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Modeling of bark-, sand- and activated carbon filters for treatment of greywaterCiuk Karlsson, Susanna January 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT Modeling of bark-, sand- and activated carbon filters for treatment of greywater Susanna Ciuk Karlsson The part of the waste water produced in a household, originating from showers, dish - and wash water, is called greywater. It is possible to treat the greywater separately from the black water (toilet water) as it is less polluted and then use it for purposes such as garden irrigation. There are various methods for purifying greywater. Here, the possibility to purify greywater using three column filters with different materials (activated carbon, pine bark and sand) was examined through modeling in the computer program HYDRUS. A set-up with physical filters was available, where flow measurements were performed. These measurements were used to validate the model that was developed in HYDRUS. When a flow model had been produced that could replicate the measured flow, a module of HYDRUS was used to also model the reactive transport of nutrients and organic matter in the filters. The complete model was used for evaluation of the treatment performance of the filters during a default scenario where they were loaded with 1 liter of water per day containing pollutant concentration corresponding to typical greywater. / REFERAT Modellering av bark-, sand- och kolfilter för rening av BDT-vatten Susanna Ciuk Karlsson I ett hushåll används vatten som då blir till avloppsvatten. Detta avloppsvatten består till stor del av bad, disk och tvättvatten (BDT-vatten). Det är möjligt att behandla BDT-vattnet separat från klosettvattnet då det är mindre förorenat, låta det genomgå rening och sedan använda det för till exempel bevattning av trädgårdar. Det finns olika metoder för att rena BDT-vatten. Här studerades möjligheterna att rena BDT-vatten med hjälp av tre filter av olika material; aktivt kol, tallbark och sand, genom modellering i datorprogrammet HYDRUS. En praktisk experimentuppsättning med filterkolonner fanns att tillgå, där ett experiment med flödesmätningar genomfördes. Mätningarna användes för att validera modellen som utvecklades i HYDRUS. Efter att en flödesmodell som stämde överrens med uppmätta värden utvecklats, modellerades reaktiv transport av näringsämnen och organiskt material i filtren med en modul tillhörandes HYDRUS. Med hjälp av modelleringen kunde filtertypernas reningsförmåga utvärderas för ett iscensatt standardscenario där filtrena belastades med 1 l vatten/dag innehållandes föroreningar motsvarandes ett typiskt gråvatten.
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Modelování biochemických pochodů ve filtračním prostředí kořenových čistíren / Modelling of the biochemical processes in the constructed treatment wetlandsPumprlová Němcová, Miroslava January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the modeling of biochemical processes in saturated vertical filter (which is often part of constructed treatment wetland) using software HYDRUS 2D and the module Constructed Wetland CW2D. The introductory part of this thesis is the literature research of expertise that are introduce with the theme constructed treatment wetlands and should also provide a basic overview of the mathematical or numerical modeling issue. The last chapter describes the theoretical introduction of software HYDRUS 2D and CW2D module, it is the practical part used to create a numerical l model. The practical part is based on theoretical knowledge and demonstrates the creating process of mathematical model in program HYDRUS 2D, simulating the real biochemical processes on the vertical saturated filter. The model is created in the program HYDRUS 2D CW2D and based on real operated constructed wetland. The thesis describes the calibration and followed verification of this model. The final model can well simulate the real filter behavior and allows user to get information about the output concentrations of waste water emission, such as ammonia nitrogen (N-NH4+) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The results should in the future contribute to create software intended to draft and layout constructed wetlands.
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