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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza lékových problémů ve zdravotnickém zařízení I. / Analysis of drug-related problems in a health facility I.

Bahnerová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
Analysis of drug-related problems in a health facility I. Author: Michaela Bahnerová1 Tutor: Josef Malý1 1 Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Intoduction: Drug-related problems (DRPs) lower the quality of health care and present a risk factor in patient's safety. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is identification, classification and further analysis of DRPs in health care facility. Methods: Revision of pharmacotherapy was performed in health care facility in term 6. 8. - 10. 8. 2012. The pharmaceutical team which contained two pharmacists and diplomant examined health documentation of patients hospitalized in the facility. We collected information from personal, allergic, family, and labor-social anamnesis of patients. This data were noted into electronical database and after revision were DRPs classified and evaluated. The results of DRPs identification were evaluated by frequency analysis. In ten randomly selected patients was described DRPs resolution. Results: In total we noticed medical therapy in 175 patients (61 % women). Average patient's age was 58 years. 482 DRPs were identified. Of the patients, 84 % had DRPs and an average of 2,75 DRPs were recorded per patient. Conclusion: Appearance of DRPs is very frequent and...
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Analýza lékových problémů ve zdravotnickém zařízení II. / Analysis of drug -related problems in a health facility II.

Ornstová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Elena Muensterman Tomaselli (6846278) 02 August 2019 (has links)
<div>My PhD thesis evolves around the potential protective effects of sex hormones progesterone and testosterone against drug-induced QT interval prolongation in premenopasual women and older men.<br></div>

Problemas relacionados a medicamentos e intervenções farmacêuticas em idosos internados na clínica médica do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. / Drug related problems and pharmaceutical interventions in elderly hospitalized in the University of São Paulo Teaching Hospital\'s medical ward.

Tomassi, Mário Henrique 19 September 2012 (has links)
Problemas relacionados a medicamentos (PRMs) compreendem erros de medicação (EMs) e reações adversas a medicamentos (RAMs). Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar, classificar, quantificar e intervir nos PRMs ocorridos em pacientes idosos internados. Este estudo prospectivo descritivo de uma série de casos clínicos abrangeu 28 pacientes e 100 prescrições aleatórias a eles destinadas. A identificação dos PRMs se deu por métodos de farmacovigilância ativa e as intervenções farmacêuticas (IFs) foram realizadas diretamente junto à equipe médica. Medicamentos de uso potencialmente inapropriado para idosos foram utilizados por 21,4% dos pacientes; 19% das prescrições possuíam rasuras. Foram encontrados 924 PRMs, sendo 920 EMs e 4 possíveis RAMs, sendo uma delas confirmada. A maioria dos EMs foi classificada como sem prejuízo ao paciente. Foram realizadas 143 IFs em 73 prescrições de 92,9% dos pacientes, sendo a maioria (77,6%) acatada pela equipe médica. Apesar das limitações, demonstrou-se a importância do farmacêutico na investigação, prevenção e solução de PRMs. / Drug related problems (DRPs) include medication errors (MEs) and adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The objective of this study was to analyze, classify, quantify and intervene in DRPs occurred in hospitalized elderly patients. This prospective descriptive study of a case series included 28 patients and 100 random prescriptions to them addressed. The identification of DRPs was carry out by methods of active pharmacovigilance and the pharmaceutical interventions (PIs) were performed directly with the medical staff. Drugs potentially inappropriate for the elderly were used by 21.4% of the patients; 19% of the prescriptions had rasures. There were 924 DRPs, with 920 MEs and 4 possible ADRs 4, one of which confirmed. The majority of MEs was classified as \"without harm to the patient\". Were carried out 143 PIs on 73 prescriptions of 92.9% of the patients, being the majority (77.6%) fully embraced by the medical staff. Despite the limitations, it was possible to demonstrate the pharmacist importance in research, prevention and resolution of DRPs.
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Imepitoin - framtidens förstahandsval vid epilepsi hos hund? / Imepitoin - the new first-line drug when treating dogs with epilepsy?

Svensson, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige förekommer epilepsi hos 1-2 % av alla hundar. De första anfallen visar sig oftast när hunden är mellan ett och sex år gammal. Det nuvarande förstahands­preparatet är fenobarbital, en substans som ökar tröskeln för elektrisk stimulering av motorcortex samt minskar monosynaptisk transmission som leder till minskad neuronal retbarhet. I februari 2013 registrerades ett nytt antiepileptikum med det verksamma äm­net imepitoin. Imepitoin är en partiell agonist som binder till bensodiazepinsätet på GABAA-receptorn. Det förstärker de GABAA-receptormedierade effekterna på neuro­nen samt har en svag kalciumblockerande verkan. Syfte: Arbetets syfte var att undersöka om imepitoin har förutsättningar att bli det nya förstahandspreparatet vid behandling av idiopatisk epilepsi. Vidare var syftet att under­söka i vilken utsträckning imepitoin fungerar som antiepileptikum samt vilken biverk­ningsprofil det har. Resultat: Behandling med imepitoin gav en sänkning av antalet epileptiska anfall per månad (MSF), liknande den som erhölls vid fenobarbitalbehandling. Imepitoin sänkte MSF både som monoterapi och i kombination med fenobarbital eller kaliumbromid. Biverkningsprofilen var överlag skonsammare för imepitoin jämfört med fenobarbital. Fenobarbital visade en leverpåverkan medan imepitoin påverkade kolesterolvärdet. Slutsats: Imepitoin har en antiepileptisk effekt, liknande den som fås vid behandling med fenobarbital. Behandling med imepitoin kan ske både som mono- samt kombina­tionsterapi. Den mildare biverkningsprofilen talar för användning av imepitoin. Samti­digt har fenobarbital använts under en längre tid så biverkningar vid långtids­användning är mer välkända än de vid imepitoinanvändning. / Background: In Sweden, approximately 1-2 % of all dogs suffer from epilepsy. The first seizures often occur when the dog is between one and six years old. In Sweden the first-line drug is phenobarbital, a substance which increases the threshold of electrical stimulation in the motor cortex. It also decreases synaptic transmission which leads to decreased neuronal excitability. In February 2013 a new antiepileptic drug was regis­tered with imepitoin as active substance. Imepitoin is a partial agonist which binds to the benzodiazepine binding site at the GABAA receptor and amplifies the effects medi­ated by GABAA receptors at the neurons. Additionally, imepitoin has a weak calcium channel blocking effect. Objective: The main aim of the study was to examine if imepitoin should be the first-line drug instead of phenobarbital when treating dogs diagnosed with idiopathic epi­lepsy. A further aim was to look into which effect imepitoin had in controlling the epilepsy and which adverse effects were experienced when dogs are treated with imepitoin. Results: Treatment with imepitoin resulted in a decrease in monthly seizure frequency (MSF), similar to the decrease seen upon treatment with phenobarbital. Imepitoin was decreasing MSF both when used as monotherapy and in combination with phenobarbital or potassium bromide. The adverse effects were in general less severe with imepitoin than with phenobarbital. Treatment with phenobarbital affected the liver while treatment with imepitoin affected the cholesterol levels. Conclusion: Imepitoin has a good antiepileptic effect, similar to that of phenobarbital. Treatment with imepitoin can be used both as monotherapy and in combination with other antiepileptic drugs. Less severe adverse effects makes imepitoin a possible choice for treating idiopathic epilepsy in dogs. On the other hand, phenobarbital has been used during a long period of time and adverse effects of long term use are therefore better known than for imepitoin.
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Specialists or specialising generalists : a grounded theory of the role of the clinical pharmacist in neuroscience

Dorward, Benjamin J. January 2014 (has links)
Neuroscience is a relatively small and emerging clinical pharmacy specialism focusing on drug therapy for neurological disease. Against a professional momentum for specialist practice within pharmacy, there is paucity both of relevant research, and a clearly defined role for specialist pharmacy practice in neuroscience. A qualitative research study was undertaken, using constructivist grounded theory method, to explore how hospital based pharmacists practicing in neuroscience define and develop their role and specialism. Data were concurrently generated and analysed, through verbatim transcription of telephone interviews with fourteen pharmacists. Data analysis resulted in the identification of three processes: (1) Acquiring and utilising knowledge in practice; (2) Gatekeeping access to drug therapies; (3) Integrating into the neuroscience service. The key findings within each process are: (1) Pharmacists utilise different forms of knowledge and there can be barriers to gaining knowledge. Pharmacists identify strengths in their breadth of clinical knowledge and holistic consideration of patients’ drug therapy. (2) Pharmacists act as barriers to drug therapy but also act to expedite and secure access to drug therapy. (3) Pharmacists act as an organisational nexus between pharmacy and neuroscience services and identify the importance in practice of forming working relationships within neuroscience services, underpinned by trust. The study identified a basic social process: Maintaining an overview of drug therapy for patients with neurological disease. This process conceptualises the tensions experienced by the pharmacists between their role as near-patient facing clinical specialists, but also as pharmacist generalists. The study findings have implications for supporting pharmacy practice in neuroscience.
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Cuidado farmacêutico em unidade de terapia intesiva de hospital de alta complexidade : estudo de intervenções realizadas e proposta de ferramenta para priorização de atendimento / Pharmaceutical care on intensive care unit at a major hospital : study of interventions and proposition of tools for attendance prioritising

Valente, Raquel Soldatelli January 2016 (has links)
Objetivos: Um dos objetivos deste estudo é avaliar as intervenções farmacêuticas realizadas durante o primeiro ano de atuação de farmacêutico junto a equipe multidisciplinar de uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) de hospital de pronto-socorro, público, localizado em Porto Alegre, RS. O estudo se propôs, ainda, a estabelecer uma metodologia para a priorização do cuidado farmacêutico aos pacientes críticos desse hospital. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal retrospectivo para avaliar as intervenções farmacêuticas no período de maio de 2013 a abril de 2014, a partir de um banco de dados do Serviço de Farmácia. Para estabelecer uma ordem de prioridade para o acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico foi avaliada, prospectivamente, a complexidade da farmacoterapia dos pacientes, através de uma ferramenta chamada Índice de Complexidade da Farmacoterapia adaptado para paciente crítico (ICFT PC), verificando seu grau de associação com o Escore Fisiológico Agudo Simplificado (SAPS3), utilizado como índice prognóstico pela equipe médica. Resultados: No período avaliado retrospectivamente, 426 pacientes internaram na UTI, sendo que 70,6% deles (301) tiveram pelo menos uma intervenção do farmacêutico na sua terapia medicamentosa. Das 602 intervenções realizadas, 53,5% foram relativas à situações qualificadas como erro de medicação. 77,7% do total de intervenções realizadas foram aceitas, sendo o percentual de aceitação superior para as intervenções realizadas devido à erros de medicação (83,2%). Com relação à complexidade da farmacoterapia, 160 pacientes foram avaliados, dos quais 57% eram homens. O ICFT PC dos pacientes variou de 77 a 499, sendo a mediana igual a 164,5. A correlação entre o SAPS3 e o ICFT PC foi de 0,204. Conclusões: O acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico de pacientes críticos permite não apenas a detecção e correção de potenciais erros de medicação, como também a otimização dos resultados terapêuticos e o uso racional de medicamentos. A utilização de uma metodologia para organização deste cuidado farmacêutico e priorização do atendimento à pacientes com maior risco associado à complexidade da farmacoterapia é uma maneira de proporcionar uma assistência mais efetiva, segura e de qualidade aos pacientes do Sistema Único de Saúde. / Objectives: One of the goals of this study is evaluating pharmaceutical interventions done during the first year of pharmaceutical action together with a multidisciplinary team on an intensive care unit (ICU) inside of a public emergency hospital, located in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This study is also proposing to establish a methodology to prioritize the pharmaceutical care for critical patients in that hospital. Methods: It was done a retrospective transversal study to evaluate pharmaceutical interventions from May, 2013 to April, 2014, based on a database offered by the Pharmacy Service. To establish a priority order for the pharmacist monitoring, the complexity of patient’s pharmacotherapy was valued, prospectively, through a tool called Pharmacotherapy Complexity Index, which was adapted for critical patients (Medication Regimen Complexity Index for critical patient – MRCI CP). Thus it was possible to verify its level of association with Simplified Acute Physiologic Score (SAPS3) that is used as prognostic index by medical team. Results: On the period evaluated, 426 patients were hospitalized at ICU, 70.6% of them (301) needed at least one pharmaceutical intervention on their drug therapy. Out of the 602 completed interventions, 53.5% were related to situations of medication error. 77.7% of the interventions were accepted; the acceptance percentage was higher for interventions that were done due to medication errors (83.2%). In relation to complexity of pharmacotherapy, 160 patients were evaluated and 57% of them were men. The patients MRCI CP had a range of 77 to 499, being the median 164.5. The correlation between SAPS3 and MRCI CP was 0.204. Conclusions: The pharmacist monitoring of critical patients allows detection and correction of potential medication errors, besides optimization of therapeutic results and rational use of medicines. The use of a methodology to organize this pharmaceutical care and to prioritize the treatment of patients with increased risk associated to complexity of pharmacotherapy is a way of supply an effective, secure and qualified assistance for patients of Unique Health System.
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Estudo das notificações relacionadas aos medicamentos de alto risco em um hospital terciário / Study of the notices related to high alert medications in a tertiary hospital

Reis, Débora Alves 16 November 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O tema segurança do paciente ganhou importância a partir da publicação dos Estudos Harvard I e II, e dimensão pública a partir do livro To Error is Human pelo Institute of Medicine em 1999, onde são apresentados números alarmantes sobre erros durante o processo do cuidado em saúde. Esses estudos demonstram que os erros com medicamentos são a causa mais frequente de incidentes em pacientes internados. O Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), uma organização que se dedica à prevenção de erros de medicação e ao uso seguro dos medicamentos publicou em 1989 a primeira lista de medicamentos reconhecidos como perigosos. Em 1995, o ISMP avaliou os erros notificados com medicamentos quanto à gravidade e os danos causados no Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (MERP). Após este estudo, o termo \"High Alert Medication\" foi adotado para designar um grupo de medicamentos mais relacionados a danos graves ou fatais quando ocorre alguma falha no seu processo de utilização. No Brasil estes medicamentos são conhecidos como Medicamentos de Alto Risco, Medicamentos de Alta Vigilância (MAV) ou Medicamentos Potencialmente Perigosos (MPP). OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a ocorrência de incidentes com medicamentos de acordo com a classificação MPP e suas variáveis no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP - USP), nos anos de 2013 e 2015. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal descritivo retrospectivo com abordagem quantitativa dos incidentes notificados ao Núcleo de Segurança do Paciente relacionados aos MPP. RESULTADOS: Durante o ano de 2013, foram notificados 28% de incidentes envolvendo MPP na unidade Campus e 37,5% na Unidade de Emergência (UE). Os medicamentos quimioterápicos foram os mais notificados e com as maiores Taxas de Incidência (TI) na unidade Campus; o cloreto de potássio foi o mais notificado e com a maior TI na UE. A etapa de prescrição foi a mais notificada nas duas unidades. Utilizando a classificação ATC, os subgrupos terapêuticos que mais atingiram o paciente foram Análogos da Purina, Análogos do Ácido Fólico e Nutrição Parenteral (Campus); Insulina e Análogos Injetáveis, Outras Preparações Cardíacas foram os mais notificados na UE. Em 2015, os percentuais de notificações com MPP foram 8,8% (Campus) e 31,7% (UE). Nesse ano, os medicamentos mais notificados foram o cloridrato de tramadol e a enoxaparina nas duas unidades. Na unidade Campus a etapa de dispensação foi a mais notificada, e etapa de administração na UE. Os subgrupos com maiores TI foram Agentes Alquilantes, Anti Histamínico para Uso Sistêmico e Agente com Ação no Músculo Liso Arteriolar (Campus); na UE, Antiarrítmico, Classe III e Analgésico Opióide. CONCLUSÃO: A classificação MPP pode padronizar a atuação do farmacêutico clínico, além de prover indicadores clínico-gerenciais que auxiliem no desenho de processos proativos de prevenção de erros de medicação. / INTRODUCTION: The patient safety issue gained importance from the publication of Harvard Studies I and II, and public dimension from the book To Error is Human by the Institute of Medicine in 1999, which presents the alarming dates about errors during the process of healthcare. These studies demonstrate that the errors with medications are the most common cause of incidents in hospitalized patients. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), an organization dedicated to the prevention of medication errors and the safe use of medication published in 1989 the first list of recognized dangerous drugs. In 1995, the ISMP evaluated the reports of drugs errors according the severity and damage to the Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (MERP). After this study, the term \"High Alert Medication\" was adopted to designate a group of drugs more related to serious injury or death occurs when a fault in its usage. In Brazil, these drugs are known as high-risk drugs, high alert medications or potentially dangerous drugs. OBJECTIVES: Analyze the occurrence of reported incidents involving the high alert medication and its variables at the Hospital of Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo (HCFMRP - USP) in the years 2013 and 2015. METHODS: Retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach of the reported incidents to the Patient Safety Center related to high alert medication. RESULTS: During the year 2013 it was reported 28% of incidents involving high alert medication in the Campus Unit (CU) and 37.5% at the Emergency Unit (EU). Chemotherapeutic drugs were the most reported and with the highest Incidence Rates (IR) (CU) and 19.1% potassium chloride was the most commonly reported and the largest IR in the EU. Prescription stage was the most reported in both units. Using the ATC classification, therapeutic subgroups most reached the patient were Purine Analogues, Folic Acid Analogues and Parenteral Nutrition (CU), Insulin and Analogs for Injections and Other Cardiac Preparations (EU). In 2015, the percentage of notifications with high alert medication was 8.8% (CU) and 31.7% (EU). The most reported drugs were tramadol hydrochloride and enoxaparin in both units. On CU dispensing stage was the most notified and administration stage in the EU. Subgroups with higher IR were Alkylating Agents, Antihistamine for Systemic Use and Arteriolar Smooth Muscle, Agent Action On (CU) and Antiarrhythmic, Class III and Analgesic Opioid (EU). CONCLUSION: The MPP classification can standardize the performance of the clinical pharmacist, and provide clinical and management indicators to assist in the proactive process design to prevent medication errors.
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Appropriate use of medicines in care of the elderly - Factors underlying inappropriateness, and impact of the clinical pharmacist

Spinewine, Anne 08 June 2006 (has links)
L'évolution des soins médicaux en milieu hospitalier se caractérise par une intensité accrue des soins et de l'utilisation des médicaments, ces derniers étant de plus en plus nombreux et souvent onéreux. De plus, les personnes âgées, en nombre croissant dans notre société, souffrent fréquemment de pathologies concomitantes et nécessitent donc une polythérapie. Il devient dès lors de plus en plus complexe d'assurer un usage optimal (efficace, non toxique, et économique) des médicaments, et également d'assurer un suivi adéquat du traitement lorsque ces patients sont transférés entre milieux de soins aigus et chroniques. De nombreuses publications ont mis en évidence, à l'étranger, une prévalence élevée d'utilisation inappropriée des médicaments en gériatrie (sous forme d'overuse, de misuse, et d'underuse). Les facteurs explicatifs d'une utilisation inappropriée n'ont cependant jamais été étudiés dans cette population. Or, cette étape d'identification est indispensable pour le développement d'interventions appropriées. Elle a donc constitué la première partie du travail de recherche (1). Ensuite, certaines études ont tenté d'évaluer l'impact de diverses approches permettant d'améliorer la prescription (y compris la pharmacie clinique), mais peu ont utilisé une méthodologie robuste. De plus, l'intérêt de cette approche de pharmacie clinique n'a jamais été évaluée en Belgique, alors qu'il existe un potentiel certain pour la développer. C'est dans ce cadre que s'est effectuée la deuxième partie du travail (2). (1) Pour répondre au premier objectif, une étude qualitative combinant des données issues d'entretiens et d'observations avec des professionnels et patients au sein de services de gériatrie a été réalisée. Trois grandes catégories de facteurs sous-jacents à une utilisation inappropriée des médicaments ont été identifiés : référence au modèle de soins de santé aigus pour des adultes en général ; attitude d'apprentissage passive; prise de décisions paternaliste. A l'inverse la prise en charge par un gériatre et la communication multidisciplinaire permettent une meilleure utilisation des médicaments. Les mesures d'optimisation potentielles devraient donc entre autres concerner les compétences individuelles, les relations médecin-patient et médecin-médecin, et les systèmes de transfert d'informations entre milieux de soins. (2) Afin de quantifier la qualité de prescription, et l'impact d'une collaboration avec un pharmacien clinicien, une étude randomisée contrôlée a été réalisé, et a inclus 200 patients hospitalisés au sein d'un service de gériatrie. Les résultats montrent que l'intervention d'un pharmacien clinicien permet de réduire de façon significative l'overuse, l'underuse et le misuse des médicaments. L'acceptation des interventions est excellente, et leur pertinence clinique élevée.Enfin, l'intervention s'accompagne d'une tendance à une diminution de la mortalité et de la morbidité des patients, un an après leur sortie de l'hôpital. Ce travail démontre donc l'intérêt de la pharmacie clinique dans le contexte belge, et ouvre plusieurs perspectives, dont une évaluation de la généralisation à d'autres services cliniques, et une évaluation de son rapport coût-efficacité.
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Analýza terapie u pacientů s juvenilní idiopatickou artritidou / Analysis of the therapy in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Procházková, Martina January 2018 (has links)
Abstarct Analysis of the Therapy in Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Author: Martina Procházková Tutor: PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D. Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University Introduction and aims: Methotrexate (MTX) is an effective and safe drug used for the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and is well-known like a golden standart in the treatment of this serious illness. The aim of this study was analysis of therapy in patients with JIA focusing on MTX and faktors affecting its intolerance. Methods: The study was undertaken from January 2017 to February 2018 at the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. Patients younger than 18 years old, who have become ill with JIA for the first time or repeatedly between years 2015-2017 and were treated by MTX were included in this study. The prevalence of MTX intolerance was measured by "Methotrexate Intolerance Severity Score" questionaire every 3 months during regular rheumatological examinations. Simultaneously, medical records were reviewed. Data analysis was performed by means of descriptive statistics, correlation dependence and statistical signifikance of dependence was assessed with statistical two-choice...
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