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Technologie výroby vřetena frézovací hlavy / Production technology of milling head spindleMěrka, Tibor January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is a milling head spindle heat treatment and production technology of this part. The introductory section of the thesis covers tasks of milling head spindle and required properties. Also includes overview of most-known types of heat and chemical treatment and milling head spindle production technology process proposal, which presents in more detail nitrocarburizing process called ARCOR V. Experimental part of the thesis gives consideration as well to the liquid salt bath nitrocarburizing application on different material samples and assessment of nitrocarburized material for this heat treatment process. The result of the thesis is spindle production technology process description with application of nitrocarburizing ARCOR V and also determination of suitability of selected materials for this surface treatment method and it’s practical applications.
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Obrábění odlitku převodovky na CNC stroji / Machining of the gear-box casting on a CNC machineHložek, Milan January 2018 (has links)
The master’s thesis focuses on the machining of a chosen gearbox on a CNC machine. The theoretical part deals with gearboxes in general and the aluminium alloy from which a selected gearbox is manufactured. In the practical part, the machining of the gearbox is proposed according to the corresponding drawing. Gradually suitable machines are selected, then depending on their limits, clamping devices are designed, next a set of tools is selected and an NC program is generated. The technological process of production is proposed and the basic production costs are calculated.
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Stavebnicový systém stavby hlavních dílů CNC obráběcího stroje / Modular building system for main parts of CNC machine toolDvořák, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This work deals with the design of a new concept of construction of main parts of machine tools. It is based on the essence of the modular building system and the solution is to use of small elements that will make a whole group. The content of the thesis is focused on the creation of the procedure for the first prototype of the kit. Specific machine is then modeled from a solution.
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Optimalizace řezného procesu pro obrábění hliníkového profilu na CNC obráběcím centru / Optimalization of cutting process for machining of aluminium profile on CNC centreKrál, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with the suggestion of suitable tools for milling aluminum alloys profiles for the construction of aperture fillings and their aplication to a CNC machining center for increasing the efficiency of the cutting process. The first part of the thesis is focused on the description of the company and the workplace of production of aluminum alloys constructions. The following pages contain description of standardized products, which are used to identify the test profile that is part of the experimental verification. Next part of this thesis is characteristic of aluminum alloys and tool materials suitable for their machining. Second part of this work contains an analysis of the current state, suggestion of new cutting tools and their application to the production proces. At the end of this thesis there is the technical-economic evaluation that deals with the time and economic savings of the applied design.
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Implementace CAM softwaru SolidCAM do strojírenské firmy / Implementation of SolidCAM software in an engineering companyOlejníček, Petr January 2020 (has links)
This Masters thesis examines the production of a revolver frame and the implementation of a new CAM system for the manufacturing process. This thesis contain four parts. The first part is focused on the current manufacturing process. The second part of the thesis consists of a new proposal to use progressive rotary tools and elements of automation for inspection by the Equator Gauging System. The third part proposes a new manufacturing strategy for the revolver frame. At the end of the thesis, the production times of proposed and current technologies are compared.
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Racionalizace obrábění skříní převodovek / The racionalization of machining of gearboxesSádlo, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
Content of the thesis is the proposal of new technology using machining centres, including five controlled axis. Benefit of implementation the new nechnology is investigated at machining example, which is the gear housing of a single stage gearbox, manufactured in the company. In the first part of the thesis, the general properties of gearboxes and their housings are analyzed, as well as the procedure of the current proces of the machining representative. In practical part of the thesis is proposed necessary tool equipment and jig equipment, needed for machining of the part. After that are analyzed and filled in time studies, provided by manufacturers of machining centres. On the bases of these studies, were calculated operating times and operating costs per one piece of the housing. In the part of technical and economical evaluation is calculated the return of initial investment, including costs for byuing new machining cente and cutting tools equipment. Finaly are evaluated the overal benefits of the new technology, given the needs of the company.
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Posouzení bezpečnosti činností obsluhy u svislého soustružnického centra BASICTURN / Safety assessment of operator activities at the BASICTURN vertical turning centerCunda, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
The Master's thesis deals with the safety of operator activities at the BASICTURN vertical turning center. The first part is focused on the requirements arising from the directives of the European Parliament and the Council in relevant areas and a system analysis of the issue. The second part is a risk analysis related to operator activities on the operated machine.
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Optimalizace obráběcího procesu s průmyslovou aplikací na obráběcím centru / Optimisation of machining process for an industrial application and a CNC machining centreSoukupová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce byla vypracována v průmyslovém kontextu, během stáže ve firmě Metso. Zlepšení obráběcího procesu zajišťovacích šroubů bylo cílem této práce, aby byla umožněna budoucí automatizace zakládání obrobku do stroje. Zlepšení bylo zhodnoceno na základě úrovně autonomie během obrábění, eliminace neprogramovaných zastavení stroje operátorem a dostačujícího odvodu třísek. Implementace automatických systému do číslicově řízeného obráběcího centra umožňuje zvýšení produktivity. Před automatizováním obráběcího procesu však musí být proces optimalizován. Zejména dostatečná fragmentace třísek a jejich evakuace jsou klíčové. Dlouhé nedělené třísky můžou poškodit systémy jako například automatický měnič nástrojů, dopravník třísek nebo průmyslového robota. Dostatečná lámavost třísek může být zaručena správným výběrem technologie a strategie obrábění, výběrem řezného nástroje a řezných podmínek pro daný materiál obrobku.
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CNC řízení frézky / Milling machine CNC controlKrejčí, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with rebuild of manual drill-mill machine BF20L into CNC mill machine, 3D model of that and eventual control using PLC. All axes are powered by stepper motors, with encoders, connected to control cards and industrial computer from company Beckhoff. For this control is made full switchboard, supplemented by electrical wiring diagram. Program control along with visualization is made in software TwinCAT 3. Drill-mill machine can be controlled manually or automatically by program.
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Ovládací rozhraní CNC frézky / CNC milling machine driving interfaceMitáš, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This project deals with portal-type CNC milling machine design and construction. CNC milling machine should be able to machining light metals and alloys. This document contains description of mechanical components selection, machine frame design and building, design and construction of USB motion control unit and also contains control software description and user manual.
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