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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Durban based COFESA affiliated CMT clothing manufacturing firms : their upgrading opportunities.

Gannon, Shaun. January 2002 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies)-University of Natal, Durban,2002.

Labour market flexibility, wages and livelihoods in the clothing value chain : a study of clothing manufacturing and clothing retail workers in Durban's surrounding areas.

Haripersad, Yajiv. January 2012 (has links)
One of the most significant changes within capitalist nations during the late twentieth century is the transition of the capitalist mode of production from Fordism to Post-Fordism. Changes in macro-economic market conditions, production processes and labour processes are part of the transition. These changes are felt not only at the level of the aggregate economy, economic sectors, firms and labour markets. They have an impact on the employment relationship and the way workers make their livelihoods. This dissertation provides empirical evidence of labour market flexibility in the clothing manufacturing and the clothing retail sectors and demonstrates that the number of hours worked and wages earned have implications for the livelihoods of workers. The research was undertaken in a clothing manufacturer and clothing retailer situated outside of Durban. The clothing manufacturer is located within an industrial area in Tongaat and the clothing retailer is located within a regional shopping centre in Westville. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

The regional impact of restructuring in the Canadian manufacturing sector 1960-1982 : the case of the Québec textile and clothing industries

Colgan, Fiona. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

The colonies clothed : a survey of consumer interests in New South Wales and Victoria, 1787-1887 / J. Elliott.

Elliott, Jane E. January 1988 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 347-353. / vii, 353 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of History, 1989

Perceived importance of retail store image attributes to the female large-size apparel consumer in a multicultural society

Janse van Noordwyk, H. S. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An opportunity currently exists for retailers to develop store image strategies to target the female large-size apparel consumer market within the multicultural South African consumer society. This exploratory study set out to generate and describe retail store image attributes perceived as important to the female large-size apparel consumer within the South African context, as well as identifying differences and similarities in the perception of these attributes based on race and age group. The study also aimed to determine if the existing store image attribute groupings by Lindquist (1974-1975:31) is applicable when studying the female largesize apparel consumer. Focus groups were used as method of data collection in this study. The sample population (n=37) consisted of account holders who purchased apparel from a specific large-size apparel retail store during a specific time period. Three race groups, namely Africans, Coloureds, and Whites, as well as three age groups i.e. 20-29, 30-39, and 40-54 year age groups were included. Each focus group was homogenous in race and age composition. A facilitator conducted group discussions by following a focus group schedule. The first part of the discussion generated retail store image attributes deemed important by the focus group participants, followed by the rating of the perceived importance of these attributes using the Schutte Visual Scale. The second part of the discussion generated participants' description of Lindquist's nine identified store image attribute groupings, followed by the rating of the perceived importance of each of these attribute groupings using the Schutte Visual Scale. Transcriptions of all the focus group discussions were made. For the first part of the study the transcriptions were compiled into composite lists and refined based on Lindquist's nine attribute groupings. The aggregate ratings for each specific attribute and attribute grouping were calculated. For the second part of the study's results, the descriptions of each of Lindquist's nine attribute groupings was compiled into a single list of descriptive attributes. The aggregate ratings for each of these attributes groupings were calculated. Respondents perceived Merchandise and Clientele the most important attribute groupings in the analysis of all race and age groups, followed by Service, Post-transaction satisfaction, Promotion and Store atmosphere. Institutional factors and Physical facilities were perceived as the least important attribute groupings. No attributes relating to Convenience were generated. In the analysis of race and age groups, Merchandise and Service, followed by Store atmosphere, were perceived as the most important attribute groupings by most of the focus groups. The specific attributes generated by the different groups showed similarities, whereas the rating and definition of these attributes differed. Lindquist's descriptions of the nine attribute groupings were compared to the descriptions of the respondents. Similarities and differences were identified. Recommendations were made to refine and adapt Lindquist's attribute groupings and descriptions to develop a store image research framework that could be more applicable to the female large-size apparel consumer. This exploratory study provides some insight into the perceived importance of retail store image attributes by the female large-size apparel consumer, given the context of a multi-cultural South African society. Recommendations for future research were made and the implications for retailers were outlined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar bestaan tans 'n geleentheid vir kleinhandelaars om 'n winkelbeeld strategie te ontwikkel wat gemik is op die vroulike groter figuur kledingverbruiker binne die multikulturele Suid- Afrikaanse verbruikersamelewing. Hierdie verkennende studie poog om kleinhandel winkelbeeldeienskappe wat deur die vroulike groter figuur kledingverbruiker binne die Suid- Afrikaanse konteks as belangrik beskou word, te genereer en te beskryf, sowel as om die verskille en ooreenkomste in persepsies van die belangrikheid van hierdie eienskappe tussen ras en ouderdomsgroep te identifiseer. Die studie het ook ten doeI om te bepaal of die bestaande winkelbeeldeienskap groeperinge, soos deur Lindquist (1974-1975:31) voorgestel, toepaslik is wanneer die vroulike groter figuur kledingverbruiker bestudeer word. Fokusgroepe is as metode van data-insameling gebruik. Die steekproef (n=37) was rekeninghouers wat aankope gedoen het by 'n bepaalde groter figuur kledingkleinhandelaar binne 'n spesifieke tydsperiode (n=37). Drie rassegroepe naamlik Swartes, Kleurlinge, en Blankes, sowel as drie ouderdomsgroepe te wete 20-29, 30-39, en 40-54-jariges is ingesluit. Elke fokusgroep was homogeen in ras- en ouderdomsamestelling. 'n Fasiliteerder het die fokusgroepbesprekings gevoer deur 'n fokusgroepskedule te volg. Die eerste deel van die bespreking het kleinhandel winkelbeeldeienskappe, wat deur die fokusgroepdeelnemers as belangrik beskou is, gegenereer. Dit is gevolg deur die meting van die respondente se persepsie van die belangrikheid van hierdie eienskappe met behulp van die Schutte Visuele Skaal. Die tweede deel van die bespreking het beskrywings van Lindquist se nege winkelbeeldeienskap groeperinge gegenereer en is gevolg deur die meting van respondente se persepsie van die belangrikheid van hierdie eienskap groeperinge met behulp van die Schutte Visuele Skaal. Transkripsies is van al die fokusgroepbesprekings gemaak. Vir die eerste deel van die studie is die transkripsies in lyste van spesifieke eienskappe saamgestel en georden volgens Lindquist se nege eienskap groeperinge. Die gemiddelde waarde vir elke spesifieke eienskap sowel as vir die eienskap groepering is bereken. Vir die tweede deel van die studie is beskrywings van elk van Lindquist se nege eienskap groepering saamgestel in 'n enkele lys van beskrywende eienskappe. Die gemiddelde waarde vir elk van hierdie eienskap groeperinge is bereken. Respondente beskou Goedere (Merchandise) en Kliëntebasis (Clientele) as die belangrikste eienskap groeperinge in 'n analise van alle ras- en ouderdomsgroepe, gevolg deur Diens (Service), Na-verkoop tevredenheid (Post-transaction satisfaction), Promosie (Promotion) en Winkelatmosfeer (Store atmosphere). Institusionele faktore (Institutional factors) en Fisiese fasiliteite (Physical facilities) is die minste belangrik. Geen eienskappe wat met Gerief (Convenience) verband hou, is gegenereer nie. In die analise van ras- en ouderdomsgroepe is Goedere en Diens, gevolg deur Winkelatmosfeer, as die belangrikste eienskap groeperinge beskou deur meeste van die fokusgroepe. Die spesifieke eienskappe wat deur die verskillende groepe gegenereer is, dui op ooreenkomste, terwyl die gemiddelde waarde en fokus van die eienskappe verskil. Lindquist se beskrywings van die nege eienskap groeperinge is vergelyk met die beskrywings van die respondente. Ooreenkomste en verskille is geïdentifiseer. Voorstelle is gemaak om Lindquist se eienskap groeperinge en beskrywings te verfyn en aan te pas ten einde 'n winkelbeeld navorsingsraamwerk te ontwikkel wat meer toepaslik is op die vroulike groter figuur kledingverbruiker. Hierdie verkennende studie bied insig in die vroulike groter figuur kledingverbruiker se persepsies van die belangrikheid van kleinhandel winkelbeeldeienskappe, gegewe die konteks van 'n multkulturele Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word gemaak en die implikasies vir kleinhandelaars is uitgewys.

The development and validation of a partial competency model for branch managers in the clothing retail industry

Van der Bank, Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Understanding and measuring job performance constructs enables organisations to utilise their human resources more effectively. The job performance of workers can be conceptualised on two levels, namely on a job result or outcome level (e.g. sales figures, units produced) and on a behavioural level (e.g. planning a budget, attentiveness to customers). To the extent that the former is within the control of the worker responsible, its success is a function of the worker’s behaviour on the job. Successful performance on the job outcome level for which the job exists thus requires specific levels of performance (i.e., competence) on the behavioural competencies in that the latter complexly determines the former. The level of performance achieved on the outcome level could, however, also recursively feed back onto the level of performance reached on the behavioural competencies. A complex network of causal influences thus exist between the job outcomes for which the job exists and the latent behavioural competency variables. Although this multi-dimensional structural model between job behaviour and job outcomes are widely recognised in theory, it is not often developed or tested in practice. Such models will give credence to performance criteria used as part of performance management and will also assist organisations in selecting and evaluating job success predictors. In addition, these models can serve as diagnostic tools for organisational development. This research study develops and evaluates a performance or competency structural model for branch managers in the clothing retail industry. The results seem to suggest a reasonable good fit for the exogenous model (i.e. competency measurement model), but a poor fit for the endogenous model (i.e. job outcomes measurement model). Due to estimation problems with the endogenous model, multiple regression analysis is used instead of the more appropriate analysis in this case, structural equation modelling, for evaluating the structural model. The regression results confirm the importance of certain competencies in terms of unit performance and provide understanding of the rather complex performance domain. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verstaan en meet van posprestasie stel organisasies in staat om hul menslike hulpbronne meer effektief te bestuur. Die posprestasie van werkers kan op twee vlakke gekonseptualiseer word, naamlik op ‘n posuitkomsvlak (bv. verkoopssyfers, eenhede geproduseer) en op ‘n gedragsvlak (bv. beplanning van ‘n begroting, oplettendheid teenoor klante). Sukses op die eersgenoemde vlak, in die mate waartoe dit binne die beheer van die verantwoordelike werker is, is ‘n funksie van die werker se gedrag in die werk. Suksesvolle prestasie op die posuitkomsvlak, waarvoor die pos bestaan, vereis dus spesifieke vlakke van prestasie (dws. bevoegdheid) op die gedragsvlak deurdat die laasgenoemde die eersgenoemde op ‘n komplekse wyse bepaal. Die vlak van prestasie behaal op die uitkomsvlak sou egter ook ’n terugvoereffek kon hê op die vlak van prestasie op die gedragsbevoegdhede. ‘n Komplekse netwerk van kousale invloede bestaan dus tussen die posuitkomse waarvoor die pos bestaan en die latente gedragsbevoegdhede veranderlikes. Alhoewel hierdie multi-dimensionele strukturele model tussen werksgedrag en posuitkomste wyd erken word in die teorie, word dit nie algemeen ontwikkel of getoets in die praktyk nie. Sulke modelle sal geloofwaardigheid bied aan prestasiekriteria wat aangewend word as deel van prestasiebestuur en sal ook bydra tot organisasies se seleksie en evaluasie van voorspellers vir possukses. Hierdie modelle kan verder as diagnostiese instrumentasie dien vir organisasieontwikkeling. Hierdie navorsingstudie behels die ontwikkeling en evaluering van ‘n strukturele prestasie- of bevoegdheidsmodel vir takbestuurders in die klere-kleinhandelindustrie. Die resultate blyk ‘n redelike goeie passing aan te dui vir die eksogene (bevoegdheids-) model, maar ‘n swak passing vir die endogene (posuitkoms-) model. As gevolg van beramingsprobleme met die endogene model word meervoudige regressieontleding gebruik in plaas van strukturele vergelykingsmodellering wat ‘n meer toepaslike analise in hierdie geval sou wees. Die regressieresultate bevestig die belangrikheid van sekere bevoegdhede in terme van eenheidsprestasie en werk mee om ‘n redelike komplekse prestasiedomein meer verstaanbaar te maak.

Apparel Companies' Management System (APLAN)

Wang, Anjia 01 January 2004 (has links)
APLAN is a computer software system developed to aid in an apparel company's management system. APLAN is designed to improve the efficiency of production management by combining the companies' main production activities in one system. This project was designed to use MYSQL as the database system. JSP (Java Server Pages) is an interface between MySQL and the web browser and the database access scheme is JDBC (JAVA Database Connectivity).

Frantz Fanon and critique of the post-apartheid South Africa in relation to socio-economic development

Ndhlovu, Maanda Luxious 05 1900 (has links)
This study introduces the Fanonian thought on race and racism, rhetoric of modernity, and new humanism as three constitutive thematic areas in order to enable a new understanding of the South African situation. These thematic areas are examined with specific reference to socio-economic development within the limited context of post-apartheid South Africa. This is done by reading Fanon’s text in the context of South Africa to provide the background against which the unfolding of the post-apartheid era and its political discourses may be analysed. In essence, this study is based on Fanon’s predictions that he made in the text written more than 50 years ago about the future of post-colonial states. Therefore, this study argues that Fanon’s thought has proven to be more prophetic with regard to post-apartheid South Africa and its political reforms which left the fundamental question of structures such as land, economy, and labour unaddressed. What happened on 27 April 1994 is not genuine liberation, but a mere transition from apartheid to democratic dispensation that left the status quo in spatial arrangements uninterrupted. Indeed, it was an elite pact between the African National Congress and white monopoly capital, which betrayed the national liberation movement and the black majority. The contention is that South Africa celebrated the cosmetic reforms that attributed the term liberation incomplete in the absence of fundamental and structural changes. What is therefore recommended is that for there to be success, there must be genuine liberation that is consistent with the needs of society. This means bringing to an end the racially marked structures and reimagining the black condition, through jobs, education, social and economic programmes aimed at empowering the black majority to depend on themselves as opposed to relying on the State. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

For the benefit of the master : the Montreal needle trades during the transition 1820-1842

Poutanen, Mary Anne, 1952- January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

The regional impact of restructuring in the Canadian manufacturing sector 1960-1982 : the case of the Québec textile and clothing industries

Colgan, Fiona. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

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