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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managing diversity in the amalgamated City of Tygerberg : an evaluation

Nombakuse, Ntombikayise Ethel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research assignment is intended to evaluate the current strategies employed by the City of Tygerberg to manage diversity and its related aspects namely change management, organisational development and organisational culture and thus to identify possible shortcomings in the current strategies employed by the City of Tygerberg and make possible suggestions for improvement. Considering its aim, boundaries have been defined in the research assignment by identifying four areas of concern to be addressed namely diversity management, change management, organisational development and organisational culture. The review of the theoretical perspectives of diversity management, change management, organisational development and organisational culture within the organisational context is also intended to review theory on the identified areas of concern with the aim of creating understanding by the City of Tygerberg for the challenges presented by diversity. The historical background of the organisation in question, the City of Tygerberg, is discussed as well as its vision and envisaged future, with the aim of establishing the corresponding mission and goals to be achieved by the organisation. The relevant legislation which refers to the importance of diversity management and the organisational policies in place addressing the various aspects related to diversity are also reviewed. In order to collect data the researcher designed a self-administered questionnaire which was distributed to the various members of the target group namely the Chief Executive Officer, Manager Human Resources, Manager Training and Development and the Director of Administration. The findings of the research process are then used to make possible suggestions and recommendations for addressing the identified possible shortcomings, with the intention of strengthening the existing methods employed the City of Tygerberg. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel met hierdie navorsingsprojek is evaluering van die bestaande strategiee toegepas deur die Stad Tygerberg vir diversiteitsbestuur en verwante aspekte soos die bestuur van verandering, organisasie-ontwikkeling en organisasiekultuur om sodoende moontlike tekortkominge in die bestaande strategiee te identifiseer en moontlike voorstelle vir verbetering te maak. In aansluiting by die doel is daar ter afbakening vier relevante terreine vir ondersoek geidentifiseer, te wete, diversiteitsbestuur, veranderingsbestuur, organisasie-ontwikkeling en organisasiekultuur. Die oorsigtelike beskouing van die teoretiese perspektiewe rakende diversiteitsbestuur, veranderingsbestuur, organisasie-ontwikkeling en organisasiekultuur binne die organisatoriese konteks is ook gerig op teoriehersiening betreffende die geidentifiseerde terreine ter wille van begripskepping by die Stad Tygerberg vir uitdagings gesteI deur diversiteit. Die historiese agtergrond van die ter sprake organisasie, die Stad Tygerberg, word bespreek, asook sy visie en beoogde toekoms, met die oog op daarstelling van 'n verbandhoudende missie en doelwitte vir verwesenliking deur die organisasie. Die relevante wetgewing met betrekking tot die belangrikheid van diversiteitsbestuur en die organisatoriese beleide van toepassing op die verskillende verwante aspekte van diversiteit word ook in oënskou geneem. Met die oog op data-insameling het die navorser 'n vraaglys ontwerp wat versprei is na verskillende lede van die teikengroep, naamlik, die Hoofuitvoerende Beampte, die Hoof Menslike Hulpbronne, die Hoof Opleiding en Ontwikkeling en die Direkteur Administrasie. Die bevindings van die navorsingsproses is gebruik om moontlike voorstelle en aanbevelings vir aanspreking van die geidentifiseerde moontlike tekortkominge te maak, met die oog op verstewiging van die bestaande metodes toegepas deur die Stad Tygerberg.

Die voorkoms van seksuele teistering in die staatsdiens

Du Plessis, Jan A. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sexual harassment has different meanings for different individuals. This is clearly evident from the wide variety of definitions that are noted on the theme. Sexual harassment can be divided into two main categories. Firstly there is quid pro quo harassment which boils down to the fact that an agreement must be established between two individuals where sexual favours are exchanged for more favourable work benefits. The next sexual harassment category is where one individual makes the working environment of the next individual intolerable in order to solicit sexual favours. Sexual harassment can be explained using a number of models. These models vary from the point of departure that sexual harassment is driven by the individual's sex drive to a model where the economy has an influence on the individual's behaviour. None of the existing models, however, fully explain sexual harassment and sexual harassment can best be explained using a synthesis between various models. These models have the advantage that a better understanding of the subject exists and could thus ease the prevention and management of sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment manifests over a wide varitey of actions. A difference can be drawn between direct and indirect harassment. Direct harassment could be physical and lead to charges of sexual assault or rape. Indirect harassment could be where an individual through his/her actions causes another individual to feel uncomfortable without the action being directed at that specific individual. It could be that sexually explicit pictures are being displayed without the intention to harass but that the mere displaying of the pictures is experienced as harassment by certain individuals. There are various actions leading up to sexual harassment. However, it was found that sexual harassment is not romantic attention with the view of courting towards a consenting love affair. Consenting love affairs may also exist in the workplace and although not prohibited by any rule or prescript the affair could end and then transform towards sexual harassment. Sexual harassment was found not to be restricted to one sex only. Although the profiles of male and female harassers differ both can present themselves as harassers. Sexual harassment is not restricted to harassing the opposite sex only and man to man and woman to woman harassment is also found. In the South African Civil Service there are certain acts that regulate sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is, however, not addressed by definition and general deductions must be made that could include atcs of sexual harassment. This was tested by contacting a variety of government departments and provincial administrations to gain insight into their sexual harassment policies. The majortiy of respondents did not have a formal or approved policy on sexual harassment. The sexual harassment policies that were \ analysed revealed certain inadequicies and a scientifically based questionnaire was developed to determine the prevelance of sexual harassment in the workplace. Normatively speaking certain guidelines or a definition of sexual harassment should exist to show which conduct or behaviour can be construed as sexual harassment. An employee's complaints procedure should at least contain a mechanism to ensure that policy is not ignored, that alternative methods of reporting sexual harassment are being catered for and that adequate training is provided to ensure that all employees are au fait with the complaints procedure. Confidentiality is a critical element and the employer should try to maintain this throughout the investigation. Investigation officers should have a certain knowledge on the theme of sexual harassment. The appointment of an investigation officer should also be sex sensitive. The imposing of sanctions after the investigation into complaints of sexual harassment should be done with due cognisance of the degree of seriousness of the violation and other mitigating and extenuating circumstances. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Seksuele teistering het verskillende betekenisse vir verskillende indiwidue. Hierdie kom duidelik na vore uit die wye verskeidenheid van definisies wat oor die tema opgeteken is. Seksuele teistering kan in twee hoof groeperings ingedeel word. Eerstens is daar quid pro quo-teistering wat daarop neerkom dat daar 'n ooreenkoms tussen twee indiwidue tot stand moet kom, waar seksuele gunste vir werksvoordele uitgeruil word. Die ander tipe seksuele teistering is waar die een indiwidu die werksomgewing vir die volgende indiwidu ondraagbaar maak om die indiwidu tot seksuele gunste te laat toegee. Seksuele teistering kan aan die hand van 'n aantal modelle verklaar word. Hierdie modelle wissel vanaf die uitgangspunt dat dit deur die indiwidu se seksdrang aangedryf word tot waar die ekonomie 'n invloed op die indiwidu se gedrag kan hê. Nie een van die bestaande modelle gee egter 'n volledige verklaring van seksuele teistering nie en kan seksuele teistering aan die hand van 'n sintese tussen die modelle verklaar word. Hierdie modelle het die voordeel dat dit 'n beter begrip van die onderwerp stel en kan die voorkoming of bestuur van seksuele teistering in die werksplek hierdeur vergemaklik word. Seksuele teistering manifesteer oor 'n wye front van aksies. Daar kan 'n onderskeid tussen direkte en indirekte teistering getref word. Direkte teistering kan fisies wees en aanleiding tot klagtes van seksuele aanranding of verkragting wees. Indirekte teistering kan wees waar 'n indiwidu deur sy/haar optrede 'n volgende indiwidu ongemaklik laat voel sonder dat dit spesifiek teen daardie indiwidu gemik is. Dit sou kon wees dat seksueel eksplisiete prente sonder die bedoeling om te teister, opgeplak word, maar dat dit deur bepaalde indiwidue as teisterend ervaar word. Daar is verskeie aanleidende oorsake tot seksuele teistering. Seksuele teistering is egter gevind om nie romatiese aandag te wees met die oog op hofmakery vir 'n konsente liefdesverhouding nie. Konsente liefdesverhoudings kan ook in die werksplek voorkom en alhoewel dit nie teen enige reël indruis nie, kan die verhouding tot niet gaan en dan in seksuele teistering oorgaan. Seksuele teistering is gevind om nie net tot een geslag beperk te wees nie. Alhoewel die profiele van 'n manlike en vroulike teisteraar verskil, kan beide geslagte as teisteraar voordoen. Seksuele teistering is ook nie net tot die teenoorgestelde geslag beperk nie en kom man-tot-man en vrou-tot-vrou teistering ook voor. In die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens is daar bepaalde wetgewing wat seksuele teistering reguleer. Seksuele teistering word per se egter nie by definisie aangespreek nie en moet daar meer algemene afleidings gemaak word wat die oortreding van seksuele teistering sou kon insluit. Hierdie is getoets deur 'n verskeidenheid staatsdepartemente en provinsiale administrasies te nader om insae in hul seksueleteistering-beleide te kry. Die meerderheid respondente het nie oor 'n formele of goedgekeurde beleid oor seksuele teistering beskik nie. Die seksueleteistering-beleide wat wel ontleed was, het bepaalde gebreke getoon en is daar 'n wetenskaplik fundeerde vraelys ontwikkel om die voorkoms van seksuele teistering in die werksplek te bepaal. Normatief beskou behoort daar riglyne of 'n definisie te bestaan om aan te toon watter gedrag of optrede as seksuele teistering beskou kan word. 'n Werkgewer se klagteprosedure behoort minstens 'n meganisme te bevat om te verseker dat indiwidue nie beleid ignoreer nie, daar alternatiewe metodes voor voorsiening gemaak word om seksuele teistering te rapporteer en dat daar voldoende opleiding verskaf word om te verseker dat alle werknemers met die klagteprosedure vertroud is. Die handhawing van konfidensialiteit is 'n kritiese element en die werkgewer behoort te poog om gedurende ondersoek die hoogste graad van konfidensialiteit te handhaaf. Ondersoekbeamptes behoort 'n bepaalde kundigheid oor die onderwerp van seksuele teistering te hê. Die aanwys van 'n ondersoekbeampte behoort geslagsensitief gedoen te word. Die oplê van sanksies na ondersoek van klagtes van seksuele teistering behoort die ernstigheidsgraad van die oortreding en ander verswarende of versagtende getuienis in ag te neem.

Evaluation of gender equity programme implementation in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and Culture

Nkoana, Nthabiseng Martha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the democratic dispensation in South Africa, attempts were made in earlier studies to make recommendations for the implementation of gender equity in the labour markets. Until now companies and public service departments have done little to ensure gender equity. Most efforts made were merely window-dressing given that previous studies provide evidence of fewer female employments in Senior Management Service (SMS) positions across the public service. South Africa has introduced a legal framework to support the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998). The study sets out to evaluate the extent of gender equity implementation in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. The EEA, 1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998) aims to redress employment inequalities previously experienced by racially, culturally and sexually marginalized South Africans. Departmental human resource processes are evaluated to establish equity measures necessary to achieve the purpose of the EEA, 1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998). This study reviews employment equity practices from various countries to establish best practice. Issues and proposed strategies for improvements surrounding employment equity legislation in South Africa are also highlighted. The study is extended to other departments to establish accountability standards as well as actions and penalties available for noncompliance. The findings from the study indicate that women are mostly employed in middle management while male employees continue to dominate the top management in spite of the Department of Public Service and Administration’s (DPSA) strategic goal to reach a 50% equal employment at SMS by 31 March 2009. Suggestions are provided to accelerate implementation of gender equity in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. Given that the study was based on a representative sample of a single public service department, the findings may as a result not be generalized to the entire South African public service. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die demokratiese bedeling in Suid-Afrika was pogings in vroeë studies aangewend om aanbevelings te maak vir die implementering van geslagsgelykheid in die arbeidsmark. Tot dus- ver het maatskappye en staatsdiens departemente min gedoen om geslagsgelykheid te bevorder. Talle pogings wat aangewend was, is niks meer nie as uiterlike vertoon, gegee die feit dat vorige studies bewysstukke lewer van minder vroulike indiensneming in Senior Bestuursdiens (SBD) posisies deur die staatsdiens. Suid -Afrika het `n wetgewende raamwerk ingestel om die Gelyke Indiensnemingswet, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van1998) te ondersteun. Die studie het ten doel om die implementering van geslagsgelykheid in die Limpopo Provinsiale Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur te evalueer. Die GIW, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van 1998) beoog om die indiensnemings ongelykhede te herstel, wat voorheen ondervind was deur rasse, kulturele en geslagtelik gemarginaliseerde Suid-Afrikaners. Departementele menslike hulpbron prosesse word beoordeel ten einde die billikheidsmaatreëls te bepaal wat nodig is om die doelwitte van die GIW, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van 1998) te bereik. Hierdie studie raadpleeg gelyke indiensnemings praktyke van verskillende lande ten einde die beste praktyk te stig. Aangeleenthede en voorgestelde strategieë vir die bevordering van wetgewing oor gelyke indiensneming in Suid-Afrika word ook beklemtoon. Die studie word uitgebrei na ander departemente om standaarde oor aanspreeklikheid te bepaal, asook optrede en strafmaatreëls vir nie-voldoening daaraan. Die bevinding van die studie dui daarop dat vrouens meestal op middel bestuursvlak in diens geneem word, terwyl manlike werknemers aanhou om die top bestuursvlak te domineer, ten spyte van die Departement van Staatsdiens en Administrasie (DSDA) se strategiese doelwit om 50% gelyke indiensneming op SBD- vlak teen 31 Maart 2009 te bereik. Aanbevelings word gemaak om die implementering van geslagsgelykheid te versnel in die Limpopo Provinsiale Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur. Gegee die feit dat die studie gebaseer was op `n verteenwoordigende monster van `n enkele staatsdiens departement, mag die bevindinge gevolglik nie veralgemeen word met die totale Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdiens nie.

Is the composition of staff within Tygerberg Administration in terms of employment equity, representative of the demographics of the Western Cape from 05/01/2000 - 31/12/2001?

Masembate, Vivienne Mtombizodwa January 2005 (has links)
The shift from an ethnocentric, monocultural society to a more inclusive and democratic society should be accompanied by a national policy providing equal access to resources in a proactive, affirmative manner. This can be achieved in one of the two ways, either through equal employment opportunity or Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action is a specific intervention directed toward ensuring that employment opportunities are created by actively correcting imbalances caused by past discrimination and achieving employment targets. Equal employment opportunity implies an absence of discrimination, whereas Affirmative Action denotes compensatory discrimination in favour of disadvantaged groups.<br /> <br /> Affirmative Action is a supplement to, rather than equivalent to equal employment opportunities in that equality cannot be a genuine option where the effects of previous discriminatory practices have not been redressed. In an equal opportunities system, not all persons have the same chance of achieving the desired goal, but all are provided with equal means to achieve it. The unequal outcome of such a system is caused by the unequal skills for talents of the past discrimination, especially in terms of education and experience. All the Directors of Tygerberg Administration who responded to the questionnaires supported this and all of them agreed that training is necessary for all employees, especially the previously discriminated groups. The primary objective of Affirmative Action can therefore said to be the adequate advancement of disadvantaged groups for the purpose of securing equal rights, freedom and opportunities.<br /> <br /> Equal employment opportunity is seen as a passive agreement on the part of the employer not to discriminate against any particular group. Employers adhering to the principle of equal employment opportunity evaluates candidates for employment according to performance criteria which relates directly to the requirements of a particular position. Affirmative Action seeks to go beyond equal employment opportunity in that it recognises that, when members of disadvantaged groups constitute only a small percentage of the labour pool, passively providing equality of opportunity will not suffice in overcoming the effects of previous discriminatory employment practices. Affirmative Action employers are therefore given the mandate to identify and remove the barriers to the employment of those under-represented in the workplace. Merely removing the present obstacles to equality does not necessarily ensure equality between groups since the effects of previous discrimination need to be actively redressed.<br /> It can be noted that equal employment and Affirmative Action programmes should not be equated with each other as they imply different approaches to overcoming the effects of previous discrimination. Affirmative Action is said to be a supplement to, rather than the equivalent of equal employment opportunity, in that it is required to eliminate the barriers to real equality in the workplace. In this regard, it is essential to point out that Affirmative Action programmes are a means to an end, namely equal employment opportunity, and should not continue after this end has been achieved. Due to the similarity between the two terms, Affirmative Action and equal employment opportunity are often equated with one another when, in essence, they have different meanings.<br /> <br /> From the information gathered for this research it was clear that not many Blacks were employed in management and supervisory positions of the City of Tygerberg. The research revealed that despite adopting the Agreement on Affirmative Action and equal employment practice of the National Labour Relations Forum for Local Government as its policy framework, the Tygerberg Administration had not succeeded in meeting most of its obligations in terms of the above mentioned policy framework. This is largely ascribed to problems experienced with the implementation of equal employment and Affirmative Action programmes within the local authority. The methods of communicating these programmes to especially its lower category of disadvantaged employees to participate in training opportunities to improve their working skills, were not capitalised on. There was an unequal distribution of skills due to the effects of past discrimination, especially in terms of education. Active steps therefore need to be taken to ensure that the intentions of the local authority with repect to equal employment and Affirmative Action are implemented efficiently and effectively.

The impact of amalgamation on human resources practice in eThekwini municipality

Madondo, Siphiwe E. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.: Business Studies Unit)-Durban University of Technology, 2008. xi, 96 leaves / The amalgamation of municipalities came into effect as a legislative requirement brought about a number of challenges for the local government. One such major challenge relates to the impact that these amalgamations will have on human resource practices of the various municipalities. Literature study reveals that during any merger or amalgamation, less attention is paid to the human element of a merger until the merger is almost complete. This lack of attention impacts negatively on the merger results. Like other municipalities, Ethekwini Municipality is a product of this legislative requirement. It was formed as a result of the amalgamation of different municipal entities that had different human resource practices. The problem facing eThekwini Municipality is the misalignment of human resources policies and their effect on the working environment. This study looks at the impact of this amalgamation on the human resources practices of the eThekwini Municipality. The sub-objectives of the study are: to ascertain employees’ perceptions of amalgamation; to determine whether employees believe that the human resources’ matters are handled in a manner that will bring about stability and equity in the workplace; and to establish whether different perceptions exist between employees of the former Durban Metro Central and those of the erstwhile entities. / M

Evaluation of service delivery in the office of the compensation fund, Pretoria

Mohapi, Mmatsie Dorah. January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (MTech. degree in Local Government.)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2012. / The point of departure of this study is to evaluate service delivery in the Office of the Compensation Fund. The year 1994 ushered in a new era for South Africa. Since then, the South African Public Service has gone through a process of transformation. The introduction of new legislation regarding service delivery and transformation changed the manner in which the South African Public Service functioned. The main task of those in power is to transform the lives of all South Africans and this could be achieved by improving service delivery. Service delivery improvements have characterised government institutions and have not left the Compensation Fund behind. The primary objective of this research is to suggest ways of evaluating improved service delivery in the Office of the Compensation Fund.

The impact of amalgamation on human resources practice in eThekwini municipality

Madondo, Siphiwe E. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.: Business Studies Unit)-Durban University of Technology, 2008. xi, 96 leaves / The amalgamation of municipalities came into effect as a legislative requirement brought about a number of challenges for the local government. One such major challenge relates to the impact that these amalgamations will have on human resource practices of the various municipalities. Literature study reveals that during any merger or amalgamation, less attention is paid to the human element of a merger until the merger is almost complete. This lack of attention impacts negatively on the merger results. Like other municipalities, Ethekwini Municipality is a product of this legislative requirement. It was formed as a result of the amalgamation of different municipal entities that had different human resource practices. The problem facing eThekwini Municipality is the misalignment of human resources policies and their effect on the working environment. This study looks at the impact of this amalgamation on the human resources practices of the eThekwini Municipality. The sub-objectives of the study are: to ascertain employees’ perceptions of amalgamation; to determine whether employees believe that the human resources’ matters are handled in a manner that will bring about stability and equity in the workplace; and to establish whether different perceptions exist between employees of the former Durban Metro Central and those of the erstwhile entities.

Is the composition of staff within Tygerberg Administration in terms of employment equity, representative of the demographics of the Western Cape from 05/01/2000 - 31/12/2001?

Masembate, Vivienne Mtombizodwa January 2005 (has links)
The shift from an ethnocentric, monocultural society to a more inclusive and democratic society should be accompanied by a national policy providing equal access to resources in a proactive, affirmative manner. This can be achieved in one of the two ways, either through equal employment opportunity or Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action is a specific intervention directed toward ensuring that employment opportunities are created by actively correcting imbalances caused by past discrimination and achieving employment targets. Equal employment opportunity implies an absence of discrimination, whereas Affirmative Action denotes compensatory discrimination in favour of disadvantaged groups.<br /> <br /> Affirmative Action is a supplement to, rather than equivalent to equal employment opportunities in that equality cannot be a genuine option where the effects of previous discriminatory practices have not been redressed. In an equal opportunities system, not all persons have the same chance of achieving the desired goal, but all are provided with equal means to achieve it. The unequal outcome of such a system is caused by the unequal skills for talents of the past discrimination, especially in terms of education and experience. All the Directors of Tygerberg Administration who responded to the questionnaires supported this and all of them agreed that training is necessary for all employees, especially the previously discriminated groups. The primary objective of Affirmative Action can therefore said to be the adequate advancement of disadvantaged groups for the purpose of securing equal rights, freedom and opportunities.<br /> <br /> Equal employment opportunity is seen as a passive agreement on the part of the employer not to discriminate against any particular group. Employers adhering to the principle of equal employment opportunity evaluates candidates for employment according to performance criteria which relates directly to the requirements of a particular position. Affirmative Action seeks to go beyond equal employment opportunity in that it recognises that, when members of disadvantaged groups constitute only a small percentage of the labour pool, passively providing equality of opportunity will not suffice in overcoming the effects of previous discriminatory employment practices. Affirmative Action employers are therefore given the mandate to identify and remove the barriers to the employment of those under-represented in the workplace. Merely removing the present obstacles to equality does not necessarily ensure equality between groups since the effects of previous discrimination need to be actively redressed.<br /> It can be noted that equal employment and Affirmative Action programmes should not be equated with each other as they imply different approaches to overcoming the effects of previous discrimination. Affirmative Action is said to be a supplement to, rather than the equivalent of equal employment opportunity, in that it is required to eliminate the barriers to real equality in the workplace. In this regard, it is essential to point out that Affirmative Action programmes are a means to an end, namely equal employment opportunity, and should not continue after this end has been achieved. Due to the similarity between the two terms, Affirmative Action and equal employment opportunity are often equated with one another when, in essence, they have different meanings.<br /> <br /> From the information gathered for this research it was clear that not many Blacks were employed in management and supervisory positions of the City of Tygerberg. The research revealed that despite adopting the Agreement on Affirmative Action and equal employment practice of the National Labour Relations Forum for Local Government as its policy framework, the Tygerberg Administration had not succeeded in meeting most of its obligations in terms of the above mentioned policy framework. This is largely ascribed to problems experienced with the implementation of equal employment and Affirmative Action programmes within the local authority. The methods of communicating these programmes to especially its lower category of disadvantaged employees to participate in training opportunities to improve their working skills, were not capitalised on. There was an unequal distribution of skills due to the effects of past discrimination, especially in terms of education. Active steps therefore need to be taken to ensure that the intentions of the local authority with repect to equal employment and Affirmative Action are implemented efficiently and effectively.

Utilisation of the Auditor-General's reports in improving the audit outcomes at selected municipalities within Amathole District Municipality (2006- 2015)

Kwaza, Makhosandile Hercules January 2017 (has links)
Amathole District Municipality has for the past five consecutive years been receiving an unqualified audit opinion from the AGSA. This has been the trend, despite the commitment made by the Executive Mayor in April 2012 to the then Auditor-General, Mr Nombembe, that the leadership of the municipality would deliver a clean audit outcome by 30 June 2013. This scenario is replicated in the local municipalities within the district. Two of the district municipalities have for the past three consecutive years been receiving a disclaimer audit opinion. In one of the municipalities, this trend changed; and this municipality received an unqualified audit opinion for two consecutive years; while in the third year, it received a qualified audit opinion. The stagnation and regression in the audit outcomes of these municipalities may be as a result of either the non-implementation of audit-action plans to address the previous year’s audit findings; or there could be other factors resulting in the above scenario. The main objective of this study is to investigate whether the utilisation of the Auditor-General’s reports improve the audit outcomes in selected municipalities within Amathole District Municipality for the period 01 July 2006 to 30 June 2015.

A critical analysis of the role and status of women employees in the Western Cape Provincial Administration since 1994 with specific reference to the Department of Local Government and Housing

Sitonga, Mandlenkosi Clifford January 2013 (has links)
Mini-dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Technology: Public Management In the Faculty of Business at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2013 / One of the post 1994 Government foremost tasks has been to transform the Public Service into an efficient and effective instrument capable of delivering equitable service to all citizens and driving the country’s economic and social development. Towards this end a number of legislative and policy changes were made which saw the emergence of a new public administration paradigm, both in terms of how Public service are to be managed and how they are to be delivered to the public. This was particularly relevant to the equality status of women on all levels of the public service in South Africa and the Western in particular. Transformation in the Western Cape Administration and in the two departments in particular will not advance enough to benefit the majority of the Populace adequately, unless individuals from the designated groups are largely employed in positions with authority and with real decision-making powers. Males will continue to dominate in the middle to upper levels as long as the leadership is caught up with the vicious cycle of continuing to employ people with mainly the same race and gender profile in the two departments in the Provincial government of the Western Cape. Therefore, it is critical for the Western Cape government to align their employment equity interventions, including skills and succession planning, with its employment equity objectives. Commitment by the leadership of the Western Cape Province to effectively implement the Act in substance and spirit is likely to assist transformation by creating workplaces that are equitable in nature and free from discrimination. This Mini- dissertation provides insight into the historical and current situations of women in the Western Cape and the departments of local government and human settlement in particular and ventures to make a number of recommendations to improve the status of women in the administration of the Western Cape government.

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