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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the horizon: Creating a contextual refuge on the shifting Louisiana coast

January 2014 (has links)
Climate change and sea level rise are making it more dangerous to live in coastal towns and cities. Communities in these areas must learn how to become more disaster resilient and adaptive by creating more connected and educated populations. In places devastated by natural disasters, the most vulnerable populations are the ones who are left behind. Climate refuges will become more and more common as people are forced to move from the places they call home due to inhabitable conditions. It would be beneficial for these populations to move before a large scale disaster forces them to leave. As the Louisiana coast subsides and is flooded by rising sea levels, the area is becoming more vulnerable to intense floods and storms. While there is a levee surrounding the New Orleans metropolitan area, the communities outside of the levee's protection are exposed to the elements. In these neighborhoods, the frequent damage by storms and rising flood insurance rates are making it too expensive to stay. St. Bernard and Plaquemines parishes are the areas that will lose the most land and where the land is vital to the local and national economy. An environmentally and contextually sensitive infrastructure will initiate the relocation of these populations, allowing them to remain in their communities while preserving their lifestyle and quality of life. To combat the dispersion of a strong community, I propose a system that allows the communities outside the levee walls to form new town centers within the flood protection. Specifically in St. Bernard Parish, a central hub would be built on the edge of the levee protection to attract people to move to a safer area. The town center is near the most southeastern part if the levee along Louisiana 46. The center will provide support for the intended increase in population as the area fills in with relocating residents. The center will increase the disaster resilience by providing spaces that can educate the public about climate change, facilitating movement to outside the levee with a boat and automobile transit hub, provide economic support through agriculture and fishing, and help the elderly population stay connected with their community. With the creation of this new town center, the residents that are threatened with sea level rise and flooding will be able to remain connected to their land, their communities, and their livelihoods while reducing their risk. / 0 / SPK / specialcollections@tulane.edu

Pedogenesis on the Sefton Coastal Dunes, NW England

Millington, Jennifer A. January 2010 (has links)
This work examines the use of pedo-properties to identify dune soil system responses to environmental change on the Sefton coast, based on the development of conceptual pedogenic models. Previous environmental change and shoreline dynamics are determined through O.S. maps and aerial photographs, while present day processes are investigated through a dune-toe photographic survey and seasonal monitoring by fixed point photography. Topsoil (0-5 cm) physico-chemical characteristics are presented in a series of baseline GIS maps, displaying spatial pedo-property variation across the dune landscape. Combined with vegetation data, topsoil analysis identifies 10 distinct pedo-environments. Physico-chemical characteristics of associated National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI) soil profile classifications and an exposed stratigraphic section are presented graphically in a proposed sequence of development. Topsoil and soil profile samples are analysed for soil pH, soil organic matter (SOM) content, particle size, geochemical composition and mineral magnetism. Significant differences (p <0.05) are apparent for the suite of topsoil characteristics collated, indicating discrete dune environments are influenced by specific soil properties. Distinct down-profile variations in soil characteristics are also apparent between dune environments, highlighting pedological dynamism. Multivariate Factor analysis groups bare sand and mobile dune communities into ‘frontal dunes’ and fixed dune community, pasture, scrub, deciduous woodland and coniferous plantations into ‘hind dunes’, separating these topsoil environments from heath and slack communities. Factor analysis also identifies linkages between pedo-characteristics within soil profile horizons, suggesting pedogenesis on the Sefton dunes initiates as raw sand, progressing to sand-pararendzinas through leaching of nutrients. Desalinization and decalcification processes lead to brown earth development, followed by increased acidicification, subsequently, resulting in micro-podzol formation. Groundwater gley soils are associated with dune slacks, where drainage is inhibited and anaerobic conditions prevail. Analysis of buried soils suggests such pedo-environment formations are cyclic, responding to phases of shoreline regression/transgression, dune activity and stabilization. Conceptual models are designed to graphically demonstrate pedogenesis under both erosion and deposition regimes on the Sefton coast. Regression equations and correlation coefficients between pedo-properties and distance from mean high water are used as a proxy for soil age, which represent lateral soil maturity from the unstable frontal dunes to the stable hind dunes inland. The models simulate formation and process of the full array of soil properties, accounting for geomorphological impacts and anthropogenic influences. This has great implications for dune managers by raising awareness of pedogenesis as an integral part of nature and associated habitats, which could be incorporated in future shoreline management plans (SMPs).

How will projected sea-level rise affect carbon storage in floodplain fens?

Webster, Eleanor Jane January 2017 (has links)
Floodplain fens represent an important component of the global carbon cycle through their role in carbon sequestration. Peat development depends upon rate of production exceeding rate of decomposition, yet there is little understanding of the effects of sea-level rise on these processes in lowland environments. This thesis investigates the impacts of projected sea-level rise from climate change on carbon storage in floodplain fens, using a combination of field, laboratory and simulation modelling techniques. A gradient of saline influence was determined for the Broads, UK, based on analysis of water chemistry and published water level data, allowing for the application of a space-for-time substitution technique. Increased water level had a positive effect on above-ground production of Phragmites australis (cav.) Trin. Ex Steud. (1841) - perhaps because water stress limits important photosynthetic processes. An increase in salinity had a negative effect on the growth of P. australis, probably due in part to osmotic stress. Previous management practice significantly impacted on production - as uncut vegetation became less productive with time. There was evidence to suggest that sea-level rise may lead to faster decay rates, but this will be partially offset by litter quality. Saline influenced sites had lower carbon accumulation potentials. Radiometric dating confirmed that these sites have lower carbon sequestration rates - probably as a result of increased mineral deposition in floodwaters. Carbon stock ranged between 33 and 144 kt C but depended greatly on peat depth and bulk density. Results from both field data and the model indicated that peat accretion in the Broads would not offset projected sea-level rise. Floodplain fen development under the influence of sea-level rise will be dependent on the majority of assimilate being allocated to above-ground vegetation.

Depositos gravitacionais, marinhos e fluviais e a evolução geomorfologica da planicie sedimentar de Caraguatatuba-SP / Gravitational, marines and rivers deposits and geomorphological evolution of sedimentary plain of Caraguatatuba-SP, Brazil

Gobbi, Estéfano Seneme, 1985- 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco Sergio Bernardes Ladeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T18:02:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gobbi_EstefanoSeneme_M.pdf: 7278814 bytes, checksum: 64613abcee7f68675085c8622fe0786f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A Planície Sedimentar de Caraguatatuba pode ser considerada como exceção em relação às outras planícies que a circundam. Entre o Canal de São Sebastião (SP) e Cabo Frio (RJ) predominam praias descontinuas, segregadas por indentações do Planalto Atlântico, que por vezes sofrem abrasão direta do oceano. As praias do litoral norte paulista e sul fluminense são denominadas de "praias de bolso" (poket beachs), por apresentaram uma planície de sedimentação em tamanho reduzido, de modo a adentrar pouco no continente. No entanto, na área da Planície de Caraguatatuba, as escarpas possuem um distancia de até 12 Km da atual linha de arrebentação e a baía possui uma abertura da ordem de 10 Km, descaracterizada, portanto, das demais planícies próximas. Esse fato é decorrência a fatores geológicos e estruturais, da Serra do Mar, bem como da presença da intrusão alcalina da Ilha de São Sebastião, que possibilitam a sedimentação na área. Esta sedimentação ocorre por conta da deposição por ação marinha e/ou fluvial. Durante o Período Quaternário ocorreram mudanças no nível relativo dos mares (variações glácio-eustáticas), que proporcionaram avanços e recuos da linha de costa. Desta maneira, ao adquirir patamares mais elevados, a abrasão marinha atingiu determinadas cotas altimétricas, erodindo as escarpas cristalinas e depositando material na atual área emersa. Conseqüentemente, com mudanças no nível de base, a rede de drenagem passa a sofrer um rearranjo, modificando suas deposições, por conta da variação da energia de transporte. Concomitantemente aos depósitos marinhos e fluviais ocorrem também depósitos gravitacionais por meio de escorregamento de massa das escarpas da Serra do Mar. A gênese deste material ocorre pela agressiva ação intempérica atuante no Planalto Atlântico, constituindo seu manto pedológico. Este fato, associado à proximidade do Oceano e a barreira orográfica que constitui a Serra do Mar, ocasiona um intenso regime pluviométrico, acarretando em inerentes eventos de corridas de lama e escorregamentos de massa, que tem como área de deposição a Planície Sedimentar de Caraguatatuba. A compreensão e espacialização destes eventos constituem o objetivo deste trabalho que busca relacionar, na Planície Sedimentar de Caraguatatuba, os sedimentos marinhos, fluviais e gravitacionais, por sua gênese e evolução. O método de tradagens e análise de textura, assim como análises laboratoriais de amostras coletadas em trincheiras também são verificadas. Durante os estudos foram verificadas as ocorrências de materiais grosseiros próximos às escarpas cristalinas, por vezes recobertos por material argiloso, corroborando com as hipóteses levantadas. / Abstract: The Caraguatatuba's Sedimentary Plain can be considered as an exception in relation to other plains that surround it. Between the Canal de São Sebastião (SP) and Cabo Frio (RJ) predominate beaches discontinuous, segregated by indentations in the Planalto Atlântico, which sometimes suffer direct abrasion of the ocean. The beaches of the northern coast of São Paulo state and south of Rio de Janeiro state are known as "pocket beaches", presented by a plain sedimentation in small size in order to enter in some continent. However, in the Caraguatatuba's Plain, the scarped have a distance of 12 km to the current range of surf and the bay has an opening of about 10 km, unspoilt, so the other nearby plains. This fact is due to geological and structural factors, the Serra do Mar and the presence of alkaline intrusion of the São Sebastião, which allow the sedimentation in the area. This sedimentation occurs because sediment deposition by marine and / or river action. During the Quaternary period there were changes in relative sea level (glacio-eustatic variations), which showed advances and retreats of the coastline. Thus, to acquire higher levels, the marine abrasion reached certain thresholds altitude, eroding the scarped and depositing crystalline material in the current land area. Therefore, with changes in base level, the drainage network is undergoing a rearrangement, changing their statements, due to the variation of the energy transport. At the same time the marine deposits and fluvial deposits also occur through gravitational landslides of the scarped of the Serra do Mar. The genesis of this material is weathering the aggressive operating in Planalto Atlântico, making his cloak pedological. This fact, coupled with the proximity of the ocean and orographic barrier that is the Serra do Mar, causes intense rainfall, resulting in inherent in racing events and landslides, which is the deposition area of the Plain Sedimentary Caraguatatuba. The understandingans and spatialization of these events is the objective of this work that seeks to relate, in Caraguatatuba's Sedimentary Plain, marine, rivers and gravity sediments, for its genesis and evolution. The method of auger core and texture analysis, and laboratory analysis of samples collected in trenches are also checked. During the studies were verified instances of coarse material near the crystalline scarped, sometimes covered with clay-like material, which agrees with the hypotheses. / Mestrado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Mestre em Geografia

Beitrag der polaren Eismassen zum globalen Meeresspiegelanstieg aus Daten der Satelliten-Schwerefeldmission GRACE: Beitrag der polaren Eismassen zum globalen Meeresspiegelanstieg aus Daten der Satelliten-Schwerefeldmission GRACE

Dietrich, Reinhard, Horwath, Martin, Groh, Andreas 18 February 2010 (has links)
Die mit dem globalen Klimawandel einhergehende Zunahme der mittleren Jahrestemperatur führt zu einem Anstieg des mittleren Meeresspiegels. Hierzu trägt auch das Schmelzwasser der kontinentalen Eismassen bei. Über die Bestimmung der kontinentalen Eismassenänderungen kann somit auf deren Beitrag zum globalen Meeresspiegelanstieg geschlossen werden. Eismassenänderungen spiegeln sich in Variationen des Gravitationsfeldes der Erde wieder. Diese Variationen werden durch die Satelliten- Schwerefeldmission GRACE monatlich bestimmt. Am Institut für Planetare Geodäsie wurden die Eismassenänderungen des Antarktischen und Grönländischen Eisschildes aus 61 GRACEMonatslösungen für den Zeitraum August 2002 bis Januar 2008 abgeleitet. Sie belaufen sich auf -109 ± 48 bzw. -193 ± 22 Gt/a, was einem äquivalenten Meeresspiegelanstieg von 0.31 bzw. 0.55 mm/a entspricht. / The mean annual temperature rise which goes hand in hand with global warming results in a mean sea level rise. Meltwater influx from continental ice masses is one component of this phenomenon. Hence, the determination of continental ice mass changes makes it possible to infer their contribution to the global mean sea level rise. Such mass variations induce changes in the Earth's gravity field, as observed on a monthly basis by the gravity field satellite mission GRACE. At the Institut für Planetare Geodäsie, mass changes across the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica have been derived from 61 GRACE monthly solutions for the period 08/2002 – 01/2008. These ice mass changes add up to -109 ± 48 and -193 ± 22 Gt/a, respectively. This equates to a sea level rise of 0.31 or 0.55 mm/a.

Late Quaternary vegetation, climate and ocean dynamics inferred from marine sediment cores off southeastern South America

Gu, Fang 08 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

State of the environment and natural resources in Vietnam

Chu, Thi Thu Ha 25 August 2015 (has links)
Vietnam is considered as one of the countries having rich resources from forest and sea, with a high average annual rainfall. However, in view of IWRA, water volume per capita annually in Vietnam is lower than the standard for nations having water resources at average level. Vietnam was recognized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as having three out of more than 200 biological zones of the world. Flora and fauna in Vietnam are very rich and abundant, but due to indiscriminate exploitation, along with weak management, biodiversity levels are significantly reduced. This is also one of the causes of environmental pollution and degradation in Vietnam, besides the impacts from production activities, population migration from rural areas to urban areas, rapid urbanization, climate change and sea level rise, etc. / Tảo đóng vai trò quan trọng trong mạng lưới thức ăn và chu trình sinh địa hóa của thủy vực và chúng chịu sự chi phối của nhiều yếu tố môi trường như ánh sáng, pH, nhiệt độ và dinh dưỡng. Nghiên cứu này trình bày đa dạng thành phần loài và biến động sinh khối thực vật phù du tại hồchứa Hòa Bình từ tháng 3 đến tháng 12 năm 2011. Các mẫu thực vật nổi được thu thập hàng tháng tại 4 điểm. Kết quả đã xác định được 6 lớp tảo chính bao gồm: Vi khuẩn lam, tảo lục, tảo silic, tảo mắt, tảo giáp và tảo lông roi hai rãnh. Nhóm tảo silic và Vi khuẩn lam chiếm ưu thế với độ phong phú tương đối là 61% và 32% tương ứng trong quần xã thực vật nổi. Vi khuẩn lam dạng tập đoàn và dạng sợi (Microcystis aeruginosa, M. wesenberg, Oscillatoria sp. tương ứng) chiếm ưu thế trong quần xã thực vật nổi vào các thời điểm đầu hè và mùa thu (tháng 4 và tháng 9). Tổng mật độ tế bào thực vật nổi dao động từ 84210 đến 100 x106 cell/L. Mật độ thực vật nổi biển động theo mùa với sinh khối tê bào cao vào đầu hè và mùa đông (tháng 4 và tháng 12) và sinh khối tếbào thấp vào các mùa hè và thu (tháng 6 đến tháng 10).

Visualising change in the Tamar Valley : participatory processes for generating 3D visual tools to communicate sea-level rise

Nettley, Amy Jessica January 2013 (has links)
This thesis introduces and analyses a unique approach which involved iteratively engaging with stakeholders to generate a film about sea-level rise at a heritage site. The project used fine-scale remote sensing techniques, including airborne and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), to produce spatially accurate and realistic 3D digital visualisations of projected sea level rise at Cotehele Quay, a site on the River Tamar in Cornwall which is owned and managed by the National Trust. Area residents and stakeholders were involved in a series of focus groups which provided guidance on the integration of the spatial models into a short film. This thesis makes an original contribution to knowledge about how non-scientific audiences understand and interpret visual realism and spatial accuracy when engaged with the process of developing such a tool. Ultimately, the thesis proposes a new kind of visual realism based on this knowledge, known as ‘participatory realism’. The main output of this research was a film, ‘Changing Tides at Cotehele Quay’, which is presently being used by the National Trust as part of their wider communication toolkit. In addition to reflecting on the production of the film, the thesis makes the argument that at present TLS is not being proactively used to engage wider audiences. The research explored how TLS and other spatial data can be used in settings which are more public-facing; the thesis analyses the results of this innovative practice and interrogates the way in which people interacted and responded in the course of their participation.

Vulnerability Of Coastal Areas To Sea Level Rise: A Case Study On Goksu Delta

Ozyurt, Gulizar 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Climate change and anticipated impacts of sea level rise such as increased coastal erosion, inundation, flooding due to storm surges and salt water intrusion to freshwater resources will affect all the countries but mostly small island countries of oceans and low-lying lands along coastlines. Turkey having 8333 km of coastline including physically, ecologically and socio-economically important low-lying deltas should also prepare for the impacts of sea level rise as well as other impacts of climate change while participating in mitigation efforts. Thus, a coastal vulnerability assessment of Turkey to sea level rise is needed both as a part of coastal zone management policies for sustainable development and as a guideline for resource allocation for preparation of adaptation options for upcoming problems due to sea level rise. In this study, a coastal vulnerability matrix and a corresponding coastal vulnerability index &ndash / CVI (SLR) of a region to sea level rise using indicators of impacts of sea level rise which use commonly available data are developed. The results of the matrix and the index enable decision makers to compare and rank different regions according to their vulnerabilities to sea level rise, to prioritize impacts of sea level rise on the region according to the vulnerability of the region to each impact and to determine the most vulnerable parameters for planning of adaptation measures to sea level rise. The developed coastal vulnerability assessment model is used to determine the vulnerability of G&ouml / ksu Delta (Specially Protected Area), Mersin that has unique geological, ecological and socio-economical properties which are protected and recognized by both national and international communities.

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