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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracteriza??o f?sico-qu?mica e reol?gica de farinhas mistas instant?neas de arroz, milho e feij?o por extrus?o termopl?stica / Physico-chemical and rheological characterization of pre-gelatinized flour mixed with corn, rice and common beans by extrusion

MOURA, Luciana Silva de Mattos 21 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-04-10T19:01:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Luciana Silva de Mattos Moura.pdf: 1864669 bytes, checksum: adf72c5c555099f630fa5de4140203ef (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-10T19:01:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Luciana Silva de Mattos Moura.pdf: 1864669 bytes, checksum: adf72c5c555099f630fa5de4140203ef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-21 / CAPES / Rice, corn and beans, biofortified or not constitute an important source of protein-calorie. The use of these raw materials in product development is an alternative to the contribution of food quality and safety. In consequence, the objective of this study was to characterize the physicochemical and rheological flour mixed pre-gelatinized by extrusion of rice, beans and corn for their application in developing other products like pasta for breads, cakes, biscuits and pasta pre-cooked .The concentration of the mixture prepared in this study was 30% corn, 35% bean and 35% rice. To analyze the results was developed a central composite rotational design (CCRD), and the data analyzed by response surface, with 17 treatments and three independent variables, which were the moisture of the dough prior to extrusion (16, 18, 21, 24; 26%), the temperature of the extrusion zone 3 (126, 140, 160, 180, 193 ? C) and rotation of the extruder screw (106, 120, 140, 160, 173 rpm). Analyses of expansion ratio and bulk density, water solubility index (WSI) and water absorption index (WAI), viscoamylographic properties. Besides the chemical composition, mineral profile and analysis of color (brightness, chromaticity a * and b *) of the best treatments. The values of radial expansion index ranged from 1.34 to 6.87, being the highest value found in T3 prepared with 140 ? C, 160rpm and 18% moisture. The moisture and temperature had a negative effect on the expansion, an increase in these two variables leads to a decrease in the expansion of the product. This parameter is one of the most important for the characterization of an expanded product of high quality. Lower moisture contents can lead to greater dextrinization of starch and increase the solubility of the mixture, then, treatments such as T3, showed high solubility. An increase in moisture lead to an increased water absorption, achieving the highest values in the conditions of temperature 180 ? C, 160 rpm rotation and 24% moisture (U). These conditions were also suitable for obtaining solutions of high viscosity and low tendency to retrogradation. The T3: 140 ? C, 160 rpm and 18%, T4: 180 ? C, 160 rpm and 18%, T5: 140 ? C, 120 rpm and 24%, T8, 180 ? C, 160 rpm and 24%; T10: 193 ? C, 140 rpm and 21% of moisture, were considered the best formulations and they were analyzed in terms of color, composition and mineral profile. The thermoplastic extrusion process affected the color of the flour due to non-enzymatic browning reactions that occur with the samples. Moreover, the beans BRS Pontal stood out to provide higher levels of proteins (21.34 g/100 g) and high levels of minerals, including iron in the sample (7.0 mg/100 g) when compared with the other raw materials while that treatment 8 also stood out for its high mineral content and good fiber intake (greater than 8.5 g/100g). It was concluded that flour T3, due to its expansion and better solubility in water, can be used for preparing snacks, and soluble flour, while the treatment 8 is to increase the viability soups, sauces, because of its high viscosity and low tendency to solidify, due to the retrogradation. / Arroz, milho e feij?o, biofortificados ou n?o constituem uma importante fonte cal?rica-prot?ica. O uso destas mat?rias primas no desenvolvimento de produtos ? uma alternativa na contribui??o da qualidade e seguran?a alimentar. Em consequencia, o objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar f?sico-qu?mica e reologicamente as farinhas mistas pr?-gelatinizadas por extrus?o de arroz, feij?o e milho visando a sua utiliza??o na elabora??o de outros produtos como massas para p?es, bolos, biscoitos e macarr?o pr?-cozido. A concentra??o da mistura foi de 30% de milho, 35% de feij?o e 35% de arroz. Para an?lise dos resultados foi desenvolvido um delineamento composto central rotacional (DCCR), sendo os dados analisados por superf?cie de resposta, com 17 tratamentos e 3 vari?veis independentes, sendo elas a umidade da massa antes da extrus?o (16; 18; 21; 24; 26%), a temperatura da 3? zona de extrus?o (126;140; 160; 180; 193 ?C) e a rota??o do parafuso da extrusora (106; 120; 140; 160; 173 rpm). Foram realizadas an?lises de ?ndice de expans?o e densidade aparente, ?ndices de solubilidade e absor??o em ?gua, propriedades viscoamilogr?ficas. Al?m da composi??o centesimal, perfil de minerais e an?lise de cor (luminosidade, cromaticidade a* e b*) dos melhores tratamentos. Os valores de ?ndice de Expans?o variaram de 1,34 a 6,87, sendo o maior valor encontrado no tratamento T3 elaborado com 140?C, 160rpm e 18% de umidade. A umidade e a temperatura tiveram um efeito negativo sobre a expans?o, um incremento nessas duas vari?veis leva a uma diminui??o na expans?o do produto. Esse par?metro ? um dos mais importantes para caracteriza??o de um produto expandido de alta qualidade. Baixos conte?dos de umidade podem levar a uma maior dextriniza??o do amido e aumentar a solubilidade da mistura, ent?o, tratamentos como o T3, apresentaram solubilidade elevada. Um aumento da umidade levou a um aumento da absor??o em ?gua, alcan?ando aos maiores resultados com as condi??es de 180?C de temperatura, 160 rpm de rota??o e 24% de umidade. Essas condi??es tamb?m foram ideais para obten??o de solu??es de viscosidade elevada e baixa tend?ncia a retrograda??o. Os tratamentos T3: 140?C, 160 rpm e 18%; T4: 180?C, 160 rpm e 18%; T5: 140?C, 120 rpm e 24%; T8; 180?C, 160 rpm e 24%; T10: 193?C, 140 rpm e 21% de umidade, foram considerados as melhores formula??es e a eles foram realizadas an?lises de cor, composi??o centesimal e perfil de minerais. A colora??o das farinhas foi afetada com a extrus?o devido a rea??es de escurecimento n?o enzim?tico que acontecem com as amostras. O feij?o BRS Pontal se destacou por fornecer maiores teores de prote?nas (21,34g/100g) e elevado teor de minerais, inclusive ferro na amostra (7,0 mg/100g) quando comparado com as outras mat?rias-primas enquanto que o tratamento 8 se destacou pelo seu alto conte?do de minerais e por bom aporte de fibra (acima de 8,5g/100g). Conclui-se que a farinha T3, por apresentar melhor qualidade de expans?o e solubilidade pode ser utilizada na elabora??o de snacks e farinhas sol?veis, enquanto o tratamento T8 tem a viabilidade para incrementar sopas cremosas, molhos, por sua alta viscosidade e baixa tend?ncia a endurecer pela retrograda??o.

Percep??o do consumidor em rela??o aos produtos diet e light / Consumer perception in relation to diet and light products

CANELAS, Amanda Antunes da Silva 20 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-05-11T18:57:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Amanda Antunes da Silva Canelas.pdf: 1228787 bytes, checksum: 9ab4b73f98268b4cca9eb7e1b20ae3d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-11T18:57:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Amanda Antunes da Silva Canelas.pdf: 1228787 bytes, checksum: 9ab4b73f98268b4cca9eb7e1b20ae3d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-20 / CAPES / The people who consume foods rich in energy and poor in nutrients that contribute positively to health, combined with a sedentary lifestyle can develop obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, stroke and heart attack. On the other hand, some consumers seek a more balanced diet, either because they are health-conscious or because they want to keep a good physical shape. The diet and light products were developed to meet the demand of individuals affected by NCDs and obesity, as well as those who look for fitness. Diet product refers to food for special purposes, and they are for both individuals who need diet with restriction of nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and sodium; as for those who want to control the intake aiming at controlling the weight. The light product refers to the 25% minimum reduction of some ingredient compared to the traditional counterpart. The production of this type of food increases every year in sale volume. The information on the labels of such products still generates doubts to consumers. This project investigated the perception of consumers regarding diet/light products, using a qualitative approach (Focus group sessions) as well as quantitative, from the Focus Group findings. The qualitative study investigated the level of understanding regarding such as products, the consumers perception of the risks and benefits associated with the consumption of diet and light, as well as the negative and the positive points perceived by them. Non- consumers of diet and light were also interviewed and the reasons for the non-consumption were discussed. The quantitative approach focused on calorie-reduced jams (strawberry and guava in the version diet, light, zero sugar) and the control product (traditional) as case study. For that, a questionnaire was developed and applied, in which 102 individuals of different ages, genders and social classes took part. In addition, participants evaluated the acceptance of all versions of the fruit jellies (strawberry and guava) coded with three digit numbers (blind condition), only observing the packages and observing the packaging together with tasting the product. Results suggest that the level of consumer knowledge on diet and light products is deficient. Taking into account the label influence on product evaluation, the results indicated that the information on the version of the jam (diet, light, zero or traditional) affected the consumer product acceptance and sensory characterization. The traditional and diet strawberry jam versions were more liked by consumers when evaluated in blind; however, with information (looking at the jar of the jams) no difference was found among versions. Considering the guava jams, the traditional, light and zero versions reached higher acceptance means under informed condition when compared to blind. Differences on the frequency of mention of the sensory attributes were observed among the three evaluation conditions for the two jam flavors. / As pessoas que consomem alimentos ricos em nutrientes energ?ticos e pobres naqueles que contribuem de forma positiva para a sa?de, aliado ao sedentarismo podem desenvolver obesidade e doen?as cr?nicas n?o transmiss?veis (DCNT), como diabetes, hipertens?o arterial, c?ncer, doen?as respirat?rias cr?nicas, acidente vascular cerebral e infarto. Por outro lado, certos consumidores buscam uma dieta mais equilibrada, pois est?o preocupados com a sa?de e/ou em manter a boa forma. Para atender ? demanda de indiv?duos acometidos por DCNT e obesidade, assim como aqueles que est?o em busca da boa forma foram desenvolvidos os produtos diet e light. O primeiro refere-se aos alimentos para fins especiais, sendo destinados tanto aos indiv?duos que precisam de dietas com restri??o de nutrientes, como os carboidratos, gorduras, prote?nas, s?dio; quanto ?queles que precisam controlar a ingest?o alimentar visando controle de peso. J? o produto light refere-se ? redu??o m?nima de 25% de algum ingrediente em compara??o ao produto tradicional. A produ??o destes tipos de alimentos cresce a cada ano em volume de vendas. As informa??es contidas nos r?tulos de tais produtos ainda geram d?vidas nos consumidores. Este projeto avaliou a percep??o do consumidor a respeito dos produtos diet e light, utilizando uma abordagem qualitativa (sess?es de Grupo focal) e tamb?m quantitativa, planejada a partir dos achados das sess?es de Grupo Focal. No estudo qualitativo foi investigado o grau de entendimento em rela??o a tais produtos, a percep??o dos riscos e benef?cios associados ao consumo de diet e light, bem como os pontos negativos e positivos percebidos pelos participantes, para algumas categorias destes produtos. N?o consumidores de diet e light tamb?m participaram do estudo tendo sido discutido os motivos do n?o consumo. A abordagem quantitativa enfocou geleias reduzidas em calorias (diet, light, zero a??car nos sabores morango e goiaba) e do produto controle (tradicional) como estudo de caso. Para tal, foi desenvolvido e aplicado um question?rio, no qual participaram 102 indiv?duos de distintas idades, g?neros e classes sociais. Al?m disso, os participantes avaliaram a aceita??o das geleias de frutas (morango e goiaba) nas vers?es tradicional, diet, light e zero, ?s cegas, apenas observando as embalagens dispon?veis no mercado e observando a embalagem e degustando o produto. Os resultados sugerem que o n?vel de conhecimento do consumidor sobre alimentos diet e light ? baixo. Em rela??o ? influ?ncia do r?tulo na avalia??o dos produtos, os resultados indicaram que a informa??o sobre a vers?o da geleia (diet, light, zero ou tradicional) afetou a percep??o dos produtos tanto na aceita??o como na descri??o sensorial dos mesmos. As geleias de morango nas vers?es tradicional e diet foram as mais aceitas pelos consumidores quando avaliadas ?s cegas; por?m, com informa??o (olhando os potes) n?o houve diferen?a entre as quatro vers?es. Em rela??o ?s geleias de goiaba, as vers?es tradicional, light e zero alcan?aram maiores m?dias na condi??o com informa??o quando comparada ?s cegas. Diferen?as na frequ?ncia de men??o dos atributos sensoriais foram observadas entre as tr?s condi??es de avalia??o para os dois sabores de geleia.

Efeito dos Par?metros do Processo de Desidrata??o de Jaca (Artocarpus heterophyllus, Lam.) Sobre as Propriedades Qu?micas, F?sicoqu?micas e Aceita??o Sensorial

Oliveira, Lenice Freiman de 28 July 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-08-02T14:52:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2009 - Lenice Freiman de Oliveira.pdf: 1796223 bytes, checksum: 2c533d1f95fac225d1b2ee2e9730fb60 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T14:52:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009 - Lenice Freiman de Oliveira.pdf: 1796223 bytes, checksum: 2c533d1f95fac225d1b2ee2e9730fb60 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-28 / OLIVEIRA, Lenice Freiman of. Effect of the parameters of the process of jackfruit dehydration (Artocarpus heterophyllus, Lam.) about the properties chemistries, physicalchemistries and the sensorial acceptance. Serop?dica: UFRRJ, 2009. 121p. Thesis (Doctorate in Food Science and Technology). Institute of Technology, Department of Technology of Foods, Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, RJ, 2009. Now the fruticulture occupies prominence place in the world sphere, so much for the nutritious value as for the importance of yours derived. A world tendency exists to the consumption of tropical fruits, that it can be attributed to the nutritional value, to the organoleptic characteristics, as well as the improvement need in the life quality of the people associate to the aspects of the health and well-being. The fruits of the jackfruit tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) possess intense flavor and quite peculiar aroma, with sensorial attributes of frutal, sour and sweet, being quite appreciated in the Brazilian northeast and other tropical areas. Its eatable part, characterized by the pulp, it is almost consumed in its totality under in natura form for the most several layers of the population, what takes to a high index of loss in the powder-crop, carting damage for the producers. Being like this, the objectives of this work went evaluate technologically to jackfruit in natura, to elaborate a new product applying the dehydration process for 50 oC, 60 oC and 70 oC and to study the chemical, physical-chemistries and sensorial properties of the obtained products. To identify the compositions volatile present, technique of extraction of the headspace was used and the obtained extracts were negotiated and analyzed by gaseous chromatography and spectrometry of masses. The carotenoids and the sugars were appraised for HPLC. Analyses of centesimal composition and sensorial analysis were still accomplished. The global results obtained through the methodology of answer surface indic ated as conditions adapted to the process of jackfruit dehydration: temperatures of 70 ?C for matter evaporate, ashes, fat and hidratos of carbon, 55 ?C for proteins, 61 ?C for total carotenoids, ?-carotene and equivalent retinol, 60 ?C for sucrose. For the retention of the volatile compositions and sensorial acceptance the most appropriate temperatures were 50 and 60 ?C. It can be ended like this that the jackfruit in natura or dehydrated it is a source of nutritious important to the human nutrition, such as: ashes, proteins, hidrats of carbon, carotenoids, ?-carotene, equivalent retinol and sugars. Its consumption can complement the requirements nutritions, providing the benefits mainly for the population of low income of the tropical areas. / OLIVEIRA, Lenice Freiman de. Efeito dos par?metros do processo de desidrata??o de jaca (Artocarpus heterophyllus, Lam.) sobre as propriedades qu?micas, f?sico-qu?micas e a aceita??o sensorial. 2009. 121p. Tese (Doutorado em Ci?ncia e Tecnologia de Alimentos). Instituto de Tecnologia, Departamento de Tecnologia de Alimentos, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, RJ, 2009. Atualmente a fruticultura ocupa lugar de destaque na esfera mundial, tanto pelo valor aliment?cio como pela import?ncia de seus derivados. Existe uma tend?ncia mundial ao consumo de frutas tropicais, que pode ser atribu?da ao valor nutricional, ?s caracter?sticas organol?pticas, bem como a necessidade de melhoria na qualidade de vida das pessoas associado aos aspectos da sa?de e bem-estar. Os frutos da jaqueira (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) possuem sabor e aroma intensos e bastante peculiares, com atributos sensoriais de frutal, azedo e doce, sendo bastante apreciados no nordeste brasileiro e outras regi?es tropicais. Sua parte comest?vel, caracterizada pela polpa, ? consumida em sua quase totalidade sob forma in natura pelas mais diversas camadas da popula??o, mais a alta perecibilidade leva a um ?ndice elevado de perda na p?s-colheita, acarretando preju?zos para os produtores. Sendo assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar os efeitos dos par?metros do processo de desidrata??o (temperatura de desidrata??o e umidade final do produto) sobre as propriedades qu?micas, f?sico-qu?micas e aceita??o sensorial de jaca (Artocarpus heterophyllus, Lam.) desidratada. Para identificar os compostos vol?teis presente, usou-se t?cnica de extra??o do headspace e os extratos obtidos foram tratados e analisados por cromatografia ga sosa e espectrometria de massas. Os caroten?ides e os a??cares foram avaliados por HPLC. Ainda foram realizadas an?lises de composi??o centesimal e an?lise sensorial. Os resultados globais obtidos atrav?s da metodologia de superf?cie de resposta indicaram como condi??es adequadas ao processo de desidrata??o de jaca: temperaturas de 70 ?C para mat?ria seca, cinzas, lip?deos e carboidratos, 55 ?C para prote?nas, 61 ?C para caroten?ides totais, ?-caroteno e retinol equivalente, 60 ?C para sacarose. Para a reten??o dos compostos vol?teis e aceita??o sensorial as temperaturas mais adequadas foram 50 e 60 ?C. Assim, pode-se concluir que a jaca in natura ou desidratada ? uma fonte de nutrientes importantes ? nutri??o humana, tais como: prote?nas, carboidratos, caroten?ides totais, ?caroteno, retinol equivalente e a??cares. Seu consumo pode complementar os requisitos nutricionais, proporcionando os benef?cios principalmente para a popula??o de baixa renda das regi?es tropicais.

Produ??o, concentra??o e caracteriza??o parcial de extrato celulol?tico produzido por linhagem f?ngica mutante

Santos, Alex da Silva 28 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-08-03T16:30:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2011 - Alex da Silva Santos.pdf: 1990293 bytes, checksum: b92b4e5aec031d9fcd17900f0f1ef9c8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:30:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2011 - Alex da Silva Santos.pdf: 1990293 bytes, checksum: b92b4e5aec031d9fcd17900f0f1ef9c8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior, CAPES / The production of enzymes for application at different areas of food agroindustry presents promising future perspectives, due to several intrinsic properties regarded to the performance of the enzymes as natural and biodegradable compounds, responsible for achieving specific reactions with better quality. Cellulases have been the most employed enzymes on food industry, acting sinergically on the hydrolysis of the glucosidic links ?-1,4 from the molecules of cellulose, and being used on several applications in this sector as in vegetal oils extraction, fruit maceration and juice clarification. Based on this context, the present study aimed to produce, concentrate and partially characterize an enzymatic extract by a mutant fungus strain of Aspergillus niger. Production was performed by solid-state fermentation (SSF) in aerated columns, using humidified wheat bran with (NH4)2SO4 solution on 0,1N HCl as substrate and cellobiose as inducer. Cellulolytic extract was a blend of extracts from three different assays selected on previous studies as the best conditions for the enzymes caboxymethilcellulase, ?-glucosidase and filter paper cellulose (FPase). During the characterization of the enzymatic extract, besides cellulases activity, the presence of protease and other enzymes with similar action to cellulases as xylanase and poligalacturonase was evaluated. For enzymatic extract concentration, three different strategies were performed: ultrafiltration, using a stainless steel plates system through a 20 kDa molecular weight cut-off polyethersulphone membrane and 0,014 m2 area; precipitation with ammonium sulphate under 20%, 40 %, 60% and 80% saturation level and lyophiilization. The best results were achieved by the ultrafiltration process, partially purified sample and providing enzymatic activities recovery between 75% and 99%, except for FPase. SDS-PAGE analysis presented 15 visible protein bands on cellulolytic extract with molecular weights ranging from 13.3 to 104.6 kDa. Zymography test was applied for cellulases and correlate enzymes as well as to protease, however, just for the last one the conditions were considered appropriate, identifying bands on 88, 103 and 145 kDa. The effective performance of ?-glucosidase and xylanase over xylan and cellobiose hydrolysis was confirmed by thin layer chromatography. A central rotational statistical design 22 with 4 central points was used for evaluating optimal temperature and pH for carboxymethylcellulase and ?-glucosidase. The analysis of the results obtained for both enzymes demonstrated that all variables were significative at a 95% confidence level. Based on the conditions studied it can be concluded that optimal pH and temperature ranges for efficient and combined action of carboxymethylcellulase and ?-glucosidase are 3.7 to 5.5 and 60 to 65?C, respectively. / A produ??o de enzimas para uso em diferentes ?reas da agroind?stria de alimentos mostra perspectivas futuras promissoras, devido ?s v?rias caracter?sticas inerentes ? a??o das enzimas que s?o compostos naturais, biodegrad?veis e capazes de desempenhar rea??es espec?ficas com melhor qualidade. Entre as enzimas mais utilizadas pelo setor de alimentos est?o as celulases, um complexo de enzimas que atuam de forma sin?rgica sobre a hidr?lise das liga??es glicos?dicas ?-1,4 das mol?culas de celulose, e possuem v?rias aplica??es industriais neste setor, como na extra??o de ?leos vegetais, na macera??o de frutas e na clarifica??o de sucos. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo produzir, concentrar e caracterizar parcialmente um extrato celulol?tico obtido por linhagem f?ngica mutante de Aspergillus niger. A produ??o foi realizada por fermenta??o no estado s?lido (FES) em colunas aeradas, utilizando como substrato farelo de trigo triturado umidificado com solu??o de (NH4)2SO4 em HCl 0,1N e celobiose, como indutor. O extrato celulol?tico consistiu de uma mistura de extratos obtidos em 3 ensaios fermentativos diferentes, selecionados em trabalhos anteriores como as melhores condi??es para produ??o de cada uma das enzimascarboximetilcelulase (CMCase), ?-glicosidase e celulase em papel de filtro (FPase). Durante a caracteriza??o do extrato enzim?tico, al?m da atividade das celulases, tamb?m era avaliado o teor de prote?na, a presen?a de protease e de enzimas correlatas ? a??o de celulases como xilanase e poligalacturonase. Para concentra??o do extrato enzim?tico foram realizadas tr?s diferentes estrat?gias: ultrafiltra??o em um sistema de quadro e placas em a?o inox, utilizando uma membrana de polietersulfona com massa molar de corte de 20 kDa e ?rea de 0,014m2; precipita??o com sulfato de am?nio utilizando satura??es de 20%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 80% e liofiliza??o. O processo de ultrafiltra??o foi o que obteve o melhor resultado, purificando parcialmente a amostra e proporcionando uma recupera??o das atividades enzim?ticas entre 75% e 99% para todas as atividades avaliadas, exceto FPase. A an?lise eletrofor?tica em SDS-PAGE demonstrou a presen?a de 15 bandas vis?veis de prote?nas no extrato celulol?tico com pesos moleculares que compreendem uma faixa entre 13,3 e 104,6 kD. O teste de zimografia foi realizado para as celulases e enzimas correlatas, bem como para protease, no entanto somente para esta ?ltima, as condi??es testadas foram adequadas tornando-se poss?vel identificar bandas em 88, 103 e 145 kDa. A efetiva a??o das enzimas ?-glicosidase e xilanase na hidr?lise de celobiose e xilana, respectivamente,foi comprovada em cromatografia de camada fina. Al?m disso, a temperatura e pH ?timos de atua??o de carboximetilcelulase e ?-glicosidase foram determinados utilizando o delineamento composto central rotacional 22, com 4 pontos centrais. A an?lise dos resultados de ambas as enzimas demonstrou que as vari?veis eram significativas, a um n?vel de confian?a de 95%. Com base nas condi??es estudadas, concluiu-se que as faixas de pH e temperatura ?timos para a atua??o eficiente e conjunta de CMCase e ?-glicosidase est?o entre 3,7 a 5,5 e 60 a 65 ?C, respectivamente.

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