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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prognostic and Therapeutic Implications of Biological Behavior of TP53 Mutations in WNT and Sonic-Hedgehog Medulloblastomas

Zhukova, Nataliya 27 November 2012 (has links)
Recent discoveries enabled us to divide medulloblastoma into molecular sub-groups and uncover novel mutations in these tumors. However, except for superior survival of the WNT sub-group, the prognostic and therapeutic implications of these observations remain unclear. TP53 mutations which confer radioresistance revealed conflicting clinical relevance in different studies. We hypothesized that the effect of TP53 mutations on survival is modulated through molecular sub-grouping. This is especially important since therapeutic targeting of WNT can be achieved with administration of lithium. Here we first confirmed that TP53 mutant tumors confers unfavorable outcome only in SHH subgroup, but not in WNT. We demonstrated that while TP53 mutations cause radioresistance, activation of WNT/β-catenin signaling radiosensitizes medulloblastoma cells. We demonstrated that lithium activates the WNT pathway and effectively sensitize medulloblastoma cells to radiation. Furthermore, lithium did not sensitize normal neural stem cells to radiation, suggesting its potential as an effective radiosensitizer for medulloblastoma.

Prognostic and Therapeutic Implications of Biological Behavior of TP53 Mutations in WNT and Sonic-Hedgehog Medulloblastomas

Zhukova, Nataliya 27 November 2012 (has links)
Recent discoveries enabled us to divide medulloblastoma into molecular sub-groups and uncover novel mutations in these tumors. However, except for superior survival of the WNT sub-group, the prognostic and therapeutic implications of these observations remain unclear. TP53 mutations which confer radioresistance revealed conflicting clinical relevance in different studies. We hypothesized that the effect of TP53 mutations on survival is modulated through molecular sub-grouping. This is especially important since therapeutic targeting of WNT can be achieved with administration of lithium. Here we first confirmed that TP53 mutant tumors confers unfavorable outcome only in SHH subgroup, but not in WNT. We demonstrated that while TP53 mutations cause radioresistance, activation of WNT/β-catenin signaling radiosensitizes medulloblastoma cells. We demonstrated that lithium activates the WNT pathway and effectively sensitize medulloblastoma cells to radiation. Furthermore, lithium did not sensitize normal neural stem cells to radiation, suggesting its potential as an effective radiosensitizer for medulloblastoma.

Analysis of CTNNB1 (b-catenin) in cervical carcinoma

Li, Chia-chin 14 February 2005 (has links)
b-catenin plays a dual role as a structural component of adherens junctions and as a transcriptional coactivator through its interactions with E-cadherin and TCF/LEF transcription factors, respectively. Normally, free b-catenin in cytoplasma is regulated by proteosome-dependent degradation system. In malignant tumor cell , deregulation of b-catenin degradation results in its aberrant accumulation, and leading to cancer. The goals of this study were to explore the reason of aberrant b-catenin accumulation in cervical carcinoma and evaluate the correlation between b-catenin¡BE-cadherin and p53 in different FIGO stage. Seventy paraffin embedded specimen with different FIGO stage were included in this study. Immunohistochemical staining was performed using anti-b-catenin polyclonal antibody and anti-p53 polyclonal antibody respectively and direct sequencing methods to analyze the mutation of CTNNB1 exon 13. The results showed 58 cases (82.8%) displayed cytoplasmic/nuclear b-catenin and no mutations in exon 13 of b-catenin gene, whereas no significant correlation between b-catenin expression level and tumor metastasis. However, b-catenin expression intensity had significant correlation with tumor size (p=0.008) and inversely correlated with E-cadherin (p=0.027) in different FIGO stage. The other way, the p53 staining intensity was significant correlated with b-catenin expression intensity (p=0.013) . Therefore, we suggest that mutations of CTNNB1 exon 13 may not be a reason for aberrant b-catenin accumulation in cervical carcinoma and aberrant p53 may play an important factor in accumulation of b-catenin.

Dôkaz somatických mutácií významných pre neuroektodermálne nádory (CTNNB1, BRAF, ALK) / Verification of somatic mutations important for neuroectodermal tumors (CTNNB1, BRAF, ALK)

Hrindová, Božidara January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis was focused on evidence of selected somatic mutations in genes ALK (Anaplastic lymphoma receptor tyrosine kinase), BRAF (v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1) and β-catenin (CTNNB1) through molecular - genetic methods in the target group of neuroectodermal tumors (neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma, brain tumors, paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma). Some of them are already considered as prognostic indicators which help to identify the subtype of various tumors and on the basis of this molecular - biological classification choosing the appropriate treatment. The genetic material of 133 patients was used for the analysis divided by the type of cancer. The presence of the mutation was detected in seven cases, of which two of them beloged to the gene BRAF, one to the gene ALK and four to the gene β-catenin. The subject of research in the cases of this genes were hotspot mutation sites. The purpose was to confirm the presence of the mutation in the hotspots and contribute to the studies which are aimed at the introduction of more suitable treatment through the inhibitors of mutated genes. Keywords: ALK, BRAF, β-catenin (CTNNB1), neuroectodermal tumors, sequencing, MLPA

Genetic Alterations and Molecular Signatures in Aldosterone Producing Adenomas

Åkerström, Tobias January 2016 (has links)
Primary Aldosteronism (PA) is caused by autonomous overproduction of aldosterone. Aldosterone is necessary for fluid and ion homeostasis. Aberrant overproduction leads to hypertension and cardiovascular damage. With a prevalence of over 5% in the worlds’ hypertensive community, and with over a billion people worldwide having high blood pressure, PA represents a major contributor to health care costs and morbidity. Importantly, 30% of PA patients have a unilateral dominant secretion, an aldosterone producing adenoma (APA), making it possible to cure a substantial portion of patients with surgery. Unfortunately, there is a large underdiagnosis of PA, leading to delayed diagnosis in many patients, worsening their outcome after surgery. A need for better screening techniques, raised awareness and treatment options for PA is warranted. Since 2011, the genetic understanding of APAs has revolutionized. Somatic mutations turning on an autonomous aldosterone production has been observed in up to 80% of tumors. In this thesis we have investigated the genetic landscape and phenotypes of APAs. By international collaborations we have collected one of the largest cohorts of APAs ever sequenced. We have confirmed and extended the understanding of KCNJ5 mutations, its associated phenotype and the specificity for APAs. We have confirmed a high rate of mutations in ATP1A1, ATP2B3 and CACNA1D, and noted distinct clinical and molecular phenotypes in these tumors. We describe a marker of Zona Glomerulosa cells, perhaps important for the normal regulation and function of these cells. We observe somatic mutations in CTNNB1, occurring in a mutually exclusive manner to the other mutations. Using in situ sequencing, we note genetic heterogeneity in APAs with KCNJ5 mutations. Finally, we evaluate intratumoral aldosterone measurement on a large cohort of tumors, validating a high specificity for APAs. Noting also a difference in the level of intratumoral aldosterone between APAs and a possible association with genotype. Remarkably, we also note a robust correlation between the intracellular concentrations and plasma-aldosterone. We hope that with gained knowledge of the genetic background, the understanding of both pathologic and normal states of the adrenals will increase, and hopefully benefit patients in the future.

Role of telomerase and β-catenin aberrant activation in benign and malignant liver tumorigenesis / Rôle de l'activation aberrante de la télomérase et de la ß-caténine dans la tumorigenèse bénigne et maligne du foie

Franconi, Andrea 16 October 2017 (has links)
Les adénomes hépatocellulaires (AHC) sont des tumeurs bénignes rares dérivant de la prolifération d'hépatocytes et se développent dans un contexte hépatique par ailleurs normal, principalement chez des femmes suite à la prise de contraceptifs oraux. D'autres études ont identifié des facteurs de risque supplémentaires comme le syndrome métabolique et des mutations germinales d’HNF1α. Les travaux réalisés dans le laboratoire ont permis le classement des AHC en cinq sous-groupes : 1) les AHC-H avec des mutations inactivatrices du facteur de transcription HNF1α, 2) AHC-I avec une activation de la voie inflammatoire, 3) B-AHC portant des mutations activatrices du gène CTNNB1, codant pour la β-caténine 4) Sh-AHC avec une activation de la voie sonic hedgehog et 5) U-AHC sans altération moléculaire spécifique trouvée à ce jour. Les AHC montrent un faible risque de transformation maligne en carcinome hépatocellulaire (CHC). Le CHC est la deuxième cause de décès liés au cancer dans le monde entier, ce qui en fait un problème majeur de santé publique. Le CHC se développe dans 90% des cas sur un foie cirrhotique et est lié à une infection virale (VHB et HCV), à une consommation d'alcool et au syndrome métabolique. L'une des modifications génétiques les plus fréquentes dans les CHC est la réactivation de la télomérase (TERT), une enzyme clé nécessaire à la maintenance des télomères. Tout d'abord, dans nos travaux, nous avons cherché à établir une corrélation génotype-phénotype des AHC activés pour la β-caténine pour mieux comprendre l'hétérogénéité des tumeurs et le risque de transformation maligne. Notre étude a permis d'identifier trois sous-groupes d’AHC mutés CTNNB1 selon le type de mutation : mutations fortement, modérément et faiblement activatrices. De façon intéressante, chaque type de mutation présentait immuno marquage spécifique de la GS et un risque de transformation maligne diffèrent. En plus, nous avons identifié la mutation du promoteur de TERT comme un événement tardif au cours de la tumorigenèse nécessaire à la transformation des AHC-B en CHC. Deuxièmement, en raison de l’importance de la réactivation de TERT dans les tumeurs du foie, nous avons testé un nouveau traitement potentiel basé sur des oligonucléotides antisens conduisant à l’inhibition de l’expression transcriptionelle de TERT. En accord avec l'érosion progressive des séquences télomériques qui se produisent à chaque division cellulaire, nous avons pu observer un effet sur la prolifération cellulaire après traitement à long terme. Nous avons montré que les effets observés étaient liés au raccourcissement des télomères. De plus, nous avons identifié AAV2 comme un nouveau virus lié au développement de rares cas de CHC. Nos résultats sont soutenus par l'expansion clonale des cellules tumorales avec insertion virale, la surexpression des gènes insérés et l'insertion observée uniquement dans des gènes déjà connus pour être impliqués dans la tumorigenèse comme TERT, TNFSF10, MLL4, CCNA2 et CCNE1. En conclusion, dans nos études, nous avons affiné la classification des AHC, avec des possibles applications dans la prise en charge clinique des patients pour identifier le meilleur traitement selon le type de mutation et le risque de transformation maligne. De plus, nous avons obtenu des résultats prometteurs concernant l'utilisation de TERT comme cible thérapeutique. Cependant, des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour mieux évaluer les effets du traitement par ASO contre le TERT sur la physiologie cellulaire et les avantages possibles avec des combinaisons thérapeutiques. Enfin, nos résultats remettent en question la sécurité des thérapies génique basées sur l'AAV actuellement en cours, mais des études supplémentaires sont actuellement en cours au laboratoire pour comprendre les conséquences et les mécanismes impliqués dans de l'insertion virale. / Hepatocellular adenomas (HCA) are rare benign tumors deriving from proliferation of hepatocytes occurring in normal liver background mainly of female patients with history of oral contraceptive assumption. Further studies identified additional risk factors as metabolic syndromes and germline mutations. Works performed in the laboratory allowed the classification of HCA in five subgroups: 1) H-HCA with inactivating mutation of transcription factor HNF1α, 2) I-HCA with activation of the inflammatory pathway, 3) B-HCA carrying activating mutations of CTNNB1 gene, coding for β-catenin 4) Sh-HCA with activation of the sonic hedgehog pathway and 5) U-HCA with no specific alteration found to date. HCA show an average low risk of malignant transformation in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HCC is the second cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide making it a major problem of public health. HCC development occurs in 90% of the cases on cirrhotic background and is linked to virus infection (HBV and HCV), alcohol intake and metabolic syndromes. One of the most frequent genetic alterations in HCC is the reactivation of TERT, a key enzyme necessary for telomeres maintenance. First, in our works we aimed to perform a correlation between genotype and phenotype of β-catenin activated HCA to better understand tumor heterogeneity and risk of malignant transformation. Our study allowed the identification of three subgroups of CTNNB1 mutated HCA according to the mutation type: highly, moderately and weakly activating mutations. Interestingly each type of mutation showed specific IHC staining for GS and risk of malignant transformation. Additionally we identified TERT promoter mutation as a late event in tumorigenesis necessary for HCA transformation in HCC with a significant correlation with CTNNB1 alterations. Second, due to the relevance of TERT reactivation in tumors, we tested a new potential treatment based on antisense oligonucleotides leading to TERT transcript ablation and lack of protein production. According to the slow erosion of the telomere sequences that occurs at each cell division, we were able to observe some effect on cell proliferation with long-term treatment. We showed that the observed effects were linked to telomere shortening. Further, we identified AAV2 as a new virus linked to tumor formation. Our results are supported by the clonal expansion of cells with viral insertion, overexpression of the inserted genes and insertion observed only in genes already known to be involved in tumorigenesis like TERT, TNFSF10, MLL4, CCNA2 and CCNE1. Taken together, in our studies we refined HCA classification, with possible direct applications in the clinical care of the patients in identifying the best treatment according to mutation type and risk of malignant transformation. Additionally we obtained promising results regarding using TERT as a therapeutic target. Still, additional studies are needed to better assess the effects of ASO treatment against TERT on cell physiology and possible advantages in using combination therapies. Finally, our findings challenge the safety of AAV based targeted therapies currently ongoing but additional studies to understand the effective consequences and mechanisms of viral insertion are object of current work in the laboratory.

Via Wnt/?-catenina em tumores adrenocorticais pediátricos / Wnt/?-catenin signaling pathway in childhood adrenocortical tumors

Letícia Ferro Leal 21 July 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Em crianças das regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil há uma incidência elevada de tumores adrenocorticais (TAC). Anormalidades da ?-catenina tem sido encontradas em TAC em adultos e sugerem a ativação da via Wnt/ -catenina nestes tumores. No entanto, não há estudos avaliando o papel desta via em casuísticas de TAC pediátricos. Objetivos: Avaliar o papel da via Wnt/catenina e mutações do gene CTNNB1 na tumorigênese adrenocortical pediátrica. Indivíduos, Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados 62 pacientes pediátricos com TAC oriundos de dois centros de referência. Controles: córtex adrenal de indivíduos jovens com morte acidental. Avaliou-se a presença de mutação nos genes TP53 e CTNNB1. A expressão de genes da via Wnt (CTNNB1, o ligante WNT4, os inibidores SFRP1, DKK3 e AXIN1, o fator de transcrição TCF7 e os genes-alvo MYC e WISP2) foi avaliada por qPCR, utilizando-se o método de 2-Ct. Adicionalmente, a expressão de proteínas da via Wnt/-catenina e P53 foi avaliada por imunoistoquímica. Avaliou-se a relação entre possíveis anormalidades moleculares com o fenótipo clínico e o desfecho. Resultados: A sobrevida geral foi maior em pacientes menores que 5 anos de idade (p<0.0001) e em pacientes com estágios tumorais menos avançados (p<0.0001). A mutação P53 p.R337H foi encontrada em 87% dos pacientes e não se associou com características clinicopatológicas ou desfecho. Mutações do gene CTNNB1 foram encontradas em 4/62 (6%) TAC, todos carreadores da mutação P53 p.R337H. Houve associação entre óbito e presença de mutações do gene CTNNB1 (p=0,02). Acúmulo difuso da -catenina foi observado em 71% dos TAC, a maioria sem mutações do CTNNB1. Comparados a adrenais normais, os TAC apresentaram aumento da expressão do RNAm de CTNNB1 (p=0.008) e diminuição da expressão de genes inibidores da via Wnt: DKK3 (p<0.0001), SFRP1 (p=0.05) e AXIN1 (p=0.04). Com relação aos genes-alvo da via Wnt/-catenina, TAC apresentaram expressão aumentada de WISP2 e baixa expressão de MYC. Maior sobrevida geral foi associada à expressão baixa de SFRP1 (p=0.01), WNT4 (p=0.004) e TCF7 (p<0.01). Conclusões: Em TAC pediátricos, mutações somáticas ativadoras do gene CTNNB1 são pouco freqüentes e parecem estar associadas à maior ocorrência de óbito. Mesmo na ausência de mutações do gene CTNNB1, estes tumores apresentaram acúmulo de -catenina e do gene-alvo WISP2 e expressão reduzida de inibidores da via Wnt (DKK3, SFRP1 e AXIN1). Estes dados demonstram evidências de anormalidades na via Wnt/-catenina em TAC pediátricos, mesmo na ausência de mutações do gene CTNNB1. É provável que outros eventos genéticos afetando a via Wnt/-catenina estejam envolvidos na tumorigênese adrenocortical pediátrica / Context: CTNNB1 mutations and activation of Wnt/-catenin pathway are frequent in adult adrenocortical tumors (ACTs) but data on childhood ACTs are lacking. Objective: To investigate Wnt/-catenin pathway abnormalities and CTNNB1 mutations in childhood ACTs. Patients and Methods: Clinicopathological findings and outcome of 62 childhood ACTs patients were analyzed regarding to CTNNB1/ -catenin mutations and to the expression of Wnt-related genes (CTNNB1, a Wnt ligand: WNT4, Wnt inhibitors: SFRP1, DKK3 and AXIN1, a transcription factor: TCF7, and target genes: MYC and WISP2) by qPCR and immunohistochemistry. Results: Overall survival (OS) was higher in patients younger than 5 years (p<0.0001) and associated with less advanced tumoral stage (p<0.0001). The p.R337H P53 mutation, found in 87% of the patients, was not associated with clinicopathological findings or outcome. CTNNB1 activating mutations were found in only 4/62 ACTs (6%), all of them harboring TP53 mutation. There was association between the presence of CTNNB1 mutation and death (p=0.02). Diffuse -catenin accumulation was found in 71% of ACTs, most of them without CTNNB1 mutation. CTNNB1 mutated ACTs presented weak/moderate -catenin accumulation. Compared to normal adrenals, ACTs presented increased expression of CTNNB1 (p=0.008) and underexpression of Wnt inhibitor genes: DKK3 (p<0.0001), SFRP1 (p=0.05) and AXIN1 (p=0.04). With regards to Wnt/-catenin target genes, ACTs presented lower expression of MYC but increased expression of WISP2. Higher overall survival was associated with underexpression of SFRP1 (p=0.01), WNT4 (p=0.004) and TCF7 (p<0.01). Conclusions: In childhood ACTs, CTNNB1 mutations are rare and appear to be associated with poor prognosis. Regardless of CTNNB1 mutations, these tumors presented reduced expression of Wnt inhibitor genes (DKK3, SFRP1 and AXIN1) and increased expression of CTNNB1 and a target gene, WISP2. Thus, besides CTNNB1 mutations, additional genetic events affecting the Wnt/-catenin pathway may be involved in childhood adrenocortical tumorigenesis.

Via Wnt/?-catenina em tumores adrenocorticais pediátricos / Wnt/?-catenin signaling pathway in childhood adrenocortical tumors

Leal, Letícia Ferro 21 July 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Em crianças das regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil há uma incidência elevada de tumores adrenocorticais (TAC). Anormalidades da ?-catenina tem sido encontradas em TAC em adultos e sugerem a ativação da via Wnt/ -catenina nestes tumores. No entanto, não há estudos avaliando o papel desta via em casuísticas de TAC pediátricos. Objetivos: Avaliar o papel da via Wnt/catenina e mutações do gene CTNNB1 na tumorigênese adrenocortical pediátrica. Indivíduos, Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados 62 pacientes pediátricos com TAC oriundos de dois centros de referência. Controles: córtex adrenal de indivíduos jovens com morte acidental. Avaliou-se a presença de mutação nos genes TP53 e CTNNB1. A expressão de genes da via Wnt (CTNNB1, o ligante WNT4, os inibidores SFRP1, DKK3 e AXIN1, o fator de transcrição TCF7 e os genes-alvo MYC e WISP2) foi avaliada por qPCR, utilizando-se o método de 2-Ct. Adicionalmente, a expressão de proteínas da via Wnt/-catenina e P53 foi avaliada por imunoistoquímica. Avaliou-se a relação entre possíveis anormalidades moleculares com o fenótipo clínico e o desfecho. Resultados: A sobrevida geral foi maior em pacientes menores que 5 anos de idade (p<0.0001) e em pacientes com estágios tumorais menos avançados (p<0.0001). A mutação P53 p.R337H foi encontrada em 87% dos pacientes e não se associou com características clinicopatológicas ou desfecho. Mutações do gene CTNNB1 foram encontradas em 4/62 (6%) TAC, todos carreadores da mutação P53 p.R337H. Houve associação entre óbito e presença de mutações do gene CTNNB1 (p=0,02). Acúmulo difuso da -catenina foi observado em 71% dos TAC, a maioria sem mutações do CTNNB1. Comparados a adrenais normais, os TAC apresentaram aumento da expressão do RNAm de CTNNB1 (p=0.008) e diminuição da expressão de genes inibidores da via Wnt: DKK3 (p<0.0001), SFRP1 (p=0.05) e AXIN1 (p=0.04). Com relação aos genes-alvo da via Wnt/-catenina, TAC apresentaram expressão aumentada de WISP2 e baixa expressão de MYC. Maior sobrevida geral foi associada à expressão baixa de SFRP1 (p=0.01), WNT4 (p=0.004) e TCF7 (p<0.01). Conclusões: Em TAC pediátricos, mutações somáticas ativadoras do gene CTNNB1 são pouco freqüentes e parecem estar associadas à maior ocorrência de óbito. Mesmo na ausência de mutações do gene CTNNB1, estes tumores apresentaram acúmulo de -catenina e do gene-alvo WISP2 e expressão reduzida de inibidores da via Wnt (DKK3, SFRP1 e AXIN1). Estes dados demonstram evidências de anormalidades na via Wnt/-catenina em TAC pediátricos, mesmo na ausência de mutações do gene CTNNB1. É provável que outros eventos genéticos afetando a via Wnt/-catenina estejam envolvidos na tumorigênese adrenocortical pediátrica / Context: CTNNB1 mutations and activation of Wnt/-catenin pathway are frequent in adult adrenocortical tumors (ACTs) but data on childhood ACTs are lacking. Objective: To investigate Wnt/-catenin pathway abnormalities and CTNNB1 mutations in childhood ACTs. Patients and Methods: Clinicopathological findings and outcome of 62 childhood ACTs patients were analyzed regarding to CTNNB1/ -catenin mutations and to the expression of Wnt-related genes (CTNNB1, a Wnt ligand: WNT4, Wnt inhibitors: SFRP1, DKK3 and AXIN1, a transcription factor: TCF7, and target genes: MYC and WISP2) by qPCR and immunohistochemistry. Results: Overall survival (OS) was higher in patients younger than 5 years (p<0.0001) and associated with less advanced tumoral stage (p<0.0001). The p.R337H P53 mutation, found in 87% of the patients, was not associated with clinicopathological findings or outcome. CTNNB1 activating mutations were found in only 4/62 ACTs (6%), all of them harboring TP53 mutation. There was association between the presence of CTNNB1 mutation and death (p=0.02). Diffuse -catenin accumulation was found in 71% of ACTs, most of them without CTNNB1 mutation. CTNNB1 mutated ACTs presented weak/moderate -catenin accumulation. Compared to normal adrenals, ACTs presented increased expression of CTNNB1 (p=0.008) and underexpression of Wnt inhibitor genes: DKK3 (p<0.0001), SFRP1 (p=0.05) and AXIN1 (p=0.04). With regards to Wnt/-catenin target genes, ACTs presented lower expression of MYC but increased expression of WISP2. Higher overall survival was associated with underexpression of SFRP1 (p=0.01), WNT4 (p=0.004) and TCF7 (p<0.01). Conclusions: In childhood ACTs, CTNNB1 mutations are rare and appear to be associated with poor prognosis. Regardless of CTNNB1 mutations, these tumors presented reduced expression of Wnt inhibitor genes (DKK3, SFRP1 and AXIN1) and increased expression of CTNNB1 and a target gene, WISP2. Thus, besides CTNNB1 mutations, additional genetic events affecting the Wnt/-catenin pathway may be involved in childhood adrenocortical tumorigenesis.

Étude du dialogue entre la voie Wnt/β-caténine et LKB1 dans la physiopathologie hépatique / Study of the crosstalk between the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and LKB1 in hepatic physiopathology

Charawi, Sara 30 November 2017 (has links)
Le foie est un organe qui exerce un rôle majeur dans le contrôle de l’homéostasie métabolique et énergétique de l’organisme en maintenant la glycémie à un taux constant. LKB1 est une sérine-thréonine kinase qui joue un rôle clef dans la physiologie cellulaire en couplant le contrôle du métabolisme au statut énergétique de la cellule. A l’aide de modèles murins ayant une délétion de LKB1 dans les hépatocytes adultes, nous avons identifié un rôle complexe pour LKB1 au sein de l’homéostasie énergétique. L’objectif de ma thèse était de caractériser ce phénotype et d’en comprendre les bases physiologiques. Nos résultats montrent une hyperglycémie à jeun chez les animaux mutants, associée à une perte de masse maigre (muscle), une accumulation du glycogène à jeun et une activation constitutive de la voie de l’insuline, qui, à long terme, conduit à une cachexie. Nos résultats suggèrent que Lkb1 hépatique exercerait un dialogue complexe avec la signalisation insuline dans le contrôle de la gluconéogenèse avec une dépendance énergétique aux acides aminés. Nous avons aussi montré qu’il existait un dialogue complexe entre LKB1 et la voie Wnt/β-caténine dans le foie. En effet, les carcinomes hépatocellulaires (CHC) mutés CTNNB1 ont des caractéristiques phénotypiques en termes de polarité et de métabolisme (absence de stéatose). Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que ce phénotype pouvait être secondaire à l’activation du gène suppresseur de tumeurs LKB1. Les mutations CTNNB1 sont en effet capable d’induire l’expression protéique de LKB1 dans les lignées hépatomateuses humaines, et les CHC mutés CTNNB1 présentent une expression protéique accrue de LKB1. De plus, dans deux modèles murins d’invalidation hépatospécifique de Lkb1, LKB1 est apparu comme requis pour l’activation du programme transcriptionnel de β-caténine mais de façon dépendante du stade de développement et du contexte nutritionnel. / The liver plays a major role in the control of both metabolic and energetic homeostasis in the body by maintaining glycemia. LKB1 is a serine-threonine kinase that plays a crucial role in cell physiology by controlling cell metabolism and cell energetic status. Using murine model with LKB1 hepatospecific deletion, we identified a complex role for LKB1 in energy homeostasis. The aim of my thesis was to characterize this phenotype and to understand its physiological basis. Our results show a hyperglycemia at fasted state in mutants animals, associated with a loss of dry mass, a glycogen accumulation and a constitutive activation of insulin signaling, which leads to a cachexia at long term. Our results suggest that hepatic Lkb1 is involved in a cross talk with insulin signaling in the control of neoglucogenesis with amino acid dependence. We also showed a cross talk between LKB1 and Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the liver. Indeed, CTNNB1-mutated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have phenotypic features in terms of polarity and metabolism (lack of lipid accumulation). Our hypothesis is that this phenotype would be secondary to the activation of the tumour suppressor gene LKB1. CTNNB1 mutations induce LKB1 proteic expression in human hepatoma cell lines and CTNNB1-mutated HCC show an increased proteic LKB1 expression. In two murine models of Lkb1 hepatospecific invalidation, LKB1 seems to be necessary for the activation of the β-catenin transcriptional program in a way that is dependent on developpemental state and nutritional context.

Rôle de la CTNNB1 et de ses nouveaux partenaires dans la régulation de l'immunité antivirale innée et de la voie WNT

Es-Saad, Salwa 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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