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We present a range of steady-state photoionization simulations, corresponding to different assumed shell geometries and compositions, of the unseen postulated rapidly expanding outer shell to the Crab Nebula. The properties of the shell are constrained by the mass that must lie within it, and by limits to the intensities of hydrogen recombination lines. In all cases the photoionization models predict very strong emission from high ionization lines that will not be emitted by the Crab’s filaments, alleviating problems with detecting these lines in the presence of light scattered from brighter parts of the Crab. The NIR [Ne VI] λ 7.652 mm line is a particularly good case; it should be dramatically brighter than the optical lines commonly used in searches. The C IV λ1549Å doublet is predicted to be the strongest absorption line from the shell, which is in agreement with HST observations. We show that the cooling timescale for the outer shell is much longer than the age of the Crab, due to the low density. This means that the temperature of the shell will actually “remember” its initial conditions. However, the recombination time is much shorter than the age of the Crab, so the predicted level of ionization should approximate the real ionization. In any case, it is clear that IR observations present the best opportunity to detect the outer shell and so guide future models that will constrain early events in the original explosion.
Infrared observations have discovered a variety of objects, including filaments in the Crab Nebula and cool-core clusters of galaxies, where the H2 1-0 S(1) line is stronger than the infrared H I lines. A variety of processes could be responsible for this emission. Although many complete shock or PDR calculations of H2 emission have been published, we know of no previous simple calculation that shows the emission spectrum and level populations of thermally excited low-density H2. We present a range of purely thermal collisional simulations, corresponding to constant gas kinetic temperature at different densities. We consider the cases where the collisions affecting H2 are predominantly with atomic or molecular hydrogen. The resulting level population (often called “excitation”) diagrams show that excitation temperatures are sometimes lower than the gas kinetic temperature when the density is too low for the level populations to go to LTE. The atomic case goes to LTE at much lower densities than the molecular case due to larger collision rates. At low densities for the v=1 and 2 vibrational manifolds level populations are quasi-thermal, which could be misinterpreted as showing the gas is in LTE at high density. At low densities for the molecular case the level population diagrams are discontinuous between v=0 and 1 vibrational manifolds and between v=2, J=0, 1 and other higher J levels within the same vibrational manifold. These jumps could be used as density diagnostics. We show how much the H2 mass would be underestimated using the H2 1-0 S(1) line strength if the density is below that required for LTE. We give diagnostic diagrams showing level populations over a range of density and temperature. The density where the level populations are given by a Boltzmann distribution relative to the total molecular abundance (required to get the correct H2 mass), is shown for various cases. We discuss the implications of these results for the interpretation of H2 observations of the Crab Nebula and filaments in cool-core clusters of galaxies.
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A combined experimental and computational study of nanopaleomagnetic recorders in meteoritic metalBlukis, Roberts January 2019 (has links)
A nanoscale intergrowth of fine tetrataenite particles in an iron rich matrix, known as the `cloudy zone' has recently been recognised as a stable paleomagnetic recorder. It is found in meteorites containing iron-nickel alloy that have developed the characteristic Widmanst\"atten pattern. However, the close particle proximity and high magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the cloudy zone make it a highly unconventional material to use in paleomagnetic studies. Open questions about the formation of the cloudy zone, its exact composition and structure, and how it acquires a remanence remain unanswered. To use the cloudy zone as a reliable and accurate paleomagnetic recorder, its properties have to be well understood. The particle size in the cloudy zone has been measured to be between $\sim$500 nm and $\sim$10 nm, however, it is rarely higher than $\sim$150 nm. This fine lengthscale makes it difficult to study the cloudy zone with conventional methods. No known single method can provided the solution to all current problems concerning the use of the cloudy zone as a paleomagnetic recorder. Therefore, to explore the properties of the cloudy zone a multi-method approach using advanced nanoscale investigation techniques and theoretical calculations was adopted. The formation of the cloudy zone within the context of the Fe-Ni phase diagram was studied using Monte Carlo simulations. These simulations were supplemented by Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. DFT was also used to explore the preferred chemical ordering schemes of the matrix as well as its ground magnetic state. The 3D structure of the cloudy zone was imaged with sub-nanometer resolution using Atom Probe Tomography (APT). This was one of the first applications of APT to image meteoritic metal. Accurate composition measurements of the matrix and tetrataenite as well as kamacite were made. Synchrotron M\"ossbauer spectroscopy was used to provide high spatial resolution information of the magnetic state of the matrix and tetrataenite in the cloudy zone as well as the surrounding metal. The matrix was conclusively demonstrated to be paramagnetic at room temperature as a bulk material. X-Ray holography was used for the first time to directly image magnetisation of individual paleomagnetic remanence carriers under high applied fields. In-field hysteresis behaviour of individual particles in the cloudy zone was measured by directly imaging the sample magnetisation with a resolution of $\sim$25 nm. The cloudy zone was found to consist of strongly interacting single domain particles. The experimental observations were supported by modelling. The combined approach of multiple methods was capable of providing answers to some of the important questions about the cloudy zone. The cloudy zone was found to be highly stable against remagnetisation by applied external fields. If the particle size is below $\sim$80-50 nm the cloudy zone was found to consist of isolated single-domain tetrataenite particles sitting in a paramagnetic matrix. The matrix might become ferrimagnetic at very low temperatures. Depending on how the magnetisation is measured, the measurement might be affected by the matrix changing its magnetic state to ferromagnetic at surfaces. This phenomena should not affect the overall stability of the cloudy zone as a paleomagnetic recorder. Due to the close proximity of the tetrataenite particles, there are strong magnetostatic interactions between them. This finding demands that new methods be developed for correct interpretation of the remanence recorded in the cloudy zone.
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Continuous-flow microwave thermal processing of cloudy apple juice. / Processamento térmico de micro-ondas de fluxo contínuo em suco de maçã não clarificado.Siguemoto, Érica Sayuri 18 July 2018 (has links)
Continuous-flow microwave heating is an alternative processing technology that can bring advantages to the pasteurization of food products, particularly, fruit-based beverages. This work aimed to study the continuous-flow microwave thermal processing of cloudy apple juice. Dielectric and electric properties of cloudy apple juices, obtained from different varieties and from an industrial plant, were determined from 500 to 3000 MHz and temperatures between 10 °C and 90 °C. At these frequencies, apple variety showed little influence and the permittivity decreased almost linearly with temperature. Inactivation kinetics of pathogen microorganisms (Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes) and enzymes (polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase and pectin methylesterase) were studied and modeled to evaluate non-thermal effects of microwave radiation. For both processing technologies, it was possible to achieve a 5-log10 reduction of E. coli and L. monocytogenes, as recommended by the FDA. Microwave processing in comparison to conventional heating enhanced the microorganism inactivation in 18 out of 28 experiments. Predicted enzyme inactivation curves for pasteurization at 70 °C and 80 °C of the cloudy apple juice showed that pectin methylesterase has the highest thermal resistance and that there was no significant evidence of non-thermal microwave effects. A pilot scale unit used for pasteurizing fruit juices was evaluated and the process was modeled and simulated to determine the average time-temperature history. Mean residence times and dispersion parameters were obtained from internal volume measurements and residence time distribution experiments. Thermal processing experiments using water provided heat transfer coefficients as functions of Reynolds number and also microwave power absorption. Mathematical modeling was used to determine the temperature distribution along the product path and results were validated. Results showed that focused microwave heating provided the necessary temperature increase in a very short time, with a lethality contribution of only 0.7% as compared to 59-68% when using the conventional heat exchanger, which configures over-processing and can decrease product quality. Fresh cloudy apple juice was subjected to continuous flow microwave assisted pasteurization in a pilot scale unit at three processing temperatures (70 °C, 80 °C and 90 °C), two flow rate levels and two heating systems (conventional and focused microwave). Good results were obtained for polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase inactivation, but not for pectin methylesterase, which showed to be the most resistant enzyme. A comparative evaluation on quality changes was performed in cloudy apple juice samples pasteurized in the continuous-flow unit. Profile of volatiles of the microwave pasteurized apple juice was more similar to the nonpasteurized juice, in comparison with the conventionally pasteurized juice. However, total organic acids and total soluble sugar contents were not significantly different between both processing technologies. There was an increase of phenolic contents during processing of cloudy apple juice, possibly due to the extraction of phenolic compounds present in suspension of material. Furthermore, it was observed the same trend of antioxidant capacity by DPPH and ORAC methods. In conclusion, this PhD work presents the potential of the microwave-assisted pasteurization in cloudy apple juice regarding enzymatic, microbiological and quality aspects. / Aquecimento de micro-ondas de fluxo contínuo é uma tecnologia de processamento alternativa que pode proporcionar vantagens para a pasteurização de produtos alimentícios, particularmente, bebidas à base de frutas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o processamento térmico de micro-ondas de fluxo contínuo em suco de maçã não clarificado. As propriedades dielétricas e elétricas dos sucos de maçã não clarificados, obtidos de diferentes variedades de maçãs e de uma planta industrial, foram determinadas entre 500 e 3000 MHz e temperaturas entre 10 °C e 90 ° C. Nessas frequências, a variedade da maçã apresentou pouca influência e a permissividade elétrica diminuiu quase linearmente com a temperatura. Cinéticas de inativação de microrganismos patogênicos (Escherichia coli O157: H7 e Listeria monocytogenes) e enzimas (polifenol oxidase, peroxidase e pectina metilesterase) foram estudadas e modeladas a fim de avaliar os efeitos não térmicos da radiação de micro-ondas. Para ambas tecnologias de processamento foi possível obter uma redução de 5-log10 de E. coli e L. monocytogenes, como recomendado pelo FDA. O processamento de micro-ondas em comparação com o aquecimento convencional aumentou a inativação dos micro-organismos em 18 dos 28 experimentos. As curvas de inativação enzimática preditas para pasteurização a 70 ° C e 80 ° C do suco de maçã mostraram que a pectina metilesterase possui a maior resistência térmica e que não houve evidência de efeitos não térmicos. Uma unidade de escala piloto usada para pasteurizar sucos de frutas foi avaliada e o processo foi modelado e simulado para determinar o histórico de tempo-temperatura. Os tempos médios de residência e os parâmetros de dispersão foram obtidos a partir de experimentos de distribuição do tempo de residência e volumes. Experimentos do processamento térmico utilizando água, como produto alimentício, forneceram coeficientes de transferência de calor em função do número de Reynolds e absorção de energia de micro-ondas. A modelagem matemática foi utilizada para determinar a distribuição de temperatura do percurso do produto, e posteriormente, foram validados. Os resultados mostraram que o aquecimento por microondas focalizadas proporcionou o aumento necessário da temperatura em um tempo curto, com uma contribuição de letalidade de apenas 0,7% em comparação a 59-68%, quando usado somente o trocador de calor convencional, o que configura sobre processamento, podendo diminuir a qualidade do produto. O suco de maçã fresco não clarificado foi submetido à pasteurização por micro-ondas em fluxo contínuo em uma unidade de escala piloto em três temperaturas de processamento (70 ° C, 80 ° C e 90 ° C), dois níveis de vazão e dois sistemas de aquecimento (convencional e micro-ondas). Resultados positivos foram obtidos para polifenol oxidase e peroxidase, mas não para a pectina metilesterase demonstrando ser a enzima mais resistente. Uma avaliação comparativa das mudanças de qualidade foi realizada em amostras de suco de maçã pasteurizado na unidade de fluxo contínuo. O perfil de voláteis do suco de maçã pasteurizado por microondas foi mais semelhante ao suco não pasteurizado em comparação ao suco pasteurizado convencionalmente. Entretanto, ácidos orgânicos totais e açúcares solúveis totais não foram significativamente diferentes no processamento por estas duas tecnologias. Houve um aumento de compostos fenólicos durante o processamento do suco de maçã não clarificado, possivelmente devido a extração de compostos fenólicos presentes no material em suspensão. Além disso, foi observado a mesma tendência na atividade antioxidante determinada pelos métodos de DPPH e ORAC. Em conclusão, este trabalho de doutorado apresenta o potencial da pasteurização por micro-ondas em suco de maçã não clarificado quanto aos aspectos enzimáticos, microbiológicos e de qualidade.
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Continuous-flow microwave thermal processing of cloudy apple juice. / Processamento térmico de micro-ondas de fluxo contínuo em suco de maçã não clarificado.Érica Sayuri Siguemoto 18 July 2018 (has links)
Continuous-flow microwave heating is an alternative processing technology that can bring advantages to the pasteurization of food products, particularly, fruit-based beverages. This work aimed to study the continuous-flow microwave thermal processing of cloudy apple juice. Dielectric and electric properties of cloudy apple juices, obtained from different varieties and from an industrial plant, were determined from 500 to 3000 MHz and temperatures between 10 °C and 90 °C. At these frequencies, apple variety showed little influence and the permittivity decreased almost linearly with temperature. Inactivation kinetics of pathogen microorganisms (Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes) and enzymes (polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase and pectin methylesterase) were studied and modeled to evaluate non-thermal effects of microwave radiation. For both processing technologies, it was possible to achieve a 5-log10 reduction of E. coli and L. monocytogenes, as recommended by the FDA. Microwave processing in comparison to conventional heating enhanced the microorganism inactivation in 18 out of 28 experiments. Predicted enzyme inactivation curves for pasteurization at 70 °C and 80 °C of the cloudy apple juice showed that pectin methylesterase has the highest thermal resistance and that there was no significant evidence of non-thermal microwave effects. A pilot scale unit used for pasteurizing fruit juices was evaluated and the process was modeled and simulated to determine the average time-temperature history. Mean residence times and dispersion parameters were obtained from internal volume measurements and residence time distribution experiments. Thermal processing experiments using water provided heat transfer coefficients as functions of Reynolds number and also microwave power absorption. Mathematical modeling was used to determine the temperature distribution along the product path and results were validated. Results showed that focused microwave heating provided the necessary temperature increase in a very short time, with a lethality contribution of only 0.7% as compared to 59-68% when using the conventional heat exchanger, which configures over-processing and can decrease product quality. Fresh cloudy apple juice was subjected to continuous flow microwave assisted pasteurization in a pilot scale unit at three processing temperatures (70 °C, 80 °C and 90 °C), two flow rate levels and two heating systems (conventional and focused microwave). Good results were obtained for polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase inactivation, but not for pectin methylesterase, which showed to be the most resistant enzyme. A comparative evaluation on quality changes was performed in cloudy apple juice samples pasteurized in the continuous-flow unit. Profile of volatiles of the microwave pasteurized apple juice was more similar to the nonpasteurized juice, in comparison with the conventionally pasteurized juice. However, total organic acids and total soluble sugar contents were not significantly different between both processing technologies. There was an increase of phenolic contents during processing of cloudy apple juice, possibly due to the extraction of phenolic compounds present in suspension of material. Furthermore, it was observed the same trend of antioxidant capacity by DPPH and ORAC methods. In conclusion, this PhD work presents the potential of the microwave-assisted pasteurization in cloudy apple juice regarding enzymatic, microbiological and quality aspects. / Aquecimento de micro-ondas de fluxo contínuo é uma tecnologia de processamento alternativa que pode proporcionar vantagens para a pasteurização de produtos alimentícios, particularmente, bebidas à base de frutas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o processamento térmico de micro-ondas de fluxo contínuo em suco de maçã não clarificado. As propriedades dielétricas e elétricas dos sucos de maçã não clarificados, obtidos de diferentes variedades de maçãs e de uma planta industrial, foram determinadas entre 500 e 3000 MHz e temperaturas entre 10 °C e 90 ° C. Nessas frequências, a variedade da maçã apresentou pouca influência e a permissividade elétrica diminuiu quase linearmente com a temperatura. Cinéticas de inativação de microrganismos patogênicos (Escherichia coli O157: H7 e Listeria monocytogenes) e enzimas (polifenol oxidase, peroxidase e pectina metilesterase) foram estudadas e modeladas a fim de avaliar os efeitos não térmicos da radiação de micro-ondas. Para ambas tecnologias de processamento foi possível obter uma redução de 5-log10 de E. coli e L. monocytogenes, como recomendado pelo FDA. O processamento de micro-ondas em comparação com o aquecimento convencional aumentou a inativação dos micro-organismos em 18 dos 28 experimentos. As curvas de inativação enzimática preditas para pasteurização a 70 ° C e 80 ° C do suco de maçã mostraram que a pectina metilesterase possui a maior resistência térmica e que não houve evidência de efeitos não térmicos. Uma unidade de escala piloto usada para pasteurizar sucos de frutas foi avaliada e o processo foi modelado e simulado para determinar o histórico de tempo-temperatura. Os tempos médios de residência e os parâmetros de dispersão foram obtidos a partir de experimentos de distribuição do tempo de residência e volumes. Experimentos do processamento térmico utilizando água, como produto alimentício, forneceram coeficientes de transferência de calor em função do número de Reynolds e absorção de energia de micro-ondas. A modelagem matemática foi utilizada para determinar a distribuição de temperatura do percurso do produto, e posteriormente, foram validados. Os resultados mostraram que o aquecimento por microondas focalizadas proporcionou o aumento necessário da temperatura em um tempo curto, com uma contribuição de letalidade de apenas 0,7% em comparação a 59-68%, quando usado somente o trocador de calor convencional, o que configura sobre processamento, podendo diminuir a qualidade do produto. O suco de maçã fresco não clarificado foi submetido à pasteurização por micro-ondas em fluxo contínuo em uma unidade de escala piloto em três temperaturas de processamento (70 ° C, 80 ° C e 90 ° C), dois níveis de vazão e dois sistemas de aquecimento (convencional e micro-ondas). Resultados positivos foram obtidos para polifenol oxidase e peroxidase, mas não para a pectina metilesterase demonstrando ser a enzima mais resistente. Uma avaliação comparativa das mudanças de qualidade foi realizada em amostras de suco de maçã pasteurizado na unidade de fluxo contínuo. O perfil de voláteis do suco de maçã pasteurizado por microondas foi mais semelhante ao suco não pasteurizado em comparação ao suco pasteurizado convencionalmente. Entretanto, ácidos orgânicos totais e açúcares solúveis totais não foram significativamente diferentes no processamento por estas duas tecnologias. Houve um aumento de compostos fenólicos durante o processamento do suco de maçã não clarificado, possivelmente devido a extração de compostos fenólicos presentes no material em suspensão. Além disso, foi observado a mesma tendência na atividade antioxidante determinada pelos métodos de DPPH e ORAC. Em conclusão, este trabalho de doutorado apresenta o potencial da pasteurização por micro-ondas em suco de maçã não clarificado quanto aos aspectos enzimáticos, microbiológicos e de qualidade.
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Apport des observations IASI pour la description des variables nuageuses du modèle AROME dans le cadre de la campagne HyMeX / Contribution of IASI radiances for the description of cloud variables in the AROME model in the context of the HyMeX campaignMartinet, Pauline 24 September 2013 (has links)
Les données satellitaires représentent aujourd'hui la vaste majorité des observations assimilées dans les modèles de prévision numérique du temps. Leur exploitation reste cependant sous-optimale, seulement 10% du volume total est assimilé en opérationnel. Environ 80% des données infrarouges étant affectées par les nuages, il est primordial de développer l'assimilation des observations satellitaires dans les zones nuageuses. L'exploitation du sondeur hyperspectral infrarouge IASI a déjà permis une amélioration des prévisions météorologiques grâce à sa précision et son contenu en information jamais inégalés. Son utilisation dans les zones nuageuses reste cependant très complexe à cause de la forte non-linéarité des processus nuageux dans l'infrarouge. Cette thèse propose donc une méthode permettant d'exploiter au mieux les observations nuageuses du sondeur IASI. Un modèle de transfert radiatif avancé utilisant les propriétés microphysiques du nuage a été évalué. Cette méthode présente l'avantage majeur d'utiliser les profils de condensats nuageux produits par les modèles de prévision. Grâce à ce nouveau schéma, les profils de contenus en eau nuageuse ont pu être inversés avec succès à partir des observations IASI et d'un schéma d'assimilation variationnelle uni-dimensionnel (1D-Var). L'impact de ces observations en termes d'analyse et d'évolution des variables nuageuses dans le modèle de prévision a aussi été évalué. Cette étude est une première évaluation du choix des variables de contrôle utilisées lors des inversions. Un modèle simplifié uni-colonne du modèle de prévision AROME a permis de faire évoluer les profils analysés par le 1D-Var sur une période de trois heures. Des résultats prometteurs ont montré la bonne conservation de l'incrément d'analyse pendant plus d'une heure et demie de prévision. La formation des systèmes fortement précipitants étant fortement liée aux contenus en eau nuageuse, ces résultats encourageants laissent entrevoir des retombées majeures pour la prévision des évènements de pluie intense et les applications de prévision numérique à très courte échéance. / Nowadays, most data assimilated in numerical weather prediction come from satellite observations. However, the exploitation of satellite data is still sub-optimal with only 10 to 15% of these data assimilated operationally. Keeping in mind that about 80% of infrared data are affected by clouds, it is a priority to develop the assimilation of cloud-affected satellite data. The hyperspectral infrared sounder IASI has already contributed to the improvement of weather forecasts thanks to its far better spectral resolution and information content compared to previous instruments. The use of cloud-affected IASI radiances is still very complicated due to the high non-linearity of clouds in the infrared. This PhD work suggests an innovative way to take advantage of cloud-affected radiances observed by IASI. An advanced radiative transfer model using cloud microphysical properties has been evaluated. This method has the advantage of using cloud water content profiles directly produced by numerical weather prediction models. Thanks to this new scheme, profiles of cloud water contents have been successfully retrieved from IASI cloud-affected radiances with a one dimensional variational assimilation scheme (1D-Var). The impact of these data in terms of analysis and evolution of cloud variables has been evaluated in a numerical weather prediction model. This study is the first step in evaluating the choice that has been made for the control variables used during the retrievals. A simplified one-dimensional version of the AROME model was used to run three-hour forecasts from the 1D-Var analysed profiles. Promising results have shown a good maintenance of the analysis increment during more than one hour and a half of forecast. In regard to these encouraging results, a positive impact on nearcasting applications and forecasts of heavy rainfall events, which are highly coupled to cloud variables, can be expected in the future.
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The focus of this dissertation is to study the star-forming regions of the interstellar medium (ISM), using two very diverse environments: the Polaris Flare, high-galactic latitude, cirrus cloud complex consisting of several starless molecular cores with no nearby hot stars; and the Orion Nebula, which is the closest massive star forming region. The two environments provide a wide range of physical conditions.
It is commonly assumed that the Herschel far-infrared (FIR) fluxes are a good measure of column density, hence, mass of interstellar clouds. We find that the FIR fluxes are insensitive to the column density if AV ≳ 2. The Polaris Flare has been previously observed with the Herschel Space Telescope. We use Cloudy to model the molecular cores in MCLD 123.5+24.9 of the Polaris Flare. The Polaris Flare, 150 pc distant, is well within the Galactic disc. There are no nearby hot stars. Therefore, the cloud is illuminated by an external far-ultraviolet (FUV) flux (6-13 eV) due to the galactic background interstellar radiation field (ISRF). The dust grains absorb the incident FUV flux and re-emit in the FIR continuum emission. We use detailed grain models that suggest that the grains in dense regions are coated with water and ammonia ices, increasing their sizes and opacities. In our models, dust temperatures decline rapidly into the cloud. Therefore, the cloud interiors contribute very little additional FIR flux, leading to an underestimate of inferred column density. Cloudy also predicts mm-wavelength molecular lines for comparison with published observations. Our models suggest that at low temperatures (≲ 20K), molecules freeze-out on grain surfaces, and desorption by cosmic rays becomes important. Our models of inter-core regions in MCLD 123.5+24.9 significantly under predict molecular line strengths unless the gas is clumped into high-density regions.
We use Cloudy to construct a detailed model of the Orion H ii region. This study is an improvement over the work of Baldwin et al. 1991 with the new atomic data and stellar atmosphere models, and a wealth of archival observational data obtained over last two decades. We use collisionally excited lines to determine the elemental abundance of the region.
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Évaluation de l’endométrite clinique chez la vache laitière et efficacité d’un traitement de céfapirine sous forme d’une infusion intra-utérineTison, Nicolas 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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La nouvelle méthode Heliosat-4 pour l’évaluation du rayonnement solaire au sol / The new method Heliosat-4 for the assessment of surface solar radiationQu, Zhipeng 29 October 2013 (has links)
Plusieurs méthodes existent pour évaluer de manière opérationnelle l'éclairement solaire au sol à partir d'images acquises par satellite. Durant sa thèse soutenue en 2009 à MINES ParisTech, Oumbe a conçu une nouvelle méthode, Heliosat-4, faisant appel à des modèles numériques du transfert radiatif et à des approximations d'exécution rapide. La présente thèse vise à consolider ces résultats et à effectuer la validation complète de la méthode Heliosat-4. Elle s'inscrit dans une collaboration scientifique internationale dans les projets européens MACC (Monitoring Atmosphere Composition and Climate) et MACC-II.Oumbe a proposé une approximation de l'équation de transfert radiatif s'écrivant alors comme un produit de l'éclairement par ciel clair par un terme d'extinction dû aux nuages. Nous avons établi que les erreurs liées à cette approximation sont très faibles dans les conditions usuelles et qu'elle peut donc être utilisée dans Heliosat-4, ce qui en facilitera l'implémentation informatique ainsi que son fonctionnement opérationnelle.La méthode Heliosat-4 est donc ainsi composé de deux modèles composés d'abaques : McClear pour l'éclairement par ciel clair et McCloud pour l'extinction cet éclairement due aux nuages. A l'aide de mesures in-situ d'éclairements direct et diffus de référence, nous avons analysé finement les performances de Heliosat-4 selon différentes conditions. La qualité de la première version pré-opérationnelle de Heliosat-4 est jugée satisfaisante car elle permet des estimations d'éclairement global avec une précision de l'ordre de celles des méthodes existantes mais des estimations des composantes directe et diffuse sensiblement de meilleure qualité. / Several methods have been developed to assess operationally the surface solar irradiance from satellite images. During his PhD thesis presented in 2009 at MINES ParisTech, Oumbe has designed a new method using numerical radiative transfer model and fast approximations. The present PhD thesis aimed at consolidating these results and validating Heliosat-4. This work is the international scientific collaboration framework of the European-funded projects MACC (Monitoring Atmosphere Composition and Climate) and MACC-II.As a foundation of Heliosat-4, Oumbe has proposed an approximation of the radiative transfer equation by a product of clear-sky irradiance and a term describing the cloud extinction. We have established that estimation errors due to this approximation are very small in usual conditions and that this approximation may be adopted. It allows a convenient modular development of Heliosat-4 and eases its future operational use.The Heliosat-4 method is then composed of two abacus-based models: McClear for the irradiance under clear-sky and McCloud for the irradiance extinction due to clouds. With in-situ reference measurements of direct and diffuse irradiance, we have carried out deep performance analysis of Heliosat-4, under different conditions. The quality of this first preoperational version of Heliosat-4 is judged satisfactory as it enables estimations of global irradiance with the same level of quality of other existing methods in literature but also estimations of direct and diffuse irradiances with a noticeable better quality.
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Patulin, main mycotoxin of the apple industry : regulation of its biosynthetic pathway and influence of processing factors in cloudy apple juice production / Patuline, principale mycotoxine de la filière pomme : élucidation de sa voie de biosynthèse et développement d'approches préventivesEl Hajj Assaf, Christelle 17 December 2018 (has links)
Parmi les maladies affectant les pommes, la moisissure bleue causée par Penicillium expansum est une préoccupation majeure. Elle cause des pertes de rendement et de qualité dues également à la production de mycotoxines telles que la patuline (PAT) et la citrinine (CIT). La PAT est la plus alarmante en raison de ses propriétés cytotoxiques, génotoxiques et immunosuppressives.L'Union européenne (UE) a établi des réglementations spécifiques pour protéger la santé des consommateurs et des niveaux maximaux de 50 g / kg sont fixés pour les jus de fruits et les produits dérivés, 25 g / kg pour les purées de pommes et les compotes et 10 g / kg pour les aliments destinés aux bébés et aux jeunes enfants. En dépit de ces mesures, la PAT continue à être présente dans les aliments et / ou les boissons commerciaux, dépassant parfois les limites maximales. Des recherches supplémentaires sont par conséquent nécessaires pour minimiser la contamination des produits alimentaires par cette mycotoxine et son champignon producteur. Bien que la plupart des études sur P. expansum soient essentiellement centrées sur la PAT, le génomede ce champignon présente d'autres clusters de métabolites secondaires (SM) prédits dont certains peuvent être associés à des métabolites potentiellement toxiques. Afin de contrôler la synthèse de SM, l'étude des facteurs de transcription globaux régulant leur production est essentielle. Dans une première partie, le gène veA, appartenant à la famille des protéines du complexe velvet, a été caractérisé et son impact sur le développement du champignon, sa virulence et son métabolisme secondaire a été élucidé. La délétion de ce gène a conduit à une réduction de la production de PAT et de CIT et à une diminution de l'expression de leurs clusters de gènes. VeA a également un impact global sur le métabolisme secondaire, puisque 15 des 35gènes de structure présentent une régulation différentielle sur les milieux testés. Dans une deuxième partie, l’influence de l’acide ascorbique (AA) sur la concentration de PAT dans le jus de pomme trouble a été étudiée à la fois en laboratoire et en milieu semi-industriel. Une méthodologie analytique séparant la PAT et d'autres composés générés au cours de la réaction aété optimisée. Les conditions optimales d'action de l’AA sur la PAT ont été analysées. De plus,nous avons identifié des produits de dégradation moins toxiques que la PAT et résultant du traitement par l’AA. Pour conclure, cette thèse se rattache à la gestion des risques de la PAT dans le secteur des fruits ; elle apporte des connaissances et des améliorations significatives tant sur le plan fondamental que sur le plan pratique. Ces avancées résident principalement dans la description d'une souche mutée de P. expansum moins toxique que celle naturellement retrouvée dans la nature, et décrivant un additif alimentaire améliorant les qualités de nombreux produits transformés et diminuant la concentration de PAT en générant des composés moins toxiques. / Among diseases affecting apples, blue mould caused by Penicillium expansum is a major concern. It causes yield and quality losses, as well as food safety issues due to the production of mycotoxins such as patulin (PAT) and citrinin (CIT). PAT is the most worrying one and has cytotoxic, genotoxic and immunosuppressive properties. The European Union (EU) has established specific regulations to protect the consumer’s health and maximum levels of PAT of 5 g/kg is set for fruit juices and derived products, 25 g/kg for apple purees and compotes and 10g/kg for food intended for babies and young children. However, PAT is still found in commercial food and/or beverage products, sometimes exceeding the maximum limits and more research is needed to minimize contamination of food products by this mycotoxin and its fungus. Even though most studies on P. expansum have focused on PAT itself, the genome of this fungus exhibits other predicted secondary metabolite (SM) clusters, some of which may be associated with potentially toxic metabolites. In order to control the synthesis of SMs, the study of global transcription factors regulating their production is essential. In a first part, the veA gene, belonging to the velvet family, was characterised and its impact on the development of the fungus, its virulence and its secondary metabolism was elucidated. The disruption of this gene led to the failure in PAT and CIT production and a decrease in the expression of their gene cluster. It also revealed a global impact on the secondary metabolism, as 15 of 35 backbone genes showed differential regulation on the media tested. In a second part, the influence of ascorbic acid (AA) on the concentration of PAT in cloudy apple juice was studied on both lab and semi-industrial scale. An analytical methodology separating PAT and other compounds generated during the reaction was optimized. Optimal conditions of action of AA on PAT were studied. In addition, degradation products less toxic than PAT and resulting from AA treatment were identified. To conclude, this thesis is part of the risk management of PAT in the fruit sector; it provides significant improvements at both fundamental and practical levels. These advances are mainly characterized by the description of a mutated strain of P. expansum that is less toxic than that naturally occurring in nature, and the description of a food additive that improves numerous products qualities and affects PAT concentration, thusgenerating less toxic compounds
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