Spelling suggestions: "subject:"central european"" "subject:"central aeuropean""
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Analýza vývoje zadluženosti obyvatelstva ve středoevropských zemích / The indebtedness of households in the Central European countriesNývlt, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This thesis occupies with analysis of indebtedness of households in the Czech Republic at the bank institutions and this results compare with indebtedness of households in the other Central European countries, namely in Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Austria. It focuses also on effect of the financial crisis on development of indebtedness in household's sector and mainly on their ability to pay for their debts. The target of this thesis is the evaluation, if the size and development of indebtedness is in the Czech Republic already excessive and poses a threat to financial stability of bank institutions or if the current development of household's indebtedness isn't detrimental to banking market and economical development in the Czech Republic.
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Porovnávacia analýza konkrétneho predmetu podnikania v stredoeurópskom regióne / Comparative analysis of a particular field of business in central European regionLaki, Roland January 2012 (has links)
Gambling and mankind are linked together for thousands of years. Despite its negative influence, gambling games take an essential part in life of every generation. The main aim of this thesis is to analyse environment for casino start-up in six selected countries from central Europe and recommend the country with the most suitable conditions. The casino parameters will be defined in the particular chapter of the thesis. Countries, that will be compared, are Slovak republic, Czech republic, Hungary, Austria, Poland and Ukraine. The comparison will respect law systems of every country, which regulate the casino business. Information, we get from conducting the research, will be taken in mind in decision making process. To make the choice of the appropriate country (variant), two methods for comparing variants are used, in order to achieve objective result. In the end of the thesis, there will be a recommendation based on the results of the comparison. It should be noted that the recommendation will be based also on subjective evaluation.
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Exploring the Structure of Germanic FolksongBrinkman, Andrew January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Statistický model charakteru tepelného ostrova středoevropských měst / Statistical model of urban heat island characteristics in Central EuropeVacík, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
Urban heat island (UHI) is a region of increased air temperature in the canopy layer and boundary layer of the atmosphere above the town or industrial agglomeration in comparison with rural surroundings. The difference in temperature increases with the size of the city. This study describes the dependence of the intensity UHI Central European cities on their size and position of their weather station. It uses a multiple linear regression model. The dependent variable Y entering the model (data from 40 cities) are UHImean and UHImax. They are calculated as difference in air temperature between the urban and the relevant rural weather station. The average intensity of the urban heat island (UHImean) is the average value of the UHI of all available data in the analyzed period (hourly measurements of air temperature [řC] for the years 1994-2012). The data are only taken from night times records between 21:00 and 4:00 UTC and on days with the average total cloud cover at the city weather station less than 0,5. The maximum intensity of the urban heat island (UHImax) is the average maximum value of the UHI per night. The data are taken under the same conditions as in the case of UHImean. Independent variables X are the size of built-up area (X1) and the position of the weather station calculated using the...
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Education as a matter of security in Hungary : a case study of official statements by prime minister Viktor Orbán in 2017Hilding, Jana January 2019 (has links)
This paper examines the securitization of education in Hungary during 2017 according to the statements of prime minister Viktor Orbán in official speeches published on the Hungarian government’s website. This quantiative examination combines the methods of discourse analysis, taking off from the works of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, partially extended with the comments of Marianne Winther Jørgensen and Louise Phillips, with the Copenhangen School’s dictum on securitization being performed through a speech act. It is argued that securitization can be used in examining the sudden changes in the Amendments to the Law on National Higher Education (education policy), a combination which is not a traditional proceeding in security research. The findings of the paper show on one hand Hungary’s shifting role within the European Union (EU) as a more, respectively less, independent member depending on the topic being discussed, and on the other that the principal referent objects in a security discourse is the Hungarian nation, with Central European University (CEU) as the particular target to the changes, essentially being accused to be part of an illegal network sponsored by George Soros with the aim to facilitate illegal migration (sic!), which from a securitization move perspective therefore legitimizes immediate action by the Hungarian government.
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Komparace systémů zemědělské politiky vybraných zemí střední Evropy / The Comparison of Agricultural Policies of Central European CountriesSchwarzová, Tereza January 2009 (has links)
This graduation thesis compares agricultural sector of four countries - Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary from the beggining of transformation period to the impacts of integration to the CAP.It concerns measures of agricultural policies and also of Common Agricultural Policy.
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SEFO Olomouc / SEFO OlomoucKoniasová, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of the Central European center in Olomouc (SEFO). Space for the new building is located in a vacant lot in the historic district Olomouc. The objective is the expansion and reconstruction of the Museum of Modern Art in Olomouc on Denis street, so that was sufficient for all the needs of the growing museum. The museum has about 185,000 works of art, this number is one of the most prominent institutions of its kind in the Czech Republic.
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Podoby fantastična ve středoevropské literatuře / Image of Fantasy in Literature of Central EuropeBártková, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis tries to define the problematic of the fantastic and magic in Central European literature. It captures a selection of works published between the second half of the 20th century until today in which unrealistic elements are markedly presented (such as imaginary space, function of dreams, blending of natural and unnatural as well as myths) and time has a specific function. The main focus is on authors such as Daniela Hodrová, Daniel Kehlmann, Saša Stanišić, Olga Tokarczuk and Jáchym Topol. The aim of this work is to find out whether it is possible to understand Central European literature in categories such as magical realism or the fantastic, or whether Central Europe is so saturated with Western rationalism that all attempts to find magic fail.
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Porovnávání středoevropských jazyků: za horizont strukturních rysů a lexikálních přejímek / Comparing Central European languages: beyond structual features and loanwordsJanuška, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Disertační práce Porovnávání středoevropských jazyků: za horizont strukturních rysů a lexikálních přejímek se soustředí na zhodnocení a přehodnocení přístupu k výzkumu jazyků střední Evropy. Hlavním cílem předkládané práce je (1) podat přehled dosavadních poznatků o porovnávání středoevropských jazyků, (2) na jeho základě naznačit možné nové směřování němu přispět. Druhá kapitola práce se věnuje areálové lingvistice, jakožto disciplíně zaměřené na výzkum podobnosti a konvergence geograficky blízkých jazyků, a zejména jejímu ústřednímu pojmu . Představuje okolnosti jeho vzniku, jeho různé definice a jeho kritické (pře)hodnocení pracích současných areálových lingvistů. Třetí kapitola sumarizuje výzkum středoevropských jazyků: různé koncepce středoevropského (popř. dunajského) jazykového svazu vzájemné vlivy lexika a frazeologie těchto jazyků a popisy situací jazykového kontaktu v areálu. Tento přehled ukázal, že hlavními doménami porovnávání jazyků areálu dosud byly strukturní rysy a lexikální přejímky a kalky. Novější vývoj lingvistiky, jak je naznačeno ve čtvrté kapitole, však operuje rovněž s jazykovými jednotkami, které překlenují a relativizují -lexikon. Nabízí se tedy, aby se rovněž komparativní výzkum středoevropských jazyků soustředil na tyto jevy zahrnutelné pod pojem idiomatičnosti. Pátá kapitola...
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Spatial vegetation ecology: Understanding the ecosystem processes that influence plant diversity patterns at different spatial scales / HabilitationsschriftCulmsee, Heike 17 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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