Spelling suggestions: "subject:"children -- 1amily relationships"" "subject:"children -- bamily relationships""
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Resilience in families with a child living with Autism Spectrum DisorderHanekom, Leché January 2008 (has links)
In recent years the number of studies on resilience emerging within the field of positive psychology has increased. However, such studies are limited within the South African context and so the proposed study aims to explore and describe the factors that facilitate adjustment and adaptation in South African families living with Autism Spectrum Disorder. McCubbin, McCubbin and Thompson (2001) developed the Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation which were used to conceptualise the family’s adaptation. Mothers (n = 19) from 19 families participated in the study. The families consisted of at least three members, of which two are parents and one a child younger than 18 years of age that has been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. A combination of non-probability purposive sampling and snowball sampling was used to select participants. The study had an exploratory and descriptive aim and employed triangulation of method, including both qualitative and quantitative data collection procedures. A biographical questionnaire and the following seven structured paper-and-pencil questionnaires were used: the Family Attachment and Changeability Index 8 (FACI8), the Family Crisis-oriented Personal Evaluation Scales (F-COPES), the Family Hardiness Index (FHI), the Family Problem-solving Communication (FPSC), the Family Time and Routine Index (FTRI), the Relative and Friend Support (RFS), and the Social Support Index (SSI). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the biographical information. Qualitative data were analysed by means of content analysis. Quantitative data were manipulated by means of correlation and regression analysis. The results from the quantitative analysis indicate three significant positive correlations with the FACI8. These variables were the family hardiness (measured by FHI), family problem-solving communication (measured by the FPSC), and family time and routines (measured by the FTRI). The findings from the qualitative analysis point out that social support, the spousal relationship and family time, togetherness and routines are the most important strength factors that contribute to the family’s adjustment and adaptation. Even though this study had a small sample size and several other limitations, the findings of this study could still assist in guiding specialised institutions toward providing more comprehensive information and support to families living with a child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This study also contributes to the studies on family resilience within a South African context.
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Reported social support seeking behaviour of fathers of elementary school aged children diagnosed with learning difficultiesLewis, Celia Ann January 1988 (has links)
Using Q-technique, 15 fathers of children diagnosed with severe learning disabilities, sorted 41 statements concerning use of their potential formal and informal social network members. Additional demographic and descriptive data, and scores from the Perceived Social Support scales (Family, Friends), were used to analyze the possible effects of a number of variables on fathers' sorting patterns.
Fathers reported their spouse as their primary source of support/information, and child's immediate school personnel as their secondary resource. Subdividing fathers into perceived-High and perceived-Low support groups indicated that the Low subgroup reported their spouse as their most significant social contact; also, that contacting School Board personnel was a somewhat more usual behaviour than for the High subgroup.
As spousal support was clearly primary, fathers were also subgrouped according to their wives' employment, and thus their availability for support. Comparisons indicated fathers with working wives were more likely to report going to their informal intimate network (family, friends, spouse's family) and, to be notably more active in contacting various school personnel involved in their children's school difficulties. Fathers with at-home wives appeared to follow more traditional patterns of social interactions, with less school contact behaviour reported.
Fathers differed on several demographics when subgrouped according to whether their target child was first-born, or subsequent-born (2nd or 3rd). First-born children were younger, were more likely to be enrolled in regular classes at present, and their mothers were more likely to be working. Additional data showed that 14 of the 15 target children were boys, and that the families had predominantly male children in total (28 of 32), an unexpected finding.
Future research directions are discussed. In order to utilize fathers in the children's educational programme, suggestions axe pointed out for various school personnel, from the home room teacher to school board administrators. / Education, Faculty of / Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS), Department of / Graduate
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Analyse de l'adaptation sociale et personnelle des jeunes placés jusqu'à leur majorité en fonction de leur trajectoire de placement et du maintien ou du non maintien des contacts avec leurs parents biologiquesCarignan, Louise. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effect of Relationship Support and Parenting Style on Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors of Children with ADHDWalker, Frances (Frances Ann) 08 1900 (has links)
Influences between quality of intimate heterosexual relationships, parenting style, and externalizing and internalizing behavior problems of children with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) were examined in a sample of intact and single parent families. The perspective on marital quality was expanded to include an examination of intimate adult relationships within single parent households. Associations between the quality of custodial parents' serious dating and/or cohabiting relationships, parenting style and the behavior problems of children with ADHD were studied. Results from this study found tentative support for previous findings that family functioning may mediate the development of conduct disorders among children with ADHD.
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School behavioral problems and family environmentChan, Lai-kwan., 陳麗君. January 1993 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education
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Parenting Stress: A Comparison of Mothers and Fathers of Disabled and Non-Disabled ChildrenWalker, Alexis Philbin 12 1900 (has links)
This study compared perceived levels of parenting stress between mothers and fathers of children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), children with developmental disabilities, and normally developing children. The relationship of certain demographic variables, such as Socio-economic Status (SES), number of children, years married, parent age, and child age, as well as social support with parenting stress was also examined for mothers and fathers of these three groups. Identification of factors related to parenting stress in fathers was of particular importance for this study, as fathers are often an underrepresented group within parenting research. Identifying effective methods for predicting high levels of parenting stress is important, as stress has been linked to psychological well-being, potential for abuse, and a greater likelihood of poor adjustment for both parent and child. Results from the present study comparing reported stress levels between groups of parents were supportive of previous studies indicating that parents of children with ADHD and developmentally disabilities experience significantly greater parenting stress, specifically with respect to child characteristics. Significant gender differences were also found between mothers and fathers in terms of parent characteristics related to stress. Fathers reported greater stress in the areas of attachment, while mothers reported more parent role restrictions. Additionally, significant negative relationships were found between parents' perceived helpfulness of informal social support and parenting stress scores in both mothers and fathers, affirming positive effects of social support on stress. Helpfulness of informal social support was also significantly predictive of parenting stress in both mothers and fathers across both the child and parent domains of the PSI, although, it had more predictive power with regard to parent related contributors to parenting stress. Family demographic factors, including age of the child and SES demonstrated some predictive power of parenting stress in mothers. Mothers with younger children and lower SES were more likely to report greater parenting stress. Implications of these results and future directions for research are also discussed.
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Assessing Maternal Functioning in Families of Children with AutismOizumi, Joelle J. (Joelle Julienne) 08 1900 (has links)
Mothers and siblings of children with autism incur stressors that impact their well-being more adversely than mothers of children with ADHD or normally developing children. In Study 1, twenty-six mothers of children with autism (Group 1) were compared to 24 mothers of children with ADHD (Group 2) and 24 mothers with normally developing children (Group 3). All families included a normally developing child (ages 4 to 12). Measures to delineate levels of maternal functioning were administered. Results for Study 1 indicated that mothers of children with autism had higher levels of psychological symptomatology, higher parenting stress, poorer perceptions of their family environment and their ability to parent the siblings, and higher perceptions of internalized problems of the siblings than mothers with normally developing children. These findings support the literature stating that mothers of children with autism may experience increased levels of maternal stress. The reciprocal nature of the parent-child relationship suggests that parents should be involved in meeting the needs of siblings in these families. A subgroup of Group 1 mothers participated in a parent group that occurred simultaneously with a sibling group. Mothers were randomly assigned to participate in a parent/sibling group, a sibling only group, or a wait-list group. Intervention efficacy was assessed using Study 1 measures plus measures designed specifically for the intervention. Overall results of study 2 indicated that mothers in the deluxe intervention perceived their parenting of the siblings to have improved after the intervention when compared to the standard and wait-list groups. This suggested that concurrent mother/sibling intervention provided the mothers with beneficial information and contributed to their enhanced sense of competence about parenting the siblings. In addition, mothers in the deluxe intervention perceived their family environment and the behaviors of the sibling to get worse at post-intervention, but return to baseline over time. This suggests that the intervention may have initially brought some difficulties to the surface that were resolved over time. Results will be discussed with their implications for further research and clinical intervention.
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The correlation between family cohesion and success in autistic treatmentGerbitz, Mindy Lee 01 January 2007 (has links)
This research project offered an overview of Autistic spectrum disorder and discussed the need for research regarding the family's role in treatment. The treatment framework examined in this research project was Applied Behavioral Analysis. The study took place at the University Center for Developmental disabilities (UCDD), located at California State University San Bernardino.
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Parents' perceptions of effective coping strategies for raising a child with autismThigpen, Dee 01 January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to identify the main stessors that parents experience when raising an autistic child and parents' perceptions of what can help them cope better. It is important that parenting stressors and coping strategies are identified as they relate to the age of the child with autism.
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A programme to enhance resilience in families in which a child has a hearing lossAhlert, Ingrid Anita 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to identify and enhance specific resilience qualities that help
protect and support families in overcoming the adversity of having a child with a hearing
impairment. The study was divided into two phases, namely (a) the descriptive phase, which
aimed to identify and explore the resilience qualities that foster better adaptation in these
families and (b) the intervention phase, which aimed to develop, implement and evaluate an
intervention programme that enhances the utilisation of social support, one important
resilience quality identified in the descriptive phase of the study.
The study was essentially exploratory and descriptive in nature and was directed at
developing scientific knowledge and theory in the field of family resilience. Using the
Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation (McCubbin & McCubbin,
1996) as the theoretical framework, the resilience process was mapped in terms of stressors,
risk and protective factors, and family adaptation.
The 54 participating families in the descriptive phase were identified according to the nature
of the crisis (hearing impairment) and the developmental phase of the family. The
participants were obtained by means of a non-probability, purposive sampling procedure and
were drawn from the black, coloured and white cultural subgroups residing in the Western
Cape, South Africa. Both quantitative and qualitative measures were used for data collection.
The results were analysed predominantly according to correlation and regression analyses
techniques, while the qualitative data was categorised according to themes and frequencies.
Results showed that family time and routine, social support, affirming communication, family
hardiness, problem-solving skills, religion, a search for meaning and accepting the disability
were factors promoting resilience in these families. A randomised pretest-posttest control group design was applied in the intervention phase of
the study. The 31 participants were identified in the initial phase of the study and belonged to
the coloured cultural subgroup. Data was again collected using quantitative and qualitative
measures and was analysed using repeated measures analysis of variance and grounded
theory analysis. The results did not indicate a statistically significant change in the utilisation
of social support following the implementation of the workshop. The qualitative data,
however, highlighted that the participants reported greater support from the immediate and
extended family, increased family time and routine, as well as improved communication and
problem-solving skills following the workshop.
The study generally offers valuable knowledge that can be incorporated in psychological and
social training programmes, preventative community interventions and therapeutic settings.
The positive and pragmatic approach adopted in the study ensures that families are
empowered by bringing them hope, helping them develop new competencies and building
mutual support. The study has opened various new avenues for future research in the field of
family resilience and hearing impairment. / OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om spesifieke veerkragtigheidskwaliteite te identifiseer en
versterk wat gesinne met ’n kind met ‘n gehoorgestremdheid teen teenspoed beskerm en
ondersteun. Die studie is in twee verdeel, naamlik (a) die beskrywende fase, met die doel om
die veerkragtigheidskwaliteite wat beter aanpassing in hierdie gesinne gekweek het, te
identifiseer en ondersoek, en (b) die intervensiefase, met die doel om ’n intervensieprogram
te ontwikkel, implementeer en evalueer wat die gebruik van sosiale ondersteuning, een van
die belangrike veerkragtigheidskwaliteite wat in die beskrywende fase van die studie
geïdentifiseer is, te verhoog.
Die studie was in wese ondersoekend en beskrywend van aard en daarop gerig om
wetenskaplike kennis en teorie in die veld van gesinsveerkragtigheid te ontwikkel. Met die
gebruik van die Veerkragtigheidsmodel van Gesinspanning, Verstelling en Aanpassing
(Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation) (McCubbin & McCubbin,
1996) as teoretiese raamwerk, is die veerkragtigheidsproses uitgestippel in terme van die
oorsake van die spanning, risiko- en beskermende faktore, en gesinsaanpassing.
Die 54 gesinne wat aan die beskrywende fase deelgeneem het, is op grond van die aard van
die krisis (gehoorgestremdheid) asook die ontwikkelingsfase van die gesin geïdentifiseer. Die
deelnemers is deur middel van ’n doelgerigte nie-waarskynlikheidsteekproefnemingsprosedure
verwerf vanuit swart, kleurling en blanke gesinne wat in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-
Afrika woon. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metings is vir data-insameling gebruik.
Die resultate is hoofsaaklik aan die hand van korrelasie- en regressieontledingstegnieke
geanaliseer, terwyl die kwalitatiewe data volgens temas en frekwensies gekategoriseer is. Die
resultate het getoon dat gesinstyd en -roetine, sosiale ondersteuning, bevestigende kommunikasie, gesinsgehardheid, probleemoplossings-vaardighede, geloof, ’n soeke na
betekenis en die aanvaarding van die gestremdheid faktore was wat die veerkragtigheid van
hierdie gesinne bevorder het.
’n Ewekansige voor- en natoets kontrolegroep-ontwerp is tydens die intervensiefase van die
studie toegepas. Die 31 deelnemers is tydens die aanvanklike fase van die studie
geïdentifiseer en behoort tot die kleurling kulturele groep. Data is weereens deur middel van
kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metings ingesamel en is aan die hand van herhaalde metingsvariansieontleding
en gegronde teorie-analise geanaliseer. Die resultate het geen statisties
beduidende verskil in die gebruik van sosiale ondersteuning ná die implementering van die
werkswinkel getoon nie. Die kwalitatiewe data het egter beklemtoon dat deelnemers ná die
werkswinkel meer ondersteuning van hulle onmiddellike en uitgebreide familie geniet het,
sowel as meer gesinstyd en -roetine, verbeterde kommunikasie en probleemoplossingsvaardighede.
Oor die algemeen bied die studie waardevolle kennis wat by sielkundige en sosiale
opleidingsprogramme, voorkomende gemeenskapsingryping en in terapeutiese raamwerke
ingelyf kan word. Die positiewe en pragmatiese benadering in die studie verseker dat gesinne
bemagtig word deur hulle hoop te bied, nuwe bekwaamhede te help ontwikkel en wedersydse
ondersteuning op te bou. Die studie het talle nuwe weë vir toekomstige navorsing op die
gebied van gesinsveerkragtigheid en gehoorgestremdheid gebaan.
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