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Towards a harmonised regime for the legal protection of product design : a market-based approachSuthersanen, Uma January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Softwarové pirátství / Software piracyKráčmer, Stanislav January 2011 (has links)
The objective of the present thesis is to clarify the term of software piracy and to determine responsibility of individual entities as to actual realization of software piracy. First, the thesis focuses on a computer programme, causes, realization and pitfalls of its inclusion under copyright protection. Subsequently, it observes methods of legal usage of a computer programme. This is the point of departure for the following attempt to define software piracy, accompanied with methods of actual realization of piracy, mainly by creation and distribution of piracy software. Moreover, the thesis aims to delve into recent events exerting impact on software piracy, and it intends to consider the future development of intellectual property rights. The thesis is divided into twelve chapters. The introduction engages in the phenomenon of piracy of intellectual assets and the history of software piracy. The second chapter comprises definitions of basic terms largely of a non- legal nature, the interpretation of which terms is important to appreciate the thesis contents. A substantial part of the chapter defines a computer programme. The following part of the thesis analyses a computer programme as a copyright work. It describes reasons for inclusion of a computer programme under the regime of copyright protection,...
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Majetková práva autorská / Economic rights in copyrightVorek, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
My thesis deals with economic rights in copyright. Economic rights in copyright are the rights that have an economic importance. They provide authors a possibility of financial evaluation of their creative work or at least prevent other persons, without permission of the author profited from his creative effort. There are many authors, but not all of them can live on their creation. However every single author may be sure that nobody will dispose with his work without he has the possibility to influence it. The possibility of financial satisfaction is not only a financial reward for the activity of the authors, but it is also a motivation for them to spend their time by creating. Economic rights in copyright enable authors to make their works available to the public and currently to have control over such activity, that can be very profitable for others. Thanks to their economic rights the authors can participate in the economic success of their works achieved by making them available to the public. It is for the good of the authors to make their works available to the public. They can acquire new fans, share their feelings, know the views of others, learn how to improve , become popular and famous, earn money. But making works available to the public may be a complicated process, which requires a...
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Autorskoprávní ochrana databází / Copyright protection of databasesŠenkyřík, Boris January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of databases from the normative viewpoint; it examines them with respe to the legal issues, main stress being placed on the prote ion granted to databases by the intelle ual property law and on their incorporation in the legal system of the Czech Republic. The merit of the thesis can be seen in elaborating on decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the harmonised regulations and in drawing a comparison to the provisions of the dire ive on legal prote ion of databases (or rather the Copyright A ) and analysing the impa of the decisions. The thesis is organised into eleven chapters, Chapter Two providing a brief introdu ion into the topic of databases, Chapter Three looking into the international-law aspe of databases. The core of the thesis lies in Chapters Four to Chapter Eight which give an insight into the European law, its secondary sources followed by a discourse on the dire ive on the legal prote ion of databases, regarding the copyright element and sui generis right as well as a criticism of the dire ive resulting in it being reviewed by the Commission. Chapter Nine pays attention to alternative means of database prote ion. The nal chapters evaluate the current state in the eld of database prote ion and suggest possible suitable...
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Vztah známkoprávní a autorskoprávní ochrany v českém právu / The relationship between trade mark protection and copyright protection under Czech lawJurášová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
Resume A relationship between trademark protection and copyright protection under the czech law Both trademarks and copyrights are imovable articles and are parts of intellectual property. A Trademark is stated in the Trademark Code n. 441/2003 as a mark which is used to identify products or services produced by one person (an individual or a legal entity) and distinguish them from products and services produced by another one so that consumers are able to recognize the origin of the products or services. According to the law the mark is a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, color, design, image, or a combination of these elements, it must be created in graphic form perceptible objectively. The mark must be distinctive, original and it must have a relationship with a product or service. A mark complying with all the above mentioned conditions can be registered at the particular Trademark office and subsequently obtain a trademark certification and protection. A Copyright is protected under the Copyright Law n. 121/2000 as a creative and artistic work created by author's intellectual activity and expressed in a form objectively perceptible. The author has exclusive rights to his work. The rights are divided into exclusive personal and exclusive economy rights. In particular he has a right to be presented as...
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Softwarové pirátství / Software piracyCholasta, Roman January 2012 (has links)
The main target of this thesis is to outline the issues connected with software piracy to the reader. To clarify this issue some legal background connected with software needs to be explained. First it is necessary to define what software is and clarify its connection with a computer program. Next step is to define a computer program, which parts of it are protected and which parts are not. In order to define what is software piracy the thesis defines a rightful use of a computer program. After that it is possible to define software piracy and take a closer look at it. Also in the conclusion there are some current issues in this area that have a significant impact on the perception of software piracy by the public. This thesis is divided into ten chapters. The introduction outlines the issues of software law and software piracy and attempts to clarify the origin of this issue considering a new borderless area - the internet. The second chapter deals with the terms software and computer program, their relation and the differences and also with other terms which are used in this thesis including the legal source of a computer program with an overview of the current case law of the European Union Court of Justice. The third chapter is focused on a computer program as an object of law together with...
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Autorskoprávní ochrana databází / Copyright protection of databasesHájková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is copyright protection of databases. The aim of the thesis is to describe and introduce databases and their legal protection due to their role as essential tools for the location of required information. The thesis contains analysis of legislation in European Union and the Czech Republic and includes brief analysis of legislation in Finland. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the term database, classification of databases and illustrates basic foundations for database protection. The second chapter is divided into two subchapters and characterises the legal protection of databases in European Union. The first subchapter is concerned with the legislation process and adoption of the directive on the legal protection of databases starting with the Green Paper in 1988 and ending with adoption of the directive in 1996. The second subchapter analyses this directive in more detail, describes the main terms and institutes and explores the two-tier system of legal protection of databases introduced by this directive. The third chapter presents legislation in Finland with regard to the exchange studies of the author of the thesis and outlines the catalogue rule as a traditional element of Scandinavian law. The fourth chapter is divided into...
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Internet a autorské právo-rozsah odpovědnosti jednotlivých subjektů a způsoby ochrany proti pirátství / The Internet and copyright-the scope of liability of individual parties and modes of protection against piracyOuroda, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Diploma Thesis Summary The Internet and the copyright - the scope of liability of the individual entities and ways of protection against the piracy This thesis is focused on liabilitiy of the individual entities occurring on the Internet and piracy issues. It is primarily an analysis of how individual subjects may be responsible for violations of copyright rules. The aim of this thesis was not complete processing of all relevant aspects of piracy and the resulting responsibilities, but in particular to highlight the most topical issues discussed. I chose the topic because of personal interest to study the dynamically developing field of information technology law and intellectual property law. The work is divided into eight chapters, each dealing with a problem with this topic. The first two chapters talk about Internet in general and the ability this the Internet law to push through the Internet. Mentioned are mainly questions the legitimacy of law on the Internet, the reasons for the existence of the Internet law and especially the importance of copyright protection. Part three charts the formal sources of copyright in the digital era adapted to works of authorship. The focus of relationships on the Internet are issues of determining jurisdiction and applicable law, as described in Chapter Four....
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Vztah známkoprávní a autorskoprávní ochrany v českém právu / The relationship between trademark protection and copyright protection under Czech lawWiesnerová, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
The relationship between trademark protection and copyright protection under Czech law Topic of this thesis is "The relationship between trademark protection and copyright protection under Czech law" and this topic describes the goal of the whole work. This thesis is concerned with comparing two of intellectual property rights. To achieve the goal is necessary to clarify some essential terminology. This study consists of three partial aims while this work is divided into four chapters. First chapter deals with intellectual property law in general. This chapter defines basic terms that are closely related to the discussed problems, and that allow to systematically classify and specify the copyrights and trademark rights. Second chapter presents an overview of copyrights and is subdivided into seven parts. Each of them describes problems which are characteristic of copyrights and creates the nature of copyrights. Next chapter is essentially composed in a similar way that the previous chapter. Third chapter explains typical details of trademarks. The last chapter form the core of the thesis. Fourth chapter is focused on description how relates copyright protection to trademark protection. Relationship between these two protections is based both on the convergence and also on collision (conflict)....
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Kolektivní správa autorských práv a práv s autorským právem souvisejícím (česko-francouzská právní komparace) / Collective administration of copyright and neighbouring and relating rights (Czech - French legal comparison)Randárová, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to analyse the collective administration of copyright and neighbouring and relating rights, as the very title suggests. Based on the yearlong Erasmus stay in Paris, I decided to compare the Czech legislation with the legal system of France. Following after the opening, the second chapter is meant to be informative and should provide an explanation of basic concepts which the reader encounters at work. Third chapter, by a relatively brief section, describes the legal anchoring of collective administration in both jurisdictions. The fourth chapter, which is structured thematically rather than chronologically, introduces readers to the historical development of the Institute of collective management. The concept of collective administrator and analysis of its origin and status of the legal system are to be found in the fifth chapter. Chapters six and seven have an identical theme - control. The main focus is on the different types of external and internal statutory control of collective administrators. First of all, it is an external control exercised by the Ministry of Culture. The same principle of control is also applied in the French legislation, but there is a possibility of a much wider control mechanisms. Chapter eight concentrates on the core object of collective...
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