Spelling suggestions: "subject:"all centers employees"" "subject:"all centers eemployees""
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Call centre employment a qualitative studyDawson, Alison S. F. January 2002 (has links)
This study explores aspects of the nature and experience of call centre employment. In 1972 only 42% of UK households had a home-based telephone (BIFU, 1996). By 2000 98% of UK homes had access to either fixed-line or mobile telephone services (Oftel, 2001). The commercial exploitation of this artifact is now being realised through call centres employing sophisticated information and communications technologies. Virtually unheard of a decade ago, UK call centres provided jobs for an estimated 264,000 people in 2001 (Datamonitor, 1999). They have increasingly attracted public and academic attention, much of the latter focused on issues of employee control and surveilance. This study uses analyses of call centre-related newspaper articles, a survey of Scottish recruitment and employment agencies, covert participant observation, and interviews with agency representatives and call centre employees to explore issues such as recruitment and selection, the nature and experience of employment, and employee turnover in call centres. The ethics of using covert methods are discussed. Four main conclusions emerge from the study. First, call centre employment can be differentiated from other occupations on the basis of recruitment and selection practices, employee skils and differences in work environments, performance monitoring and supervision practices and regulation of workplace behaviour. Second, job characteristics may predispose employees to low levels of job-related well-being and burnout. Third, levels of employee turnover may be linked to occupational novelty and the availability of pre-employment realistic job information. Fourth, automated systems are beginning to replace routine, repetitive, low value tasks, resulting in changes in the nature of call centre employment. Those jobs that remain seem likely to be more demanding with complex tasks and an emphasis on quality rather than quantity of interactions. The implications of the study's findings and conclusions for future research and for call centre employers and their employees are considered.
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The role of attributional style in a call centre environment this thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of Master of Business (Marketing Major), submitted to Faculty of Business, Auckland University of Technology, November 2003.Fulcher, Patricia Ann. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (MBus) -- Auckland University of Technology, 2003. / Also held in print (65 leaves, 30 cm.) in Wellesley Theses Collection (T 658.812 FUL)
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Exploring the relationship between burnout, emotional labour and emotional intelligence : a study on call centre representativesFurnell, Bernadette Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between burnout, emotional
labour (EL) and emotional intelligence (EI) in the call centre industry and to determine
whether EI played a moderating role in the relationship between EL and burnout. A nonexperimental
research design (i.e. exploratory survey study) was used to explore the
relationships between the three constructs. The constructs were defined as follows:
burnout, as a syndrome consisting of three negative response patterns which include:
emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and diminished personal accomplishment
(Maslach, Jackson & Leiter, 1996); EI, as the capacity to effectively perceive, express,
understand and manage emotions in a professional and effective manner at work
(Palmer & Stough, 2001); and EL, as the process where employees regulate their
emotional display in an attempt to meet organisationally-based expectations specific to
their roles (Brotheridge & Lee, 2003). A convenience sample of 250 employees was
drawn from two inbound customer care call centres of a leading South African
telecommunications company that was approached to participate in the research. The
Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey (Maslach et al., 1996), the Emotional
Labour Scale (Brotheridge & Lee, 2003) and the Swinburne University Emotional
Intelligence Test (Palmer & Stough, 2001) were administered. Two hundred and ten
(210) respondents completed and returned the questionnaires. The results showed that surface acting (a dimension of EL) was positively related to and
predicted emotional exhaustion (i.e. increased burnout). Conversely, deep acting (a
dimension of EL) was related to an increase in personal accomplishment scores (i.e.
decreased burnout). As hypothesised, EI was found to relate negatively to surface
acting and positively to deep acting and emerged as a strong predictor of deep acting,
explaining 20% of the variance in deep acing scores. These results revealed that those
individuals higher in EI were more likely to engage more often in deep acting
techniques, which could likely influence their levels of burnout. Furthermore, EI was
related to an increase in personal accomplishment (i.e. decreased burnout) and
emotional management (a dimension of EI) emerged as the strongest predictor of
increased personal accomplishment. Whilst EI did not emerge as a moderator in the
relationship between EL and burnout, support was found for the value of developing EI
interventions that foster deep acting techniques in the call centre environment. Tenure
(length of service) was found to be positively related to emotional exhaustion and
negatively related to deep acting, indicating that the implementation of EI interventions
in call centres should not be restricted to the induction phase of an employee’s career
but continue throughout their working lives. The limitations of the study and
recommendations for future research were discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verwantskap tussen uitbranding, emosionele
arbeid (EA) en emosionele intelligensie (EI) in die inbelsentrum bedryf te ondersoek en
om te bepaal of EI ‘n modererende effek op die EA en uitbranding verwantskap het.
Daar is gebruik gemaak van ‘n nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp (nl. ‘n
verkennende opnamestudie) ten einde die verband tussen die drie konstrukte en hul
sub-dimensies te ondersoek. Die konstrukte is soos volg gedefinieer: uitbranding, as ‘n
sindroom bestaande uit drie negatiewe respons komponente: emosionele uitputting,
depersonalisasie en verminderde gevoel van persoonlike bekwaamheid (Maslach,
Jackson & Leiter, 1996); EI, as die individu se kapasiteit om emosies binne die
werksomgewing effektief waar te neem, uit te druk, te verstaan en op ‘n professionele
en effektiewe wyse te bestuur (Palmer & Stough, 2001); en EA, as die proses waardeur
werknemers hulle eksterne, sigbare emosies reguleer in ‘n poging om aan die verwagte
vertoon reëls van hul organisasie (spesifiek tot hulle werksrol) te voldoen (Brotheridge &
Lee, 2003). ‘n Gerieflikheidsteekproef van 250 werknemers verbonde aan twee
inbelkliëntedienssentrums van ‘n toonaangewende Suid Afrikaanse telekommunikasie
maatskappy was genader om aan die navorsing deel te neem. Die respondente het drie
vraelyste voltooi: die Maslach Uitbrandingsvraelys – Algemene Opname (Maslach
Burnout Inventory – General Survey) (Maslach et al., 1996); die Emosionele Arbeid
Skaal (Emotional Labour Scale) (Brotheridge & Lee, 2003); en die Swinburne
Universiteit Emosionele Intelligensie Toets (Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence
Test) (Palmer & Stough, 2001). Twee honderd en tien (210) respondente het die
vraelyste voltooi en terugbesorg aan die navorser. Die bevindinge toon dat oppervlakkige toneelspel (“surface acting”) (‘n dimensie van EA)
‘n positiewe verwantskap het met emosionele uitputting, asook om dit te voorspel (nl.
vermeerderde uitbranding). Omgekeerd, was diep toneelspel (“deep acting”) (‘n
dimensie van EA) verwant aan ‘n vermeerdering in persoonlike bekwaamheid (nl.
verminderde uitbranding). EI het ‘n negatiewe verwantskap met oppervlakkige
toneelspel maar ‘n positiewe verwantskap met diep toneelspel getoon, en het 20% van
die variansie in diep toneelspel voorspel. Die resultate wys daarop dat mense met hoër
EI meer waarskynlik diep toneelspel tegnieke sal gebruik, wat uitbranding vlakke sal
beinvloed. Verder was EI verwant aan ‘n vermeerdering in persoonlike bekwaamheid
(nl. verminderde uitbranding). Emosionele bestuur (‘n dimensie van EI) het die grootste
variansie in persoonlike bekwaamheid voorspel. Die resultate toon dat EI nie ‘n
moderator in die verwantskap tusseen EA en uitbranding is nie. Ondanks hierdie
bevinding, was daar genoeg bewyse gevind vir die waarde van die ontwikkeling van EI
intervensies (wat diep toneelspel tegnieke bevorder) in die inbelsentrum bedryf.
Dienstyd was positief verwant aan emosionele uitputting en negatief verwant aan diep
toneelspel. Die resultate bewys dat EI intervensies in inbelsentrums nie net in die begin
van ‘n werknemer se loopbaan geïmplementeer moet word nie, maar deur die hele
loopbaan moet voortduur. Die beperkinge van die studie en voorstelle vir toekomstige
navorsing is bespreek.
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Sensory processing and work performance of contact centre agents in South AfricaLewis, Juan David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary objective of this study was to establish if the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile questionnaire (AASP) could be used as a recruitment tool in selecting contact centre agents with a higher predictability for success and hence higher productivity.
Contact centres around the globe face the challenge of high staff turnover and absenteeism, reducing profitability. It seems that work performance related to the way in which adults process sensory input has not been well researched. A model was developed by Dunn (Brown et al., 2001) based on the intersection of a neurological threshold continuum and a behavioural continuum and yielding four quadrants: Quadrant 1, Low Registration (of stimuli); Quadrant 2, Sensation Seeking; Quadrant 3, Sensory Sensitivity, and Quadrant 4, Sensation Avoiding.
Forty-eight contact centre agents employed by Liberty Life were selected and assessed on the AASP. Performance data for each contact centre agent were collected: available time, auxiliary time, log-in time, quality assurance, absenteeism and length of service. Spearman rank correlations were conducted to test if relationships exist between any of the four quadrants and the performance measures. As an additional investigation, a Suitability Score (based on clustering of scores with a percent assigned) was derived for each contact centre agent and also correlated with the above performance measures.
Significant relationships were found between Quadrant 2 scores and three of the performance measurement criteria. As the Quadrant 2 scores increase, the average available time of the agents will decrease and their average log-in time will increase. Absenteeism increased as well, which is expected to have a negative effect on the productivity of the contact centre. The Quadrant also had a high predictability for Suitability Ratings indicating that as the Quadrant 2 score increases, the suitability of the contact centre agents increases as well.
Regarding Quadrant 3 (sensory sensitivity) scores, quality assessment, total days of absenteeism and average absenteeism relate negatively. It seems that contact centre agents with high sensory sensitivity are less suitable for the job. As the score increases the quality assessment scores decrease, which is not what is required in terms of quality standards.
A negative relationship exists between Quadrant 3 scores and the Suitability Rating scores, indicating that the higher the quadrant scores the less suitable the contact centre agents are to work in the contact centre environment.
Quadrant 4 (sensation avoiding) has a negative relationship with Suitability Rating scores, which indicates that the higher the quadrant score the less suitable the contact centre agent is to work in the contact centre environment.
No significant relationships were recorded between the performance measurements and Quadrant 1 (low registration) and Quadrant 4 (sensation avoiding), even though, logically, one would expect agents with less distraction to be more productive.
Further studies are recommended before the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile questionnaire is used as a recruitment tool. Future studies could categorise the quadrant scores into clusters and then test for relationships with the set performance measurements.
The Suitability Rating was used in a first attempt to match individuals in a specific job according to specific sensory profiles. This measure has not yet been tested for validity and reliability, which must be done prior to further study using it. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of die Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile (AASP) vraelys gebruik kan word as ‘n hulpmiddel vir die werwing en seleksie van kontaksentrum agente, met ‘n hoër waarskynlikheid van sukses en, dus, hoër produktiwiteit.
Kontaksentrums op elke vasteland kom te staan voor die probleem van hoë personeelomset en werksafwesigheid wat winsgewendheid verlaag. Die manier waardeur volwasse mense hul sensoriese insette verwerk, in verband met werkprestasie, is nog nie goed ondersoek nie. ‘n Model is deur Dunn (Brown et al., 2001) ontwikkel wat gebasseer is op die kruispunt van ‘n neurologiese drumpel kontinuum en ‘n gedragskontinuum wat tot vier kwadrante lei: Kwadrant 1, Lae Registrasie (van stimuli); Kwadrant 2, Sensasie Soekend; Kwadrant 3, Sensoriese Sensitiwiteit, en Kwadrant 4, Vermyding van Sensasie.
Agt-en-veertig kontaksentrum agente wat in diens van Liberty Life is, is geselekteer en beoordeel volgens die AASP. Prestasiedata is saamgestel vir elke kontaksentrum agent: beskikbare tyd, oortollige tyd, teenwoordige tyd, kwaliteitsversekering, werksafwesigheid en jare diensplig. Spearman rang korrelasies is onderneem om te toets of daar verbande bestaan tussen enige van die vier kwadrante en die prestasiemaatstaf. In ‘n addisionele ondersoek is ‘n geskiktheidsmaatstaf ontwikkel wat gebasseer is op trosvorming van tellings met ‘n toegekende persentasie. Dit is gedoen vir elke kontaksentrum agent en hierdie tellings is ook gekorreleer met bogenoemde prestasiemaatstawwe.
Statisties-beduidende positiewe verbande is gevind tussen Kwadrant 2 (sensasie soekend) tellings en drie van die prestasiemetingskriteria. As die telling van Kwadrant 2 toeneem, neem die gemiddelde beskikbare tyd af en die teenwoordige tyd van agente toe. Werksafwesigheid het ook toegeneem, wat moontlik negatief kan inwerk op die produktiwiteit van die kontaksentrum. Die kwadrant het ook ‘n hoë waarskynlikheid openbaar in die geval van die Gekiktheidsmaatstaf, wat aandui dat, namate die Kwadrant 2 telling toeneem, die gekiktheid van die kontaksentrum agent ook toeneem.
Wat Kwadrant 3 (sensoriese sensitiwiteit) tellings betref, bestaan daar ‘n negatiewe verband tussen kwaliteitsversekering, totale aantal dae van werksafwesigheid en gemiddelde werksafwesigheid. Dit blyk dat kontaksentrum agente met hoë sensoriese sensitiwiteit dalk minder geskik is vir die pos. Soos wat die telling vir sensoriese sensitiwiteit toeneem, neem die telling vir kwaliteitsversekering af, wat nie in terme van kwaliteitstandaarde aanvaarbaar is nie.
Daar bestaan ‘n negatiewe verband tussen Kwadrant 4 (sensasie vermyding) tellings en die tellings vir die Geskiktheidsmaatstaf, wat aandui dat hoe hoër die kwadrant telling, hoe minder geskik is die agent.
Geen statisties-beduidende verbande is gevind tussen die prestasietellings van Kwadrant 1 (lae registrasie) en Kwadrant 4 (sensasie vermyding) nie. Normaalweg sou mens verwag dat agente met minder afleiding, meer produktief sou wees.
Daar word voorgestel dat verdere studies onderneem word voordat die Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile as ‘n werwingsmaatstaf gebruik word. Toekomstige studies kan die kwadrant tellings saamvoeg in trosse en dan toets vir verbande met die vooropgestelde prestasiemaatstawwe.
Die Geskiktheidsmaatstaf is gebruik as ‘n eerste poging om individue saam te voeg in ‘n spesifieke pos, volgens ‘n spesifieke sensoriese profiel. Hierdie maatstaf moet vir toepaslikheid en betroubaarheid in verdere studie getoets word, voordat dit gebruik kan word.
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Work dysfunctions and their consequences as experienced by call centre agentsWerner, Ann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Overview of previous work: Previous research on call centres has identified the inherent
stressful nature of the call centre agent job. In fact researchers have gone so far as to name
call centres ‘sweatshops of the new millennium’, (Crome, 1998; Fernie, 1998). Comparative
studies between human service work and burnout have often featured in current literature as
have studies concerning the correlations between call centre work and job satisfaction, the
effects of shift work, and stress in the call centre environment.
Purpose: However, the purpose of this study, avoiding a comparative approach, is to focus
on one organisation in particular, in order to assess the varied work dysfunctions present in its
call centre. The study is particularly important in the light of the proposed development of the
call centre industry in South Africa at this time. A more comprehensive understanding
therefore, of the pitfalls of call centre work, would be beneficial to those currently running
call centres as well as those planning their implementation. At the outset, stress was
considered a pivotal dysfunction within the call centre, from which other maladies often
ensued such as substance abuse, depression and eating pattern disruptions. Work challenges
too, manifest in the field data, namely insufficient training and managerial / system problems.
The research therefore includes the exploration of these factors serving to highlight both the
more socio-cultural and emotional issues, as well as on-the-job grievances encountered by
call centre agents.
Design / methodology / approach: Owing to the exploratory nature of the study, a focus
group methodology was used, allowing for in-depth qualitative research which catered for a
far reaching and comprehensive understanding of current work issues. As the study concerns
only call centre agents, the roles of supervisors and managers were not included. The sample
comprised four different groups, of randomly selected call centre agents, with a total of 27
participants. Demographics revealed male and female participants of differing marital status,
educational qualifications, but with tenure at a call centre between 2 and 6 years, and aged
between 20 and 40 years.
Findings: Support was found for the following dysfunctions in the process, with stress as
primary harbinger of other dysfunctions, many exacerbated by the stressful nature of shift
work, and the resultant work-life imbalance. Stresses encountered due to ineffective systems, training processes, and call centre management were also significant. On a positive note, of
interest was the unanimous agreement that within this particular field study, workspace
ergonomic considerations were thought not to add to call centre dysfunction.
Research limitations / implications: Even though four groups from two different call
centres were observed, they were part of the same organisation, in Cape Town in the Western
Cape. In this way commonalities in terms of reactions to systems, policies etc were thought
likely to be similar, however owing to the shift work nature of call centres through out South
Africa, it is believed that significant correlations could be determined, in any organisation. A
comparative study across various differing organisations and locations therefore could be
Originality / value: Owing to the very stressful nature of call centre work, the focus groups
revealed themselves to be cathartic in nature as participants thoroughly embraced the process,
and personal experiences were often disclosed by participants which facilitated realistic
discussions. In this way, meaningful qualitative data was collected, and can be used to
ameliorate current call centre conditions, and to allow better planning for future
implementation. Furthermore, the research has exposed a number of further study options, as
e.g. owing to their significance, each dysfunction could be investigated further and covered
individually in separate research papers, as could the role in management, and training within
the call centre milieu.
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The relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance of call centre leadersGryn, Magda 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between perceived emotional intelligence and job performance among inbound call centre leaders in the medical aid environment. The sample consisted of 268 participants (45 leaders and 223 raters) across different age and race groups. A convenience sample was used, since it was easier to focus on call centre leaders working in the same office. All of the participants completed the 360º Emotional Competency Profiler (ECP) in order to measure emotional intelligence whereas the job performance data were obtained from the management team and an average score of their performance over a one-year period was examined. The research results show that there was no statistically significant relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance among the call centre leaders. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology )
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Emotional labour and the experience of emotional exhaustion amongst customer service representatives in a call centreSpies, Marelise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In the new service economy organisations have to distinguish themselves from their competitors in terms of the quality of their service delivery. In order to attain this new goal organisations realise the important role that customers play in their success. Organisations also recognize that modern day customers have different wants and higher expectations regarding service delivery compared to only a decade ago. To live up to these new challenges a novel form of conducting business was introduced to the global labour market: Telephone call centres provide quality and efficient service in the most cost-effective way possible by, inter alia, utilising customer service representatives (CSRs) to attend to clients’ each and every need – this job demand is termed emotional labour. Due to the way in which the CSRs’ work is structured and the wide-ranging demands placed on them, these individuals experience countless and varied stressors on the job. The result, in a nutshell, is that CSRs become emotionally exhausted and eventually leave the call centre. The purpose of the present research study is, therefore, to identify to what extent emotional labour influences CSRs’ feelings of emotional exhaustion, and whether the latter results in detrimental outcomes that undermine organisations’ success and competitive advantage in the marketplace. A large organisation’s call centre operators participated in the study (n = 84). Seven focus groups were conducted for the purpose of qualitative data collection: Six groups consisted of CSRs (N = 30) and one group consisted of team leaders (N = 4). Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the focus group interviews. The participants (n = 84) also completed questionnaires measuring emotional labour, emotional exhaustion, supervisor support, organisational commitment, and intentions to leave. Analysis of the interview data supported the existence of the five theoretical constructs and additional sources of job stress, over and above emotional labour, were identified. Pearson product-moment correlation analysis was used to analyse the questionnaire data, followed by multiple regression analysis with organisational commitment and intentions to leave as dependent variables, and the remaining constructs as the predictors. After determining the fit of the measurement model, consisting of the five constructs, a structural model was tested. Both the measurement and structural models produced acceptable goodness-of-fit statistics. The results of the structural model did not indicate a significant correlation between the total construct emotional labour and emotional exhaustion. Significant correlations were found between emotional labour and supervisor support, emotional exhaustion and organisational commitment and intentions to leave respectively, and organisational commitment and intentions to leave. Multiple regression analysis indicated emotional exhaustion is a significant predictor of both lowered organisational commitment and increased intentions to leave. Structural equation modelling indicated emotional exhaustion is causally related to intentions to leave through organisational commitment. The findings are congruent with previous research on the detrimental effect of emotional exhaustion on organisational outcomes and illuminate the complex relationship between emotional labour and emotional exhaustion. Interventions minimising the impact of both emotional labour and emotional exhaustion, within a call centre environment, are explored.
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The relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance of call centre leadersGryn, Magda 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between perceived emotional intelligence and job performance among inbound call centre leaders in the medical aid environment. The sample consisted of 268 participants (45 leaders and 223 raters) across different age and race groups. A convenience sample was used, since it was easier to focus on call centre leaders working in the same office. All of the participants completed the 360º Emotional Competency Profiler (ECP) in order to measure emotional intelligence whereas the job performance data were obtained from the management team and an average score of their performance over a one-year period was examined. The research results show that there was no statistically significant relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance among the call centre leaders. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology )
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Measuring the Perceived Transfer of Learning and Training for a Customer Service Training Program Delivered by Line Managers to Call Center Employees in a Fortune 200 Financial Services CompanyPerez, Gustavo A. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore what effect manager involvement in the delivery of training has on employee learning (transfer of learning) and on student behavior after training (transfer of training). Study participants were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups and a customer service training program was delivered with and without manager involvement. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected immediately after training using a retrospective pretest-then/posttest-now instrument developed to measure the participants' perceived transfer of learning. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected approximately 4 weeks after training also using a retrospective pretest-then/posttest-now instrument developed to measure the participants' perceived transfer of training. Quality assurance data generated by the organization for the first full month after the training program was completed were collected to measure the actual transfer of training. A 13-item version of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale (MC-C) was included with the perceived transfer of training survey to measure the potential for self-perception bias with the perceived transfer of learning and the perceived transfer of training data. ANOVA results for the perceived transfer of learning and perceived transfer of training data indicated that there were no statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups. ANOVA results for the actual transfer of training data mirrored the results found for the perceived transfer of training. The possibility of self-perception bias in using the retrospective pretest-then/posttest-now instruments was recognized as a study concern with MC-C data indicating a much higher level of social desirability with the sample population than with reported non-forensic norms. A slight positive influence on the transfer of learning and on the transfer of training was found when a participant's direct manager was involved in the delivery of training.
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A comprehensive psychometric audit of an existing selection procedureJakob, Birgit 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Selection represents a critical human resource intervention by virtue of its ability to regulate the
movement of employees into, through and out of the organisation. Selection thus represents a
relatively visible mechanism through which access to employment opportunities can be regulated.
From the perspectives of both affirmative action and fairness, as well as utility, selection has
therefore been under intense scrutiny. This implies that there are two substantial criteria in terms of
which selection procedures need to be evaluated, namely equity and efficiency. Should the human
resource function be challenged to defend its selection procedure, it should be able to assemble
credible evidence to show the efficiency and equity of the disputed intervention by means of a
reasoned justification. The problem is, however, that most selection procedures being operated in
South Africa would probably not be able to successfully meet this burden of persuasion. The search
for equitable and efficient selection procedures thus necessitates the need for psychometric audits to
provide the feedback required to adjust selection procedures towards greater efficiency and equity,
and to provide the evidence required for the vindication of organisations should they be challenged
in terms of the South African anti-discriminatory labour legislation.
The Guidelines for the Validation and Use of Selection Procedures developed by the Society for
Industrial Psychology (1998) represents an attempt to illustrate the ideal process according to which
selection procedures should be developed and validated. Conditional on the acceptance that the
Guidelines (1998) set out the most justifiable methodology for the development and justification of
selection procedures, it becomes a necessity for organisations to periodically evaluate (i.e.
periodically psychometrically audit) their current selection procedures and its developmental history
to determine whether the human resource function can convincingly demonstrate:
.:. The business necessity of the selection procedure;
.:. The validity of the performance theory on which the selection procedure is based; and
.:. That the selection strategy combines applicant information fairly.
A checklist was developed from relevant psychometric literature for the purpose of the
psychometric audit representing a structured list of activities required to justify the use of a
selection procedure. A psychometric audit was conducted on a selection procedure for call centre staff of a large SA insurance company. The audit uncovered a number of deficiencies in the call
center selection procedure and its developmental history.
The performance hypothesis, in which the choice of operational predictor measures is grounded,
was neither developed, nor argued, nor documented with sufficient clarity to indicate
unambiguously the presumed nature of the nomological network of performance determinants and
performance constructs. Problems were found with the external validity of the validation design.
No reliability, validity, fairness or utility analyses had been performed at the time of the audit.
Subsequent correlation analysis indicates low statistically insignificant correlations between the
majority of the chosen predictors and the developed criteria. Nonetheless, linear combinations of
predictors were found for each of the three call center positions that significantly explain moderate
proportions of criterion variance. The fairness of the use of the CSR multiple regression equation
across black and white applicants was examined and found to be acceptable. Due to practical
constraints, the utility of the selection procedure has not been evaluated.
It is recommended that the current selection procedure be re-examined in detail by the company to
bring about positive changes in the performance hypothesis and the operational criterion measures.
Thereafter, concrete evidence of reliably generated methodological research needs to be obtained
again in order to verify the appropriateness, reliability and the meaningfulness of the inferences
made from predictor assessments, thereby limiting, ifnot eliminating, possible cases oflitigation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Seleksie verteenwoordig 'n kritieke menslikehulpbronintervensie omdat dit die vermoë het om die
beweging van werknemers in, deur en uit 'n organisasie te reguleer. Seleksie verteenwoordig dus
'n relatief sigbare meganisme waarmee toegang tot werksgeleenthede gereguleer word. Uit die
oogpunt van sowel regstellende aksie as regverdigheid, en ook bruikbaarheid, is seleksie tans
geweldig onder die vergrootglas. Hiermee word geïmpliseer dat die twee substansiële kriteria
waarvolgens seleksieprosedures geëvalueer moet word, billikheid en doeltreffendheid is. Sou die
menslikehulpbronfunksie uitgedaag word om sy seleksieprosedure te verdedig, sal dit met
geloofwaardige bewyse voor 'n dag moet kan kom om die regverdigheid en doeltreffendheid van
die intervensie onder bespreking deur middel van logiese argumente te regverdig. Die probleem is
egter dat die meeste seleksieprosedures wat in Suid Afrika gebruik word, waarskynlik nie aan
hierdie vereiste sal kan voldoen nie. Die soeke na regverdige en doeltreffende seleksieprosedures
noodsaak dus dat die behoefte aan psigometriese oudits. aangespreek word vir die terugvoer wat
nodig -is om die seleksieprosedures meer doeltreffend en regverdig te maak. Dit salook
terselfdertyd die bewyse verskaf waardeur organisasies hul keuringsprosedures kan regverdig indien
teen organisasies opgetree sou word in terme van Suid Afrika se antidiskriminerende
Die "Guidelines for the Validation and Use of Selection Procedures" wat deur die Vereniging vir
Bedryfsielkunde (1998) ontwikkel is, is 'n poging om die ideale proses waarvolgens
seleksieprosedures ontwikkel en gevalideer behoort te word, te illustreer. Op voorwaarde dat
hierdie Riglyne (1998) aanvaar word as die mees regverdigbare metodologie wat betref die
ontwikkeling en regverdiging van seleksieprosedures, word dit noodsaaklik dat organisasies hulle
seleksieprosedures en die ontwikkelingsgeskiedenis daarvan van tyd tot tyd evalueer (d.i. 'n
periodieke psigometriese oudit) ten einde vas te stelof die menslikehulpbronfunksie die volgende
oortuigend kan demonstreer:
.:. die noodsaaklikheid van die seleksieprosedure uit 'n besigheidsoogpunt;
.:. die geldigheid van die prestasieteorie waarop die seleksieprosedure gebaseer is; en
.:. dat die seleksiestrategie die inligting van die aansoeker regverdig kombineer. 'n Kontrolelys is ontwikkel uit relevante psigometriese bronne sodat die psigometriese oudit 'n
gestruktureerde lys van aktiwiteite bevat wat die gebruik van 'n seleksieprosedure sal kan
regverdig. 'n Psigometriese oudit is gedoen op 'n seleksieprosedure vir die inbelpersoneel van 'n
groot Suid Afrikaanse versekeringsfirma. Die oudit het 'n aantal gebreke in hierdie
seleksieprosedure en sy ontwikkelingsgeskiedenis uitgewys.
Die prestasiehipotese waarop die keuse van operasionele voorspellers gegrond is, was nie met
voldoende helderheid ontwikkel, beredeneer of gedokumenteer om 'n onomwonde aanduiding te
gee van die nomologiese netwerk van prestasiedeterminante en prestasiekonstrukte nie. Die
eksterne geldigheid van die valideringsontwerp was ook problematies. Geen betroubaarheids-,
geldigheids-, billikheids- of nutanalises is ten tyde van die oudit uitgevoer nie.
'n Daaropvolgende korrelasie-analise dui op lae, statisties onbeduidende korrelasies tussen die
meerderheid van die gekose voorspellers en die ontwikkelde kriteria. Daar is desnieteenstaande
lineêre kombinasies van voorspellers gevind vir elk van die drie inbelsentrumposte wat beduidend
matige proporsies kriteriumvariansie verklaar. Die billikheid van die gebruik van die CSR
meervoudige regressievergelyking vir wit en swart aansoekers is ondersoek en aanvaarbaar gevind.
As gevolg van praktiese beperkinge is die nut van die seleksieprosedure nie geëvalueer nie.
Daar word aanbeveel dat die huidige seleksieprosedure weer noukeurig deur die maatskappy
ondersoek sal word om positiewe veranderinge aan die prestasiehipotese en die operasionele
kriteriumtellings aan te bring. Daarna moet konkrete bewyse uit betroubaar gegenereerde,
metodologiese navorsing weereens verkry word om die relevansie, betroubaarheid en
betekenisvolheid van die afleidings wat gemaak is op grond van voorspellerevaluerings te verifieer,
om op dié manier moontlike regsgedinge te beperk, indien nie uit te skakel nie.
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