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Development of Cellulose-Titanium dioxide-Porphyrin Nanocomposite Films with High-barrier, UV-blocking, and Visible Light-Responsive Antimicrobial FeaturesLovely, Belladini 03 June 2024 (has links)
The packaging does not serve as a mere containment but also can be designed to play a key role in preserving the product from quality-deteriorating factors, including oxygen, light irradiation, and foodborne pathogenic microorganisms (e.g., Escherichia coli).
There has been a growing interest in employing ultra-porous metal-organic frameworks (MOF) with visible light-responsive antibacterial mechanisms to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can eliminate bacteria via an oxidative burst. MOF is made of inorganic metal ions/nodes/clusters/secondary building units linked by organic bridge ligands, where titanium dioxide (TiO2) and tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin) (TCPP) were selected for these components, respectively. TiO2 is an exceptional UV-A/B/C-blocker; meanwhile, TCPP dye performs a remarkable photocatalytic ability even under visible light, on top of its macro-heterocyclic structure that is ideal as a MOF linker. Both have good compatibility but suffer from the notorious tendency to self-quench/aggregate. The incorporation of MOF-based conjugates into a polymeric matrix, like cellulose, is among the proven-successful solutions. Cellulose is the Earth's most abundant and naturally biodegradable, and cellulose nanofibril (CNF) was particularly chosen for its high specific surface area and surface activity. However, a straightforward, cheap, and environmentally friendly approach of multicycle homogenization (0-25 passes) was conducted to solve neat cellulose's challenge of natural hydrophilicity, where low pressure (<10 MPa) was applied to prevent the common over-shearing effect. The antibacterial efficacy of CNF films functionalized with TiO2-TCPP conjugate on inhibiting E. coli growth was analyzed with and without light of different intensities (3000 and 6000 lux). The positive impacts of CNFs' promoted fibrillation and subsequent inter/intra-molecular hydrogen bonding post-homogenization were evidenced in an array of functional properties, i.e., crystallinity, TiO2-TCPP conjugate dispersion, surface smoothness, mechanical properties, thermal stability, hydrophobicity, oxygen barrier (comparable to ethylene-vinyl alcohol (EVOH), a commercial high-barrier polymer), and 100%-antibacterial rate (under 6000 lux after 72 hours). Varying optimum cycles of homogenization demonstrated the prospect of the proposed homogenization approach in preparing CNF with diverse processability and applicability. These findings also exhibited a promising potential for a myriad of high-barrier, UV-blocking, and/or visible light-responsive antibacterial film applications, including food packaging and biomedical. / Doctor of Philosophy / Packaging is useful not only as a container but can also be designed to help prevent products from being spoiled due to various reasons such as oxidation, light, and bacterial contamination. Researchers have discovered the promising antibacterial feature of the metal-organic framework (MOF). Packaging made with MOF technology can harness light and oxygen in the environment to produce a special form of oxygen called reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can kill unwanted bacteria. MOF is an extremely porous sponge-like material made of two ingredients: an inorganic metal cluster and an organic linker; in this study, titanium dioxide (TiO2) and a porphyrin called TCPP were selected, respectively. TiO2 is an excellent ultraviolet blocker, while TCPP has a unique, ring-like geometry that is ideal for use as a linker and an antimicrobial feature that works well under the visible light spectrum. The pair are compatible but still suffer from MOF's notorious challenge, where it tends to clump together because of its tiny size. To resolve this problem, TiO2-TCPP MOF can be deposited evenly in a cast made of polymer.
Cellulose has been proven to work effectively as a polymeric cast; moreover, it is natural, biodegradable, and in abundant supply. A type of nanosized cellulose—cellulose nanofibril (CNF)—was specifically chosen because its high surface area and activity are useful when blended with other materials. However, cellulose is naturally a poor water-repellant that is not ideal for packaging applications. As a solution, cellulose can be treated with a homogenization technique by passing the material through a very narrow hole under high pressure. Homogenization can be problematic as it possibly damages the cellulose's structure, and its high pressure can also be expensive and energy consuming.
Therefore, low pressure with multiple cycles was applied in this work. CNF-TiO2-TCPP films were tested for their ability to slow down E. coli bacteria growth with and without light of varying brightness to compare its light-sensitive antimicrobial feature.
Homogenization was found helpful in producing higher-quality CNF, which improved several of the film's final characteristics, including an even material dispersion, structural order, smoothness, strength, heat resistance, and water repellency. Most importantly, it produced films with oxygen barrier ability comparable to commercial high-barrier plastics and completely eliminated bacteria after 72 hours. The optimum number of homogenization cycles was found to be dependent on the desired characteristics and application. Overall, these findings carry a promising potential for a variety of applications, including food packaging and the biomedical field.
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Transparent paper: Evaluation of chemical modification routes to achieve self-fibrillating fibres / Transparent papper: Utvärdering av kemiska metoder för att tillverka självfibrillerande fibrerSandberg Birgersson, Paulina January 2020 (has links)
Transparenta papper tillverkade av cellulosa nanofibriller (CNF), visar stor potential att kunna ersätta petroleumbaserade plaster inom många användningsområden, till exempel för mat- och varuförpackningar. CNF, även känt som nanocellulosa, kombinerar viktiga cellulosaegenskaper, med unika egenskaper hos nanomaterial. Denna kombination av egenskaper möjliggör tillverkning av ett pappers-liknande material som uppvisar både utmärkta mekaniska egenskaper och hög transparens. Användningen av nanocellulosa är dock förknippad med diverse utmaningar, för att materialet ska kunna bli kommersiellt slagkraftigt. En av de främsta utmaningarna är nanocellulosas höga affinitet för vatten och dess höga specifika yta som försvårar hanteringen av materialet. Avvattningen av nanocellulosadispersioner, för att tillverka transparenta papper, kan ta upp till flera timmar. För att övervinna detta hinder, har avdelningen för Fiberteknologi vid KTH tillsammans med BillerudKorsnäs AB, nyligen utvecklat en metodik för att skapa så kallade själv-fibrillerande fibrer (SFFer). Dessa fibrer möjliggör en snabbavvattnad papperstillverkningsprocess med makroskopiska vedbaserade fibrer, som efter tillverkning av pappret omvandlas till ett nanocellulosapapper, det vill säga ett nanopapper. För att erhålla SFFer krävs det att höga koncentrationer av karboxyl- och aldehydgrupper introduceras i cellulosafibrerna. Införandet av dessa funktionella grupper, möjliggör självfibrilleringen då SFFerna utsätts för moderata alkali-koncentrationer. I den ursprungliga studien som utfördes av Gorur m.fl., introducerades de funktionella grupperna med hjälp av sekventiell TEMPO- och periodatoxidation. I detta examensarbete, har alternativa kemiska metoder för att introducera samma kemiska funktionalitet som TEMPO-periodatsystemet undersökts. Huvudsyftet med arbetet är att besvara frågan: Hur påverkar olika kemiska behandlingar vid SFF tillverkningen, de kemiska och fysikaliska egenskaperna hos de modifierade fibrerna, samt de slutgiltiga pappersegenskaperna? För att besvara frågan, preparerades fibrer med liknande karboxyl- och aldehydinnehåll med hjälp av följande tre kemiska metoder: 1) TEMPO- följd av periodatoxidation (detta kommer att användas som referenssystem); 2) periodat- följd av kloritoxidation; 3) karboxymetylering följd av periodatoxidation. Egenskaperna hos fibrerna undersöktes med avseende på aldehyd- och karboxylinnehåll, avvattningspotential och förmåga att självfibrillera. Papper tillverkades med hjälp av en vakuumfiltreringsuppställning och följande egenskaper undersöktes hos pappret: mekaniska egenskaper (dragstyrka, brottsyrka och Young’s modul); optiska (transparens och ytreflektion); samt syrgaspermeabilitet. De erhållna fibrerna från samtliga tre kemiska modifieringar visade på självfibrillerande egenskaper i alkaliska lösningar. Detta beteende styrker hypotesen att ett strategiskt införande av ett högt karboxyl- och aldehydinnehåll leder till självfibrillerande fibrer. Transparenta papper tillverkade av fibrer som utsatts för TEMPO-periodatoxidation samt klorit-periodatoxidation, visade på utmärkta mekaniska egenskaper, hög transparens och bra barriäregenskaper - jämförbara med vad som vanligen kan noteras hos papper tillverkat av nanocellulosa. Samtliga egenskaper förbättrades ytterligare efter fibrillering av fibrerna i papperen. De karboxymetylerade-periodatoxiderade materialet, å andra sidan, uppvisade andra egenskaper jämfört med de två, tidigare nämnda, metoderna. TEMPO-periodat- och periodat-klorit-pappersmassan var halvgenomskinlig och geléliknande, medan den karboxymetylerade-periodatoxiderade massan var mer lik det omodifierade materialet. Detsamma gällde det tillverkade pappret som liknade ett konventionellt papper. Det var inte heller möjligt att åstadkomma en fibrillering av det karboxymetylerade-periodatoxiderade-pappret som utsattes för behandling med alkaliska lösningar. Avvattningstiden vid papperstillverkningen varierad mellan 4 och 60 sekunder, och karboxymetylering-periodat oxidation visade på snabbast avvattningstid. Den förlängda avvattningstiden i jämförelse med studien utförd av Gorur m.fl., tros främst bero på att ett filtreringsmembran med mindre porer användes på vakuumfiltreringsuppställningen, istället för en avvattningsvira som tidigare använts. Sammanfattningsvis så har det visat sig möjligt att tillverka självfibrillerande fibrer med hjälp av samtliga tre undersökta kemiska modifieringar. SFFer möjliggör tillverkning av snabbavvattnade transparenta nanocellulosapapper och visar på så vis på hög potential att kunna ersätta olje-baserade plaster till många förpackningsapplikationer. / Transparent papers made from cellulose nanofibrils (CNF), derived from e.g. wood, show great potential to replace petroleum-based plastics in many application areas, such as packaging for foods and goods. CNF, also known as nanocellulose, combine important cellulose properties with the unique features of nanoscale materials, gaining paper-like materials with outstanding mechanical properties and high transparency. However, nanocellulose faces various challenges in order to make the products commercially competitive. One of the main challenges is accompanied with nanocelluloses’ high affinity for water, which makes processing difficult. Dewatering of a nanocellulose dispersion in order to produce transparent paper may take up to several hours. To overcome this obstacle, the Fibre technology division at KTH Royal Institute of technology and BillerudKorsnäs AB have recently developed a new concept of self-fibrillating fibres (SFFs). This material enables fast-dewatering papermaking using fibres of native dimensions and conversion into nanocellulose after the paper has been prepared. In order to obtain SFFs, proper amounts of charged groups and aldehyde groups need to be introduced into the cellulose backbone. When SFFs are exposed to high alkali concentration, i.e. > pH=10, the fibres self-fibrillates into CNFs. In the original study, the functional groups were introduced through sequential TEMPO oxidation and periodate oxidation. In this work, alternative chemical routes have been examined to prepare SFFs with the same functional groups as introduced with the TEMPO-periodate system. The aim of the thesis has been to answer: how does different chemical routes to prepare transparent nanopaper made from SFFs affect the chemical and physical properties of the modified fibres, as well as the final physical properties of the transparent papers? To answer the question, fibres with similar carboxyl and aldehyde contents were prepared using three chemical routes: 1) TEMPO oxidation followed by periodate oxidation (which was used as reference system); 2) periodate oxidation followed by chlorite oxidation; 3) carboxymethylation followed by periodate oxidation. The properties of the fibres were examined regarding aldehyde and carboxyl content, dewatering potential and self-fibrillating ability. Papers were produced using a vacuum filtration set-up and the properties investigated were the mechanical; tensile strength, strain at failure and Young’s modulus, the optical properties; transparency and haze, as well as the oxygen permeability. In order to investigate the impact of the fibrillation of the papers, the properties were measured for both unfibrillated and fibrillated samples. Furthermore, the gravimetric yield after each chemical modification procedure was examined, as well as the dewatering time during sheet making. Fibres obtained from all three chemistries demonstrated self-fibrillating properties in alkaline solutions. This strengthens the hypothesis that the strategical introduction of aldehydes and carboxyl groups is the main feature responsible for the self-fibrillating ability of the fibres. Transparent papers made from fibres treated through TEMPO-periodate oxidation and periodate-chlorite oxidation showed excellent mechanical, optical and barrier properties, comparable to those seen in nanocellulose papers. The properties were further increased after fibrillation. The carboxymethylated-periodate oxidized fibres, on the other hand, behaved differently from the others. While the TEMPO-periodate and periodate-chlorite pulp was semi-translucent and gel-like, the carboxymethylated-periodate oxidized fibres resembled more the unmodified material. Likewise, the properties of those papers resembled conventional paper and no fibrillationwas experienced after immersing the papers in alkaline solution, according to the same protocol developed for the other two chemistries. The dewatering time during sheet making ranged from 4–60 seconds (carboxymethylation-periodate oxidation showing the fastest dewatering rates). The increased dewatering time compared to earlier studies is believed to mainly be due to the use of a filtration membrane on the vacuum filtration set-up, instead of a metallic wire with larger pores. Overall, SFFs was successfully produced using three different chemical routes. SFFs enables production of fast-dewatering transparent nanocellulose papers that shows the potential to replace oil-based plastics in many packaging applications.
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