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Field-Testing a Psychosocial Assessment Scoring Form for TMD Patients - Summarizing Axis II InstrumentsGünther, Tamara Katharina 09 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Impact of the DC/TMD instructional video on the practical skills of undergraduate students — A single-blinded, randomized controlled trialHerzenberg (geb. Jahn), Franziska 01 November 2023 (has links)
Bei CMD-Erkrankungen handelt es sich um Kraniomandibuläre Dysfunktionen, die Schmerzen und/oder spezifische Funktionsstörungen umfassen. Sie gelten als Erkrankungen, die sich aus mehreren Symptomen zusammensetzen können. Kardinalsymptome sind Schmerzen im Bereich der Kiefergelenke und der Kaumuskulatur, Einschränkungen der Unterkieferbeweglichkeit sowie intraartikuläre Störungen. CMD-Erkrankungen erlangen stetig größer werdende Bedeutung in der Zahnheilkunde. Immer häufiger stehen Zahnärzte Patienten gegenüber, die über wiederkehrende oder chronische Schmerzen der Kaumuskulatur sowie der Kiefergelenke berichten. Diese sind gleichzeitig der Hauptgrund für eine aktive Behandlungssuche. Etwa 10 % der Allgemeinbevölkerung, vorzugsweise Erwachsene, weisen Symptome einer CMD auf. Folglich wächst die Bedeutung eines zuverlässigen Diagnostikinstrumentes für die frühzeitige Feststellung von Funktionsstörungen und behandlungsbedürftiger CMD. Allein in Deutschland existiert eine Vielzahl von Anamnese- und Befunderhebungssystemen. Fehlende Standardisierungen von Diagnose- und Untersuchungskriterien können in hohem Ausmaß zur Über-, Unter- und Fehldiagnostik bei CMD-Erkrankungen führen und die Folge von hohen Behandlungskosten sein. Mittels Instruktionsvideos können praktische Abläufe und Untersuchungstechniken standardisiert dargestellt und die Erlernbarkeit verbessert werden. Sie können somit ein visuelles, zuverlässiges Fundament der CMD-Diagnostik bilden. Die Instruktionsvideos sollen dabei die Durchführung der standardisierten klinischen Untersuchung anhand der DC/TMD-Richtlinien veranschaulichen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltete die Evaluation der Anwendung des DC/TMD-Lehrvideos in Verknüpfung mit dem deutschen Manual für das Erlangen von klinischen Kompetenzen.
Im Rahmen der randomisierten Studie nahmen in der Gesamtheit 50 Zahnmedizinstudierende der Universität Leipzig teil, die sich in ihrem dritten Ausbildungsjahr befanden. Das Studienprotokoll wurde durch die örtliche Ethikkommission (208/19-ek) genehmigt und alle teilnehmenden Studierenden gaben ihre Einwilligung. Die Aufteilung in zwei Gruppen erfolgte zufällig, nach Geschlecht stratifiziert. Es erfolgte die Überprüfung ihrer klinischen Fähigkeiten für die Untersuchung von Patienten bei Verdacht auf kraniomandibuläre Dysfunktionen noch vor Beginn des ersten klinischen Kurses. Als Testverfahren wurde eine dreistufige OSCE entwickelt, welche die sachgemäßen Untersuchungstechniken als auch Richtlinien gemäß der DC/TMD beinhalteten. Jede Station musste von den Studierenden innerhalb von sieben Minuten absolviert werden. Dabei umfasste Station A die Palpation der Kaumuskulatur, Station B die Messung der Kieferbeweglichkeit und Station C Untersuchungen des Kiefergelenkes. Sowohl die Interventionsgruppe als auch die Kontrollgruppe erhielten eine Woche vor Beginn der OSCE das deutsche DC/TMD-Manual sowie Fotos mit den entsprechenden Palpationsbereichen im Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtsbereich in Papierform ausgehändigt. Lediglich die Interventionsgruppe bekam das deutsche Instruktionsvideo einmalig eine Woche vor Beginn der OSCE zu sehen. Um die OSCE subjektiv zu beurteilen, wurden nach Beendigung des Testverfahrens die Studierenden gebeten einen Fragebogen auszufüllen. Der Bewertungsgrad wurde über eine 5-point Likert scale (trifft zu, trifft eher zu, teils-teils, trifft eher nicht zu, trifft nicht zu) erfasst. Die Studierenden gaben ihr Feedback zum erstellten Lehrvideo sowie zu der Frage, ob ein solches Lehrvideo fester Bestandteil der zahnmedizinischen Ausbildung sein sollte. In der Auswertung konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Gesamtsummen und die Summenwerte jeder einzelnen OSCE-Station in der Interventionsgruppe höher ausfielen als in der Kontrollgruppe. Hier zeigte sich jedoch keine statistische Signifikanz (p ≥ 0.189). Aufgrund der vorliegenden Daten konnte die Hypothese, dass
es keine signifikanten Unterschiede in den OSCE-Ergebnissen der Studierenden gibt, die das Manual gelesen und das Instruktionsvideo gesehen haben und denen, welchen lediglich das Manual zur Vorbereitung auf die Untersuchung zur Verfügung stand, eindeutig bestätigt werden. Die Messung der Kieferbeweglichkeit wurde von den Studierenden als schwierig empfunden. Insgesamt gaben 87.5 % der Studierenden der Interventionsgruppe an, dass ihnen das Ansehen des Lehrfilmes geholfen hat, die OSCE zu bestehen. 95.8 % der teilnehmenden Studierenden gaben positive Rückmeldungen für die Integration des Lehrvideos in die zahnmedizinische Ausbildung. Das deutsche Instruktionsvideo kann gleichermaßen für Studierende und für die postgraduale Ausbildung eine gewinnbringende Unterstützung darstellen. Die DC/TMD bieten die Möglichkeit national sowie international einen diagnostischen Standard in der Befunderhebung und Diagnosestellung kraniomandibulärer Dysfunktionen zu etablieren. Nur durch eine Verbesserung der Diagnosestellung, ist auch eine Verbesserung der Gesamtsituation erreichbar und es können sowohl Leiden der Patienten als auch Behandlungskosten für die Gesellschaft reduziert werden. Damit trägt die vorliegende Arbeit zur Unterstützung der Versorgungssituation im zahnmedizinischen Bereich bei.
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Aglomerados estelares da Pequena Nuvem de Magalhães / Star clusters in the Small Magellanic CloudsDias, Bruno Moreira de Souza 22 March 2010 (has links)
Análise de idades e metalicidades de aglomerados estelares nas Nuvens de Magalhães traz informação para estudos sobre a evolução química e dinâmica das Nuvens. Usando-as como calibradores de modelos de populações estelares simples, esse tipo de análise é útil também para o estudo de outras galáxias. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho é derivar idades e metalicidades a partir de espectros integrados de 14 aglomerados na Pequena Nuvem de Magalhães. Busca-se o entendimento, em particular, dos aglomerados de idade intermediária/velha. A metodologia usada para isso é baseada em ajuste de espectro completo dos espectros integrados dos aglomerados, comparando-os a três bases de modelos de populações estelares simples; são usados dois códigos disponíveis na literatura para efetuar tais comparações. Desse modo, são identicados 9 aglomerados como de idade intermediária/velha e os outros 5, jovens. Destacam-se os resultados para os aglomerados com idade intermediária/velha recém identicadas: HW 1, NGC 152, Lindsay 3, 11 e 113. São conrmadas também as idades velhas de NGC 361, 419 e Kron 3 e do bem conhecido e mais velho aglomerado da Pequena Nuvem, NGC 121. Outro objetivo é determinar parâmetros físicos autoconsistentes (idade, metalicidade, distância e avermelhamento) para 7 aglomerados relativamente pouco estudados da Pequena Nuvem, com idades entre ~ 0.5 e 5 Ganos. Para isso são usadas ferramentas estatísticas que comparam CMDs modelados com os observados. Diferentemente de um ajuste visual de isócrona, essa abordagem oferece um critério objetivo e inequívoco para estabelecer quais são os CMDs sintéticos que melhor ajustam o CMD observado. Resultados preliminares mostram a eciência deste método, que determina log(idade), com incerteza de 0.10 e [Fe/H], com 0.20. Isso pode introduzir novos e importantes limites na relação idade-metalicidade da Pequena Nuvem, que é signicativamente mais complexa e menos estudada que a da Grande Nuvem. / Analysis of age and metallicity of star clusters in Magellanic Clouds brings information to studies on the chemical evolution and dynamics of the Clouds. By using them as calibrators of single stellar populations models, this type of analysis is also useful for the study of other galaxies. One of the aims of this work is to derive ages and metallicities from integrated spectra of 14 clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud. We seek for the understanding, in particular, of the intermediate/old age clusters. The method used for this purpose is based on full spectrum tting of integrated spectra of the clusters, comparing them to three sets of single stellar populations; two codes available in the literature are used to do such comparisons. Thus 9 clusters are identied as intermediate/old age clusters and 5 other as young ones. Noteworthy are the results for the clusters with intermediate/old age newly identied: HW 1, NGC 152, Lindsay 3, 11 and 113. We also conrm the old ages of NGC 361, 419 and Kron 3, and of the well-known oldest cluster of the Small Cloud, NGC 121. Another aim is to determine self-consistent physical parameters (age, metallicity, distance and reddening) for 7 relatively unstudied stellar clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud, with ages between 0.5 and 5 Gyr. We use statistical tools to compare synthetic and observed CMDs. Dierently of a visual isochrone t, this approach oers ob jective and unambiguous criteria to establish which are the synthetic CMDs that best ts the observed CMD. Preliminary results show the eciency of this method, which determines log(age), with an uncertainty of 0.10 and [Fe/H], with 0.20. This can introduce new and important constraints in the age-metallicity relation for the Small Cloud, which is signicantly more complex and less studied than the one of the Large Magellanic Cloud.
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Aglomerados estelares da Pequena Nuvem de Magalhães / Star clusters in the Small Magellanic CloudsBruno Moreira de Souza Dias 22 March 2010 (has links)
Análise de idades e metalicidades de aglomerados estelares nas Nuvens de Magalhães traz informação para estudos sobre a evolução química e dinâmica das Nuvens. Usando-as como calibradores de modelos de populações estelares simples, esse tipo de análise é útil também para o estudo de outras galáxias. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho é derivar idades e metalicidades a partir de espectros integrados de 14 aglomerados na Pequena Nuvem de Magalhães. Busca-se o entendimento, em particular, dos aglomerados de idade intermediária/velha. A metodologia usada para isso é baseada em ajuste de espectro completo dos espectros integrados dos aglomerados, comparando-os a três bases de modelos de populações estelares simples; são usados dois códigos disponíveis na literatura para efetuar tais comparações. Desse modo, são identicados 9 aglomerados como de idade intermediária/velha e os outros 5, jovens. Destacam-se os resultados para os aglomerados com idade intermediária/velha recém identicadas: HW 1, NGC 152, Lindsay 3, 11 e 113. São conrmadas também as idades velhas de NGC 361, 419 e Kron 3 e do bem conhecido e mais velho aglomerado da Pequena Nuvem, NGC 121. Outro objetivo é determinar parâmetros físicos autoconsistentes (idade, metalicidade, distância e avermelhamento) para 7 aglomerados relativamente pouco estudados da Pequena Nuvem, com idades entre ~ 0.5 e 5 Ganos. Para isso são usadas ferramentas estatísticas que comparam CMDs modelados com os observados. Diferentemente de um ajuste visual de isócrona, essa abordagem oferece um critério objetivo e inequívoco para estabelecer quais são os CMDs sintéticos que melhor ajustam o CMD observado. Resultados preliminares mostram a eciência deste método, que determina log(idade), com incerteza de 0.10 e [Fe/H], com 0.20. Isso pode introduzir novos e importantes limites na relação idade-metalicidade da Pequena Nuvem, que é signicativamente mais complexa e menos estudada que a da Grande Nuvem. / Analysis of age and metallicity of star clusters in Magellanic Clouds brings information to studies on the chemical evolution and dynamics of the Clouds. By using them as calibrators of single stellar populations models, this type of analysis is also useful for the study of other galaxies. One of the aims of this work is to derive ages and metallicities from integrated spectra of 14 clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud. We seek for the understanding, in particular, of the intermediate/old age clusters. The method used for this purpose is based on full spectrum tting of integrated spectra of the clusters, comparing them to three sets of single stellar populations; two codes available in the literature are used to do such comparisons. Thus 9 clusters are identied as intermediate/old age clusters and 5 other as young ones. Noteworthy are the results for the clusters with intermediate/old age newly identied: HW 1, NGC 152, Lindsay 3, 11 and 113. We also conrm the old ages of NGC 361, 419 and Kron 3, and of the well-known oldest cluster of the Small Cloud, NGC 121. Another aim is to determine self-consistent physical parameters (age, metallicity, distance and reddening) for 7 relatively unstudied stellar clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud, with ages between 0.5 and 5 Gyr. We use statistical tools to compare synthetic and observed CMDs. Dierently of a visual isochrone t, this approach oers ob jective and unambiguous criteria to establish which are the synthetic CMDs that best ts the observed CMD. Preliminary results show the eciency of this method, which determines log(age), with an uncertainty of 0.10 and [Fe/H], with 0.20. This can introduce new and important constraints in the age-metallicity relation for the Small Cloud, which is signicantly more complex and less studied than the one of the Large Magellanic Cloud.
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Computation of Thermal Development in Injection Mould Filling, based on the Distance ModelAndersson, Per-Åke January 2002 (has links)
<p>The heat transfer in the filling phase of injection moulding is studied, based on Gunnar Aronsson’s distance model for flow expansion ([Aronsson], 1996).</p><p>The choice of a thermoplastic materials model is motivated by general physical properties, admitting temperature and pressure dependence. Two-phase, per-phase-incompressible, power-law fluids are considered. The shear rate expression takes into account pseudo-radial flow from a point inlet.</p><p>Instead of using a finite element (FEM) solver for the momentum equations a general analytical viscosity expression is used, adjusted to current axial temperature profiles and yielding expressions for axial velocity profile, pressure distribution, frozen layer expansion and special front convection.</p><p>The nonlinear energy partial differential equation is transformed into its conservative form, expressed by the internal energy, and is solved differently in the regions of streaming and stagnant flow, respectively. A finite difference (FD) scheme is chosen using control volume discretization to keep truncation errors small in the presence of non-uniform axial node spacing. Time and pseudo-radial marching is used. A local system of nonlinear FD equations is solved. In an outer iterative procedure the position of the boundary between the “solid” and “liquid” fluid cavity parts is determined. The uniqueness of the solution is claimed. In an inner iterative procedure the axial node temperatures are found. For all physically realistic material properties the convergence is proved. In particular the assumptions needed for the Newton-Mysovskii theorem are secured. The metal mould PDE is locally solved by a series expansion. For particular material properties the same technique can be applied to the “solid” fluid.</p><p>In the circular plate application, comparisons with the commercial FEM-FD program Moldflow (Mfl) are made, on two Mfl-database materials, for which model parameters are estimated/adjusted. The resulting time evolutions of pressures and temperatures are analysed, as well as the radial and axial profiles of temperature and frozen layer. The greatest differences occur at the flow front, where Mfl neglects axial heat convection. The effects of using more and more complex material models are also investigated. Our method performance is reported.</p><p>In the polygonal star-shaped plate application a geometric cavity model is developed. Comparison runs with the commercial FEM-FD program Cadmould (Cmd) are performed, on two Cmd-database materials, in an equilateral triangular mould cavity, and materials model parameters are estimated/adjusted. The resulting average temperatures at the end of filling are compared, on rays of different angular deviation from the closest corner ray and on different concentric circles, using angular and axial (cavity-halves) symmetry. The greatest differences occur in narrow flow sectors, fatal for our 2D model for a material with non-realistic viscosity model. We present some colour plots, e.g. for the residence time.</p><p>The classical square-root increase by time of the frozen layer is used for extrapolation. It may also be part of the front model in the initial collision with the cold metal mould. An extension of the model is found which describes the radial profile of the frozen layer in the circular plate application accurately also close to the inlet.</p><p>The well-posedness of the corresponding linearized problem is studied, as well as the stability of the linearized FD-scheme.</p> / Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC-2002:66.
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Etude de la multifragmentation du systeme Au+Au entre 40 et 100 MeV/A: expansion et flot radialLavaud, Franck 28 September 2001 (has links)
Mon travail de thèse, concernant les collisions centrales Au+Au entre 40 et 100 MeV/A, se place dans le cadre d'une analyse comprenant le dépouillement et l'interprétation des résultats de la 4ème campagne de mesure du multidétecteur INDRA. La première phase de cette étude, dite de "dépouillement", a permis de reconstruire, à partir des données brutes des deux premiers étages de détection d'INDRA (chambre d'ionisation, Silicium), les énergies cinétiques et la charge des fragments détectés. Pour la première fois, il a été possible de mettre en évidence et de corriger les effets de non-linéarité dans la chaîne d'acquisition <br />d'INDRA. A l'issue de ce travail, je me suis attaché à selectionner les collisions centrales. <br />Pour ce faire, et dans le souci de ne pas biaiser les interprétations physiques résultantes, j'ai mis en oeuvre deux méthodes distinctes: sélection en paramètre d'impact ainsi qu'une analyse en composante principale. Une étude comparative de ces deux outils mathématiques a été entreprise donnant lieu à des résultats très instructifs.<br /><br /><br />L'interprétation des résultats a fait appel à plusieurs types de modèles lesquels impliquant la validité de certaines hypothèses (équilibre thermodynamique, existence d'un volume de "freeze-out"). L'emploi de modèles statistiques (SMM, MMMC) a permis <br />d'extraire la taille du système émetteur, dit "source unique", ainsi que son énergie d'excitation. L'anisotropie des distributions en énergie cinétiques des fragments, a permis de <br />mettre en évidence, en fonction de l'énergie incidente de la collision, une déformation de la source, mais également de reconstruire les énergies thermique et collective entrant en jeu. Une nouvelle comparaison des données à l'aide de modèles dits "dynamique" (QMD,CMD) a été également entreprise. A l'issu de cette étude, des critiques portant sur la validité d'une approche telles SMM ou MMMC ont pu être émises remettant en jeu le fondement de l'interprétation physique du flot collectif couramment employé.
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Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Unterkieferbewegung mittels Videosequenz- und 3D-Ultraschallanalyse / Comparative investigations about lower jaw movement with video- and 3D-ultrasound analysisEdelhoff, Janna Marie 23 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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This dissertation tackles the ageless human debate of the body versus the soul. Based on Kohlbergian theory, the multidisciplinary literature review advances the proposition that moral development proceeds in waves of referential egoism leading to nonreferential altruism that is couched in power--the apple of the eye.
Many inter organizational studies using the Defining Issues Test have compared moral maturity levels coming from various academic backgrounds. Previous studies have purported that education is the chief moderating variable for moral maturity, with little regard for paradigmatic bases of power. Yet, in this study noncoercive power is carefully controlled because of the highly technical procurement process used in construction contracting. Coercive power and position in the food chain become the main moderators, because success is not measured by charm or wisdom or even social relations, but only by the low bid in accordance with the contractual specifications. The results from 93 respondents of the Iowa Architects Institute of America (n = 93) indicated that despite the higher education and aesthetic interests, the sample of architects ranked low on moral maturity level when compared to the average of the DIT data bank as a whole. Postconventional scores were 36.4 versus 39.1, respectively.
Few intra organizational studies have been conducted examining moral maturity levels among groups in the same work setting. This research also compared the moral maturity of intra industry groups in marketing dyads consisting of architects, contractors, and suppliers using the Defining Issues Test and ANOVA. Again it was expected that architects with higher education and aesthetic interests would rank highest. So in addition to the architects, the members of the Iowa Associated General Contractors and Iowa Associated Builders and Contractors were solicited. This added 32 contractors (n = 32) and 27 suppliers (n = 27), to the total sample (n = 153). Findings showed significant differences among the groups (F (2, 150) = 3.64, p = .05). Yet post hoc comparisons revealed that there was no significant difference in moral maturity levels between architects and contractors engrossed in the same power paradigm (p = 1.00). However, a significant difference existed between architects and suppliers (p =.024). This implication is consistent with the teleological pattern that is prevalent in research studies of salespeople. In summary, performance-based organizations and theorists of stakeholder theory may expect no less than orthodox and opportunistic choices in the real world of business as long as performance remains the ultimate criterion of success.
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Computation of Thermal Development in Injection Mould Filling, based on the Distance ModelAndersson, Per-Åke January 2002 (has links)
The heat transfer in the filling phase of injection moulding is studied, based on Gunnar Aronsson’s distance model for flow expansion ([Aronsson], 1996). The choice of a thermoplastic materials model is motivated by general physical properties, admitting temperature and pressure dependence. Two-phase, per-phase-incompressible, power-law fluids are considered. The shear rate expression takes into account pseudo-radial flow from a point inlet. Instead of using a finite element (FEM) solver for the momentum equations a general analytical viscosity expression is used, adjusted to current axial temperature profiles and yielding expressions for axial velocity profile, pressure distribution, frozen layer expansion and special front convection. The nonlinear energy partial differential equation is transformed into its conservative form, expressed by the internal energy, and is solved differently in the regions of streaming and stagnant flow, respectively. A finite difference (FD) scheme is chosen using control volume discretization to keep truncation errors small in the presence of non-uniform axial node spacing. Time and pseudo-radial marching is used. A local system of nonlinear FD equations is solved. In an outer iterative procedure the position of the boundary between the “solid” and “liquid” fluid cavity parts is determined. The uniqueness of the solution is claimed. In an inner iterative procedure the axial node temperatures are found. For all physically realistic material properties the convergence is proved. In particular the assumptions needed for the Newton-Mysovskii theorem are secured. The metal mould PDE is locally solved by a series expansion. For particular material properties the same technique can be applied to the “solid” fluid. In the circular plate application, comparisons with the commercial FEM-FD program Moldflow (Mfl) are made, on two Mfl-database materials, for which model parameters are estimated/adjusted. The resulting time evolutions of pressures and temperatures are analysed, as well as the radial and axial profiles of temperature and frozen layer. The greatest differences occur at the flow front, where Mfl neglects axial heat convection. The effects of using more and more complex material models are also investigated. Our method performance is reported. In the polygonal star-shaped plate application a geometric cavity model is developed. Comparison runs with the commercial FEM-FD program Cadmould (Cmd) are performed, on two Cmd-database materials, in an equilateral triangular mould cavity, and materials model parameters are estimated/adjusted. The resulting average temperatures at the end of filling are compared, on rays of different angular deviation from the closest corner ray and on different concentric circles, using angular and axial (cavity-halves) symmetry. The greatest differences occur in narrow flow sectors, fatal for our 2D model for a material with non-realistic viscosity model. We present some colour plots, e.g. for the residence time. The classical square-root increase by time of the frozen layer is used for extrapolation. It may also be part of the front model in the initial collision with the cold metal mould. An extension of the model is found which describes the radial profile of the frozen layer in the circular plate application accurately also close to the inlet. The well-posedness of the corresponding linearized problem is studied, as well as the stability of the linearized FD-scheme. / <p>Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC-2002:66.</p>
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Assessment of the CMD Mini-Explorer, a New Low-frequency Multi-coil Electromagnetic Device, for Archaeological InvestigationsBonsall, James P.T., Fry, Robert J., Gaffney, Christopher F., Armit, Ian, Beck, A., Gaffney, Vincent January 2013 (has links)
No / In this article we assess the abilities of a new electromagnetic (EM) system, the CMD Mini-Explorer, for prospecting of archaeological features in Ireland and the UK. The Mini-Explorer is an EM probe which is primarily aimed at the environmental/geological prospecting market for the detection of pipes and geology. It has long been evident from the use of other EM devices that such an instrument might be suitable for shallow soil studies and applicable for archaeological prospecting. Of particular interest for the archaeological surveyor is the fact that the Mini-Explorer simultaneously obtains both quadrature (conductivity') and in-phase (relative to magnetic susceptibility') data from three depth levels. As the maximum depth range is probably about 1.5m, a comprehensive analysis of the subsoil within that range is possible. As with all EM devices the measurements require no contact with the ground, thereby negating the problem of high contact resistance that often besets earth resistance data during dry spells. The use of the CMD Mini-Explorer at a number of sites has demonstrated that it has the potential to detect a range of archaeological features and produces high-quality data that are comparable in quality to those obtained from standard earth resistance and magnetometer techniques. In theory the ability to measure two phenomena at three depths suggests that this type of instrument could reduce the number of poor outcomes that are the result of single measurement surveys. The high success rate reported here in the identification of buried archaeology using a multi-depth device that responds to the two most commonly mapped geophysical phenomena has implications for evaluation style surveys. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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