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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Female representivity in senior management in the public sector: a case study of Drakenstein municipality in the Western Cape.

Petersen, Charline. January 2006 (has links)
<p>South Africa is undergoing a period of transition from Apartheid to democracy. In this process, redressing discriminatory factors (race and gender) is of utmost urgency and importance. The equity Act, and within this, affirmative action, are ways in which these isuses can be addressed. South Africa has undergone a process of dramatic change. Since the first democrataic election of 1994, notably so in the area of gender equity. This report examined female representivity in senior management within Drakenstein municipality in the Western Cape. The study evaluated employment barriers, which inhibits women from entering senior positions. The study also compared and analyzed past, present and future development, to evaluate the efforts that have been made to promote employment equity within local government.</p>

An investigation into the patterns and trends of injuries in community assault cases at the Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Facility over a 10-year period from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2012

Herbst, Celeste Ingrid 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: An increase in autopsied cases of community assault fatalities has been observed at the Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Services Facility. A paucity of information exists as to the incidence and prevalence of these cases in a South African context. Objectives: To determine the patterns and trends of injuries sustained in so-called community assault fatalities. Methods: A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted. Fatal community assault cases admitted to the Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Facility over a ten year period, from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2012 were reviewed. Data was collected from autopsy/post mortem examination reports, contemporaneous notes, attached hospital records, SAPS- 180 form (completed by South African Police Services representative) and other Forensic Pathology Services (FPS) documentation. Results: A total of 424 cases of fatal community assault were admitted during the study period with an annual increase between 2004 and 2008 and a second peak from 2010 to 2012. The cause of death in majority of cases was due to multiple injuries (42%) with blunt force trauma forming the basis of most of the injuries sustained. The most prevalent areas where these assaults occurred was Khayelitsha (166 cases) and Harare (84 cases) - one of the sub-sections in Khayelitsha. Male subjects were predominantly assaulted with only one female fatality recorded. Conclusion: Adequate policing in prevalent areas is essential, to address the unnecessary loss of life and additional burden on the criminal justice system and health care services. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: „n Toename in die aantal sterftes na beweerde gemeenskapsaanranding is waargeneem by die Tygerberg Forensiese Patologie Dienste Fasiliteit. Min inligting in verband met die insidensie en prevalensie van sulke gevalle in „n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is beskikbaar. Doelwit: Om die patrone en neigings van beserings geassosieer met beweerde gemeenskapsaanranding-sterftes te bepaal. Metodes: „n Retrospektiewe en beskrywende studie is uitgevoer. Gevalle van sterftes na beweerde gemeenskapsaanranding wat opgeneem is by die Tygerberg Forensiese Patologie Dienste Fasiliteit oor „n tien-jaar tydperk, vanaf 1 Januarie 2003 tot 31 Desember 2012, is hersien. Data is versamel van outopsie/post-mortem verslae, kontemporêre notas, aangehegde hospitaal-rekords, SAPD-180 vorm (wat deur „n verteenwoordiger van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens ingevul word) en ander Forensiese Patologie Dienste (FPS) dokumentasie. Bevindinge: Oor die tien-jaar studietydperk is 424 gevalle van sterftes na beweerde gemeenskapsaanranding gesien, met „n jaarlike toename in gevalle tussen 2004 en 2008 en ‟n tweede piek in die aantal gevalle gedurende 2010 en 2012. Die oorsaak van dood in die meerderheid gevalle was as gevolg van veelvuldige beserings, met stomp geweld, die mees algemene tipe oorsaak van beserings. Die areas waar hierdie tipe gevalle mees algemeen voorgekom het, was Khayelitsha (166 gevalle) en Harare (84 gevalle) – een van die sub-seksies in Khayelitsha. In die meerderheid van gevalle is mans aangerand, en slegs een vroulike sterfte-geval is gevind. Afleidings: Voldoende polisiëring is nodig in prevalente areas om die onnodige lewensverlies en die addisionele lading op die kriminele regsisteem en gesondheidsorgdienste aan te spreek.

The role of local economic development in job creation in Dimbaza Township

Mabece, Victor Nkosabantu January 2017 (has links)
The study investigated the role of local economic development in job creation in the Dimbaza Township. Despite a plethora of policy provisions to give strategic direction for the implementation of local economic development in the Republic of South Africa, in the general and local government spheres in particular, local economic development has not benefited local people in terms of creating job opportunities as envisaged. The study consulted the legislative framework governing local economic development (LED) in the Republic of South Africa, investigated the implementation of LED and how it benefited local citizens as well as the cause of failure of the LED intervention strategies, and also provided recommendation to enhance the implementation of local economic development. Scholarly articles provided valuable insights on the centrality of local economic development in socio-economic development. A qualitative approach was used to enable the researcher to explain local economic development and show how it influenced job creation and well-being of the local citizens of the Dimbaza Township. Purposive sampling was chosen as the method to select cases that were informative for this study and to create an understanding of the research problem. Respondents mainly included the ward committee members and ward councillors, who are instrumental in the implementation of local economic development in their respective wards. Self-administered interviewing schedules were used to glean information and to obtain the views, opinions and ideas about the extent of the challenges regarding the topic of discussion. The study found that, despite policy interventions on LED, unemployment levels remained persistently high due to the poor conceptualisation and understanding of LED, the lack of adequate funding and support and the reduction of LED stature from job creation to poverty alleviation projects. Based on the above findings, the study recommended the following: (a) institutionalisation of LED, (b) strengthening intergovernmental cooperation and partnerships, (c) development of a coherent LED strategy, (d) improving stakeholder capacity and participation so that intervention strategies are not externally imposed, (e) strengthening accountability and responsibility, (f) provision of adequate funding for LED interventions, and (g) the establishment of a local economic development agency (LEDA).

Third sector intervention and sustainable development : an evaluation of selected non-governmental organization supported projects in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Moyo, Thokozani Patience January 2017 (has links)
This study evaluates the impact of Third Sector- supported rural development projects in three rural communities of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. It focusses on how interventions driven by this sector – denoted by, among others, local and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) - impact the lives and livelihoods of the rural poor. This is against the background of an established discourse that views NGOs as effective agents in the alleviation of poverty. The thesis contends that praise for the Third Sector is driven mostly by advocacy than based on systematic scientific evidence of the real impact of NGO-sponsored rural development interventions. Rural agricultural development projects supported by two Eastern Cape-based NGOs (the one a local NGO, and the other international) were selected for the study. A mini survey was conducted in the communities where the projects are located. Survey data were complemented by qualitative data obtained through focus groups, semi-structured and in-depth interviews as well as key informant interviews. The study found that whereas the projects had been established by the state later went moribund, they were resuscitated by the NGOs through a largely ‘bottom-up’ model of rural development intermediation. In other words, the interventions were resuscitated through a relatively robust prior engagement with project beneficiaries. As a result, while originally lacking a meaningful sense of local empowerment, ownership, and commitment, the projects had become revived and now played an important role in the livelihoods of some community members – even though social grants remained the primary and main source of income for those community members. Even so, the narratives of community members revealed what may be termed a ‘transformation paradox’ in the way the projects were implemented. The NGOs seemed to have replaced one kind of lop-sidedness in rural development (the exclusion of women) with another (the exclusion of men), by focussing on community projects that were ‘culturally’ deemed as ’women jobs’. In this way, the interventions appeared like a systematic attempt to do away with the ‘feminisation of rural poverty’ and entrench the ‘feminisation of rural development interventions’. The study concludes from these and other findings, that the key to understanding the significance and impact of Third Sector-supported development interventions in the rural arena – especially in the Eastern Cape context – is to go beyond the proliferation of NGOs and NGO-supported projects – and the broad sweep of advocacy that underpins it – and pay equally robust attention to systematically studying how these projects resonate at the grassroots, especially from a beneficiary perspective.

An assessment of the invasion state and fisheries suitability in four dams and a natural lake in the Western Cape, South Africa

Dredge, Brendon Neville January 2016 (has links)
Despite more than a century of introductions, fish invasions are poorly understood in South Africa. This thesis aims to: (1) provide baseline information on the fish fauna in five inland water bodies (four dams: Theewaterskloof, Clanwilliam, Quaggaskloof, and Voelvlei and a natural lake, Groenvlei) in the Western Cape; (2) determine which species were established and provide a baseline of abundance and size structure for monitoring and, (3) make preliminary recommendations for a fishery. First, criteria for determining establishment were developed by undertaking a full biological assessment of bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, a data-poor species in South Africa. This included the assessment of growth rate using validated estimates of age derived from otoliths in two dams (Clanwilliam Dam: Lt=335.9(1−eo.113(t+1.06)); Groenvlei: Lt=287.2(1-e−0.171(t+0.54)). Length at 50% maturity was similar for males (146 mmFL) and females (147 mmFL). Length frequency analysis combined with data on the age and growth and reproduction demonstrated that established populations of bluegill contained several age cohorts as well as mature and juvenile fishes. A meta-analysis was conducted to: (1) compile a list of initial stocking dates for all alien fishes in each waterbody and (2) use angler tournament data to assess for additional species and persistence over time. Data from the meta-analysis was combined with ichthyological survey data to determine establishment success. These data demonstrated that nine non-native species had established in the five water bodies. Clanwilliam Dam had the largest number (7) of non-native species established, Groenvlei (5) and Theewaterskloof, Brandvlei and Voelvlei the lowest with four species. The state of invasion of each species in the province showed that all nine species are categorised as invasive. This information on establishment was then integrated into a framework for rapidly determining what type of fishery would be most suitable for the 5 waterbodies. Potential yield was estimated using morphoedaphic models, were 260 t/yr for Theewaterskloof Dam, 93 t/yr for Voelvlei, 81 t/yr for Brandvlei, 59 t/yr for Groenvlei and 55 t/yr for Groenvlei. The CPUE for Groenvlei was the highest in gill nets with 1.32 ± 1.94 kg/h, then Voelvlei 1.05 ± 1.34 kg/h followed by Brandvlei (0.84 ± 1.48 kg/h), Clanwilliam (0.71 ± 1.55 kg/h) and lastly Theewaterskloof (0.36 ± 0.41 kg/h). Only Theewaterskloof could produce in excess of 100 t/yr but less than 400 t/yr of fish making it suitable for a small scale fishery. The CPUE values of Theewaterskloof were the lowest and a gill net fishery on this water body may not produce sufficient fish for the fishery. All water bodies had a high recreational angling usage, the opening of a small scale fishery could be detrimental to this industry. Subsistence and recreational anglers should be promoted with the possibility of a long line industry targeting Clarias gariepinus.

Genetically modified (GM) maize cultivation by smallholders in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa: Effects on target and non-target organisms and adoption challenges

Kotey, Daniel Ashie January 2017 (has links)
The use of genetically modified (GM) maize technology is subject to compliance with stewardship requirements and the adoption of specific management practices that promote the long-term effectiveness and environmental sustainability of the technology. For smallholders to comply with these requirements and adopt the desired management practices to ultimately benefit from the technology, they require information that creates awareness of the value of these requirements. To determine what information farmers receive about GM maize and how this information is disseminated to farmers, face to face interviews were conducted with 81 extension personnel and 210 smallhoder GM maize farmers in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The effect of Bt maize introduction and management practices in smallholder maize agroecosystems in the Eastern Cape on Bt maize target [Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)] and non-target insect pests [Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)] and a snail species, [Cornu aspersum (Müller) (Gastropoda: Helicidae)] was determined through laboratory, field and cage experiments. The effect of smallhoder farmers‟ GM maize cultivation practices on the profitability of GM maize technology was also determined through on-farm trials in different localities of the Eastern Cape identified as hot-spots for stem borer and weed infestation. Results of surveys indicated that extension personnel had a low level of awareness of GM maize technology stewardship requirements. GM maize technology was also largely disseminated to smallholder farmers through non-participatory approaches and print media sourced from GM seed companies. Although farmers had a high level of contact with extension services, they lacked access to information about GM maize technology. Smallholder farmers‟ level of awareness about GM maize and compliance with the requirement for the planting of non-Bt maize refuge areas adjacent to Bt maize was also very low. While Bt maize event (MON810) commonly cultivated by smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape Province had a variable effect on A. segetum under laboratory conditions, it had no effect on the incidence of plants damaged by A. segetum and C. aspersum under field conditions. The incidence of H. armigera damage on Bt maize plants was however significantly affected by Bt maize. Populations of B. fusca collected from smallholder maize fields in the province were observed to be still highly susceptible to Bt maize. Results of on-farm evaluation of the profitability of GM maize revealed that stem borer pressure, growing conditions, input supplies and market access affect the productivity and profitability of GM maize cultivation. Challenges within the extension and advisory services of the Eastern Cape which can militate against smallholder farmers‟ ability to benefit from GM maize technology and sustain the long-term efficacy of the technology were identified during this study. Given these challenges and the fact that the cultivation of GM maize may not be profitable under typical smallholder maize cultivation conditions and management practices, dissemination approaches that provide farmers the opportunity to evaluate GM maize technology alongside alternate technologies under their conditions, may prove beneficial.

Assessing the Impacts of Social Grants on Beneficiaries In Buffalo City Municipality

Dodo, Emmanuel Oluwafemi January 2016 (has links)
The study was intended to assess the impact of social grants on beneficiaries with specific focus on Buffalo Municipality. The challenge of social injustice and inequality in the management and distribution of resources is challenge of any responsive government globally in providing social securities in different forms to secure the vulnerable and under privileged within the society. The South African government has introduced a comprehensive liberally inclusive social welfare scheme to address social injustice and economic inequality of excluded in the former apartheid government, which characterises the historic past of racial exclusive government of the majority black and the coloured. In other to assess the impact of grants in addressing inequality and social exclusiveness, the research was conducted using Desk Top Analytical approach and also explored ANOVA Two-ways and One-way, to test the degree of association and standard deviation to establish the contrast of effects based on spatial difference and social development of the urban, semi-urban and rural settlements which beneficiaries are living. Also, to establish whether or not the policy is achieving social cohesion, human development and transformation, which should be taken, place within the concept of social welfare. The theoretical frame work adopted is a multi-theoretical approach in dealing with the complexity around social welfare. The research is specifically looking for a theory of change in social grants administration in other to understand the impact and extent of the intervention in bringing about desired and motivated change as the scheme main priority of developmental social welfare in South Africa. Pearson correlation, Chi-square correlation and Tukey”s Post hoc Test are some of the instrument used in assessing the impact of grants on beneficiaries. The outcome of the study showed a highly significance p-value =.019, p<0.05 in spatial variance between Urban and Rural and the in between variance of .025, p<0.05 for Rural –Urban- Semi-urban (Fig.23 and Tab 8a). The study also, revealed an association between Child dependency and Sexual crime to be .009, p<0.01 (Fig 24 and Tab 6), Public violence in Rural area shows Post Hoc Test result of Mean= 2.6, SD= 2.07 for rural, Mean=1.40 SD= 1.52, for urban and a Mean=0.3, SD=0.54 for semi-urban in a descending order as it relate to social crime statistics (Fig.20). This implies that there are more frequent public violence in rural areas than that of the urban and semi-urban. The overall result shows a very strong correlation among all the variables of grants beneficiaries to be statistically relevant. This implies that the social grants intervention scheme is achieving its desired goals but in an unevenly form in term of spatial distribution and impact due to various factors that interdependent with each other.

An investigation of turnover and retention factors of health professional staff within the Eastern Cape Department of Health

Mrara, Msibulele Theophilus January 2010 (has links)
Health Professionals are critical in the provision of health services, more especially when it comes to nurses who are next to the patient most of the time. It is critically important for the Eastern Cape Department of Health to ensure that skilled health professionals such as doctors, pharmacists, nurses and the like are retained and the staff turnover regarding this category of staff is appropriately managed. The difficulty to attract and retain health professionals is negatively affecting service delivery in the Eastern Cape department of Health and leaves the department with an unacceptably high vacancy rate. This often put more of a burden on to the health professionals who remain within the organization. Some of them will end up leaving the organization. There is a great shortage of health professionals in South Africa and it becomes easier for the health professionals to get employment elsewhere, particularly in the private sector which appears to have a competitive advantage as compared to the public sector. In this study, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to gather information through the utilization of a questionnaire and interviews were conducted mainly to confirm the results obtained. The results of the study have assisted to reflect factors that could be influencing the health professionals to leave health facilities of the Eastern Cape Department of Health. The respondents were drawn from the two areas within the Health Department, and these are, Mthatha and Port Elizabeth areas. One hundred (100) questionnaires were issued to the health professionals and sixty three responded. Documents that were received from the department were helpful in determining the turnover rate. The study has revealed that the Eastern Cape Department of Health may succeed in retaining the health professionals if they can be made to feel that their job is important. It appears that health professionals would like to be given enough opportunity to perform their functions and participate in the decision making processes of the department. Some factors may be contributing to the staff turnover and these are, lack of career opportunities to develop, challenges in the workplace, conflict with the management and colleagues. It is always important for the organizations to recognize its employees by giving them space to practice their profession and create a comfortable workplace that could have an impact in influencing the employee to remain within the organization. Employee turnover can be minimized, if employees can be exposed to a healthy workplace environment that will assist if fostering happiness, and in the process, enhance their motivation. It is imperative for the Eastern Cape Department of Health to focus on the training and development of its employees in order to increase the efficiency and competitiveness. As the employees gain the necessary skills to perform their job, productivity may improve. The performance of the employees should be properly managed, and the resultant incentives and rewards must be fairly distributed. This could promote harmony in the workplace and that could help in building relationships among employees. If employees are satisfied, there is an increased chance that they will stay within the organization and it becomes difficult for other competitors to attract them. Employees must be given adequate space to participate in the decision making processes of the organization, and by doing so, their loyalty to the organization could be increased.

Assessment and monitoring of land degradation using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS): a case study of Qoqodala within the Wit-Kei catchment in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Ngcofe, Luncedo Dalithemba Sanelisiwe January 2009 (has links)
Land degradation is a global problem affecting many countries including South Africa. This study was conducted in order to assess and monitor the nature and extent of land degradation within Qoqodala in the Eastern Cape Province, of South Africa. The study used GIS and Remote Sensing techniques together with household interviews in determining extent, spatial characteristics and nature of land degradation within the study area. Vegetation cover and bare-ground change were the land degradation indicators assessed and monitored by this study. Through RGB band combination, Tasselled Cap Analysis and Unsupervised ISODATA classification techniques, Landsat images over the past eighteen years (1984, 1993, 1996, 2000 and 2002) have been analysed. The results showed that there is vegetation cover and bare-ground increase in the study area. The vegetation increase has been seen as a sign of land degradation increase due to the encroachment of indigenous vegetation by Euryops species (also known as Lapesi by the local community). The bare-ground land degradation indicator has also increased. The analyses of slope showed the spatial characteristics of bare-ground occurring on moderate to flat slopes while vegetation cover occurs on steep to very steep slopes. Furthermore the photographs captured during field visits show rills and gullies or dongas occurring on bare-ground. The interviewed respondents indicated that decline in food production, increase in dongas and vast increase in Euryops and a decline in grassland are the indicators of degradation that are observed in the study area. The occurrence of erosion features (rills and dongas) on bare-ground and the increase of vegetation shown by GIS and Remote Sensing techniques showed a positive correlation with field and household survey towards establishing the nature of land degradation. In this study Landsat images together with interviews proved to be a very useful tool for land degradation research. However the suggestion of a higher spatial resolution satellite image on small catchment studies is recommended

Fathers' involvement in the social development of children under six years: a social capital perspective and implications for early childhood development in the East London Education District

Adams, Clyde Glenith Graham January 2016 (has links)
The experiences of twenty fathers were explored to understand the involvement in the social development of children under six years. The main research question that guided the study was: what are fathers’ experiences with involvement in the social development of their children under the age of six years and what implications do these have for early childhood development? A social capital perspective was followed. The qualitative data was collected through the use of semi-structured interviews. The data was then analysed qualitatively. Results show that although most of the respondents could not give a definition of the concept of social development, they, however, understood the importance of parents playing a role in the development of a child. Fathers understood their role as supportive, nurturing and being there for their children. Fathers also understood their basic role as being the provider and protector. They also perceived their role as being authoritative and see themselves as the main disciplinarians. Results reveal that most schools do not offer programs specifically designed to encourage fathers to participate. Most importantly, results indicate that fathers’ interest in a variety of sporting activities, information sharing and talking about challenges both the schools as well as fathers face, are some of the ways fathers would like to be involved. Findings also indicate that although fathers acknowledged the role of the Department of Basic Education (DoBE) as mainly that of financial contributor in order to facilitate the skills development as well as that of information dissemination. However, fathers who took part in the study did not understand how the DoBE skills development agenda is envisaged for fathers. Notwithstanding, the respondents were quite clear that a father has an influential role to play in their children’s development. It also emerged that the greater the involvement, the more positive the influence on the child’s development. This study concludes that the presence of fathers in children’s lives is known to contribute significantly to their chances of experiencing positive developmental outcomes. Although the father-child relationship’s influences on children’s social competence have received increased attention in general, research on fathers’ understanding of their roles, involvement with their children as well as challenges confronting them with their involvement is scant. Based this the above, a number of recommendations have been made.

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