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Návrh nové technologie výroby rotační součásti / A new production technology of a rotational partSychra, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on a new production technology of a rotational part. The SolidWorks software was used for create the component design. According to the proposed models, CNC program using parametric programming using mathematical functions was created in the CNC Syntax Editor Free Edition program. The final step was the experimental verification of the functionality and components compared with other type and the economical evaluation of manufactured components.
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Konstrukční návrh portálové CNC frézky / Design of gantry CNC milling machineLudva, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with a design of a portal CNC milling machine. The thesis contains a description of milling machine’s single types, analysis of Czech and foreign market and analysis of basic milling machine’s groups. The work includes calculating of cutting forces and moments of a chosen tool, choice of spindle and design of axe’s drive systems. The thesis also includes 3D model of the chosen variant, it’s by a method of final elements and finally drawing documentation.
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Projektmetod för cykeltidsoptimering av CNC-maskiner / Project method for cycle time optimization of CNC machinesDackebro, Johan, Jansson, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Inom den automatiserade bearbetande metallindustrin är ett sätt att effektivisera produktionen, och följaktligen stärka konkurrenskraft, att cykeltidsoptimera CNC-maskiner. I avsikt att denna typ av optimeringsarbeten inte ska ske ostrukturerat, utan med systematik, syftar detta arbete till att arbeta fram ett förslag på en projektmetod avsedd för cykeltidsoptimering av CNC-maskiner. Vidare har intervjuer, arbetsuppföljning och observationer vid Scania CV ABs vevaxelproduktion tillsammans med relaterade litterära studier analyserats och filtrerats; och sedan använts för att tillhandahålla svar på arbetets frågeställningar: (1) Kan onödiga aktiviteter i CNC-cykler identifieras och kan dessa i sådant fall minimeras eller uteslutas? (2) Hur kan en projektmetod vara uppbyggd och vad kan den uppbyggnaden innefatta? Åtta stycken täckande aktiviteter i CNC-cyklar med optimeringspotential noterades. Där innefattas exempelvis väntetider, långsamma och onödiga sekvenser samt aktiviteter som kanske parallellt men ej gör det. Även praktisk arbetsgång för cykeltidsoptimering av CNC-maskiner och metoder för annan optimering identifierades. Sammanvägningen av de empiriska resultaten och de relaterade studierna visade att fasindelning och innehållet i en projektmetod kan skilja beroende på om metoden är generell eller specifikt anpassad. Efter att ha arbetat samtliga empiriska resultat och relaterade studier konstruerades ett förslag på projektmetod. Metoden har fem faser (potential, initiering, planering, utförande och avslutning) och presenteras i ett användargränssnitt. Gränssnittet tydliggör vad som ska utföras i respektive fas och hur. I ett utökat arbete kan gränssnittet utvecklas och optimeringsaspekter som kräver mer omfattande lösningar kartläggas samt definieras kopplat till hur de bör hanteras. / Within the automated metalworking industry, one way to make production more effective, and consequently strengthen and maintain competitiveness, is to optimize the cycle time of CNC machines. With the intention that this type of optimization work should not be done unstructured, but systematically, this work aims to develop a proposal for a project method intended for cycle time optimization of CNC machines. Furthermore, interviews, workfollow-up and observations at Scania CV AB's crankshaft production together with related literary studies have been analyzed and filtered; and then used to provide answers to the work's research questions: (1) Can unnecessary activities in CNC cycles be identified and, if so, can these be minimized or excluded? (2) How can a project method be structured and what can that structure include? Eight covering activities in CNC cycles with optimization potential were noted. This includes, for example, waiting times, slow and unnecessary sequences and activities that can take place parallelly but do not. Practical workflow for cycle time optimization of CNC machines and methods for other types optimization were also identified. The balance of the empirical results and the related studies showed that the phasing and content of a project method can differ depending on whether the method is general or specifically adapted. After working through all the empirical results and related studies, a proposal was put together for a project method. The method has five phases (potential, initiation, planning, execution and termination) and is presented in a user interface. The interface clarifies what must be done in each phase and how. In an extended work, the interface can be further developed and optimization aspects that require more comprehensive solutions can be mapped and defined in connection with how they should be handled.
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Picasso : CNC plotterPERSSON, LINUS, ZIVANOVIC, NATALIJA January 2018 (has links)
In today’s society, CNC machines are used for various purposes. In this project, a CNC plotter is created to analyze how the performance of the plotter differs when using two different motors: a DC motor controlled by a potentiometer in the horizontal direction and a stepper motor in the vertical direction. A CNC plotter is built and used to do tests in order to answer the research question. The results show that a DC motor with a potentiometer is more precise than a stepper motor and the mean value of the relative errors in the vertical direction is always higher. The values differ with 1 percentage point to 3 percentage points. The difference in the performance of the two motors depend on several factors and one of the main factors is considered to be the fact that the stepper motor sometimes skips steps. / I dagens samhälle används CNC-maskiner för olika ändamål. I detta projekt skapades en CNC-plotter för att analysera hur plotterns prestanda skiljer sig vid användning av två olika motorer: en DC motor kontrollerad av en potentiometer i horisontell riktning och en stegmotor i vertikal riktning. En CNC-plotter byggdes och användes för genomförande av tester för att kunna svara på forskningsfrågan. Resultaten visar att en DC motor med en potentiometer är mer exakt än en stegmotor och medelvärdet av de relativa felen i vertikala riktningen är alltid högre. Värdena skiljer sig från 1 procentenhet till 3 procentenheter. Skillnaden i prestanda för de två motorerna beror på flera faktorer och en av huvudfaktorerna anses vara det faktum att stegmotorn ibland hoppar över steg.
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Picasso : CNC plotterPersson, Linus, Zivanovic, Natalija January 2018 (has links)
In today’s society, CNC machines are used for various purposes.In this project, a CNC plotter is created to analyzehow the performance of the plotter differs when using twodifferent motors: a DC motor controlled by a potentiometerin the horizontal direction and a stepper motor in thevertical direction. A CNC plotter is built and used to dotests in order to answer the research question. The resultsshow that a DC motor with a potentiometer is more precisethan a stepper motor and the mean value of the relative errorsin the vertical direction is always higher. The valuesdiffer with 1 percentage point to 3 percentage points. Thedifference in the performance of the two motors depend onseveral factors and one of the main factors is considered tobe the fact that the stepper motor sometimes skips steps. / I dagens samhälle används CNC-maskiner för olika ändamål.I detta projekt skapades en CNC-plotter för att analyserahur plotterns prestanda skiljer sig vid användning avtvå olika motorer: en DC motor kontrollerad av en potentiometeri horisontell riktning och en stegmotor i vertikalriktning. En CNC-plotter byggdes och användes för genomförandeav tester för att kunna svara på forskningsfrågan.Resultaten visar att en DC motor med en potentiometer ärmer exakt än en stegmotor och medelvärdet av de relativafelen i vertikala riktningen är alltid högre. Värdena skiljersig från 1 procentenhet till 3 procentenheter. Skillnaden iprestanda för de två motorerna beror på flera faktorer ochen av huvudfaktorerna anses vara det faktum att stegmotornibland hoppar över steg.
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CNC Engraver : Precision and flexibility of a miniature CNC engraver / CNC Gravyrmaskin : Precision och användningsområden hos småskalig CNC gravyrmaskinBooberg, Rasmus, Borgén, Martin January 2022 (has links)
This report documents the design and construction of a computer-controlled engraver (CNC engraver). Whereas most common machines used for this purpose are dimensioned towards milling, this project aims to create a dedicated engraver which could be of reduced size and complexity in comparison to standard CNC routers. This is partly because engraving imparts no need for a spindle motor, and that the machine only needs to withstand forces related to engraving, which are often significantly smaller than those present when milling. The proposed construction is designed towards use on aluminium and retains about the size of a laptop computer. Additionally, it should allow for engraving on material of almost any size, which is not a common feature in CNC machines. The design uses Arduino and open-source software to generate and execute G-code and is built with off-the-shelf components as well as both 3D-printed and machined components. Key conclusions are that it is indeed possible to make such a machine and that it could fulfil some useful purposes, even if the prototype, as built, has some issues with structural rigidity and therefore the final tolerances of the engraving. These issues primarily stem from the assembly supporting the Z-Axis and engraving bit, which lacks the stiffness needed for desirable results. Taking the fairly low complexity of the build and the price tag of under 2000 SEK in consideration, the prospects are deemed as promising. / Denna rapport beskriver konstruktionen och byggandet av en datorkontrollerad (CNC) gravyrmaskin. Emedan de gängse maskinerna för detta ändamål är en vanlig fräs eller dylikt, så syftar detta projekt att bygga en dedikerad gravyrmaskin, som då jämförelsevis kan vara av reducerad storlek och komplexitet. Maskinen använder Arduino och öppen källkod för att generera och exekvera G-kod, och byggs med inköpta standardkomponenter, såväl som både 3D-printade och egentillverkade komponenter. De främsta slutsatserna är att det mycket riktigt går att bygga en sådan maskin, och det finns användningsområden för en sådan, även om prototypen som den slutligen blev har problem med styvhet, och därför även med noggrannheten i gravyrerna.
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Framtagning och utveckling av flerfunktionellt bromsok / Development and design of a multifunctional brake caliperNygren, William, Franzén, Noah January 2024 (has links)
The deficient market for technically smart solutions regarding brake caliperspresents an opportunity that GETECH AB intends to explore. The task wasassigned to the students to investigate how a brake caliper adapted for the rearaxle of cars can be integrated with an electrically driven parking brake and ahydraulic handbrake adapted for motorsport. The work began with a market survey to understand what is currently offeredand what is missing. Intensive brainstorming sessions and discussions werethen initiated to create multiple concepts with solutions to the problem.Subsequently, requirements and data were gathered to be translated into aspecification. This specification became the basis for the selection criteriaused in the Pugh matrix to rank the various concepts, ultimately resulting in awinning concept that would be further developed. The winning concept underwent several iterations to contribute to functionaland design improvements, ultimately resulting in the final version. To ensurethat the final version would meet the required strength standards, multiplestrength analyses and calculations were performed to guarantee functionalityand safety. The simulations showed that the brake caliper's strengththeoretically meets the functional requirements set by Swedish inspection and the Transport Agency regarding performance. Once the concept, modeling, and strength checks were completed,manufacturing began. Detailed CAM preparations with clearly reviewed toolselections and tool paths were created, along with favorable fixtures tofacilitate clamping possibilities. All of this was to ensure a manufacturingprocess that delivers a quality result from a three-axis CNC milling machine. When the brake caliper was fully manufactured, it was assembled withstandard components. The caliper was then installed on a demonstrator whereits functions could be visualized and demonstrated. The result was a rearmulti-piston brake caliper with three braking functions in a single compactmodule. The brake caliper was made from an aluminum alloy and consisted ofa total of 53 components, four of which were manufactured in the CNCmachine. / Den bristfälliga marknaden på tekniskt smarta lösningar gällande bromsok ären möjlighet som GETECH AB har som avsikt att studera. Uppdraget tilldelades till studenterna för att utreda hur ett bromsok anpassat för bilars bakre axel kan integreras med en elektriskt driven parkeringsbroms och hydraulisk handbroms anpassad för motorsport. Arbetet inleddes med att undersöka marknaden för att skapa en förståelse för vad som erbjuds idag och vad som saknas. Därefter startades intensivabrainstorm sessioner och diskussioner för att skapa flertalet olika koncept med lösningar på problemet. Sedan samlades önskemål och data in för att översättas och föras in i en kravspecifikation. Kravspecifikationen blevgrunden till de urvalskriterier som sedan användes i Pugh-matrisen för att rangordna de olika koncepten som slutligen skulle resultera i ett vinnande koncept vilket skulle vidareutvecklas. Det vinnande konceptet genomgick flera iterationer för att bidra med funktion och designförbättringar för att till slut resultera i den slutliga versionen. För att konstatera att den slutliga versionen skulle uppnå de hållfasthetskrav som ställs utfördes flertalet hållfasthetsanalyser och beräkningar för att säkerställa funktion och säkerhet. Simuleringarna visade att bromsokets hållfasthet teoretiskt klarar de funktionskrav som svensk besiktning och Transportstyrelsen har gällande prestanda. När koncept, modellering och hållfasthetskontroller var utförda påbörjades tillverkning. Utförliga CAM beredningar med tydligt genomgångnaverktygsval och verktygsvägar skapades. Även gynnsamma fixturer för underlättandet av uppspänningsmöjligheter. Allt detta för att säkerställa en tillverkningsprocess som ger ett kvalitativt resultat från en tre-axlig CNC fräs. När bromsoket var färdigtillverkat monterades det ihop tillsammans med standardkomponenter. Därefter installerades oket på en demonstrator där bromsokets funktioner kunde visualiseras och demonstreras. Resultatet blev ett bakre flerkolvigt bromsok med tre bromsfunktioner i en enda kompakt modul. Bromsoket tillverkades ur en aluminiumlegering och bestod av totalt53 komponenter varav fyra var tillverkade i CNC-maskinen.
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Produktutveckling & Digital Konstruktion av Plasmaskärande CNC-Maskin / Product developement & Digital construction of Plasma Cutting CNC-MachineHidling, Filip, Nilsson, Kristoffer January 2024 (has links)
Problemet som arbetet förhåller sig till är Blekinge Tekniska Högskolas maskinlabs avsaknad av en snabb och precis bearbetningsmetod för att skära ut detaljer i plåt. Syftet med arbetet är således att med vetenskapliga produktutvecklingsmetoder konstruera en plasmaskärande CNC-maskin till maskinlabbet. Arbetet begränsas av en kravspecifikation som förväntas nås. Dessa krav är att budgeten till den slutgiltiga konstruktionen inte överstiger 20.000:- SEK. Konstruktionens yttermått överstiger inte 1200x1200 mm, och går att förflytta på plant underlag. Ingående delar går att tillverka i en 3 – axlad CNC maskin, svarv eller fräs alternativt utgörs av standardkomponenter. Plasmaskärarens munstycke behöver vara rörlig i tre dimensioner, där höjdled medges rörlighet från 0 - 40 mm. Precisionen för CNC-maskinen är minst 0,1 mm. Ett arbetsbord som är motståndskraftigt mot brännarens genomskärning skall konstrueras. Kablar från motorer och plasmaskärare hanteras på ett sätt sådant att de inte stör maskinen under drift. Metoderna som använts under produktutvecklingsprocessen baseras på ett flertal steg med poängsättningsmatriser där olika lösningar ställs mot varandra och utvärderas. För modellering av systemets komponenter har mjukvaruprogrammet Autodesk Inventor använts. Vid beräkning av belastningsfall har stress Analysis i Inventor använts. Beräkningar har också utförts analytiskt och jämförts med de erhållna från Inventor. Arbetet resulterade i ritningsunderlag, BOM-lista och digital konstruktion för en 3-axlig plasmaskärande CNC-maskin. Resultatdelen består även av beräkningar som påvisar konstruktionens hållfasthet, samt maskinens precision och hastighet. Dessa resultat bedöms uppfylla alla krav utifrån den givna kravspecifikationen. Utformningen av CNC-maskinen visade sig vara omfattande. Avgränsningar som gjordes med avseende på detta var att fokusera produktutvecklingsprocessen på maskinens övergripande utformning. Detta för att de element av maskinen som ansågs vara mer kritiska för maskinens funktion hamnade i fokus. / The problem the work relates to is the lack of a fast and precise processing method for cutting out details from sheet metal at Blekinge Institute of Technology’s machine lab. The purpose of the work is thus to construct a plasma cutting CNC machine for the machine lab using scientific product development methods. The work is limited by requirements and specifications that are expected to be met. These requirements are that the budget for the final construction does not exceed 20.000 SEK. The outer dimensions of the construction do not exceed 1200x1200 mm and can be moved on a flat surface. Parts for the construction can be manufactured in a 3-axis CNC machine, lathe or mill. Alternatively, purchased parts are composed of standard components. The plasma cutter’s nozzle needs to be movable in three dimensions, where the height is allowed mobility from 0 - 40 mm. The precision of the CNC machine is at least 0.1 mm. The work table is required to be resistant to the torch cutting through. Cables from the motors and plasma cutter are handled in such a way that they do not disturb the machine in operation. The methods used during the product development process are based on several steps with scoring matrices where different solutions are compared and evaluated. For modeling of the system’s components the software Autodesk Inventor has been used. For calculations of load cases, the Stress Analysis Tool in Inventor was used. Calculations have also been performed analytically and compared with those obtained from Inventor. The work resulted in drawing documents, BOM list and digital construction for a 3-axis plasma cutting CNC machine. The result part also consists of calculations that demonstrate the construction’s strength, as well as the machine’s precision and speed. These results are judged to meet all requirements based on the given specification. The design of the CNC machine turned out to be extensive. The scope of the work was therefore limited to focus the product development process on the machine’s overall design so that the elements of the machine that were considered more critical for the machine’s function came into focus.
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Návrh nové technologie výroby vybrané součásti / A new technology of a machined partReňák, Antonín January 2011 (has links)
The fully fashioned master’s thesis within the frame of the master’s study at the Faculty of mechanical engineering is focused on manufacture problems of complex shaped tool specifically for splitting of wood. In the thesis the concept of construction of the tool is analysed with emphasis on correct and efficient functionality. Large emphasis is laid on the analyse of action of force on the gusset and the analyse of conditions of self-locking. This knowledge is applied to the concept of construction of the tool. In the next part the procedure of manufacture is drafted with specification of suitable tools and machines. Then CNC program is elaborated with using of parametrical programming with mathematical function. Then finally the valuation of theoretical results with real production semiautomatic lathe SPN 12 CNC with operation system Simumerik 810D, SPN 12 CNC.
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Εφαρμογές της διαφορικής γεωμετρίας στην οδήγηση εργαλείων εργαλειομηχανών CNCΠατρικουσάκης, Μάριος 10 June 2014 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η παρουσίαση ενός νέου μαθηματικού πλαισίου, βασιζόμενου στις γνωστές από τη Διαφορική Γεωμετρία κανονικές εξισώσεις (συντετμημένα ΚΕ) της καμπύλης. Όντας πολυωνυμικές εκφράσεις του μήκους τόξου s, οι ΚΕ παρέχουν ακριβέστερο έλεγχο της ταχύτητας πρόωσης σε σύγκριση με τους υπάρχοντες παραμετρικούς αλγορίθμους της ίδιας τάξης. Το ανωτέρω γεγονός, σε συνδυασμό με την εφαρμοσιμότητά τους σε όλες τις συνεχείς καμπύλες με συνεχείς παραγώγους, ανεξάρτητα από τον τρόπο αναπαράστασής τους, καθιστά τις ΚΕ ένα ιδανικό εργαλείο για την ανάπτυξη γενικών αλγορίθμων παρεμβολής, ικανών να εργάζονται επί οποιασδήποτε επίπεδης ή χωρικής καμπύλης σε πραγματικό χρόνο.
Δοθέντος ότι οι συντελεστές των ΚΕ συναρτώνται με τις διαφορικές ιδιότητες της καμπύλης (δηλαδή την καμπυλότητα, τη στρέψη και τις παραγώγους τους ως προς το s), αναπτύσσονται αναλυτικές εκφράσεις για τον υπολογισμό των εν λόγω ιδιοτήτων, ανάλογα με τον εκάστοτε τρόπο αναπαράστασης της καμπύλης. Στα αντικείμενα της διατριβής συμπεριλαμβάνεται και ο υπολογισμός των διαφορικών ιδιοτήτων των επιφανειακών τομών, ενός δημοφιλούς τρόπου αναπαράστασης πολύπλοκων χωρικών καμπυλών στα συστήματα CAD. Επιπλέον, εξετάζεται η εισαγωγή διορθωτικών όρων στις ΚΕ, μέσω της οποίας επιτυγχάνεται η βελτίωση της ακρίβειας στον έλεγχο της ταχύτητας πρόωσης, χωρίς το επιπρόσθετο υπολογιστικό κόστος που επιφέρει η χρήση υψηλότερης τάξης όρων της σειράς Taylor.
Σημαντικό πλεονέκτημα των προτεινόμενων αλγορίθμων είναι, επίσης, το γεγονός ότι για την εφαρμογή τους δεν απαιτείται η γνώση της αναλυτικής έκφρασης της παρεμβαλλόμενης καμπύλης. Κατά συνέπεια, επιτρέπουν την παρεμβολή πολύπλοκων γεωμετρικών τόπων, οι αναλυτικές εκφράσεις των οποίων είτε είναι δύσκολο να προσδιοριστούν με τις τρέχουσες μεθόδους απαλοιφής αγνώστων από μη γραμμικά συστήματα εξισώσεων, είτε είναι δύσχρηστες, εξ αιτίας της πολυπλοκότητάς τους. Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας διατριβής, μελετάται το πρόβλημα της παρεμβολής δύο γεωμετρικών τόπων με σημαντικές εφαρμογές στον τομέα του αριθμητικού ελέγχου των εργαλειομηχανών, καθώς χρησιμοποιούνται, μεταξύ άλλων, για την αντιστάθμιση της ακτίνας του κοπτικού εργαλείου και τον προγραμματισμό των διαδοχικών διαδρομών του κατά την κατεργασία θυλάκων: των καμπυλών offset και των ισαπεχουσών δύο επίπεδων καμπυλών.
Πραγματοποιείται μία εκτενής εξέταση των διαφορικών ιδιοτήτων των προαναφερθέντων γεωμετρικών τόπων και παρουσιάζονται εκφράσεις για τον υπολογισμό τους, βασιζόμενες αποκλειστικά στις αντίστοιχες ιδιότητες των γενετειρών καμπυλών. Γίνεται, επίσης, μία ανασκόπηση των μεθόδων που έχουν προταθεί στη βιβλιογραφία για την αντιμετώπιση των τοπολογικών ιδιομορφιών τους (αυτοτομών και εσωτερικών βρόγχων), ώστε να εξασφαλιστεί η παραμονή των παραγόμενων σημείων επί του πραγματικού γεωμετρικού τόπου.
Παράλληλα, συζητείται η επέκταση των προτεινόμενων μεθόδων παρεμβολής των καμπυλών offset για τον έλεγχο της διαδρομής του κέντρου ενός σφαιρικού εργαλείου, ώστε αυτό να διατηρείται σε μόνιμη επαφή με δύο προκαθορισμένες επιφάνειες – μία τεχνική που χρησιμοποιείται συχνά από τα συστήματα CAD/CAM για την επιφανειακή κατεργασία πολύπλοκων εξαρτημάτων. Το εργαλείο μπορεί να εφάπτεται οποιασδήποτε εκ των δύο επιφανειών είτε μέσω του ημισφαιρικού του άκρου, ή μέσω του κυλινδρικού του στελέχους. / The present dissertation aims at introducing a new mathematical framework, based on a curve’s canonical equations (abbreviated as CE), which are known from Differential Geometry. Being polynomial expressions of the curve’s arc length s, the CE provide greater feedrate accuracy, compared to the existing parametric algorithms of the same order. The above fact, combined with the canonical equations’ applicability on any continuous curve with continuous derivatives, regardless of its representation, renders them an ideal tool for the development of general-purpose real-time interpolation algorithms.
Given that the CE coefficients consist of the curve’s differential properties (namely, the curvature, torsion and their arc length derivatives), the present dissertation deals with the expression of the aforementioned properties in closed form, depending on the chosen curve representation. This includes the study of surface intersections, which are frequently used by CAD systems in order to represent complex space curves. Moreover, it is proven that the proposed algorithms admit to corrections, supplying a means of improving feedrate accuracy, without the additional cost of employing higher order Taylor series terms.
An additional, important advantage of the proposed algorithms, lies in the fact that they do not require knowledge of the curve’s analytic expression. Hence, they allow the interpolation of complex geometrical loci, whose analytic expressions are either difficult to deduce, using current elimination methods for non-linear equation systems, or are extremely impractical, due to their complexity. This dissertation addresses the problem of interpolating two such loci: offset curves and plane bisectors. Both of these entities play an important role in CNC machining, with applications that include the tool’s radius compensation and path planning during pocket clearing.
It is shown that the differential properties of the above loci can be linked to the respective properties of their generators and may, hence, be easily computed through successive derivations of the generator curve’s position vector. In addition, previously suggested methods for the handling of possible topological irregularities (self-intersections and internal loops) are reviewed, so as to ensure that the generated points remain on the true locus.
Furthermore, the presented offset interpolation methods are extended, in order to accommodate the path planning of a ball-end cutter, moving in constant contact with two given surfaces – a technique which is widely adopted by CAD/CAM systems to guide the tool through the surface machining of complex parts. The tool may contact any of the two surfaces through either its tip, or its cylindrical periphery.
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