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Laboratory Aerosol Kinetics Studies of the Hydrolysis Reaction of N2O5 Using a Flow Tube Coupled to a New Chemical Ionization Mass SpectrometerEscorcia, Egda Nadyr 26 July 2010 (has links)
The hydrolysis reaction of N2O5 was investigated at room temperature on two aerosol types using a flow tube coupled to a newly built Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (CIMS). This instrument was fully constructed and optimized during this research period, as well as employed to conduct one of two aerosol studies. The first examined the reaction on ammonium bisulphate aerosols using a new ion detection method, I-•N2O5 cluster formation, which proved to be highly advantageous over the common approach of dissociative charge transfer, yielding a sensitivity for I-•N2O5 of 0.024 Hz/pptv. The uptake coefficients at 30% and 50% relative humidity were 0.0067 ± 0.0002 and 0.0120 ±0.0014, respectively. The second study was performed using a different CIMS previously assembled in the laboratory. In this case, the reaction was investigated on secondary organic aerosols produced through the ozonolysis of α-pinene, and resulted in an uptake coefficient of 8.5x10-5 ± 7x10-6 at 0% relative humidity.
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Airborne measurements of trace gases using a Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (CIMS) onboard the FAAM BAe-146 research aircraftLe Breton, Michael Robert January 2013 (has links)
A chemical ionisation mass spectrometer (CIMS) was developed and utilised for measurements onboard the Facility for Atmospheric Airborne Measurements (FAAM) BAe-146 aircraft. The I- ionisation scheme was implemented to detect nitric acid (HNO3), formic acid (HC(O)OH), hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) simultaneously at a sampling frequency of 1 Hz. Sensitivities ranged from 35±6 ion counts pptv-1 s-1 for HC(O)OH to 4±0.9 ion counts pptv-1 s-1 for HCN and limits of detection from 37 ppt for HNO3 and 5 ppt for HCN. Trace gas concentrations of species such as HC(O)OH are currently under predicted in global models. In order to understand their role in controlling air quality, it is crucial that their production pathways and abundance are accurately measured and constrained. To date, airborne measurements of these trace gases have been difficult as a result of instrumental limitations on an aircraft such as limit of detection and sampling frequency. The first UK airborne measurements of HC(O)OH and HNO3 confirmed that HC(O)OH is under predicted by up to a factor of 2 in a trajectory model that implements the full Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) and Common Representative Intermediate Scheme (CRI). The inclusion of a primary vehicle source enabled the model to reproduce the concentrations observed; verifying that direct sources are under represented. Secondary formation of HC(O)OH was observed through its correlation with HNO3 and ozone (O3), indicating a strong photochemical production source. Hydroxyl (OH) concentrations were estimated for the first time in a flight around the UK using the HC(O)OH and HNO3 measurements. A biomass burning (BB) plume identification technique is applied to data obtained from Canadian biomass fires using HCN as a marker. A 6 sigma above background approach to defining a plume resulted in a higher R2 correlating value for the normalised excess mixing ratio (NEMR) to carbon monoxide (CO) when compared to current methods in the literature. The NEMR obtained from this work; 3.76±0.02 pptv ppbv-1, lies within the range found in the literature. This NEMR is then used to calculate a global emission total for HCN of 0.92 Tg (N) yr-1 when incorporated into the global tropospheric model STOCHEM CRI. The first direct N2O5 airborne measurements on an aircraft at night are compared to indirect measurements taken by a broadband cavity enhancement absorption spectrometer. An average R2 correlation coefficient of 0.87 observed over 8 flights for 1 Hz measurements indicates the selectiveness of the I- ionisation scheme to detect N2O5 directly, without nitrate (NO3) interference.
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Tropospheric ozone and photochemical processing of hydrocarbons : laboratory based kinetic and product studiesLeather, Kimberley January 2012 (has links)
Laboratory based temperature-dependent kinetics and product yields for alkene ozonolysis and the reaction of CH3O2 with ClO and BrO have been measured via chamber studies and a turbulent flow tube coupled to CIMS (Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry). In order to gain a better understanding of the fate of the products formed during hydrocarbon oxidation and their subsequent impact on the ozone budget (and so the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere) it is imperative to know the rate at which these reactions proceed and to identify their product yields. As tropospheric temperature varies, Arrhenius parameters were determined during the ozonolysis of selected alkenes. The temperature dependent kinetic database was extended and the activation energies for the ozonolysis of selected alkenes were correlated with an existing SAR (Structure Activity Relationship). Given the myriad organic species in the atmosphere, SARs are useful tools for the prediction of rate coefficients. Inclusion of Arrhenius parameters into the SAR allows for prediction over a range of temperatures, improving the conditions reflected in models. Achieving mass balance for alkene ozonolysis has proven to be a difficult challenge considering the numerous pathways of the Criegee Intermediate (CI). The product yield of formic acid – an organic acid with significant atmospheric implications which is under predicted by models – was determined as a function of relative humidity during ethene ozonolysis. This reaction exhibited a strong water dependence which lead to the prediction of the reaction rate of the CI with water which ranges between 1 × 10-12 – 1 × 10-15 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 and will therefore dominate its loss with respect to bimolecular processes in the atmosphere. Peroxy radicals, strongly influence the total oxidising capacity of the troposphere. The reaction of peroxy radicals with halogen oxides is recognised to be responsible for considerable ozone depletion in the atmosphere, exacerbated by reactive halogens (X, XO) taking part in catalytic cycles. Arrhenius parameters were determined for ClO + CH3O2 and BrO + CH3O2. Temperature is an important parameter affecting rate, exemplified here as the reaction involving ClO exhibited a positive temperature dependence whereas for BrO a negative temperature dependence was evident. As a consequence, the impact of ClO + CH3O2 with respect to ozone loss is diminished. Global modelling predicts a reduction in ozone loss by a factor of around 1.5 and implicates regions such as clean marine environments rather than the polar stratosphere. Conversely, a more pronounced temperature dependence for the reaction of BrO with CH3O2 placed particular importance on lower stratospheric chemistry where the modelled CH3O2 oxidation is doubled. The main products for this reaction were identified to be HOBr and CH2O2. The decomposition of CH2O2 could enhance HOx in the lower and middle stratosphere and contribute to a significant source of HOx in the upper troposphere. Bimolecular reaction of CH2O2 with water could also provide a none negligible source HC(O)OH in the upper troposphere. Alkenes and peroxy radicals undergo chemical processing in the atmosphere whilst acting as a source and sink of ozone and thus can impose detrimental effects on the biosphere, climate and air quality of the Earth.
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