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Hunting and herding in Central Anatolian prehistory : the 9th and 7th millennium sites at PinarbaşiCarruthers, Denise B. January 2003 (has links)
This dissertation examines the faunal remains from a series of Neolithic archaeological sites located in Central Anatolia dated from the 9th to the 6th millennium cal BC. The purpose of this research is to reinterpret previously published faunal datasets and present new faunal data from Central Anatolia in order to elucidate subsistence patterns for this region The research is divided into two sections. The first section will review published palaeoenvironmental, archaeological and zooarchaeological data which have been used to established subsistence behaviour for the region. Critical to this review is the addition of new zooarchaeological data sets from Asikli Hoytuk and the renewed excavations at Catalhoyiik (East). The second section presents the results of the zooarchaoelogical analysis of faunal remains from the newly excavated sites at Pinarbasi A and B located on the Konya Plain in Central Anatolia. Pinirbasi , Site A is the earliest excavated site in Central Anatolia, dated at 8500 cal BC; Site B is contemporaneous with the latter part of the Catalhoyuk (East) sequence and is dated at 6400 cal BC. The re-examination of faunal data published from Central Anatolian sites appear to contradict commonly accepted patterns which characterise the Region as the centre of cattle domestication for the Near East. Based on the faunal data analysed, there is not enough data to currently state that cattle were locally domesticated within Central Anatolia and then distributed outwards to other centres. The examination of Pinarbasi A faunal data indicates hunting and broad spectrum subsistence was practiced at 8500 cal BC in Central Anatolia. However, due to the small morphological size of sheep bones recovered, herding is speculated. In addition, there is also evidence of longer, semi-sedentary occupation of the site due to the presence of cultural material that includes indigenous microlith tools and stone and mud brick foundations. Pinarbasi B' s faunal assemblage revealed subsistence practices characteristic of a herd based economy. Sheep and goat remains dominate the assemblage in addition to the continuation of seasonal hunting of larger wild taxa. Based on the new data from Pinarbasi Site A and B, and the reanalysis of new and existing faunal data, it is argued that Central Anatolian settlement and subsistence patterns did not display a pattern of gradual change in subsistence from hunting and gathering to plant and subsequently animal domestication that appear in the rest of the Levant but rather the domestication of animals appears to be quite early based on Central Anatolia's present chronological composition. Central Anatolian sites appear to be settled with domestic caprines. It is only speculated that in later levels of Catalhoyuk (East), Erbaba and Catalhoyuk (West) that domestic cattle will be found.
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Zircon Typology And Chemistry Of The Granitoids From Central Anatolia, TurkeyKoksal, Serhat 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the morphological, chemical and growth characteristics of zircon mineral in relation with the granitoid petrology. Physical and chemical variations recorded within zircon crystals during evolution of the Central Anatolian Granitoids are discussed.
The thesis focuses on twelve granitoid samples from the Ekecikdag, Agaç / ö / ren and Terlemez regions from western part of central Anatolia. These granitoids are differentiated into S- and H-type granitoids on the basis of field, petrographical and whole-rock geochemical aspects.
In granitoids concerned, zircon is associated with biotite, allanite and plagioclase, and zircon populations mainly comprise P- and S-type zircon crystals, with rare G-, L- and J-types.
Typology method combined with cathodoluminescence imaging revealed that S- and H-type granitoids show intrusive aluminous autochthonous and hybrid character, respectively. Zircons generally have euhedral to subhedral cores exhibiting zoning, although sometimes faint, but inherent and embayed cores also exist. Large scale, first order, and/or small-scale second order oscillatory zoning and effects of late stage recrystallization are observed within zircon crystals.
Multi-corrosion zones within zircons are characterized by sharp changes in crystal forms with decreased Zr and Si, and increased U, Th and REE+Y contents, beside infrequent increase in Hf, Sc, Ta, Ti, Ca, Al and Fe elements. These zones are interpreted to be formed by transient heating of the resident felsic magma due to mafic melt contribution, at the time of mixing/mingling processes of the H-type granitoids, and then zircons re-grow in magma source reflecting a mafic character.
Corrosion stages within zircons of S-type granitoids, on the other hand, were probably formed by mantle-derived melts producing heat for resorption of zircons without direct contribution.
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The Ethnobotany Of Wild Food Plant Use In The Konya Basin: A Quantitative And Ethnoarchaeological ApproachErkal Tsetsekos, Aylan 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this ethnobotanical study, an ethnoarchaeological approach was adopted for the archaeological implications of the importance of wild food plants and their dietary uses in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in Central Anatolia by exploring the dietary uses of these plants by the modern villagers of Konya Basin. The study was based on the indigenous knowledge of the modern villagers of Konya of managing wild food plant resource in their surroundings for the dietary uses. This knowledge was explored through ethnobotanical research strategies. The study was limited by both the research subject and the area for a better focus on the research. The geographical borders were limited to Central Anatolia as it included Neolithic and Chalcolithic sites with detailed archaeological investigations and it made a comparison available between different geographical zones. Because it was possible to study similar environments today in the Konya Basin, nine modern villages to collect ethnobotanical data were chosen from three different environmental zones in this area, which included wetland, forest and steppe zones. The wild fruit, nut and tuber species recovered from the archaeological excavations were selected for study in their current natural environments. The different strategies of harvesting, processing and storage local people used for the consumption of each plant species provided useful implications to archaeological recoveries.
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Non-destructive X-ray Flourescence Analysis Of Early Bronze Age Metal Items From Kalinkaya-toptastepe: With Critical Remarks On The Formerly Applied Electrochemical Cleaning ProcedureGenis, Evren Yigit 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on late Early Bronze Age metal objects from funeral context from the site Kalinkaya-Toptastepe, dated to the late 4th and 3rd millennium BCE. The site yielded a large number of metal objects from EBA necropolis of the southern slope of Toptastepe, offering an ideal closed assemblage for an archaeometrical analysis to reveal the metalworking technologies of an early small rural community of Central Anatolia. First archaeometrical analysis applied on these objects, however, revealed unexpectedly high amounts of Zinc, which turned out to be not an intentional alloy, but modern contamination due to the electrochemical cleaning, carried out in the 1970s. A second analysis has carried out after cleaning the metal objects with micro-sandblasting technique, to remove the artificial Zn contamination. The accumulated data provided us with important insights into the metal consumption and alloying traditions of a late EBA village community in Central Anatolia, showing the earliest conscious alloys were being applied in small hamlets of the EBA as well. It has been apparent that any pre-Iron Age metal object, revealing Zn in its chemical composition can not be considered as early brass, but clearly a result of modern, ill-advised cleaning application.
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Revision Of Vicia L. (leguminosae) In Central Anatolia, TurkeyBinzat, Okan Kaan 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this revisional study based on the the genus Vicia in Central Anatolia large quantities
of data have been compilled from specimens representing the group of the taxa being
studied. These data were then synthesized to make taxon descriptions, keys,
geographical distributions and ecological preferences.
Since 2009, about 700 specimens have been collected from Central Anatolia and
examined as the research materials. In addition, a large number of specimens have also
been studied in the following herbaria ANK, GAZI, MUG, HUB and E.
According to the Flora of Turkey (Davis 1985), there were 16 species found in Central
Anatolia. But this study has shown that genus Vicia covers 22 species (V. noeana, V.
anatolica, V. pannonica, V. hybrida, V. sericocarpa, V. narbonensis, V. galilaea, V.
ervilia, V. caesarea, V. cracca, V. villosa, V. monantha, V. canescens, V. cappadocica,
V. articulata, V. cassubica, V.peregrina, V. truncatula, V. grandiflora, V. lathyroides, V.
cuspidata, V sativa) in this region.
Some morphological characters were used to understand whether they have a diagnostic
value or not. These characters, which include habit, leaf, stem, inflorescence, calyx,
corolla and style properties, were compared at infrageneric level and species level.
Systematic value of pollen micromorphology, trichome micromorphology and petal
epidermal micromorphology of Vicia in Central Anatolia were observed. Pollen grains
equatorial view, polar view and exine ornamentations, trichome types of calyces and
leaves can be useful for separating the species in sectional level.
Geographical and ecological distributions maps were updated. In addition to this, the
conservation status of the genus Vicia in Cental Anatolia was reassessed at regional
level. The threat categories include 2 taxa DD, 1 taxon CR, 7 taxa EN, 1 taxon VU, 1
taxon NT and 14 taxa LC. The main threat categories for this genus are identified as
overgrazing, constructions, land clearing and urbanizations.
The infrageneric delimitations were performed by the use of multivariate analysis.
Identification keys for sections and species were also given. Synonym, species updated
descriptions, phenology, habitat, distribution in Central Anatolia, distribution in Turkey
and general distribution, phytogeograpy, endemism, specimen citations photographs of
species and distribution maps were also indicated.
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Mountain and sea : settlement and economy in late antique Lycia, Isauria and north central AnatoliaTerpoy, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is an interdisciplinary comparative analysis of the socio-economic developments of three regions in Anatolia: Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia in the late antique period (c. AD 330-600s). I present the most up-to-date picture of late antique settlement in these regions by collating recent evidence, particularly amphorae and settlement remains, derived from research conducted in these regions over the past few decades. From this picture, I analyse what the location of settlement and archeological remains within sites may reveal concerning the ways in which settlements participated in local, region and interregional exchange networks. As these three regions share the common geographic features of bordering major maritime areas and encompassing mountainous interiors, I examine how geography may have impacted the location of settlement and the movement of goods and people. By integrating areas located on opposite Anatolian coastlines, I examine how differing maritime networks may have impacted settlement development. This tripartite comparison attempts to establish northern Anatolia alongside its southern counterpart in the discourse of late antique economy and settlement development. Alongside this regional analysis, I discuss methodological considerations, such as the ways in which the current state of research and various research methods impact our analysis and interpretation of late antique settlement development. This study reveals that sub-regions within Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia developed in diverse ways and that the ways in which each region participated in wider exchange differed. I argue that overarching narratives of development, such as 'prosperity' and 'decline' do not accurately reflect the development of these regions. In sum, this thesis contributes an up-to-date analysis of the settlement development of Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia to the wider discourse of late antique regional development, which engages and challenges discourse surrounding the economic development of these regions in Late Antiquity.
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Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy, Sequence Stratigraphy And Foraminiferal Response To Sedimentary Cyclicity In The Upper Cretaceous-paleocene Of The Haymana Basin (central Anatolia, Turkey)Amirov, Elnur Fikret 01 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to establish the planktonic foraminiferal biozonation, to construct the sequence stratigraphical framework and to determine the foraminiferal response to sedimentary cyclicity in the sedimentary sequence spanning Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene in the Haymana basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey).
In order to achieve this study, the stratigraphic section was measured from sedimentary sequence of the Haymana, Beyobasi and YeSilyurt formations. The sedimentary sequence is mainly characterized by flyschoidal sequence that is composed of alternating of siliciclastic and carbonate units.
On the account of the detailed taxonomic study of planktonic foraminifers, the biostratigraphic framework was established for the Maastrichtian-Paleocene interval. The biozonation includes 7 zones / Pseudoguembelina hariaensis, P& / #945 / , P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 zones. The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/P) boundary was delinated between the samples HEA-105 and 106.
In order to construct the sequence-stratigraphical framework, the A, B, C and D-type meter-scale cycles were identified. Based on the stacking patterns of them, six depositional sequences, six third and two second order cycles were determined. Third order cycles coincide with the Global Sea Level Change Curve.
On the account of the conducted petrographic analysis sandstone, mudstone, marl, limestone and muddy-limestone lithofacies were recorded in the studied samples. In order to demostrate the response of foraminifers to cyclicity, quantitative analysis has been carried out by counting the individuals of planktonic, benthonic foraminifers and ostracods. The best response to sedimentary cyclicity was revealed from planktonic foraminifers. The average abundance of planktonic foraminifers increases in the transgressive systems tract and decreases in the highstand systems tract.
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Morphology, Anatomy And Systematics Of The Genus Lathyrus L. (leguminosae) In Central Anatolia, TurkeyCildir, Huseyin 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, morphology, anatomy and systematics of the Genus Lathyrus L.
(Leguminosae) in Central Anatolia is presented. Comparative morphological
characters and their variation in the Genus / Calyx, leaf, corolla and pollen grains
micro-morphology of the species / Anatomy of the species / Ecology, endemism,
phytogeography and IUCN threat categories of the species / Numerical analysis and
Revision of the genus in Central Anatolia were conducted.
For the first time the calyx, corolla and leaf micromorphology, and the anatomical
characteristics of Lathyrus were examined. Infrageneric delimitation of the species is
performed by using multivariate analysis. As a result of morphological and
anatomical data, it is suggested that L. haussknechtii should be classified as different
species not variety of L. brachypterus.
The collected specimens was crosschecked with neighboring floras and the existing
type specimens known from Turkey ANK, GAZI, HUB, KNYA, CUFH, Erciyes,
and Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) herbaria.
Morphological and micromorphological characters of pollen grains were revealed. It
was determined that the pollen grains size and sculpturing were important diagnostic
characters for the species. The statistical analysis was applied to compare P/E ratios
of the pollen grains of studied taxa. According to this analysis, the P/E ratio is
important diagnostic feature for most of the sections and the species.
Sectional key and species key were prepared and updated. Expanded descriptions,
GPS data, some photographs and some notes on the taxonomy of the species were
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Composition Of Atmosphere At The Central AnatoliaYoruk, Ebru 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Concentrations of elements and ions measured in samples collected between February 1993 and December 2000 at a rural site in central Anatolia were investigated to evaluate the chemical composition of atmosphere at central Anatolia, to determine pollution level of the region, to study temporal variability of the pollutants and to investigate the sources and source regions of air pollutants in the region.
Level of pollution at central Anatolia was found to be lower than the pollution level at other European countries and Mediterranean and Black Sea regions of Turkey.
Enrichment factor calculations revealed that SO42-, Pb and Ca are highly enriched in the aerosol / whereas, soil component has dominating contribution on observed concentrations of V, Mg, Ca and K.
SO42-/(SO2+SO42-) ratio observed in Ç / ubuk station indicates that contribution of distant sources is more important than the contribution of local sources on observed SO42- levels. SO42-/NO3- ratio calculations showed that Central Anatolia is receipt of SO42- from Eastern European countries.
Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) analysis revealed 6 source groups, namely motor vehicle source, mixed urban factor, long range transport factor, soil factor, NO3- factor and Cd factor.
Distribution of Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) values showed that main source areas of SO42-, NH4+ and Cd are western parts of Turkey, Balkan countries, central and western Europe, central Russian Federation and north of Sweden and Finland / NO3- are the regions located around the Mediterranean Sea / and there is no very strong potential source area observed for NH3 and Pb.
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Chronological, magmatological and geochemical study of post-collisional basaltic volcanism in Central Anatolia and its spatio-temporal evolution / Le volcanisme basaltique post-collisionnel d’Anatolie Centrale. Etude chronologique, magmatologique et géochimique. Evolution spatio-temporelleKülahci Doğan, Gullu Deniz 01 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la caractérisation pétrologique et géochimique des basaltes quaternaires post-collisionnels d’Anatolie centrale (strato-volcans Erciyes et Hasandağ et volcanisme dispersé d'Obruk-Zengen et de Karapınar), en se focalisant sur l’évolution spatio-temporelle de ce magmatisme de la Cappadoce (Turquie). Par la géochronologie K-Ar, la coexistence de basaltes alcalins et calco-alcalins a été démontrée, parfois dans un même lieu et à la même époque. Par ailleurs, nos résultats montrent aussi que ces basaltes peuvent être très jeunes (quelques milliers d’années seulement). La minéralogie des basaltes quaternaires de la Cappadoce est la suivante : plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxène, orthopyroxène et oxydes (magnétite, ilménite). Pourtant, seuls les basaltes de l’Erciyes contiennent de l’orthopyroxène, alors que ceux du Hasandağ et du volcanisme dispersé d’Obruk-Zengen et de Karapınar en sont dépourvus. Les phénocristaux de plagioclases présentent souvent des figures de déséquilibre, attribuées au processus de mélange magmatique : zonages complexes (normaux, inverses, oscillatoires), richesse en inclusions vitreuses, figures de résorption. Toutefois, la minéralogie observée est compatible avec un processus de cristallisation fractionnée dominant. Les géobaromètres utilisés montrent que l’origine des magmas de l’Erciyes est plus superficielle que celle des autres sites. Les résultats en géochimie confirment la dualité minéralogique observée entre l’Erciyes et les autres secteurs, ainsi que les caractères alcalins (néphéline normative) et calco-alcalins de basaltes parfois contemporains. Tous les basaltes étudiés sont enrichis en LREE et LILE. Les données isotopiques (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) montrent l’importance de la source lithosphérique enrichie. L’ensemble des données géochimiques montre aussi la signature d’autres sources et processus comme la contamination par la croûte continentale et l’héritage d’une ancienne subduction. / This thesis revealed the petrological and geochemical characterization of post-collisional Quaternary basalts of Central Anatolia (Erciyes and Hasandağ stratovolcanoes, and dispersed volcanisms of Obruk-Zengen and Karapınar), focusing on the spatiotemporal evolution of the magmatism in Cappadocia (Turkey). K-Ar geochronology indicated the coexistence of alkaline and calc-alkaline basalts from the same location and age. Moreover, the results also show that these basalts may be very young (a few thousand years). The mineralogy of Quaternary basalts from the Cappadocia is as follows: plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and oxides (magnetite, ilmenite). Orthopyroxene is observed only in basalts of Erciyes, while it is lacking in Hasandağ and dispersed volcanisms of Obruk-Zengen and Karapınar. The plagioclase phenocrysts often exhibit disequilibrium features attributed to magma mixing process: complex zoning (normal, inverse, oscillatory), concentric zones rich in melt inclusions, resorption features. However, the observed mineralogy is consistent with a dominant fractional crystallization process. The estimated geobarometer show that the origin of magmas of Erciyes is shallower than the other settings. The results in geochemistry confirm not only the mineralogical duality between Erciyes and the other settings but also the coexistence of alkaline (normative nepheline) and calc-alkaline characters of contemporary basalts. All studied basalts are enriched in LREE (Light Rare Earth Elements) and LILE (Large Ion Lithophile Elements). The isotopic data (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) indicate the importance of enriched lithospheric source. All geochemical data also display the signature of other sources and processes such as contamination by the continental crust and heritage of a former subduction.
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