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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fuzzy logic in process control: A new fuzzy logic controller and an improved fuzzy-internal model controller

García Z., Yohn E 01 June 2006 (has links)
Two fuzzy controllers are presented. A fuzzy controller with intermediate variable designed for cascade control purposes is presented as the FCIV controller. An intermediate variable and a new set of fuzzy logic rules are added to a conventional Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) to build the Fuzzy Controller with Intermediate Variable (FCIV). The new controller was tested in the control of a nonlinear chemical process, and its performance was compared to several other controllers. The FCIV shows the best control performance regarding stability and robustness. The new controller also has an acceptable performance when noise is added to the sensor signal. An optimization program has been used to determine the optimum tuning parameters for all controllers to control a chemical process. This program allows obtaining the tuning parameters for a minimum IAE (Integral absolute of the error). The second controller presented uses fuzzy logic to improve the performance of the convention al internal model controller (IMC). This controller is called FAIMCr (Fuzzy Adaptive Internal Model Controller). Twofuzzy modules plus a filter tuning equation are added to the conventional IMC to achieve the objective. The first fuzzy module, the IMCFAM, determines the process parameters changes. The second fuzzy module, the IMCFF, provides stability to the control system, and a tuning equation is developed for the filter time constant based on the process parameters. The results show the FAIMCr providing a robust response and overcoming stability problems. Adding noise to the sensor signal does not affect the performance of the FAIMC.The contributions presented in this work include:The development of a fuzzy controller with intermediate variable for cascade control purposes. An adaptive model controller which uses fuzzy logic to predict the process parameters changes for the IMC controller. An IMC filter tuning equation to update the filter time constant based in the process paramete rs values. A variable fuzzy filter for the internal model controller (IMC) useful to provide stability to the control system.

Modelagem e controle do manipulador de uma escavadeira hidráulica. / Modeling and control of the manipulator of a hydraulic excavator.

Éverton Lins de Oliveira 30 November 2017 (has links)
Escavadeiras hidráulicas são máquinas versáteis, amplamente utilizadas na construção civil e mineração. Máquinas melhores, mais produtivas, eficientes e que oferecem segurança ao operador são uma demanda constante da indústria. Devido a estes fatores, o controle para a automação de uma escavadeira hidráulica tem sido investigado. Este estudo tem o seu foco voltado para o controle do manipulador do equipamento, que é considerado como um dos elementos fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de uma escavadeira automática. Para desenvolver um sistema de controle viável, primeiramente, foi realizado a modelagem matemática dos subsistemas mecânico e hidráulico do manipulador; posteriormente esses modelos foram acoplados para representar a interação dos subsistemas. Todos os modelos desenvolvidos foram comparados com modelos de referência, obtidos a partir de softwares comerciais dedicados a modelagem de sistema dinâmicos. Tendo sido verificado a capacidade de representação física dos modelos, a fase de projeto do controlador para o manipulador foi iniciada. Para que o controlador seja eficiente, este deve ter duas propriedades essenciais: robustez para lidar com as incertezas e distúrbios severos, e adaptabilidade para lidar com um ambiente de operação altamente dinâmico. A fim de projetar um controlador que considera a dinâmica de cada subsistema do manipulador, a técnica de controle em cascata foi adotada. Esta consiste em dividir o sistema global em subsistemas, de tal forma que seja possível projetar um controlador para cada subsistema. Devido à complexidade do modelo matemático, técnicas avançadas de controle linear e não linear foram combinadas no projeto dos controladores dos subsistemas. O controlador sintetizado foi testado através de simulação numérica, em ambiente MATLAB/Simulink®, na execução de um ciclo completo de trabalho pelo manipulador. Os resultados obtidos foram considerados satisfatórios, mesmo na presença de incertezas, distúrbios severos e de ruídos. Posteriormente, na comparação desses resultados com os de outros controladores, ficou claro que o melhor desempenho foi obtido com o controlador proposto. Isto indica a possível aplicabilidade de tal controlador para a automação deste tipo de equipamento. / Hydraulic excavators are versatile machines, widely used in civil construction and in mining. Better, more productive, and efficient machines that offer operator safety are a constant industry demand. Due to these factors, the control for the automation of a hydraulic excavator has been investigated. This study focuses on the control of the equipment\'s manipulator, which is considered as one of the fundamental elements for the development of an automatic excavator. To develop a viable control system, first, the mathematical modeling of the mechanical and hydraulic subsystems of the manip-ulator was carried out; later these models were coupled to represent the interaction between the subsystems. All the developed models were compared with reference models, obtained from a commercial software dedicated to dynamic system modeling. Having verified the physical representation capacity of the analytical models, the de-sign phase of the controller was started. For the controller to be efficient, it must have two essential properties: robustness to deal with severe uncertainties and disturb-ances, and adaptability to handle a highly dynamic operating environment. To design a controller that considers the dynamics of each subsystem of the manipulator, the cascade control technique was adopted. This consists of dividing the global system into subsystems, in such a way that it is possible to design a controller for each sub-system. Due to the complexity of the mathematical model, advanced linear and non-linear control techniques were combined in subsystem controllers design. The synthe-sized controller was tested by numerical simulation, in MATLAB/Simulink® environ-ment, in the execution of a complete work operation by the manipulator. The results obtained were considered satisfactory, even in the presence of uncertainties, severe disturbances and noise. Subsequently, in the comparison of these results with those of others controllers, it was clear that the best performance was obtained with the pro-posed controller. This indicates the possible applicability of such a controller to the automation of this type of equipment.

Zlepšení dynamiky CNC osy s kuličkovým šroubem / Dynamics Improvement of CNC Axis with Ball Screw

Ciklamini, Marek January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with virtual designing of ball screw drives of CNC machine by modern software tools to approximate evaluation of dynamic behavior of real system. Realized multi body system of thrust axes actuated by synchronous motor is analyzed and after that are designed elements of control used for accuracy positioning of table.

Current Control and Modelling of an Inspiration Valve

Lindstedt, Astrid January 2021 (has links)
An analog current servo of an intensive care ventilator is being developed at Getinge in Stockholm. The current servo is used to control the output gas flow of an inspiration valve to a patient’s lungs. The ventilator’s control system is in a cascade design of two closed-loops, of which the current servo is the controller for the inner loop. The inner loop control system consists of three parts; a PI-controller, a Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) signal generator, and an actuator of a solenoid. The project aims to investigate if a digital version of the current controller is feasible with comparable performance as the present analog controller. The project involves studying linear mathematical models, nonlinear simulation models, and physic prototypes. The solenoid model is first modelled as an RL-circuit, secondly modified by adding the term Electro-Motive-Force (EMF), and finally verified by physical measurement data. Different control techniques are tested with the simulation model, such as feedforward control. A digital controller is then implemented in a processor of a Nucleo board and connected to the inspiration valve hardware with a resulting sampling rate of 8 kHz. The selected hardware components for the implementation are described in detail, and a step-by-step explanation of the software implementation is included in Appendix B. Finally, the model-tested control techniques have been implemented in a physical prototype and discussed. The developed digital current controller is feasible to achieve similar control performance as the present analog design. However, for configuring the digital current controller into a future digital ventilator’s Central Processing Unit (CPU), the sampling rate will need to be adopted to the limited recourses of the CPU executing both the current controller and all other functions of the inspiration valve. The code of the digital current controller will also need to be optimized in future work to compensate for the shared data capacity. / Ett analogt strömservo tillhörande en intensivvårds respirator har undersökts och digitaliserats på företaget Getinge i Stockholm. Strömservot används för att styra en inspirationsventils gasflöde till patientens lungor. Styrsystemet är av två stängda loopar i en kaskadreglering där strömservot är den inre regulatorn. Den inre loopen har tre huvuddelar; en PI-regulator, en Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) generator och ställdon som en dragmagnet. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka huruvida en digital strömregulator är implementerbar och om dess karaktär kan motsvara dagens analoga variant. Projektet använder sig av linjära matematiska modeller, ickelinjära simulerings modeller i Simulink samt fysiska prototyper. Metoden är att först testa enkla modeller, som för dragmagneten en RL-krets. Vid behov utvecklas modellen som för RL-kretsen där dess Electro-Motive Force (EMF) har inkluderats. Sedan verifieras den slutgiltiga modellen genom jämförelse med mätningar. En digital styrning har utvecklats och testats med olika styrtekniker så som framkopplingsteknik. Slutligen är en digital regulator implementerad i ett Nucleo-korts processor med en resulterad samplingstid på 8 kHz. Komponentval för hårdvaruimplementering är beskrivna och en stegförsteg lista av mjukvaruimplementeringen finns i Appendix B. De modelltestade styrteknikerna har blivit implementerade i en fysisk prototyp och diskuterade. Sammanfattningsvis är en digital version av strömregulatorn med dess samplingstid implementerbar och har snarlik prestanda som den analoga versionen. För framtida konfigurering i en digital gasmodul ska samplingstiden adopteras till den akutella datakapaciteten. Den resulterande C-koden för den digitala strömregulatorn går att optimera i många avseenden.

Έλεγχος μηχανής συνεχούς ρεύματος τροφοδοτούμενης από τριφασικό πλήρως ελεγχόμενο αντιστροφέα

Μιχαλόπουλος, Ιωάννης 07 July 2015 (has links)
Σήμερα η ανάγκη για δημιουργία ποιοτικών και φθίνων και ανταγωνιστικών βιομηχανικών προϊόντων έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα να χρειαζόμαστε αυτοματισμούς και αυτόματο έλεγχο ηλεκτρικών μηχανών με μεγάλη ακρίβεια και αδιάλειπτη λειτουργία απο διαταραχές του περιβάλλοντος . Επιπλέον το ενεργειακό πρόβλημα που είναι από τα σπουδαιότερα προβλήματα του πλανήτη και του ανθρώπου σήμερα οδηγούν στην ανάγκη ελαχιστοποίησης των ενεργειακών απωλειών με αποτέλεσμα συνήθως να επιθυμούμε λειτουργία των ηλεκτρομηχανικών συστημάτων με μηδενική κατανάλωση/ παραγωγή άεργου ισχύος . Η Ηλεκτρική μηχανή συνεχούς ρεύματος με διέγερση σε σειρά χρησιμοποιείται λόγω των ιδιαίτερων χαρακτηριστικών της σε πολλές εφαρμογές που χρειάζονται υψηλή ροπή εκκίνησης όπως ανυψωτικά μηχανήματα, σιδηροδρομικά οχήματα. Οι ανορθωτές με ελεγχόμενη έναυση αλλά και σβέση κατά PWM προτιμούνται έναντι των διόδων και των θυρίστορς γιατί μας δίνουν περισσότερες δυνατότητες ελέγχου . Η Μοντελοποίηση , σχεδιασμός συστήματος ελέγχου, ευστάθειας του συστήματος για την μηχανή συνεχούς ρεύματος οδηγούμενης από τριφασικό ανορθωτή ερευνάται. Γίνεται εξαγωγή του μοντέλου, στο τριφασικό σύστημα και στο πλαίσιο park, με βάση την δυναμική ανάλυση Εuler -Lagrange . Για την εξαγωγή του μοντέλου γίνεται ακόμα χρήση του Averaging Analysis . Ανάλυση που βασίζεται στην παθητικότητα μάς δείχνει ότι το σύστημα είναι ευσταθές πεπερασμένης εισόδου-πεπερασμένης κατάστασης. Οι ελεγκτές που αναπτύσσονται σε αυτή τη εργασία είναι ο ασαφής ελεγκτής, ο νευροασαφής που χρησιμοποιούνται ευρέως σε μη γραμμικά συστήματα στην βιομηχανία, ο PI σειριακός (cascade) ελεγκτής που συνηθίζεται στις ηλεκτρικές μηχανές. Τέλος επιχειρείται ο σχεδιασμός ενός PI ελεγκτή με υπολογισμό κερδών από νευροασαφή εκτιμητή. Ο ασαφής ελεγκτής σχεδιάζεται με πρόβλεψη σφάλματος και επιτυγχάνει πολύ καλή ρύθμιση των στροφών και καλό έλεγχο στης αέργου ισχύος, εξομοιώσεις επιβεβαιώνουν την απόδοση του ελεγκτή. Ομοίως ισχύουν για τον νευροασαφή ελεγκτή με το πλεονέκτημα μικρότερου υπολογιστικού χρόνου αλλά μειονεκτεί μεγαλύτερης εμφάνισης ενός μόνιμου σφάλματος. Ο PI σειριακός (cascade) επιτυγχάνει άριστη ρύθμιση αέργου ισχύος και καλή ρύθμιση στροφών ενώ ο PI casacde- Anfis μας δίνει ελαφριά καλύτερα αποτελέσματα αλλά αφήνει αρκετές δυνατότητες για περαιτέρω σχεδιασμό και έρευνα. Επίσης γίνεται κάποια ανάλυση για εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων ευστάθειας και σύγκλισης για τα σύστημα κλειστού βρόχου. Τα αποτελέσματα τα επιβεβαιώνουμε και τα συγκρίνουμε μέσω εξομοιώσεων. / Nowadays , the demand for precise control in industrial applications require the design and development of advanced controllers. Also the energy problem which is one of the most important global problems lead to the need of high energy efficient systems. In industrial applications in most cases ,due to the energy problem , we desire operation with unity power factor. The dc series connected motor is preferred in many application such as railway and levitating systems due to its high starting torque. We choose the 3 -phase pulse width modulation rectifier because of its many capabilities comparison with thyristor rectifiers. Modeling, control design and stability analysis of series connected dc motor fed by three-phase PWM ac/dc voltage converter are investigated. The designed controllers are fuzzy , neuro fuzzy, PI cascade and Anfis- pi cascade controller. The model is obtained via Euler -Lagrange dynamic analysis. Also we used the averaging analysis in order to determine the dynamic model of the system in a-b-c frame and d-q park's frame. We prove the ISS stability of the open loop system based on passivity analysis. The fuzzy use a predictive logic based on the acceleration of the motor, we result excellent precise control of angular velocity and a satisfied control of reactive power. Neuro Fuzzy controller has the same effectiveness with less computational effort but has a possibility to occur a small permanent error in angular velocity. PI cascade controller has as a result a excellent response at reactive power and good response in angular velocity with more less computational effort. ANFIS -PI cascade controller have a bit better results from PI-cascade controllers but it leaves hopes for more optimum designs in feature. Furthermore there are some stability and convergence analysis for the closed loop system. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of each controller for comparison.

Automatické ladění regulátoru pro DC motor / Automatic tuning of the DC motor controller

Tran, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with designing of algorithmus for automatic controller tunning for DC motors. Automatic tuning function consist of system identification and controller parametrization. Cascade control loop was chosen for its robustness and proper DC motor control. For electric system identification of DC motor was used recursive method of instrumental variables, because of noisy signal from current transducer. In the case of identification mechanical system, there were used least sqares method. According to identified parameters, current controller was parametrized by optimum module and revolution controller according symetrcal optimum.

Sensorlose Flussdichteregelung für axiale Magnetlager auf Basis fraktionaler Systeme

Seifert, Robert, Hofmann, Wilfried 28 June 2022 (has links)
Typischerweise wird die Rotorposition aktiver Magnetlager mit einer Lageregelung mit unterlagerter Stromregelung geregelt. Dieser Ansatz erreicht jedoch insbesondere bei axialen Magnetlagern mit massivem Kern seine Grenzen, daWirbelströme und Sättigungserscheinungen im Magnetkreis eine Diskrepanz zwischen den messbaren und kraftbildenden Spulenströmen hervorrufen. Die in der Folge erhebliche Verminderung der Lagersteifigkeit kann durch eine alternative Flussdichteregelung vermieden werden, da so unmittelbar die kraftbildende Komponente gestellt wird. In diesem Artikel stellen wir eine Regelungsvariante auf Basis eines fraktionalen Flussdichteschätzers vor, der ohne zusätzliche Sensorik auskommt und sich somit auch für bestehende Systeme implementieren lässt. Anhand von berechneten Frequenzgängen zeigen wir das große Verbesserungspotenzial dieser neuen Variante in Bezug auf Regelgüte und Stabilität im Vergleich zu einer klassischen Lageregelung mit unterlagerter Stromregelung.

Contribution à la commande non linéaire robuste des systèmes d'alimentation en air des piles à combustible de type PEM / Nonlinear robust control of PEM fuel cell air feed systems

Matraji, Imad 10 December 2013 (has links)
La pile à combustible (PàC) est un dispositif qui produit de l'électricité à partir d'une réaction chimique entre l'hydrogène et l'oxygène. Le système à PàC nécessite un certain nombre d'auxiliaires pour fonctionner. Pour cela, un système de commande est indispensable pour optimiser la performance de la PàC.Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à trois types de problématiques de commande de la PàC. La première est celle de l'optimisation de la puissance délivrée par la PàC en contrôlant le rapport d'excès d'oxygène via le débit d'air du compresseur ; en prenant en compte les variations paramétriques, les incertitudes et les perturbations externes. Ce problème est résolu en utilisant la commande non-linéaire par mode glissant d'ordre 2. Deux types d'algorithme sont synthétisés, l'algorithme du mode glissant d'ordre 2 sous-optimal et l'algorithme du Super Twisting adaptatif. Les performances de ces lois de commande ont été validées grâce à un simulateur Hardware In Loop. La deuxième concerne la maximisation de la puissance nette fournie par la pile, tout en maintenant le fonctionnement du compresseur centrifuge dans sa zone nominale et tout en évitant le manque d'oxygène à la cathode, lors des variations rapides de charge. La solution proposée pour résoudre ce problème est un gestionnaire de charge qui consiste en un filtre à coefficient de filtrage ajustable. Deux approches d'ajustement de ce coefficient basées sur la technique de l'Extremum Seeking sont appliquées, comparées et validées expérimentalement. La troisième problématique abordée dans cette thèse est celle de la régulation de la différence de pression entre l'anode et la cathode, lors de variations de charge en présence de variations paramétriques et d'incertitudes. Une solution basée sur un contrôleur multi-variable par mode glissant d'ordre 2 associé à une étude de robustesse est proposée. / The PEM fuel cell is a device which generates electricity from a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. The PEM fuel cell requires many ancillaries to operate the system. A control system is needed to optimize the performance of the PEMFC. This thesis is focused upon three specific control problems related to PEM fuel cell systems. The first problem is the control of the air (oxygen source) entering in the cathode side of fuel cell. The objective is to regulate the oxygen excess ratio in order to maintain the optimum net power output. This problem has been addressed using nonlinear second order sliding mode controllers, which are robust against parametric uncertainty and external disturbance. The SOSM controllers are based on two algorithms: sub-optimal and adaptive Super Twisting. Their performance is validated through Hardware In Loop simulation. The second problem is to maintain the centrifugal compressor in its operating zone, while avoiding the oxygen starvation in the cathode side during rapid load variations. The proposed solution to this problem is a load governor, which is similar to a variable bandwidth first order linear filter. Two adjustment algorithms have been applied for the bandwidth coefficient, based on the Extremum Seeking technique. Their performance has been validated experimentally. The third problem addressed in this thesis is the regulation of the pressure difference between the anode and the cathode during load variations. The control objective is achieved using second order sliding mode MIMO controller, which has been shown to be robust against parametric uncertainty and external disturbance.

Jednofázový pulzní měnič DC/AC s digitálním řízením / DC/AC inverter with digital control

Štaffa, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This work is focused on single phase inverters, which are used for the conversion of the direct current to the alternating current and are nowdays used especially in systems of back-up power supply. The specific aim of this work is implementation of design hight power circuit of inverter include calculation of control algorithm. It describes the complete solution of power circuit. Next step is a analysis of problems concerning the digital control with help of signal processor which is used for solution of regulator structure. Check of the design and checkout of control algorithm is made in the form of simulation in the MATLAB Simulink. Debugged program algorithm is subsequently implemented into the signal microprocessor. The work results rate estimation functionality of inverter and solution of control algorithm.

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