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Evolution of the Sibişel Shear Zone (South Carpathians): A study of its type locality near Răşinari (Romania) and tectonic implicationsDucea, Mihai N., Negulescu, Elena, Profeta, Lucia, Săbău, Gavril, Jianu, Denisa, Petrescu, Lucian, Hoffman, Derek 09 1900 (has links)
The Sibiel Shear Zone is a 1-3km wide, ductile shear zone located in the South Carpathian Mountains, Romania. In the Rsinari area, the ductile shear zone juxtaposes amphibolite facies rocks of the Lotru Metamorphic Suite against greenschist facies rocks of the Rauorul Cisndioarei Formation. The first represents the eroded remnants of Peri-Gondwanan arcs formed between the Neoproterozoic-Silurian (650-430Ma), regionally metamorphosed to amphibolite facies during the Variscan orogeny (350-320Ma). The second is composed of metasedimentary and metavolcanic Neoproterozoic-Ordovician (700-497Ma) assemblages of mafic to intermediate bulk composition also resembling an island arc metamorphosed during the Ordovician (prior to similar to 463Ma). Between these lie the epidote amphibolite facies mylonitic and ultramylonitic rocks of the Sibisel Formation, a tectonic melange dominated by mafic actinolite schists attenuated into a high strain ductile shear zone. Mineral Rb-Sr isochrons document the time of juxtaposition of the three domains during the Permian to Early Triassic (similar to 290-240Ma). Ductile shear sense indicators suggest a right lateral transpressive mechanism of juxtaposition; the Sibiel shear zone is a remnant Permo-Triassic suture between two Early Paleozoic Gondwanan terranes. A zircon and apatite U-Th/He age transect across the shear zone yields Alpine ages (54-90Ma apatite and 98-122Ma zircon); these data demonstrate that the exposed rocks were not subjected to Alpine ductile deformation. Our results have significant implications for the assembly of Gondwanan terranes and their docking to Baltica during Pangea's formation. Arc terranes free of Variscan metamorphism existed until the Early Triassic, emphasizing the complex tectonics of terrane amalgamation during the closure of Paleotethys.
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Interakce herbivorního hmyzu a poloparazitických rostlin na druhově bohatých loukách Bílých KarpatTAHADLOVÁ, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
Insect, soil and vegetation sampling was carried out to determine processes driving insect and plant diversity in species rich grasslands in the White Carpathian Mountains Protected Landscape Area in the Czech Republic. At the same time, the occurence specialized insects was detected for Melampyrum nemorosum and Rhinanthus spp. (Orobanchaceae).
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Hodnocení fragmentace krajiny Západních Karpat ve vztahu k výskytu velkých šelem / Assessment of landscape fragmentation of Western Carpathians in relation to occurrence of large carnivoresVlková, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the landscape fragmentation in relation to the spatial and migration requirements of large carnivores in Western Carpathians region. Based on the data of the model species (Lynx Lynx) occurrence and selected environmental factors, the habitat suitability for Lynx Lynx is discussed using the Maxent habitat model. Employing the Effective Mesh Size method, the current landscape fragmentation caused by the transport infrastructure and urban development is studied in detail in terms of the fragmentation geometry. In addition to the analysis of measure of the current fragmentation, this thesis also includes a prediction of development of the landscape fragmentation in relation to the planned large transport constructions up to the year 2030. Comparing the habitat suitability model with the measure of current landscape fragmentation, the areas with the greatest potential of the Lynx Lynx permanent occurrence as well as the problematic areas in view of the dispersion and individuals migration are determined. Comparing the habitat suitability model with the prognosis of development of the landscape fragmentation, the impact of the planned road constructions on the suitable habitat is assessed.
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Parks, Policies and People : Nature Conservation Governance in Post-Socialist EU CountriesYakusheva, Natalya January 2017 (has links)
The national parks in the Carpathian Mountains along the Polish and Slovak border represent encompassing policy agendas that strive to balance biodiversity conservation and social welfare tasks. These countries have, during the last 25 years, undergone rapid transformation from socialist regimes to liberal democracies, and this transformation has affected the political, social and economic spheres. The accession to the European Union (EU) introduced demands for further changes, such as closer integration of conservation and socioeconomic development and inclusive, transparent and accountable decision-making that are based on participatory mechanisms. This thesis explores key challenges and opportunities for nature conservation policy and practice at the local level in a context of post-socialist legacies and Europeanization. Multi-level governance, Europeanization, and post-socialist studies are used as theoretical vehicles for the analysis of four transboundary national parks: Pieninsky national parks (NP) in both Poland and Slovakia and Bieszczady NP [Poland] and Poloniny NP [Slovakia]. The results of this study show that the early designation of the studied parks as protected areas prevented their exploitation and enabled preservation of important landscapes, which currently are highly valued at the European level. These nature conservation regimes have created tangible restrictions on the possible economic uses of these areas. However, rural development alternatives depend on a broader set of local, national and global factors such as the structure of the local economy and employment, the prioritization of nature conservation in national policies, investors’ interest, and increasing urbanization. Europeanization provided opportunities for local actors to benefit from additional funding made available for nature conservation and rural development. At the same time, demands for participatory decision-making posed significant procedural and conceptual challenges to achieving transparent, inclusive and accountable governance. The prevalence of informal practices in local policy-making and the lack of trust in state authorities pose further challenges to formal participatory processes. The opportunities of local actors to reach out across levels to express their interests remain scarce and are not institutionalized, whereas the multi-level characteristics of modern governance indirectly shape local processes by defining common legal and policy frameworks. / Förvaltningen av nationalparkerna in vid gränsen mellan Polen och Slovakien i Karpaterna är framför allt inriktad mot att uppnå balans mellan bevarande av biologisk mångfald och social välfärd. Polen och Slovakien har under de senaste 25 åren genomgått en snabb förändring från socialistiska regimer till liberala demokratier, vilket har inneburit genomgripande politiska, sociala och ekonomiska förändringar. Medlemskapet i EU innebar ytterligare förändringar, som till exempel integrering av naturvårdsarbete och socioekonomisk utveckling, liksom främjande av inkluderande, transparent och deltagarinriktat beslutsfattande. Därmed bygger den moderna beslutsprocessen inte längre på den tidigare hierarkiska strukturen, utan har nu fått en aningen diffus karaktär, innefattande mängd olika aktörer som interagerar i såväl horisontella som vertikala beslutsprocesser. I denna avhandling utforskas nyckelutmaningar och möjligheter för beslutsfattande och implementering av naturvårdsarbete på lokal nivå, relaterade till de post-socialistiska arven och medlemskapet i EU. Multi-level governance (politiskt beslutsfattande på flera nivåer), Europeanization (europeisering) och post-socialistiska studier används som teoretiska verktyg för analysen av fyra gränsöverskridande nationalparker: Pieninsky, som innefattar såväl polska som slovakiska områden, Bieszczady (Polen) och Poloniny (Slovakien). Studien visar att det tidiga inrättandet av naturskydd i nationalparkerna hindrade exploatering och möjliggjorde bevarandet av värdefulla naturområden, vilka idag är högt värderade utifrån ett europeiskt perspektiv. Reglerna för detta naturskydd har dock skapat begränsningar för hur områdena kan användas för, till exempel, agrara verksamheter och turism. De mer övergripande landsbygdsutvecklingsmöjligheterna beror av lokala, nationella och globala faktorer som exempelvis den lokala ekonomins struktur, tillgång på arbetstillfällen, hur naturskydd prioriteras i nationellt beslutsfattande, intresse för investeringar i området och urbaniseringsprocesser. Medlemskapet i EU har medfört utökade möjligheter för finansiering av naturskydd och landsbygdsutveckling. Samtidigt har medlemskapet för dessa länder lett till ökade förväntningar på politiskt deltagande och nya utmaningar vad gäller transparens i beslutsfattande och inkluderande beslutsprocesser. Vidare har informella beslutsvägar i lokalt beslutsfattande och lågt förtroende för statliga myndigheter lett till ytterligare utmaningar i deltagandeprocesser. Möjligheter för lokala aktörer att kunna kommunicera och påverka beslut på högre nivåer har förblivit begränsade och är ännu inte tydligt institutionaliserade, samtidigt som det moderna, interaktiva beslutsfattandet på flera nivåer indirekt formar lokala processer genom att definiera legala och politiska ramverk inom vilka förvaltningsbeslut fattas.
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Exhumace střednokorových hornin mechanismem křehce-duktilního odstřešení na příkladu veporského krystalinika v Západních Karpatech / Exhumation of mid-crustal rocks by a brittle-ductile unroofing mechanism, an example from the Veporic crystalline complex in the West CarpathiansBukovská, Zita January 2010 (has links)
Study of the structural and metamorphic record of the eastern part of contact zone within Vepor and Gemer units in Central West Carpathians has interpreted the burial and exhumation in the evolution of alpine orogeny. The studied area is built by granitoid rocks of Vepor basement and metapelites of cover sequences both Vepor and Gemer units. Three structural fabrics have been identified in the area, which are correlated with so far described deformation stages. Higher metamorphosed rocks with presence of two generation garnets were found out within lower metamorphosed metapelites of cover sequences. From the garnet - biotite thermometry the metamorphic conditions for the rims were established to 550-580řC. Whereas muscovite and in some case chlorite, are the only metamorphic phases in neighbouring cover rocks. Three generations of white micas are documented within structural fabrics. The oldest muscovites, magmatic in origin (Ms1), younger phengites (Phg) present in fabrics S1 and youngest muscovites (Ms2) present in fabric S2. The study of quartz microstructures distinguished aggregates and from aggregates coming band microstructures. These are mostly found in deformed granitoids, sometimes also in cover quartzites and can have sigma-shape geometry. The aggregate microstructure, representing S1...
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Belemniti spodní křídy lokality Štramberk: taxonomie, stratigrafie, paleoekologie, paleobiogeografie / Lower Cretaceous belemnites of the locality Štramberk: taxonomy, stratigraphy, palaeoecology, palaeobiogeographyVaňková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The study (MS, diploma thesis) is based on more than 1200 belemnite rostra set from the Lower Cretaceous sediments of locality Štramberk (N Moravia). Investigated rostra come from the collection of Dr. V. Houša, who collected them during the seventies to eighties of the last century, during intensive excavation of the Lower Cretaceous tectonic block named Š-12 "pocket". Belemnite rostra were determined at species and generic levels including 7 species and 18 genera. The majority of belemnite assemblage comes from the Lower Valanginian strata, however, also the Tithonian, Berriasian and Hauterivian taxa are present, what clearly documents the redeposition. The presence of mesohibilitids, known from the Barremian and younger deposits, still remains enigmatic. For better understanding of the redeposition proces, the alveolar infill formed by several generations of sediments, are investigated. Study of these sediments outlines the sedimentary development of the Baška elevation inside the Outer Carpathian system. Preliminary stable isotope data δ18 O and δ13 C received from belemnite rostra show different belemnite life-style during the ontogeny - i.e. juvenile bottom life style and adults inhabiting shallow/warmer waters. Negative values of δ18 O should be correlated with the "Valanginian extinction...
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Les Géosites des Gorges du Danube en Roumanie : inventaire, évaluation, valorisation / Geositurile din defileul Dunării : inventariere, evaluare și valorizare / The geosites from the Danube gorges : inventorying, evaluating and valuingIosif, Daniel 17 January 2014 (has links)
Malgré l’augmentation de l’intérêt pour les différents aspects liés au patrimoine, peu d’importance est encore accordée en Roumanie, comme en Europe de l’Est en général. Cette recherche consiste en un inventaire de géosites, appliqué aux spectaculaires gorges du Danube (la région des Portes de Fer), qui se caractérisent par un cadre géologique varié et un environnement naturel grandiose. Ensuite nous avons évalué tous les géosites de notre région et certains ont été intégrés dans de projets de valorisation. Après la première partie de la thèse ou les principaux concepts ont été définis et le territoire d’étude décrit en détaille, la deuxième et la troisième partie de notre recherche présentent les plus importants résultats de la thèse. Le plus important résultat de cette thèse a été la base de données de tous les 40 géosites des Gorges du Danube en Roumanie. Tous ces géosites ont été évalués à l’aide d’une méthode innovante, reproductible et efficace qui tende vers un maximum d’objectivité (méthode développée à l’Institut de Géographie en Lausanne). Tous les 40 géosites ont été évalués séparément selon plusieurs critères qui combinent la valeur scientifique centrale avec des valeurs additionnelles (des valeurs spécifiques en fonction du contexte) et tous ces géosites ont leur propre fiche d’évaluation. Notre étude concernant les géosites nous a montré que dans les Gorges du Danube en Roumanie il y a un grand potentiel géotouristique qui peut être développé autour de ces géosites. Toutefois, un manque de sensibilisation du géopatrimoine est observé parmi la population roumaine, ainsi que parmi les personnes qui gèrent le pouvoir administrative et politique du territoire. La troisième partie de notre thèse est concentrée sur ces aspects: la vulgarisation des géosites locales à l’aide de plusieurs méthodes et en proposant quelques circuits géotouristiques. Cette recherche peut être considérée comme un lien entre les activités géotouristiques et les sciences de la Terre. / Despite the increased interest in various aspects of geoheritage, little importance is given to Romania, to Eastern Europe in general. This research consists of an inventory of the geosites and geomorphosites from the spectacular gorges of the Danube (the Iron Gates region), which are characterized by a various geological structure and a stunning natural environment. After this step, all the geosites were evaluated and, some of them, integrated in valorization projects. After the first section of the thesis where the main concepts were defined and the geographical territory was described in detail, the second and the third part of our research present the main results of the thesis. The main result of this research was the database with the most important 40 geosites from Danube’s Gorges. All those geosites were evaluated using an innovative method,reproducible and efficient, tending to a maximum objectivity (developed at Geographical Institute in Lausanne). All 40 geosites have been evaluated separately after several criteria which combine the assessment of central „scientific values” with additional, context-specific values, and all have their own evaluation card. Our geosites study revealed that, in Danube’s Gorges, there are actual geotourism capacities that could be developed around these geosites. Nevertheless, a lack in geoheritage awareness is detected among the Romanian population as well as among the forces in charge of territorial development. The third section of our thesis is concentrated around those aspects: the vulgarization of local geosites through several methods and suggesting some geotouristic trails. This research can be considered as a link between geotourism activities and Earth Sciences.
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Liší se klíčivost vybraných druhů vstavačovitých rostlin\nl{} na přirozených a obnovených loukách? / Does it differ the germinability of the chosen orchids on the natural and renewed meadows?SUCHÁČEK, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The survey presented in this thesis focused on germination of six orchid species in the Protected landscape area White Carpathians; specifically Platanthera bifolia, Neottia ovata, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea, Traunsteinera globosa, Orchis militaris on restored medows of various age. As the control, two National Protected Areas (Zahrady pod Hájem and Čertoryje) were used. The initial stage of germination was detected on both restored and control meadows. The advanced stage of germination (protocorm) was recorded in three species (GC, NO, PB) on restored meadows, and in all species on kontrol meadows. The other aim of the thesis was to determine via molecular methods, which species of mycorrhizal fungi are associated with the model orchid species.
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Alikvotní flétna a její deriváty v karpatských regionech ČR - organologický hologram / The Harmonic Flute and Its Derivates in Carpathian Regions of the Czech Republic - an organological hologramŠidlo Friedl, Marian January 2016 (has links)
AND KEYWORDS The dissertation The Harmonic Flute and Its Derivatives in the Carpathian Regions of the Czech Republic - an organological hologram contains the summary, analysis and syntheses of data obtained through the research of little-known instrumental kind in this area of the Czech Republic. Most of the data is published for the first time in this range. In three chapters - Harmonic flute, Tradition, Present - the musical instrument is viewed from many perspectives. The harmonic flute is displayed as a part of worldwide and Carpathian instrumentary; its acoustic and playing features are explained, archaic manufacturing methods are shown and the possible influence on musical thinking of the area is discussed. The theses also investigates the harmonic flute and its derivatives as disappeared musical instruments of the local traditional music and tries to map contemporary revival of its manufacturing and playing. The dissertation is based on analysis of written, audio and visual documents, comparisons, experimental reconstructions, empirical evaluation of objects in museums and private collections and interviews with informants. The theses includes an extensive photo documentation and a CD with audio samples discussed in the text. This theses was inspired by models formulated by...
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Variation in the \kur{Melampyrum sylvaticum} group / Variation in the \kur{Melampyrum sylvaticum} groupTĚŠITEL, Jakub January 2007 (has links)
This study deals with morphological variation in the Melampyrum sylvaticum group (Orobanchaceae). Populations of the Hercynian Massif, Western and Eastern Carpathians were investigated using both conventional and geometric morphometric methods. Individual morphological characters were evaluated in detail. Preliminary taxonomic concept of the group is presented. Biogeographical context of detected morphological variation is discussed.
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