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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Search for heavy neutrinos with the CMS experiment and studies for the upgrade of its electromagnetic calorimeter / Recherche de neutrinos lourds dans l'expérience CMS et études pour l'amélioration de son calorimètre électromagnétique

Negro, Giulia 28 September 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, la recherche de neutrinos lourds droitiers à travers la désintégration d'un boson W droitier (Wʀ) en deux leptons et deux jets avec l'expérience CMS au Grand Collisionneur de Hadrons (LHC) est présentée.Le boson Wʀ se désintègre en un lepton et un neutrino massif (Nʀ), et le neutrino se désintègre en un autre lepton de la même saveur et en une paire de jets. Les données recueillies par l'expérience CMS dans les collisions proton-proton à 13 TeV en 2016 correspondant à une luminosité totale intégrée de 35.9 fb ⁻¹ ont été utilisés pour cette analyse.Ces neutrinos lourds manquent dans le Modèle Standard (SM) de la physique des particules et ils sont donc importants pour faire la lumière sur la physique au-delà du SM. Mes principales contributions ont été la simulation et la validation des échantillons de signaux, l'estimation de l'un des principaux bruit de fonds, la production des limites 1D et 2D sur la section transversale du Wʀ (en fonction de la masse du Wʀ et de la masse du Wʀ par rapport à la masse du Nʀ, et l'analyse statistique et systématique. Les résultats obtenus avec cette analyse donnent les limites les plus strictes à ce jour.Des études pour l'amélioration du calorimètre électromagnétique de CMS pour la Phase II du LHC, qui prévoit un remplacement partiel de l'électronique dans le tonneau, sont également présentés. Mes principales contributions ont été dans la préparation de l'installation et dans la prise de données des test beams réalisée à la ligne de faisceau H4 dans la zone SPS Nord du CERN,dont le but était d'étudier la performance du prototype pour les nouvelles Very-Front-End cartes (CATIA chips avec un ADC de 160 MHz), et dans l'étude des formes et bruit des signaux recueillis par une matrice de 5 x 5 cristaux pour calculer leur timing et leur résolution énergétique.Le document commence par une introduction théorique sur le Modèle Standard et sur la physique au delà du Modèle Standard, en particulier sur les neutrinos lourds, suivi d'une description du détecteur CMS et de son calorimètre électromagnétique. Les études pour l'amélioration du calorimètre électromagnétique sont présentées dans un chapitre dédié, puis l'analyse sur la recherche de neutrinos lourds et un aperçu de la physique des neutrinos au LHC et autres expériences sont décrits. / In this thesis, the search for heavy right-handed neutrinos through the decay of a right-handed W (Wʀ) boson into two leptons and two jets with the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is presented. The Wʀ boson decays into a lepton and a massive neutrino (Nʀ), and the neutrino decays into another lepton of the same flavor and into a pair of jets. The data collected by the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV during 2016 and corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb ⁻¹ were used for this analysis. These heavy neutrinos are missing in the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics and thus they are important to shed light on physics beyond the SM. My main contributions were the simulation and validation of the signal samples, the estimation of one of the main backgrounds, the production of the 1D and 2D limits on the Wʀ cross section (as a function of the Wʀ mass and of the Wʀ mass versus Nʀ mass), and the systematics and statistical analysis. The results obtained with this analysis give the most stringent limits to date.Studies on the upgrade of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter for the LHC Phase II, that foresees a partial replacement of the electronics in the barrel, are also presented. My main contributions were in the preparation of the setup and in the data taking of test beams performed at the H4 beam line in the SPS North Area of CERN, whose goal was to study the performance of the prototype for the new Very-Front-End boards (CATIA chips with 160 MHz ADC), and in studying the shapes and noise of the signals collected by a matrix of 5 x 5 crystals calculating their timing and energy resolution.The document starts with a theoretical introduction about the Standard Model and the physics beyond the Standard Model, in particular on heavy neutrinos, followed by a description of the CMS detector and its electromagnetic calorimeter. The upgrade studies on the electromagnetic calorimeter are presented in a dedicated chapter, then the analysis on the search for heavy neutrinos and an overview on the overall neutrino physics at the LHC and other experiments are described.

Utilizing Isothermal Titration Calorimetry for Measuring Beta-Galactosidase Activity in Liquid Dairy Products

Brock, Eliza Anne 16 December 2021 (has links)
This research explores Isothermal Titration Calorimetry as a method for measuring beta-galactosidase activity directly and continuously in milk, sweet whey, sweet whey permeate, acid whey, and acid whey permeate. Beta-galactosidase in various concentrations was injected into each of the liquid dairy products spiked with lactose to verify if the heat rate from the enzymatic reaction could be observed. In addition, a consistent concentration of beta-galactosidase was injected into various concentrations of lactose in the products, to observe the heat rates from the enzymatic reaction. There was exothermic activity that never returned to baseline demonstrated in milk, sweet whey, and sweet whey permeate with beta-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis in runs done in the isothermal titration calorimeter. The baseline was approximately 3-9 uJ/s above the control's baseline at the end of the runs. The exothermic activity ranged from approximately 2-10 uJ/s and did not return to baseline when beta-galactosidase concentrations were varied and lactose concentrations remained the same. The exothermic heat rate was approximately 3-7 uJ/s when lactose concentrations were varied and enzyme concentrations remained the same. With runs with increasing lactose concentrations, there was no corresponding increase in the exothermal reaction indicating saturation of the enzyme. There was a short exothermic reaction(s), ranging from approximately 3-26 uJ/s, demonstrated when varying concentrations of beta-galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae in acid whey and acid whey permeate were injected into a consistent concentration of lactose in acid whey and acid whey permeate. There was a pattern of increasing heat with increasing concentrations of enzyme, with some of these differences being statistically significant. There was also a short exothermic reaction(s), ranging from approximately 2-17 uJ/s, demonstrated when a consistent concentration of beta-galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae was injected into varying concentrations of lactose. There was a pattern of increasing heat rate with increasing concentrations of lactose, with some of these differences being statistically significant. This research demonstrates that ITC is a useful method for measuring residual beta-galactosidase and/or residual lactose in liquid dairy products. This research leads to further understanding of how enzymes and substrates interact directly in the food matrix, rather than in an isolated environment.

The Effect of Orientation on the Ignition of Solids

Morrisset, David 01 June 2020 (has links)
The ignition of a solid is an inherently complex phenomenon influenced by heat and mass transport mechanisms that are, even to this day, not understood in entirety. In order to use ignition data in meaningful engineering application, significant simplifications have been made to the theory of ignition. The most common way to classify ignition is the use of material specific parameters such as such as ignition temperature (Tig) and the critical heat flux for ignition (CHF). These parameters are determined through standardized testing of solid materials – however, the results of these tests are generally used in applications different from the environments in which these parameters were actually determined. Generally, ignition temperature and critical heat flux are used as material properties and are presented readily in sources such as the SFPE Handbook. However, these parameters are not truly material properties; each are inherently affected by the environment in which they are tested. Ignition parameters are therefore system dependent, tied to the conditions in which the parameters are determined. Previous work has demonstrated that ignition parameters (such as Tig or CHF) for the same material can vary depending on whether the sample is tested in a vertical or horizontal orientation. While the results are clear, the implications this may have on the use of ignition data remains uncertain. This work outlines the fundamental theory of ignition as well as a review of studies related to orientation. The aim of this study it to analyze the influence of sample orientation on ignition parameters. All experimental work in this study was conducted using cast black polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA or commonly referred to as acrylic). This study explores ignition parameters for PMMA in various orientations and develops a methodology through which orientation can be incorporated into existing ignition theory. An additional study was also conducted to explore the statistical significance of current flammability test methodologies. Ultimately, this study outlines the problem of the system dependency of ignition and provides commentary on the use of ignition data in engineering applications.

Détermination des intensités absolues d’émission XL d’actinides à l’aide d’un calorimètre métallique magnétique de haute résolution / Determination of absolut emission intensities of L-X-ray emission of actinide using a high resolution metallic magnetic calorimeter

Mariam, Riham 12 April 2019 (has links)
L'analyse isotopique des actinides est nécessaire pour le pilotage du cycle du combustible, le contrôle du traité de non-prolifération ou pour la surveillance environnementale. La précision de ces analyses peut être limitée par la performance du détecteur utilisé mais aussi par les incertitudes associées aux intensités d’émission disponibles dans les tables de données nucléaires. La désintégration des actinides est généralement suivie par d’intenses émissions de photons X et gamma dans la gamme d’énergie inférieure à 100 keV. Leur détection peut être intéressante pour l'analyse des actinides. Cependant, les techniques conventionnelles de mesure ne permettent pas de séparer correctement les raies des émissions concernées. Cette thèse a été consacrée à la mesure des intensités à l’aide d’un détecteur cryogénique. Ce dernier est basé sur un calorimètre métallique magnétique (MMC) qui permet de mesurer le dépôt d’énergie sous forme d’une élévation de température. Le MMC, appelé SMX3, comporte quatre pixels ; il est spécifiquement conçu pour la spectrométrie X et gamma de haute résolution dans la gamme d'énergie inférieure à 100 keV en vue de la mesure des intensités d’émission des actinides. Outre la haute résolution fournie par SMX3, due à son principe de fonctionnement, ce détecteur possède un rendement de détection constant et quasiment égal à 100% dans la gamme d'énergie inférieure à 25 keV, où les rayons XL des actinides sont émis. La courbe de rendement de SMX3 a été étalonnée par une méthode qui consiste en une mesure d’une seule source étalon d’Am-241 combinée à des simulations Monte Carlo. Les trois actinides Pu-238, Pu-239, et Cm-244 ont été mesurés afin de fournir des intensités absolues et relatives des émissions Li-Yj (avec Y=L,M,N,O,P i=1,2,3 et j=1..7). Grâce à la très haute résolution en énergie du MMC, les raies XL individuelles des actinides peuvent être séparées. Les raies satellites sont aussi détectées, leurs intensités relatives aux raies diagrammes dépendent de l’isotope en fonction des paramètres fondamentaux atomiques. Les intensités des raies XL individuelles ont pu être déterminées pour la première fois, notamment pour les transitions L₁-L₃. De plus, les intensités des régions XLi (i=1,2,3) ont été établies. Les intensités des groupes XL et XL globale sont comparées avec les calculs et les données expérimentales disponibles dans la littérature. / Isotopic analysis of actinides is necessary for fuel cycle management, non-proliferation treaty control or environmental monitoring. The accuracy of these analyses may be limited by the performance of the detector used but also by the uncertainties associated with the emission intensities available in the nuclear data tables. The disintegration of actinides is generally followed by intense X-ray and gamma photon emissions in the energy range below 100 keV. Their detection may be of particular interest for actinide analysis. However, conventional measurement techniques do not allow to properly separate the lines of the considered emissions. This thesis was devoted to the measurement of intensities using a cryogenic detector. The latter is based on a magnetic metallic calorimeter (MMC) that measures energy deposition as a temperature rise. The MMC, called SMX3, has four pixels and is specifically designed for high resolution X-ray and gamma spectrometry in the energy range below 100 keV to measure actinide emission intensities. In addition to the high resolution provided by SMX3 through its operating principle, this detector has a constant detection efficiency and almost equal to 100% over the energy range below 25 keV, where actinides' XL rays are emitted.The SMX3 yield curve was calibrated by a method that consists of a single standard source measurement of Am-241 combined with Monte Carlo simulations. The three actinides Pu-238, Pu-239, and Cm-244 were measured to provide absolute and relative intensities of Li-Yj emissions (with Y=L,M,N,O,P i=1,2,3 and j=1..7). Thanks to the very high energy resolution of the MMC, the individual XL lines of actinides can be separated. Satellite lines are also detected, their intensities relative to the diagram lines depend on the isotope according to the fundamental atomic parameters. The intensities of the individual XL lines could be determined for the first time, especially for the transitions L₁-L₃. In addition, the intensities of the XLi regions (i=1,2,3) were established. The intensities of the overall XL and XL groups are compared with the calculations and experimental data available in the literature.

Měření účinného průřezu inkluzivní produkce jetů detektorem ATLAS / Measurement of the inclusive jet cross-section with the ATLAS detector

Pleskot, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
The Large Hadron Collider is an accelerator based in the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). It accelerates protons to the highest energies ever reached by the mankind. The ATLAS experiment records data from the proton-proton collisions. Common objects born in the collisions are jets, i.e. collimated bursts of hadrons. This thesis presents the newest ATLAS measurement of the inclusive jet cross-section. The data sample used was recorded in 2011 at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy. Calorimeter is the most important part of ATLAS for the jet reconstruction. During the data taking, the hadronic calorimeter faced several failures of its components, modules. These non-operating parts have important impact on the jet energy measurement. The thesis describes tests of two available software corrections of the affected jet energies. 1

Časová kalibrace a rozlišení hadronového kalorimetru Tilecal / Time calibration and resolution of the hadronic Tile Calorimeter

Krejčíková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with Tilecal hadron calorimeter, which is part of the ATLAS detector at the LHC at CERN. Main area of interest is a time calibration of the detector, which is necessary to accurately determine the energy especially of jets produced as a result of precipitation collisions of protons. Based on obtained experimental data from 2011 thoroughly explored the relationships between the time of arrival of the particles into the cells of the detector and their energies, or the distance from the given objects. By describing the time calibration, one can correct originally obtained time constants. Description and resolution of time jumps in timing of channels are part of the thesis, corrections of identified examples are included. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Cross-section measurements of the Higgs boson decaying into a pair of tau leptons with the ATLAS detector / Cross-section measurements of the Higgs boson decaying into a pair of tau leptons with the ATLAS detector

Mlynáriková, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The ATLAS experiment is one of the two general-purpose detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland. ATLAS is designed for precision mea- surements of particle properties, the search of the Higgs boson and new physics beyond the Standard Model. The experiment got worldwide atten- tion in 2012, when after the collaborative efforts with the CMS experiment the Higgs boson discovery was announced. After the discovery, the preci- sion measurements of its properties became one of the main objectives of the LHC physics programme, since a potential observation of deviations from the Standard Model predictions might lead to the discovery of new physics. In this thesis, the measurements of the Higgs boson production cross-sections in the H → ττ decay channel are presented. Based on the proton-proton collision data collected at the centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV in years 2015 and 2016, the signal over the expected background from the other Standard Model processes is established with the observed significance of 4.4σ. Com- bined with the data collected at 7 and 8 TeV, the observed signal significance amounts to 6.4σ, which constitutes a single experiment observation of the H → ττ decays by ATLAS. All presented results are found to be consistent with...

Analýza dat ze svazkových testů kalorimetru Tilecal / Tile Calorimeter testbeam data analysis

Uhliarová, Lea January 2020 (has links)
Tile Calorimeter modules are regularly tested in the CERN SPS North Area, as they are an integral part of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. In this thesis, test beam data from November 2018 were used for two separate analyses. Muon SPS H8 beam allowed for the review of radial electromagnetic cali- bration in the extended barrel module EBC65. Data from November 2018 test beam confirmed the correctness of previously established and used constants for rectifying uneven response in A, BC and D cell rows. In the second analysis, hadron beam from the SPS accelerator impinging on the Tile Calorimeter modules in the projective geometry was utilized. It served to determine the distribution of the mean energy in the calorimeter for hadronic showers in Tile Calorimeter at η varying from −0.05 up to −0.65. 1

Improved data analysis anduncertainty evaluation of decay heat measurements at CLAB

Lindberg, William January 2019 (has links)
To safely encase and store spent fuel assemblies in its final geological storage, accurate measurements of their heat output must be performed. To this end, information about the geometry and sensor set-up of the calorimeter at the interim storage facility CLAB was gathered. The data from the temperature sensors where compared to each other and an analytical expression was proposed to fit the data. A methodology for calculating calibration curves was formulated and its uncertainties were evaluated. Differences were found between the fits of measurements from differing measurement campaigns. The measurement campaigns resulted in calibration curves with notable offset from each other. The computer code SERPENT2 was used to construct a 3d geometry model of the calorimeter and the ratio of photons entering and escaping the calorimeter wall was calculated for photon energies which dominate the gamma spectrum from spent fuel assemblies of about 5 to 40 years cooling time.

The Effect of Orientation on the Ignition of Solids

Morrisset, David 01 June 2020 (has links)
The ignition of a solid is an inherently complex phenomenon influenced by heat and mass transport mechanisms that are, even to this day, not understood in entirety. In order to use ignition data in meaningful engineering application, significant simplifications have been made to the theory of ignition. The most common way to classify ignition is the use of material specific parameters such as such as ignition temperature (Tig) and the critical heat flux for ignition (CHF). These parameters are determined through standardized testing of solid materials – however, the results of these tests are generally used in applications different from the environments in which these parameters were actually determined. Generally, ignition temperature and critical heat flux are used as material properties and are presented readily in sources such as the SFPE Handbook. However, these parameters are not truly material properties; each are inherently affected by the environment and orientation in which they are tests. Ignition parameters are therefore system dependent, tied to the conditions in which the parameters are determined. Previous work has demonstrated that ignition parameters (such as Tig or CHF) for the same material can vary depending on whether the sample is tested in a vertical or horizontal orientation. While the results are clear, the implications this may have on the use of ignition data remains uncertain. This work outlines the fundamental theory of ignition as well as a review of studies related to orientation. The aim of this study it to analyze the influence of sample orientation on ignition parameters. All experimental work in this study was conducted using cast black polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA or commonly referred to as acrylic). This study explores ignition parameters for PMMA in various orientations and develops a methodology through which orientation can be incorporated into existing ignition theory. An additional study was also conducted to explore the statistical significance of current flammability test methodologies. Ultimately, this study outlines the problem of the system dependency of ignition and provides commentary on the use of ignition data in engineering applications

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