering, som är kopplad till olika typer av sjukdomar såsom neurologiska sjukdomar, cancer och immunbrist etc, och är en potentiell biomarkör för sjukdomar. Denna studie försöker optimera en IgG glycopeptidanrikningsmetod i en 100 μL mikropipettspets och separera de anrikade och intakta glycopeptiderna med hjälp av kapillärelektrofores (CE). Matrisassisterad laserdesorption/jonisering – masspektrometri (MALDI-MS) användes för datainsamling och glykopeptidprofilering  I denna studie utvärderades lösningar med olika kombinationer av acetonitril (ACN) och trifluororättiksyra (TFA) tillsammans med olika föberedelseförfaranden och provberedningsprocedurer på IgG prover. Anrikningsprestanda, särskilt selektiviteten, uppnåddes bäst med användning av följande parametrar: lösningen av 83% ACN / 16% H2O / 1% TFA, provlösning i H2O innehållande 83% ACN, med användning av en 100 mikroliter mikropipettspets fylld med 1 mg bomull. Återreningssteget genomfördes på anrikade glykopeptidprover och förbättrad selektivitet för glykopeptider kunde observeras. Anrikade glykopeptider kunde separeras i tre huvudgrupper med CE med användning av sur bakgrundselektrolyt med 50 mM myrsyra och 50 mM ättiksyra, pH 2,5.

Développement de méthodes séparatives pour la caractérisation d’une glycoprotéine intacte : application à l’hormone chorionique gonadotrophine humaine / Development of separation methods for the characterization of a glycoprotein at the intact level : application to the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone

Camperi, Julien 08 November 2018 (has links)
La glycosylation est la forme la plus courante de modification post-traductionnelle (PTM) des protéines humaines, puisque plus de 70% d’entre elles sont glycosylées. Celle-ci régule de nombreuses propriétés biologiques comme leur stabilité, leur demi-vie et leur activité. Néanmoins, les protéines peuvent également présenter d'autres types de PTM, ce qui peut conduire pour une protéine donnée à un très grand nombre d'isoformes variant par leur masse, leurs propriétés biologiques et physico-chimiques et leur concentration dans les échantillons biologiques. Ainsi, caractériser une glycoprotéine comporte de nombreux défis et nécessite la mise en œuvre de méthodes séparatives très performantes et de détection très sensibles et informatives.La gonadotrophine chorionique humaine (hCG) est l’hormone spécifique de la grossesse humaine. Elle est essentielle au développement du placenta et du fœtus. Elle est composée de deux sous-unités hCGα et hCGβ qui sont fortement glycosylées (4 sites de N-glycosylation et 4 sites d’O-glycosylation). Récemment, des travaux ont montré une corrélation entre sa glycosylation et une bonne implantation du fœtus. Une caractérisation des ces glycoformes s’avère donc nécessaire.Par conséquent, de nouvelles méthodes en LC/CE-MS ont été développées pour la caractérisation de la hCG à l’échelle intacte en utilisant deux médicaments à base de hCG ayant des glycosylations différentes. Alors que la méthode en CZE-MS (TQ) a permis de différencier les profils des glycoformes de la sous-unité hCGα des deux médicaments, la complémentarité des méthodes RP- et HILIC-MS (qTOF) a conduit à leur identification.Pour limiter les erreurs potentielles d’identification dues au chevauchement des profils isotopiques, le profil de chaque isoforme a été résolu par FT-ICR MS. Dans ce but, une séparation au format nanoLC en mode RP a été développée, améliorant ainsi la sensibilité de la méthode d’un facteur 500 par rapport au format conventionnel. Cette méthode a permis de confirmer l’identification des glycoformes de la sous-unité hCGα. D’autre part, il a été possible d’obtenir des profils différents de glycosylation de la sous-unité hCGβ en favorisant leur ionisation par réduction de la hCG. Enfin, un traitement à la PNGase a conduit à l’élimination des N-glycanes pour l’obtention des profils d’O-glycosylation de la sous-unité hCGβ. / Glycosylation is the most common form of post-translational modifications (PTMs) of human proteins, since more than 70% are glycosylated. It regulates numerous biological properties including their stability, half-life, and activity. Nevertheless, proteins can also exhibit other types of PTMs that lead to a very large number of isoforms, varying in mass, properties and concentration in the biological samples. Therefore, the characterization of a glycoprotein is highly challenging and requires the use of powerful separation techniques and sensitive and informative detection modes.The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is the hormone specific to human pregnancy. It is essential for the development of placenta and fetus. It is based on two heavily glycosylated subunits, hCGα and hCGβ, having 8 glycosylation sites (4 N- and 4 O-glycosylation sites). Some recent studies demonstrated that here is a correlation between the hCG glycosylation state and the fetus implantation. This is why the characterization of the hCG glycoformes is needed.Therefore, new LC/CE-MS methods were developed for the characterisation of hCG at the intact level using two hCG-based drugs having different glycosylation profiles. While the CZE-MS (TQ) method showed its potential for glycosylation fingerprinting, the complementarity of LC-(qTOF) MS methods in RP and HILIC modes allowed the identification of the glycoforms of the hCGα subunit.To limit the identification errors due to the overlapping of isotopic distribution patterns, the profile of each isoform was resolved by FT-ICR MS. For this purpose, a nanoLC separation in RP mode was developed, thus improving the sensitivity of the method by a factor 500 compared to the conventional format. This method allowed the confirmation of the identification of hCGα glycoforms. Then, it was possible to obtain different glycosylation patterns of the hCGβ by promoting its ionization after hCG reduction. Then, a PNGase treatment was carried out to remove the N-glycans in order to obtain the O-glycoprofiles of hCGβ isoforms.

Chiral capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry: developments and applications of novel glucopyranosdie molecular micelles

liu, yijin 09 May 2016 (has links)
Micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC), one of the major capillary electrophoresis (CE) modes, has been interfaced to mass spectrometry (MS) to provide high sensitivity and selectivity for analysis of chiral compounds. The research in this dissertation presents the development of novel polymeric glucopyranoside based molecular micelles (MoMs) (aka. polymeric surfactants) and their application in chiral MEKC-MS. Chapter 1 is a review of chiral CE-MS - in the period 2010-2015. In this chapter, the fundamental of chiral CE and CE-MS is illustrated and the recent developments of chiral selectors and their applications in chiral EKC-MS, CEC-MS and MEKC-MS are discussed in details. Chapter 2 introduces the development of a novel polymeric α-D-glucopyranoside based surfactants, n-alkyl-α-D-glucopyranoside 4,6-hydrogen phosphate, sodium salt. In this chapter, polymeric α-D-glucopyranoside-based surfactants with different chain length and head groups have been successfully synthesized, characterized and applied as compatible chiral selector in MEKC-ESI-MS/MS. or the enantioseparation of ephedrines and β-blockers. Chapter 3 continues to describe the employment of polymeric glucopyranoside based surfactants as chiral selector in MEKC-MS/MS. The polymeric β-D-glucopyranoside based surfactants, containing charged head groups such as n-alkyl β-D-glucopyranoside 4,6-hydrogen phosphate, sodium salt and n-alkyl β-D-glucopyranoside 6-hydrogen sulfate, monosodium salt were able to enantioseparate 21 cationic drugs and 8 binaphthyl atropisomers (BAIs) in MEKC-MS/MS, which promises to open up the possibility of turning an analytical technique into high throughput screening of chiral compounds. Physicochemical properties and enantioseparation capability of polymeric β-D-glucopyranoside based surfactants with different head groups and chain lengths were compared. Moreover, the comparison of polymeric α- and β-D-glucopyranoside 4,6-hydrogen phosphate, sodium salt were further explored with regard to enantioseparations of ephedrine alkaloids and b-blockers. The concept of multiplex chiral MEKC-MS for high throughput quantitation is demonstrated for the first time in scientific literature.

Développement de méthodes de séparation des oligosaccharides de chitine et de chitosane par électrophorèse capillaire

Beaudoin, Marie-Ève January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Posttranslační modifikace proteinů - jejich analýza a fyziologické aspekty / Posttranslational modification of proteins - their analysis and physiological aspects

Mikulíková, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
This thesi s is eoneerned with the deteetion of posttranslational modifieation of proteins. These proteins are identified using liquid ehromatography and eapillary eleetrophoresis, their eoupling and eoupling to mass speetrometry. The first part of the theoretieal ehapter is devoted to the strueture, classifieation and metabolits ehanges of proteins in the human body. Major attention is foeused on eollagen, its strueture and individual eollagen types. The seeond part eonsiders the problems of nonenzymatie glyeation and its influenee on the body and engage in produets of posttranslational modifieation. The third part summarizes the individual separation proeedures and analysis of posttranslationaly modified proteins. The seeond ehapter deseribes experimental parameters, including ehemieals, instrumentation, materials and methods. The preparation of individual samples is also deseribed. All results and findings are summarized and diseussed in the last ehapter. This ehapter is divided in two parts. The first part foeuses on problems of in vivo experiments. The seeond part foeuses on problems of in vitro experiments. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Development of Advanced Capillary Electrophoresis Techniques with UV and Mass Spectrometry Detection for Forensic, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Applications

Fu, Hanzhuo 01 July 2014 (has links)
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a modern analytical technique, which is electrokinetic separation generated by high voltage and taken place inside the small capillaries. In this dissertation, several advanced capillary electrophoresis methods are presented using different approaches of CE and UV and mass spectrometry are utilized as the detection methods. Capillary electrochromatography (CEC), as one of the CE modes, is a recent developed technique which is a hybrid of capillary electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Capillary electrochromatography exhibits advantages of both techniques. In Chapter 2, monolithic capillary column are fabricated using in situ photoinitiation polymerization method. The column was then applied for the separation of six antidepressant compounds. Meanwhile, a simple chiral separation method is developed and presented in Chapter 3. Beta cycodextrin was utilized to achieve the goal of chiral separation. Not only twelve cathinone analytes were separated, but also isomers of several analytes were enantiomerically separated. To better understand the molecular information on the analytes, the TOF-MS system was coupled with the CE. A sheath liquid and a partial filling technique (PFT) were employed to reduce the contamination of MS ionization source. Accurate molecular information was obtained. It is necessary to propose, develop, and optimize new techniques that are suitable for trace-level analysis of samples in forensic, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was selected for this task, as it requires lower amounts of samples, it simplifies sample preparation, and it has the flexibility to perform separations of neutral and charged molecules as well as enantiomers. Overall, the study demonstrates the versatility of capillary electrophoresis methods in forensic, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications.

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