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Framework proposal for CSDD measures : A study on an Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS) companyKhan, Alina, Taric, Selma January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to identify due diligence measures for implementing CSDDD in supply chaindepartments. It provides insights for implementing CSDDD in EMS company's supply chain, informingindustry practices and policies. The research question leads: What due diligence measures can an EMS company implement to increase its CSDD topotentially meet the requirements of CSDDD? This research has taken a qualitative approach by conducting a single case study. Data was collected through interviews with strategic purchasers and a Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) of the case company to uncover what due diligence measures are needed data was collected. Additionally, document collection was gathered to triangulate data. The data was then analyzed through thematic analysis to belinked to the collected theory from a literature research. The analysis emphasizes essential actions for EMS company’s to enhance their CSDD within supply chain departments, in line with CSDDD. These actions include establishing clear guidelines with suppliers, such as Supplier Codes of Conduct (SCoCs), and conducting regular audits to ensure compliance. Despite challenges like inconsistent SCoC adoption and infrequent audits, recommendations involve improving supplier evaluations and integrating scores based on sustainability into riskassessments. Overcoming managerial hurdles necessitates dedicating resources to sustainability effortsand continually refining processes. Effective collaboration among stakeholders, ongoing enhancement, and empowering employees is vital for meeting CSDDD requirements successfully.
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Mining on Indigenous Land : How Might CSDDD Promote Sami Influencein Future Swedish Mineral Extractions?van den Tempel Almaas, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
As the green transition gains importance, the demand for green technologies and rare earth elements (REE)has surged. The Nordic countries are overall well-supplied with minerals and metals, however, they have a ratherunique dilemma. Knowing that the majority of Swedish mines are situated on Sápmi, a relevant question is raised:How do we extract mineral resources to benefit the green transition, whilst respecting the land of Europe's onlyIndigenous group, the Sami people? Moreover, as the CSDDD framework emerges, yet another question is raised:How might CSDDD promote Sami influence in future mining-related decision-making? To explore this matter, I haveconstructed a most likely scenario and used the recent REE findings in Kiruna as a case study. The framework seemsto promote Sami influence in numerous ways as it creates a new legal ground to demand participation and seek justice,expands the definition of Sami interests, allows for consultations with nearby Sami villages, includes the Samiperspective on negative impacts, and could result in Sami people being consulted in terms of Indigenous rights-holders.However, if the framework and the Swedish mining permitting system are not synchronized properly, it might resultin cases where mining companies receive permits that conflict the will of the Sami people. Furthermore, theframework’s mentions of stakeholder engagement and Indigenous participation leave room for interpretation. At worst,the level of Sami influence in future mining-related decision-making could lie in the hands of the member states, andhence, the mining companies.
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