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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling CPV

Cole, Ian R. January 2015 (has links)
A methodology for the simulation of CPV systems is presented in four distinct sections: input, optics, uncertainty and electrical output. In the input section, existing methods of describing the solar irradiation that is incident at the primary optical element of a CPV system are discussed, the inadequacies of the existing methods are explored and conditions of validity for their use drawn. An improved and spectrally extended model for a variable, spatially resolved solar image is arrived at. The model is used to analyse losses at the primary concentration device stage under varying solar profiles and air masses. A contextual analysis of an example Seattle based CPV system operating with constant solar tracking errors of 0.3-0.4° show a corresponding loss in isolation available to the optical system of 5-20%, respectively. In the optics section, an optical ray trace model is developed specifically for this work. The optical ray trace model is capable of the spectrally resolved ray tracing of all insolation input models discussed above. Plano-convex and Fresnel lenses are designed, investigated and compared using each of the insolation models described in the input section. Common CPV component material samples for the plano-convex and Fresnel lenses are analysed for their spectrally resolved optical properties. The computational expense of high resolution spatial and spectral modelling is addressed by means of a spectrally weighted banding method. The optical properties parameter spectral weighting method can be applied to any arbitrary spectral band. The bands used herein correspond to the active ranges of a typical triple-junction solar cell. Each band shows a different spectral dependency. Banded beam irradiation proportions are shown to change by as much as 10% in absolute terms within the air mass range of 1 to 3. Significant variations in spectrally banded illumination profiles are found with the extended light source insolation model. These banded variations are mostly unaccounted for with the use of approximated insolation models, further compounding the argument for extended light source Sun models in CPV system simulations. In the uncertainty section, the limitations of the manufacturing process are explored. Manufacturing tolerance errors from manufacturer datasheets are presented. These production uncertainties are used in the design of an erroneous plano-convex lens which is then analysed with the optical modelled presented in the optics section and compared to the ideal design specification. A 15% variation in maximum intensity value is found alongside a linear shift in the focal crossover point of approximately 0.2mm, although the optical efficiency of the lens remains the same. Framing manufacture errors are investigated for a square Fresnel lens system resulting in a linear shift of the focal centre of approximately 0.85mm. A process for the calculation of wind loading force on a CPV array is also presented. The process uses real 2 second resolution wind data and highlights the chaotic nature of loading force. A maximum force of 1.4kN was found on an example day for a 3m by 3m by 0.1m cuboid (i.e. CPV array); corresponding to a wind speed of approximately 13m/s, which is well within the typical operating range of a CPV tracking system. In the electrical output section, a spatially resolved solar cell model is identified and used for the investigation of solar cell performance under the inhomogeneous cell illumination profiles produced in the uncertainty section. Significant differences in the maximum power point of the cell IVs are found for the ideal and erroneous system illumination profiles. Approximately, a 15% variation is found in the plano-convex lens example, with a relative difference of 4% attributable to illumination profile distortion, and a 6% variation in the module framing component example. These results further highlight the need for the consideration of production uncertainties in CPV system simulation.

Enhancing electrical and heat transfer performance of high-concentrating photovoltaic receivers

Micheli, Leonardo January 2015 (has links)
In a world that is constantly in need of a continuous, reliable and sustainable energy supply, concentrating photovoltaic technologies have the potential to become a cost effective solution for large scale power generation. In this light, important progresses have been made in terms of cell’s design and efficiency, but the concentrating photovoltaic industry sector still struggles to gain market share and to achieve adequate economic returns. The work presented in this thesis is focused on the development of innovative solutions for high concentrating photovoltaics receivers. The design, the fabrication and the characterization of a large cell assembly for high concentrations are described. The assembly is designed to accommodate 144 multijunction cells and is rated to supply energy up to 2.6kWe at 500 suns. The original outline of the conductive copper layer limits the Joule losses to the 0.7% of the global power output, by reducing the number of interconnections. All the challenges and the issues faced in the manufacturing stage are accounted for and the reliability of the fabrication has been proven by quality tests and experimental investigations conducted on the prototype. An indoor characterization shows the receiver’s potential to supply a short-circuit current of 5.77A and an open circuit voltage per cell of 3.08V at 500×, under standard test conditions, only 4.80% and 2.06% respectively lower than those obtained by a commercial single-cell assembly. An electrical efficiency of 29.4% is expected at 500 suns, under standard conditions. A prototype’s cost of $0.91/Wp, in line with the actual price of CPV systems, has been recorded: a cost breakdown is reported and the way to further reduce the cost have been identified and is accounted. In a second approach, the design of a natural convective micro-finned array to be integrated in a single cell receiver has been successfully attempted. Passive cooling systems are usually cheaper, simpler and considered more reliable than active ones. After a detailed review of micro-cooling solutions, an experimental investigation on the thermal behaviour of micro-fins has been conducted and has been combined with a multiphysics software model. A micro-finned heat sink shows the potential to keep the CPV temperature below 100°C under standard conditions and the ability to handle the heat flux when the cell’s efficiency drops to zero. Moreover, a micro-finned heat sink demonstrates the potential to introduce significant benefits in terms of material usage and weight reduction: compared to those commercially available, a micro-finned heat sink has a power-to-weight ratio between 6 and 8 times higher, which results in lower costs and reduced loads for the CPV tracker.

Vers la compréhension des mécanismes de dégradation et de vieillissement des assemblages photovoltaïques pour des applications sous haute concentration / On the understanding of failure and ageing mechanisms of photovoltaics cell-assemblies used under high concentration

Mabille, Loïc 13 March 2014 (has links)
Les systèmes photovoltaïques à concentration, ou CPV, reposent sur le principe de la concentration des rayons du soleil sur une cellule photovoltaïque à très haut rendement. Le CPV reste jeune face au photovoltaïque (PV) classique qui accumule plus de 30 ans de retour d’expérience.La pérennisation de cette technologie CPV ne passera que par la démonstration d’une certaine maturité. Aussi, la question de la fiabilité de ces systèmes est plus que jamais d’actualité. Dans ce contexte, le Commissariat à L’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) a répondu à la sollicitation lancée par des fabricants de modules CPV français sur la thématique de la conception et de la fiabilisation de modules CPV par une collaboration de ses différents laboratoires, dont le Laboratoire des Modules Photovoltaïques (LMPV). C’est au sein de ce laboratoire que s’effectuent les travaux de thèse. La diversité des éléments constituant un module CPV a poussé les travaux de thèse à se concentrer sur le coeur fonctionnel des modules : les assemblages CPV. Une première partie des travaux de thèse a consisté à mettre en place les bons outils de caractérisation, en partant parfois d’une feuille blanche. La mesure de caractéristique IV dans l’obscurité, la mesure de réponse spectrale, la tomographie RX ou encore l’électroluminescence sont autant de moyens de caractérisation de cellules multi-jonctions amenés par les travaux de thèse. Les efforts conduits sur l’électroluminescence auront permis l’invention d’une nouvelle technique de caractérisation des interfaces cellule/ substrat des assemblages CPV, concrétisée par le dépôt d’un brevet. Une collaboration entre le laboratoire d’accueil et l’Institut de l’Energie Solaire (IES) à Madrid a permis l’accès à la mesure de performance des assemblages CPV sous éclairement. Tous ces moyens ont rendu possible une caractérisation fine des assemblages CPV et ont permis de s’intéresser à leur robustesse-fiabilité, deuxième partie des travaux de thèse. Deux types d’assemblages CPV ont été étudiés durant les travaux de thèse. Le premier, basé sur un substrat Direct Bonded Copper (DBC) correspond à l’état de l’art et est le plus utilisé dans l’industrie CPV. Le deuxième, en rupture technologique avec l’état de l’art, repose sur un Substrat Métal Isolé (SMI), et a été intégralement développé par le CEA et ses partenaires industriels. L’étude de la robustesse de ces assemblages CPV a été faite par l’emploi de tests de vieillissement accéléré dont la nature est justifiée par le retour d’expérience et la définition des spécifications environnementales. Aucune défaillance n’a été observé sur chacun des types d’assemblage. Les assemblages SMI se comportent comme les assemblages DBC, considérés comme références. Les travaux de thèse offrent donc un premier retour d’expérience propre au laboratoire d’accueil et la mise en place d’une infrastructure complète de caractérisation d’assemblage CPV permet aujourd’hui au CEA d’être un acteur clé du CPV en France. / Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) is based on the concentration of solar rays on very-high efficienciessolar cells. Multi-junction architectures used in CPV systems reach efficiency superior to44% under concentration. This has created great interest for this technology over the past decade.Nevertheless, CPV has still to be proven reliable. This work contributes to this goal.CPV assemblies -or receivers- are defined by the electrical, mechanical and thermal cohesionof a multi-junction solar cell on an appropriate substrate. The complexity of multi-junctionarchitecture does not allow their characterization with the existing PV tools. Therefore, the firstachievement of the work was the development of a complete infrastructure for the characterizationof such devices. The second part developed accelerated ageing tests and analysis methods to studythe degradation process of these assemblies.A new method for the characterization of die-attached CPV cell assembly has been provensuccessful. It is called EEL for Enhanced ElectroLuminescence. This method is cost effective andreally fast and has therefore been patented. Regarding the characterization of performance of CPVcell assembly under illumination (2nd part of the thesis), collaboration has been made with theInstituto de Energìa Solar (IES) in Madrid, Spain. Thanks to this collaboration, two types of CPVcell assemblies have been studied. One based on the Direct Bonded Copper (DBC) substrate, correspondingto the state-of-the-art and most used type of substrate in CPV industry. The other is acompletely new type of substrate, inspired by the Insulated Metal Substrate (IMS). This new IMSbased CPV cell assembly has been developed by the CEA and its industrial partners. The reliabilitystudy of these CPV cell assemblies (DBC and IMS) has been conducted through acceleratedageing tests. It has been shown that none of the DBC or IMS cell assembly present infant mortalityor failure upon ageing.This work has launched the CPV activity at INES. Results on receivers now need to be confirmedon complete CPV-modules and systems.

Freeform Solar Concentrating Optics

Wheelwright, Brian January 2015 (has links)
Notwithstanding several years of robust growth, solar energy still only accounts for<1% of total electrical generation in the US. Before solar energy can substantially replace fossil fuels subsidy-free at utility scale, further cost reductions and efficiency improvements are needed in complete generating systems. Flat panel silicon PV modules are by far the most dominant solar technology today, but have little room for improvement in efficiency and are limited by balance of system costs. Concentrated PV (CPV) is an alternate approach with long-term potential for much higher efficiency in sunny climates. In CPV modules, large area optics collect and concentrate direct sunlight onto small multi-junction cells with>40% conversion efficiency. Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) uses mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto thermally absorbing receivers, which generate electricity with convention thermal cycles. In this dissertation, four new optical approaches to CPV and CSP with potential for lower cost are analyzed. Common to each approach is the use of large square glass reflectors, which have very low areal cost (~$35/m^2) and field-proven reliability in the CSP industry. Chapter 2 describes a freeform toroidal lens array used to intercept the low concentration line focus of a parabolic trough to produce multiple high concentration foci (>800X) for multi-junction cells. In Chapter 3, three embodiments of dish mirrors and freeform lenslet arrays are explored, including an off-axis system. In each case, a dish mirror illuminates a freeform lenslet array, which divides sunlight equally to a sparse matrix of multi-junction cells. The off-axis optical system achieves +/-0.45° acceptance angle and averages 1215X geometric concentration over 400 multi-junction cells. Chapter 4 proposes a new architecture for CSP central receivers that achieves extremely high collection efficiency (>70%) with unconventional heliostat field tracking. In Chapter 5, the design and preliminary testing of a spectrum-splitting hybrid PV/thermal generator is discussed. This system has the advantage of 'drop-in' capability in existing CSP trough plants and allows for thermal storage, an important mitigation to the intermittency of the solar resource.

Photovoltaic Concentrator Optical System Design: Solar Energy Engineering from Physics to Field

Coughenour, Blake Michael January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation describes the design, development, and field validation of a concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) solar energy system. The challenges of creating a highly efficient yet low-cost system architecture come from many sources. The solid-state physics of photovoltaic devices present fundamental limits to photoelectron conversion efficiency, while the electrical and thermal characteristics of widely available materials limit the design arena. Furthermore, the need for high solar spectral throughput, evenly concentrated sunlight, and tolerance to off-axis pointing places strict illumination requirements on the optical design. To be commercially viable, the cost associated with all components must be minimized so that when taken together, the absolute installed cost of the system in kWh is lower than any other solar energy method, and competitive with fossil fuel power generation. The work detailed herein focuses specifically on unique optical design and illumination concepts discovered when developing a viable commercial CPV system. By designing from the ground up with the fundamental physics of photovoltaic devices and the required system tolerances in mind, a select range of optical designs are determined and modeled. Component cost analysis, assembly effort, and development time frame further influence design choices to arrive at a final optical system design. When coupled with the collecting mirror, the final optical hardware unit placed at the focus generates more than 800W, yet is small and lightweight enough to hold in your hand. After fabrication and installation, the completed system's illumination, spectral, and thermal performance is validated with on-sun operational testing.

Characterization and Performance Analysis of High Efficiency Solar Cells and Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems

Yandt, Mark 11 January 2012 (has links)
As part of the SUNRISE project (Semiconductors Using Nanostructures for Record Increases in Solar-cell Efficiency), high efficiency, III-V semiconductor, quantum-dot-enhanced, triple-junction solar cells designed and manufactured by Cyrium Technologies Inc. were integrated into OPEL Solar, MK-I, Fresnel-lens-based, 550x concentrating modules carried on a dual axis tracker. Over its first year of operation 1.8 MWh of AC electrical energy was exported to the grid. Measurements of the direct and indirect components of the insolation, as well as the spectral irradiance of light incident on the demonstrator in Ottawa, Canada are presented. The system efficiency is measured and compared to that predicted by a system model to identify loss mechanisms so that they can be minimized in future deployments.

Characterization and Performance Analysis of High Efficiency Solar Cells and Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems

Yandt, Mark January 2012 (has links)
As part of the SUNRISE project (Semiconductors Using Nanostructures for Record Increases in Solar-cell Efficiency), high efficiency, III-V semiconductor, quantum-dot-enhanced, triple-junction solar cells designed and manufactured by Cyrium Technologies Inc. were integrated into OPEL Solar, MK-I, Fresnel-lens-based, 550x concentrating modules carried on a dual axis tracker. Over its first year of operation 1.8 MWh of AC electrical energy was exported to the grid. Measurements of the direct and indirect components of the insolation, as well as the spectral irradiance of light incident on the demonstrator in Ottawa, Canada are presented. The system efficiency is measured and compared to that predicted by a system model to identify loss mechanisms so that they can be minimized in future deployments.

Analyse des performances d'un système de concentrateurs photovoltaïques prototypes en utilisant deux sites de tests différents.

Carle, Frederick January 2014 (has links)
Les concentrateurs photovoltaïques sont parmi les technologies d'énergies solaires les plus prometteuses. Ils ont une efficacité allant jusqu'à deux fois celle des panneaux photovoltaïques conventionnels. Malgré les avancements en recherche et développement, les concentrateurs photovoltaïques demeurent des systèmes relativement complexes. Cette même complexité laisse place à l'innovation et à la possibilité de réduire considérablement les coûts de fabrication. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, deux sites de tests sont développés et déployés pour faire l'analyse des performances des concentrateurs photovoltaïques plats. Quatre designs de cellules solaires sont caractérisés en laboratoire et incorporés dans les panneaux prototypes pour ensuite être individuellement étudiés. Les quatre designs sont ensuite comparés l'un à l'autre, et selon leurs emplacements, pour comprendre comment le design de la cellule affecte la performance des panneaux.

Design of Multi-Junction Solar Cells Incorporating Silicon-Germanium-Tin Alloys with Finite-Element Analysis and Drift-Diffusion Model

Baribeau, Laurier 26 January 2022 (has links)
This study explores in detail design options and simulations of multi-junction solar cells that utilize silicon-germanium-tin (SixGe1-x-ySny or SiGeSn) to achieve high-efficiency solar power conversion devices. SixGe1-x-ySny is an emerging system of alloys that can lattice match with germanium and gallium arsenide and can provide a bandgap higher than that of germanium; useful in the development of multi-junction solar cells. The results herein include designs of four devices: a triple-junction, a quadruple-junction, a seven-junction, and a six-junction, with estimated efficiencies of 41.6%, 42.6%, 41.2%, and 39.2% respectively under 1000x concentrated AM1.5D illumination, where the seven- and six-junction devices relax the thickness requirement of the germanium layer, and have room for improvement via the development of an advanced tunnel-junction component. Visualizations of the potentially available SiGeSn bandgaps are developed. The documentation supports further work in modelling additional compositions of SiGeSn. Loss mechanisms of the devices are calculated and plotted, enabling the design of the device layer components. Tools and techniques are developed to determine and control the resultant output error, and a generalized simulation mesh definition is given that efficiently controls the primary source of error of the calculation, which is related to the optical interaction. Lateral currents and surface recombination effects are included. The software is modularized to enable the development of higher-order segmented devices.

Planar Waveguide Solar Concentrator with Couplers Fabricated by Laser-Induced Backside Wet Etching

Zhang, Nikai January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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