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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Applicatins of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to wine analysis : targeted analysis and compound identification

Alberts, P. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The wine industry is an important sector of agriculture and wine analysis forms the basis of assessing compliance of its commodities with regulatory standards and research in this field. Liquid chromatography (LC) is extensively used for the determination of a wide range of nonvolatile wine components, but conventional detectors impose performance limitations on the technique that prevents its application to sophisticated analytical problems. In particular, conventional detectors for LC often lack the sensitivity and specificity for the determination of many wine compounds, especially trace level analytes, and furthermore, do not possess spectral capabilities for compound identification or structure elucidation. The hyphenation of mass spectrometry (MS) to LC has led to the introduction of a range of detectors that confers high levels of sensitivity and selectivity to the technique. In addition, a wide variety of MS architectures are available that are inherently suited for targeted analysis or structure elucidation studies. In this dissertation, the potential benefits of liquid chromatography – tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to solve analytical problems relevant to the wine industry are explored. LC-MS/MS is a particularly versatile analytical technique because both mass analysers can be operated in full-spectrum mode or selected-ion monitoring, which, together with optional fragmentation, gives rise to four modes of operation that may be used for highly specific and sensitive targeted analysis or spectral investigations. In multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, both analysers are set at single ion frequencies specific for the compound under investigation and one or more of its product fragments, respectively. MRM mode is ideally suited for trace level analysis in complex mixtures, even in cases where the target components are not resolved from interferences. In this study, MRM detection was used to solve challenges relevant to the wine industry for the selective quantitation of target analytes that could not be analysed by conventional LC methods. The application of this approach for the analysis of natamycin, ethyl carbamate (EC) and 3-alkyl-2- methoxypyrazines (MPs) in wine is demonstrated. Natamycin is an antimicrobial preservative that is not permitted in wine in the European Union. A rapid and sensitive method for the determination of natamycin was developed, and has been used since 2009 to regulate this vitally important sector of the South African wine export industry. EC is a natural carcinogen that occurs at trace level amounts in alcoholic products. It also has the potential to accumulate in wines and can occur in very high concentrations in some fruit brandies. The determination of EC is complicated by its physicochemical properties, and available analytical methods suffer from drawbacks such as the requirement for elaborate extraction procedures and high solvent consumption. A novel method for the determination of EC in wines, fortified wines and spirits is described and it was applied to perform an audit of the South African industry as well as to investigate factors responsible for its accumulation in alcoholic beverages. This work forms an integral part of the food safety mandate of the State and it ensures that export products comply with international norms for trade. MPs are ultra-trace-level aroma compounds that contribute to the varietal character of Sauvignon blanc wines. Their analytical determination is challenging due to their low levels of occurrence. The loading capacity of LC combined with the sensitivity and resolving power of MS was exploited to analyse concentrated extracts, in order to achieve very low limits of detection. The performance of the LC-MS/MS method enabled the quantitation of these compounds at their natural levels of occurrence, including the first quantitation and spectral confirmation of 3- ethyl-2-methoxypyrazine in wine. Extensive data pertaining to South African Sauvignon blanc wines are reported and statistical analysis is performed, reporting the correlation of variables such as vintage and origin as well as wine parameters such as malic acid with wine MPs. Furthermore, the application of LC-MS/MS for structural elucidation and screening of target classes of analytes was demonstrated for the analysis of red wine anthocyanins. The anthocyanidin-glycosides are responsible for the colour of red grapes and wine, contribute to the sensory properties of wine, and are also of interest due to their beneficial biological properties. Their determination is complicated by their large numbers and structural diversity, further exacerbated by diverse reactions during wine ageing as well as the lack of reference standards for most members of this class of compounds. Tandem MS in scan mode was used for the highly selective detection of glycosylated anthocyanins and derivatives, exploiting the predictable elimination of the sugar moiety in neutral loss mode. Concurrent survey scan experiments were used to unambiguously identify neutral loss detected compounds. The method therefore follows a simplified and structured approach for unambiguous peak identification based on elution order and mass spectral information to impart a high level of certainty in compound identification. In summary, the work presented in this dissertation demonstrates that LC-MS/MS is a versatile and powerful analytical approach for the analysis of diverse compounds of relevance to the wine industry. The sensitivity and specificity of MRM mode, and the selectivity and spectral capabilities of neutral loss and survey scan modes of MS/MS detection, is amply demonstrated by the applications presented in the dissertation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wynbedryf is ‘n belangrike komponent van landbou en wyn-analise vorm ‘n integrale deel van gehalteversekering ten opsigte van toepaslike wetlike standaarde. Wyn-analise is ook belangrik in navorsing oor die samestelling van wyn. Vloeistofchromatografie word dikwels aangewend vir die bepaling van ‘n wye verskeidenheid nie-vlugtige wynkomponente, maar konvensionele detektors plaas beperkinge op die aanwending van die tegniek tot gesofistikeerde analitiese toepassings. Meer spesifiek, konvensionele detektors vir vloeistofchromatografie beskik nie oor die sensitiwiteit en selektiwiteit vir die bepaling van baie wynkomponente nie, veral in die geval van spoorvlakanalise, en beskik boonop ook nie oor spektrale vermoëns vir identifikasie van komponente en struktuurbepaling nie. Die koppeling van vloeistofchromatografie met massaspektrometrie het ‘n reeks detektors tot die tegniek toegevoeg wat hoë vlakke van sensitiwiteit en selektiwiteit bied. Verder bied die verskeidenheid van massaspektrometrie-konfigurasies ook instrumente wat inherent geskik is vir geteikende analise of struktuurbepaling, afhangende van die doel van die ondersoek. In hierdie dissertasie word die voordele ondersoek wat verbonde is aan die aanwending van vloeistofchromatografie – tandem kwadrupool massaspektrometrie om relevante analitiese vraagstukke in die wynbedryf op te los. Hiedie tegniek is besonder toepaslik aangesien beide massa-analiseerders in geselekteerde-ioon modus of in volle skandering gebruik kan word. Tesame met opsionele fragmentasie, gee hierdie uitleg aanleiding tot vier funksionaliteite wat vir hoogs sensitiewe geteikende analise of spektrale onledings gebruik kan word. Eerstens word beide massa analiseerders vir enkel-ioon frekwensies opgestel, spesifiek tot die teikenkomponent en een of meer van sy produkfragmente, wat verkry word deur komponentspesifieke fragmentasie. Hierdie modus is by uitstek geskik vir spoorvlakontleding van komplekse monsters, selfs wanneer die teikenkomponente nie chromatografies van die matriks geskei is nie. In hierdie studie is die tegniek aangewend vir die hoogs sensitiewe bepaling van spoorvlak komponente wat nie met konvensionele detektors gemeet kon word nie. Die aanwending van hierdie tegniek word gedemonstreer vir die spoorvlakbepaling van natamycin, etielkarbamaat en 3-alkiel-2-metoksiepierasiene in wyn. Natamycin is ‘n antimikrobiese preserveermiddel wat ontoelaatbaar is in wyn in die Europese Unie. ‘n Vinnige en sensitiewe metode vir die bepaling van natamycin is ontwikkel, en word reeds sedert 2009 aangewend om hierdie uiters belangrike sektor van die Suid-Afrikaanse wyn uitvoerbedryf te reguleer. Etielkarbamaat is ‘n karsinogeen wat natuurlik voorkom in spoorhoeveelhede in alkoholiese produkte. Dit kan ook onder sekere omstandighede akkumuleer in wyn en in hoë konsentrasies voorkom in vrugtebrandewyne. Die bepaling van etielkarbamaat word bemoeilik deur sy chemiese eienskappe, en gevolglik word analitiese metodes gekenmerk deur uitgebreide, arbeidsintensiewe monstervoorbereiding en die gebruik van groot hoeveelhede, meestal giftige, oplosmiddels. ‘n Nuwe metode vir die bepaling van etielkarbamaat in wyn, gefortifiseerde wyn en spiritualië word beskryf en word aangewend om die faktore vir vorming daarvan te ondersoek. Die metode word aangewend om die Suid-Afrikaanse bedryf te ouditeer in terme van die voedselveiligheid mandaat van die Staat, en om te verseker dat uitvoere voldoen aan standaarde vir internasionale handel. Metoksiepierasiene is vlugtige, ultraspoorvlak wynaromakomponente wat verantwoordelik is vir die kenmerkede kultivarkarakter van Sauvignon blanc wyne. Hul analitiese bepaling word bemoeilik deur hulle lae konsentrasies in wyn. Die ladingskapasiteit van vloeistofchromatografie tesame met die sensitiwiteit en selektiwiteit van massaspektrometrie was benut om hoogs gekonsentreerde ekstrakte te ontleed. Baie hoë vlakke van sensitiwiteit word sodoende verkry. Die verrigting van die metode was voldoende om hierdie komponente teen hulle natuurlike konsentrasies te kwantifiseer, insluitende die eerste kwantifisering en spektrale bevestiging van 3-etiel-2-metoksiepierasien. Omvattende data van die vlakke van hierdie komponente in Suid- Afrikaanse Sauvignon blanc wyne word getoon en statistiese ontleding is gedoen om korrelasies tussen veranderlikes soos oorsprong en oesjaar sowel as basiese wyn veranderlikes soos byvoorbeeld appelsuur, met metoksiepierasienvlakke te ondersoek. Verder was die toepassing van vloeistofchromatografie – tandem massaspektrometrie tot struktuurbepaling en skandering vir groepe van komponente gedemonstreer vir die ontleding van rooiwyn antosianiene. Die antosianien-glukosiede is verantwoordelik vir die kleur van rooi druiwe en wyn, dra by tot die sensoriese eienskappe daarvan, en is ook relevant as gevolg van die voordelige biologiese eienskappe daarvan. Die bepaling van hierdie komponente word gekompliseer deur hulle groot getalle en strukturele diversiteit, verder bemoeilik deur die wye verskeidenheid van reaksies wat hulle ondergaan tydens veroudering. Daar is ook ‘n gebrek aan beskikbaarheid van standaarde vir die meeste van die lede van hierdie klas van komponente. Tandem massaspektrometrie was in skanderingsmodus gebruik vir hoogs selektiewe deteksie van die antosianien-glukosiede deur die voorspelbare eliminasie van die suiker komponent in neutrale verliesskandering te benut. Gelyktydige skanderings van die komponente wat met neutraleverliesskandering waargeneem word, is gebruik vir ondubbelsinnige komponent identifikasie. Die metode volg daarom ‘n eenvoudige en gestruktureerde benadering vir piek identifikasie wat gebaseer is op chromatografiese orde, sowel as massaspektrale inligting, om ‘n hoë vlak van sekerheid aan die identifikasie van komponente te verleen. Samevattend, word daar getoon deur die werk wat in hierdie dissertasie uiteengesit is dat vloeistofchromatografie – tandem massaspektrometrie ‘n veelsydige en kragtige tegniek bied vir chemiese analise relevant tot die wynbedryf. Die sensitiwiteit, selektiwiteit en spektrale vermoëns van die tegniek word duidelik deur toepassings in die dissertasie getoon.

Novel ion-exchange materials derived from poly(styrene-co-maleimide) and a study of the extraction and recovery of gold (III) chloride from acidic solutions

Lakay, Eugene Marlin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study an economical, environmentally friendly, selective and efficient process for the extraction and recovery of [AuCl4]- from aqueous acidic chloride-rich solutions, particularly those aqueous solutions having low concentrations of the precious metal complexes has been investigated. Functionalized poly(styrene-co-maleimide) (PSMI) nanoparticles were synthesized by thermal imidization of the poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) (PSMA) copolymer with 3-N,N-dimethylaminopropylamine. Stable water-based dispersions were obtained containing spherical, monodisperse PSMI nanoparticles with a narrow size-distribution and average diameters of 50 ± 5 nm. The specific surface area of the bulk PSMI nanoparticles is 88.1 ± 2.2 m2/g with an average pore diameter of 82.3 Å. 13C NMR, FTIR and elemental analyses confirmed the successful and complete conversion of PSMA into the PSMI derivative. The functionalized PSMI nanoparticles synthesized were investigated as a novel anion-exchange material for the extraction of [AuCl4]- ions from aqueous acidic solutions. Batch sorption studies were carried out as a function of various parameters, such as initial gold concentration, PSMI mass, contact time and agitation rate. The [AuCl4]- extraction occurred with extremely fast sorption kinetics and is dependent on the rate of agitation during the batch sorption process. The functionalized PSMI nanoparticles show a maximum gold loading capacity of 1.76 mmol/g (347.7 mg/g). Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were applied to analyze the experimental sorption data. The best model describing the sorption process is given by the Langmuir model. Desorption efficiencies of about 80 % and 93 % were obtained using acidified thiourea (0.25 M thiourea/2 M HCl) and a mixture of 10 M HNO3/0.5 HCl as elutant solutions, respectively. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis unambiguously confirms that the immobilized gold species exists in several oxidation states of 0, +I and +III on the PSMI nanoparticles. This proves that the [AuCl4]- ions initially present in the gold feed solutions unfortunately are subject to a reduction phenomenon on the surface of the functionalized PSMI nanoparticles. The existence of the various gold species contributed significantly to poor desorption efficiencies. In addition to PSMI nanoparticles, micro- to millimeter size PSMI resin beads was prepared by an electrospray methodology. This allows for a wide range of PSMI spherical and quasi-spherical bead diameters of shape to be prepared by manipulation of the experimental conditions employed during the electrospray process, such as the concentration of the PSMI in solution, the capillary tip-to-collector distance, flow rate and the applied voltage. 13C NMR and FTIR spectroscopy analyses show that the electrospray methodology allows PSMI resin beads preparation without any change in chemical composition of the PSMI material. Surface area and porosity analysis shows that 450 μm and 1620 μm PSMI beads selected for use in the gold extraction experiments are microporous and have BET specific surface areas of 2.8 ± 0.4 m2/g and 2.0 ± 0.1 m2/g, respectively. Micro- to millimeter size PSMI resin beads of 450 μm and 1620 μm diameter were tested as potential anion-exchange resins for the extraction of [AuCl4]- from aqueous acidic solutions. The time-dependent studies reveal that the extent of gold uptake increases with an increase in contact time and is dependent on the gold concentration in the [AuCl4]- feed solutions. A maximum loading capacity of 120.7 mg/g and 98.16 mg/g was attained for the 450 μm and 1620 μm resin beads, respectively. The experimental sorption data followed a linear trend consistent with a Freundlich sorption model. This sorption trend for [AuCl4]- suggests that a multi-layer sorption process predominates. Desorption of immobilized gold species from the loaded PSMI resin beads was investigated using various elutants such as HCl, HNO3, thiourea, NaCN and NaOH solutions. The best results were obtained using a mixture of 10 M HNO3/0.5 M HCl as elutant with a desorption efficiency of about 97%. Finally, superparamagnetic magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles with a high degree of crystallinity and phase purity were synthesized by a chemical co-precipitation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ salts. The average diameters of the obtained Fe3O4 nanoparticles were about 7 – 8 nm. The Fe3O4 nanoparticles were coated with oleic acid surfactant molecules and used as seed particles for the preparation of 50 nm diameter magnetic PSMI nanoparticles via an in situ imidization reaction. TEM analysis confirmed that the magnetically responsive PSMI nanoparticles consist of magnetite core-polymer shell structure, although more work is required to perfect such materials. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is ‘n ekonomiese, omgewings vriendelike, seleketiewe en effektiewe proses vir die ekstraksie en herwinning van [AuCl4]- uit suur chloried-ryke oplossings, spesifiek oplossings van lae konsentrasies van edel metal komplekse was bestudeer. Gefunksionaliseerde poli(stireen-ko-maleïmied) (PSMI) nanopartikels was gesintetiseer deur middel van termiese imidisasie van die poli(stireen-ko-maleïk anhidried) kopolimeer met 3-N,N-dimetielaminopropielamien. Stabiele dispersies in water was gevind wat soos sweriese mono-disperse PSMI nanopartikels met ‘n noue partikel-grootte verspreiding met ‘n gemiddelde deursnee van 50 ± 5 nm. Die spesifieke oppervlak area van die massa PSMI nanopartikels is 88.1 ± 2.2 m2/g met ‘n gemiddelde porie-grootte van 82.3 Å. 13C NMR, FTIR en elementêre analiese bevestig die suksesvolle en volledige omskakeling van PSMA na PSMI. Die gefunksionaliseerde PSMI nanopartikels was bestudeer as ‘n nuwe anion-uitruil material vir die ekstraksie van [AuCl4]- ione uit suur oplossings. Stel sorpsie studies was uitgevoer as ‘n funksie van verskeie parameters soos onder andere die goud konentrasie in oplossing, PSMI massa, kontak tyd en ‘n mengings tempo. Die [AuCl4]- ekstraksie gebeur met ‘n geweldige sorpsie kinetika en is afhanklik van die mengings tempo gedurende die stel sorpsie proses. Die gefunksionaliseerde PSMI nanopartikels het ‘n maksimum goud sorpsie kapsiteit van 1.76 mmol/g (347.7 mg/g). Langmuir en Freundlich isoterm modelle was gepas en geanaliseer op die experimentele sorpsie data waarvan die Langmuir isoterm model die data die beste gepas het. De-sorpsie effektiwiteit van ongeveer 80 % en 93% was vekry vir die aangesuurde thiourea (0.25 M thiourea/2 M HCl) en ‘n mengsel van 10 M HNO3/0.5 M HCl as elueer oplossings, onderskeidelik. X-straal foto-elektron spektroskopie (XPS) analiese bevestig ongetwydeld die geimmobileerde goud spesies in oksidasietoestande van 0, +I, en +III op die PSMI nanopartikels. Hierdie is bewyse dat die [AuCl4]- oorspronklik teenwoordig in die goud oplossings is onderhewe auto-reduksie fenomeen op die oppervlak van die gefunksionalieerde PSMI nanopartikels. Die bestaan van verskeie goud spesies dra by tot die power de-sorpsie effektiwiteit van ge-immobiliseerde goud. Bykomend tot die nanopartikels is mikro- tot millimeter grootte PSMI partikels voorberei met ‘n elektro-sproei proses. Hierdie metode stel ons instaat om ‘n wye reeks sferiese en quasi-sferiese PSMI partikel se deersnee voorteberei. Deur die manupulasie van die eksperimentele kondisies gedurende die elektro-sproei proses, soos die konsentrasie van die PSMI in oplossing, die kapilêre punt-tot-ontvanger afstant, vloeispoed en die toegepasde potensiaal. 13C KMR en FTIR spectroskopiese analiese wys dat die elektro-sproei proses die PSMI partikel bereiding toelaat sonder enige veranderinge in die chemiese samestelling van die PSMI materiaal. Oppervlak area en porie-grootte analise wys dat 450lksdfhld en dskl jmm partikels gebruik in die goud ekstraksie eksperimente is mikro-porieës en het spesifieke oppervlak-areas van 2.8 ± 0.4 m2/g en 2.0 ± 0.1 m2/g onderskeidelik. Mikro- tot millimeter grootte poli(stireen-ko-maleimied) (PSMI) partikels van 450 μm en 1620 μm deursnee was getoets as potensieele anion-uitruilings-hars vir die ekstraksie van [AuCl4]- vanuit suur oplossings. Die tyd afhanklike studies gee aanduiding dat die mate van goud opname toeneem met ‘n toename in kontak-tyd en is afhanklik van die goud konsentrasie in die [AuCl4]- oplossings. ‘n Maksimum opname-kapasiteit van 120.7 mg/g en 98.2 mg/g was verkry vir die 450 μm en 1620 μm hars partikels onderskeidelik. Die eksperimentele sorpsie-data volg ‘n lineêre neiging in ooreenstemming met die Freundlich model. Die sorpsie neiging van [AuCl4]- dui aan dat ‘n meervuldige laag sorpsie proses domineer. De-sorpsie van die geimobiliseerde goud spesies vanaf die PSMI hars partikels was bestudeer deur gebruik te maak van verskeie elueermiddels soos HCl, HNO3, thiourea, NaCN en NaOH oplossings. Die beste resultate is verkry deur ‘n mengsel te gebruik van 10M HNO3/0.5M HCl as elueermiddel met n de-sorpsie effektiviteit van ongeveer 97%. Superparamagnetiese magnetiet (Fe3O4) nanopartikels met ‘n hoë graad van kristaliniteit en fase-reinheid was voorberei deur ‘n chemiese ko-neerslagvorming van Fe2+ en Fe3+ soute. Die gemiddelde deursnee van die Fe3O4 nanopartikels was ongeveer 7 – 8 nm. Die Fe3O4 nanopartikels was omhul met oleic suur benatter molekules wat gebruik word as saadjies vir voorbereiding van 50 nm deursnee-magnetiese PSMI nanopartikels deur middel van ‘n imidisasie reaksie. TEM analiese bevestig dat die magnetiese PSMI partikels nanopartikels bestaan uit ‘n magnetiet-kern polimeer-skil struktuur.

Synthesis of triazole-linked chloroquinoline derivatives as novel antimalarial agents

Taleli, Lebusetsa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Aminoquinolines are important class of drugs that have been used for malaria chemotherapy for centuries. However, long-term exposure to these drugs leads to extensive spread of drug resistance. As such, modified chloroquinoline derivatives are being studied as alternative antimalarial agents with the possibility to overcome drug resistance associated with chloroquine analogues. In this study, 15 aminoquinoline derivatives that are linked by a 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole ring to an ethyl and propyl carbon spacer with a distal amine motif were designed and synthesized as novel antimalarial agents using the Cu(I)-promoted Huisgen reaction. The compounds have been synthesized from the 7-chloro-N-(prop-2-yn-1-yl)quinolin-4-amine alkyne precursor and the azides of ethyl and propyl amino moieties using a 1,3-dipolar cycloadditioncoupling in the presence of CuI catalyst to obtain moderate to good yields (53 – 85%). These compounds have been characterized by the combination of NMR, ESI+ HRMS and IR spectroscopic methods. The antiplasmodial activity of the compounds was investigated in vitro against P. falciparum strain NF54 using chloroquine as a reference drug together with a standard antimalarial drug artesunate. Of the 15 novel chloroquinoline derivatives, 11 have demonstrated to possess promising potency by way of the inhibition concentrations less than 250 nM with the lowest being 28 nM. The observed activities have been ascribed to the overall modifications such as the introduction of a triazole linker and changing of carbon chain length as these were the variables. The compounds are accordingly under further biological investigations and only the chloroquine sensitive results are reported in this work.

A speciation study of various Pt(II) and Pt(IV) complexes including hexaaquaplatinum(IV) by means of 195Pt NMR spectroscopy, in support of a preliminary study of the oxidation mechanism of various Pt(II) complexes

Murray, Pieter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / See full text for abstract. / Sien volteks vir opsomming

Computational study of anion-anion intermolecular interactions between I3-ions in the gas phase, solution and solid state

Groenewald, Ferdinand George 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Please refer to full text for abstract.

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