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A Communication Based Perspective on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) SuccessZablah, Alex Ricardo 09 June 2006 (has links)
Although little empirical evidence exists to support this contention, the extant literature suggests that firms can potentially achieve two types of benefits from developing a CRM orientation: (1) increased efficiency in the allocation of resources destined for relationship building and maintenance activities, and (2) enhanced exchange relationship outcomes through the provision of superior customer value (Zablah, Bellenger, and Johnston 2004). This effort focused on the latter of these purported benefits and sought to answer the following two fundamental questions: (1) does a CRM orientation influence the outcome of customer-provider relationships and, if so, how; and (2) does CRM technology have an effect on the relative success of CRM initiatives? In an attempt to address these questions, a conceptual model of "CRM success" was advanced and tested utilizing data from, both, customers and their providers. The conceptual model, which is based on interactive communications theory, posits that a CRM orientation has a positive effect on the quality of the product, service and planned interaction messages providers convey to their customers. The model also suggests that the quality of these messages directly influences customer-perceived relationship value which, in turn, drives other relationship attitudes, perceptions and, ultimately, customers’ behavioral intentions. Finally, the model proposes a moderating role for CRM technology: the association between CRM orientation and message quality is expected to increase (decrease) as the assimilation of CRM technology within firms increases (decreases). The model was tested utilizing (multi-level) SEM techniques. The results provide partial support for the proposed model and suggest the following: 1. As firms’ level of CRM orientation increases, customer-perceived message quality decreases. This inverse relationship between CRM orientation and message quality does not hold true across accounts of different sizes. For large accounts, message quality tends to increase as firms’ level of CRM orientation increases while the opposite holds true for small and medium-sized accounts. 2. The relationship between CRM orientation and message quality is not contingent upon the extent to which firms have assimilated CRM technology. Rather, firms’ level of CRM technology assimilation appears to exert a direct effect upon message quality. 3. Customer-perceived relationship value (CPRV) mediates the effect that product, planned and service messages exert upon customers’ relationship attitudes, perceptions and, ultimately, behavioral intentions.
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Vilka faktorer påverkar framgången i CRM-satsningar / What factors influence the success of CRM initiativesSandström, Mattias, Lundberg, Ted January 2015 (has links)
This study is intended to identify which factors that influence the success of initiatives in Customer Relationship Management, usually abbreviated as CRM. In the course of this study we have been in contact with forty-two companies operating in Sweden within eleven different sectors in order to find out how they operate regarding CRM initiatives, particularly initiatives within marketing and promotions. Against the data collected during the study it was concluded that the companies working with CRM believed that the CRM initiatives resulted in higher profitability and created more loyal customers. At the same time it was evident that the companies had different views on CRM as a method and its benefits. The majority of the companies could not present any tangible results from CRM-initiatives. It was also revealed that decisions regarding CRM initiatives were based on subjective assessments and without theoretical foundation. Based on the data collected nine factors were identified to affect the success of CRM initiatives. By placing the identified factors in a theoretical context a model could be developed which demonstrates the complexity that needs to be considered when applying CRM. Our hope is that the developed model can be used by companies before deciding on new investments in CRM initiatives or when evaluating existing initiatives. Future studies will have to show if this work contributed to a better understanding of CRM initiatives potential and impact. / Detta arbete söker identifiera vilka faktorer som påverkar framgången i ett företags satsning på Customer Relationship Management, vanligtvis förkortat som CRM. I samband med arbetet har vi varit i kontakt med fyrtiotvå företag verksamma i Sverige inom elva branscher för att ta reda hur de arbetar med CRM inom marknadsföring och utformning av kampanjer till kunder. Mot bakgrund av datainsamlingen kunde det konstateras att tron på CRM som verktyg för att nå en högre lönsamhet och skapa lojalare kunder var stor hos företagen. Samtidigt framkom en bild av att företagen hade väldigt olika syn på hur CRM ska användas och dess fördelar. Majoriteten av företagen kunde inte visa vilka konkreta resultat CRM-satsningar gett. Beslut fattades utifrån subjektiva värderingar och utan teoretisk förankring. Utifrån resultaten av datainsamlingen kunde nio olika faktorer identifieras vilka påverkar CRM-satsningars framgång. Genom att placera de identifierade faktorerna i en teoretisk kontext kunde en modell utarbetas vilken påvisar komplexiteten som måste beaktas vid användning av CRM. Vår förhoppning är att den framtagna modellen kan användas inför beslut om nya investeringar i CRM-lösningar eller för att utvärdera befintliga investeringar. Framtida studier får visa om detta arbete bidragit till en ökad förståelse om CRM:s potential och genomslagskraft.
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Transitioning to a new Customer Relationship Management System: Challenges and RecommendationsHansson, Per, Persson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Abstrakt (Svenska) - Vikten av att ha effektiv hantering av kundrelationer (CRM) inom företag väger mycket, för att på ett lyckat sätt öka förståelsen och samarbeten med kunder. Företag ändrar eller uppdaterar sina CRM system för att kunna öka arbetseffektiviteten. Kunder och marknad utvecklas ständigt, och för att kunna följa upp med större datamängder och ökad konkurrens bör företag använda sig utav effektiva sätt att arbeta på, när det gäller hjälp med att göra data mer tillgängligt. Om företag inte framgångsrikt integrerar sina CRM system kan de halka efter och försämras. Ett byte gällande CRM är oftast bestämt av ledning och ifrågasatt av de faktiska användarna. Mottagarna av förändringen upplever ofta osäkerhet och tvivel. I denna avhandling beskriver vi hur vår forskning kring CRM processer, CRM system och intressenterna i fallföretaget, leder till att hitta utmaningar och behov. Vårt främsta bidrag är vår analys av rekommendationer baserade på våra resultat, som kan användas som underlag för att skapa en kravspecifikation av fallföretaget. Med de empiriska uppgifter som samlas in i vår avhandling strävar vi efter att hjälpa fallföretaget och andra organisationer i deras process att implementera ett nytt CRM system. / Abstract (English) - Efficient Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is critical for successful understanding and collaboration with Customers. Companies frequently change or update their CRM systems in order to increase their work effectiveness. Customers and markets are always evolving and in order to keep up with increasing amounts of data and competition, companies should use efficient ways of working, regarding assistance in making data more accessible. If companies do not successfully integrate their CRM systems they risk falling behind other possible competitors and deteriorate. Change is often approved by those who are commanding it and questioned by those who receive it. The recipients of the change often experience uncertainty and hesitation. In this thesis, we describe how our research of CRM process, CRM systems and the stakeholders within the case company lead to finding challenges and needs. Our main contribution is the analysis of recommendations based on our findings, which can be used as a basis for creating a requirement specification in the context of integrating a new CRM system. With the empirical data collected in our thesis, and with the literature that we reviewed, we aim to assist the case company and other organizations in their process of implementing a new CRM system.
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