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Development of a building energy model and a mean radiant temperature scheme for mesoscale climate models, and applications in Berlin (Germany)Jin, Luxi 07 July 2022 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung eines Gebäudeenergiemodells (BEM) und eines Schemas für die mittlere Strahlungstemperatur ($T_mrt$) vorgestellt, das in das Doppel-Canyon basierte städtische Bestandsschichtsschema (DCEP) integriert ist. Das erweiterte DCEP-BEM Modell zielt darauf ab, eine Verbindung zwischen anthropogener Wärme und dem Stadtklima herzustellen, indem Gebäude in Straßenschluchten einbezogen werden, um die Energieflüsse auf städtischen Oberflächen, die Auswirkungen der anthropogenen Wärme auf die Atmosphäre, die Innenraumlufttemperatur und die Abwärme von Klimaanlagen zu untersuchen. Das DCEP-BEM wird mit dem mesoskaligen Klimamodell COSMO-CLM (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdelling in CLimate Mode, im Folgenden CCLM) gekoppelt und zur Simulation des Winters und Sommers 2018 in Berlin.
Die Auswertung der Wintersimulationen zeigt, dass CCLM/DCEP-BEM den mittleren Tagesverlauf der gemessenen turbulenten Wärmeströme gut reproduziert und die simulierte 2-m-Lufttemperatur und den städtischen Wärmeinseleffekt (UHI) verbessert. Im Sommer bildet das CCLM/DCEP-BEM die Innenraumlufttemperatur richtig ab und verbessert die Ergebnisse für die 2-m-Lufttemperatur und die UHI leicht. Außerdem wird das CCLM/DCEP-BEM angewendet, um die Abwärmeemissionen von Klimaanlagen im Sommer zu untersuchen. Die Abwärmeemissionen der Klimaanlagen erhöhen die Lufttemperatur in Oberflächennähe erheblich. Der Anstieg ist in der Nacht und in hochurbanisierten Gebieten stärker ausgeprägt. Es werden zwei Standorte für die AC-Außengeräte betrachtet: entweder an der Wand eines Gebäudes (VerAC) oder auf dem Dach eines Gebäudes (HorAC). Die Auswirkung von HorAC ist im Vergleich zu VerAC insgesamt geringer, was darauf hindeutet, dass HorAC einen kleineren Einfluss auf die oberflächennahe Lufttemperatur und den UHI hat. Ein Schema für $T_mrt$ wird für das CCLM/DCEP-BEM entwickelt und umfassend validiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass dieses Schema eine zuverlässige Darstellung von $T_mrt$ bietet. / This work presents the development of a building energy model (BEM) and a mean radiant temperature ($T_mrt$) scheme integrated in the urban canopy scheme Double Canyon Effect Parametrization (DCEP). The extended DCEP-BEM model aims to establish a link between anthropogenic heat emissions and urban climate by including the interior of buildings in urban street canyons to investigate the energy fluxes on urban surfaces, the effects of anthropogenic heat on the atmosphere, the evolution of indoor air temperature, and waste heat from air conditioning (AC) systems. DCEP-BEM is coupled with the mesoscale climate model COSMO-CLM (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdelling in CLimate Mode, hereafter CCLM) and applied to simulate the winter and summer 2018 of Berlin.
The evaluation for winter simulations indicates that CCLM/DCEP-BEM reproduces well the average diurnal characteristics of the measured turbulent heat fluxes and considerably improves the simulated 2-m air temperature and urban heat island (UHI). In summer, CCLM/DCEP-BEM accurately reproduces the indoor air temperature, and slightly improves the performance of the 2-m air temperature and the UHI effect. Furthermore, CCLM/DCEP-BEM is applied to explore the waste heat emissions from AC systems in summer. AC waste heat emissions considerably increase the near-surface sensible heat flux and air temperature. The increase is more pronounced during the night and in highly urbanised areas. Two locations for the AC outdoor units are considered: either on the wall of a building (VerAC) or on the rooftop of a building (HorAC). The effect of HorAC is overall smaller compared to VerAC, indicating that HorAC has a smaller impact on the near-surface air temperature and the UHI effect. A $T_mrt$ scheme is developed for CCLM/DCEP-BEM and extensively evaluated. It is shown that this scheme provides a reliable representation of $T_mrt$.
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Neural Architectures For Active Contour Modelling And For Pulse-Encoded Shape RecognitionRishikesh, N 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
An innate desire of many vision researchers IS to unravel the mystery of human
visual perception Such an endeavor, even ~f it were not wholly successful, is expected to yield byproducts of considerable significance to industrial applications
Based on the current understanding of the neurophysiological and computational
processes in the human bran, it is believed that visual perception can be decomposed into distinct modules, of which feature / contour extraction and recognition / classification of the features corresponding to the objects play an important role. A remarkable characteristic of human visual expertise is its invariance to rotation shift, and scaling of objects in a scene
Researchers concur on the relevance of imitating as many properties as we have
knowledge of, of the human vision system, in order to devise simple solutions to
the problems in computational vision. The inference IS that this can be more
efficiently achieved by invoking neural architectures with specific characteristics
(similar to those of the modules in the human brain), and conforming to rules of
an appropriate mathematical baas As a first step towards the development of
such a framework, we make explicit (1) the nature of the images to be analyzed,
(11) the features to be extracted, (111) the relationship among features, contours,
and shape, and (iv) the exact nature of the problems To this end, we formulate
explicitly the problems considered in this thesis as follows
Problem 1
Given an Image localize and extract the boundary (contours) of the object of
Interest in lt
Problem 2
Recognize the shape of the object characterized by that contour employing a
suitable coder-recognizer such that ~t IS unaffected by rotation scaling and
translation of the objects
Problem 3
Gwen a stereo-pair of Images (1) extract the salient contours from the Images,
(ii)establish correspondence between the points in them and (111) estimate the depth associated with the points
We present a few algorithm as practical solutions to the above problems. The main contributions of the thesis are:
• A new algorithm for extraction of contours from images: and
• A novel method for invariantly coding shapes as pulses to facilitate their recognition.
The first contribution refers to a new active contour model, which is a neural network designed to extract the nearest salient contour in a given image by deforming itself to match the boundary of the object. The novelty of the model consists in the exploitation of the principles of spatial isomorphism and self organization in order to create flexible contours characterizing shapes in images. It turns out that the theoretical basis for the proposed model can be traced to the extensive literature on:
• Gestalt perception in which the principles of psycho-physical isomorphism plays a role; and
• Early processing in the human visual system derived from neuro-anatomical and neuro-physiological properties.
The initially chosen contour is made to undergo deformation by a locally co-operative, globally competitive scheme, in order to enable it to cling to the nearest salient contour in the test image. We illustrate the utility and versatility of the model by applying to the problems of boundary extraction, stereo vision, and bio-medical image analysis (including digital libraries).
The second contribution of the thesis is relevant to the design and development of a machine vision system in which the required contours are first to be extracted from a given set of images. Then follows the stage of recognizing the shape of the object characterized by that contour. It should, however, be noted that the latter problem is to be resolved in such a way that the system is unaffected by translation, relation, and scaling of images of objects under consideration. To this end, we develop some novel schemes:
• A pulse-coding scheme for an invariant representation of shapes; and
• A neural architecture for recognizing the encoded shapes.
The first (pulse-encoding) scheme is motivated by the versatility of the human visual system, and utilizes the properties of complex logarithmic mapping (CLM) which transforms rotation and scaling (in its domain) to shifts (in its range). In order to handle this shift, the encoder converts the CLM output to a sequence of
pulses These pulses are then fed to a novel multi-layered neural recognizer which
(1) invokes template matching with a distinctly implemented architecture, and (11)
achieves robustness (to noise and shape deformation) by virtue of its overlapping
strategy for code classification The proposed encoder-recognizer system (a) is
hardware implementable by a high-speed electronic switching circuit, and (b) can
add new patterns on-line to the existing ones Examples are given to illustrate
the proposed schemes.
The them is organized as follows:
Chapter 2 deals with the problem of extraction of salient contours from a
given gray level image, using a neural network-based active contour model
It explains the need for the use of active contour models, along with a brief
survey of the existing models, followed by two possible psycho-physiological
theories to support the proposed model After presenting the essential characteristics
of the model, the advantages and applications of the proposed
approach are demonstrated by some experimental results.
Chapter 3 is concerned with the problem of coding shapes and recognizing
them To this end, we describe a pulse coder for generating pulses invariant
to rotation, scaling and shift The code thus generated IS then fed to a
recognizer which classifies shapes based on the pulse code fed to it The
recognizer can also add new shapes to its 'knowledge-base' on-line. The
recognizer's properties are then discussed, thereby bringing out its advantages
with respect to various related architectures found in the literature.
Experimental results are then presented to Illustrate some prominent characteristics
of the approach.
Chapter 4 concludes the thesis, summarizing the overall contribution of the
thesis, and describing possible future directions
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Use of IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management Solution to Demonstrate Traceability for Small, Real-World Software Development ProjectChawla, Lovelesh 01 January 2015 (has links)
The Standish Group Study of 1994 showed that 53 percent of software projects failed outright and another 31 percent were challenged by extreme budget and/or time overrun. Since then different responses to the high rate of software project failures have been proposed. SEI’s CMMI, the ISO’s 9001:2000 for software development, and the IEEE’s JSTD-016 are some examples of such responses. Traceability is the one common feature that these software development standards impose.
Over the last decade, software and system engineering communities have been researching subjects such as developing more sophisticated tooling, applying information retrieval techniques capable of semi-automating the trace creation and maintenance process, developing new trace query languages and visualization techniques that use trace links, applying traceability in specific domains such as Model Driven Development, product line systems and agile project environment. These efforts have not been in vain. The 2012 CHAOS results show an increase in project success rate of 39% (delivered on time, on budget, with required features and functions), and a decrease of 18% in the number of failures (cancelled prior to completion or delivered and never used). Since research has shown traceability can improve a project’s success rate, the main purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate traceability for a small, real-world software development project using IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management.
The objective of this research was fulfilled since the case study of traceability was described in detail as applied to the design and development of the Value Adjustment Board Project (VAB) of City of Jacksonville using the scrum development approach within the IBM Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management Solution. The results may benefit researchers and practitioners who are looking for evidence to use the IBM CLM solution to trace artifacts in a small project.
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František de Meyronnes: Kritická edice a analýza Traktátu Passione Domini / Francis of Meyronnes's Tractatus de passione Domini: Critical edition and analysisBurgazzi, Riccardo January 2015 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Ústav řeckých a latinských studií Latinská medievistika a neolatinská studia Abstract Francis of Meyronnesʼ Tractatus de passione Domini: Critical edition and analysis Školitel: doc. Mgr. Lucie Doležalová, M.A., Ph.D. 2015 Riccardo Burgazzi Abstract Francis of Meyronnes (1288 - 1328) was a theologian and a sermonist, disciple of John Duns Scotus. He studied at the University of Paris and taught in several provincial studia in France and in Italy. He became master of theology in 1323 and he was named Provincial Minister of Provence in 1324; later, he moved to Avignon, where he worked as a preacher and a counselor. Francis of Meyronnes wrote an impressive number of works that can be classified as philosophical, political, and devotional. Meyronnes' Tractatus de Passione Domini, the subject of this dissertation, could be dated between 1318 and 1320, when Francis was Baccalarius Biblicus in Paris. It was probably written for his brothers in order to provide them with a biblical commentary which could have been an instrument for helping them in the composition of their own sermons and works. As Tobias Kemper claims, the authors from the Late Middle Ages used to tell the Passion mainly in two ways: in form of "meditations" or in form of "narrative representations"....
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