Spelling suggestions: "subject:"circularpolarized"" "subject:"particularlyemphasized""
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Návrh antény s kruhovou polarizací pro kmitočtové pásmo 2,4 GHz / Design of circular polarized antenna for 2.4 GHzHase, Michal January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, I introduce two types of circularly polarized rectangular microstrip antennas at 2.44 GHz. First type has direct fed and the second has two inputs for fed. In first case is used a stub to make the frequency with minimum return loss and equal to the frequency with minimum axial ratio. In second case is use the power splitter to divide the wave in to two lines with phase shift 90° for feeding the patch. In this thesis is described, how to get the best results of Axial Ratio.
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Teorie a aplikace optické aktivity biomolekul / Theory and applications of optical activity of biomoleculesKrupová, Monika January 2021 (has links)
Title: Theory and Applications of Optical Activity of Biomolecules Author: Monika Krupová Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Petr Bouř, DSc. Institutions: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, and Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Abstract: This thesis describes how we used several chiroptical spectroscopic methods to study chiral molecules: vibrational circular dichroism (VCD), circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD). VCD and induced lanthanide CPL were used to study the structure of amyloid protein fibrils. We found out that VCD is very sensitive to their structure and supramolecular chirality. It could be used to distinguish between various polymorphic fibrils. On the other hand, induced lanthanide CPL provided information on the local structure. VCD was also used to study the hydration polymorphism of nucleoside crystals. Due to the crystal packing, the VCD signal was strong and specific for different types of crystals. Finally, electronic structure of hydrated Ln3+ ions was studied by MCD. Molecular dynamics simulations together with crystal field theory (CFT) and multistate complete active space calculations with second order perturbation correction (MS-CASPT2) were used to interpret the spectra. CFT...
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Compact Antennas and Arrays for Unmanned Air SystemsEck, James Arthur 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A simple and novel dual-CP printed antenna is modelled and measured. The patch antennais small and achieves a low axial ratio without quadrature feeding. The measured pattern showsaxial ratio pattern squinting over frequency. Possible methods of improving the individual element are discussed, as well as an array technique for improving the axial ratio bandwidth. Three endfire printed antenna structures are designed, analyzed, and compared. The comparison includes an analysis of costs of production for the antenna structures in addition to their performance parameters. This analysis concludes that cost of materials primarily reduces the size of antennas for a given gain and bandwidth. An antenna stucture with an annular beam pattern for down-looking navigational radar is proposed. The antenna uses sub-wavelength grating techniques from optics to achieve a highly directive planar reflector which is used as a ground plane for a monopole. A fan-beam array element is fabricated for use in a digitally steered receive array for obstacle avoidance radar. The steered beam pattern is observed. The element-dependent phase shifts for a homodyned signal in particular are explored as to their impact on beam steering.
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Fast algorithms for compressing electrically large volume integral equations and applications to thermal and quantum science and engineeringYifan Wang (13175469) 29 July 2022 (has links)
<p>Among computational electromagnetic methods, Integral Equation (IE) solvers have a great capability in solving open-region problems such as scattering and radiation, due to no truncation boundary condition required. Volume Integral Equation (VIE) solvers are especially capable of handling arbitrarily shaped geometries and inhomogeneous materials. However, the numerical system resulting from a VIE analysis is a dense system, having $N^2$ nonzero elements for a problem of $ N $ unknowns. The dense numerical system in conjunction with the large number of unknowns resulting from a volume discretization prevents a practical use of the VIE for solving large-scale problems.</p>
<p>In this work, two fast algorithms of $ O(N \log N) $ complexity to generate an rank-minimized $ H^2 $-representation for electrically large VIEs are developed. The algorithms systematically compress the off-diagonal admissible blocks of full VIE matrix into low-rank forms of total storage of $O(N)$. Both algorithms are based on nested cross approximation, which are purely algebraic. The first one is a two-stage algorithm. The second one is optimized to only use one-stage, and has a significant speedup. Numerical experiments on electrically large examples with over 33 million unknowns demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed algorithms. </p>
<p>Important applications of VIEs in thermal and quantum engineering have also been explored in this work. Creating spin(circularly)-polarized infrared thermal radiation source without an external magnetic field is important in science and engineering. Here we study two materials, magnetic Weyl semimetals and manganese-bismuth(MnBi), which both have permittivity tensors of large gyrotropy, and can emit circularly-polarized thermal radiations without an external magnetic field. We also design symmetry-broken metasurfaces, which show strong circularly-polarized radiations in simulations and experiments. In spin qubit quantum computing systems, metallic gates and antennas are necessary for quantum gate operations. But their existence greatly enhances evanescent wave Johnson noise (EWJN), which induces the decay of spin qubits and limits the quantum gate operation fidelity. Here we first use VIE to accurately simulate realistic quantum gate designs and quantify the influence on gate fidelity due to this noise.</p>
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Gap Waveguide Array Antennas and Corporate-Feed Networks for mm-Wave band ApplicationsFerrando Rocher, Miguel 21 January 2019 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis aborda temas de especial interés en el diseño de antenas en la banda de milimétricas. Hui en dia, implementar components passius per a operar en la banda de mil·limètriques i assegurar el contacte i l'alineament metàl·lic apropiat entre peces, resulta un desafiament complex. Habitualment les línies de transmissió i les guies d'ones metàl·liques són les solucions adoptades, però en el primer cas es presenten pèrdues al ser solucions impreses i en el segon cas un mal contacte metàl·lic comporta fugues de camp. Per tant, s'estan explorant nous conceptes que solucionen estos problemes.
La tecnología Gap Waveguide (GW) resulta adecuada ya que no requiere de contactos metálicos. En los últimos años han surgido las agrupaciones de antenas basadas en la tecnología Gap Waveguide y son un candidato prometedor para satisfacer algunas de las necesidades mencionadas. La tecnología GW ha demostrado ser atractiva para dispositivos de milimétricas porque permite redes de distribución completamente metálicas de una manera más simple que las guías de onda convencionales. Por tanto, estas redes tienen muy bajas pérdidas pero además son simples de fabricar. Esto es posible gracias a la capacidad de las GW de confinar de forma segura la propagación de ondas electromagnéticas por medio de una estructura que no requiere de contacto.
Durante la última década, se han hecho avances importantes en la tecnología GW y en la literatura se pueden encontrar un buen número de antenas basadas en GW. Esta tesis va un paso más allá en la contribución de este tipo de antenas. Aquí, no solo se presentan antenas con polarización lineal, como suelen ser las desarrolladas hasta ahora, sino también con polarización dual, circular y duales en banda. Estas aportaciones son especialmente atractivas dentro del campo de las comunicaciones por satélite en movimiento (SATCOM on-the-move). Además, se han explorado nuevas redes de distribución que permiten antenas planas más compactas, más ligeras. / [CA] Esta tesi aborda temes d'especial interés en el disseny d'antenes en la banda de mil.limètriques. Hui en dia, implementar components passius per a operar en longituds d'onda tan xicotetes (de l'orde de mil.límetres) i assegurar el contacte i l'alineament metàl-lic apropiat entre peces, resulta un desafiament complex. Habitualment les línies de transmissió i les guia d'ones metàl.liques són les solucions adoptades, però en el primer cas es presenten pèrdues al ser solucions impreses i en el segon cas un mal contacte metàl.lic comporta fugues de camp. Per tant, s'estan explorant nous conceptes que solucionen estos problemes.
La tecnologia Gap Waveguide (GW) resulta adequada ja que no requerix de contactes metàl.lics. En els últims anys han sorgit les agrupacions d'antena basades en la tecnologia Gap Waveguide i són un candidat prometedor per a satisfer algunes de les necessitats mencionades. La tecnologia GW ha demostrat ser atractiva per a dispositius de banda d'ones mil-limètriques perquè permet xarxes de distribució completament metàl-liques d'una manera més simple que les guies d'onda convencionals. Per tant estes xarxes tenen baixes pèrdues peró, a més, són simples de fabricar. Açò és possible gràcies a la capacitat de les GW de confinar de forma segura la propagació d'ones electromagnètiques per mitjà d'una estructura que no requerix de contacte.
Durant l'última dècada, s'han fet avanços importants en la tecnologia GW i en la literatura es poden trobar un bon nombre d'antenes basades en GW. Esta tesi va un pas més enllà en la contribució d'este tipus d'antenes. Ací, no sols es presenten antenes amb polarització lineal com solen ser les desenrotllades fins ara, sinó també antenes amb polarització dual, circular i inclús antenes duals en banda. Estes aportacions són especialment atractives dins del camp de les comunicacions per satèl.lit en moviment (SATCOM on-the-move). A més també s'han explorat noves xarxes de distribució que permeten obtindre antenes planes més compactes, més lleugeres. / [EN] This thesis deals with topics of special interest regarding the design of antennas at the mm-wave band. Today, implementing passive components that operate in the mm-wave band and to ensure the appropriate metallic contact is challenging. Commonly, conventional planar transmission lines and hollow metallic waveguides are the usual solutions but they present high losses or they do not ensure a good metallic contact. So, new concepts must be explored.
Gap Waveguides (GWs), result suitably since they do not require metallic contact for shielding. Antenna arrays in Gap Waveguide Technology (GW) emerges as one promising candidate to naturally meet some of the mentioned needs. GW technology has demonstrated to be effective for mm-wave band devices because it enables full-metal distribution networks in a much simpler way than conventional waveguides. Very low distribution losses can be achieved preserving at the same time the assembly simplicity of multilayer microstrip feeding networks. This unique feature is a consequence of gap waveguides ability to safely confine the electromagnetic wave propagation through a contactless structure.
During the last decade, there have been important advances in GW technology and a good number of gap waveguide-based arrays can be found in the literature. This thesis goes a step further in the contribution to mm-wave gap waveguide antennas. Here, antennas with linear polarization as well as circular or dual polarization are proposed. Dual band antennas has also been explored. These contributions have been carried out with a focus on satellite communications on-the-move.
In addition, new distribution networks have also been explored to obtain more compact, low-profile and lighter antennas. / Ferrando Rocher, M. (2018). Gap Waveguide Array Antennas and Corporate-Feed Networks for mm-Wave band Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/115933
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Komponenty na bázi vlnovodu integrovaného do textilu / Textile Integrated Waveguide ComponentsCupal, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na výzkum struktur založených na vlnovodu integrovaném do textilu (TIW). Pozornost je věnována elektrické charakterizaci textilních materiálů (textilní substráty, nitě), které jsou využívány při implementaci antén, rekonfigurovatelných a aktivních obvodů integrovaných do textilu. Práce se zabývá návrhem vícevrstvých přechodů mezi mikropáskovým vedením na konvenčním substrátu a vedeními integrovanými do textilu. Dále je prezentován koncept přepínače integrovaného do textilu. Přepínač je řízen vodivými sloupky, které vytvářejí otevřenou či zavřenou stěnu prostřednictvím stejnosměrně ovládaných PIN diod. Na závěr je formulována metodika návrhu kruhově polarizovaných antén integrovaných do textilu, jež jsou určeny pro práci v ISM pásmech až do 24 GHz. Všechny postupy návrhu byly ověřeny simulacemi a měřeními reálných vzorků, které byly vyrobeny sítotiskem stříbrnou polymerovou pastou. Polovodičové komponenty byly k obvodům přilepeny vodivým stříbrným lepidlem. Komponenty vyrobené sítotiskem byly porovnávány s referenčními strukturami, které byly realizovány pomocí samolepicí měděné fólie.
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