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Využití nových výukových metod a výchovných strategií na podporu čtení a čtenářské gramotnosti na 1. stupni ZŠ / Using new teaching methods and educational strategies to support reading and reading literacy at the primary school.Kapounová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of innovative teaching methods and instructional strategies to support and develop literacy at the first grade of primary school. The theoretical part describes the changes in education related to curricular reform, also the change the objectives and the content of education towards the formation and development of key competencies, to prepare students for real life. This paper introduces the concept of contemporary Czech language and literature, its inclusion in the National Curriculum for Basic Education. The theoretical part focuses on the concept of literacy, reading literacy defined criteria. It also discusses the methods of critical thinking, which contribute to the development of reading skills. It also describes the course "Promoting literacy", which the author of the thesis completed in 2011. Research section presents action research, where the author verifies the theoretical knowledge of new specific methods and instructional strategies to promote literacy in practice. Research validates the effectiveness of innovative methods in terms of the development of key competencies for learning in terms of reading literacy criteria. It also examines whether these methods contribute to the education of students, whether helping to meet the objectives of cognitive...
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Příčiny poklesu čtenářství, jejich analýzy a možnosti nápravy / Causes of reading decline, their analysis and possible remedyKohoutová, Simona January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis examines the causes of the decline of reading, it deals with the analysis and possible remediation. The theoretical part introduces the concept of literacy, it monitors the current state of reading and it is based on the research findings. It analyzes the Framework educational programme closely related to literacy, it draws on relevant theoretical foundations, and presents reading strategies, methods and programmes that support the mentioned area. Family, school, teachers and significant motivation are identified as important factors of literacy development. Within the indicative empirical investigation the thesis focuses on the content analysis of School education programmes and teacher approach to literacy support. It refers to the development of reading in various areas of education for older pupils of primary school.
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A constructive, conceptual analytical review of the Community of Inquiry FrameworkPeacock, Susi January 2015 (has links)
This thesis comprises a critical review and suggestions for enhancement of the Community of Inquiry Framework (CoIF), the frequently cited model of collaborative community-based online learning. It combines a systematic engagement of relevant literature and research, with the application of the CoIF thinking to six of my peer-reviewed publications. Although not initially conceived as forming part of a doctorate submission, these publications are drawn upon throughout this narrative, to assist my interrogation of the CoIF. They are also used to provide evidence of my continuing journey as an education researcher. This thesis is therefore not an exegesis – a traditional meta-narrative encompassing this candidate’s publications. It moves beyond my findings in the publications to create and present supplementary concepts, and develop pointed guidance about using the Framework in supporting online learning in tertiary education. My review first critically interrogates the three constituent elements or Presences of the CoIF. Social presence emerges as a highly complex and multi-faceted construct, in which the de-emphasising of the affective in the CoIF seems at variance with current research reporting the strong student emotional response to working online, and particularly in collaborative, community-based groupings. Then, in Cognitive presence, there has been little consideration of, and specificity about, reflection in the CoIF. My critique proposes that reflection and critical thinking are distinct but inter-related concepts; both of which need to be addressed. Teaching presence is renamed ‘Tutoring presence’ informed by my review based upon my emergent understandings of student-centred learning. Two enhancements to the CoIF are then proposed, together with the rationale for establishment of a Tutors’ Network. The first enhancement, referred to as 'the Influences,’ unites and enriches the individual Presences. The second argues for the existence and use of a personal learning retreat at the heart of a community of inquiry, addressing a perceived omission in the CoIF. This learner ‘space’ provides a ‘quiet, safe place’ for the private (internal) world of the learner, as a foil to the shared collaborative space in the CoIF (the external world). Finally, a Tutors’ Network is outlined as a vehicle for advancing their understandings and knowledge of online, collaborative, community-based learning in general, and in particular of communities of inquiry. This should develop the abilities of online tutors, improve their learners’ educational experiences and encourage research and scholarship into the CoIF.
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Zahájení hodiny literární výchovy dle zásad pedagogického konstruktivismu / Beginning of a literary education lesson according to principles of the constructivist teachingMinářová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with an issue of a teaching process initiation in a literary education. The aim of the thesis is to prove that applying a constructivist approach to the lesson structure arouses pupils' and students' interest, activity and motivation to learn and it also supports the learning process and critical thinking. The thesis verifies a positive effect in using of the E-U-R learning model based on studying scientific literature and author's pedagogical experience. More specifically, the thesis focuses on the first phase, evocation. It presents the criteria and methods of realization and it suggests the possible content of evocation. In the practical part, the author verifies these findings on six lessons. The reflections prove that effective evocation supports the learning process.
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Uma proposta de modelo de aprendizagem problematizadora no ensino de engenharia de produção com foco no desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico / A proposed of model of problem-learning in engineering production education focusing on the development of critical thinkingPereira, Camila Regiane Marques 26 July 2012 (has links)
A problematização é uma forma de explicitar, de propor as contradições presentes na realidade, e na Sociedade do Conhecimento que prima por habilidades e raciocínio crítico, ela é cada vez mais reforçada, pois trabalha questões complexas associadas aos problemas da realidade. Há pesquisas que apontam com diversas nomenclaturas a forma de conceber e adotar estratégias problematizadoras nos processos educacionais, contudo, poucas pesquisas voltadas para o ensino de Engenharia de Produção apresentam diretrizes aos professores a fim de que, baseando-se nelas, possam elaborar suas propostas pedagógicas possibilitando uma aprendizagem significativa e pensamento crítico. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar um modelo de aprendizagem problematizadora, num contexto de aprendizagem presencial e virtual, oportunizando aprendizagem significativa, bem como avaliar o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico dos alunos. O modelo tem por base uma revisão bibliográfica das teorias, conceitos e práticas da Metodologia da Problematização e do Ciclo de Aprendizagem Experiencial, e para sua aplicação segue com uma pesquisa-ação com alunos de uma disciplina do programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia da Produção de uma universidade pública do interior de São Paulo. Os indicadores de pensamento crítico identificados na literatura, e adaptados para a pesquisa, foram analisados mediante a realização de diversas atividades, trabalhos e discussões dos alunos propostos conforme o modelo de aprendizagem problematizadora. Os resultados revelam que problematizar situações conhecidas ou extraídas da realidade social dos alunos para a compreensão dos conteúdos acadêmicos transforma a aprendizagem em momento significativo, no qual o aluno passa a ser agente ativo no processo de construção do conhecimento e, por consequência, desenvolve em índices expressivamente positivos de pensamento crítico. / The problematization is a way of explicit, proposing the contradictions present in reality, and in the Knowledge Society that values for skills and critical thinking, it is increasingly enhanced, because it works complex issues associated with reality problems. There are research that pointing with various nomenclatures how to conceive and adopt problematizing strategies in the educational processes, however, few research in the area of Production Engineering instruction presents guidelines for teachers, based on them, can develop their pedagogical proposals allowing a significant learning and critical thinking. Accordingly, the objective of this research is to present a model of problematizing learning, in a context of presence and virtual learning, providing opportunities for significative learning, as well as evaluating the development of critical thinking of learners. The model is based on a bibliographic review of theories, concepts and practices of the Problematization Methodology and Experiential Learning Cycle, and its application follows with an action-research with students from a discipline of the graduate program in Production Engineering in a public university in the state of São Paulo. Indicators of critical thinking identified in the literature and adapted to the research, were analyzed by carrying out various activities, assignment and discussions of the proposed learners as the model of problematizing learning. The results show that problematizing known situations or extracted from the social reality of the students to understand the academic content turns learning into a meaningful moment in which the student becomes an active agent in the process of knowledge construction and, therefore, develops in indexes significantly positive of critical thinking.
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Ranní zpráva jako nástroj rozvoje čtenářské gramotnosti / Morning letter as a tool for promoting reading and literacyJelínková, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
This Master's Thesis deals with the Morning Letter from the program Step by Step as a possible tool for developing reading literacy. The theoretical part deals with the definition of reading literacy, the individual components and its anchoring in the Framework Education Program for Elementary Education. Thesis compares the key competences set out in the Framework Education Program for Elementary Education with reading literacy and explains their relationship and the importance of their equal development. It also describes one of the key program in this area, the program Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking, and its methods of developing reading literacy. It also deals with program Step by Step and the development of reading literacy as its component. Thesis focuses mainly on the Morning Letter as a possible reading strategy. The practical part is based on observations and interviews with teachers from the program Step by Step and their experience with Morning Letters and which forms of them are confirmed to be useful and how is perceived its overlap in reading literacy. It also includes a set of Morning Letters applied in mainstream class and their analysis and reflection in terms of reading literacy. Based on this analysis thesis it also contains a few designs of Morning Letters emerging...
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Aesthetic scanning: Refining critical thinking through oral language activitiesGolledge, Elaine Diana 01 January 2007 (has links)
This study examines the use of aesthetics in the art education curriculum as a strategy for building oral language skills and critical thinking skills. In this study reproduced artworks were used to stimulate discussion; students learned to scan paintings using a technique called aesthetic scanning during which they learn how to look at a painting orally through guided questioning by the classroom teacher. It was concluded that providing oral language opportunities through the implementation of the aesthetic scanning program was an effective way to promote oral language skills and critical thinking skills in the kindergarten classroom. Arts, as a core subject can be taught through Disciplined Based Art Education (DBAE). With DBAE all students are given the oppportunity to actively engage in oral language activites as they aesthetically view works of art.
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Increasing Evidence Based Reasoning in an 8th Grade Classroom Through Explicit InstructionChandler, Erol 20 September 2013 (has links)
This study investigates the effectiveness of an instructional strategy that uses students' prior understanding of informal evidence based reasoning (EBR) to build an understanding of scientific EBR. A pre and post instructional strategy survey revealed that students' understanding of EBR increased over the length of the study. Data collected from pre and post instructional discussions also showed increases in the amount of EBR students used.
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Critical Thinking to Justify an Answer in Mathematics ClassroomsBrown, Angelique E. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Students' critical thinking in mathematics was a concern for grade 5 through 8 teachers at a Title 1 public school in the northeastern United States because of the students' poor performance on constructed response questions on the state's mathematics exam. In this exam, students were required to justify their answers in writing. When teachers recognize the connection between writing and critical thinking, they can devise strategies to help students develop mathematical literacy. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore how 5th through 8th grade mathematics teachers use the GoMath mathematics literacy program to teach the critical thinking skills students need to justify an answer in writing. The conceptual framework of critical thinking theory drove this study examining critical thinking pedagogy in general and special education mathematics classrooms. Qualitative data were collected from pre- and post-observation interviews and classroom observations from 4 purposefully selected mathematics teachers in grades 5 through 8 who taught GoMath. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Teachers reported that oral communication among students before writing justifications and students' critical thinking skills were integral components in solving mathematics problems. Based on the findings, it is recommended that ongoing professional development be adopted to assist teachers in developing strategies for teaching critical thinking skills to help students justify answers in writing when solving mathematics problems. This endeavor may contribute to positive social change by providing teachers with the necessary skills and strategies to enhance students' communication and critical thinking, thus, increasing their academic performance in mathematics.
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It's who you know and what you know : exploring the relationship between education and prejudice in adolescenceWerner, Lena January 2019 (has links)
Background: Previous studies have consistently identified an association between higher levels of education and lower levels of anti-immigrant sentiment, but the underlying reasons for this relationship remain unclear. Therefore, this research aims to help explain why education matters for attitudes toward immigrants. This thesis consists of two studies, where in I examine the role of two features of education, specifically the aquistition of knowledge and social relationships. In the first study, I analyze how two aspects of teaching in schools are associated with anti-immigrant sentiment. I examine education as a means to knowledge by investigating whether the content of education, such as critical thinking and multicultural education, is inversely related to students' prejudice. I also look into the certification of teachers and whether this has a similar effect. In the second study, I investigate the school as an arena for social interaction and examine the relationship between outgroup contact and prejudiced attitudes. Previous research has found that outgroup contact, especially contact in the form of outgroup friendship, is effective in reducing prejudice. Based on these previous findings, I study how the Secondary Transfer Effect (STE) of friendship with a specific outgroup member is associated with attitudes towards other ethnic or racial groups. Method: The two studies rely on a cross-sectional survey of Swedish high school students (aged 16-18) administered by 'Forum för levande historia' (Forum for living history) and Statistics Sweden during the 2009-2010 academic year. Additionally, survey participants' responses are matched to registry data. This thesis also uses multilevel (MLM) and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models. Results: Results show that both aspects of education are correlated with lower levels of anti-immigrant sentiment. The first study, in which education is a means to knowledge, demonstrates that education focused on critical thinking and multiculturalism are negatively correlated with anti-immigrant sentiment. Furthermore, results show that more exposure to teachings about xenophobia and racism is associated with less prejudice. However, when controlling for exposure to critical thinking, as well as learning about religions and cultures, the results show that exposure to learning about xenophobia and racism are no longer significant. Moreover, there is a negative association between exposure to teachers with a teaching certification or teaching degree and prejudice. Results from the second study, in which the school functions as an arena for social interaction, shows that positive attitudes associated with intergroup friendship not only generalize to the ethnic outgroup of that friend but, more importantly, also to other secondary outgroups. STEs are most frequently found where boundaries between ingroups and outgroups are perceived to be the thickest. Thus, the presence of STEs appears to be group-specific. Previous research on perceived social distance in Sweden and other countries help shed light on these findings. In summary, the results of this thesis provide evidence of two different complimentary accounts of the negative relationship between education and prejudice.
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