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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Imle, Margaret Anne January 1983 (has links)
The purpose of the research was to develop and test a scale to index the concerns of first-time expectant parents. The two-phase research design included (1) an inductive concept generation phase, consistent with the status of knowledge in the field, and (2) a quantitative deductive instrument test of the concepts from phase 1. In the inductive phase, grounded theory analysis using interviews from a theoretical sample of ten expectant parents, provided data to generate a conceptual model. The three induced constructs were Support Cycling, Transition to First-Time Parenthood and Success at Parenting. In the quantitative deductive phase, 45 female and 36 male first-time expectant parents, volunteered from childbirth classes to test the Imle Transition to Parenthood Concerns (ITPC) scale, which indexed the second of the three major constructs generated in the inductive phase. Preliminary internal consistency and content validity assessments of the scale yielded an 87 item paper and pencil scale that would measure intensity of concern about each item. Separate testing for male and female subjects was supported by Hotelling's T² in MANOVA tests of the effects of sex and measured but uncontrolled testing situation variables. Reliability estimates of the ITPC scale, with seven subscales, indicated acceptable coefficient alphas for females and males of .95 and .93, respectively. The seven subscale coefficient alphas ranged from .79 to .92 for females and from .84 to .91 for males. Concurrent criterion-related validity estimates, using one criterion item per subscale, exceeded the criterion of at least .55, ranging from .58 to .83 for females and from .59 to .86 for males. The ITPC scale met preliminary tests of reliability and concurrent criterion-related validity. Since the subject test sample was representative of the middle class, educated type of person, who usually attends childbirth education classes, scale testing results cannot be generalized to other types of samples without testing. Psychometric testing indicated clinicians can use small sub-sets of items to index expectant parent concerns in a quick, easy-to-score, valid and reliable manner. Results could offer sound information to facilitate patient counseling.


Harrison, Margaret Shipley. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

Anxiety, and childbirth with routine epidural anaesthesia

Leader, Dianne Sheila 19 August 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Science,1976.

The experiences of women who delivered fresh stillbirths at a hospital in Waterburg district, Limpopo Province

Maswanganyi, Tebogo Rosemary January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MPH.) --University of Limpopo, 2018 / Background: When pregnant women deliver fresh stillbirths, their expectations and happiness are heartlessly substituted by mourning for their loss. The consequences are psychosocial and physiological. Mothers begin to search for answers while feeling guilt and shame; some accept blame for their babies‟ death. Their experiences are determined by the care they received from healthcare workers during delivery and grieving period. They complain that doctors and nurses care about the fact that the baby has been delivered and do not care about the emotional trauma that the mother is experiencing. Objectives: To identify, explore and describe experiences of women who delivered fresh stillbirths at a public hospital. Methods: A qualitative and descriptive phenomenological study was conducted using an in-depth phenomenological interview technique to collect data. Due to data saturation, nine purposively selected mothers participated. Interviews were conducted in the local language, and field notes were also collected. Interview recordings were transcribed and translated and analysed using open coding thematic analysis. Results: Some women experienced feelings of guilt, sadness, hurt, sense of failure, shock and self-blame. Some needed counselling whereas others were doing fine without it. Some experienced lack of sympathy from healthcare workers. Conclusions: Giving birth to a stillborn baby is a painful experience for women and their families. Healthcare workers should care for such mothers after delivery. Keywords: Stillbirth; postnatal care, phenomenological study design, field notes / AMREF

An evaluation of learning in expectant parent classes

Wantz, Cora Maxine 03 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to determine whether couples gained any knowledge as a result of attending expectant parent classes.A pre-class and post-class questionnaire was utilized to evaluate the learning. Areas covered were pre-labor symptoms, labor and delivery, activities post partum period, the newborn, family relationships, family planning, and relaxation and breathing patterns. Some couples were observed during labor and delivery to evaluate the use of the relaxation and breathing patterns and the husband's participation.This study indicated that husbands and wives did learn as a result of attending the expectant parent classes. It also indicated that the husbands actively participated in the labor and delivery phases and that the relaxation and breathing patterns were utilized to various degrees during labor and delivery.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Childbearing and first birth in Scotland

Ralston, Kevin January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines childbearing and first birth in Scotland. A description of empirical patterns and trends in childbearing and first birth in Scotland is given. Unique and appropriate analyses of data sources are presented. This includes analysis of the Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS) and Scottish Social Attitudes Survey: Fertility Module (SSAS). The thesis clearly demonstrates the relationship between social stratification and childbearing within Scotland. This is apparent longitudinally, examining timings of first birth using the SLS, and in cross-sectional data using the SSAS, and comparing childbearing ideals and intentions with achieved numbers of children. The evidence suggests inequalities at play on parenthood. Those relatively less advantaged on measures of social stratification, for instance using data on occupations or educational attainment can be observed as starting families earlier than those more educationally or occupationally advantaged. Whether, and how, standard measures of geography relate to fertility outcomes is examined across several chapters and findings suggest that they offer some explanation relating to individual processes of first birth. A latent class approach is outlined which shows that economic theories of fertility can be reconciled with attitudinal indicators of opportunity cost and financial constraint. A distinctive theoretical position is also taken which culminates in the exposition of the position that childbearing can be usefully conceptualised in terms of a threshold effect.

An investigation into the most appropriate prediction method for birth outcomes and maternal morbidity, and the influence of socioeconomic status in a group of preganant women in Khayelitsha, South Africa

Davies, Hilary 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Human Nutrition))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction : The health status of women in peri-urban areas has been influence by the South African political transition. Despite some progress, maternal and child mortality rates are still unacceptably high. A mother’s nutritional status is one of the most important determinants of maternal and birth outcomes. The Institute of Medicine’s pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) method is not always appropriate to use in a peri-urban setting as many women attend their first antenatal clinic later on in their pregnancy. Two alternative methods, the gestational BMI (GBMI) and the gestational risk score (GRS), have been used elsewhere to screen for at risk pregnancies, but have not been used in a South African peri-urban setting. Furthermore, examining socio-economic variables (SEV) aids in the explanation of the impact of social structures on an individual. Risk factors can then be established and pregnant women in these higher risk groups can be identified and given additional antenatal clinic appointments and priority during labour. Aim: The first aim was to investigate the strength of the GBMI and GRS methods for predicting birth outcomes and maternal morbidities. The second aim was to investigate the relationships between SEV, GBMI and maternal morbidities. Methods: This was a sub-study of the Philani Mentor Mothers Study. A sample of 103 and 205 were selected for investigating the prediction methods and SEV respectively. Maternal anthropometry, gestational weeks and SEV were obtained during interviews before birth. Information obtained was used to calculate GBMI and GRS and to assess the SEV. Birth outcomes were obtained from the infant’s clinic cards and maternal morbidities were obtained from interviews two days after the birth. Results No significant association was found between GBMI and birth outcomes and maternal morbidities. A significant positive association was found between GRS and birth head circumference percentile (r=0.22, p<0.05). The higher the GRS, the higher the risk of an infant spending longer time in the hospital (Kruskal Wallis X2 = 4, p<0.05). A significant positive association was found between GBMI and the following SEV factors; age (r=0.33, p<0.05), height (r=0.15, p<0.05), parity (r=0.23, p<0.05), income (r=0.2, p<0.05), marital status (X2 = 9.35, p<0.05), employment (U=2.9, p<0.05) and HIV status (U=2.54, p<0.05). No statistically significant relationships were found between gestational hypertension and gestational diabetes mellitus and SEV. Conclusion: From the findings of this sub-study there were some promising results, however it is still unclear as to which method is the most appropriate to predict adverse birth outcomes and maternal morbidity. It is recommended that the GBMI and GRS once-off methods be repeated in a larger population to see if there are more parameters that could be predicted. Women who were older, shorter, married, had more pregnancies, HIV negative and had a higher socioeconomic status tended to have a greater GBMI. This can lead to adverse birth outcomes and increases the risk of women developing maternal morbidities and other chronic diseases later in their life. Optimal nutrition and health promotion strategies targeting women before conception should be implemented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Die gesondheidstatus van vroue in semi-stedelike areas is beïnvloed deur die Suid-Afrikaanse politiese oorgang. Ten spyte van ’n mate van vooruitgang is die sterftesyfers vir moeders en kinders steeds onaanvaarbaar hoog. ‘n Moeder se voedingstatus is een van die mees belangrike bepalende faktore van moeder- en geboorteuitkomste. Die Instituut van Geneeskunde se voorswangerskap Liggaamsmassa Indeks (LMI) metode is nie altyd toepaslik om te gebruik in ‘n semi-stedelike opset nie aangesien baie vroue hul eerste voorgeboorte-kliniek eers later in hul swangerskap bywoon. Twee alternatiewe metodes, die swangerskap LMI (SLMI) en die swangerskap risiko telling (SRT) is al elders gebruik as sifting vir hoë risiko swangerskappe, maar is nog nie gebruik in ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse semi-stedelike opset nie. Vervolgens kan ‘n ondersoek na sosio-ekonomiese veranderlikes (SEV) help om die impak van maatskaplike strukture op ‘n individu te verduidelik. Risiko faktore kan dan vasgestel word en swanger vroue wat in hierdie hoër risiko groepe val kan geïdentifiseer word. Dié vroue kan addisionele voorgeboorte-kliniek afsprake ontvang asook voorkeurbehandeling tydens die geboorteproses. Doelstellings: Die eerste doelstelling was om die sterkte van die SLMI en SRT metodes te ondersoek as voorspellers van geboorte uitkomste en moeder-morbiditeite. Die tweede doelstelling was om die verhoudings tussen SEV, SLMI en moeder-morbiditeite te ondersoek. Metodes: Hierdie projek was ‘n sub-studie van die Philani Mentor Moeders Studie. ‘n Steekproefgrootte van 103 en 205 was geselekteer om onderskeidelik die voorspeller metodes en SEV te ondersoek. Die moeder se antropometrie, swangerskap weke en SEV was verkry gedurende onderhoude voor geboorte. Informasie ingewin was gebruik om die SLMI en SRT te bereken en om die SEV te ondersoek. Geboorteuitkomste was verkry vanaf die babas se kliniekkaarte en moeder-morbiditeite was verkry tydens onderhoude twee dae na die geboorte. Resultate: Geen betekenisvolle assosiasie was gevind tussen SLMI, geboorteuitkomste en moeder-morbiditeite nie. ‘n Betekenisvolle positiewe assosiasie was gevind tussen SRT en die geboorte kopomtrek persentiel (r=0.22, p<0.05). Hoe hoër die SRT, hoe hoër die risiko dat ‘n baba langer in die hospitaal sou bly (Kruskal Wallis X2=4, p<0.05). ‘n Betekenisvolle positiewe assosiasie was gevind tussen SLMI en die volgende SEV faktore: ouderdom (r=0.33, p<0.05), lengte (r=0.15, p<0.05), pariteit (r=0.23, p<0.05), inkomste (r=0.2, p<0.05), huwelikstatus (X2=9.35, p<0.05), besit van ‘n identiteitsdokument (U=1.75, p<0.05), werkstatus (U=2.9, p<0.05) en MIV status (U=2.54, p<0.05). Geen statisties beduidende verhoudings was gevind tussen swangerskap hipertensie, swangerskap diabetes mellitus en SEV nie. Gevolgtrekking Sommige bevindinge van hierdie sub-studie dui op belowende resultate, alhoewel dit steeds nie duidelik is watter metode die mees toepaslike is om ongewenste geboorteuitkomste en moeder-morbiditeit te voorspel nie. Dit word aanbeveel dat die SLMI en SRT eenmalige metodes herhaal word in ‘n groter populasie om te sien of daar meer parameters is wat voorspel kan word. Vroue wat ouer, korter, getroud, meer swangerskappe, MIV negatief en ‘n hoër sosio-ekonomiese status gehad het was geneig om ‘n hoër SLMI te hê. Dit kan lei tot ongewenste geboorteuitkomste en verhoogde risiko om moeder-morbiditeite en ander chroniese siektes later in hul lewe te ontwikkel. Optimale voeding en gesondheidsbevordering strategieë wat vroue teiken voor bevrugting behoort geïmplementeer te word.

Childbirth and Locus of Control: The Role of Perceived Control in the Choice and Utilization of Birthing Alternatives

Dawson-Black, Patricia A. (Patricia Ann) 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the wives' perceptions of personal control over the process of childbirth were related to couples' choices and utilization of three birthing alternatives (home birth, unmedicated hospital birth, and medicated hospital birth). The wives' perceived control over the childbirth process was expected to vary inversely with the level of medical intervention in the birthing alternative chosen. The home birth mothers were expected to perceive themselves as having more control over childbirth than were the unmedicated hospital group mothers, and the unmedicated hospital group mothers more than the medicated hospital group mothers. The husbands' perception of their wives' perceived control in childbirth and their participation was also measured.

Strategies to promote mental health of married couples throughout the ante- and post- natal period

Van Niekerk, Vasti 02 April 2014 (has links)
D.Cur. (Psychiatric Nursing Science) / The overall goal of this research study was to explore and describe strategies in order to promote the mental health of married couples throughout the ante- and postnatal period. The majority of research on the transition to parenthood has found that as couples become parents, there is a dramatic decrease in positive marital interchanges, a dramatic increase in marital conflict and a precipitous decline in marital satisfaction (Belsky & Kelly, 1994; Belsky & Pensky, 1988: 133-156; Belsky, Spanier & Rovine, 1983: 567-577). The transition to parenthood is viewed as instigating a shift in the marriage whereby most couples are expected to experience a qualitative change in their relationship that is relatively abrupt (Pancer, Pratt, Hunsberger & Gallant, 2000: 253-280). Becoming a new parent poses challenges for nearly every married couple (Curran, Hazen, Jacobvitz & Feldman, 2005: 189). Becoming a parent is a major developmental transition of adulthood (Harwood, McLean & Durkin, 2007: 1). Individuals often have optimistic expectations about parenthood, yet this transition also presents a number of challenges (Harwood et al, 2007: 1). The questions that arose was what are the stories of married couples throughout the ante- and postnatal period of their first child, and what can be done by an advanced psychiatric nursing practitioner to promote the mental health of married couples based on their story. The researcher utilised a qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual study design as described in Babbie (2010: 92). This research study was carried out in four phases. During the first phase of this research study, the researcher explored and described the stories of married couples throughout the ante- and postnatal period of their first child according to the quest narrative method described by Frank (1997: 115). The results were discussed within relevant literature. iv In the second phase of this research study the researcher developed a conceptual framework on the basis of the empirical data. The conceptual framework was developed according to the concepts as proposed by Dickoff, James and Wiedenbach (1968: 435). The researcher described strategies, to promote the mental health of married couples throughout the ante- and postnatal period of their first child, in the third phase of this research study. These strategies were described according to a relationship phase, a working phase and a termination phase as part of the facilitation process. These three phases were discussed as part of a proposed facilitation process that forms part of the developed conceptual framework. In the fourth phase of this research study, the developed strategies were subjected to expert assessment according to the criteria stated by Chinn and Kramer (2011: 196-205). The findings of the research study are applicable to psychiatric nursing practice, research and psychiatric nursing education.

The Relationship of Depressive Attributional Style with Depression Following Failure of Natural Childbirth

Williams, Barbara Garner 05 1900 (has links)
Using the framework of the reformulated learned helplessness (RLH) model of depression, this study examined the nonachievement of self-expectations of primigravidas desiring natural childbirth in terms of their attributional style and the possible resulting depression. The RLH model predicts that individuals who have a depressive attributional style experience a sense of helplessness when faced with situations which seem difficult or out of their control and are more apt to fail and become depressed. Natural childbirth is an experience which has the potential of appearing out of control to women involved in the birth process. Using a before and after design, the study was based on a sample of forty-one married primiparas who had an uncomplicated pregnancy, attended Lamaze childbirth classes, and anticipated an uncomplicated, unmedicated vaginal delivery. Sixteen subjects stated they did not meet their self-expectations during childbirth and twenty-five stated they did meet their self-expectations. The hypothesis were tested using two matched groups of sixteen each. Data from all subjects were used for post hoc analysis of the hospital data.

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