Spelling suggestions: "subject:"central utah"" "subject:"central tah""
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Environmental Analysis of the Upper Cambrian Nounan Formation, Bear River Range and Wellsville Mountain, North-Central UtahGardiner, Larry L. 01 May 1974 (has links)
The Nounan Formation in north-central Utah thickens northward from 696 feet near Causey Dam to 1147 feet at High Creek in the Bear River Range, and northwestward to 1149 feet at Dry Canyon in Wellsville Mountain. The basal contact of the Nounan Formation is sharp, but dolomite extends irregularly downward into limestones of the Bloomington Formation as much as 6 feet.
The Nounan Formation is divided into three members based on lithologic characters: (1) a lower member composed of dark, medium-crystalline dolomite; (2) a middle member composed of white, coarse-crystalline dolomite with tongues of dark dolomite; and (3) an upper member of interbedded light and dark dolomites and limestones with local arenites and sandy carbonates.
The lower member was deposited in a high-energy, shallow-marine subtidal to intertidal environment. Evidence includes sets of low-angle cross stratification (dunes), oncolites, oolites, and rip-up clasts.
The middle member forms distinctive ledges and cliffs. The presence of thinly laminated algal stromatolites and relict structures seen also in the lower member indicate a subtidal to intertidal environment similar to that inferred for the lower member. The white color and coarse crystallinity may have resulted from recrystallization of the dark, finer grained dolomite that comprises the lower member.
The upper member is characterized by lithologic variability. Thicknesses of limestone are greatest in the north, and decrease to only a few feet in the south. Quartz and other terrigenous minerals are scattered at intervals throughout the upper member, with a marker of sandy (arenaceous) dolomites at the base and near the middle and an increase of sand near the top also. The upper contact, with quartz-rich arenites (subarkosic quartzites) of the Worm Creek Member of tho St. Charles Formation, is gradational overall, but is sharp and planar in each section and readily located. In the upper member, algal mats trapped a varying but overall increasing influx of quartz and feldspar, probably in shallow subtidal environments, and vertically stacked hemispheroids suggest that depositional conditions may have included intertidal.
Virtually all of the dolomite in the Nounan Formation must have formed by replacement of lime sediments by downward-moving high-magnesium brines. It is that these brines originated in restricted, shallow, subtidal evaporating basins, such as the Great Bahama Banks today, and associated supratidal flats. Lateral changes from limestone to dolomite overall and also in individual beds of the upper member indicate that the brines travelled laterally as well as vertically, and dolomitization may have been limited as much by prior diagenetic alteration and cementation as by the volume, concentration, and proximity of the brine itself.
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Sequence Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy of Lower Ordovician units in Northeastern and Western Central Utah: Regional ImplicationsDavis, Colter R. 01 May 2017 (has links)
The Lower to Middle Ordovician Garden City Formation and Pogonip Group are coeval successions of mixed carbonate and siliciclastic rocks deposited under normal marine conditions on a shallow carbonate ramp on the western margin of Laurentia. The Garden City Formation was deposited in the Northern Utah Basin and the Pogonip Group was deposited in the Ibex Basin. These two basins experienced different rates of thermal subsidence following Neoproterozoic rifting along the western margin of Laurentia resulting in significant thickness differences between rock units and varying lithologic expressions of eustatic change. This study provides a unique opportunity to examine the lithologic, geochemical, and paleontological responses to eustatic oscillations of two coeval sedimentary basins in Utah that formed under different tectonic settings and subsidence rates.
The Garden City Formation is composed of fourteen lithotypes and the Pogonip Group is composed of eleven lithotypes. These lithotypes mainly represent depositional environments ranging from inner ramp and middle ramp with minor outer ramp deposits. Many lithologies appear to be storm influenced due to the presence of abundant rip-up clasts (intraclasts), fragmented bioclasts, and occasional mega-ripples. Other lithologies have been extensively bioturbated and burrowed.
Nine stratigraphic sequences have previously been identified within the Pogonip Group. Eight equivalent, albeit compressed, sequences within the Garden City Formation were located using biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic correlations, and increases in insoluble residues often found at the bases of sequence boundaries. Sequences are expressed as deepening-upward packages containing silty/sandy lowstand deposits that transition into wackestones and lime mudstone-rich highstand deposits. Several sequence boundaries appear to coincide with conodont and/or trilobite extinction events. Important sequence boundaries mark the Sauk III-m and Sauk IV-m transition and the Ibexian- Whiterockian Series boundary. Meter-scale cycles are common and likely related to Milankovitch cyclicity.
Insoluble residue increases upsection at each location which may indicate a gradual overall drop in sea level due to the onset of the regressive upper portion of the Sauk III supersequence. Insoluble residue from the Pogonip Group ranges from 1.2 to 84.7 wt. % with an average of 16.0 wt. % ± 0.7 wt. %. Insoluble residue from the Garden City Formation ranges from 1.5 to 63.8 wt. % with an average of 13.4 wt. % ± 1.0 wt. %.
New stable carbon isotope data (δ13C) from the Garden City Formation and the Pogonip Group range from -2.92 to 1.23 ‰ V-PDB and -2.19 to 0.56 ‰ V-PDB, respectively. Four distinct δ13C trends are recognized in both sections: 1) a drop in δ13C from positive values between 0.2-1.0 ‰ to negative values approaching -1.0 ‰ near the base of the Ordovician, 2) a 0.5 to 1.0 ‰ positive δ13C excursion near the top of the Rossodus manitouensis Zone, 3) a drop in δ13C values to near -2.0 ‰ through most of the Acodus deltatus –Oneotodus costatus Zone, and 4) a gradual increase in δ13C from - 2.0 ‰ to -1.0 ‰ throughout the remainder of the sections. δ13C of the Garden City Formation and the Pogonip Group appear to be correlative based on these distinct trends. This correlative relationship was verified by the lowest occurrence of conodont species Scolopodus filosus and Scalpellodus n. sp. A of the Low Diversity Interval which coincides with the positive δ13C excursion in both the Garden City Formation and the Pogonip Group. New δ13C data likely represent global primary seawater chemistry based on the correlation of similar δ13C trends from the Argentine Precordillera and western Newfoundland.
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Effects of a Wildfire on Seed Rain and Soil Seed Reserve Dynamics of a Good Condition Sagebrush-Grass Rangeland in Central UtahHassan, Mohamed Ali 01 May 1983 (has links)
The objectives of this research were to investigate the ecological importance of soil seed reserves and seed rain on regeneration of a good condition sagebrush- grass range vegetation after a wildfire and draw conclusions leading to better understanding and management of such ecosystems. Investigations were conducted for two successive years on a community where major plants were neither rhizomatous nor sprouting. In such cases soil seed reserves and seed rain have to be the main source of regeneration. In addition to monitoring soil seed reserves and seed rain, vegetation changes during the past two years and the historical conditions of the study area were examined.
Study of germinable soil seed reserve dynamics showed that fire can have a destructive effect on this portion of the community. Cheatgrass soil seed reserves were high even in good condition sagebrush-grass vegetation. Although fire reduced the Bromus tectorum seed bank by half, the cover of this grass increased to almost twice the level observed on the control (unburned) plots a year later. This shows the enormous reproductive capacity of this highly competitive weed species following a wildfire.
Even though the pre-burn vegetation contained a high proportion of native perennial plants, soil seed reserves and seed rain had very small proportions of their germinable seeds.
Timing of the fire is likely important in controlling undesirable range plants and their seeds. Had the fire occurred earlier when more seeds were attached to the culms, greater reduction in cheatgrass probably would have been obtained. Timing of the fire was just right to control sagebrush, because it occurred before their seed set and complete destruction of this species was achieved. Mormon tea was the only shrub to reestablish its cover relatively rapidly. This was related to its strong ability to sprout from root crowns.
Greater germinable soil seed reserves were found under shrub canopies than in the inter spaces. This is probably related to the semi-logarithmic dispersal of seed where seed fall is greatest closest to mother plants (Harper 1977). Since flammable fuel follows the same pattern, it was found that fire has a serious impact on soil seed reserves at "hot" points, but temperatures were apparently not hot enough to cause much damage on seed banks at "cold" points in the former interspaces.
Since soil seed reserves accumulate in significantly higher proportions in the surface 0-2 cm, fire has a more serious impact on the seeds in surface soil than those lower lower down.
Variance of the germinable seed rain was so high that none of the grand totals, life forms totals and species values were statistically significant at alpha
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Petrology of the Ordovician Swan Peak Formation, Southeastern Idaho and North-Central UtahSchulingkamp, Warren J., II 01 May 1972 (has links)
The Swan Peak Formation in southeastern Idaho and north-central Utah is a sedimentary unit consisting of orthoquartzite, sandstone, siltite, shale, and limestone. The formation is divisible into three members, and the lower two members each are divisible into two informal lithologic subunits.
The lower member consists of a lower subunit of gray, calcareous sandy siltite composed of subangular to subrounded quartz grains cemented by quartz overgrowths, calcite, or iron oxide, and an upper subunit of black shale with minor interbedded silty quartzose sandstone and biomicrite (limestone).
The middle member consists of a lower subunit of interbedded pale green shale and yellowish brown silty orthoquartzite and an upper subunit of purple orthoquartzite. The brown orthoquartzite consists of well-sorted, well-rounded very fine sand- to silt-sized quartz grains cemented by quartz overgrowths which are in optical continuity with the grains they surround. The purple orthoquartzite consists of wellsorted, well-rounded, very fine to medium sand-sized quartz grains cemented by quartz overgrowths and hematite. Hematite gives the rock its purple color. gydroxylapatite is locally abundant.
The upper member is an orthoquartzite consisting of very fine to medium sand-sized, well-sorted, well-rounded quartz grains cemented by quartz overgrowths. The gastropod Murchisonia (Hormotoma) sp., the first body fossil found in the upper member, is reported.
Previous work has shown that the upper member of the Swan Peak Formation and the Eureka Quartzite are similar in lithology, stratigraphy, and trace fossils. The Eureka Quartzite in the Newfoundland Range is a very fine to medium sand-sized, well-sorted, well-rounded orthoquartzite cemented predominantly by quartz overgrowths, locally by dolomite. The petrographic similarities of the two units, shown in the present study, strengthens their proposed correlation.
High percentages of well rounded, polycrystalline and undulatory extinction quartz show that source areas for the Eureka Quartzite and Swan Peak Formation probably were immature sandstones or quartzites of Cambrian or Precambrian age, and./or exposed igneous or metamorphic rocks. The source for most of the sand probably was the Northwest Montana Uplift, although local sources along the Uinta Uplift undoubtedly played a minor role in supplying hydroxylapatite to the middle member and fine-grained elastics to the lower member.
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Factors Affecting Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus Urophasianus) Survival and Movement in South-Central UtahCaudill, Danny 01 May 2011 (has links)
Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) adult and juvenile survival have been identified as critical demographic parameters. However, little is known regarding the dynamics of juvenile sage-grouse. From 2008-2010, I used radio-telemetry and 2 transmitter types to monitor 91 juvenile sage-grouse. Program MARK was used to analyze survival data. Over-winter survival was 0.802 - 0.982 and 0.687 - 0.969 for females and males, respectively. Fall survival rates were 0.522 - 0.623 for females and 0.332 - 0.449 for males. Survival from fall through winter was 0.418 - 0.616 for females and 0.228 - 0.435 for males. For both years combined, the probability predation caused death was 0.705, and probability harvest caused death was 0.159. The probability unreported harvest caused death was 0.091. Sex (p= 0.103) and transmitter type (p = 0.09) affected survival. Back-mounted transmitters negatively affected survival and their use should be avoided to minimize experimental bias.
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The Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation in the Drum Mountains of West Central UtahSchneider, Loren P. 01 May 2000 (has links)
The majority of the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation in the Drum Mountains was deposited during a single 3rd order sequence. Superimposed onto this sequence are three indistinct 4th order cycles and twenty distinct 5th order cycles. These higher order cycles were likely deposited within short intervals of geologic time (204 to 405 ky).
The lower sequence boundary zone occurs within the Swasey Formation. The Transgressive Surface is the contact between the Swasey and Wheeler Formations. The Maximum Flooding Surface is located near the top of the lower Wheeler Formation, which also approximates the base of the Ptychagnostus atavus range zone. The upper sequence boundary is marked by stromatolites, which occur near the top of the upper member of the Wheeler Formation in the Drum Mountains.
Deposition of the Wheeler Formation in the Drum Mountains was controlled by eustacy and tectonics. Local normal faulting associated with Middle Cambrian postrifting thermal subsidence may have caused some of the 5th order cycles.
The cycles and surfaces defined in this stratigraphic analysis, and the base of the Ptychagnostus atavus and P. gibbus range-zones, can be used to correlate strata occurring in other localities in the eastern Great Basin. In addition, this study enables the evaluation of the effect of tectonics (faulting) versus global eustacy on the sedimentary regime occurring within the Middle Cambrian House Range Embayment.
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Petrology of the Middle Cambrian Ute Formation, North-Central Utah and Southeastern IdahoDeputy, Edward James 01 May 1984 (has links)
The Middle Cambrian Ute Formation was studied in the Bear River Range and the Wellsville Mountains of north-central Utah and southeastern Idaho. The depositional textures and sedimentary structures found within the rocks were compared with similar modern sediments and ancient rocks to determine depositional environments, paleogeography, and diagenetic alterations.
The rocks of the Ute Formation were divided into five basic types. These five rock types were formed within four identifiable lithofacies: 1) elastic marine shelf; 2) carbonate marine shelf; 3) agitated shoal; and 4) quiet-water shoal.
The sequence of elastic and carbonate sediments is believed to have been deposited in a shallow, subtidal environment. Clastic sediments from the east and northwest periodically prograded over the carbonate sequences. A major regression marks the base of the Ute Formation. This was followed by a series of transgressions and regressions, until a major transgression occurred near the end of the deposition of the Ute.
Paleomagnetic and faunal evidence suggest the study area was within 10° of the equator during the Middle Cambrian. Clay mineralogy of insoluble residues indicates a humid, tropical climate.
Primary diagenetic features are compaction, micritization, and cementation. Secondary diagenetic changes include the inversion of high-magnesium calcite to low-magnesium calcite, aggrading neomorphism, stylolitization, fracturing, and calcite infilling.
Partial dolomitization of grains and/or matrix is believed to result from the release of magnesium due to the decomposition of magnesium-rich, organic matter. The formation of a lens-shaped body of dolostone may have resulted from dolomitization by a magnesium-rich fluid circulating along faults.
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Petrology of the Lower Middle Cambrian Langston Formation, North-central Utah and Southeastern IdahoButterbaugh, Gary Jay 01 May 1982 (has links)
The Lower Middle Cambrian Langson Formation was studied in the xi Bear River Range of north-central Utah and southeasternmost Idaho and the Wellsville Mountains of north-central Utah. The depositional textures and sedimentary structures preserved within the rocks were compared with characteristics of similar modern sediments and ancient rock to determine environments of deposition, paleogeography, diagenetic alteration and pattern of dolomitization.
The rocks of the Langston Formation were divided into eleven different rock types. These eleven rock types were formed within four recognizable lithofacies: 1) upper peritidal; 2) inner carbonate shelf; 3) inner clastic shelf; and 4) outer clastic shelf.
The general depositional environment is inferred to have been a shall ow subtidal to subaerial carbonate shoal complex. Clastic sediments from the east and north or northwest periodically prograded over the carbonate complex during times of relatively slow subsidence. The deposition of the Langston Formation mudrocks and carbonates occurred during the first Cambrian grand cycle.
Eogenetic diagenetic features include birdseye structures, relict evaporite structures, fibrous rim cement, compaction, and the begining of dolomitization. Mesogenetic diagenesis is characterized by dolomitization and pressure solution. Telogenetic diagenesis is limited to fracturing and calcite infilling.
Dolomitization is believed to have resulted mainly from downward reflux of hypersaline brines, as indicated by relict evaporite structures, zoned dolomite rhombs, and a general association of dolomite with upper peritidal facies. The hypersaline brines formed in the upper peritidal environment, and percolated downward through underlying porous sediments. The greater density of the hypersaline brines displaced less-dense interstitial fluids. These brines were periodically diluted by normal marine water or fresh water.
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Unresolved Problems Involving the Hydrogeology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Wasatch Plateau based on Mapping of the Wattis 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah: Insights Gained from a New Geologic MapAlderks, David O. 15 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The Wattis 7.5 Minute Quadrangle is located in central Utah, in the transition zone between the Basin and Range province and the Colorado plateau. Two small grabens, located in the quadrangle, are the easternmost evidence of Basin and Range faulting. Sedimentary units exposed are mainly Cretaceous in age and deposited in the Western Cretaceous Interior Seaway. This area is of economical importance due to its large coal deposits, coal bed methane, and groundwater. The Wattis Quadrangle provided an ideal opportunity to test, at a small scale, the applicability of a new groundwater model for stratified mountainous terranes. Water samples had 14C ages ranging from modern to 10,000 ± 500 years. Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen showed that recharged precipitation fell when climate conditions were close to modern, or slightly colder. Three groundwater systems consist of one shallow groundwater system in the North Horn Formation, and two deeper aquifers located in the Blackhawk Formation and the Star Point Sandstone. Water in the North Horn Formation is modern, whereas the Blackhawk Formation and Star Point Sandstone waters are mixed systems, having tritium concentrations between 3 and 4 T.U., and 14C ages between 7,000 and 10,000 years. Geochemical modeling shows that there are no plausible reaction paths to evolve the North Horn Formation waters into waters contained in underlying units. Thus, water entering the top of the plateau does not flow through the stratified rocks to exit at its base. Instead, the waters represent discrete perched systems at various stratigraphic levels. The Star Point Sandstone has three parasequences with a single sequence boundary. The deposits show normal marine conditions containing lower shoreface biota of Skolithos and Ophiomorpha overlain by middle shoreface sedimentary structures. The Star Point Sandstone deltaic parasequences likely prograded into the basin during pulses of thrusting from the Sevier Orogeny. The Emery Sandstone Member of the Mancos Formation contains three parasequences all located in the lower shoreface, and also exhibits the normal marine biota of Skolithos and Ophiomorpha. The Emery Sandstone reflects density currents caused by major storm events, including Bauma C and D depositional structures. Thick sandstone bodies are restricted to paleochannels.
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Growth-Form-Analysis and Paleoecology of the Corals of the Lower Mississippian Lodgepole Formation, Bear River Range, North-Central UtahMiller, Judith M. 01 May 1977 (has links)
The Mississippian (Kinderhookian-Osagean) Lodgepole Formation contains a diverse fossil assemblage. Taxa present include brachiopods, crinoids, gastropods, cephalopods, trilobites and corals. Corals and associated fauna were collected from four localities within the Bear River Range. These are, from north to south, Beirdneau Hollow, Spring Hollow, Leatham Hollow and Porcupine Dam. The well-preserved tabulate and rugose (compound and solitary) corals exhibit a high degree of morphologic variability. The colonial corals of the Lodgepole Formation (particularly Lithostrotionella, Syringopora) exhibit a morphologic gradient from platy to hemispherical forms. The six morphologic categories of colonial corals discussed in this study are identified by mean corallus diameter/corallum height ratios, by the corallite growth direction, and by the shape of the base of the colony. Type I corals have an average mean diameter/height ratio of 3.4; corallites are directed laterally away from the flat base. Type I corals are interpreted to have been adapted to offshore, quiet-water conditions. Type II corals are flattened hemispheres; they have an average mean diameter/height ratio of 4.1. Corallites are directed radially (i.e., with vertical as well as a lateral component) away from the flat colony base. Type II corals are interpreted in this study to have been adapted to shallow, moderately-turbulent environments in which vertical growth was inhibited. Type III corals have an average mean diameter/height ratio of 3.9 and are similar to Type II corals in all respects but one, namely that there is an absence of corallites on the crown of the corallum. This feature is called balding and is interpreted in this study to have been the result of desiccation and subsequent death of coral polyps. Type III corals are thus interpreted to have inhabited very shallow water wherein subaerial exposure of the crown of the corallum occurred during periods of exceptionally low tides. Type IV corals are dome-shaped or slightly-flattened hemispheres; they have an average mean diameter/height ratio of 2.3. Corallites are directed radially away from the flat base. Type IV corals are interpreted to have inhabited a depth zone intermediate between that of Type II corals (within or barely below tidal range) and Type I corals (near or below wave base). The average mean diameter/height ratio of Type V corals is 1.7. Corallites are directed almost entirely vertically away from the rounded-to-conical colony base. Type V corals are interpreted to have inhabited areas where sedimentation rates were sufficiently high to encourage vertical growth to the virtual exclusion of lateral growth. Type VI corals are composite corals, consisting of combinations of hemispherical forms and platy forms. This morphologic type is characterized by a change in the direction of growth during the astogenetic development of colony. The combinations of varying growth forms presumably reflect fluctuations in sedimentation rate.
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